LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 142 The Beginning of Seven: Defeating the Optimistic Patriarch!

In the exciting background music, the pictures in the official promotional video moved.

The theme of S6 is A Song of Ice and Fire, and the promotional animation still uses some red and blue elements that players are familiar with.

The director's previous wet and seductive style disappeared. Instead, he picked up a pen and drew a '7' after his original Clearlove ID. The director in the picture had a resolute expression and wanted to avenge his previous shame. Start over in the 2017 season and work hard.

After that, the figures of each team continued to appear, and a winding upward staircase appeared in the screen.

At the top of the ladder, five players from Team Snake appeared.

The other four people held the trophy high, and beams of light shone down.

In front of the trophy is a throne.

The King is sitting on the throne with a tough look on his face!

The detail of the animation is that there is still a roll of bandages on the ground that has been removed.

In addition to "Snake is awesome", "Wolfberry brother is awesome", "666666", etc., "7777777" also began to appear on the barrage.

Ancestor Saiwen, officially logged in!

After the promotional animation, background music sounded, and the game between Snake and LGD officially began.

"Viewers, this is the first 10-ban game in the LPL, and you may still be unfamiliar with it."

"The rules are not difficult to understand. In the first three hands, the blue side has priority in banning and selecting people. In the last two hands, the red side has priority in banning and selecting people. Because the red side only chooses one first in the last two hands, the Counter position It’s still there, and the pattern hasn’t changed much.”

"The first game today, Snake is on the red side."

On the big screen, LDG defeated Jhin for the first time.

"From the 6.18 World Championship to now, Jhin and Han Bing are still very high-priority ADCs. Brother Crystal performed very well as a fortune teller in the World Championship, and LGD banned them directly."

"If Snake is on the red side, the OP character should be banned in the first three moves."

"Sure enough, Snake killed the Enchantress with his first hand."

Enchantress has not been weakened since the revision, and the mechanism has changed a lot.

Mainly because of the passive and Q skills.

[Passive. Mark of Malice]: When LeBlanc uses a skill to cause damage to an enemy, she will mark the target for 4 seconds. After 1.5 seconds, LeBlanc's next skill will shatter the seal to deal magic damage.

[Broken Sphere Q] LeBlanc projects a sphere towards the target, causing magic damage. When [Shattering Sphere] is enhanced by [Male Seal], this skill will ricochet to the nearest unit with a ready [Male Seal] (the ricochet will cause less damage to minions).

The ability to push lanes, which was originally criticized, has indeed become much stronger after this wave of changes, and it can be considered a strong version.

"LGD took down Syndra in the second move. This was a ban for TheKing."

“Snake’s second-hand ban was Poodle, which is another reworked hero. Currently, I see many people developing Poodle into the top lane. The Q skill has the ability to push the lane after having AOE damage. The W is full of It can release the control effect when the level of brutality is high, which is quite strong, but now it is more of a warrior, not an old poodle that can kill people instantly."

"LGD took down the revised Carter in the third move. They should have considered that The King will practice such an assassin hero. This time in the LCK spring competition, the Korean team opposite SKT will ban Carter. They are also afraid of Faker. LPL It’s not surprising that TheKing is respected here.”

"This hero doesn't feel as easy to play as before, but it has definitely become stronger."

Snake's third move was without any suspense, taking down Camille. Regardless of the opponent's proficiency, this hero cannot be released now.

LGD locked the top laner Big Tree on the first floor, and Snake took the excavator and ice on the first and second floors.

After LGD selected Blind Sin on the second floor, the third floor hesitated on Ryze and did not choose.

Wei Jiang really wants to play Ryze, but the snake girl is still outside and is easily countered.

What's more, The King is also an excellent old snake girl.

The patriarch of the optimistic family wanted to play a trick, so he took out EZ on the third floor.

This EZ hand can swing between mid and low in the LGD team.

However, Snake did not think much at all and directly chose Ryze.

They didn't have this level of worry, and directly used the ban position of the last two hands to unwind the clockwork and add the snake girl.

In this way, Wei Shen is completely locked up and there is no hero to take.

The EZ selected on the third floor was also forced into Imp's hands. It was impossible for Wei Shen to use EZ to beat Ryze. He could beat Ryze in the previous line, but it was difficult to kill Ryze and he had no right to push the line.

