LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 163 You can always trust TheKing!


Backstage at Snake, all the staff roared with excitement!

This spring is not over yet!

After defeating QG, Snake still has the possibility to continue moving forward.

Zuo Wu and Chris were also celebrating, and at the same time they couldn't hide the exclamation on their faces.

"Damn it, Brother Hao is really awesome!" Zuo Wu couldn't suppress it and couldn't help but vent his emotions by spitting out fragrance.


Chris Le, stretched out his hand to hook Ezuo Kiriro's shoulder, and the two of them staggered, pushing the special gaming chair to the players' bench together.

In the LPL studio, King Wolfberry Fan Duoduo’s mouth kept beeping:

"It's another night full of miracles!"

"At the moment of Snake's crisis, that man stood up again!"

"Despite the pain, he can still produce a superb record."

"I only have one feeling now."

“You can always trust TheKing!!”

Miller also said excitedly: "I am really happy and surprised to see The King in this state. He told us that a bright flower blooming on the S6 world stage will not wither so easily!"

"At the moment of life and death, The King's return was like a shot in the arm. The entire team was activated. They showed a completely different energy from the second half of the spring regular season."

"I believe that as long as The King stays healthy, once he is confirmed to return."

"Then, Snake may have a chance to go further this spring..."

Colonel Guan spread his hands and made gestures while speaking: "Everyone must be clear about one thing. The King's performance is definitely not just as simple as being awesome on the court. Two weeks ago, he was still lying on the bed in the hospital. It’s not healed so far.”

"TheKing didn't play for a month. I heard that in order to prevent the hand injury from getting worse, he just did some ordinary training."

"To be able to help Snake make the final decision in this life and death battle, Theking must have made a lot of efforts that we can't see, and he has also overcome a series of difficulties."

"This is by no means an ordinary playoff game. As Duoduo said just now, this is a night full of miracles that will be remembered by the league!"

The camera showed the Snake player seat. The man was sitting in a strange posture, leaning slightly on the gaming chair.

His expression seemed a bit dull, or more accurately, a bit dazed, as if he had not yet recovered from the game.

"Brother Hao, let's go."

Zuo Wu pushed the 'special e-sports chair', "I have already pushed it away for the post-match interview and let Holy Spear and the others do it."

"Yes, Brother Hao, I'll do it."

Brother Shengqiang patted his chest and promised, "I won't say anything rude, don't worry."

Having said this, Gunzi couldn't help but smile.

Obviously, this person was ready for a backstab.

Li Hao chuckled secretly, but did not refuse.

However, he did not sit in the wheelchair that Zuo Wu pushed towards him. Instead, he came to the QG player bench with his teammates and shook hands with the QG group in turn.

Doinb was surprised when he saw the bandage on Li Hao's hand that had not yet been removed.

Judging from the performance just now, it doesn't feel like it can be played by an injured person.

But when the facts are in front of you, the feeling of shattering the illusion is often even more cruel!

Li Hao hadn't played in a game for a month before, but he was still pinned down on the spring MVP list.

To be honest, Doinb felt quite unhappy inside, and even thought there was something shady about it.

Injuries are also part of a career. I haven't played for half a season, but the MVP list is still hanging there. The second place in the MVP list is somewhat unconvincing.

However, after this game, Doinb's complaints were wiped away.

Although his operation in this game had many flaws, what about TheKing?

If it were the same situation, Doinb imagined himself as TheKing, and he didn't think he could do it at all.

Player Jin has been playing in the old QG since 2015. He has been in China for more than two years and has learned Chinese well.

When shaking hands with TheKing, he thought of the big brother-like status of the person in front of him in the LPL division, and couldn't help but politely greeted:

"Brother Hao, you are so strong! You should be elected MVP!"

Li Hao took a serious look at the gold player and said: "I can only cherish the present, the future is yours, come on."

Li Hao walked past Doinb and shook hands with Alone and Deceit.

Doinb realized when he saw Li Hao's somewhat thin back.

Because this was the first time I had such a conversation with Li Hao, what Li Hao said just now really touched the heart of the gold medalist.

He was as excited as the Great Tiger God in the summer of 2016.

Yes, the future is mine!

Even TheKing thinks so!

