LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 148 Passion is burning!

Snake backstage lounge.

Chris watched both games backstage and quickly noticed something was wrong.

The tactical focuses of RNG and Snake are obviously different. Cuihua focuses on the middle lane, and Mlxg focuses on the bottom lane. Xiaohu performed really well in these two games, and it is difficult to find flaws.

In other words, Brother Hao's laning ability is top-notch, otherwise it would be difficult to gain an advantage.

On Snake's side, the rhythm is basically initiated from the center. If there is no absolute advantage in the line, the radiation to the wing will be weakened.

RNG is completely different from the VG they played in the last round. The most conspicuous part is in the bottom lane.

VG's bottom lane is an obvious breakthrough point. Both Gangzi and Qingsong have the opportunity to kill each other.

On the RNG side, Uzi plus Xiao Ming, after the two gradually formed a tacit understanding, it can now be said to be the top configuration of the LPL bottom lane, and Snake cannot take advantage.

Firefox's tactical intentions are extremely clear. As long as the middle lane tiger can be executed in place, the lane does not collapse, and team battles are effective, and with Letme and Mlxg supporting the bottom lane, RNG can open up the situation from the bottom lane.

In these two games, in addition to Xiaohu's own mistakes, another point is RNG's vision support, which allowed Xiaohu to detect Cuihua's movements early, so when it was time to give up, Xiaohu was scared.

Chris and Zuo Wu were actually a little uneasy when they were watching the second game backstage.

However, relying on Brother Hao's outstanding performance, Xiaolong established a huge advantage in a wave of team battles despite the anxious situation in the early stage.

After that, Victor's damage exploded, making him unstoppable.

After RNG loses with a similar formation, it will definitely change its formation in the next game.

Likewise, Snake will also change his formation.

"Cuihua, pay attention to this position."

Holding the tactical board, Chris pointed out a location on the canyon map, which was the wall near F6.

Li Hao also noticed: "Xiaohu released his vision twice in a row."

Chris was a little surprised. He didn't expect Li Hao to observe so carefully.


"RNG has captured Cuihua, who often counter-crouches, and mlxg will earn a lot of time for development and gank."

"Spider dared to catch Cuihua so arrogantly because RNG, after seeing Cuihua's movements, determined that he would not be able to reach the bottom lane immediately by walking, so there was no need to worry about being counter-crouched and the risk of being backhanded. "

"In that case, either the summoner's skills will be used in the bottom lane, or Xuanjun's teleportation will be wasted, which is very uneconomical."

"In the third game, the first thing we need to do is to pay attention to the row of eyes. The green pine eye stone has no eyes. You have to find a chance to go home. These points must be arranged."

Liu Qingsong responded, "Okay, coach."

"Second, we can try to take advantage of it."

Zuo Wu also held a small notebook and said, "The time is about two minutes, which is relatively early."

Li Hao reacted immediately and said immediately: "I will try my best to hit him as hard as possible and push Xiaohu back."

"About 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I gave up my position and gave him a chance to make eye contact to see if he would be fooled."

"Cuihua, just come directly."

"No problem, Brother Hao."

Flandre also said: "Get a hero with a high burst, and I will support the tankiness."


After everyone discussed plans such as banning people, they returned to the players' seats.

"Hello everyone, welcome back to the studio! The third game will start soon."

"The power of the war horse is beyond your imagination." Rita sat next to Miller and read out the advertisement naturally.

The hallucination on the other side said: "RNG shouldn't dare to let Victor go anymore. The last time The King dealt the highest damage in the game, more than 40,000 points, it was very scary."

Rita: "Yes, the last time Victor performed was when we played SKT in the global finals."

Miller said with a smile: "After all, he is The King, Victor is still strong."

"Brother Crown's Victor is already good at a unique skill, but he himself said that Victor is not as good as The King. After the World Championship, everyone said that The King is the best welder in the world."