When Ryze develops a little, pushes the lane and roams, limiting EZ to the middle, the game is basically over.

Getting EZ for Imp now is actually not a good choice.

LGD pulled BP, but they could only bite the bullet and choose.

In the last two hands, LGD took down Tahm and Bobby.

Snake picked Zyra on the fourth floor.

After LGD decided to assist Thresh on the fourth floor, they fell into an extremely entangled situation.

Wei Shen didn't think about which hero to get. He wanted to get lane rights and support.

Yanque could do it, but Wei Shen hesitated and asked his teammates to help select Bomber. Bomberman's clearing line is completely worthy of Ryze, and it can also put a lot of pressure on Ryze in the early stage.

Snake's last move was top laner Kenan.

The heroes switch positions and the lineup is locked.

Blue side LGD: Big Tree, Blind Sin, Bomberman, EZ, Thresh.

Red side Snake: Kennen, Excavator, Ryze, Ice, Zyra.

The coaches of both sides shook hands and the game entered the loading interface.

When the hero arrived on Summoner's Rift, deafening cheers erupted.

Especially the voice calling Snake was quite loud.

At this moment, the optimistic family is no longer as glorious as it was in the S5 period.

Li Hao's blue crystal and reusable potion are often used, and the tears of the goddess come out as early as possible.

The blind monk and the excavator had a face-to-face encounter in the river, and they knew that their opponents always opened the field from the upper half.

The first dragon is the fire dragon, and the situation in the second half will be very important.

The top laner is helping the jungler to open the first group of wild monsters. The difference from the World Championship version is that now everyone is opening Buff, because the refresh time of stone monsters and marsh frogs will be 10 seconds later than Buff.

The first wild monster to be spawned is F6, but it's a bit painful to fight at level 1, and it's slow.

In the middle, Wei Shen passed the Q and moved to 2 ahead of Ryze.

However, the fixed-point blast (W) he released was avoided by Li Hao and did not take advantage.

At 2 minutes and 20 seconds, Li Hao's Ryze also reached level 2.

Taking advantage of Bomberman's lack of skills, Li Hao controlled Ryze to press forward. Wei Shen did not want to be consumed, so he stepped back. Bomberman lost a few A troops. With Ryze also using skills, the troop line began to move forward. LGD advances under the defense tower.

At 2 minutes and 25 seconds, Li Hao moved forward and leaned against the F6 wall on LGD's side due to the push of troops, and a jewelry hole was inserted into the partition wall.

Looking at the lower lane, Han Bing and Zyra have absolute lane control.

Judging from the time, Wild King Amy should be heading towards the red buff.

"Pine nuts, red buff."

"We're in place, Brother Hao."

While talking, Liu Qingsong saw Ruiz's movement and was already leaning towards Zyra.

When Li Hao marked the first signal, Liu Qingsong's actions had already followed.

At the contestants' table, Li Hao nodded secretly.

He is worthy of being a support player who can help roam the team in the future, and his talent can already be seen.

On the big screen, at 2 minutes and 37 seconds, the level 2 blind monk stood in the grass and hit the red buff.

The LGD bottom lane duo did see Zyra disappear, but the direction of the Pin signal at the first moment was the bottom lane river, thinking that Zyra had gone to ward.

At 2 minutes and 38 seconds, Zyra inserted the jewelry into the grass next to the red buff. Imp and Pyl warned at the same time. Gangzi fired thousands of arrows, slowing down the EZ and Thresh under the tower, and then retreated towards the jungle.

At this time, Amy only had half health.

After seeing Zyra's figure, the blind monk immediately retreated, but was slapped by the red buff, and his health dropped to less than half health.

Giving up the red buff that you worked so hard to get to half health is certainly not the style of the Wild King.

Moreover, he has punishment on him, so there is no need to worry about an assistant stealing his buff.

The Wild King even planned to level up the red buff to level 3 and kill level 2 Zyra.

In the grass directly opposite the red buff, the wild king continued to attack the red buff.

Zyra dropped Wild Growth (W) into the grass from 800 yards away, followed by a Deadly Thorn (Q) under the blind monk. The seed turned into a Thorn Spitter. After hitting A twice in a row, purple thunder landed suddenly.

