LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 154 Times have changed, things have changed and people have changed

What makes EDG fans very disappointed is that in today's first BO3 game, the hot man still plays the no-fight card.

The person sitting in the jungle position of EDG is still Fireloli.

BP was quick, and the lineups of both sides were locked.

Blue Snake: Rambo, Excavator, Victor, Ice, Tam

Red square EDG: wine barrel, male gun, clockwork, Varus, Braum

In the first game, both sides were relatively stable. No kills occurred in the first 7 minutes. There were a few small battles online. Except for the bottom lane AD who both handed over double moves, the middle and top lanes were relatively peaceful.

At 7 minutes and 25 seconds, it was EDG who took the lead.

When Ai Luoli's male gun support arrived on the road, Mouse's wine barrel launched a beautiful ultimate move. The holy gun brother hesitated for the first time and did not cross-dodge, and was blasted back by the exploding wine barrel.

Aguang threw a rolling wine barrel during the impact of the meat bomb, Ping A smashed the drunken and violent special effects, and Rambo fell directly to less than half health.

After the male gun was in place, the yordles dared to die if they dared to catch him.

A fierce scream sounded on the road, and the wine barrel got first blood.

After EDG tasted the sweetness, one minute later, they caught it again.

In addition to the wild male gun, the clockwork in the middle is also here.

After receiving Li Hao's signal, Holy Spear Brother released a big move towards the red side's next wave of soldiers. The tower was no longer needed and he ran away.

Clockwork and the male gun did not give up at the first time, and caught the upper road along the blue zone.

The primary school boy flashed across the wall of the Demon Swamp Frog and gave the QR in the direction of Rambo!

Flandre, who was mentally prepared, pressed Flash in time and was not hit by the clockwork ultimate move.

The two EDG midfielders squatted in the grass behind the previous tower. The next wave of troops also came from the second tower to the first tower, but Rambo did not come online at all.

On the big screen, Rambo was squatting in the grass a little in front of the left side of the second tower, closing in on himself.

Flando is not stupid, he doesn't want to eat this Rambo military training package.

On Snake's side, Li Hao and Cuihua captured him, while Zet and Meiko had already withdrawn.

The two sides planned to exchange one tower, but due to the previous clearing of Rambo's ultimate move, Snake's bottom line was advanced. There were four of them, and the tower was faster. The first blood tower was taken by Snake.

When EDG destroyed Snake's first tower, Snake and others had already arrived at the Xiaolong Pit and started to fight the first water dragon.

At this time, on the big screen, because EDG was growing when Snake was fighting the dragon, EDG was slightly ahead on the economic panel, but it only fluctuated around 200 yuan.

After Li Hao saw the middle line of troops, he determined that EDG had given up on this little dragon, so he took the first step to capture the troops.

Scout's clockwork is also back online.

Li Hao moved to avoid Clockwork's Q, and used his backhand to output. Starting from a weak soldier, the death ray, after killing the minion, swept diagonally towards Clockwork.

The junior student reacted quickly, put on a defensive shield on himself, and stepped forward to actively exchange blood.

The basic attack distance of both sides is exactly the same, but Li Hao's siphon energy hand is longer.

QA hit Thunder, Scout only made one basic attack with A, but CD's Q skill turned good again in only about 3.5 seconds.

Pulling the ball laterally, anticipating Victor's backward position.

Unfortunately, Li Hao advanced instead of retreating, and turned around to throw a chaotic storm!

Scout was surprised. He didn't expect Li Hao to have such a bad temper.

His Q skill was wrong, but relying on Clockwork's passivity, he was not afraid of facing Victor with A. However, after the opponent's ultimate move, the junior did not dare to continue the basic attack.

With only half health, Clockwork was taking drugs while retreating. Li Hao launched another basic attack. After crippling Scout, he did not pursue him again. Instead, he used his ultimate move to quickly clear out the minions on the line.

At this time, Xiaolong also happened to be killed.

"You can kill him, Zhanran will go first, and Gangzi will be the best."

"no problem."

"Scout didn't dodge, he just used it when he caught me." Flandre reminded again.

Backstage at EDG, Abramovich saw Snake's actions, and the director was sitting next to him, watching the game together.

They were all a little worried. Scout didn't go far and obviously wanted to take advantage of him.

Victor is moving forward, and now that he has no ultimate, he feels less of a threat, but this is really a trap.

After Ai Luoli saw Clockwork's health and soldier lines, he instinctively looked from the red buff side toward the middle. There was no excavator in the F6 camp.

However, Victor's positioning was a bit radical. Ai Luoli guessed that the excavator was nearby. In order to protect Scout, Ai Luoli also took the initiative to abandon the stone monster and support the middle.

Snake saw the male gun, but he still didn't give up on this move.

If there were only two people, Excavator and Victor, the risk of jumping over the tower would be very high.


When Cuihua's excavator excavated a tunnel from the red square tower against the wall of the blue area, and then connected the flash top to knock the clockwork away, a magic crystal arrow was accurately shot into the EDG tower from near the river. .

