LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 151 Horror Fever: The Scam of the Century!

The contract on TheKing has been signed and the dust has settled. If other platforms want to make any moves, they are already beyond their reach.

Many people are waiting and watching. They want to know whether TheKing will have such an explosive effect after the live broadcast.

March 9th.

In the LPL Spring Split, different teams compete, Snake plays against NB at 7 o'clock in the evening.

In the 2016 Summer Split, the OMG team usually missed the playoffs due to insufficient points. In the relegation match, the OMG team defeated the YM team 3:2 and won the relegation match.

After that, the OMG mid laner was out of shape and transferred to NB during the winter window.

Wu State is also a veteran, and he is a member of the dark forces who created the name of the dark force together with the leader Gu Gugang. In the S4 quarter-finals, OMG defeated White Shield 3-0, which impressed many old players.

NB signed Wu State, allowing him to form a new midfield combination with Swift.

If you look at The King's experience, Wu State is also a veteran. He also experienced injuries in the 2014 spring game and missed the game due to surgery.

If it were before, the attitude of the NB team might have been average.

But since the example of The King, everyone's perception of the term "veteran" has changed a lot.

Don't underestimate a veteran casually, he may be the next person to kick over the water dispenser.

If Stateless can break out like The King, then NB's management will probably laugh out of their dreams.

NB's top lane is V, jungler Swift, ADHappy (爱shoot Jiayi), and assistant Mor (natural disaster).

The NB team has many veterans. In five games against the same group, they only scored 2 points.

Facing the league leader in this game, the pressure is quite high.

On the day of the game, the audience was very enthusiastic.

The mid laners of both teams have defeated Korean teams, and they are both veterans.

NB's management is also looking forward to watching the game, and they don't know what they are expecting.

Maybe, it’s not necessarily that The King can inspire statelessness.

However, this is destined to be just a fantasy.

In the first game between the two sides, Snake ended the game in just 23 minutes. The King used the plane to get the data of 9/2/6. NB did not have much problems in the early matchup, but since the plane cooperated with the spider to capture a wave of After getting the double kill, NB seemed to have been opened up, and the entire rhythm was disrupted.

In a wave of dragons that lasted more than 8 minutes, NB also made a wrong decision. They did not think about waiting for opportunities, but took the initiative to initiate a team battle.

Swift's mantis jumped towards Snake with a stateless clockwork ball, but it only hit Liu Qingsong's auxiliary fan mother.

After Mantis was weakened by Fan Mother, Swift cooperated with Clockwork's ultimate move and did not take the head. Instead, he was beaten to residual health by the plane, controlled by the big tree, and then took the head by Gangzi's ice.

In the subsequent battle in Xiaolong Pit, NB played a wave of 4 for 2. Except for the top laner Bobby, who escaped, the others were all killed. Xiaolong did not grab it, so he went to his grandma's house.

Everyone in Snake quickly gathered and knocked down the first tower in the middle of NB.

In the next wave, Li Hao's plane brought explosive packs to the bottom lane, Cuihua's Spider arrived, and Swift's Mantis also rushed over.

However, Snake's side, in addition to the plane speeding up, also has a big tree that can TP. Poppy's teleportation has been used in the previous wave.

In conjunction with Han Bing's ultimate move, Snake used a wave of five to kill three, killing EZ and Nami under the tower. Swift finally exchanged lives with the plane.

Li Hao received two more heads, which was no loss at all.

After the stateless Clockwork arrived, the people on Snake's side who were still alive had already retreated.

At a little over 11 minutes, the plane came down again.

As one of the four major trolls in the national server at the end of the natural disaster, he almost couldn't suppress his emotions.

The people on the other side deliberately didn't push down the tower, they treated them like pigs and then killed them when they were fattened!

They tried to change the status quo, and the middle and jungle continued to support the bottom lane.

However, because the gap is relatively large, the field of vision in the jungle is too invaded.

After Snake noticed the movements of Clockwork and Mantis, he was not anxious at all. The plane returned to the middle, forcing Wu State to the middle line. After several waves of switching lines, NB was stunned.

Unable to keep up with Snake's rhythm, they suffered two consecutive deaths in the bottom lane, completely collapsing.

In 20 minutes, Snake decisively defeated the baron.

Swift wanted to grab the baron and replicate the classic battle between RNG and Snake in the last game, but the spider wall stunned the mantis in a cocoon, followed by magic crystal arrows and aircraft cannonballs.