"In the current version, the damage of the first hit of Victor's ultimate move has become lower, and the subsequent damage has become higher. The weakening of the ice staff means that the subsequent damage of Victor's ultimate move is not as easy as before."

"This hero doesn't appear many times in the LPL league, but TheKing still did a lot of damage when he just took it out."

They were chatting, and both sides had entered the BP session.

In the third game, Snake is on the blue side and RNG is on the red side.

Snake's first three moves were to defeat Poodle, Mantis and Ryze respectively.

In the first three moves of RNG, they defeated LeBlanc, Victor and Qinggangying.

Snake took the first step and selected the top laner.

RNG locked onto Verus and Blind Sin on the first and second floors.

On the second and third floors of Snake, the fortune teller Gajiela was selected.

"RNG chose the female gun for the third time. MF is still very restrained against Zyra. The combination of her and Verus is no weaker than Jhin plus Zyra in the current bottom lane."

"RNG pulled out the spider with the fourth hand, and Snake pulled out the clockwork."

"RNG took out Syndra with one last move. This is very suitable for the mid lane. I was thinking that Syndra was also taken out. What will Xiaohu choose next?"

"I guess RNG wants to take Snake Girl, but doesn't want to give a comfortable hero to The King."

"Snake defeated Shen."

On the big screen, RNG selected the snake girl on the fourth floor in seconds, and Snake selected the male gun on the fourth floor.


"The King's aircraft developed well in the first game, but he lost the game. It seems he still wants to take it out."

"It's locked, it's the plane."

RNG's last move originally wanted to show off, but seeing that Snake's damage was very explosive, to be on the safe side, let me choose Titan's tankiness.

After the heroes switch positions, the lineups of both sides are locked.

Snake: big tree, male gun, airplane, Jhin, Zyra.

RNG: Titan, blind monk, snake girl, Varus, female spear.

After Chris shook hands with Firefox, the game entered the loading interface.

"Brother Wolfberry didn't do well in the first game. This time he scored twice."

"My brother, Wolfberry, used ten different mid lane heroes in the first ten games. The only game he lost was a plane. A veteran masturbates, and his body can't bear it. He knows everything."

The barrage was going on, and the OB director showed it to the camera.

In Snake's mid lane seat, Li Hao picked up the thermos cup.

Tons tons tons.

"Before you masturbate, drink some wolfberry water to maintain your health and have fun at the same time. Haha, it has to be my wolfberry brother."

"Most people jerk off! It's not fair to the plane!"


The fun among the water friends took off. On the field, Li Hao had already gone out with the corruption potion.

Control the aircraft and stand directly in the grass next to F6.

At 1 minute and 01 seconds, the holy gun brother standing in the first tower in the middle threw (E) at the saplings in F6. By 1 minute and 28 seconds, the big tree threw a total of three tree sons.

This is a small trick that allows the middle lane to get to the second position first.

Because F6 was refreshed first, the big tree threw away the saplings and went to help the male gun open the blue buff. Except for the mana consumption, there was no time delay at all.

Snake's lineup is very strong at level 1, and RNG doesn't dare to come in to harass them. If they are controlled by Zyra and Jhin, it will be fatal.

At 1 minute and 35 seconds, F6 refreshed in advance.

The three saplings exploded with a bang, and except for a small bird on the outermost edge, all the others were severely damaged.

Phosphorescent Bomb (Q).

After the aircraft skill was thrown out, there were 4 more last hits instantly.

Li Hao dragged the remaining birds and walked towards the line, turning back to A.

Use two basic attacks to collect the fifth bird before the bird runs back to the camp.

A total of fifty yuan, the most important thing is the experience lead.

At 2 minutes and 02 seconds, Kuchi reached level 2.

This upgrade speed is only about 2 seconds different from the speed of jungler level 2.

Li Hao learned the E skill in seconds, and used the Gatling Gun (E) in conjunction with the basic attack to ruthlessly fire at Xiaohu who was finishing the last hit.

