LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 147 Blade hurricane can never pierce time! (6135 small chapters)

On the big screen, after VG was wiped out by the team, Snake pushed forward and shattered VG's crystal hub.

1-0, the Snakes scored first.

The audience in the Super Square was still cheering. The atmosphere was extremely lively. The audience was very surprised. They did not expect to see such an exciting game today.

On the big screen, the scene of Katarina's pentakill was played twice by the director, with daggers flying randomly, skills perfectly connected, and a gorgeous instant step that was extremely fast.

People were also surprised by the slow playback of the guide.

Every time Carter uses a dagger to harvest life, he takes all damage, skill sequence, and position into consideration, which makes the subsequent Shunpo look so gorgeous and smooth.

This is the scary part!

Such a tense game, having to deal with so many tedious details, and thinking through every subsequent step requires extremely strong reaction capabilities!

Just looking at it with your eyes feels dazzling.

After actually doing it, you know it’s very difficult even if you think about it with your butt!

However, TheKing operates the whole process like a precision instrument, with almost no omissions.

The figure of the stupid Olaf running at full speed was shown as a backdrop.

Many people are stunned. It's really amazing that a "older" veteran can do this.

Those who complained before that Carter's revision was abolished are now silent.

The hero is not useless, but he is probably more useless.

The cruel truth is like a sharp knife that cuts into the heart.

Wolfberry fans are enjoying this moment just like celebrating the New Year.

As a result, some passers-by also became wolfberry fans and experienced this sense of substitution together.

There were also some fans of other teams who experienced widespread backstabbing. After joining the army of wolfberry fans, they suddenly felt that the air was cheerful and comfortable.

Especially at Supermarket Square, a man with glasses in the third row of the auditorium on the right hid the 'VG' luminous sign under the bench, and then he and the people next to him raised a support banner with 'The King' written on it. The backstab operation is quite smooth.

After joining the wolfberry army, the bespectacled man's originally depressed mood suddenly disappeared and he also cheered, leaving several VG fans next to him dumbfounded.

Merchants selling wolfberry saw an opportunity for opportunism, and many took the opportunity to advertise, emphasizing that 'The King' became so chewy because of eating their wolfberry.

The advert is written like this:

"Wolfberry~Wolfberry~, the league veterans need it."

"I used wolfberry~, I got five kills in the professional league, and the league veterans no longer have to be dejected, hahahaha~"

After a short break, the second match between the two sides began.

Hou Ye selected Wandering Mage on the blue side, and Snake directly selected the mid laner Snake Girl on the third floor, without waiting for the counter position, and without giving VG a chance to pull it off with both hands.

The pace of this game is also very fast. VG's AD Xuan Xuanpi got the fortune teller here, and the problem of unstable online was exposed.

Because he wanted to hit his fourth Whisper Passive shot, he was pulled by Liu Qingsong's movement, Xuan Xuanpi's aggressive movement, and Zyla's backhand gave him control.

Gangzi's policewoman released a trap, and the two of them continued to control and increase damage, and the magician used two moves. Gangzi flashed to pursue and avoid Nami's bubbles, chased after two basic attacks, and killed Jhin with the tower.

When Benji's excavator rushed to the bottom lane, he only used his own flash to force the policewoman to heal him, and there was no other gain.

After the excavator emerged, Cuihua changed from squatting to taking the initiative.

The Marquis was careful enough and had a bit of anticipation to dodge the wine barrel's E-dodge.

Li Hao was not given W because the distance was not enough.

I have to say that Hou Ye's reaction was really fast this time.

At the VG player table, Mr. Hou enjoyed this thrilling feeling.

However, if he hadn't been paying attention to the opponent's jungler, he wouldn't have been able to stand so far back. Once he ate Snake Girl's W, he wouldn't be able to flash out.

This time, the Marquis was really walking on thin ice.

However, at 6 minutes and 04 seconds, Mr. Hou’s reaction was a beat too slow after all!

In the flash of golden light, Cassiopeia only heard a sharp roar, stared into stone, and a gray light completely enveloped the wandering mage.

Hou Ye did not react in time and turned around, and was controlled by Shi Hua for 2 seconds.

The wine barrel came over and cooperated with the snake girl to easily kill Ryze who did not flash.

