LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 164 The day when Qi Jiang misses Mr. Dai

"Viewers, welcome to the LPL Spring Playoffs. The two sides fighting in this round are Snake and EDG!"

Wawa continued: "According to the official news announced by Snake last night, in this round of six-to-four competition, The King has been included in the regular roster."

Changmao echoed: "That's right. I feel like we might be protective in the first game. After all, after the last game, TheKing looked quite tired and must have consumed a lot of energy. However, in case of Snake's side, The state is not right, I guess The King will appear in the second game."

Su Xiaoyan smiled and continued: "I still have a deep memory of The King Yasuo's performance. I can continue to look forward to this game."

"EDG confirmed that the factory director will start, and Fireloli will return to the bench. EDG is very cautious, and the factory director will go all out."

While they were talking, the game between Snake and EDG officially began.

In the first game of BO5, Snake is on the blue side and EDG is on the red side.

In this game, Qi Jiang played a classic routine. . .

The excavator caught it at the second level, which made Uzi at the RNG base feel cold.

Snake was caught off guard. In order to cover Gangzi's retreat, Liu Qingsong was knocked away by the excavator and received a blood blow.

This kill was taken by Zet's wheel mother, and the factory director sacrificed his own growth to help the bottom lane establish an advantage.

Cuihua's blind monk immediately invaded the EDG red zone and ate the excavator's red buff.

Then, the third level was caught, and Syndra, who cooperated with the posture, hit the flash of the rock bird in the middle.

Scout lost the line rights, and the factory director did not dare to fight against the red. He simply walked to the black, and after a circle of wild returns to the city, he captured again.

But after Liu Qingsong was killed in the last wave, he went out with his vision.

The excavator was discovered, and Ice and Bud on Snake's side decisively retreated.

After the blind monk wiped out the upper river crabs, he cooperated with the Holy Spear Brother's Rambo to dismount Mouse's Kled. Flandre's E skill hit the target, but Mouse moved and did not dodge. He was chased to death in this wave of cross-dodges.

At 6 minutes and 13 seconds, Scout cleared the minions in the middle and immediately went to the bottom lane to support.

Unfortunately, he was caught by Han Bing's E skill and his plan went bankrupt.

Mouse, who was originally going to go to the bottom road, also changed his route to the top road, because Gangzi and Liu Qingsong exited the next tower directly.

The posture clears the minions in the middle and disappears on the line.

He went around the jungle and came to the top road. Together with Cuihua, Holy Spear Brother took the lead and gave R, and Snake killed Mouse who had just come online under the tower. Without the experience of a large wave of soldiers, Kled exploded on the spot!

Snake's small loss in the bottom lane is completely acceptable.

Facts have proved that the factory director's second-level capture to help Zet get the kill is not a good deal. When the two sides competed for the first fire dragon for more than 9 minutes, Flandre used Rambo to hit the explosive AOE, and Zet used E to block it. When the posture EQ was knocked out, Syndra's unreasonable big move hit the mother of the wheel in the face, and the remaining health of Zet was taken away by a volley of ice arrows.

Scuot used dodge to dodge the ice ultimate move. He was knocked out of half health by Rambo just now and could only run away in a hurry.

The blind monk kicked Kled back as he tried to escape. Bard was stunned. Aguang's smile disappeared and he instantly put on a mask of pain.

In the chaos, the excavator with residual health flashed across the wall and escaped. Using the previously dug tunnel, he escaped directly to the Demon Swamp Frog, beyond Snake's reach.

However, two EDG players were killed and the Fire Dragon was lost. The situation was not optimistic.

In the next ten minutes, a lot of friction broke out between the two sides. Using Scout's Rock Bird and the support of the factory leader's moves, they successfully killed the Snake duo at the beginning of 12 minutes.

However, the successive losses of the first tower and the previous tower meant that EDG didn't make much money at all this time.

Heads were exchanged, and the head ratio at 18 minutes and 3 seconds was 14-11.

Snake didn't win much in terms of head count, but his economy was ahead by more than 3,000 yuan.

EDG lost four towers, but they only destroyed Snake's next tower.

At 20 minutes and 12 seconds, Cuihua and Liu Qingsong contributed a wave of cooperation that made Snake's backstage shout "Nice".

Liu Qingsong used Bader to reconcile his fate and hit Meiko and Zet near the second tower in the middle!

Snake and the others came forward fiercely, and Scout used his ultimate move to isolate them.

However, the blind monk who came from the wild area had already arrived at EDG. When Bard's ultimate move was about to end, Cuihua flashed to the excavator near the second tower.

Then, a powerful kick hit the excavator, and then bounced away the EDG duo who had just woken up from their harmonious fate.

Ice ultimate move, Rambo ultimate move, posture flash QE!