I am several years younger than him. As long as I maintain my current performance, when The King gets older or retires, it will be difficult for anyone to compete with me for MVP.

Deep down, Doinb is quite proud and does not feel that he is worse than anyone else.

Thinking of this, the bad mood of losing the game eased a lot.

When Li Hao and his teammates thanked the audience, the enthusiastic fans cheered again.

Seeing many fans holding their own support signs, Li Hao waved over there, and then followed Zuo Wu into the player tunnel.

OB directors are very knowledgeable, they know what the audience wants to see.

Before the post-match interview, the camera was shown to the player tunnel.

It can be seen that Zuo Wu seemed to be saying something to Brother Hao, and then Brother Hao got into the wheelchair.

In the end, only vague outlines were left in the screen, with fat figures pushing wheelchairs forward.

Thinking back to this man's performance on the field just now, the huge contrast made many spectators marvel.

For the audience at Supermarket Plaza, today is definitely a wonderful experience.

Especially those Snake fans and wolfberry fans, they are using various channels to describe the scene they experienced today to their friends who have related preferences.

Of course, there is one more curious thing.

Seeing The King's appearance, combined with Snake Team's previous official announcement, it is not difficult to imagine that Snake Team probably has no intention of arranging The King to play today.

So, when the score was tied to 2-2 by QG, ​​what kind of conversation happened in Snake's backstage that led to The King appearing injured again?

This question was revealed by Brother Holy Gun.

Backstage at Snake, Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the serious face of Holy Spear on the screen.


In front of the camera, Brother Shengqian took the microphone and said to Sister Hunchback:

"Yes, that's right, just like you asked just now, we all don't agree with Brother Hao to play because according to the doctor's orders, it is not the time to play the game yet."

"At that time, we were tied at 2-2, and then Brother Hao said he wanted to play. Everyone blamed themselves. Gangzi was also upset that he didn't have a carry team. He almost smashed his beloved flower pot."

"Although my performance was much better than Gangzi's, without Carry, I still blamed myself for hitting the table."

"Coach Chris closed the door tightly and said he was not afraid to take the blame. Everyone was trying to persuade Brother Hao because he had done enough for everyone."

"I still remember the days when Brother Hao was hospitalized. Lao Zuo was either feeding the cats in the base and working as a poop scooper, or he ran to the training room and shouted, 'You little brats, hurry up and train, Brother Hao's waist was broken. '!"

"Except in games, Brother Hao is also like a big brother. At least I have learned a lot. Therefore, we are not willing to see him suffer more injuries."

"It was very quiet backstage at that time, and the beeping sound of the water dispenser was obvious."

"At that moment, Brother Hao said something."

Sister Tuozi was attracted by the small composition and couldn't help but answer: "What did you say?"

The audience was also attentive.

Flandre tried her best to keep her gaze as sharp as possible, and then said in a deep voice:

"Snake needs me!"

Looking at the movement in the main square, Chris looked at Zuo Wu in surprise.

"You must have written this little composition."

Zuo Wu nodded: "I did write the essay."

"But Flandre, that brat, didn't follow the script. He was adding drama!"

VG base.

"Xianghe, Xianghe, have you seen it?!"

Benji dialed the phone, his voice slightly scary.

"I saw it."

On the other end of the phone, the Demon King's voice also had a hint of disbelief.

"How did he do that?"

"This damn guy, he's injured, but he's carrying the game again!"


"This guy is really getting more and more incomprehensible. Xianghe, I know very well here that he really hasn't played in a game for more than a month. If this situation happened to me, I'm afraid it would become what you said Master, it’s three hundred points.”

"But, he beat Doinb, who had very good statistics, to the point where he made no sound at all."


Brother Li listened to the chattering voice of the stupid chicken and watched the game, and he was also shocked in his heart.

At the same time, a sense of crisis also emerged.

There seemed to be a voice telling him that he would meet this guy again!

For a moment, he felt that the little games he played these days were no longer good.

In fact, I felt suddenly empty inside and desperately wanted to train for one more hour.

"Xingxiong, how are you doing lately?"

"It's not going well. We're going to play in the relegation match soon." Benji was a little disappointed.

"Xianghe, how do you get along with Jinghao? He's not very stinky, right?"

