LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 165 Glorious Evolution! overload!

After a short break, the fourth game between Snake and EDG began.

"EDG continues to be the factory director, and Snake has also made substitution adjustments."

The doll raised his voice: "The King is back!"

"Haha, everyone is looking forward to whether Theking can continue his magical performance in the last round of comeback!"

"Looking at how The King is doing now, he should be in better health than he was a few days ago."

The wolfberry fans also discovered that although Zuo Wu and Li Hao came up together, they only accompanied him on the side and did not push the wheelchair.

After confirming that there was no problem, Zuo Wu immediately returned to the background.

This heralds that the man who dominated S6 has officially returned after suffering an injury in the 2017 Spring Split!

Although he performed amazingly while battling injuries in the last round, his fatigue after the game was visible to the naked eye.

The performance in this game may be more representative of TheKing's status after his official return.

The barrage on LPL's official TV station was full of "Brother Wolfberry, welcome back." . .

Wolfberry fans and Snakes fans were ecstatic, and passers-by eating melons watched with gusto.

As for the 61e people, they are very worried now.

If it were The King at his peak, it would be quite terrifying!

SKT's legendary midfielder combination is slightly inferior to the peak Snake. If it is the peak TheKing, the junior player still seems a bit immature now, and EDG's tactics just now may not be effective.

What's more, Snake still holds the match point, so one can imagine the pressure on Scout.

The die-hard fans of Guodian are really watching the game with their balls in their hands now.

BP music sounds, EDG is on the blue side, and Snake is on the red side.

In the first three moves, EDG defeated Syndra, Han Bing and Tahm Kench.

Snake took down Fan Mom, Varus, and Ryze.

EDG has a retro style. Grab the big tree first on the first floor to prevent Snake from playing the trick of banning the three phantom gods later.

Snake is on the first and second floor, lock the spider and add the fortune teller.

Both Ice and Verus were banned, Emperor Z lost his right-hand man, and Snake took away the fortune teller. This was obviously bullying Zet, an honest man.

"Haha, it smells like AHQ."

"EDG has no choice. The hero pool of its own players is too big, and it is difficult to do BP. They have to take care of the top and bottom."

"Yes, look at Snake. Their ancestors started out playing art, and they know a lot of heroes. The King's hero pool is as deep as the Mariana Trench, and there is no end to bans."


Abu frowned, and everyone briefly discussed it. They originally planned to help the juniors get the Rock Bird or Dragon King, but after The King comes up, the plan will change.

The opponent has a powerful assassin unit, so the line must be stable.

Moreover, EDG has no room for trial and error at all, which is why they help Aguang get the big tree at the beginning.

On the second floor, choose the evergreen tree.

On the third floor, the factory director also brought out the classic among classics, Pig Girl!

Fans of the pig factory burst into tears when they saw Sejuani, the pig-riding girl, and shouted for Ye Qing to come back.

The hero Snake appeared on the third floor clearly made EDG feel uncomfortable.

Wearing a metal helmet, two eyes glowed bright yellow.

There is no doubt that this is TheKing's specialty, three hands!

"Miscalculation, Snake's special position was not reserved for TheKing!"

The factory director exhaled, somewhat surprised.

When they were drafting just now, of course they took Victor into consideration. They had no intention of releasing this hero.

Victor from TheKing understands everything!

I thought about pulling it with the last two hands, but Snake chose in advance.

Abu frowned: "It's insidious. They deliberately chose the red side. I also expected to give The King the last choice."

"Looking at their posture, Counter should be left to Flandre, or maybe it's a hero like Sword Princess."

"Our damage is a bit insufficient, Zet needs to get big cores."

"There is nothing to hide in tactics. If you lose this one, there will be no next game."

"Okay." The factory director nodded.

As he spoke, Snake's avatar on the third floor was locked.

Victor's deep voice sounded in Li Hao's ears:

"——Join the glorious evolution!"

EDG then took down Kled and Zyra with both hands, while Snake took down Braum and the policewoman.

Following that, the red square locked Nami on the fourth floor.

EDG took out Big Mouth and Lulu.

This is considered a reserved item for Zet, and it was something EDG specially asked Zet to practice.

Snake changed tactics, and EDG naturally took advantage of the situation.

In the last counter position, Flandre took out the top laner Troll and cut trees online.

The heroes swap positions and the lineup is locked.

EDG: Dashu, Pig Girl, Clockwork, Big Mouth, Lulu

Snake: Troll, Spider, Victor, Jhin, Nami

On the stage, Chris and Abramovich shook hands again.