Above the dragon pit, the mantis was killed instantly.

After the Baron was taken away by Snake, in the next 3 minutes, NB lost the team battle in the highlands and was taken away by Snake.

In the second game of BO3 between the two sides, NB's wing performance was more tenacious than in the previous game.

However, the mid laner was knocked out of state by TheKing.

NB helped Stateless select cards and wanted him to roam for support. TheKing once again took out the plane and fought online in the early stage, pushing Stateless's health line very low.

At more than 4 minutes, Swift's blind monk went to the middle to help, but was counterattacked by Cuihua Wine Barrel. This wave not only killed the card, but also caused the stateless double moves to be lost.

At the beginning of 6 minutes, the card that had lost some of its health was attacked by a flying dragon and shot to death under a tower in the middle by a precise cannonball.

In this wave of single kills, the cards in the middle completely exploded.

NB did not give up. After the card reached 6, he gave up the line statelessly and tried his best to exert his functionality.

He abandoned the middle line of troops, activated his ultimate move to support the bottom lane, and successfully performed a 1-for-2 in the bottom lane at 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

Varus, who loves to shoot Jiayi, got two heads and a large wave of soldiers, and was ahead of the policewoman in development.

However, the plane in the middle took down the first tower alone and led the game in development.

At 12 minutes and 34 seconds, a big battle broke out at the NB blue buff.

Something that made NB desperate happened. Their family's only hope, the shooting-loving Varus, was hit by Cuihua's flashing meat bomb. A plane carrying an explosive package was sent to the special express, RWEQA, with a thunder of peace. A appeared at the same time, and Varus lay unwillingly on the ground.

NB was defeated in a wave. Gangzi's policewoman picked up a head, and Snake pushed down the tower to get a water dragon. All the previously lost economy was made up for.

At 26 minutes and 47 seconds, the head ratio between the two sides was 14-6.

The disadvantaged NB made a bold decision. After seeing the plane and the duo appear online, NB started to rush the dragon!

The commentators were all surprised, NB was really brave.

After Snake reacted, he immediately rushed towards the dragon.

A big battle broke out between the two sides in the Dragon Pit, and Swift lived up to expectations and took down the Baron with Punishment.

However, they played 5 for 3 in the Dragon Pit, and no one escaped.

On Snake's side, the surviving planes and Ike demolished the high ground in the middle of NB.

In the next wave, wait for the super soldiers to be involved in the middle, and Snake will break the high ground of NB in ​​the top lane.

NB wanted to initiate a team fight, but Snake didn't give them a chance.

At 29 minutes and 34 seconds, they waited for two lines of super soldiers. NB sent two people to guard the line of soldiers. The damage of the card was too low and they could not quickly clear the minions entering the tower from the bottom lane. Snake easily destroyed the three lines of NB.

As expected, under the huge pressure of the three super soldiers, NB could only fight on the high ground. They desperately killed the double C of the Snake team, but all of them were killed. Flandre's Ike received three kills. His laughter echoed throughout the team's voice.

2-0, Snake won six consecutive BO3 victories and secured the top spot.

The audience thought of Snake in the summer of 2016, after The King officially became the starter. At that time, he also won an exaggerated 12 consecutive victories!

Looking at the momentum in the Spring Split, Snake seems to be stronger than that time!

Across a completely different version, the Snakes showed no signs of fatigue. This dominance was incredible.

For example, Guodian won the championship in the 2016 LPL Summer Split.

But what about this season?

The start was stumbling, and the few games they won did not go well. In Group B, they were also overwhelmed by the newly rising WE.

One generation of versions and one generation of gods explains this sentence very well.

Version changes, personnel replacements, player ups and downs, everything is a factor.

Snake is so stable all because of that man!

The absolute core and command, when this soul figure has no fluctuations, Snake has a very high lower limit, so he has overcome all obstacles along the way and won a winning streak.

In the next round, they will face their old rival, EDG!

Around March 16, Dousha TV was quite busy.

In the past few days, people in the company have been working overtime.

During the past half month, through the efforts of Dousha staff, many fans in the Chinese League circle knew about the big events that were about to happen on Dousha TV.

Ranked first in the LPL MVP rankings this season, Fmvp in the 2016 global finals, the toughest man in the league, is about to land on Dousha TV with a tough style!

The official staff of Dousha also used all the publicity methods to push the information through various channels.

Audiences inside Dousha will be greeted by a splash screen whenever they log into Dousha APP these days.

