LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 157 The Black Rose from Brother Li

Modu Orthopedics.

"Director Zhang, what's going on now?"

Zuo Wu looked anxious, and Chris next to him also looked worried.

The middle-aged doctor was tall and wearing a white coat. Zuo Wu and Chris heard him sigh.

Suddenly, the two of them were startled.

Isn’t it very serious! ?

"Don't be nervous, I'm tired."

"The patient's name is Li Hao, right?"

"Yes Yes."

Zuo Wu patted his chest and said, "Director Zhang, when you sighed, I was scared to death."

Director Zhang smiled, then restrained himself, and analyzed seriously:

"We have done all relevant examinations. The injury to the hand was a blunt trauma to the soft tissue, and many small blood vessels were ruptured, causing subcutaneous bleeding. However, the patient had a medical history before, and this time it is a recurrence and more serious."

"As you said, he persisted in the game for more than half an hour, which caused local tissue edema, scratches and ruptures, leading to bleeding. But what is better than last time is that the hand bones were not displaced."

"With treatment, this injury can get better in about 15 days. However, we must pay attention to it later, as it may relapse or even cause more serious inflammation."

Zuo Wu and Chris kept nodding and breathed a sigh of relief.

God bless my brother Hao, I can finally save my hand.

"The back injury is a little more serious."

Director Zhang said: "The patient was overexerted, causing the annulus fibrosus to rupture, the nucleus pulposus to prolapse, and causing nerve compression."

"This injury was not present on the first day, but developed over time, but now it has reached a critical point and exploded."

"The prolapse of the lumbar nucleus pulposus compresses the nerves, causing severe pain."

Director Zhang raised his head and said: "This young man can handle it very well. Last time I received a similar patient, the whole ward was filled with howls. I can understand this very well."

Chris lamented: "Director Zhang doesn't know something. Brother Hao is the most famous tough guy in our e-sports circle. He has never screamed since he was playing games with injuries until now."

Hearing this, Director Zhang couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Then he added: "This disease is not easy to cure. The damage is almost irreversible and it is easy to relapse. However, if you take good care of it in the future, it may be guaranteed not to recur."

"This is the first time that his accumulated problems have erupted. He must be treated with caution. It will take at least a month to recover."

"It is recommended that traction treatment be combined with local physical therapy massage and external washing with traditional Chinese medicine. If it gets serious in the future, surgery may be necessary."


Zuo Wu sighed, he could almost imagine this situation.

"Director Zhang, just do as you say and try to recover him as much as possible. We will fully cooperate."


The two walked out of the director's office, and Chris closed the door.

"Chris, how do you feel?"

"very bad."

"It's not easy for Brother Hao. I really don't want to see him go through such torture. He has already brought an S championship trophy to Snake and the LPL. He is the most successful player in the LPL, but..."

"Oh, this may really be fate. Just like when we picked him out of that pile of player information, no one can imagine what will happen in the future."

"A healthy Brother Hao can bring a bright future to Snake, and even open up new glory in the 2017 season, so that we people will also be recorded in the history of e-sports."


"Zuo Wu, we can't ask Brother Hao to do more now."

"He gave it his all."


There was a serious look on Zuo Wu's fat face, and he said seriously: "I think so too."

"Next, let Brother Hao take a good rest. Let's not talk about the follow-up matters. The injury must be healed!"

"Mr. Snake also called just now. The club will bear all the expenses so that Brother Hao can receive the best treatment."

"Chris, there are still many games to come, but we have lost our super core and the team's brain. The game will become out of control, and our work will be countless times harder than it is now."

“There is only one goal in the spring, and that is to reach the Rio Olympic Stadium!”

"However, there is only one spot in the LPL, and that is the Spring Split Champion."

"Before Brother Hao comes back, we must ensure that Snake can enter the playoffs. I just calculated the time. If I wait until the day when Brother Hao can return to the game, it will not be until the quarter-finals or the playoffs. Semifinals.”