Li Hao stared at the loading interface, looking forward to the next game.

This is the first time he has played in a game since the 2017 system health break.

LOL old god system.

Host: Li Hao.

——Properties panel:

Version experience: 96.(95+1)

Reaction ability: 93.(92-10+11)

Micro-management prediction: 91.(90-9+10)

Average hand speed: 91.(89-6+8)

Teamfight vision: 90.(87-6+9)

Combat awareness: 89.(86-6+9)

Game mentality: 94.(91+3)

In addition to version experience and game mentality, as the 2017 season progresses, any attributes related to physical fitness have been reduced due to increasing age.

At Li Hao's age, this is the stage where the feedback of reduced physical fitness in e-sports is very obvious.

If there is no systematic health care, the hips will definitely be stretched in the second year than before.

However, it will be different after taking care of yourself!

The attributes that should have been lowered are now higher!

Being able to use data to reflect this effect is what excites Li Hao the most.

It’s no joke that the older you get, the better you become.

If the total attribute points provided by the health care system are converted into points, it is much more than what he needs to play in a season, which is equivalent to more than 8,000.

In addition to the basic attributes, this health care brings new functions!

Ancestral thermos cup 2.0 upgraded version:

[Basic effect]: Each time you consume 20 points, after drinking the water in the thermos cup, a certain attribute can increase by 10 points within 1 hour. Can only be used once a day.

[Longer lasting]: Each time you consume an additional 300 points, after drinking the water in the thermos cup, the bonus of a certain attribute will last for an additional hour.

The latest unlocked feature: [Overload]!

Effect: When a certain quality of the body exceeds 107 points, it has exceeded the human limit. At this time, 500 points are consumed, which can trigger an overload effect for one hour and stimulate the ability of the corresponding attribute.

Basic requirements to activate: all attributes exceed 92 points.

[107 points of reaction ability]——Overload!

Inspire: The essence of human response! Transform into a walking machine!

[107-point micro-manipulation prediction]——Overload!

Inspire: The essence of dynamic vision! There is a high probability of sensing the opponent's movement and flash position, and skill hits will trigger the ceiling!

[107 average hand speed]——Overload!

Inspire: Super Pianist! The essence of human hand speed, perfect for completing any hand speed operation!

[Current stored points]: 2719 points (Rank).

[Current Overload]: Freezing (attributes do not meet requirements).

I originally thought I had a lot of points accumulated through Ranking, but now I see that I am still short of money.

Li Hao was quite jealous of what the system had updated after this health care, but now he could only be jealous, as the competition points were reduced by a full 2,000 points!

This gap is still relatively large.

If you want to reach 107 attribute points, you need at least 97 basic attributes + 10 points for the thermos cup.

Then the Rank points consumed in one hour is 520 points!

Although it cannot be used for the time being, it also gives Li Hao a huge motivation to earn points.

The hero entered Summoner's Canyon, and Li Hao opened the thermos and took a sip of water.

The response originally was 93 points, but now it has directly become 103 points!

Although it has not reached overload, it has surpassed ordinary people.

"Mouse's little trick, he's throwing saplings into F6."

"Snake is more powerful at level 1, so he can invade directly as a group!"

The audience can see that all five Snakes are invading the EDG red zone.

They have Nami, Jhin and Spider, and the control chain can kill them instantly. EDG doesn't dare to join the team at level 1.

Snake first took a position in the river, and then gathered to invade the red zone.

A little over a minute later, Cuihua approached the edge of F6 and attracted two saplings inside.


The sapling exploded, and EDG's little trick of trying to get Scout to grab 2 was easily cracked.

Mouse also gave up and controlled the big tree to help Pig Girl Lan open.

The Trolls returned to the top half to help the Spiders get red, and the duo returned to the bottom lane.

The opening routes on both sides are very clear, and they are all detected by the opponent's field of vision.

At 1 minute and 38 seconds, the soldiers met in the middle.

Li Hao ordered the Q skill at level 1, and as soon as he went online, he tested each other with his junior classmates.

Both of them have thunder talents, and their sprinting and flashing skills are exactly the same.

Li Hao knew very well that the attack distances of Victor and Clockwork were exactly the same, 525 yards. He knew that his A could not reach Clockwork.

But the junior boy made a move. Victor on the big screen reacted very quickly and easily twisted away with a horizontal pull.

Dodging the golem's command attack, Li Hao Q was on Clockwork, using the shield generated by the siphon power to resist Clockwork's basic attack.

Victor raised his hand.


