LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 153 Brother Hao really doesn’t want Se Se!

In Teacher Ma’s live broadcast room, everyone held their breath.

On the screen, the half-health Niutou helped push the line and used up his Q skill.

The playmaker A connected with Q, and Manwu's grenades knocked out the remaining health soldiers.

Teacher Ma's eyes gleamed and he shouted: "Now!"

The Lord of Shadow Stream released a shadow towards Niu Tou, WEQ a set of combos, and Li Guapi, who had just handed over his ultimate move in the Xiaolong Pit, instantly became reduced to residual health.

Li Hao's first reaction when he saw the shadow was to pull back.

The moment Jin raised the barrel of his gun towards the Lord of Shadow Stream, Teacher Ma shouted: "Hey, let's activate the skill and activate the ultimate move!"

At this time, including the CD reduction on the equipment, the CD of Zed's E skill is only 2 seconds.

The moment the big move landed, Teacher Ma took Jhin's basic attack. His health was even lower, but he didn't panic.

"Looking back~~dig!"

A basic attack was fired at the bull's head. Faker instinctively charged wildly, knocking the Lord of Shadow Stream into the direction of the grass.

Seeing Jhin's output towards him, Da Sima then connected with the E skill, damaging the fortune teller and slowing it down. At the same time, the W shadow running Ghost Slash next to Niu Tou killed Niu Tou.

The playmaker wanted to use A to attack again, and Teacher Ma took advantage of the situation and fled towards the grass.

At the same time, Youmeng's body made a clear sound.


"Once the ghost sword is opened, you can't see~!"

Jin inserted a trinket into his eye. Da Sima's Shadow Stream Master, under the acceleration effect of You Meng, put his hands behind his back. When he saw the fortune teller playing the cadenza in his direction, Teacher Ma muttered:

"Move, move, do it with your hands, uh hehe hehe~~"

“It’s uncomfortable~~”

The Jie Q skills were intertwined, and the fortune teller moved to avoid the very critical body shuriken.


The fortune-teller's brilliance was dodged by Zed using his movement speed advantage.

Li Hao saw his own blood volume and the position of Jie's shadow. He was not far enough, so his next basic attack hit the minion nearby.

At this time, Zed's E skill improved again. Teacher Ma calculated the blood volume and saw the fortune teller approaching the shadow, and he felt excited.

"Kill one Brother Li, and then kill another Brother Li."

"Hey~~, look at me, then look back and dig~!"

The R of the second stage of the robbery came to the fortune teller, and a full level E trick fortune master was severely disabled.

The passive basic attack with soul-destroying calamity will harvest the life of the fortune-teller.

However, before his basic attack came out, the fortune teller, who had been prepared, directly adjusted his position to the direction of the shadow, and the bullet in his hand shot out!

"——I am awakened from the filth and mud. I am the burning green lotus. I am the only beauty!"

This is a whispering passive, the last shot of the fortune teller!

This shot was stuck at the limit, locked in front of the Shadow Stream Lord's sure kill.

This is a performance that the fortune teller uses his life as a seduce.

At this moment, the curtain gradually rises.


——This is your curtain call!


With a scream, the Lord of Shadow Stream fell to the ground.


"Damn, this is wrong, why is there such high damage!"

Teacher Ma was shocked, "It's such a pity. I was just one step away. If this passive hit was on the fortune teller, he would definitely die. Brother Wolfberry's reaction was too fast. He reacted the moment I did the second stage of R." Yes, I only need a few tenths of a second to kill the fortune teller."

"This is my chance to double kill Brother Li!"

"However, killing a Brother Li is not a loss."

As Teacher Ma talked, he picked up the white porcelain rice bowl and ate some rice to calm down.

The barrage was already boiling.

"Oh~, I looked back and took it out again, bang! It feels so uncomfortable~"

"Old Ma, if you take out one Brother Li, you should leave. If you take out more, it is simply greedy."

"Brother wolfberry is still brother wolfberry, old horse is in trouble."

"Show is indeed a show, and fishing is really fishing. Brother Li is still your Brother Li."

"You don't wear sick cotton-padded jackets, otherwise you will have the power to fight."

In front of the screen, Li Hao was also slightly surprised. Lao Ma was getting excited. He almost became the background just now.

At 17 minutes and 25 seconds of the fight between the two sides, a teamfight broke out again near Xiaolong. Guapi abandoned Li Hao and took the initiative to start a teamfight.