"This is the bottom line and what we have to strive for!"

Chris heard this, looked up at Zuo Wu, and asked involuntarily: "Zuo Wu, are you still looking forward to Brother Hao's return as king after he recovers from his injury?!"

Faced with this problem, Zuo Wu himself couldn't figure it out, "This is very difficult, and the possibility is even zero."

"The second more serious injury plus age, they are like a dark cloud hanging over them. If it were anyone else, I might think this person's career is over."

"But Brother Hao is the creator of miracles!"

"He has left so many miracles in this league!"

"I also find it incredible. I don't know why I think so. Maybe it's because of my last experience. Just kidding, Brother Hao's waist was really broken by us."

Chris also smiled bitterly, and then said seriously: "You are right."

"Even if there is a glimmer of hope, we have to fight for it!"

In the ward, Snake's other six team members also arrived.

"Sorry for making everyone worried."

"I may have to leave the team and take a break."

Li Hao's words sounded open-minded, but everyone present could feel the helplessness.

"Brother Hao, take good care of yourself and leave the rest to us!"

"Yes, we will wait for you to come back!"

Afterwards, Li Hao heard from Flando and the others that all his keyboard equipment and thermos cups had been returned to the base.

After hearing the news, Mr. She also visited the hospital at night and even delivered some supplements including wolfberry to the ward.

What made Li Hao more heartwarming was that Snake didn't say anything else. Apart from condolences for his injury, he said he didn't have to worry about anything and just recover from his injuries.

Li Hao spent that night in the hospital.

Cuihua and Zuo Wu were taking care of it, while Chris went back to the base to arrange training for tomorrow.

It's 11 o'clock at night.

"Zhanran, you go to the hotel over there in Zuowu and go to bed early. We have to train tomorrow."

"I don't need an escort here. I'll be ready to sleep later."

Cuihua stood up and nodded: "Brother Hao, my phone is not muted. If you need anything, you can call me."


When Cuihua also left, Li Hao was the only one left in this single ward.

There is a call button on the wall. If you press it if something happens, the nurse on duty will come over to check the ward.

In fact, Li Hao is really fine.

However, this time the health care news is quite big.

This made him look forward to the effects of health care even more.

During the cryoprotection period, the simulation of the game scene in his mind reappeared, which kept Li Hao in a state of excitement on the field.

At night, I felt someone carefully opening the door. It should be the nurse on duty.

The next morning, Zuo Wu brought breakfast and asked about the situation.

After learning from Li Hao that the pain was relieved, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking the temperature and blood pressure, two bottles of intravenous drip were put on because my hands were red and swollen.

Li Hao received a call from his parents last night, and they almost came from Jinling.

Just kidding, my son also injured his hands and waist outside, so that’s okay!

However, Li Hao persuaded the two elders to stop.

After I called back this morning, I was finally completely stabilized.

Gan, it’s not easy to take care of your health once.

At 9:30 in the morning, when a nurse came in with a record book and changed the intravenous drip bottle, she secretly meowed a few times on his face.

Then I naturally saw things like ‘health-preserving wolfberry’ on the table.

"Laugh if you want."

Li Hao rolled his eyes at the little nurse with a ponytail. This was not the first time.

"No, Brother Wolfberry, I didn't laugh."

"It's wolfberry, right."

"This is a very normal supplement. Many middle-aged and elderly people use it. It's really nothing."

Li Hao was a little speechless. Then you still call me Brother Wolfberry?

Later, I heard from this little nurse that I watched his live broadcast last time.

Feelings are like wolfberry powder.

Li Hao discovered it in the morning.

There are many young nurses with different faces in my ward.

Tsk, tsk, the trouble of beauty in the prosperous age.

attract bees and butterflies

Look, look, it’s not astringent anyway.

Until about eleven o'clock, a man wearing round glasses and his hair pulled down to cover his eyebrows appeared.

The arrival of this person was a bit unexpected by Li Hao.