As soon as Scout landed, he was hit by a magic crystal arrow and couldn't do any operations.

After the excavator hits the QAE, immediately go outside the tower.

Love Loli attacks the excavator and follows EQWR!

The excavator was disabled, but the male gun was blocked by Li Hao's gravity field and could no longer pursue it.

The previous wave of damage to Clockwork was the foreshadowing. Facing Clockwork that was stunned by the ice, Li Hao raised his hand to QEA, and with a powerful sound of electric welding, Clockwork was emptied of its health bar.

Victor got the first kill, and the head ratio between the two sides came to 1-1.

The wave of soldiers in the middle cannot be eaten by Clockwork.

After defeating Xiaolong, the bottom duo switched lanes directly to the center. Ai Luoli was unable to defend alone. In order to protect one of her towers, they forced Aguang's barrel transfer from the top lane to defend the tower.

Brother Holy Spear's TP gap was beaten back, and he took two more waves of soldiers, breathing a big sigh of relief.

EDG also wants to develop steadily as before.

However, Snake's lineup has reached the point of strength and rhythm, and he doesn't want to continue to drag it down.

1 minute and 40 seconds later, Han Bing's ultimate move improved again, and Snake began to look for opportunities.

Their goal is very clear, clockwork.

For the current EDG, if the Scout, the carry, is killed, tactically, half the success is achieved.

At the beginning of 12 minutes, Liu Qingsong's Tam drove Han Bing to a bush with Snake's real eye.

Just in the blue zone of EDG.

Clockwork in the middle was facing off nervously with Victor. Suddenly, a magic crystal arrow shot across from his jungle area unprepared.

With a bang, the clockwork froze in place.

Victor moved forward, placing the gravity field at the feet of Clockwork, and then received the death ray as soon as the siphon energy was released. After the Chaos Storm was thrown, along with the thunder, a normal attack with extra magic damage struck Scout heavily.

On the big screen, Victor confidently turned around to clear his troops.

Clockwork was directly electrocuted to death after the subsequent damage from the Chaos Storm.

Snake's movements were very fast, and the bottom duo immediately rushed to the middle and worked together to push down EDG's remaining health and hit a tower.

They did not retreat and continued to push forward.

Flandre teleports to a cannon soldier to buy Snake time to demolish the second tower.

Zet and Meiko rushed to defend from the bottom lane, and Rambo used his ultimate skills on Varus and the male gun.

Zet fired a big move towards Rambo with his backhand, and dealt subsequent QE damage.

Ai Luoli E has a constant temperature burning effect, and QWR is about to kill Rambo.

Unfortunately, before the male gun's final bomb exploded, Tam swallowed Rambo in one gulp. Liu Qingsong took Flandre and evacuated from the tower with ease. EDG had no way to do anything.

The wine barrel on the road arrived a step late because it was not teleported.

Varus, who was crippled by Rambo's ultimate move, was hit by Victor's death ray again. Zet was afraid that the excavator would force it open and did not dare to stand forward.

EDG's second tower in the middle was also pushed down, which was really a wave of explosion.

Backstage, Abu said with emotion: "Snake has seized this opportunity really well."

"It would have been better if Aguang had retreated earlier. Rambo relied on his ability to teleport and was obviously deliberately trying to pull him off. Snake had planned to demolish the two towers in the middle from the beginning."

Qi Jiang twisted her mouth: "Li Hao is a typical old silver coin. Snake is so difficult to deal with. In addition to his personal strength, he also has this bitch's command."

"You're right, sometimes I think his command is scarier than his operation."

"We had a big advantage in the early stage with this one, but Scout and the others were in a hurry. Flandre was so naughty, and it was a waste of time if they didn't catch it. Clockwork should continue to develop online and involve Victor, the male gun Continue to clear the jungle, and at the same time help Chongzhang improve his vision."

"That wave of changing towers was actually very bad. They also lost a dragon. Snake caught the rhythm point and their lineup became stronger. If they follow the initial rhythm, they will wait until the male gun and Verus have developed. , Braun blocks the key skills, and it will be difficult to fight Snake from behind."


The factory director and Abu were discussing in the background, but the good cards had been destroyed and the situation was irreversible.

After the two defensive towers in the middle of EDG were destroyed, Ai Luoli's jungle area suffered.

Tam's joint excavator's field of vision was invaded, and the male gun not only lost control of the river crab, but his own development was also greatly affected.

At 15 minutes and 34 seconds, Mouse's barrel was caught on the top lane, Rambo got the kill, and EDG lost the first tower.

At 17 minutes and 23 seconds, the male gun who was about to use F6 was knocked away by the excavator.

Tam's giant tongue whip slowed down, and Victor gave him a gravity field. Under the damage of three people, Ailuoli was electrocuted to death by a basic attack after the welder siphoned energy.

The barrel rushed into the wild zone with a clockwork ball.

