LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 143 Living the Second Life This is Brother Ritian! !

In the two games, Snake played too smoothly.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"2-0, Snake was in good form in the opening game, and there wasn't much of a problem integrating the newcomers. LGD exposed more problems. The entire team was not connected. Looking at these two games, there is a big gap between the two sides in terms of roaming coordination. .”

After the baby finished speaking, Miller on the side smiled and said:

"The King is still strong. In the first game, Ryze's damage exploded and he produced superb statistics. In the second game, he turned into a rhythm master and activated the whole team. It feels to me that The King seems to be similar to the S6 World Championship!"

He added with emotion: "I have done so much training in the offseason, and my hard work has paid off. I hope The King can continue to maintain this state."

Wawa said seriously: "To be honest, for a veteran, this is really not easy."


Not only the commentators were praising there, but the barrages on all major platforms were also filled with various voices:

"Others are training, and Wolfberry is training. Others are on vacation, and Wolfberry is still training. I am really happy to see Brother Wolfberry's condition today. This is an inspirational story, and Brother Wolfberry's legend continues!"

"After watching the two games, I am very excited! The cold winter has passed, and Theking's hand has not become cold as many people predicted before. He is still fighting!"

"I'm shocked, Snake is so powerful! Is my Brother Wolfberry really going to live a second life?!"

"Brothers, the more you drink the wolfberry, the more you drink it!"


In the post-match interview, Li Hao and Liu Qingsong boarded the interview stage together.

The host Xiao Yu, who had just been transferred from the League A, took the microphone and asked: "Hello, Theking!"

"Hello everyone."

"As the defending champion, Snake will be under a lot of pressure in the new season. Can you tell us about Snake's outlook for this season?"

Li Hao responded seriously: "There is definitely pressure. Since the offseason, Team Snake has done a lot of work on the new season. The team has incorporated fresh blood and vitality, and everyone has to adapt to the new group. You can feel it Fans have high expectations for us, so everyone works harder in training."

"It's too early to look forward. Our first goal is to familiarize ourselves with the changes in the new season and keep the team in a good situation first."

Snake's uniform team kept nodding in the background. In addition to his beautiful appearance, Brother Hao is elegant and calm in his typhoon. He is the well-deserved face of the Snake team. They never worry about being interviewed.

This was Xiaoyu’s first time interviewing such a ‘heavyweight’ LPL player. She calmed down and continued to ask:

"I heard that The King did a lot of training in the offseason. Is this true?"

Mentioning this, Li Hao smiled slightly in front of the camera:

"Yes, it's true. When the team was on vacation, I stayed at the club for a while. The chefs were all on vacation at that time, and it was Manager Zuo Wu who stayed to cook for me."

"But he often uses sugar as salt in his egg-fried rice. My life was pretty sweet those days."

Backstage at Snake, Ezuo Gurō crossed his arms and smiled, just like Wang Yousheng in Bright Sword.

The audience laughed, Hao Ge's skin was real.

But this wave of rhetoric avoided the important and trivial, but moved some old fans who got it.

Cruel training, the most outstanding puncher, and a model worker in the Snake Team.

Behind all this is a tough veteran fighting against time.

Bitter, hard and passionate.

However, in this man's words, it was obviously a difficult road, but it was brushed aside by "sweetness".

This is the romance of Brother Wolfberry!

"Crisp, you performed very well in the last game. As a newcomer who has just joined the Snake team, do you have anything to say?"

Liu Qingsong paused and tried to make himself less nervous:

"It's very exciting to join the Snake team. During the past few days when we integrated into the team, Brother Hao, Brother Crystal and our teammates have taken good care of us. The atmosphere in the club is very good."

"I'm not doing enough right now. In today's second game, I still couldn't keep up with the rhythm at times. I will continue to improve in the future and strive to become a qualified support."