After things happened on both the middle and lower roads, Brother Long's big tree on the top road was also sanctioned.

In this round, Flandre chose Sword Girl and played very strongly.

After a successful exchange of blood on the road, the next wave of W blocked the heavy attack of thorns from the big tree.

A flaw, speed up to chase down the big tree.

Brother Long's flash was directly played.

VG is at a disadvantage on the third line and is already on the verge of collapse.

At 7 minutes and 23 seconds, VG Zhong Ueno prepared a plan to kill the snake.

The excavator, the big tree, and the wanderer, the three of them, Ueno and Naka, surrounded and suppressed the snake girl. Although the audience saw TheKing's extremely extreme E move, turning back step by step, and constantly releasing the twin fangs.

However, after the Marquis provided a restraint, VG killed the snake girl through the control chain.

However, Snake backhand punished the bottom lane. Sword Girl directly TPed to the bottom lane, cooperated with the wine barrel and the duo, killed the VG bottom lane combination, and got the first tower in the bottom lane. Following the dragon, Snake also took over. This wave of VG is still deficit.

Backstage, everyone on the VG uniform team had serious expressions.

Judging from the past four rounds of games, the harmonious scene of center and jungle cooperation they imagined did not come out at all.

Brother Long in the top lane can only be considered stable, and Hou Ye in the middle lane is no longer as strong as last season. VG's bottom lane is a breakthrough. They recruited stupid chickens to replace Dandy, but it cannot revitalize the whole team.

VG originally wanted to absorb the experience of successful players and arrange a configuration similar to the Snake Team to fight. Unfortunately, the ideal effect was not achieved at all.

After all, Hou Ye is not The King, and the gap between the two has widened again this season.

Judging from the current situation, VG is basically gone.

In other words, the VG team is about to lose 4 games in a row and become the bottom team in Group A!

The front office staff was very sad, but the situation on the field was tilting towards Snake out of their control.

This game of VG was very targeted at TheKing. Snake Girl's development was restricted, but too much energy was invested. In a 12-minute wave of encirclement and suppression, Snake Girl used her ultimate move to stun Ryze and Digger. , successfully escaped from the siege of VG, which reduced the cost-effectiveness of VG operations to the lowest level.

VG exploded in the bottom lane. Gangzi's policewoman had no way to develop and pushed down the second tower of VG in the bottom lane in 15 minutes.

Due to several waves of ganks, Brother Long's big tree was already underdeveloped, and it was already difficult for him to deal with Sword Princess alone.

The game lasted until 28 minutes and 23 seconds. VG had been restricting Snake for the whole game. Due to a lot of team resources, Snake's development was still not behind, and Snake's top and bottom lanes were too fat to handle.

Under the huge economic gap, Snake won the game with a head ratio of 11-5.

"Congratulations Snake! Defeated VG 2-0!"

“This is Snake’s fourth consecutive victory in the spring split, and the momentum is very strong!”

After the game, Snake's players came to VG to shake hands.

The stupid chicken felt depressed when he saw Li Hao's slightly smiling face.

Both of his attacks were very frustrating, and he felt as if he couldn't use any of his martial arts skills.

If Sang Hyuk was in the middle, my stupid chicken would never be bullied so miserably!

After joining VG, it is indeed more profitable than in SKT.

However, the stupid chicken is really unhappy at the moment.

Although the Marquis is also very strong, he is not suitable for stupid chickens, nor is he his ideal partner.

The stupid chicken thought about it carefully, and the only person in this alliance that could perfectly match him now, besides Xiang He.

It seems that there is only this hateful guy in front of me!

To this end, the chicken rolled his eyes.

Although I don't like this guy, I can't deny that he is really strong.

Especially Katarina who had five kills in the first game. This kind of ultimate assassin performance was something that I could only experience from the peak of the year, Xiang He.

While their hands were shaking up and down, Benji was still thinking:

Sang Hyuk is declining, why is this guy still the same?

The Marquis on the side was also thinking about this question.

Moreover, Mr. Hou, who knew a little Chinese, could not suppress the doubts in his heart, and even asked in a low voice while shaking hands:

"The King, I'm amazed how you did it, I mean in that state of yours."

"I have also played from S2 to now, and the effect of time on me is much more obvious than on you."