This wave is really cool. The second company of WQ flashes, and the Gnar, Spider and EZ on the opposite side are all knocked away.

Uzi, who had just been chased and beaten all the way and barely escaped with only one-third of his health left, stopped instantly.

On the screen, three white lines suddenly appeared!

IQ suddenly decreased by 60%!

——Although I have wandered around the world, I have not lost my true heart~!

In Li Hao's surprised eyes, Uzi flew up.

——Soria Kratom! !

E has no hesitation, the violent wind kills with breathlessness!

When Ben Ji saw Brother Li rushing forward, of course he would not let it go. The excavator dug a tunnel and rushed into the crowd.

PDD shouted "fried squid with rice and rice" and the crocodile was cut open.

For a moment, it seemed that Li Hao was a bit 'unsociable'.

Yasuo didn't do any damage at all. At this time, his position was close to the red side and the buff wall. Aguang's mouth was almost crooked in Gnar's state.


Danar roared angrily and slapped him with his backhand, sending all three people, including the crocodile, flying into the wall.


Teacher Ma's face darkened: "They don't know anything about power at all (emphasis added)!"

"Ding~~!" The ghost knife opened.

Forbidden truth! Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation!

Nami fired a big move with her backhand, causing chaos near the blue buff.

Yasuo was instantly killed when he was robbed, and Lao Ma was still preparing to continue the operation. The good brother whore teacher's red fury W knocked him out directly, and the flat A received the tyrant's mad attack and knocked down a large amount of the Shadow Stream Lord's health.

Li Hao saw the opportunity, Kai Youmeng stepped forward, AQW crippled the robbery, Teacher Ma got the control chain, and was shot to death by the fortune teller.

The bull head took the effect of his ultimate move and fled away with residual health. The stupid chicken sold by the big devil was controlled by Nami again. Gnar was also dealing damage to the stupid chicken, and EZ took his head.

The crocodile has become the target of the red side's attack. The prostitute teacher now only has health and little resistance. As the red side chases A, he will soon have residual health.

The blue side retreated while fighting, and EZ saw that the effect of the bull's head ultimate move disappeared.

Arcane Leap plus WQA took away the big devil's head again. Li Hao hit EZ with a basic attack. Crocodile's second set of skills improved and output EZ together.

Mouse flashed closer and threw his Q skill towards the fortune teller's face.

Li Hao dodged and did not suffer the slowdown.

And with the help of flash, he shortened the distance with EZ, and then cooperated with the crocodile output, and the next AQ shot killed EZ.

The crocodile, which was still alive, fought with the spider, and was finally bitten to death by the spider's unique skill Q.

The three men on the red side chased the fortune teller who did not flash. Gnar stepped on the fortune teller's E skill, and Li Hao took the opportunity to use the fourth whisper passive.

This critical hit triggered the passive acceleration effect.

With this acceleration, he narrowly avoided spider cocoons.

The spider flashed and closed the distance to attack the fortune teller. Li Hao waited for the next basic attack and AW immobilized the spider.

At the same time, gain the movement speed bonus of the cadenza effect.

On the screen, the lame fortune teller started running.

Gnar and Nami were also chasing. Nami flashed the bubble and blocked the fate master from moving down the road.

Li Hao pressed out the treatment he had just transferred, accelerated his lateral movement to avoid the blisters, and turned around to shoot A Spider.

The increased blood volume caused by the treatment prevented Spider from killing the fortune teller at once. After Jhin fired the second shot, Spider died.

Gnar, who was slowed down by the E skill, finally caught up. Li Hao's position was already close to the wall, and there was no room to move.

Gnar's Q skill hit, and he cooperated with Nami to hit the three rings, successfully killing the fortune teller.

At this moment, the entire red party breathed a sigh of relief.

This cripple's movement is too flexible. If they had one more displacement skill, they might even be kited.

Damn, there are no virtual warriors under the great reputation (except for the bull-headed Yasuo in this game), Brother Wolfberry is really strong!

"Three kills! My Brother Wolfberry has a C!"

"Brother Wolfberry moves around to output, and he's all maxed out. This wave of summoners on the opposite side has too many skills, otherwise they really have to show off."

"Seeing the first-person perspective, I understand the gap even more. I am so brave and my skills are really good all the time!"

"Brother Wolfberry is a veteran, I'm a waste!"

