LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 158 Brother Hao is very busy

Snake has Snake's dream, but WE this season also has great ambitions.

In the 2016 season, Strawberry reposted "I want to enter S6" to comfort Xiye.

However, WE still fell at the door of S6. Facing the powerful Snake team with The King, they failed to get the key S competition spot.

After Snake won the S6 championship, it was considered a thing of the past for WE at that time.

After all, they were defeated by the 2016 world champions.

However, this does not mean that WE will give up.

This season, Faker, who was full of talent back then, is now taking on responsibilities within the team through hard training. Top laner 957 is more mature than before, and the WE lineup is better integrated than last season.

Coupled with the good condition of the players in the team at this time, the regrets of last season have turned into determination for this season, and this WE seems to have reached its peak!

60e, who was originally lying flat, after seeing the state of WE this season, this group of people also straightened up like 59e.

There are really a lot of old 60e, but after continuous experience with WE, many of them are lurking.

Let’s go from tonight to the ninja, sin, kadi, and conan of the post-Ruofeng era.

Later, the Samsung Blue Sprite once brought some hope to 60e users.

Back then, Ninja Bomber exploded until the card fell to the ground and became golden, which made many people fall in love with this rabbit from South Korea.

But in terms of hard power, WE always has some shortcomings, and it feels like the team's upper limit is not high.

Since the S6 season, 60e has witnessed the changes in this team.

The promoted leg brother, the son of the dragon Kandi, the shining double C, after a season of condensation, this sharp sword is about to be unsheathed!

In the same group confrontation, WE defeated EDG 2-0, and the 60e players shouted slogans:

"Beat EDG and get rid of your inner demons."

“There’s no dragon that Condi can’t grab!”

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!"

"60E jump up!"

At night, the Main Square is brilliantly lit.

There were a lot of Snake fans and WE fans at the scene.

For WE, Snake was the stumbling block in front of them last season and the biggest enemy that prevented them from getting out of the LPL division.

Breaking through Snake is equivalent to breaking another layer of inner demons.

As for Snake, they currently have seven consecutive victories, but Brother Hao is absent due to injury. In this game, Snake seems to be fighting with six people. Brother Hao's body thermos cup is still on the court. This is a will!

If you want to stabilize your position in the subsequent matches, the momentum of this game is crucial.

WE wants to win, and Snake is also determined to win!

As BP's background music sounded, the game officially began.

The first game between the two sides was very cautious.

In the first ten minutes, not a single head broke out.

At 11 minutes and 34 seconds, the Cuihua Spider cooperated with the aircraft and grabbed Xi Ye.

Xiye reacted in time and released the winding jump immediately. After being severely disabled by the spider and the plane, the wandering mage QWEQ fired a shield on the plane, using the shield to offset the spider's deadly Q skill.

Xiye flashed onto the winding path and successfully escaped with the help of his ultimate move. Snake was one move away.

After Snake's mid-jungle linkage failed, Kandi immediately went to the bottom lane to help Ben and his brother-in-law.

The brother-in-law used Varus' ultimate move to make the first move, forcing Gangzi to flash out.

After Ben's Thresh was hooked, Liu Qingsong controlled Tahm to swallow the fortune teller and escape quickly.

However, Kandi, who didn't have to be afraid of spiders, rushed to the battlefield and appeared from behind the triangle grass. After the fortune teller appeared, he touched the eye and kicked the fortune teller in front of the WE duo. Thresh reversed the pendulum of doom. Varus dealt damage and gained blood with one arrow.

WE took advantage and directly knocked down Snake's bottom tower.

As for Snake, because the health of the first tower in WE was very healthy, the spiders and planes did not push it down immediately.

After the plane returned to the city for supplies, Wandering went online, and after Xiye's level increased, his ability to push the line became stronger. He directly pushed the line of troops under the Snake tower, and then took advantage of the time difference to get the first earth dragon.

After this wave, Snake's rhythm became chaotic.

In the next two minutes, the two sides fought at the WE blue Buff. Snake played a three-for-two and suffered another small loss.

What's terrible is that all three heads were taken by Varus, and the brother-in-law's growth exploded.

Taking advantage, WE started to snowball.

Throughout the game, Xiye's Ryze was constantly targeted by spiders and fell into pressure-resistant mode. Varus finally achieved a super-god record of 8/0/6.

With the help of the team's economy, Ryze still developed.

In a team battle at 32 minutes, WE exchanged 2 for 5 and beat Snake to an ace.

The army line was just under the middle high ground, and the remaining three people pushed away the Snake base in one wave.

The 60E at the scene were cheering, and WE won first.

Taking a closer look at the entire game, Snake's performance was not bad, and his cooperation was even better than many people imagined.