"It's pretty good, maybe a little better than Qinghuan."


The stupid chicken smiled instantly, and the worry on his face disappeared: "Xianghe, it's because Eunjing is the host, right?"


On the other end of the phone, a busy signal came.

Benji curled his lips, but he didn't notice that several players at the VG base glanced at him.

The Marquis pushed up his glasses, which reflected a burst of light under the light.

After the game between Snake and QG, all major teams were surprised.

Theking told everyone with a return that lasted less than 30 minutes that even though he was injured, he still had the ability to carry the team if he fought hard.

Judging from his appearance, it seems that the date of his return is not far away.

In the previous discussions on the Internet about The King's return, there were always people who could provide logical proofs that proved that he could no longer lead the team like he did at the beginning of the spring. Most of them were not blackmailers, but were just having a rational discussion.

Although Wolfberry fans are looking forward to it, most of them still feel uneasy before the start of Brother Wolfberry's appearance.

It's always disappointing to see someone you support fall off the pedestal.

However, a crazy storm swept the forum!

Some marketing self-media that took advantage of The King's injury and published posts that hammered The King that he would not be able to make a comeback to increase traffic were criticized by netizens.

In e-sports, strength speaks for itself.

That man's sword is still very fast!

At the RNG base, Gouzi, Xiaohu, Xiangguo and others looked stunned.

"Dear boy, this person is really like a monster, he is injured and still holding on to his mouth like this!"

"Xiaohu, if we run into Snake, you have to be more steady."

EDG base.

Abu and the factory director left the training room in a dazed mood. Li Hao's performance completely surprised them.

This is not good news for EDG.

On April 22nd, it was their match against Snake.

If TheKing can play like this in this game, then he will most likely be able to return in the six-to-four game.

One day later, the spring promotion and relegation tournament started.

Before the game, Mr. Whore also made a phone call to Snake's base.

Li Hao could feel Saozhu's excitement and expectation from the words there.

However, he was thinking about the possibility of fishing for pigs in the Huangpu River.

LGD defeated GT 3-0 in the previous round, and then came their game against YM.

The Dharma King lit up the Lotus King, and his combat power was called Little TheKing!

However, because King Furong could not be drawn on the court, top laner King Dharma was carried off the bench by LGD.

Their substitute top laner is Jinoo, known as the 'Sword Immortal'.

In the first game, Jinoo’s little murloc won the MVP.

In the second game, LGD relied on the AOE damage of Viktor and imp Kennen in the mid-term to cooperate with Jian Ji to open up the team behind them. After Rush dropped the baron, the opponent could not stop the advancement. "Sword Immortal" Jinoo even single-handedly killed the opponent's ADC Ashe like he was in no one's land, and LGD won another victory to get the match point!

In the venue, Saozhu's expression changed.

At this moment, LGD will not show mercy.

In the third game, the patriarch of the Optimistic Family showed his power. Wei Jiang took out the mid laner Syndra and single-handedly killed the opponent's mid laner Jace at the beginning to establish an advantage.

After the wild king Amy invaded the opponent's jungle area and killed the male gunner, she went to the bottom lane and committed another crime. LGD had a three-way advantage!

Afterwards, the whole court suppressed and advanced without giving YM any chance to breathe. After YM failed to counterattack and was destroyed by the team, the opponent was unable to resist. LGD took the base directly, 3:0!

At that moment, the LGD uniforms finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The optimistic fans at the scene also held up signs of support that read, 'No matter the wind or rain, summer is waiting for you.'

The other naughty pig wanted to enjoy the wind by the Huangpu River.

YM, failed to advance again.

Saozhu made a decision while sighing and sent his player Ning to IG.

Ning has just moved from AD to the jungle position, but the effect seems to be better than in the AD position.

In IG, Ning can get more opportunities.

On the other end, VG faced off against DAN. Unfortunately, this team, which had made great contributions to hollowing out the LCK, lost the entire series 1-3 with the help of Benji and Hou Ye.

Ggoong, the second Korean brother of DAN mid laner, raised his arms in celebration after the game and was shaking with excitement.

For the Korean second brother, this is the most glorious game he has won in the LPL region.