"It's still difficult, Bull-headed Yasuo, two groups will destroy the engine."


The water friends were chatting happily in the barrage, and they also saw another person in the camera.

That's right, it's Gangzi.

Moreover, Gangzi's voice can also be heard.

"Brother Hao, if you do this, Lwx and I will lose our jobs."

The young man with thick eyebrows also came over from the left side of the video. Lin Weixiang has been watching the battle:

"Brother Hao, teach me how to play AD!"

Li Hao smiled: "Okay, you professional ADs shouldn't say such things. AD is my best position. Look at my huge advantage, I can't even win a team battle."

"Stupid chicken:???"

"Uzi: Huh?"

"Faker: You named him directly, right?"

"AD is the worst position to play. Listen, is this human talk?"

In the live broadcast room, Liu Qingsong's voice was heard again: "Brother Hao, this Niutou is not good. If I assist you, these Gnar and Spider will not give them a chance to get close."

"Look at this team fight, no one cares about AD."

"But Zed opposite is also very cute. He didn't even look at Brother Hao until the crowd gave him away."

Li Hao smiled and said: "What nonsense are you telling the truth? Isn't Teacher Ma the end of K? It's true when you get the money in your hand."

A group of professional players were discussing, and the water friends could hear it clearly.

Suddenly, someone stabbed Brother Wolfberry in the back.

In Teacher Ma's live broadcast room, someone immediately pointed out that he was not targeting fortune tellers.

Suddenly, Li Hao's life became difficult.

Keep an eye on him for this calamity.

If this bull head was a normal assistant, then Li Hao would not be afraid.

However, this Guapi support player still has a heart for carrying.

At the beginning of the 23rd minute, Niutou made a scene in the middle.

However, Teacher Ma is also unkind.

Directly use a set of instant prison shadow killing array to kill the bull head.

"Pi, rind, rind, melon rind!"

"This man is really brave and not afraid of death. Although you, Alistar, are flesh, you really don't know anything about my harm. Wow, I feel so uncomfortable and annoyed. You, the big devil, are like a leather sofa."

What Li Hao didn't expect was that this game lasted for more than 40 minutes.

His fortune teller has already scored 18 kills.

The damage is super explosive, but both of his high ground have been pushed down.

The red side attacked one after another, and the prostitute turned a crocodile into a green flower and stood near the fortune teller, using his W to protect it.

The two of them worked hard to guard the super soldiers at home, and a battle broke out in the second tower on the road.

The Bullhead knocks Gnar and Spider away, Yasuo connects with R, and the Excavator digs a tunnel and rushes into the formation.

Li Hao had no choice but to move to the high ground on the top road and activate his ultimate move to support the battle.

The blue side played a wave of three for one. Li Hao got the head on the high ground and killed Gnar with the last shot.

Jie Kai Youmeng came over, and Li Hao also opened Youmeng to retreat.

In the YY voice, Li Hao smiled bitterly and said:

"Hurry up and destroy it."

The prostitute teacher couldn't help laughing when he heard his desperate tone.

The two of them fought hard in the inner tower. Nami picked up R's blisters, and Zed opened fire on the fortune teller. The fate master flashed each other, and Zed flashed to follow up. Li Hao had no room to operate.


If we win, we are all good brothers. If we lose, we will check the results one by one.

Yasuo 2/10/5, Digger 3/7/9, Niutou got double-double data 0/11/10.

With these three war criminals here, Li Hao can't win even if his waist is broken.

That is Rank. The opponent gave many opportunities. For example, after Teacher Ma developed into a mature character, he started the Ma family invasion, which was quite wasteful.

If the opponent's cooperation was better, this game might not last 30 minutes.

Although the game was lost, the atmosphere was really hot.

Just by looking at the barrage that filled the screen, you could tell how terrifying the heat was.

There were too many gifts. Li Hao wanted to thank them one by one, but he gave up after reading a few IDs, otherwise he would have to read IDs all night.

After that, he and Sao Zhu played 4 more games in a row, and he was selected in the middle of these 4 games.

Being able to commentate and play high-end games at the same time does have a certain impact. Moreover, because it was the first live broadcast, it also gave some benefits to the fans. He basically chose the hero by watching the barrage.

I won 3 out of 4 Rank games, and the one I lost later, the bottom lane and jungle collapsed directly.