With the two layers of ice and fire plus dark magic, the three EDG people died suddenly!

Seeing that Scout's rock bird was also killed, the 61Es at the scene shook their heads helplessly.

Snake advanced from the middle and broke through the second middle tower and the highland tower.

Although the crystal in the middle was not dismantled, he backhandedly entered the dragon pit to collect the dragon.

After this wave of super-fast snowballs rolled, the economic gap between the two sides widened instantly, and the equipment gap was so large that EDG simply could not withstand Snake's damage.

The crystal in the middle was pulled out, and the highland crystal in the lower lane was also lost with the blessing of Snake's Baron Buff.

When both super soldiers crowded into the high ground, EDG struggled to even clear the line.

At 27 minutes and 34 seconds, the two sides fought on the EDG high ground.

The Factory Director flashed and hit the air, and Snake's double C all launched into the air. This wave of team battle started very beautifully, but EDG is a lineup that needs rhythm in the early stage. The Factory Director launched beautifully, but the damage on EDG's side was not enough, Han Bing After one treatment, none of Snake's double Cs died.

After a fierce team battle, Snake won 2 for 4.

Mouse, who dismounted and ran away, returned to the spring.

However, there was no smile on Aguang's face, and he could only watch the crystal hub being exploded.

1-0, Snake won first.

On the EDG player bench, Nanchiang let out a long sigh.

Now, he really misses Mr. Dai a little bit.

If I have Mr. Dai in Mingkai, why worry about the league?

The income from helping the bottom lane has really dropped a lot.

In the second game, EDG began to change its lineup, and substitute player Fireloli came on the scene.

The factory director felt something was wrong and asked to go off stage to discuss tactics with Abu.

There are still no substitutions on Snake's side.

Ai Luoli served as the second team and did not play 61E as they wanted to see the effect.

After he got the male gun, his gank frequency in the early stage was obviously lower than that of the factory director.

However, Snake's pace was not fast either. The two sides fought until 32 minutes, and the head ratio was only 8-6.

The male gun who has been playing for so long did not become EDG's savior. Instead, he disappointed 61E in a wave of team battles near the Dragon Pit.

Syndra's posture was hot, and a wall EQ hit the male gun at the extreme distance.

Brother Holy Spear's Sword Girl crossed the wall and challenged the male spear with an unparalleled challenge.

On the big screen, Brother Crystal controlled the fortune teller and flashed a Whispering passive Gaman dance grenade, causing a horrific critical hit. The male gun's health bar dropped wildly!

The junior controlled Ryze and had to cooperate with the policewoman to kill the aggressive fortune teller with his backhand, but Liu Qingsong's Tam opened his mouth and swallowed the fortune teller directly. EDG had no way to do it.

Meiko's Thresh hook hit Tahm, but Ryze was weakened by Tahm. In addition, Liu Qingsong still had a thick shield, and EDG couldn't kill the big catfish in the first second.

Snake and the others also followed. The Green Flower Spider formed a cocoon but Ryze moved to avoid it. Scout heard a 'crack' sound in his ears.

Jian Ji launched a blood recovery formation, and the male gunner was instantly killed!

During the escape, EDG was detained by the fate master, and Thresh and the policewoman died one after another.

Mouse's big tree turned around and made a Q, blocking Sword Queen from following up and covering Ryze's retreat.

The two jumped along the winding path and finally managed to escape.

However, the dragon behind him was captured by Snake.

After this wave, the originally balanced situation was instantly broken.

After bulldozing EDG's outer tower, Snake instantly gained an economic lead of more than 6,000.

At the same time, taking advantage of the military line, they succeeded in Rushing the Ancient Dragon at 36 minutes and 2 seconds. Ai Luoli used the male gun to blast the ultimate explosive bomb (R) from a distance in an attempt to grab the dragon, but was firmly captured by Cuihua Punishment.

At 37 minutes and 45 seconds, taking advantage of the damage from the Ancient Dragon Buff, Snake directly started a team fight in the opponent's highland defense tower and won the team battle with 3 for 4.

On EDG's side, Aguang's big tree relied on one pass to survive until the end.

However, he couldn't stop Jhin and Sword Queen from demolishing the tower.

Aguang desperately defended the tower and beat the fortune teller to a disability, but Gangzi only had old crystal eyes.

The fortune teller was killed, as well as Brother Holy Spear's Sword Girl.

After Laoshu's Q was blocked by Jianji W, the rest of EDG were resurrected, but Jianji AE waved her rapier and easily destroyed the EDG crystal hub.

2-0! EDG was pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Backstage at Snake, Li Hao was slightly surprised.

After a period of baptism, now compared with the second half of the spring game, the teammates have obviously grown a lot.

Although EDG has many flaws, Snake is obviously the better team.