Aguang's E flash combined with the clockwork ultimate move to kill Victor!

As a result, Liu Qingsong appeared and swallowed Victor in one gulp, which attracted loud praise from the wolfberries.

Tam opened the shield and EDG couldn't drop it instantly. After Aguang was hit by the excavator, he could only use his ultimate move to blast the excavator away and run away.

Hanbing's arrow flew towards Clockwork, but Bronn jumped over and used the security door to block it, and Snake gave up his backhand.

However, they switched to the top lane and broke EDG's second tower.

EDG could only wait for the male gun to resurrect, turn down the lane and destroy Snake's next tower, seizing time to get an earth dragon, which was regarded as a resource exchange.

The pressure on the troop line and vision made EDG tremble in the next five minutes. At 19 minutes and 37 seconds, Braum went to the river to gain vision, and was caught by Snake and killed on the spot.

At present, the headcount is not far behind, but the economy has opened up.

Especially Victor, he is perfectly developed.

At 23 minutes and 12 seconds, during the team battle in Dalong Pit, EDG made a mistake.

It was originally a combination of the barrel and the clockwork, but as a result, the distance after the impact of Aguang's flesh bullet exceeded the limit of dribbling. This caused the barrel to fall into the Snake crowd, and Scout even used his ultimate move on himself.

Backstage, Abu was so angry that he stamped his feet and kicked the factory director next to him. The meaning was obvious.

If this wave cooperates well, EDG has a chance to fight.

But if you start a group like this, isn’t that a free gift?

Snake was not polite and killed the barrel first. Rambo and Han Bing used their ultimate moves to retain the male gun and successfully killed Loli.

Liu Qingsong took Li Hao on a deep sea dive, directly cutting off EDG's escape route.

Victor used W to seal the road, dodge to avoid Varus' ultimate move, and backhand Chaos Storm to Clockwork and Varus.

Zet was instantly disabled, and because he was affected by Rambo's ultimate move just now, Zet also fell after a death ray swept across it.

Before dying, Zet dealt EQ damage to Victor.

Clockwork and Bronn attacked Victor, and Scout exchanged his life with Li Hao.

Braum was stuck by Tam, Gangzi's ice came and killed Braum, and EDG was beaten to Ace.

The terrible thing is that for EDG, this wave of troops is too bad. The remaining four Snake players did not even fight the baron. They directly pushed the wave from the middle to EDG's crystal hub and demolished the two incisor towers.

Aguang and Ailuoli were resurrected one after another, but Snake didn't care at all.

Although both Han Bing and Rambo were killed, the remaining Tahm and Digger still pushed down EDG's old crystal without any suspense.

Watching the crystal fragments fly away, many 61e felt in a trance.

Last summer, EDG also fought against Snake and interrupted the opponent's 13-game winning streak.

The fight was back and forth, and the outcome was full of suspense.

Half a year later, Snake seems to be continuing the momentum it had at that time, while EDG no longer has the dominance of 16 consecutive wins.

It is true that times have changed and things have changed.

Not only EDG fans, many viewers had similar thoughts after watching it.

This Snake is too stable and may have a chance to create the glory that EDG had at that time.

After a short break, the second game between the two sides began.

The director adjusted the information to the people who arrived at EDG.

In the LPL commentary box, Wawa said: "I haven't seen the director for 6 consecutive games. Now that EDG is facing a crisis, the director finally came on the bench."

On the big screen, the ID Fireloli changed to Clearlove7.

"Yes, the factory director has logged in to see if he can lead the team to steal a point from Snake."

"If Snake wins this game again, it will be 7 consecutive victories!"

After Su Xiaoyan finished speaking, Miller next to her looked for a topic and said, "Did you watch The King's live broadcast yesterday?"

"Of course I watched it!"

"You want to say that TheKing was so carried by Yasuo and Bullhead that he lost to the game, right? Hahaha, Uzi and Demon King were really good too. TheKing had such a good mentality, and he was almost there in the end. The defense is broken."

"After playing a game like that, I'm afraid The King will feel very comfortable returning to Snake today. His teammates performed well in the last game."


In the EDG player seat, the director kept rubbing his hands.

In addition to cultivating new players, FireLoli has been allowed to appear in the spring split. There is also a very important reason why he does not play.

That is the status of the factory director himself.

He is the same age as Li Hao and has also started playing games since S2.

Now, he is definitely an out-and-out league veteran.

After a whole winter of 2016, the factory director changed his ID and seemed to still have great ambitions.

However, the Jarhead youth can clearly feel that his state has been compromised based on last season.

Originally, he was not going to play in today's game against Snake.

However, seeing Li Hao in such good condition, Qi Jiang was aroused with strong fighting spirit!

We all come from the same school, and we are all veterans who have come together from ancient WE.

You can do it, but I can’t do it without making any sense!

The moment he put on the headphones, Nanjiang's expression became serious.

"Okay, audience friends."

"Snake vs. EDG, the BP for the second game has officially begun!"

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