LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 155 Qi Jiang doubts life and is the pinnacle of time!

In the second game of BO3, EDG took the initiative to choose the blue side and Snake the red side.

EDG took down Zyra, Victor and Qinggangying in the first three moves.

Snake defeated Grasshopper, Poodle and Bronn.

"EDG grabbed Syndra on the first floor. This hero is worth grabbing, but this version of Katarina is quite easy to beat against Syndra. This hero is very difficult to control, but TheKing is very good at it. It was defeated by VG earlier. Five kills, I don’t know if this one will be chosen.”

"Oh, Snake took out the Great Tree Gaverus. These two heroes have a high and stable winning rate from 7.1 to the current 7.6."

"Excavator! The factory director locked it directly on the second floor. This is his specialty."

"On the third floor of EDG, Tam was selected."

On the big screen, Snake selected the jungler Lee Sin on the third floor.

After confirming that he had a big tree, Snake successively gave Bobby and Titan the ban position in his two hands. Mouse couldn't even think about using the three phantom gods to mess around.

Just like the on-site commentary and analysis, after Snake fought with both hands, EDG also began to think about a problem.

Do you want to bring Tam up to work?

After careful consideration, they gave the last two ban positions to the female gunner Garkat.

On the fourth floor of Snake, Fan Mom was selected.

At the EDG player table, everyone discussed it and AD was determined to be the fortune teller.

"The last move is to choose the captain for Mouse. Katarina has been banned by EDG, and they are also guarding against this move. The King's Carter is quite scary to be honest. Snake's last move is the counter position. I don't know if it will be taken by The King. What a hero."

"TheKing is really into masturbating recently. I remember playing several games in a row before."

As soon as Wawa finished speaking, Su Xiaoyan and Miller on the left and right were stunned.

There are also question marks in the barrage.

The director turned the camera to Snake's side, and it was obvious that Chris was standing behind Li Hao, and they were communicating.

In this version, Clockwork is completely optional and Snake can play, but it is very difficult to fight Syndra in the lane.

However, Snake's lineup is easier to snowball and needs to be considered together.

After seven or eight seconds passed, the avatar of a wayward boy appeared.

"——Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it."


"Snake finally locked the time assassin!"

"Ekko is a very versatile assassin-type mid laner who can be matched with any lineup. Nowadays, many players only play this hero to gain points in the pub game. After the changes of this hero this season, the appearance rate in the game has dropped sharply. But players who have used it should know that his changes allow Ekko to deal very high damage after using two pieces of equipment!"

"Yes, the damage is outrageous. Faker liked to play this hero some time ago. When he uses Rocket Belt and Lich's Bane, he can kill people instantly. The damage is incomprehensible."

The heroes on the field switch positions and the lineup is locked.

Blue side EDG: Captain, Excavator, Syndra, Jhin, Tamm.

Red Square Snake: Big Tree, Blind Monk, Ike, Varus, Fan Mom.

On the stage, Chris and Abramovich shook hands again, and the game entered the loading interface.

The skin Li Hao used this time was none other than Willful Academic Master.

So far this season, Ike has basically returned to the middle.

The designer's original intention was that Ekko was originally an AP assassin. However, due to his attributes, he switched from a semi-tank to a top lane Ekko, which became increasingly outrageous. This was obviously not what the designer wanted.

So, they spent the entire S6 secretly reducing Ike's meat attributes, and then secretly giving Ike an AP bonus.

The income from producing meaty equipment is getting lower and lower, and it can no longer stand on the top lane, forcing the Zaun boy to return to the right path.

Li Hao went out and pretended to have the Dark Seal and three biscuits. Considering that he was opposite Syndra, a junior student, otherwise he might choose the most greedy Dark Seal and the reusable potion.

Summoner skills teleport and flash.

When the sound of cheering subsided, the heroes of both sides had already walked out of the spring. There was no trouble at level 1, and everyone stood along the river.