There was still a game to come, and the interview ended without much delay.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, IG vs. OMG

IG has sent out a new lineup, with Duke starting, jungler Kid, mid laner Rookie, AD and support are still Marge and Meran.

Kid's Poodle and Rookie's Ryze performed well, Duke's Big Tree 2/0/10 stood out as a stable player, and OMG didn't catch him to death despite several waves of attacks.

In the second game, Kid had some fun at the end. Mantis jumped into the spring water and killed Sima Laojin. The IG players on the player bench were a little happy.

Everyone got off to a good start and defeated OMG 2-0.

January 20th, the second match day of the first week.

After WE and NB tied 1-1 at five o'clock, in the third game, WE's midfielder shined, and Xiye and Kandi cooperated tacitly to help the team defeat NB.

At 7 o'clock, Guodian appeared again.

However, in the first game of the EDG Spring Split, Qi Jiang did not play, and the jungler was substitute FireLoli.

I thought that EDG, whose lineup had undergone a drastic change, would lose weight. Unexpectedly, both the younger brother and newcomer Zet performed well. EDG defeated IM 2-0.

This surprised fans who were originally not optimistic about EDG's lineup.

On January 21st and 22nd, which were Saturday and Sunday, three rounds of competition were held respectively.

All 10 rounds of the first week have been played. Judging from the selection and tactics of the major teams, the current thinking is not unified. The jungle mantis appears again, Malzahar has been developed into the support position, and the VG team also uses The female gun auxiliary cooperated with Varus to continue to develop the routine of the World Championship.

After nearly four days of competition, each major team also had time to study the version ideas.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming, the second week of the game will be directly after the new year.

Snake has not been idle during this period of time before the year. In addition to team players competing with players from the second team, training matches with other LPL teams have not stopped. Stance and Lwx are all in training matches, trying different tactics.

During this time, Chris and Zuo Wu were both surprised and surprised.

The two newcomers recommended by Brother Hao are really useful.

Liu Qingsong had Brother Hao's review guidance, and his talents were quickly stimulated. His ability to roam and form groups added a lot to Snake's overall appearance, making up for some of the things that Jiezou didn't do well at the beginning.

Although it's not that stable yet, the talent is there, and Snake has time to train him out.

Zuo Wu originally didn't pay much attention to Lin Weixiang who came with Liu Qingsong.

But after a few training matches, he discovered that this person could be developed.

Although he is not a player like Uzi whose talent can be seen at a glance, he is also the kind of player who dares to play output in the game.

He is generally very stable, and will occasionally give up. However, during the review, he has a strong psychological endurance and a very upright attitude. When Chris lectures him, this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes has a great attitude and will listen with an open mind. .

He is 4 years younger than Brother Jingshu. It can be found that Gangzi's attitude towards him is much better than that towards Emperor Ding. The two often study AD gameplay together.

Of course, Zuo Wu also discovered a very important point!

There is a trace of Brother Hao in this person!

Late that night, it was freezing cold.

Zuo Wu shivered and got up at night to go to the toilet.

He saw that the lights in the training room were still on and thought it was Brother Hao who was suffering from liver disease.

When I looked out, it turned out to be Lin Weixiang.

Early in the morning, God of War in the early morning?

Zuo Wu hurriedly checked online to check his early morning record, and it was really impressive.

Damn it, isn’t this a characteristic of Brother Hao? !

Anyone who can be as crazy at night as Brother Hao definitely has two skills.

I'm afraid it's precisely because of this trait that Brother Hao treats thick eyebrows differently.

When he originally traded Sofm away, Zuo Wu was a little reluctant to part with it.

Now I suddenly discovered that it smells pretty good.

But in the final analysis, Brother Hao is still awesome. He selected these people.

Chris and Zuo Wu walked outside with the data sheets and looked at each other.

After fully understanding the strength of the team, both of their eyes lit up with excitement.

This season, there is still a chance!

Zuo Wu murmured: "There is a river of sand, how can I pick out the gold with just a hand?"