After the posture reaches the middle, the frequency of linkage with Cuihua is also very high.

However, the entire Snake Team felt like something was missing.

This snake gives people the feeling that it is fighting with each other.

The deadly venom they relied on seemed to be missing.

To the relief of Snake fans, in the second game, Snake regained a victory.

After a defeat, Snake immediately changed his style of play. Cuihua moved from supporting the middle lane to supporting the bottom lane. His attitude was to use Ice Girl to roam. In addition, the top laner Holy Spear brother used Gnar to win 957 in the lane. The Snake team After several waves of linkage captures, combined with Liu Qingsong's bull head to start a team, the tough Varus was just like his brother-in-law in the previous game, and he was also unable to lose weight.

Snake's change of moves caught WE off guard. At the 37th minute of the game, Snake got the Double Dragon Club and ended the game in one wave.

In the third game between the two sides, Snake came to the blue side and WE came to the red side.

Snake lineup: Shen, Mantis, Ekko, Varus, Bard

WE lineup: Troll, blind monk, fan mother, fortune teller, Tahm

The anxiety of this battle exceeded the imagination of fans on both sides.

At 55 minutes and 34 seconds, the head ratio between the two sides was 15-13, and the economy was basically the same.

Varus of Gangzi made Dance of Death, Clarity, Demon Cut, Mortal Reminder, Dreams, and the Demon-Drinking Knife.

The other brother-in-law's fortune-teller is Endless, Mercury Scimitar, Demon-Drinking Knife, Dominic Lord's Salute, Artillery and Three-Speed ​​Shoes.

Xiye's Fan Mom achieved a record of 7/3/4, 497 CS, and a luxurious six-god outfit.

Ekko's posture got 6/4/4 data, and he was also in the Six Gods outfit.

Even the assistants on both sides made four pieces of equipment.

The high ground in the middle of both sides was broken, and Little Crystal had just been resurrected. Everyone knew that this was going to be a team battle.

However, for Snake's lineup, they did not have the strength to crush WE to death in the mid-term, and now it is no longer easy to play.

When 957's trolls were turned on, no one could deal with them. Xiye's Fanma gave a collective shield, which was so fleshy that even Tam became fleshy.

The terrible thing is that Tahm is disgusting. Every time Snake focuses fire, Tahm swallows it in one gulp, and the target of the focus disappears.

At 56 minutes and 33 seconds, a team battle broke out in the middle of the two sides.

In this duel, Kandi failed to shoot the dragon, but at this critical moment, he kicked out a kick that suffocated Snake!

When the brother-in-law's fortune teller fired his ultimate move, Ike and Mantis cut up and the troll pushed up the pillar.

The audience saw that the blind monk stood on the wall of F6 and kicked the blue soldier in the middle, followed the second Q to go up, inserted his eyes with almost no time in between, touched the eyes with W, and then kicked R to dodge!

This kick happened to hit Varus who was setting up his bow and shooting an arrow.

Not only did he kick Gangzi in the direction of WE, but he also knocked Shen away.

WE immediately focused its fire and killed Snake's main output, Varus, instantly.

Subsequently, the two sides scuffled in the middle.

Zheng Zhi used his ultimate move to cooperate with his teammates to kill Xiye, but he fell into the WE crowd and was killed by his brother-in-law.

With Mantis also killed, only Shen and Liu Qingsong's Bard were left on Snake's side.

Flandre ran away in the opposite direction, trying to delay time, while Liu Qingsong took the troll and circled around the wild area, circling less than half of the map to the high ground of WE.

957 was knocked unconscious by Bader several times, but he continued to pursue Liu Qingsong.

After Shen got up from the resurrection armor, he taunted and flashed over the F6 wall, then dragged him hard.

However, WE only sent Tam, Kandi and his brother-in-law to lead the troops and rush straight to Snake Highlands.

Although Liu Qingsong and Flandu delayed it for a long time, the resurrection took too long.

The 60e people in Supermarket Square cheered excitedly.


WE defeated Snake 2-1, stopping the opponent's 8-game winning streak!

Although it was only a regular season game, the opponent was the team that had dominated the game from S6 to now.

In the barrage of LPL official TV station, Snake fans and Wolfberry fans looked at the cheerful 60e and kept sighing:

"It's another day to miss Brother Wolfberry."


"To be honest, Snake has played quite well in these games and can be called a strong LPL team. However, compared to having Brother Hao here, the gap is still quite big."

"The posture is not bad. I feel he is more stable than before. He has been able to resist ganks in several waves. However, it can only be said that he is stable. It is still difficult to penetrate the laundry detergent."

"Brother Wuhao of the Snake Team is bullying me! Xiao Xiye trembles when he sees the ID TheKing. It makes him so comfortable."