This game is always a team game. Without good teammates, the impact will be particularly great.

However, in almost every game, Li Hao contributed actions that amazed the audience.

Many studios that do small league video editing work really have a lot of material this time.

Especially Brother Shuang Li's one made this group of people extremely excited.

Just posting those IDs is probably a huge amount of traffic, not to mention there are so many celebrity scenes.

After that, Saozhu said goodbye and left, and Li Hao was ready to go off the air.

But the screen was full of "One more billion", so he had to explain that he had a game with EDG tomorrow and couldn't play too late tonight to affect his condition.

Finally, the water friends asked him to go to the female anchor for a ward check.

Unable to bear it, these people wanted Seese so much that Li Hao could only satisfy their bad taste.

So, when waves of terrifying traffic were introduced into the singing and dancing live broadcast rooms, the dense barrage shocked the young anchors.

For small anchors, this is an opportunity!

Moreover, Brother Hao is not only an inspirational boy, but also a great beauty!

So all kinds of soft words kept people in mind, and Brother Hao shouted very seductively.

In fact, Li Hao was quite embarrassed. These people were so mean and he felt so ashamed.


Some people say that Brother Hao was smiling the whole time when he was watching the female anchor, and his mask of indifference had long been thrown into the trash can.

Some people say that the Frozen Throne has disappeared and the indifferent emperor has entered the gentle land.

Some people say that Brother Hao entered Sister Zhou's live broadcast room and was looking forward to it at first, but then Brother Hao slipped away after Sister Zhou said a few words.

Some people say that several female anchors who were inspected later clicked on Brother Hao's live broadcast room, and then couldn't leave because they stared at the criminal appearance.

Some people say that Brother Hao shouldn't be so gentle, which led to the young lady's heart being stolen.

Some people also said: Brother Hao seemed to be weak and sluggish after a few rounds of ward rounds, and then Cuihua 'just happened' to bring a thermos cup.

Then, something terrible happened in the live broadcast room.

When the live broadcast camera swept across Li Hao's desktop, in addition to discovering those cute figures that exposed the heart of Brother Hao's middle school girl, everyone also saw a box of wolfberries with quite exquisite packaging!

This was exactly what Mr. Snake sent to Li Hao when he injured his wrist last time.

As if others can’t see it, the four characters ‘health-preserving wolfberry’ are really obvious.

For a time, health + wolfberry was really criticized by water friends! Heavy hammer!

Li Hao really didn't expect to be stabbed in the back by Mr. Snake this time.

He explained cheerfully, and then opened the thermos cup to show the water friends.

What surprised Li Hao was that inside his thermos cup.

There are actually wolfberries! !

This made Li Hao completely confused.

"Brother Hao, I bought it from the stall. It tastes very good. I'll give it to you to try."

Cuihua stretched out her hand to touch her fair face and said sheepishly:

"I want to learn from Brother Hao, but I don't know much about it. I don't know if I am buying the right one."

"Does it still taste to you? Brother Hao."

Li Hao nodded at him.



This wave of back stabs from Cuihua was truly unexpected.

So, water friends launched another wave of super stone hammers! Heavy hammer!

"Brother Wolfberry, there is no need to explain. Every wolfberry in the thermos cup tells the truth."

"Hahaha, these wolfberries are pretty good at hiding. When we come to the next live broadcast, you can spread the wolfberries all over the place."

"Being the god of war on the field, and doing health maintenance at the base. Kidney deficiency has nowhere to hide, and Brother Hao sheds tears."

The e-sports old man burst into tears and sighed: "I always thought Brother Wolfberry was just a joke, but I didn't expect it to be true. It's not easy for a veteran. He drained his energy in his peak years and was devastated under his glory. Brother Wolfberry, take care of yourself. Don’t fall down, we still want to see you continue fighting!”

"Yes, Brother Wolfberry, I am also a pig butcher. We almost became peers. Tomorrow I will send some kidneys to the Snake Team base to supplement your supplies."

Many female anchors who were inspected before were also asked by netizens, "What do you think about Brother Wolfberry being beaten?"

Many young ladies said: "I can protect Brother Wolfberry, and I can also be a sister."

Many licking dogs are very sad and only regret that they do not have the charm of Brother Wolfberry.

Li Hao ended the live broadcast with a strange mood.

He stared at his ancestral thermos cup for a while, then picked it up and took a sip.

A stone hammer is a stone hammer.