[——Shark Fighting Heavy! TheKing is logged in! ]

[——March 17th, Shark Fighting 111, watch The King kill an Ionian king! ]

I have to say, the title is quite domineering.

However, this is really not an exaggeration.

TheKing's strength is widely recognized and he is the real strength of the national server.

The cover is a picture of Li Hao with super good looks.

For the majority of wolfberry fans, they are really looking forward to it.

All they knew about TheKing before was in competitions, and few people could come into contact with him offline.

This S-game Fmvp has created various miracles, but it is like a mystery, and everyone has been curious about it for a long time.

Therefore, this wave of operations of Dousha TV is really like throwing a depth bomb.

When the news spread quickly, fans seemed to have found a base camp and swarmed in. Some fans who joined in the fun also wanted to have a bite.

Not only on the first day, but also in the days before the broadcast, the staff of Dousha TV Operations Department were really shocked.

Minister Zhang was pleasantly surprised at first, but then he was really shocked.

New users, so many new users!

These users are all real people, not fake data without gold content.

As soon as some new users arrived, many people searched for room 111.

TheKing shows that the anchor is not at home, and new users will habitually look at other anchors.

Therefore, the number of fans of those small anchors has increased recently.

Whether it is the App or PC, the data in Dousha's backend has been skyrocketing in recent days.

This increase has attracted the attention of Dousha's senior executives, who are all talking about it.

Under the light of the lights, one of the platform bosses held a data report and looked at it carefully.

"Is this the impact of The King!"

“In just these few days, it’s even exceeded our entire year of operations!”

Manager Zhang from the Operations Department laughed excitedly: "Hahaha, I really didn't make a mistake!"

“The King’s influence is phenomenal!”

"I found a pillar for Shark Fighting!"

"Those competitors are very anxious these days."

A bald man said with a smile: "Lao Zhang is awesome, he has a sharp eye for recognizing people!"

"If we are slow, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"This is all because of Mr. Wang's courage. I can't make the decision at a high-level meeting."

Watching the two big guys boasting about their business skills, everyone smiled sensibly.

For Dou Shark, this is indeed a great event.

The transmission speed of information will show explosive growth in a certain period of time, and it will be transmitted to ten and hundreds of people. When the first batch of wolfberry powder learned about it, many other wolfberry powders also learned about it.

Sometimes, fans' spontaneous promotion is more persuasive and more effective than some advertisements.

There are various messages in post bars, forums, Weibo Super Chat, some fan groups, under the LPL official release, etc.

Time flies and it’s March 17th.

In the evening, Li Hao finished his training for the day.

When it was almost eight o'clock, he turned on Shark Fighting TV on his computer.

The premiere is about to begin!

Over at Dou Shark, a room had been opened for Li Hao long ago.

Dousha 111, this number has a very special meaning and is not something that ordinary anchors can afford.

It has a bit of a first-person meaning in it, and it also carries the beautiful vision of the Dousha platform. They also hope that Li Hao can become Dousha's first brother and become a facade figure.

No matter which way you look at it, in the current league, the ID 'TheKing' definitely has a positive meaning.

Moreover, apart from being on the bench before and having some mental issues as a rookie, I can't find any black spots at all!

Dousha's senior executives have also seen Li Hao's interview with Typhoon. In a foreign country, facing tens of thousands of spectators and deafening cheers, he was still able to calmly and calmly deliver a series of remarks in an orderly manner. Definitely Mr. Big Scene.

Therefore, dealing with an audience in a live broadcast room should not be a problem.

Although they knew this, after all, they had placed a heavy bet, and many people in the Dousha official website were still worried.

Before the premiere time came, a dark live broadcast room appeared directly at the front of the page!

The title of the live broadcast room is:

——"TheKing, Veteran Health Series~"

Some passers-by and curious platform anchors took a look inside and were really shocked!

——The anchor is still on his way here.

This reminder did not stop the fans' enthusiasm.

Dense barrages filled the entire screen.

I can’t stop getting gifts for cards, airplanes, rockets, fish balls, and all kinds of things!

This hasn’t even started yet, but the popularity of the live broadcast has already reached 70 million+!

Of course, popularity does not represent the actual number of people. It is mostly an index based on the accumulation of gifts, barrage volume, number of people, and number of VIPs.

However, such high popularity is definitely beyond the reach of most anchors.

What's more, the real owner hasn't shown up yet.

Not only the viewers who eat melons are surprised, but the official backstage of Dousha TV is also really surprised!