The aircraft's Gatling gun can strafe enemies in a cone in front of it, causing damage and reducing double resistance.

The snake girl turned around and gave the twin fangs, and Xiaohu wanted to use the storm rider's surge.

Li Hao was right. He took a sip of the Corruption Potion and triggered the effect of Corruption Touch.

The QA skill is connected to the basic attack to make the aircraft more silky smooth.

Xiaohu, who was only half-healthy, used the acceleration effect of the Storm Rider to leave the attack range of the aircraft.

If he hadn't fought back this time, he would have lost less blood.

However, Snake Girl has recovered, and the blood exchange is acceptable.

Li Hao glanced at the blood strip on Xiaohu's head, but it stopped growing.

The male gun clears the jungle quickly, and Cuihua has already started to hit the red buff.

In the bottom lane, the Snake duo was still stronger at level 1. They controlled the lane and pushed the lane under the RNG tower, forcing Uzi and Xiao Ming to hit the bottom line under the tower.

Zyra got a chance to swim, Liu Qingsong immediately entered the river, inserted the jewelry eye at the entrance to the river in the blue zone on the opposite side, and coupled with an jewelry in the grass on the river, Mlxg caught the movement, they could detect it immediately .

Backstage at RNG, Brother Feng looked at Snake's actions with a serious look on his face.

Especially after seeing TheKing's actions, he secretly said bad!

At 2 minutes and 37 seconds, the male gun shot red and rose to level 3.

At this time, he began to move towards the outside of the F6 wall.

On the big screen, the aircraft with the advantage in the middle appeared to be cautious and moved to the left side of its own defense tower.

The ignorant tiger god, after he upgraded to 2 and returned to a safer state, just like the previous two games, he moved to the grass in the lower half of the river.

At this moment, the snake girl and the gunman were facing each other.

Just separated by a wall, they couldn't see each other.

But on Cuihua's side, through Li Hao's vision in the middle, he had already seen the snake girl's movements.

The male gun pulled his trigger.

2 minutes and 43 seconds.

The little tiger's ornamental eye was inserted into the outside of the blue square F6 wall. The moment he made this action, the big tiger god met love around the corner!

Graves crossed the wall with E, and threw QW, which was smoother than WQ, directly towards Snake Girl. After the next basic attack A came out, a thunder bombarded Snake Girl.

Under this wave of explosion, Snake Girl's blood volume was less than one-third.

"It's over! Xiaohu hit the barrel of the man's gun!"

"Snake girl dodges to avoid the second Q damage, The King is coming, dodge!"

"QA connected with the Gatling gun and fired another thunder. The snake girl is dead!"

"The explosion of Double Thunder in the early stage was still too high, and Xiaohu's health bar disappeared instantly. The appearance of this wave of male spears was also very strange, as if they were targeting Xiaohu to pierce his eyes!"

"The King got first blood, Xiaohu was so hurt by this wave!"

Xiao Ming signaled in the court and jungle areas. mlxg knew that the river had eyes, and the bottom lane was not easy to catch now. He could only control the blind monk to make up the line in the middle lane.

Brother Feng in the background saw it very clearly and knew that Xiaohu was being plotted.

After Li Hao returned to the city, he bought Yao Guang and his damage increased sharply.

In the middle, a large wave of artillery soldiers entered the tower. When Xiaohu came online, the blind monk entered F6 with a Q.

The snake girl got two soldiers, and she was still a little short of reaching level 3.

When the next wave of minions comes online, they are reset in the middle.

"——Passion is burning!"

Li Hao listened to Kuchi's shouts and saw the little tigress leaning forward. Valkyrie dived (W) and slapped him in the face!

While W is flying, Li Hao releases his E skill to increase the speed of the damage burst.