Tonight, he had a good dream.

In the dream, there are still some shy scenes.

He slept soundly here, but over there at the Dousha TV headquarters, he had no sleep tonight.

Dousha No. 111 live broadcast room, all kinds of celebrities! famous!

This means that the upper limit of Dousha TV has been exceeded.

The arrival of TheKing will directly lift the ceiling of Dousha TV!

"Mr. Chen, I have a biological mother~~, I'm looking at the data here, and everyone is dumbfounded!"

Minister Zhang’s hair was messy and his black collar was covered with dandruff, but he didn’t notice it at all and shouted excitedly:

"We really found a treasure!"

"In just a few hours, the real number of people in the background exceeded 1.2 million! What an exaggerated figure!"

"Moreover, these fans are extremely sticky, and their bounce rate is almost the lowest in the industry!"

At this time, a staff member from the data office turned around and said, "I just watched TheKing's live broadcast, it was very exciting."

"And TheKing is a lot different from what we imagined. He is very humorous during his live broadcast and speaks elegantly, but it is very interesting. I also play League of Legends, and I also like to watch this kind of live broadcast."


Mr. Chen's mouth was also grinning widely. Of course he could see that the 111 live broadcast room reached level 100 in one day, locking the position of the No. 1 brother of Dou Shark from the first day of broadcast.

That night, other live broadcast platforms also obtained relevant data from Dousha through various means.

Suddenly, they were numb!

If I had known this was the case, I could have been given a big contract of 40 million or 100 million!

Mr. Chen of Dou Shark made another decision, "Let's talk to Li Hao. Let's modify the contract a little bit, increase his reward share a little more, and make it the highest level of Dou Shark!"

Minister Zhang nodded, Mr. Chen is very smart.

Li Hao has this kind of traffic, and the platform has already made a lot of money.

A little reward share is not worth much, but it gives goodwill and respect.

Although the contract lasts for two years, there is nothing wrong with forming a good relationship in advance.

The next morning, a big news appeared on all the major e-sports sections.

TheKing's Dou Shark debuted, and the data exploded, creating Dou Shark's highest popularity of 800 million! He became the first brother of Dousha.

In just a few hours of live broadcast, many memes became popular.

The online P-picture monsters have their work cut out for them.

The two Li brothers were placed on a table, one holding a thermos cup of soaked wolfberry, and the other holding the bomb Erguotou.

Big Demon King: You are Enjing and Jie, tons, tons, tons.

Brother Wolfberry: What is the solution to kidney deficiency? Tons, tons, tons.

Netizens made fun of him, but they still fully demonstrated their love for Brother Hao.

Although the popularity does not represent the specific number of people, it still tells everyone who is the most popular person!

At around two o'clock in the afternoon on March 18, everyone in Snake got on the bus and headed to the venue.

When they arrived at Zhengda Square, the battle between OMG and QG was in full swing.

OMG's momentum has suddenly changed recently. They changed their jungler, World6, also known as World Girl, who replaced Juejue in the starting lineup.

Although this person makes silly mistakes from time to time, his playing style is fierce and aggressive, and his hand speed and operation are very fast. He has attracted a lot of attention recently.

Another very important point is that after the fight with The King, Leng Shao seemed to be stimulated and his state suddenly became fierce.

Marco's output was still stable, and for a while, under the mysterious chemical reaction, OMG seemed to have set off a small wave of recovery.

59e, which was originally lying flat, is now slightly upright.

"Congratulations OMG!"

"This is a great win. At 26 minutes and 1 seconds, with a head count of 13-3, QG collapsed in the bottom lane and was crushed by OMG."

"Old thief Sima got three kills. His last shot was a critical hit and knocked out half of Wheel Mother's blood. It's quite amazing!"

Wawa agreed: "Yes, let me congratulate OMG. They have gained another point and are currently ranked third in Group A. I hope they can perform well in the future."

"Next, it's Snake's turn to compete with EDG!"

"After more than half a year, this is also the first regular season contest between the two teams."

"Snake is on the way to 7 consecutive victories, with strong momentum. I wonder if EDG can stop Snake's winning streak in this game."

At five o'clock in the evening, the players from the two teams entered the venue on time.

In the Snake player's seat, Li Hao has already debugged the equipment.

He began to count the days again.

The next wave of health care time is coming soon.

('-'*ゞGood morning, brothers, good night!

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