A powerful welding sound sounded, and the additional magic damage knocked out the health of the clockwork cells.

The elementary school boy's basic attack. After Li Hao hit Thunder with his next basic attack, he immediately retreated. The advantage had been maximized. If he continued with A, he would lose money.

The junior also made two basic attacks with A, but the exchanged skills missed, and the damage of one thunder was missing.

He didn't dare to resist the soldiers and chase A, partly because of the hatred of the minions, and also because Victor's initial movement speed was already higher than Clockwork. If the opponent didn't look back, it would be impossible for him to reach A.


As a bystander, the factory director could clearly see the details just now.

The factory director, who was in the jungle, sent a retreat signal to the middle lane, signaling Scout not to go up.

It's really not smart to fight against someone like TheKing, especially in such a crucial game.

Since this person's mentality has improved, he has become a standard grand scene man, and he is still an old silver coin, so he will definitely suffer a loss if he plays like this.

The junior also knew it very well, and immediately began to stabilize his position, and at the same time moved closer to the upper half of the area, and inserted eyelets into the grass on the upper river.

Emperor Z focused all his energy on this one, controlling the position of Big Mouth to avoid Nami's Q skill.

Coupled with Meiko's strong Lulu in the early stage, the EDG duo did not suffer in the early bot lane confrontation.

In a level 2 battle, Meiko's shield was released very timely, blocking the critical Whisper passive of the fortune teller.

Emperor Z took advantage of Jhin to load the bullet and turned around to consume QA. Nami released the wave of impact, a series of impacting water to heal the fate master, and at the same time hit the big mouth with damage.

The fortune teller with good bullets wants to turn around and face Big Mouth with A.

Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing missile, causing magic damage and creating an 80% attenuation slowdown effect for 2 seconds.

Both sides were more cautious, only trying to stop the fight, and did not continue the fight.

On the road, the big tree and the troll PKed. Both sides consumed each other's blood, but their blood volume came back up.

The OB director's camera glanced over and immediately returned to the middle.

It’s the exciting moment in the middle!

At the early three-minute mark, Victor turned around to avoid Clockwork's Q skill again, and QAE took action quickly!

Kill the remaining health minion and inflict the damage of the death ray on Clockwork.

When Victor's gravity field was released in Clockwork's retreating path, Scout felt acutely that something was wrong.

He immediately used sprint, and the short stay time prevented the gravity field from causing dizziness. The spider emerged from the grass in the lower half of the river, and the junior student was secretly grateful.

Backstage at EDG, Abramovich also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now he saw the spider touching him, and he was really worried about the little boy.

If he hadn't been aware of this wave, once controlled by the gravity field, he would definitely eat spiders and form cocoons, followed by complete damage from the red buff spider.

Clockwork's blood volume is only half, and if it takes damage, it will definitely give out one blood.

Cuihua's spider went to the blue zone to farm, and the factory director's pig sister went from her red zone around the river in the lower half to the middle road for gank.

The original intention of the factory director was to relieve the pressure on the little boy, but when Victor saw the pig girl, instead of retreating immediately, he came towards him fiercely!

The factory director instantly focused his attention on the back of the wall across the river, where the fog of war filled the air.

The factory director, who has extensive research on snakes, knows very well that this is where Cuihua likes to crouch.

"Reverse squatting!"

"Quickly retreat!"

——Extreme cold attack!

The pig girl controlled her pig and pushed it into the inside of the river, giving Victor no chance to take action.

"The King is so brave, and this time he pretends to be too similar!"

The doll laughed heartlessly: "Hahaha, the factory director is directly playing with the air!"

"EDG has no field of vision. I blindly guess that the spider is squatting, but it's not there at all."

Sister Xiaoyan smiled and said: "After all, we are the Snake team. When ganking in the middle, you have to be careful about counter-crouching. Moreover, the clockwork is not in good condition. I just finished sprinting, and I can't beat it in 2v2. This reflects the factory director's always cautious attitude." His style and overall view, the situation is not right, retreat immediately!”

LPL official TV station barrage:


"Brothers, the internal smell is so strong!"

"If it were me this time, I would definitely hit Brother Wolfberry in the face. Psychological warfare will be of no use to me!"

"Psychic attack, this is The King's psychic attack. The pigs were scared away, hahaha!"

"Zhu Fan is in tears. He is indeed an old teammate of Qi Jiang. When it comes to understanding me, Qi Jiang, it has to be Brother Gouqi!"

The players on the field did not have a God's perspective. After dodging a wave of reverse squats, the factory director slightly tilted his lips.