At that moment, Li Hao's head swelled, and he got a new gift from the system: proficiency in Korean.

That's right, the person who came was none other than stupid chicken.

He closed the door smoothly, holding a fruit basket and a flower basket in his hands.

Can Li Hao understand when sending flower baskets? Don’t they generally send flowers to patients that represent blessings, companionship, and optimism, such as carnations, baby’s breath, and sunflowers?

But the stupid chicken gave me black roses.

Still prickly~~

Tsk tsk, there is a chicken coming from afar, whoever comes is not kind.

Stupid Ji looked at Li Hao. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't hold it in for a long time and said "Hello". His Chinese was really average.

Li Hao gestured to the chair over there with his right hand and said, "Sit."

This sentence contains a strong taste of kimchi. Hearing the local accent, Benji suddenly looked back, feeling surprised and delighted.

"You speak Korean?"

"You can do it occasionally, it's not too difficult, you can learn it casually."

The stupid chicken was shocked again: "But you speak with a good standard, like the accent from Seoul."

Without continuing to dwell on this issue, Li Hao asked him why he was here.

"Actually, it was Sang Hyuk who asked me to come visit you."



"Sang Hyuk asked me to bring you a message."

"He said that if there was a chance, he would also like to see you at the World Championships."

Li Hao was slightly startled.

Then he smiled and said, "Thank you."

"If there is hope, I would also like to see Faker again in the World Championship."

"However, I don't know if there is such an opportunity."

Benji looked at Li Hao's somewhat forlorn expression, and his heart was touched.

Although the hateful guy in front of him single-handedly destroyed his and Sang Hyuk's dynasty, but from the perspective of a professional player, this guy is indeed an admirable player.

"I heard that Faker likes to drink soju. Stupid chicken, if you have time to go back to Korea, just say thank you for me and treat him to a drink. I'm sorry to bother you."

The stupid chicken hummed for the first time, and then nodded.

However, the next second he realized something was wrong.

Sang Hyuk asked me to buy something for this guy, and this guy asked me to treat Sang Hyuk to a drink, but neither of them spent money.

I, a stupid chicken, was constantly being ordered around, not only to run errands, but also to be completely backward.


Why do you all bully honest people like this?

What he just wanted to say was dismissed by Li Hao.

The stupid chicken didn't stay for long before he got up and left. VG had training in the afternoon.

At first, Benji wanted to take the opportunity to ask about "Ritian Xue", but after seeing Li Hao's appearance, he stopped asking.

Because a series of doubts in my heart have been solved.

Train hard and squeeze your body.

It is true that there is a chance to gain temporary strength, but then it will decline. When the body's feedback comes, everything that was squeezed before will experience a backlash.

This path is not suitable for them.

After the stupid chicken left, Li Hao took another look at the black rose on the table.

Since Faker asked stupid chicken to give it to him, it must have a different meaning.

black rose~~

Suddenly, a flash of lightning passed through Li Hao's mind.

Among Faker's famous heroes, there is definitely the number Enchantress.

What did LeBlanc say?

Li Hao's heart trembled, and he felt a burning feeling in his heart!

——The black rose will bloom again! !

Sang Hyuk, thank you for the flowers.

Li Hao squinted his eyes slightly, I understand what you mean.

As expected of Brother Li from the barbecue stall, in my current state, he can actually predict that I will have a moment of blooming, and hopes to compete on the biggest stage in the world.

Xianghe, I will definitely not let you down.

With some emotion, Li Hao couldn't help but pick up a bouquet of black roses in the basket. He stared at the petals. Even though he was lying on the hospital bed, at this moment, he was still bursting with elegance.

Just as a young nurse came over and was about to close the door to his room, she happened to see this scene.

The phone was in my hand and I took the photo silently.

So cool~

Although Brother Wolfberry has weak waist and kidneys, he still looks good.

The little nurse gently closed the door, her little heart was pounding, and she ran away happily.

