LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 152 Oh my god, two brothers Li!

South Korea, SKT base.

Faker has played in Korean servers, European servers, and North American servers, but he rarely ranked in Chinese servers before.

In the minds of foreign players, they all have one question: Why are there so many Chinese server regions?

Once the number of regions increased, it was not so easy to manage, so various actors were born, shutting out many top players.

However, during MSI in 2016, Riot gave away accounts to all foreign players participating in MSI, and the hidden scores were very high.

Therefore, Faker ranked in the Chinese server with the ID "This life is the light of man", and later changed his name to "This man can't breathe".

After Msi, Faker logged into this account less frequently.

However, after losing in S6, Li Guapi decided to compete in the Chinese server.

This has a lot to do with the Snake team. He wants to know more about this division before the start of S7.

So, he changed the ID name to his favorite 'Hide on bush'.

The meaning of this ID is: Hiding in the grass.

The enterprise-level understanding is: Brother Li is the kind of calm person who can direct the overall situation during the game. Hiding in the grass also implies that Brother Li has an insight into the overall situation and can stand up at critical moments.

In fact, I got this ID because once ranked Li Guapi was squatting in the grass and found that he was squatting outside the grass, so he got this ID.

This account has not played too many games so far and is currently at Master 300.

When Li Guapi ranked before, he had met Ruofeng, Strawberry, Guanren, JackLove, May End, Little Master and others, but this was really the first time he met these IDs in front of him.


——The King!

This hateful guy is also at home.

I don’t know why, but after arriving at this ID, the big devil raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In this game, he filled in as a support player.

VG. Stupid chicken, immediately type on the public screen.

"Xianghe!! Wuwuwu~"

The stupid chicken whose face was swollen in VG met his old buddy and immediately lost control.

Hide on bush: "."

In the room, everyone's positions were obviously confused.

However, no one took the initiative to change positions.

In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere exploded after seeing these IDs appear!

"What kind of luxurious lineup is this? There are two Li brothers, right!!"

"The top laner is the retired God of War Sao Pig, the jungler is the wild chicken, the mid laner is Uzi, the AD brother is Li, and the support brother is Li. I really like this lineup of brothers. Please help the VG team to put it together. I guarantee that I will be a lifelong fan."

"I want to know how the other team feels when they see this lineup."

"Hahaha, the configuration is absolutely full. If you change the position a little, you will definitely win. But if you just fight like this, you may not win."

"There is no clearer jungle strategy than this stupid chicken!"


Li Hao took a look at his lineup. If he played normally, it would be the most stable if he pulls a bull head and then asks Mr. Piao to pull a Yasuo.

But after all, it was the first live broadcast, and he knew what the fans wanted to see, so he simply let everyone enjoy it.

Li Hao is on the blue side, and everyone chooses players very quickly.

The lineups of both sides were locked in a short time.

Blue side: Crocodile, Digger, Yasuo, Fortune Teller, Bull Head.

Red side: Gnar, Spider, Zed, EZ, Nami.

Wuhu Teacher Ma’s live broadcast room:

“Thanks to Mr. Ma’s ex-wife in Canada for sending me the plane~~”

“Thank you Da Sima’s leg hair for sending me the plane~~”

After a wave of people who dared to send and read, Teacher Ma looked at the selection interface:

"I'll show you the fire shadow calamity here!"

"Beat Yasuo. Do you believe me when I show you this super god?"

"If you don't believe it, it's because you haven't figured out the situation yet and don't know the strength of my Shadow Stream Lord."

"Damn it, anyone standing within 1,000 yards is an insult to me."

While Teacher Ma was talking, he picked up the ancestral porcelain rice bowl and ate his rice leisurely.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very active.

"Which of the following problems is a big problem? A base explodes, B crystal is pushed, C big dragon is robbed, D is none of the above."

"Let me ask you a question. You are laning on the top lane. At this time, a wave of battle breaks out in the bottom lane, but the jungler does not participate. What action should be taken at this time? A. Feint wave, B. Parallelogram top laner, C. Edge OB, D. Hypothesis Sexual Principle.”

"I don't think you need to worry about anything else. We just need to eat a bunch of big birds and feel comfortable."

Teacher Ma’s live broadcast room is in full swing.

Someone is using words like "Car Crash" and "Brother Li".

However, many people did not react immediately.

When the other party's ID was exposed on the loading interface, everything went crazy.

"Damn it! Wuhu has taken off~~"

"Oh my god, there are two Li brothers!! Teacher Ma, give it to me~~ Hahahaha!"