However, when he inserted a jewelry eye into Snake's blue buff area through the wall, he found that the blue buff was gone.

When Spider came to gank just now, there was no blue one!

This reverse squatting time is obviously wrong.

Mad, you were fooled by this old silver coin!

Suddenly, Nanjiang's face turned the color of pig liver.

At 4 minutes and 18 seconds, the Spider circled back from the lower half to the middle.

Noticing that Li Hao started sprinting directly, the junior student immediately sensed the danger.

Turning on W to give himself a 30% acceleration effect for 2 seconds, Victor chased to a tower in the blue square and released his gravity field against the clockwork.

The spider coming around from the left jungle area is accompanied by the 28% deceleration effect of the gravity field and throws a cocoon!

The junior high school student dodges decisively and doesn't dare to move.

The factory director who came to the bottom lane to gank also hit Nami with his Q dodge. In conjunction with the damage from Dazui and Lulu, he not only defeated Liu Qingsong's weakness and flash, but also forced Gangzi's treatment.

The top laners on both sides moved TP towards the lower half almost at the same time, but after Nami flashed and escaped, the top laners of both sides canceled the TP.

The time was only 4 minutes and 36 seconds, and the two sides were full of gunpowder.

For EDG, this wave of swap skills is not a loss.

The main output point of this hand is still the big mouth. A well-developed big mouth can allow him to take over the game in the middle and late stages.

As long as the young boy in the middle can hold on to The King, he has a high chance of winning this round.

When the factory director returned to the city, he took the time to switch to the top lane. He nodded secretly. Mouse's mana and health were both healthy.

However, when the game reached 6 minutes and 09 seconds, the situation suddenly changed!

Victor's last hit count is 57, which means he didn't miss a single hit in the first 9 waves of minions.

Because the blood line was suppressed, Clockwork lost experience and has not yet been upgraded to level 6.

Just as the junior boy moved forward to use QW to collect the artillery soldiers, Victor, who was collecting last hits, suddenly had a golden light flash!

"The King flashed!"

"Is this meant to kill?!"

Facing Oriana, three-handed QERA!

Thunder landed with a crash accompanied by a death ray!

Clockwork's health instantly reached the danger level, and Li Hao's gravity field was thrown behind Clockwork, giving it a deceleration effect.

Because the flash shortens the distance, Scout, who has no displacement and acceleration, has no other means except using E to give himself a shield.

The successful stun of the gravity field made the little boy eat a full R!

"——Get rid of this stinky skin!"

In front of a tower in the blue square, Victor launched another basic attack.

Oriana's health bar was exhausted to the limit, and the junior student failed to successfully take that step further down the tower.

"——First Blood!"

"The damage and timing were so great by Theking! He took advantage of the fact that the junior boy hadn't reached 6 yet, so he seized the best opportunity to kill him!"

"The junior doesn't have dual moves. If he sprints or flashes, he doesn't need to take the full damage of Chaos Storm. After Victor's changes, the damage of the first move of Victor is not that high, but the subsequent damage is increased. Full The damage is quite high, I guess the junior in the killing line didn’t calculate it clearly.”

Changmao followed the doll's words and praised:

"It has been mentioned repeatedly since last summer that The King is the one with the strongest ability to seize opportunities among all mid laners."

"Although I experienced injuries this time, my ability to seize opportunities is still so dazzling!"

"If a young mid laner encounters The King, if he is not careful enough or is lucky, he will probably be killed in a wave like this!"

Su Xiaoyan clicked her tongue and said, "The king is still strong!"

Backstage at EDG, Abramovich looked quite ugly.

He has summarized many Snake games. Once The King opens the situation in the middle, the snowball speed according to the data will be 1.5 times the normal advantage!

This multiple mainly relies on two points, one of which is TheKing's control of rhythm, followed by his league-leading damage conversion rate!

Just as Abu was worried, after Victor got first blood, Snake's tactics began to change.

At 7 minutes and 40 seconds, the spider flashed over from F6.

The elementary school student was hit by the cocoon before he could react.

Victor gave the gravity field, and the two controlled it perfectly, and the stun control chain lasted for 3 seconds!

In conjunction with the spider's damage, the three-handed QEA can be played instantly.

When the aftershock of the second death ray caused a wave of waves from the ground, Oriana was killed again!

Dashu and Zhumei, who were on the road, came to support in time. This time they wanted to gank Victor, but unexpectedly they saw Clockwork's body first.

The director of the factory accurately threw the pig girl's lasso and threw it on the spider.