Li Hao saw the excavator at the river crossing in the upper half of the area.

Clearlove7, how does this ID look?

So, this picture appeared.

Ctrl+3, facing Qichang, Ike used the stick in his hand as an electric guitar, playing it constantly and making "croak" and "croak" sounds.

On the EDG player bench, the factory director tilted his mouth and revealed a sinister smile. He also controlled Rek'Sai to make trembling twitching movements and made a "gurgling" sound.

It looked like a Zaunite saying hello.

But on the big screen, both Blind Sin and Syndra were moving closer.

However, because they had no control skills, the line of troops came out again, and both sides just squatted there without taking action.

The mid laner returns to the line, and the top laner prepares to help the jungler clear the jungle.

Ekko pushes the lane quickly in the early stage and has strong blood exchange, but his explosive ability is relatively average.

But after the equipment is formed in the middle and late stages, it has group control, range damage, high burst, strong mobility, and higher fault tolerance and functionality than other assassins, and can play a huge role in team battles.

Syndra is a hero with long hands. Keep a safe distance in the early stage, try not to be drained of blood, and use Q's wretched finishing knife.

This version of the Killing Ring does not have the future 40-point health bonus.

It can provide +15 points of magic power, +25% of the healing effect from potions, and +100 points of mana.

Paired with three biscuits, as long as nothing serious happens, it will be enough to survive the weakest period in the early stage.

Before Cuihua turned red, she started marking Syndra.

"Brother Hao, can I catch a wave at level 2?"

"No need to come. If Syndra presses the line, the factory will most likely be there."

"I just saw that he had a real eye, and it must be stuck on the edge of the grass in the river. If you follow the river, he will definitely be squatting on you."

Li Hao suggested: "EDG has seen your field of vision just now. Let's change the idea now. Gangzi and Yi easily guarded the lower half of the jungle. EDG has no field of vision. You go to blue."

"Go and catch him at level 3. Press the captain to death first."

"Xuanjun, go and let the red buff hit you. After it goes online, you will be wretched and use your skills."


Cuihua responded, her thoughts were quite clear.

The one who plays dirty has to be Brother Hao!

Brother Holy Spear also said excitedly: "You can indeed come. The captain showed his head just now. This Aguang Blue Crystal and reusable potion went out. He didn't feel any pressure at all, and he didn't take my Holy Spear seriously at all."

"When you come over and get a chance, I'll tie him up and kill him!"

The red buff was refreshed, Dashu A used a basic attack, and then released a Q, and was hit by the red buff.

This wave of mana consumption and blood consumption is very much like helping the jungler take damage.

In the bottom lane, Fan Mom and Verus did not use their skills. They helped the blind monk A to kill two wild monsters, and then followed the river to face the bottom lane. They went directly towards Tahm Kench and Destiny Master. Meiko and Zet went to Position yourself within the lane to avoid being poked by Fan Mom.

Snake's bottom lane laning strength is definitely better than theirs.

In the middle, Li Hao released the Time Scroll Device to collect the remaining blood soldiers.

When he made a basic attack, Scout seized the opportunity and hit the dark ball.

Li Hao smiled, the junior student was still too young at the moment.

He controlled Ekko to put away his basic attack, moved back to easily avoid the deceived magic ball, and then turned back to perform a basic attack to receive a last hit.

It was inevitable to be bitten by Syndra, but that was completely acceptable.

The first wave of 6 knives was supplemented to 4.

Because the younger brother was thinking about consumption, he only made up to 5, missing one knife.

At 2 minutes and 08 seconds, the second wave of minions in the middle came online. While they were still in a vertical row, Li Hao threw his Q skill at the first front row soldier at close range.

The Time Scroller just scraped through six minions, and when Q came back, it once again touched six minions perfectly.

The health of the ranged soldiers in the back row is almost half.