Li Hao looked at EZ Monkey and was not surprised that he had such questions.

This man who once allowed SKT to formulate another set of tactics alone and was able to temporarily put the big devil on the bench, began to fade out of the audience's attention after the spring of the 2017 season.

Spring passes and autumn comes, but the peak is no longer there.

The life of the Marquis has reached dusk.

Li Hao calculated that today's game was almost the last encounter between him and Mr. Hou in the professional arena.

"Isn't it convenient to answer?" Mr. Hou was slightly disappointed.

Li Hao shook his head gently and said, "No, actually this is not a secret."

"Compared to the glory you have had, my previous career was bleak. Maybe I did have a little bit of talent, but by the time I realized it, it was already a bit late."

"Fortunately, I have never given up in training, and the requirements on myself may be a little stricter than yours. This has allowed me to develop a habit and maintain the feeling of competition."

Li Hao sighed slightly: "I don't know how long I can keep this feeling."

After hearing this, the Marquis was shocked.

He could clearly feel a hint of fatigue on the face of the man in front of him.

In an instant, the Marquis' doubts disappeared.

It turns out that TheKing is not easy either.

Like me, he is conserving the ravages of time and fighting his declining state.

The only difference is that he has been fighting all the time, so he can still adapt to the intensity of the current struggle.

But once the pressure on the body increases, the balance is broken.

Then everything will be as difficult to recover as water thrown out.

Carter, who had five kills, was so dazzling.

However, those rotating daggers can form a hurricane of blades, but they are ultimately unable to pierce time.

For a moment, Easyhoon's mood calmed down, and when he looked at The King in front of him again, he felt a lot more affection, admiration, and even sympathy for each other.

"Good luck."

"The same to you."


Li Hao let go of Easyhoon's hand and said goodbye to this man who looked like a defense tower with a faint smile.

The Marquis nodded slightly, as if he was still looking forward to the next contest with The King.

After understanding The King's true status, he regained his confidence and sensed an opportunity.

However, the Marquis knew nothing about the future.

During the post-game interview.

Luo Xin asked: "TheKing, Carter is a very difficult hero after the revision, and requires operation and reaction. You are the first player to select Carter in the LPL division, and you got an astonishing five kills. For this hero, Do you have any tips you’d like to share?”

Li Hao raised the microphone: "I still like the hero Carter very much. After the revision, the designer has increased her upper limit, especially the passive mechanism of Shunpo and Carter. Once combined effectively, she will be an assassin full of possibilities. "

"I also feel the increase in difficulty, but proficiency can offset a certain degree of difficulty. As long as you train more, you will definitely be able to master it."

Luo Xin asked curiously: "If it's The King, he must have practiced a lot, right?"

Li Hao hasn't spoken yet. Standing beside him, Brother Shengqiang, who also came for the interview, said:

"I know this problem."

"Because he is a mid lane hero, I was the first to notify Brother Hao after Carter was revised. Then I saw Brother Hao playing a game of human-machine combat with Carter. At that time, he was killed by Juggernaut and Pan Sen, and only took After three kills, I didn’t touch him again.”

The audience below laughed.

"Haha, very naughty, Gunzi."

"The gunman is serious and what he says is true."

Seeing Li Hao shaking his head, Luo Xin showed a real expression.

Li Hao: "It's not as exaggerated as Mr. Xuan said. I did play a game of man-machine for fun at that time. Later, he didn't know that I played a Rank game with Carter. I was still in double queue with Cuihua at the time. Check me out. You should be able to see the district’s records.”

Luo Xin: "..."

"One round of man-machine, one round of Rank, I'm shocked, is this Brother Wolfberry's talent?!"

"I'm a waste."

"There is no pentakill when playing against human machines, but five kills when playing against VG! What are they implying?"

"I understand, let's take Carter against the professional players immediately!"

"Don't be too surprised. If The King didn't have talent, how could he achieve the results he has now? However, it is a bit outrageous for his talent to be realized at his age."

"Everyone knows that Brother Wolfberry is a late-stage hero in the League of Legends."

After the game against VG, the Internet was also very lively.

In the post bar, all the sexy pictures have been updated.

For example, the God of Death with the avatar of The King tore off a page from the 'Wolfberry Soul Stealing Scroll' with VG written on it.