This was one of the White Shield war criminals who was once swept by OMG 3-0. Time flies, three years have passed in the blink of an eye, and he has been struggling in the LSPL division for a year and a half.

At the same time, this is also the first time that an LSPL team has defeated an LPL team in a promotion and relegation match.

This time, South Korea's second brother is finally not known for his failure.

In the DAN team, jungler Karin also serves as a Korean aid.

The bottom duo is Qiuqiu and Cat.

The top laner is Lies.

DAN's players are lucky, but as losers, VG's players will have to struggle in the LSPL, waiting for the opportunity to return to the LPL in the summer.

However, just a few days after VG was nailed to the pillar of shame, an unexpected news came out.

VG lost, and the stupid chicken left the team after two S competitions.

TED, the ghost king who fell to the team leader position due to relegation, broke the news that stupid chicken was expelled from the team by an internal vote, and even Mr. Hou cast a vote.

Although the stupid chicken performed poorly and was inconsistent with the VG system, this unreasonable approach still aroused discussion.

After the incident escalated, the president of VG finally stood up and said that it was all rumors.

No matter how confusing the process is, the outcome is certain.

As a veteran, Benji will start his wandering career.

He currently has two championships in hand. He once kicked over the water dispenser to save SKT, and even became a god with Leopard Girl in S6.

However, e-sports is measured in milliseconds, and the glory of the past is only fleeting after all.

Without the current strength, you will still give up after all.

VG base, that night when the news was received.

The stupid chicken hesitated endlessly. The LPL division had his memories of the entire spring. It was not a long time and he had made money. Logically speaking, there was nothing worth remembering.

However, Benji suddenly found that he really wanted to make a phone call to someone.

April 21st is the day of the six-to-four match in the LPL Spring Playoffs.

At noon, Li Hao was reading the latest information while eating.

All kinds of news gave him the feeling of being strange and familiar at the same time.

However, a phone call did surprise him.

On the caller ID, a rooster was also specially used.

This is the phone number I saved at the hospital last time.

Is this a call from a stupid chicken?


"Wolfberry, it's me."

Damn, can't you change your name?

Li Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes. He adjusted his mood and asked:

"You're leaving, aren't you."

"Yes, let's go to the next stop."

"Going back to LCK?"

"No, I have already left there. It is not suitable to go to SKT. If I go to another team, I will have to play against Sang Hyuk, and I am not willing to do so."

"Besides, besides Xiang He, there is no one over there who is worthy of me to fight back. They are the same as Mr. Hou. Instead of that, I might as well go to North America to earn US dollars. Maybe in the 18th season, maybe in the 19th season, No later than the 2020 season, I will have to serve in the military during that time."

Li Hao nodded. He changed into a comfortable position to hold the phone. He didn't expect that stupid chicken would talk so much.

However, thinking about his situation at this time, Li Hao can probably understand.

"Stupid chicken, thank you very much for visiting me in the hospital last time. If the time and body were not suitable right now, I would really like to see you off at the airport."

"Ha ha."

The stupid chicken smiled heartily: "Thank you, but no need, just try your best to compete in the playoffs."

"Sang Hyuk is waiting for you in the world competition. I hope you won't fall behind."

"Are you making this call just to tell me to go to the World Championships to meet Faker?"

"Not at all."

The stupid chicken opened his heart and sighed quietly:

"Actually, I hated you as a guy at first, you know? You ruined the dynasty between me and Xiang He! I was sad for two nights, and it was Wolf who cured me with a meal of fried chicken and beer."

"That was my and Xianghe's dynasty, and you destroyed it!"

The stupid chicken's voice was a bit cute. Li Hao laughed and said: "Sorry, everyone has his own master on the field, and no one wants to leave any regrets."

"You can go back to SKT, and I'll wait for you and Faker to get revenge."

Stupid Chicken paused and said, "My chances are slim."

"Go to the LCS and earn some dollars, but I still want to see Sang Hyuk take revenge on you in the World Championship."

"Well, I hope your dreams come true."

After hearing this, the stupid chicken said again:

"I did hate you at first, and I would say bad things about you to Sang Hyuk. Wolf even wanted you to eat beef noodles. However, sometimes I feel that we are quite similar, such as age and career."