After taking Syndra's Q, Li Hao A'd the two soldiers in the front row. When the second Q turned around, A killed the remaining health soldier, and followed with a Q to take away all the second wave of soldiers.

At this time, the military line advanced directly towards EDG and reached the foot of Syndra Tower.

If Scout wants not to miss a sword, he must pay mana for his skills.

At 2 minutes and 35 seconds, Cuihua's blind monk also took away the red buff. He clicked on the explosive fruit above the big dragon pit and climbed directly over the terrain, avoiding the eye position of the river.

Cuihua didn't brush the river crabs, but went on the road after smelling the prey.

Both the big tree and the captain are only level 2, and the troops are in line, very close to the Snake defense tower!

At 2 minutes and 44 seconds, you can see the third wave of artillery soldiers arriving a little in front of the defense tower on the upper road. Aguang also realized it. After killing the soldiers with one Q shot, he was ready to ward.

For Aguang, it's never too late to insert his ward.

The judgment of this EDG is that the blind monk is normally red.

This time point should be in the lower half of the area. Snake has an obvious advantage in the bottom lane, but Zet and Meiko are careful enough and difficult to catch. Then the blind monk has a high probability of brushing the river crabs, and then goes to the middle lane to help level 3 Ekko.

The factory director almost thought the same thing. Because there was no lane right in the bottom lane, the factory director had no intention of grabbing the river crabs, and he didn't even try to farm the stone monsters in the first place.

He is prepared to sacrifice a little experience to help build an advantage in the middle.

As long as the counter-crouching is successful, at least the opponent's summoner's skills can be used, or even killed.

Therefore, after defeating the red buff, the excavator began to squat on the outside edge of the F6 wall.

F6 was quite delicious, but Ancestor Seven restrained himself.

Backstage at EDG, Abu stamped his feet anxiously.

The factory director was so smart that he was misled by his cleverness!

This time, Snake completely guessed what the factory director was going to do.

If everyone in OMG is on the fifth floor, then the factory director is on the seventh floor, and Snake's plan is obviously on the eighth floor.

As for Aguang, the screen will go black soon!

Exactly as Abu expected, after the arrival of the blind monk, the tree, which had always been very wretched, showed its sinister look. W moved forward and controlled the captain with twisting thrusts.

The blind monk took advantage of the big tree to control it, and Tianyin wave kicked Aguang.

This Q shot hit, and the captain was sentenced to death.

The second stage of Q follows up and uses basic attacks to destroy muscles and bones!

——Ah it hurts!

The blind man with the red and blue Buff sent the captain home with a few subsequent kicks.

The factory director looked at what was happening on the road with a depressed look on his face. He no longer hid, and prepared to go around and gank Ike, but Li Hao kept his position near the upper river and did not give him a chance.

In desperation, the factory director could only brush the river crabs in the lower half of the area.

Then he entered the Cuihua Wild Area and ate the Demon Swamp Frog, thus cutting his losses slightly.

The blind monk chose to return to the city after taking away the stone monster and F6.

At 4 minutes and 12 seconds, there is the second wave of artillery soldiers in the middle. Li Hao is now at level 4 like Scout. He has 20 last hits, only two behind, and there is basically no problem in the line.

With two consecutive Qs and the passive three rings, this big wave line was easily closed.

Although Syndra dealt damage when he withdrew his troops, Li Hao didn't care.

After he cleared the line, he immediately chose to return to the city.

Scout's skill hit him, causing the troop line to enter the first tower in the blue square.

In this case, Ekko's early disadvantage period has passed.

I went home and bought a straw sandal, an amplification book, and a real eye.

When returning to the line again, Syndra happened to push the line of troops into her own defense tower, and Scout returned to the city.

There was too much pressure on the bottom lane and the factory manager came over to catch them.

However, it was just to force away the Snake duo, they were in great shape.

Look at Zet's Jhin. All the medicine on his body has been consumed, and only half a tube of blood is left.