Then, VG's door was knocked open by TheKing, and a pool of blood appeared on the ground.

And the next one to be knocked on the door by the god of death is ‘RNG’!

However, RNG is not afraid of death!

They already have a plan to kill the god with a sword.

After experiencing the disastrous defeat in S6, RNG's original coach Fly has dismissed get out of class.

Instead, it’s Firefox!

The legendary wind BP!

In S5 that year, on the eve of the World Championship, Chris left LGD and Firefox took up the coaching banner.

In the World Championship, LGD released Tetsuo three times, and Vulcan Steelmaking became world-famous.

After being in the doldrums for a while, Firefox finally took charge of this new RNG this season.

In the Spring Split so far, RNG has won all three games except for one loss to OMG in the first round. The current record is three consecutive victories, and the state is getting better and better.

In spring, everything revives, and the tiger god seems to have also awakened.

After several consecutive games, they complemented each other well with Uzi, and both of them performed well.

Although Letme, the new addition to the top lane, has not performed very well, he is currently able to play a good blue-collar role, able to ensure team fights in the mid-to-late stage and support the team's frankness. He is very adaptable to the Uzi system.

Assistant Xiao Ming is also a surprise. Although he has just transferred from YM, he does not have as big a name as Mata.

But the young player's cooperation with Uzi is quite tacit.

Therefore, after the initial running-in, the brand-new RNG suddenly glowed with brilliance and really had the potential to fly with a sword!

Now, RNG fans and dog fans are really surprised.

This season, RNG has formed an all-Chinese class. Reminiscent of last season, Snake was also an all-Chinese class that glorified North America and won the championship.

Then, RNG cannot be copied without tasting it!

Just two days later, on February 19th, it was the weekend of the third week. For both RNG and Snake, this was the last game day of the spring split.

If RNG defeats Snake, then they will have the same number of wins, which will not only interrupt Snake's momentum, but will also lead them to the top of Group A due to the difference in wins and losses.

For RNG, this will be a huge breakthrough! It’s a huge confidence boost!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, after IG defeated VG 2-1.

RNG players and Snake players appeared one after another.

The unfolding of this round of showdown surprised many viewers.

The three fantasy gods in the top lane all entered the ban position.

After Snake selected top laner Rambo on the fourth floor, the blue side RNG took out Jhin and Dan Kelie in the last two hands.

Snake finally selected the mid laner.

Blue side RNG: Kled, Spider, Syndra, Jhin, Female Spear.

Red side Snake: Rambo, Mantis, Airplane, Varus, Zyra.

Snake's first lineup was quite strong, with no front row and full of desire to attack.

However, in this game, the Snakes did not eat up RNG in one bite as fans imagined.

The mid laner Xiaohu is very stable, and there are basically no mistakes in the early stage.

Before the game started, Brother Feng warned him before leaving the field and kept telling him to be careful of the Snakes junglers.

mlxg simply ignored the middle lane and controlled the spider to continue to help in the bottom lane.

Online, the cooperation between Xiao Ming and Uzi was also perfect. Jhin's W and the female gun's E deceleration formed a coordination, which actually lowered the health line of the Snake duo.

MLXG went to the bottom lane to put pressure, and forced the teleportation of Holy Spear Brother in the early stage, which delayed Rambo's development.

At the beginning of 6 minutes, Mantis made the catch, but Xiaohu kept standing back and did not give him a chance.

Use a flash to avoid the damage from Snake's midfielder.

Supports from both sides came to the middle to support, and MLXG also arrived in time. It was 3v3 between the two sides, and no one took advantage.

After resolving Snake's strong midfield attack, both sides finally broke out for the first kill in the 10th minute.

Uzi's Jhin activates his ultimate move in the bottom lane and cooperates with the female gun to save people.

Spider arrived on the battlefield ahead of Mantis, and MXLG gained control, and Fortune Master took Zyra's head.

Uzi got first blood and RNG had the advantage.

However, the next wave of planes and Mantis also swam down and killed the female gunner.

The game became more intense, and mid-term battles became more and more frequent.

At 18 minutes and 29 seconds, the head ratio between the two sides became 14-14.

At 31 minutes and 23 seconds, the head ratio became 20-19.