"There are two real Hokages on the opposite side. Teacher Ma will use Zed to kill them in the bottom lane. I will use rockets!"

"It's a shame, brothers, this is 20."

"There's really no need to be afraid. Wolfberry didn't hit the target. Uziasuo and Brother Li's bull heads are all canyon ghosts. Teacher Ma is laughing and dividing them. Occasionally, he can kill pigs on the road. Brother Wolfberry puts on a mask of pain. .”

Even though he said that, his name is still there.

Teacher Ma raised his eyes and glanced at the ID on the opposite side, and the figures of those professional players flashed in his mind.

PDD, stupid chicken, UZi, Faker, TheKing!

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

The deterrent effect of this string of IDs is not small.

"This time, we will meet a master."

Not only Teacher Ma, but everyone on the red side can feel it.

However, the red side is not bad either. The jungler Spider is a unique player, and the top laner Gnar is EDG’s Mouse.

The bot lane duo is the duo's lane duo and is currently the king of the division.

Handsome guy ruins my life (EZ): "Please help the jungler, the strength of the bottom lane is terrible! Oh my god, double Fmvp!!"

[Everyone] Beautiful girl Hua Jie (Nami): "Brother Wolfberry, I am your fan, please be gentle, 嘘嘘~~"

[Everyone] TheKing: "You can ignore me, I am a bad AD. But the bullhead next to me is very good at playing, so you should be careful."

"Hahaha, Brother Wolfberry is too crazy."

"Faker: Finally someone said that I am good at playing Niutou."

"He's good at setting off smoke bombs."

"TheKing: Hammer this bull head to death and pretend I didn't see it."

"Brother Li, why bother to embarrass Brother Li?"


In Sao Zhu’s live broadcast room, Da Sima was also discovered there. Sao Zhu and Teacher Ma have always been very good friends. He immediately couldn’t stand it anymore. Especially when he saw Da Sima choose a calamity, he even made an exaggerated statement. The pig laughs.

Inside the VG base.

Benji glanced down the road. To be honest, Benji was really confused.

He thought about going down the road to help Xiang He, and he wanted to do it very much.

However, helping Sang Hyuk is equivalent to helping that hateful guy.

As soon as the stupid chicken sees the ID TheKing, his expression will immediately become fierce.

However, when the game officially started, I didn't think much about it.

In the spring, the audience saw that the bull's head was facing the position of the fortune teller, and an earth shattering (Q) came.

Then, the fortune teller took out another gun and hit the bull's head with a bang.

The two brothers Li greeted each other.

In order to fire this shot, Q didn't learn anything.

In the SKT base, Li Guapi, like Li Hao in front of the screen, couldn't help but smile.

Guapi's Niutou is known as a ghost, and once asked Captain Jack to report him.

However, basic operation is no problem.

Friends have seen that after the duo in the bottom lane reached level 2, Brother Wolfberry relied on his own positioning to avoid EZ's Q. After Nami's predicted bubble was dodged by the fortune teller, Faker succeeded. WQ hits Nami with two consecutive hits.

EZ outputs a bull head, and Li Hao's AQ hits Nami. This is a whisper passive shot. Li Hao is very detailed. During the reloading period, he uses W cadenza to overdo it and at the same time move forward to close the distance.

Faker immediately understood what Li Hao meant and put the weakness on Nami.

The two ignored EZ and chased A and Nami.

Nami turned around and gave the weak trap to the fortune teller, and flashed to escape.

EZ took advantage of the fortune teller's turn and wanted to sneak up on a secret shot, but in this case, Jhin still dodged it with a sideways pull. The EZ players were a little confused.

"Damn it, Brother Shuang Li is a bit fierce!"

"One thing to say, Brother Wolfberry's reaction and awareness are absolutely top-notch, and his movements are extremely smooth. If it hadn't been weakened by Nami, this EZ wouldn't have been able to hit a single Q just now."

"I know that Brother Wolfberry is not bad at AD. You can see it from the aircraft that plays RNG. He shakes his head to output while reacting to dodge skills. That is not something that ordinary ADs can do."

Uzi in the middle was surrounded by strong winds and was playing happily in the line of soldiers. It was so fun to go from E to E.

Teacher Ma was unable to be strong in the early stage due to the two blows and the hero mechanism.

After more than 3 minutes, the classic picture that water friends were waiting for appeared.

The stupid chicken ignored the middle lane and grabbed it directly!

This wave of tactics to protect Brother Li to the death has an efficiency of x2.