"The 2012 NLB Winter Split was the first time I officially played as a jungler. We were a team called BBT at the time. We only made it to the quarterfinals and were eliminated by MVP Blue."

"Later, hehe, I was invited by Sang Hyuk to participate in an online competition. At that time, the team members besides me included Ssumday, Sang Hyuk, Zhurang, and Flahm. We teamed up and won the championship directly. "

"After that, I passed Kkoma's trial training and joined SKT."

"Since then, I have been bound to that team. At that time, I thought that as long as Faker is here, I will always stay in SKT to assist him. He is three years younger than me, but I think age is not a problem. There is a connection between us. You may not understand the bond very well."

"Wolfberry, you, like me, entered this league from S2. The difference is, you have a harder time than me. Kkoma has already studied you all over. Your resume is too complicated and too strange."

"I've been sitting at the water cooler for so long. I've been to many teams participating in the World Championship, but I've never had a chance to appear. They've never let you go through the middle."

"You may not know that Kkoam was very frightened when he saw it. You were not released at such a young age. You were sitting on the bench like you were trapped in a cage. Maybe you were discovered a few years earlier. Now you are The pattern may be different.”

"Do you know? After reading your message, the entire SKT was shocked by your experience."

This was a wonderful misunderstanding. Li Hao smiled: "Thank you for your compliment, but I don't care about the past."

"Well, as a veteran, I just want to talk to you about the future."

"Actually, I have a lot to say, but I find it more appropriate to talk to you. Xianghe must think I'm verbose."

"Actually, I don't think so either."

Stupid Chicken pretended not to hear it and instead advised:

"Wolfberry, take good care of your body. Maybe you won't be able to fight next year. If you persist until the end, there will always be a critical point."

"If you continue to get injured, you may not be able to play next year."

"My glory is not small, but when it reaches this point, it may be bleak. This is what we will all face."

"Although you are a little annoying, you are definitely a miracle."

"Maybe if miracles like yours continue to exist, it will have a greater motivating effect on me. At least I won't be so doubtful and disoriented."

Li Hao suddenly understood what stupid chicken meant.

"I hope so, but I don't know how long it will last for you."

Benji sighed with emotion: "Although I haven't seen you many times in the LPL, I didn't expect that when I left this competition area, the first thing I thought of was you."


The two chatted for a while, and Li Hao finally said:

"Wish you a nice stay in North America and hope we have a chance to meet again."

"See you."

After hanging up the phone, Li Hao couldn't help but smile.

On the other end, Benji dialed Lee Sang Hyuk's number again after hanging up the phone.

"Xingxiong, what's the matter?"

"Xianghe, listen to me."

"I just had a long chat with that guy from Wolfberry."

"Then what?"

"I told him that he must work hard to reach the world championships."

"I told him you really wanted to see him at Worlds."

"Haha, Xianghe, I did the right thing! I understand you very well!"


The phone call in Seoul was hung up.

The stupid chicken tilted his head, not understanding what was happening.

A Xi, Sang Hyuk is so cold.

Benji searched for news from South Korea and saw a poster.

Little Peanut stood next to the big devil with a smile on his face, and the big devil also had a smile on his face.

Tsk tsk

I only see new people smiling, but I don’t hear old people crying.

Suddenly, stupid chicken thought.

That somewhat annoying guy had a rather gentle voice.

On the evening of April 21st, the LPL Spring Playoffs six-to-four match officially began.

OMG vs. IG.

The battle was so fierce that the LPL commentators collectively worked overtime, and the two sides fought fiercely until the fifth game.

At 34 minutes and 12 seconds, with a wave of three kills from Sima Laojin, 59e took off from the spot.

OMG won the team battle and ended the game with a wave of troops in the middle.

Qualified, OMG returned to the semi-finals!

On April 22, the day Li Hao had been waiting for finally arrived.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Snake arrived at the venue on the team bus.

Their six-to-four round with EDG officially began.

('-'*ゞGood morning! Good night, book friends.

PS: I stayed up late last night coding until four o'clock, but I really can't get up today. Then I slept until the afternoon, waiting to regain enough energy to start typing. Until now, I have done nothing except eating.

Two minutes ago I spent half an hour checking for typos.

I calculated the limit for one day, and it seems to be a little more than 10,000 words.

People are numb.

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