Later, she posted this photo to the news feed, and then the photo was stolen and the forum went viral.

Whose rose makes Brother Hao nostalgic?

Who touched the heart of this iron-blooded man!

At the SKT base, Lee Sang Hyuk received a call from Benji.


"Young man, that's so rude. You should buy a bouquet of carnations instead of roses."

“Oh, Sang Hyuk, you know, I don’t know much about this.”

"I've already told you his current state."

"Then he wanted to say thank you."

"Well, I understand."

"Sang Hyuk, that one"

"I know, thank you. The team's training has begun. Let's talk next time."

As Benji listened to the busy tone over there, he suddenly felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

Just when he was about to quote the unit price of those things, Xiang He ran away immediately.

During the two days that Li Hao stayed in the ward, there had been a lot of rumors about him in the e-sports circle.

Snake official Weibo:

"The King's injury makes our entire club feel heartbroken. This is not only a loss for the Snake team, but also a loss for the entire league world. Everyone loves his operation and his professionalism. The second half of the game will become difficult, But we can feel The King’s encouragement and will continue to fight with his will.”

"TheKing, I wish you a speedy recovery and return as a young boy. Your teammates are waiting for you!"

On the evening of March 20th, the live broadcast room of the lady in Beijing.

"Thank you brothers for your concern. Brother Hao's condition has stabilized and he is actively cooperating with treatment, but he may not be able to play games for a month."

"I went to visit Brother Hao yesterday. Do you know what I received?"

"Yes, that's it!"

As he spoke, he picked up a thermos cup.

"This thermos cup is similar to Brother Hao's, and he gave it to me personally."

"This is Brother Hao's will. There is still more than half of the spring competition. I will work hard to fight with Brother Hao's will!"


Not only the LPL has many fan relationships, but a large number of foreign league fans were also shocked after hearing the whole story.

The video of the bandage removal last summer has been resurfaced again and has a huge number of views on YouTube.

This incident even alarmed Riot officials.

After experiencing the S6 World Championship, Riot officials are actually grateful to Li Hao.

It is really important to lead the team to bring this championship to the LPL division.

It interrupted the LCK's monopoly on the S game and brought the entire league into a better ecosystem.

It can be seen from the popularity in China that this year is a super surge!

Moreover, Li Hao is the Fmvp of S6. He has left many wonderful performances in the World Championship and has many fans at home and abroad.

This iron-blooded incident has brought a lot of heat to the alliance.

More importantly, the impact this time is very positive, promoting the tenacious e-sports spirit.

Of course Riot won’t let go of such good publicity.

At present, the S game skin has not been officially launched yet, and Riot Games plans to make a small move before then.

On the third day after the incident, Ryze and Tryndamere discussed and reached an agreement.

Riot Games is preparing to update two new heroes in version 7.8, namely Luo and Xia, a pair of bottom lane combinations.

At the same time, the skins Stargrazer Mist, Stargrazer Dawn, and Stargrazer Demon Blade have been updated.

This time, Riot Games is preparing to add another Ekko skin in version 7.8.

The theme is called "bloody romance".

There is no doubt that this is a skin that pays tribute to The King.

The designer added two special designs. When Ike gets the 11th head, he will say ‘King, King, King! ’.

Another one is the special effect of returning to the city. When the blood-colored and romantic skin returns to the city, a throne will appear. The Zaun boy will lean on the throne, and then return to the city through space in a rain of blood.

Ike designer Gypsylord also gave a lot of help.

He mentioned in Riot’s report that Ekko is a hero that goes well with The King.

This is closely related to a line:

——Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it.

The King is a veteran fighting against time.

It is precisely because he understands the preciousness of time that he can train so hard and strive to shine in the last days of his career.

Finally, the skin Bloody Romance was officially confirmed by Riot Games.

The painters and designers started working on it the next day.

Wuhan Dousha TV Headquarters.

Director Zhang from the Operations Department walked into Mr. Chen's office. In the past few days, they were also worried about Li Hao's injury.