Chris asked: "Where is Ohq that you are optimistic about?"

"Don't mention it. I've already played three games in the LCK and will be crowned emperor immediately."

"Fortunately, I didn't attract him, so I stopped the loss in time."

"The more this happens, the more curious I am."

"These two newcomers are very good, far better than I imagined. How could Brother Hao choose them at a glance?"

"Haha, no wonder you have a deep look on your face, it turns out you are struggling with this issue."

"You know the answer?"

Chris shook his head, and then looked into the training room through the crack in the door, which was full of prosperity.

The man's profile seemed to have light.

"The more contact I have, the less clear I am about where Brother Hao's background is."

"Haha, maybe this is Brother Hao's charm."

Years ago, all major teams also took a few days off.

On January 27, Li Hao celebrated the New Year with his parents in Jinling.

Although I made a lot of money, I was used to living an ordinary life, and there was no extravagance or waste.

Around a few pots of "dududu" stew, the family gathered together to chat.

"We are going back to HD's hometown on the 3rd of the new year, will you go?"

"not going."

"I have to go back to the team in two days, and there is a game every other week. It's too much work to go back and forth."

The second elder had no objection, but he did give some advice, such as paying attention to diet and rest.

On the day of Beginning of Spring, Li Hao returned to the Magic City.

At 5 o'clock in the evening on February 9th, Snake played against OMG.

OMG's current top laner is Sunset, jungler Juejue, mid laner Icon, and the duo is Smlz and Five.

For two consecutive games, Smlz's already indifferent face seemed to have put on a mask of pain.

Li Hao's first game was Rock Bird, and he pushed the lane like crazy before Icon's Ryze-level equipment developed.

At 3 minutes and 46 seconds, he cooperated with jungler Jiugong to forcefully capture the bottom lane. On the top lane, Sunset's Poppy wanted to teleport down, but was interrupted by the flash of the tree from Brother Holy Spear.

Snake jumped over the tower to kill. SMLZ used the pre-judgment flash to dodge the wine barrel E flash control, avoiding Snake's first wave of consecutive control chain kills. Ma Ge's operation won a head for OMG.

2 for 1 in the bottom lane, but unfortunately the head was taken by OMG assistant Nami.

Cuihua's wine barrel carried the tower and killed Nami. After Nami was killed by Li Hao, the red and blue buffs were transferred to the rock bird.

The mid laner Icon is about to cry but has no tears left.

After Yanque returned to the middle, he quickly pushed the line under Ryz Tower.

OMG had a chance to regain the rhythm. At 5 minutes and 34 seconds, Icon flashed W and immobilized the rock bird without giving the slightest reaction time.

The spider flashed and formed a cocoon to follow the control chain. The two of them used a set of skills to beat the rock bird to a serious disability.

However, after Yanque threw a stone circle with his backhand to slow down Ryze and Spider, he relied on his superb movement to avoid Icon's fatal Q skill. Amid the screams of snake fans, support player Liu Qingsong flashed over, and RE put a hit on Yanque. The shield negates the basic attacks of Ryze and Spider.

The moment the rock bird turned around and released the rock bulge, it flashed into F6.

The rock on the ground lifted up, pushing the OMG midfielder into the defense tower. Icon's Ryze took direct damage from the defense tower, and was knocked unconscious by the wine barrel coming from the upper half.

Ryze's screen went black on the spot under the output of the barrels and defense towers.

Juejue's spider was stuck to Kalma and the wine barrel again, and Li Hao used stone to penetrate 1,000 yards to the head.

This wave of OMG failed to kill people, but exploded instead.

When the director replayed Liu Qingsong's fan mother from the bottom lane to the middle lane, and then flashed to the middle lane to put a life-saving shield on Brother Wolfberry, the barrage was boiling.

The Wolfberry fan showed a pleased smile and praised: "This young man is very active and knows how to help Brother Wolfberry. His idea is very right."