For the sake of the reputation of the live broadcast platform, the real number of people online in the background is invisible to ordinary people.

To be honest, with tens of thousands of real online users, he is already considered a very powerful anchor!

The top anchors have an average daily active audience of more than 300,000.

Dousha officials have made a lot of preparations today. They have even prepared a lot of navy troops, preparing to raise a hand at Li Hao's premiere to support the scene and make a big news.

However, before they took action, Dousha's staff were stunned.

Zhuo, what's going on!

Mr. Wang, who was standing in the data department, was also puzzled and asked, "Did you throw in the navy?"

"No! Mr. Wang!"

The staff swore that they really did not brush the data.

"These data are all real. Except for newly registered users, most of them are active users."

"If it is invalid data, the background will intelligently eliminate it."

Mr. Wang was shocked. In other words, the real number of people online displayed in the background at this time had reached more than 300,000! !

These are all real fans.

A live broadcast room with a black screen has actually touched the ceiling of the live broadcast industry!

Before March 17, platform staff also made some predictions about the final number of people online.

Some people say 80,000, some say 150,000, and some say it is capped at 200,000.

As backstage staff, they know things like popularity and popularity, and the predicted data are all compared and considered.

Unexpectedly, before the live broadcast started, everyone was slapped in the face.

TheKing actually has so many fans!

Mr. Wang was very excited and made many phone calls.

Not long after, Mr. Chen from Shark Fighting also arrived.

"Hahaha, how about it, Mr. Chen, I didn't disappoint you!"

"Beautiful!" After reading the data, Mr. Chen praised angrily:

"If this situation continues, this person will not only be the front we want to create, but also the cornerstone of Shark Fighting!"


Hearing Mr. Chen's comments, Mr. Wang, Minister Zhang and Yourongyan were also filled with smiles.

Even though these people know a lot about the live streaming industry, they can't really see through it.

In 2016, the domestic phenomenon-level player who won the championship with the will of all LPL viewers and continued to create miracles will surprise many fans and how much traffic will he generate!

From the moment Li Hao decided to live broadcast, he was destined to have an impact on the live broadcast industry!

"The number of people is still increasing, and we have retrieved various link information covering a large area."

"It's very rare. This is data shared spontaneously by fans."

"The live broadcast is about to begin."

"The popularity exceeded 100 million!"

"No, the data flow increased suddenly. The line was blocked! There was a short delay and lag!"

"Unknown data source intrusion, suspected to be a third-party troll!"

What? !

After hearing these words, Mr. Chen, who was smiling just now, suddenly changed his expression. He slammed the table, and the force of his palm shook the cups and documents on the table.

Roaring: "Hurry up and connect the lines, connect them all to me!!"

"Cut off all the data that is causing trouble!"

"If you can't stabilize today, your wages will be deducted one by one. If you stabilize today, everyone will get big red envelopes!"



Dousha TV111.

The camera lit up for a moment, and then a familiar face appeared in front of the camera.

"Brother Wolfberry! You're alive~~"

"Snake hasn't played in a game for a few days. I haven't seen my brother for a long time. My brother has lost weight. I feel so sad for him."

"Brothers, my girlfriend is right next to me. After she saw Brother Wolfberry, she said she wanted to break up with me. How can I break up?"

"I woke him up upstairs by peeing him. Now his mood is very stable. He regards the paper man as his girlfriend."

"Brother Wolfberry, let me give you some health lessons first."

Li Hao first scanned the barrage, which was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Although it was his first live broadcast, he was not nervous at all.

"Hello everyone."

"I'm new here. I'm a new kid. I don't understand anything."

"This live broadcast room is quite weird. What is that plus sign in the upper right corner? Can anyone help me click on it to give it a try?"


"Hahaha, it has to be Brother Wolfberry. Other anchors asked us to add subscriptions if they said something nice. Brother Wolfberry will trick the brothers as soon as he comes."

“Damn it, it was really hot, I was unprepared~~”

"Mom, someone is lying to children here."

"Brother Wolfberry, if you teach me how to maintain your health, I won't hold you accountable."

Li Hao smiled slightly and continued:

"Although it's the premiere, there's not much to show you."

"Next, let's kill some time with Rank."


When these words were said, the audience did not react much.

However, after Li Hao logged in to his account, the audience in the live broadcast room was excited, and many people were surprised.

The national server ID is not the familiar TheKing.

But: [My contempt].

"Damn it!! Brother Contempt!"