Following QA's attack, the Gatling gun continued to spray, and in conjunction with Yao Guang's cursed blade passive, a set of skills plus thunder, Xiaohu was beaten to less than half health in one wave.

On the RNG player bench, the Great Tiger God frowned.

The damage is so high!

Also, you are so fierce, aren't you afraid of my jungler?

When mlxg saw this situation, he immediately bypassed F6 to help.

Seeing the blind monk approaching, the plane seemed to have no intention of retreating.

mlxg kicked the plane, and Tianyinbo kicked it directly.

The plane was extremely arrogant and didn't even try to hide.

"Put the incense pot on. My eyes were knocked out by the man's gun. That man must be squatting."

"Don't worry, there's no way I can't see such an obvious temptation."

The two wise men communicated for a while, and constantly pinned signals in Snake's jungle area to guess the possible counter-crouching position of the male gunner.


The battle in the bottom lane suddenly broke out. In conjunction with Zyra's E skill, the fortune teller immobilized Xiao Ming with a brilliant shot.

The female gunner and Verus fought back, immediately beating Liu Qingsong's Zyra to the lowest level of health.

The RNG duo had a chance this time.

However, a man carrying a gun came from the river.

"The male gun is at the bottom!"

The incense pot monster shouted: "Damn it, this plane is playing tricks on us."

"Something happened, Xiao Ming, hurry up!"

——Go blind!

When the female gun flashes and Cuihua and other male guns are loaded, release E to hide the forward movement of other skills. The EQ on the screen is quite smooth.

Thunder exploded, and if it weren't for Uzi's very timely treatment, Xiao Ming would have died suddenly on the spot.

The female gun holstered the male gun with her backhand, and Gangzi flashed forward, fired a QA round, and took the female gun's head.

When Snake and the other two were pushing the lane, mlxg was already heading down the lane, guarding Uzta and doing last-ditch attacks, and Letme's camera kept switching to the bottom lane.

"There is a T, there is a T!" Brother Holy Spear shouted.

"No, be careful, you can't beat this wave."

Gangzi emphasized: "This Varus Flash is still locked."

Jhin approached Varus under the tower with his gun and directly attacked with a basic attack. Snake was obviously preparing to jump over the tower.

Letme didn't dare to hesitate and pressed her TP, and the blind monk arrived soon after.

Uzi was also preparing to use the flash show operation under the tower, but the imagined scene of the top laner teleporting down did not appear at all.

As soon as the Titan left, Dashu directly used his skills to clear out the troops, causing the emperor to suffer a burst of physical pain.

Titan can't do anything in the bottom lane, so Emperor can only press B to return to the city.

After taking damage from Varus' arrow and the defensive tower, the fortune teller immediately retreated.

They had already made a lot of money by forcing a teleport, and they had no intention of taking any risks.

RNG's people were restrained, Jhin retreated and prepared to return to the city, but Snake Nosuke began to coordinate and headed to the middle without stopping.

Although Liu Qingsong's condition is not good, he only needs to be given some control this time.

Xiao Ming has not yet gone online, and the crab in the lower river is controlled by the male gun. The river currently does not have RNG's vision.

Xiaohu was careful enough in the middle, but Snake was unreasonable this time!

"The two men from Nosuke came around. Xiaohu has finished taking the medicine and his condition is not very good."

"The male gun's E skill comes forward and the smoke bomb slows down!"

"Zyra flashes and connects to the entangled root. The snake girl is under control and wants to be black!"

Xiaohu ate the smoke bomb, his field of vision dropped sharply, and coupled with the deceleration effect, he couldn't escape Zyra's control at all.

It may have only taken a second before his screen turned gray.

In the screen, the path of death left by Valkyrie's dive is still spreading near the snake girl's body.

The head ratio was 3-0, which was RNG's worst start among the three games.

Snake's tactics, psychological game and switching line rhythm, and a set of combination punches stunned them.

What's even more terrible is.

TheKing has already gotten two kills, which is really not good news.

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