At 5 minutes and 54 seconds, Li Hao cleared the minions in the middle and upgraded to 6.

The blind monk walked up the road, cutting off the captain's retreat.

At this time, the red soldier on the road had already arrived in front of the captain's tower, and Dashu was at A, the last gun truck blocking the soldier line.

"Mouse realized it and wanted to escape directly from the blind monk."

"Ekko TP is in the eye position of the blind monk, Mouse can only return to the tower."

"This wave of soldiers cannot be cleared, they are gone!"

Under the red square tower, the big tree activates its ultimate move and throws out saplings. W controls the captain's courage to trigger the colossus and carries the tower. The blind monk and Q deal damage, and Mouse is missing a wave of soldiers. He has not yet reached six, and he cannot release his ultimate move under the tower.

Li Hao controlled Ekko to arrive, threw Q during the phase dive (E), and then followed up with a basic attack. The EQAA combo is often used to gank opponents who are out of position and under control, to quickly hit three rings.

But this time the three rings exploded, and Mouse's screen went black.

"EDG feels uncomfortable!"

"The Holy Spear Brother Big Tree and Ike can both carry the tower. The Thunder Blind Man also does a lot of damage. The Big Tree has control and tankiness. The Captain has no ability to resist under the tower. These three people can constantly jump over the tower to kill."

"Scout's Syndra and the factory director came to the bottom lane together, but there was no chance here. Liu Qingsong turned around to RQ, and Varus shot an arrow. The two of them were very stable, and they left without any soldiers."

The factory director had no choice but to invade Snake's blue zone and help Syndra grab a blue buff.

Li Hao cleared a wave of lanes in the middle and returned directly to the city. He made a red crystal and a Hex revolver, and added a real eye.

At 8 minutes and 01 seconds, Flandre kept marking Syndra's head. He controlled the tree and had reached the river.

On the line, Li Hao threw a Q at the incoming wave of soldiers. With his current damage, two Qs could clear the wave of soldiers.

Scout didn't want Ike to roam around so comfortably anymore. He came over from F6, used his telekinesis to grab the magic ball and threw it into the pile of soldiers. Then he used the E skill to push all the soldiers into the enemy.

However, Scout had just walked close to the river when Ike, who was standing in the river below, suddenly came over.

At the same time, Ekko throws Time Interlace (W).

Li Hao's W skill predicts the position of returning to the tower behind Syndra.

Flandre's big tree wraps around the wall, and Scout can no longer escape.

Syndra walked back, walking on the edge of the time field. Ike phase dived closer, and the extreme distance stunned Syndra!

Scout knew he was going to suffer a loss this time, but he didn't panic.

But when the big tree flashed across the wall and came out of the corner, his mood collapsed.

Facing Syndra, the two used a set of skills, and were finally killed by Ekko's basic attack.

"The King's prediction is very accurate. Scout should be more careful. This flash dunk is too deadly. When he sees himself standing on the edge of W, he should cross-dodge."

"However, he didn't have a position for the big tree at that time. Mouse had just arrived online, and it felt like the big tree had returned. Unexpectedly, it was a very spiritual gank."

Su Xiaoyan interjected: "I think it's still a problem of vision. In the upper half of the river, EDG's vision is basically completely blocked."

"Now TheKing's Ekko has 2 kills, and EDG's double C are heroes without displacement. It will be difficult to fight later."

In the EDG player seat, the director's face didn't look good.

To be honest, this fight was a bit tiring.

I have to help all three roads, and there are also F6 and other wild monsters to fight, so I am simply overwhelmed.

When they played in the LPL last season, EDG had Mr. Dai and a sister as control in the bottom lane, so they didn't have to worry about it at all. But it's different now, and things often happen.

He is also used to taking care of the bottom lane, and basically takes care of the top lane.

The factory director felt a little regretful. When doing BP just now, he should have grabbed the big tree first.