Eimy was shocked when she saw her blood volume.

Although Zyra is an auxiliary, the damage done by cooperating with Flower and Thunder in the early stage is really hard to understand.

The crippled blind monk wanted to retreat, but was slapped by the red buff again, leaving only 71 drops of blood on the panel.

The audience at the scene exclaimed, it would be really funny if the wild king who ruled the wild monsters was killed by the wild monsters.

When Eimy turned around and slipped away, a big bald man driving a car on the other side was already chasing her.

The moment she saw the bald head, Eimy was shocked.

At this time, he had no skills but could only flash over the wall, but Li Hao flashed to catch up. With the acceleration effect of sprinting, he caught up with the blind monk and took down the head with an EQ.

At this time, the excavator, who had finished defeating his own blue buff, crossed the Xiaolong Pit and directly entered the jungle area of ​​the Wild King to take over the red buff.

Snake gathered four people, and the LGD bottom duo gave up support.

Back in the middle, Wei Jiang looked at the blue buff on the soles of Ryze's feet and was so angry that he wanted to slam the table.

Li Hao didn't need to save mana, he just used his skills to clear a wave of lanes.

Cuihua finished the red buff and started to brush the six birds of the wild king.

After putting pressure on Wei Shen, Li Hao controlled Ryze to come to F6 where the excavator was attacking, and the two quickly took away F6.

In this wave, the blind monk's rhythm exploded.

The river crab that was refreshed 2 minutes and 25 seconds before the bottom lane was eaten by Cuihua.

Wei Shen in the middle was in trouble. Ryze used the blue buff to continuously push the lane, and after restricting Bomberman under the tower, he went to the top and ate the crab that Cuihua had beaten down to low health.

After Ryze disappeared, Wei Shen kept pinging signals.

It doesn't matter if Funny is on the road, because he basically relies on his E skill to last hits, and the big tree will be consumed by electric rats as soon as he steps forward.

The minions in the middle kept entering the tower, and Wei Shen had already missed a lot of shots due to Bomber's mana consumption.

After more than 5 minutes, Ryze returned home, and Wei Shen finally found a chance to take a breather and replenish his supplies.

Bomberman returned home with only enough money to cover the missing chapters, and bought two more bottles of medicine and a real eye.

Ryze's return to the city is different, with 53 last hits and a last hit economy of 1,009 yuan.

The salary jump is 408 yuan, and the first blood is 400 yuan, a total of more than 1,800 yuan.

The going out outfit is blue crystal, add 400 yuan to synthesize the tears of the goddess, 1100 yuan to buy the catalytic stone, and 300 yuan to buy a pair of straw sandals.

This initial set of equipment was formed about three minutes ahead of schedule.

At 5 minutes and 46 seconds, Li Hao found an opportunity on the middle route. After moving to avoid Wei Shen's W blowing up people and soldiers, he backhand QWQEQA!

In the LGD player box, Wei Shen was shocked, and most of his blood was wiped out!

He used EQ with his backhand, taking advantage of the deceleration effect, and took drugs while escaping.

The blood here has just started to rise, and Wei Shen is still preparing to fight under the tower to reach level 6.

But fans of the Optimist family are already panicking.

"The excavator has entered F6, Cuihua can take action at any time."

"The blind monk went up the road to capture Kenan. Wei Shen didn't notice this wave. Something is going to happen."

"Snake is waiting for The King's skill CD. Ryze just pushed the line and used the skill."

"There are still 4 seconds left. The King's acting skills are at full capacity. He controls Ryze to retreat, and Bomberman is not aware of it at all."


Seeing Ryze suddenly moving forward, the commentators shouted "No more".


A cry from the void.

Excavator tunnel, flying from the top!

QAE played Thunder, Li Hao controlled Ryze to come to the tower, QEQW, before the follow-up skills were finished, Bomberman's screen went black.

"Something happened to LGD. This wave of TheKing has two kills. With their lineup, no one can control Ryze later."

"It's time to fight on the road!"

On the big screen, the blind monk kicked Kenan with a Tianyin wave. Seeing how ferocious the wild king was, the Dharma King followed him with the tree son in his hand.

Flandre originally planned to run, but she saw that the blind monk was only level 4.