Holy Spear came to the backstage with excitement on his face and slapped his chest loudly.

"Brother Hao, I'm giving you a day off today. Let's watch us win 3-0!"

"3-0! Beat them 3-0!" the posture was also shouting happily.


Li Hao smiled and said: "When you beat 3-0, I will sit back in the wheelchair."

"To be honest, I don't want to play a single game in the spring split. I want to go to Brazil."

Gangzi smiled and said: "3-0, it's not a big problem."

"Zet's two moves are a bit stretched. He was caught by Qingsong if he moved accidentally. We cooperated quite comfortably."

Liu Qingsong smiled: "Zet is indeed an honest person. I heard that he is quite good. But if you can't get Varus in your left hand and Ice in your right hand, you will be crowned emperor directly. After the ban limit is reached, the level will drop by one Hey, Meiko was almost dying of anxiety just now."

Chris also agrees: "After all, EDG focuses on the bottom lane, and Zet's level is still difficult to shoulder this important task. Now EDG doesn't have so much time to train, otherwise if Zet polishes the hero pool, he has a chance to become the next brother-in-law."

"Last season, Meiko and Deft were difficult to deal with."

"It's not that easy to find a good AD in a hurry."

Snake discussed the tactics well, and EDG did the same.

The contestants have already taken the stage, and Li Hao is not in a hurry.

Although his cryoprotection period has expired, it would be a good thing if Sanke could easily win this round.

"Brother Hao, water."


Lin Weixiang put the thermos cup away, and Li Hao took a smart look.

Speaking of excellent ADs, there is one here.

In the second half of the spring game, Lin Weixiang also made several appearances. The effect was actually quite good, but sometimes he was unstable and liked to get over his head.

After joining Snake, Da Mingming trained very hard. In addition to club training, he was also a Rank maniac like Li Hao. Sometimes the club would arrange for him to practice in some games and training matches of the second team.

Gangzi has long expressed his intention that he can still try his best this season, but next year, he will be very worried about his status.

The main reason is age. As the second oldest person in the team, Gangzi also knows very well what level he is at.

Without thinking too much, the game on the field has already begun.

Ai Luoli is gone, Qi Jiang appears again!

In the third game, EDG really changed their thinking. They took down Syndra, who had a very comfortable position, and snatched the fortune teller.

The factory director selected Spider in this game and constantly cooperated with the wandering mage in the middle.

Under the control of Ryze's point control and spider, the snake girl with posture died at level 3.

Who is EDG's biggest carry point right now? That’s right, Scout!

This one, EDG's tactics, are a bit like a copycat version of Snake with The King, or a copycat version of SKT.

Snake, on his side, just aimed his finger at the bottom lane, and his posture could not withstand the pressure for a while. The noble lady from the capital, who was twice as arrogant as she was, also wore a mask of pain when she died three times in 10 minutes.

The junior did not disappoint EDG. Ryze's equipment, which gained a huge advantage, quickly took shape, which became a point that was difficult for Snake to deal with.

Zet gets the fortune teller and plays functionality.

EDG took advantage of Ryze's advantage and kept snowballing.

At the beginning of 26 minutes, EDG took down three dragons.

Two fire and one earth, with explosive attributes.

In a team battle lasting 27 and a half minutes, Scout scored three kills, and the remaining four EDG players immediately opened the baron.

Cuihua's wine barrel failed to grab the dragon and was buried in the dragon pit.

EDG used the Baron Buff to break through two highlands in a row.

After the arrival of the super soldiers, the third high ground was destroyed.

At 34 minutes and 12 seconds, EDG exchanged 1 for 5 on the high ground and beat Snake to the Ace.

The big score became 2-1.

Backstage at Snake, Chris also figured out EDG's tactics.

He turned his head and looked at Li Hao. All his thoughts were self-evident.

When Flando and the others came in, Zuo Wu mocked:

"3-0, no big problem!"

"Brother Hao is on vacation as promised?"

"Look at how crazy you are, if you win two, your tail will be raised to the sky!"

Everyone was beaten to a pulp by King Thunder and Lightning, and faced with Zuo Wu's sharp words, it was difficult to reply.

He gestured and smacked his mouth: "The junior brother has something. It must not be the first time he and the factory director have fought like this, otherwise they wouldn't have such a tacit understanding, and the time to catch me would be stuck."

Chris agreed: "After all, it's the playoffs, so it's normal to save some tactics."

"Brother Hao, it's 2-1, you can play in the next game."

Backstage at Snake, the man holding the thermos cup looked serious.

"I'll give it my all."

Chris was confident and continued:

"EDG also has to play mid-field tactics, right?"

"Okay, let's fight with them!"

('-'*ゞI didn’t sleep well before, but I really slept this time~~

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