A Guang, the captain, is obviously unstable.

How the last EDG took care of Rambo, this time Snake takes care of the captain.

What's terrible is that, due to a series of reasons, the captain couldn't hold on. Now he wants to develop and take shape, and he doesn't know when.

Pressing Tab, Nanjiang once again confirmed that the guy had two heads.

The killing ring is also at level 4.

The factory director had a bad premonition, but he didn't expect that this premonition would come true so quickly.

After Syndra died, Ekko pushed troops into the tower and the Excavator came to defend the line.

After Li Hao bought Fa Wearing Shoes, he TPed to the bottom lane with Dashu at 9 minutes and 15 seconds.

Snake quickly made a four-for-two. Although Tam swallowed Jhin and quickly ran away from the tower, after the tree controlled the fate master, Varus flashed and gave him the Chain of Corruption (R)!

Zet was retained, and after Ekko hit three rings, the Time Scroller pulled back and took Jhin's head.

The four of them jumped directly over the tower and killed Mieko's Tahm, whose head was taken off by Varus' piercing arrow.

The four Snakes took advantage of the situation and pushed down a tower on the bottom lane.

Economically, EDG has fallen behind by more than 2,000 yuan.

Returning to the middle to capture the army line, Ike went home and made a rocket belt.

At 14 minutes and 26 seconds, while the Snake duo and the jungler went to fight the dragon, Mouse threw his ultimate move into the dragon pit in an attempt to grab the dragon. The director controlled the excavator to gank in the middle.

He communicated well with Scout, and when Ike was close to the river in the lower half, he directly dug a tunnel to receive a flash top to knock him away!

The factory director is an experienced excavator. He has done this set of operations countless times, and he works smoothly and very quickly.

However, even though it was only a short moment, Ike in front of me reacted!

A phase dive, extremely avoiding the knock-up range!

The factory director's pupils suddenly dilated!

Syndra's W hit Ike, Li Hao turned around and threw the time scroller towards the excavator, followed the next E and teleported to the excavator, struck a blow, and took the opportunity to dodge the magic ball pushed by Syndra's weak retreat. ! !

An extreme operation happened in an instant, causing the audience to scream!

The factory director moved his position, and Li Hao pressed out his rocket belt to take the initiative. When the second stage Q was about to be pulled back, he moved and allowed the second stage Q to hit the excavator accurately. The overflow damage directly severely disabled the factory director!

Li Hao chased the A excavator and at the same time threw the W skill behind him.

Syndra Q was on Ekko, and combined with her ultimate move, she also crippled Ekko.

Li Hao's CD had turned around in about 5 seconds. He saw Syndra's position clearly and decisively gave up the remaining health excavator in front of him the moment the time field fell!

——Space-time rupture (R)! !

Ekko returns to 4 seconds ago and deals 300+150% spell power damage!

Li Hao's current panel AP is 130 points, and this time it is close to 500 points of AP damage!

At this time, Syndra, who is level 10, has only 1213 basic health points and does not have any magic resistance equipment.

Ekko's R skill happened to detonate the time field, and Syndra was stunned for 2.25 seconds.

Li Hao threw out his Q skill, which became good again, and hit three rings with one basic attack!

The damage of a period of Q is 120+30% of the spell power, which is more than 150 points of damage.

The damage of the third ring is 80+0.8AP. When the second Q is pulled back, the basic damage is higher, and the AP bonus is twice that of the first Q.

Combined with the W passive's additional damage to low-health units and the glare, Ekko's damage overflowed in the short time when Syndra was stunned, killing the full-health Scout! !

The effect of being knocked out of full health is very explosive!

After the third ring is played, Ekko receives a large movement speed bonus.

The excavator didn't run away. A few seconds later, Ekko's next E shot turned well, phase dive followed by a few basic attacks, and killed the excavator again!

"Double kill!"

"Sindra was killed instantly!"