A passerby said: "With this wave, the starting support is stable."

Some passers-by said: "Brother, the road gets wider as we go."

Fans of other teams complained: "Gan! Another Cuihua!"

Yanque, who got two heads and went home, was no longer a human being, 6 minutes and 54 seconds.

The audience at the main square let out a cheer. Ryze, who was drained of half of his health by the rock bird, was accurately predicted by Li Hao's rock burst. Ryze, who did not flash, took all the subsequent stone formation and stone penetration. The damage, because the level was suppressed and the equipment was not made, Icon died suddenly on the spot after being hit by a few basic attacks!

When the middle lane explodes, no one can control Yanque.

Sunset's Poppy was messing around with Flandre's big tree on the top lane without much trouble, but Smlz was in trouble.

Within five minutes, he was arrested three times.

At 17 minutes and 06 seconds, Sima Laojin's record was reduced to 0-5.

Five followed suit, and the two were forced to give away 10 heads, almost breaking the defense.

Yanque's murder books are superimposed crazily, and Gangzi's Lucian has no way to develop.

When the Three Fantasy Gods went out to fight in a group, Xiyang and Holy Spear Brother were in completely different moods.

OMG's output is insufficient, and hitting the big tree that has eaten up a lot of the team's economy is like scraping.

But Sunset's Poppy felt the terrifying damage from the other side.

At 19 minutes and 34 seconds, after being knocked out of most of his health by a set of Rock Sparrows, Lucian slid forward to receive the Holy Light through his body, and then directly moved away from his position to kill Poppy with the Holy Light Baptism.

OMG lasted until 25 minutes and 46 seconds. Yanque got the data of 10/0/7, and the murder book was full.

Snake won a hearty victory with a head-to-head ratio of 20-4.

In the second game, Icon selected the Enchantress on the first floor of the blue square.

Li Hao took out Syndra.

Icon wanted to regain the dignity of the previous game, but perhaps because of his impatience, Icon's playing style was obviously more aggressive than in the previous game.

However, after several waves of aggressive blood exchanges, he failed to achieve success. He lost his chain and continued to eat Syndra's Dark Sphere.

Seeing the Enchantress pinned under the tower, Juejue blind monk decisively caught her, and cooperated with the Enchantress in a wave of mid-field coordination.

Cuihua's excavator counter-crouched successfully, and the enchantress was knocked away by the excavator. Syndra's EQ took control and used her telekinesis to grab the ball and kill the enchantress.

Juejue's blind monk was also beaten and escaped in a flash.

At the beginning of 6 minutes, after Enchantress was consumed in the middle, in the next wave Li Hao took advantage of Enchantress' last strike and pushed LeBlanc to the limit with EQ.

When you already have one ball, with the W skill, you can directly kill the Enchantress with 5 balls!

At this time, Icon is paying the price for its impulsive opening.

There is another person who pays for Leng Shao's impulsiveness, and that is Brother Ma.

In the second game, SMLZ's development in the bottom lane was actually quite good.

Sima Laojin and Crystal Brother's Lucian fought again, and it was true.

This time Five chose Fan Ma, Liu Qingsong was Braum, and the OMG duo was more powerful.

After more than 8 minutes, Trickster's bottom lane advantage was gone.

The Grand Leader of 4/0/0 went to the bottom lane to withdraw money. After the fortune-teller received the slowdown from Braum's flash to Q, SMLZ flashed to avoid Braum's ultimate move, but was stunned by Syndra's QE who was sprinting up. Just wait, follow up with a big move and send him away, there is really no unnecessary action at all.

At the OMG player table, Ma Ge’s face was filled with questions.

He fought well, and then a monster suddenly appeared on the opposite side.

His face, which was already cold, was now as black as the bottom of a pot.

Once the snowball started rolling, and Snake didn't give him a chance, OMG could hardly find a comeback point.