Cooperating with the control and damage of the big tree, Pig Girl took the head without the spider appearing.

Dashu came over to support after returning to the city. Brother Holy Spear quickly pushed the lane on the top lane, causing Mouse to lose a wave of troops.

Moreover, under the blows of the trolls one after another, the health of EDG's upper tower was in danger.

Although the spider died, Victor got the Clockwork Head, which was a terrifying thing.

Two consecutive waves of deaths delayed the development of Clockwork indefinitely, and at the same time, there was a level difference of 2 levels.

At the beginning of 10 minutes, Victor went to the bottom lane to support.

Clockwork, who had only half of his health left online, quickly sent a signal. The EDG duo immediately retreated, and Mouse was also looking for a teleporting ward.

Brother Jingshuang and Liu Qingsong pushed the line over and followed Spider to Xiaolong Pit.

EDG didn't dare to grab it, and Snake easily took over the first wind dragon.

Emperor Z and Meiko were cautious enough, but they could not escape the first grade of junior high school, but they could not escape the fifteenth grade.

At 15 minutes and 26 seconds, Victor pushed the line and disappeared from EDG's sight.

It feels like I went to get the blue, but caught it with the spider!

The wind dragon attribute is actually useful, and can improve the efficiency of lane transitions for heroes like Victor.

Emperor Z and Meiko retreated a step too late. Nami's big move set off waves, and the fortune teller also used big moves to save people.

Spider and Victor arrived, and the terrifying chaotic storm and death ray melted the half-blooded mouth almost instantly!

Meiko's ultimate move saved Emperor Z's life, but after he was crippled by AOE damage, the fortune teller killed him with one shot.

Big Mouth flashes to escape, and Spider's E skill jumps in the face.

When he was caught up by Victor and received a QA shot from a diagonal stab, King Z, who had been developing for more than ten minutes, found that he could only rely on self-destruction to deal damage.

A tower in EDG's bottom lane was demolished, but it was not a first-blood tower.

The trolls of Brother Holy Gun have quietly made a fortune.

Victor got three kills and his growth rate was unstoppable. When the game reached the 25th minute, the kill ratio was 11-2.

The two sides fought near the Dalong Pit. Emperor Z's Big Mouth did practice secretly for many games, and his proficiency was good. However, EDG's dream of counting on Big Mouth to save it soon became a delusion!

"The position of the blue buff is very narrow, Liu Qingsong's Nami uses her ultimate move!"

"The troll TP circled back, and this pillar blocked EDG's retreat. Lulu controlled the troll, and used her big mouth to output backhand, which dealt a lot of damage!"

"The fortune teller activates his ultimate move! Mouse opens his big cover and mouth, and the director's R skill is thrown at the spider!"

"Pig sister takes the ball!"

"Q flash! Clockwork followed by R, the target is Victor!"


"Only the spider was caught, The King escaped!!"

From the picture on the big screen, EDG seems to still be able to fight.

However, when Victor dodged EDG's key skill in a flash, Chaos Storm was thrown directly into EDG's crowd!

Suddenly, the magical power released by the singularity was filled with thunder and lightning!

The terrifying AOE exploded in the EDG formation, and QEA hit Clockwork instantly!


"The little boy's clockwork was instantly killed!"

"This death ray is simply the essence of The King's Victor! It kills the clockwork and reaches the limit of the big mouth!"

"No more, the double C status has been destroyed!"

"Power is supreme, the frozen realm! The troll's ultimate move sucks a big tree, and cooperates with the fortune teller to hammer the big mouth!"

"Dead! Zet was killed too!"


——Mach is at full blast!

Under the effect of sprinting, Pig Girl's damage to Victor is pale and weak.

The factory director was restrained by the gravity field and spiders, and was also killed by Victor's damage a few seconds later.

Dashu killed the spider and was emptied of his health bar amidst the sound of electric welding.

Only Meiko's Lulu survived to the end. After Victor got this three kills, his record was already amazing!

Amid the excited shouts of Snake fans at the scene, Snake took away the baron and destroyed the second tower in the middle.

The economic gap between the two sides widened to nearly 9,000 in this wave. Snake used the Baron Buff to continuously defeat EDG's two highlands, and the economic gap reached more than 11,000.

At 32 minutes and 45 seconds, Nanchiang in the EDG player seat leaned weakly on the e-sports chair behind him.

Staring at the gray screen, he had mixed feelings at this moment.

Named Seven, the intention is strong.

But, it's over.

EDG's spring is completely over.

('-'*ゞGood morning! Good night, book friends.

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