"Ike's damage really exploded, and the factory director can't run away either!"

"Double kill!"

"Oh my god! The King show is over!"

"Ekko's E skill is amazing in TheKing's hands! He pulls and withdraws, dodging EDG's two fatal controls! Once the factory director hits the top with a flash, Syndra follows the control and is stunned for 1.5 seconds. TheKing's Ai The magic shoes that Ke uses are not mercury shoes. The control time of 1.5 seconds is enough to kill him! Ikko will most likely not even be able to use his ultimate move!"

"But, The King just used his own extreme operation to play with time! This is the time assassin!"

The director played it back, and the audience was amazed.

Only through slow playback can you feel how exciting the extreme movement is!

In that short moment, The King seemed to be split apart with his powerful reaction. What is phase dive and what is stomach dive? You can tell them at a glance!

The subsequent W prediction, the release of the ultimate move, and the control of the CD were all perfect. Only when all the conditions were met can we get this double kill!

The LPL official TV station barrage has already gone crazy.

The dense barrage covered the entire screen.

"Brother Wolfberry's show makes my scalp numb! Brother Wolfberry is still at his peak!"

"My dog ​​excitedly turned on the console after seeing Brother Wolfberry operating it."

"The emptiness is really emptiness, the mouth is really a mouth, Brother Li is still your Brother Li!"

"TheKing: Hold it up and ask for the next talented mid laner."

"Qi Jiang: I cried so much. Why was Brother Wolfberry so obedient back then? If I asked you to play with the big tree, you would play with the big tree. Why can't you hold it in your mouth like this and just squeak?!"


Compared with Snake's crazy celebration backstage, EDG's backstage was desolate.

In this game, The King's hero really responded to the situation.

time assassin

He seemed to be like the time assassin, able to play with time.

In the later years of his career, he bloomed with unimaginable brilliance!

Just now was a wave of opportunities for EDG. If Ike's rhythm was interrupted, they would still have hope of a comeback.

But now that two more heads have been given away, and the middle tower has also been given away, this game can basically be concluded.

At 17 minutes and 36 seconds, Ike made Lich's Bane again. Taking advantage of his vision, he caught the factory director, EQAA, in the jungle. The damage from the third ring plus the second stage Q, the meat-making excavator was beaten to a big size. Zhi, followed by a rocket belt and passive basic attack, directly killed Rek'Sai!

At 20 minutes and 13 seconds, Ike once again single-killed the captain with the line. Mouse was wearing an attack outfit and melted when he touched Ike!

The speed at which the blood bar disappeared shocked the audience again!

Snake won the Baron without any suspense and destroyed all of EDG's outer towers and bottom lane high ground.

Under the huge economic gap, Snake is no longer the only point that Ike cannot handle.

After hanging on for more than 5 minutes, EDG was hit by an ACE on the high ground, and Snake ended the game with a wave!

Ike scored a total of 11 heads and didn't die once. There is no doubt that he was elected MVP! !

In the EDG player seat, the director took off his headphones, his expression was in a daze.

So what if the teacher comes from the same school?

So what if they are similar in age?

Li Hao is always Li Hao.

The passion generated by watching the last game was extinguished by a bucket of ice-cold water.

In this game, the factory director could clearly feel that there was a real gap between himself and his opponent.

Especially the two-on-one wave in the middle, the factory director was really shocked by the reaction.

How could a veteran do this? !

The factory director was beaten to the point where he doubted his life, and Abu in the background also doubted his life. The audience cheered, and every member of the Snake Club was very excited.

Brother Wolfberry in the 2017 season, he has pierced time and is still at the top! !

He is still the strongest man in the league!

Just when many people have this idea.

Something shocking happened suddenly to everyone!

In the EDG player seat, when the director looked at Snake, he stood up.

Snake's player seat, everyone was still celebrating

Suddenly, there is chaos!

('-'*ゞGood morning, book friends, and good night!

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