Xiaohu's Syndra has the data of 4/4/4, and has the Magic Penetration Stick, Ghost Book and Golden Body on her body.

Li Hao's aircraft scored 7/3/6, with the highest CS in the game, 30 points ahead of Xiaohu. The three-phase, technology gun, storm sword, and devil-drinking knife were added to wear shoes.

RNG also has an Uzi, a Jhin with 8 heads, and 259 CS.

Three-speed shoes, small demon-drinking knife, endless, artillery and Youmeng.

Li Hao's equipment is slightly better, but it is no longer easy to fight at this time.

At 34 minutes and 23 seconds, the two sides were having trouble near the dragon buff.

The Tiger Emperor of Spring stood inside his own blue buff, seized the opportunity, and used an EQ limit to stun Rambo through the wall. Then he flashed across the wall, gave W and released his ultimate move.

Uzi used a long-range cadenza to support him, but Rambo was instantly killed without using any skills.

Snake wanted to retreat, but Kled fired his ultimate move.

——Rush (R)!

Kled and Skaarl charge towards Snake's formation, leaving a trail of acceleration behind them.

This wave lacked the damage and battlefield cutting of Rambo's ultimate move, and Snake was replaced with a wave of 1 for 3.

In addition to the mantis escaping, Li Hao's plane only exchanged heads with MLXG's spider.

RNG opened the baron. Although Mantis had no vision, it could only estimate the time and fly down to grab it. However, RNG did not give a chance and decisively terminated the attack on the baron. They killed the mantis first and then firmly captured the baron.

Using the Baron Buff, Snake was defeated on both high ground.

At 39 minutes and 34 seconds, RNG won the first game.

At that moment, Uzi laughed excitedly in the contestants' seats, and the flesh on his face kept shaking.

RNG fans were also pleasantly surprised.

In the second game, Snake immediately changed his tactics and stopped doing those fancy things.

After seeing RNG select a lineup similar to the previous one, Li Hao selected Victor in the middle.

In this game, the early game for both sides was similar to the first game.

Snake's advantage is still concentrated on Li Hao.

However, in the 15th minute, when Victor used his ultimate and death ray to deal explosive damage in the Dragon Pit team battle, the suppressed Snakes fans screamed with excitement.

On the big screen, Victor relied on the acceleration effect of sprinting to continuously avoid Uzi's brilliance and spider cocoon. These two skills were intertwined left and right, almost grazing Victor's hair and flying past!

Wolfberry fans are excited!

When the chaotic storm exploded in the crowd, Xiaohu's Syndra was knocked away by Cuihua's excavator, and was controlled by Liu Qingsong, and died directly under the chaotic storm.

Victor collected two heads, and Gangzi's Han Bing also received one head.

Snake played 0 for 3 and won the key Fire Dragon.

After this wave, Snake picked up the pace.

Nakano Suke continuously formed a team and cooperated with Holy Spear Brother's Poppy to continuously encircle and suppress Kled on the road.

Let Di die three times in a row, his hands are shaking a little.

Two consecutive defense towers were lost on the top lane, which put a lot of pressure on RNG's vision and troops.

Taking advantage of his field of vision, Snake took the lead in the next few waves of jungle battles, frequently allowing RNG to quickly reduce its numbers and making the snowball get bigger and bigger.

At 27 minutes and 35 seconds, there was a burst of exclamation in Super Mall.

In the second tower in the middle, combined with Ice Arrow, Victor QEAR instantly RNG double C!

That kind of terrifying death ray made the three commentators on the scene recall the scene of the battle between Snake and SKT.

RNG was defeated in a wave, and only Rang Di succeeded in escaping by opening the big reverse.

However, Snake did not give him a chance and led the next wave of soldiers to demolish all the buildings from the RNG middle to the Crystal Hub.

When the rest of RNG resurrected from the spring, Snake and the others didn't care about anything. Although three people were killed by the heroes who rushed out of the spring, they still destroyed the base.

Snake regained the victory.

"The two sides tied 1-1 and are about to enter the third final!"

('-'*ゞSix thousand first, don’t wait tonight, the dog author can’t stand it anymore, body warning, the upper left eye of the left forehead, nerve spasm, save the dog’s life and sleep first~~

Will make up for it tomorrow.

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