After taking a set of damage from the blind monk, the electric mouse activated his ultimate move with a 'ya' sound.

ERWAQ plays a versatile combo.

Because there was a distance between them, the big tree did not follow him immediately. By the time the Dharma King arrived, the blind monk was already severely disabled.

Flandre resisted the damage from the big tree and killed the wild king with a dart with a mark, and at the same time she flashed and ran away in the direction of her own defense tower.

The big tree flashed to follow him, and the Dharma King chased A Kenan all the way, and finally chased him into the tower above Snake, where a sapling took away Kenan's head.

The big tree was hit twice by the defense tower, and coupled with Kennen's consumption, the French king also became severely disabled.

When the French King saw the effect of Ryze's Warp Jump appearing on the top lane, Funny recalled the man who dominated him last season, this opponent who was difficult to defeat even if he had King Furong, so he simply entered the tower in the opposite direction and killed him. Gave it to Flandre.

TheKing, it’s not that easy to take my Funny’s head!

Dharma King, the last stubbornness!

Ueno and Ueno cooperated, and sure enough, one died and the other was given away.

"Hahaha, Brother Hao, Funny is really a good brother!"

"You know I'm short of a little money!"

"If you are not short of money, I will collect the soldiers for you."

"Save teleportation and support the bottom lane."

Ryze, who had originally walked out of the range of his ultimate move, stepped forward again and pushed the top line of troops into the tower.

"Take it as you like, this is a windfall, Funny is completely scared to death by Brother Hao."

When Li Hao returned to the middle, the bomber had already pushed the line over.

However, something happened again that made Wei Jiang's mentality explode.

At 7 minutes and 35 seconds, Snake Yefu coordinated and cooperated with mid laner Ryze to forcefully cross the tower. After being tied up by Zyra, Wei Shen's face turned as dark as his screen.

9 minutes and 26 seconds.

Gangzi shot a stunning arrow in the bottom lane, stunning Giggs for 3 seconds while Wei Shen was finishing up in the middle.

Li Hao shouted "Nice" and jumped from the upper half of the river to the bomber.

Ryze's ultimate move lasted 2 seconds. When it reached Wei Shen's face, Bomberman's stun was not lifted yet.

Li Hao QEQWQA, one set to kill Wei Shen.

Under the camera of the director, Wei Jiang slammed the table angrily.

Damn it, how many of you are there in the middle?

The first tower in the middle was pushed down by Snake early, and Ryze developed into a demon king.

At 15 minutes and 13 seconds, EZ in the bottom lane was beaten to death by Ryze, and Imp's expression was extremely exciting.

Xiba, what kind of monster is this!

It wasn't just Ryze who couldn't stop him, Snake was also developed.

At 19 minutes and 25 seconds, Ice's ultimate move started the team in the middle, and the excavator and excavator entered the tunnel and knocked it away. Liu Qingsong received R under the second tower of LGD in the middle. Brother Holy Spear flashed and opened up. This wave of explosion damage, except for EZ Except for fleeing with Dashu, the other three were all killed.

However, Ryze opened up and entered the high ground to outflank the retreat, QEQ killed the Imp, and then chased and killed the French King.

Ryze's record is 10/0/4.

After a wave of team battles, LGD lost the Highland Tower within twenty minutes.

The optimistic family collapsed.

At 22 minutes and 19 seconds, Snake took a huge advantage and leveled the LGD base!

In the second game between the two sides, Snake came to the blue side. This time Li Hao selected a card. Against Wei Shen's clockwork, Snake changed his play style and the situation of constantly catching was gone.

The card cooperated with the barrel to continuously capture, and Gangzi's Lucian scored three kills at 17 minutes and 34 seconds, scoring super statistics.

In this game, although Wei Shen contributed several beautiful ultimate moves and slowed down Snake's rhythm, after all, it was because the development of the bottom lane was delayed too much, and the King of Ueno was also suppressed by Brother Holy Spear, resulting in a team fight. There is no output.

At 27 minutes and 45 seconds, when Clockwork was targeted by Snake and the concentrated fire fell within seconds, LGD was bulldozed.

2-0, Snake got the first point of the spring regular season!

This round of competition has aroused the wonderful imagination of many fans.


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