"This is outrageous. Brother Wolfberry is contemptuous of me!!"

"I was wondering why someone suddenly appeared who was number one in the Chinese server? It turned out to be TheKing's trumpet! Now everything is explained."

"Two days ago, I was arguing with others, saying that although Brother Contempt is awesome, he only beats Rank. Now I am so beaten in the face that I was caught off guard~~"

"We're going to make big moves on the first day of broadcasting, right?"

"Damn it, you bastard was fooled! You've been deceived for a year!"

Originally, water friends wanted to go to Saozhu to remind them.

Unexpectedly, big rockets shot up directly from the ground.

The person who sent the rocket was called Shen Mengangzhi.

You bastard, you deliberately used this ID to send rockets.

Li Hao couldn't even see the rocket he used.

At the same time, Saozhu live broadcast room.

The prostitute teacher licked his lips with a look of disbelief on his face, and then he exaggeratedly shouted:

"Ya'er, brothers, do you know? I, Liu, have experienced a huge scam of the century!!"

"Wolfberry, he is contemptuous of brother!"

"It turns out he despises me, brothers!"

"I met Brother Contempt many times in the queue, and got a lot of points. I was surprised by his talent, and I always wanted to recruit this person to join YM. This person always told me that he is too old and no one wants him when he retires. Very bleak.”

"What kind of health care products do you want to recommend to me? I'm going to be a Demacia hindrance!"

"It turns out that this guy is The King, a Fmvp that 'no one wants'."

"Oh hahahahaha~~"

The prostitute teacher was so shocked that he even laughed wildly, and then he contacted Li Hao.

Then, the two of them connected to YY.

"Ya'er~ Brother, you deceived Mr. Liu so hard. This is the biggest scam of the century. I almost burst into tears on the spot!"

"In this year, I've been eaten up a lot by you~"

"Almost a thousand points have been eaten by you, so why don't you take me with you!"

Li Hao said to the audience while listening to the pig beeping:

"Last spring, I was still sitting on the bench of RNG. I had no chance to play and my contract was about to expire. As I got older, I thought that I might retire at any time. Snake hadn't contacted me yet."

"I also received a call from my parents. If I don't sign a contract, I will return to Jinling to inherit the ancestral business and kill pigs."

"My career is confused and I feel quite lost."

"After that, I took the bus to the Huangpu River and watched the river to relax."

"The prostitute found me at this time because we were old acquaintances. The prostitute also very enthusiastically invited me to have dinner at the Huangpu Restaurant next door."

"There are a lot of dishes on offer, and they are quite expensive. The prostitutes are really welcoming."

"After that, half way through my meal, I felt like the prostitute teacher had a flash of light and he was gone."

When Li Hao said this with emotion, Sao Zhu couldn't control himself anymore.

The other end of YY let out a loud pig laugh.

"Brother Hao, please stop talking. Next time someone Liu will treat you to ten meals!"

"The kind that will definitely fill you up!"

"What about my contempt?"

"We are all brothers, why are you bringing this up?"

"Where's the scam of the century?"

"What kind of scam? It's a heart-to-heart interaction between brothers."


At this point in the exchange, the effect of the program has exploded, and some viewers who don’t know the inside story have also gotten it after being reminded by others.

"Brother Wolfberry, I advise you not to go. It's you who pays for the treat. There are a lot of phone calls when he pays."

"Hahaha, I can already think of Brother Wolfberry's confused look when the naughty pig escaped from the bill. It's funny just thinking about it."

"The only person who can show off a peak wolfberry like this is a slutty pig."

"You can be as strong as you want, and the checkout will be rushed. If you smoke in reverse, the wolfberry won't hurt."

"Which poet are you?"

After some communication, Li Hao decided to have a double row with Sao Zhu, and the show turned out well.

However, Saozhu said that he shuddered when he saw this 'master's contempt', so Li Hao changed into a large size.

After waiting for a while, they got in line soon.

However, something unexpected happened!

In the room chat public screen, IDs appear one after another.

[Chen Mengangzhi]Join the room

[TheKing]Join room

[RNG, Uzi] Join the room

[Hide on bush]Join room

[VG.Stupid Chicken]Join the room

For a moment, Li Hao felt a little dizzy.

He was filling in this position and came to the AD position.

How to go here?

At the RNG base, a little fat man laughed happily.


"Xiaohu, I want to reward myself with Yasuo!"

('-'*ゞEveryone, go to sleep! Good night! Good night!

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