At the beginning of 14 minutes, OMG lost all three outer towers, and its economy fell behind by more than 4,000 yuan.

At 21 minutes, Snake opened the baron and OMG was forced to take over.

Holy Spear Brother's Poppy found the right moment and used a big move to hit the blind monk who was trying to grab the dragon. Then he flashed the wall and stunned the fan mother. Liu Qingsong opened up his Braum and kept up with the control. In conjunction with the damage of the double C, he easily hit Kill the opponent's support.

Seeing that Icon couldn't fight in the team fight, Shadow Shadow tried to go down to the dragon pit to grab the baron, but Cuihua steadily punished and won the baron. When Icon hid from the excavator and knocked back the second stage of Shadow Shadow and returned to the original position, Cinder La flashed across the wall, and the EQ timing was just right to stun the enchantress.

W then R to kill Icon!

Zhongfu was killed in battle, and the remaining three couldn't stop the five people Snake was holding together.

The middle and lower high ground were pushed one after another!

At the 27th minute and 58th second of the game, OMG couldn't handle the army line. Flandre also created a Zrot portal. A void beast every 4 seconds made Marco want to vomit.

Less than a minute later, the OMG Crystal Hub exploded.

Snake defeated OMG 2-0 and scored the second point of the regular season.

After the game, league e-sports fans were discussing it on major e-sports forums.

Something is wrong.

Elderly Brother Wolfberry seems to like reading more and more.

There were two 25-layer murder books in a row. According to subsequent statistics, OMG provided more than 5 layers of murder books for each player in the two games, but the highest murder book was only 25 layers.

As a result, netizens jokingly said: OMG everyone is on the fifth floor.

Of course, that's not the point.

The key lies in The King.

This S6 king who has reached the top gives people an illusion in the new season.

——The king on the throne seems to want to pick up his scepter again!

Judging from the first four games, there is really no sign of Wolfberry's decline at all!

The Spring Festival has passed, and Brother Wolfberry is one year older.

However, it seems that the sharp sword named Years has not yet been cut off from Brother Gouqi.

However, there is relatively little material, and it is too early to say certain things now, but this has already made fans a little uneasy.

Because of the horizontal comparison, in the past two rounds of games, the current mid laner with the strongest performance in the league is still TheKing!

The tough face sitting in the middle of Snake's bench has not changed at all!

Familiar painting style, familiar thermos cup.

While people were in shock and doubt, it was February 11th.

Snake and IG have a weekend battle!

After this round of competition started, netizens were completely blown away!

In the first game between the two sides, Brother Wolfberry selected mid laner Lissandra and turned into a rhythm machine. Rookie's clockwork online did not take half of the advantage.

On the contrary, the combination of Marge and Meran in IG's bottom lane completely exploded under the care of Ice Girl.

Snake's tactical thinking is very clear. He seizes IG's weaknesses and beats them hard.

Rookie's spring performance was good, and his record was as high as 2/0/3.

However, at the second tower in the 17th minute, Li Hao's Lissandra entered the field in a flash with E, W pinned the four people under the tower, Liu Qingsong Zyra made a big move and entered the field with E and cooperated with the excavator. On the top road, Flandre's Lan When Bo Sa used his ultimate move, Snake immediately launched a perfect team fight.

Marge and Meran's policewoman Kanami died on the spot from controlled and constant temperature burns.

At the last moment, Rookie cooperated with Kid Mantis's damage and killed the Ice Girl who came out of the frozen mausoleum.

However, the middle lane was directly defeated. Except for Duke's Ekko on the top lane who escaped with his ultimate move, the other four IG players were replaced by Ice Girl.

In this wave, Li Hao started a group strongly, killing IG's last chance.

The second tower in the middle and the high ground were all lost, and the wild area was completely destroyed.

At the 31st minute of the game, Snake ended the game with two super soldiers.

In the second match between the two sides, Li Hao chose the Enchantress and faced off against Rookie's Ice Girl.