"Everyone, please understand. The absolute core is gone, and there is no command. To be able to play like this, Snake's players have worked very hard. I hope they can maintain this motivation and never relax."

Backstage, Chris and Zuo Wu were a little reluctant.


I almost won. I had been working hard for almost an hour, but ended up falling short. It really hurt my morale.

Snake on the field felt uncomfortable, Cuihua couldn't help but look at the thermos cup.

Brother Hao must be very anxious and sad now.

Modu Orthopedics.

"Brother Hao, I've peeled the oranges for you." The nurse said in a thin voice.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you."

"Actually, I can do it with one hand."

Li Hao smiled and said to the two young ladies holding the record books: "Let's eat together. If you buy too much, I will get angry if I eat too much."

"I really don't want to trouble you."

"It's okay. I have to take care of patients in several nearby wards on duty tonight."

"Moreover, the director also told me that Brother Hao must take good care of him and have his blood pressure taken later."

Another little nurse with a ponytail sitting on the chair raised her phone, which was playing the LPL spring game broadcast. She looked about 85 points and had a very fair face.

"Brother Hao, Snake lost today."

Li Hao hummed and was about to reply when his cell phone rang suddenly.


"Brother Hao, we lost~, wuwuwu~ What a pity!"

Brother Shengqiang yelled over there: "This piece of shit Gangzi was kicked back to the spring by Kangdi. We have no output in the team battle!"

The voice of the flower plate man also came over: "Brother Hao, there is something wrong with the Holy Spear's thinking. He didn't use flash, he didn't give me his ultimate move, and his taunt was wrong."

"I asked him why he put it crookedly, and he still said that his hands were shaking. He must have masturbated too much last night."

Li Hao was a little embarrassed. The nurses hid their smiles and pretended not to hear.

Over there, Zhi Zhi grabbed the phone: "It's all my fault. I'm a war criminal. I wanted to blast Xiye, but this guy really has two brushes, and he resisted."

"However, Brother Hao, you still have to talk about the Holy Spear. You are not in the dormitory. His bed has been shaking for the past two nights."

Inside the base, Lin Weixiang, Liu Qingsong and Cuihua watched the three people perform.

Li Hao didn't say anything. After a defeat, they could still have their current mentality, which was quite reassuring.

Cuihua: "Brother Hao, you shouldn't be feeling well in the hospital."

"Well, it's really not convenient."

Li Hao held the phone in his right hand and a bandage on his left hand. The young lady kindly handed over an orange slice.

To be honest, I'm really busy.

Zuo Wu and Chris hung up the phone after some exhortations.

The two nurses on duty have been working in the hospital for less than a year. One is a prime-level player, and the other is a cloud player. They usually watch live broadcasts when they have time.

On the first day Li Hao came, they recognized him and secretly asked for his autograph.

After Snake won the championship in the 2016 season, Li Hao was also considered to be out of the circle and gained a certain reputation.

Outsiders are also very curious about some things within the professional team.

When others ask, Li Hao will basically answer as long as it's not too confidential.

He acted like a spring breeze, which was very different from his indifferent style during the game.

Therefore, during the past few days in the hospital, my popularity has been quite good.

He became familiar with several nurses who often helped him measure his blood pressure, take his temperature, and administer intravenous drips.

Although the past few days in the hospital were boring, they were quite comfortable.

Apart from simulating the game in my mind, there is basically nothing else to do.

On March 26, Snake played against GT.

GT has only won one game from the spring split to today, and it is the last team in Group B.

After Snake tied GT 1-1, he defeated GT with a crushing force in the third game and won a victory.

Before the Snake team could breathe a sigh of relief, on March 28, Snake lost to IM again 1-2!

AJ and Athena broke out together, and Golden Horn delivered steady output. Although Snake won the first game, it collapsed like Neuron Knife in the second game.

The two sides had a bladder round in the third game, and AJ carried it to the end. Titan's spirit came around and helped IM win the key team battle.

On March 31st, Snake played QG. I thought it was a hands-on game. Unexpectedly, Doinb took off with QG and overturned Snake 2-0!

After that, QG defeated WE 2-1 in the next round of group competition!

The dark horse team led by Doinb seemed to be messing with the LPL again!

Li Hao was lying on the hospital bed, watching the situation of the alliance.

In the LCK, after Smeb joined SKT this season, this powerful galaxy battleship has currently won 9 consecutive games and looks unstoppable.

There is only one month left before the 2017 MSI season, and all major competition regions are actively preparing.

This time, Riot Games added a play-in tournament to MSI, and the number of participating teams increased from 6 to 13.

St. Paul's CBLOL studio, the venue over there is already being prepared.

In early April, a fat man made time to visit the hospital for the second time.

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