The consciousness of the passers-by was still a little low. After seeing Benji's movements, the two Li brothers did not reveal any flaws. By the time they moved forward, it was already too late for Nami to react.

The stupid chicken digs a tunnel and hits the top to hit the ground, and the target is Nami!


Huacai immobilized Nami, and Guapi's second WQ made no mistakes. After Li Hao's AQ, he took the EZ secret skill shot.

He ignored EZ, and after leveling the A interval, he killed Nami with one basic attack.

Next, I'm going to have sex with EZ again.

Looking at the three fierce world champions, EZ was so frightened that he used arcane jump to escape.

However, what the three of them were frustrated about was that this wave of ganks was not first blood.

RNG base.

Uzi held his head in his hands.

"This spider is so fierce. It dodges directly to E, and Zed also dodges. My wind wall did not block the skill this time, and I was overwhelmed by the damage."

"It's okay, I'll flash the next wave."

"Hey, Lippi, let Lippi treat you like a melon."

Teacher Ma smiled and said: "We got 1 health, and this one is very stable. I will go home with two knives. I will go online later. Yasuo can't understand my damage."

"The opponents are all masters, with two Li brothers and two Fmvp in the bottom lane. We are under great pressure and must be cautious in every wave."

"So, let's continue to shake people, hehehehahaha."

As Teacher Ma spoke, he typed on the screen to let the spiders keep coming.

Brother Spider also knows his unique skills very well. Yasuo E is the best to catch as he goes forward.

The dog died in one wave, but this one rewards itself. Although there are operations, the wave is still a wave.


"Oh, Mouse has something, and I was pulled by him."

The prostitute teacher screamed strangely.

The crocodile's face was jumped out of the way by Gnar in time, but the damage was not dealt. Gnar's backhand Q skill slowed down and followed by three rings.

Mouse chased A straight away, and because he suppressed the HP of the prostitute teacher in the early stage, he directly used Crocodile Flash in this wave.

The middle and upper lanes are all at a disadvantage.

Hope is basically placed on Li Hao.

More than 5 minutes later, another bad news came from Yasuo in the middle lane.

The stupid chicken caught it again, but Mouse's Gnar teleported down, but the crocodile did not teleport. The two sides fought one for one, Jhin got Nami's head, and Li Guapi's bull head was taken away by Gnar.

At more than 7 minutes, Uziasuo made a big show in the middle. Although Teacher Ma's Zed was better equipped, he was almost killed by Uzi's Breathless Wind followed by Q.

A passive basic attack with soul-destroying calamity helped Teacher Ma to take down the head in a thrilling manner.

Teacher Ma was frightened, but when it came to his mouth, this wave turned into seduction + extreme calculation of blood volume.

So, Teacher Ma’s Pi Yanzi was put on the big plane.

The development of the Lord of Shadow Stream is already unstoppable.

The game lasted 11 minutes and 25 seconds.

The two sides had a fierce PK at Xiaolong. The red team's duo was beaten to death by the three world champions. Teacher Ma's Zie went to the bottom lane to support him, and met Teacher Whore's crocodile in the river. Because he was hit by Jhin's long-range attack. Huacai hit the target, and Teacher Ma lost the opportunity to fight back.

Jie was chased all the way to the first tower in the bottom lane. Seeing this, Spider also gave up on the first earth dragon.

As Teacher Ma escaped from the crocodile, he muttered:

"You think you can kill me? That's not true. You can't catch me without dodge. Oh~ I'll do it with my hands, and I'll kite you with my own hands."

However, the still-blooded Teacher Ma did not retreat. Instead, he touched the grass on the lower road.

"I pretended to leave, but I didn't actually leave."

"Everyone thinks I'm gone. It's impossible for anyone to think I'll be here. It's impossible."

Teacher Ma said seriously: "So his ADC will die unjustly. This is to take things by surprise and do the opposite. The most dangerous place is the safest place. No one will know about reverse thinking, so this ADC is unbeatable, and this support is also It’s incredible.”

Water friends were shocked!

Under the auspices of Uzi, a well-developed Ma teacher.

He used the remaining HP Shadow Stream Master to hide in the grass, preparing to snipe the two strongest Hokages.

It has to be said that Teacher Ma is already standing in the atmosphere if he dares to make such a move.

The Lord of Shadow Stream started scanning and confirmed again that there was no eye position in the grass.

The half-blooded bullhead reached the line first and followed the fortune teller.

Teacher Ma looked serious and explained:

"Don't be anxious, wait for them to release their skills first."

"Next, let's watch what I do!"

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