However, when he saw Mr. Chen, Minister Zhang was slightly startled. He was not as worried as he thought.

"Mr. Chen, you."

"Don't worry too much."

"After all, we are different from professional teams. If Li Hao cannot continue his career, his popularity will drop and it will have a certain impact on us. However, after this incident, he also gained an unprecedented reputation and attracted a large number of high-quality fans. .”

"In places where there are the most trolls, there are almost no people trolling him. Even if Li Hao becomes a full-time anchor in the future, our platform will still make money."

"He has the foundation and is definitely not bad at live broadcasting."

Minister Zhang gave a wry smile: "Aren't we afraid that Mr. Chen will be too disappointed? After all, we were still dreaming about Li Hao's campaign in Rio and the Bird's Nest."

"Those who watch the show on other platforms must be extremely happy behind their backs."

"They laugh at them, we have to accept the reality."

"As for the contract, do you still want to revise it?"


Mr. Chen said categorically: "Now that it has been decided, and some staff members also know it, if they regret it now, it may be spread out and confirmed."

"It's completely feasible for us to take a gamble on Li Hao. He's worth it."

Mr. Chen smiled: "The sooner you implement it, the better."

"If it was the icing on the cake before, now it's more like help in times of need."

"This is a good relationship between us!"

"Okay! I'll do it right away."

Minister Zhang acted quickly, and Li Hao received the call one day later.

After hearing the arrangements from Dousha TV, Li Hao was also a little surprised, and then expressed his gratitude.

Quite unexpectedly, Dousha actually increased his benefits at this time.

Li Hao's mobile phone was always with him and he was not disconnected from the outside world.

These days, the news about him on the Internet is full of predictions.

Most people are praising his professionalism, but regarding his future, except for the most fanatical wolfberry fans, most rational netizens believe that this injury will overshadow his glory.

In the worst case scenario, your career may be halted.

Under the trending post on Weibo, there was a comment with a lot of likes, which said this.

A netizen whose ID is called Gravedigger Night Watchman:

"TheKing is a respectable player. Under his leadership, Snake won the S trophy, which is very important to the LPL region. Thank you for his efforts. But in competitive games, there is no kindness, and feelings are only part of it. Strength That’s the only yardstick.”

"For many professional players in different industries, injuries are more terrible than time. It is a great honor for TheKing to recover from last year's injury. This time, it is far beyond the last time. He has recovered from his hand injury. The probability of returning to full strength from a back injury is 0."

"That means he won't be able to play the way he did before."

"The end and dusk of a hero are destined to be tragic moments, but the tragedy of Summoner's Rift is destined to be played this year. I hope all professional players will have a successful career."

The comments are very pertinent and express the feelings of many people.

After Li Hao read it, he also liked this comment.

That is nice.

He looked at the bouquet of black roses on the table again.

It seems that the person who understands him best is the person at the barbecue stall.

As everyone knows, after SKT confirmed Li Hao's injury, the big devil also relaxed when he played the anti-human game "I Wanna Be The Boshy" in the past few days.

March 24th.

At 5 o'clock in the evening, RNG defeated QG 2-0.

Then, the game between Snake and WE started on time at 7 o'clock.

Many snake fans felt in a daze. The man sitting in the mid lane position was missing.

People have become gestures.

What moved many wolfberry fans was that there were five thermos cups placed on Snake’s seat.

Although Brother Hao is in the hospital, his will is still in the Super Mall!

This is the first game that Brother Hao has missed, and it is extremely important for Snake in the entire second half of the game.

Snake needs to work hard and show off his momentum!

However, the opponent in this game is not a soft persimmon.

In the spring of 2017, WE rises!

Currently, they are the leaders of Group B!

In the first 8 rounds, they swept through the same group and competed in different groups, losing to OMG just because of the slightest difference.

For Snake at this time, this is a tough battle!

('-'*ゞGood morning and good night, book friends!

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