After more than 3 minutes, when the enchantress chained the ice girl in the gap between the soldiers, Li Hao told Cuihua not to show her head for the first time.

Chicken God was plotted. Without seeing the wine barrel, he couldn't flash immediately even if he took E, because the Enchantress alone could not reach the kill line.

However, the 1.5 second control time of Phantom Chain gave Barrel E time to quickly take control.

In conjunction with Enchantress's ignition, Li Hao once again got first blood!

Ji Zhenrourou's face was full of annoyance.

After getting the head, the first piece of equipment the Enchantress needs is the Killing Ring.

Chicken God is extra careful now, obviously he doesn’t want to stand on the fifth floor like OMG.

However, Marge and Meran don't think so.

At 11 minutes and 45 seconds, the Enchantress's Killing Ring is at full level.

All the glory points come from the bottom lane. When the Enchantress arrives, Gangzi's Han Bing will shoot cold arrows.

Then the enchantress went up to collect the heads. After killing one person first, the remaining one was jumped over the tower.

Although the development of Enchantress was unsolvable, Rookie still caught a wave of opportunities at 17 minutes and 45 seconds.

In conjunction with a wave of collaboration between Kid and Duke, the five members of IG surrounded the Snake duo who were transferred to the road.

Rookie took the lead and kept people. The Snake duo and jungler were all killed. IG played a wave of 1 for 3 and got a fire dragon.

IG seemed to see hope of a comeback, but when Kid's Mantis was instantly killed by Enchantress QREW in the jungle at 19 minutes and 55 seconds, Snake decisively cut off the Baron!

IG was forced to take over the team and wanted to expel Snake from the dragon pit and interfere with their fight against the dragon.

This plays into Snake's hands.

In this wave of jungle team battles, after Rookie Ice Girl entered the field to control, Li Hao flashed into the IG crowd. Relying on the explosion damage, he forcibly knocked out the far away Divination Master in the crowd of thousands of troops.

When the long phantom chain pulled out the health bar of the damage-killing master, the super sound of the prompt was intertwined with the exclamations of the Supermarket Square audience!

Ji Zhenzhen's skills are well controlled, but unfortunately his teammates are gone.

Snake won the team battle and captured the baron.

As IG lost all the outer towers and all the high ground, the economic backwardness reached more than 8,500.

After holding on for another 10 minutes, Snake steadily destroyed all the highland defense towers.

IG couldn't find a chance and was taken away by a wave at 32 minutes and 9 seconds.

The commentators in the LPL official commentary box were all shocked.

TheKing, another 25th floor murder book! Super awesome again!

The barrage after the game keeps scrolling!

"Brother Wolfberry can't play if he doesn't study, right?"

"Who can explain? Last season, didn't Brother Wolfberry reach his peak, win the championship, and then almost retire? What's going on with this state now?"

"Six heroes in 6 games, 4 Super Gods, 4 murder books with full floors, and one hand full of murder rings, Brother Wolfberry is dominating the Spring Split!"

"Everyone sit down and each person will be given a copy of the 'Wolfberry Soul Stealing Scroll'."

Someone said in an ecstatic way: "Time seems to have returned to the 2016 season. I seem to be still at the Staples Center. Brother Wolfberry stayed at that moment. He reached his peak and grasped the butcher's knife of time."

Some people also shouted: "Brother Wolfberry~! Do you really want to live a second life?!"

Someone immediately retorted: "That's impossible, no one can do it, time is more important than anything else, this is all a temporary illusion, a sunset scene, and illusions will be shattered soon!!"

Snake fan: "Brother Hao is in Ritian, this is Brother Ritian!"

On February 17th, Snake's next game will be against VG.

At this moment, in the VG Club, Benji dialed the number in Seoul.


"Xianghe, Xianghe!"

('-'*ゞI will start with 6,542 words and I am still typing them. Don’t wait for me. It’s a lot of pressure.

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