LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 172 The cold machine is no joke!

"Congratulations to Snake, you won the first victory!" Miller said loudly with an excited smile: "The King's Galio has achieved effects we have never seen before."

"The correct way to open this hero after being reworked should have been clearly portrayed by The King."

"I have a hunch that after this game, the hero Galio will attract the attention of major teams and even become a popular choice."

Wang Duoduo laughed and said: "Only when I saw The King's Galio did I truly understand the true meaning of the stone statue spreading its wings. As I said before the game, The King's first-time heroes in the professional arena can often perform amazing feats." The performance of the four-seater.”

Wawa smiled and said connotatively, "Actually, your sentence excludes a hero."

He smiled and said, "It's a plane, right?"

"Yes, even though The King used his plane to deal 70,007 points of horrific damage, his plane crashed in his debut."

The commentators were joking, and the barrage was quite lively:

"Brother Wolfberry is very weak and not good at masturbating. He's in the Ganges River~!"

"Why is it useless for me to play Galio, but Brother Wolfberry's Galio is like a stone statue spreading its wings?"

60e was very worried: "Xi Ye, please don't play Enchantress in the next game. It's okay to beat other people. I was really panicked when I played against The King. The King is too familiar with the hero Enchantress. It's hard to do anything but do what you want. I was stuck W just now." My scalp is numb due to the skill CD show... Change to a more stable hero, and really don’t fight The King in the lane! Play roaming support, and help my brother-in-law more."

60E also responded: "It makes sense. I have never seen anyone win against The King. It's rare to take advantage."

The wolfberry fan said proudly: "The cold machine, that's no joke!"

The commentators are still interpreting the previous game, and WE and Snake in the background are preparing for the second game.

"Xiye, in the second game, I'm going to let you take on more team responsibilities."

"Snake can push and roam, and so can we."

"By implementing more strategies and synergies, the focus shifts to the bottom lane, giving Mystic a core hero."

"The King is still Snake's absolute strength, and we don't have to fight them head-on."

Coach Hongmi’s words are more tactful, but everyone can understand the meaning behind his words.

Xiye is indeed very talented, but he is still too young. The mid lane in LPL is still dominated by The King.

After Coach Hongmi laid out the tactics, 957 ran over and patted Xiye on the shoulder.

"Xiye, calm down, this is nothing."

Xiye turned her head and glanced at Brother Leg, with a relieved smile on her face.

"Brother Leg, don't worry, I'm not as fragile as you think."

"The King is Fmvp in the finals after all. I lost a little to him, so it's not too unfair."

"However, in the next game, I will concentrate on executing the tactics assigned by the coach. It is not that easy to win from WE!"

"I have to find a way to defeat that guy!"

Hearing this, 957 instantly smiled and patted Xiye's shoulder heavily.

"Yes, that's the mentality and fighting spirit."

Brother Leg said in an experienced tone: "The King is as old as me, of course I am talking about age. I understand very well what state he is in, and I have studied him for a long time! All phenomena show that he is strong It won’t last long.”

"Time will defeat everything. His injuries are evidence of his persistence. However, The King's willpower is stronger than I thought."

"That's why I'm in awe of him."

"However, being young and talented is what you are worth, Xiye!"

957 Comforting words are still very effective. After listening to Xiye, the smile on his face became more numerous.

Brother Leg is right, I'm still young!

The WE uniform staff were very satisfied, and the Hongmi coach also nodded.

Brother Leg’s Xiye exclusive chicken soup still works.

Snake backstage.

"We choose the blue side in the next game. WE will definitely be short of ban positions. There is a high probability that they will not have the space to ban Galio in the first three moves."

Chris continued: "One of the questions we are facing now is, if they let it go, should we change the formation and disrupt WE's position, or should we continue to take it?"

"If WE plays Galio, Xiye will definitely not take an assassin. If it is a hero who is weak in the early stage and prefers development, should we consider giving Brother Hao an assassin on his backhand?"

"Then, we will focus on mid-field tactics. Gangzi will choose a hero such as EZ, and Qingsong will roam to the middle to put pressure on the opponent."

Chris gave two options, and Flandre said: "Actually, I think both are fine. The main thing is to see Brother Hao."

"Yes, I'm fine." Gangzi also responded, "The pressure from Ben and my brother-in-law is not that great. It's really different from the bang+Wolf I met last year."

Liu Qingsong and Cuihua both looked at Li Hao, waiting for him to make a decision.

Li Hao thought: "We have prepared a lot of tactics, but there is no need to expose them all."

"After all, our ultimate goal in the spring is still MSI. I have watched a lot of games in other divisions recently, and I believe teams in other divisions are also watching our LPL side."

"I suggest that we continue to choose Galio in the next game. In fact, we have been exposed to Galio's tactics this time. The method that WE came up with in a short period of time may not necessarily be very effective."

"Of course, it still depends on whether WE can pull it off."

"Okay, then it's decided." Chris agreed.

After listening to what they just said, everyone discovered a very important piece of information.


Brother Hao, you are already studying Msi’s opponents!

"The BP of the second game has officially begun. This time, Snake, who has the priority to choose the side, chose the blue side."

Snake killed the grasshopper and blind monk with his first two hands.

WE's first two ban positions were given to Victor and Kenan as usual.

Snake took down Kled with his third hand.

The poodle WE didn't dare to let go, so he pulled it off with the third hand.

"The bans on both sides of the ball were very fast this time, and the tactics should have been clear for a long time." Miller was a little confused: "However, Galio, who won the MVP in The King's last game, did not get rid of him."

Xiaoxiao guessed: "Snake's selection of Galio in the last round was very sudden. WE was not prepared and released this round directly. The strategy should have been discussed during the break. The hero Galio has not yet appeared in the regular tactics. , we don’t rule out the possibility that Snake will make a surprise attack, so he may not be the one to choose in this round.”

As soon as Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Snake locked Galio instantly on the first floor.

Neither Wawa nor Wang Duoduo could hold it back and burst out laughing.

Miller smiled and comforted: "Your Majesty, I know you don't want to see The King's Galio, but Snake doesn't intend to take care of your feelings."

"We didn't hold anything back. We got Spider and Rock Bird in both hands in the front. Both sides of the middle were pushing the lane in this one, so it was difficult to win."

"That's right, it all depends on how you choose the hero on the wing. The prince is still outside. Does Snake want to take it?"

"Locked! Snake locked the prince instantly on the second floor!"

"Lulu has been selected on the third floor! This is also the time to get the big core. Brother Crystal's big mouth can be used, and my brother-in-law has many big mouth records in WE. Do you want to grab a chance from WE?"

"Snatch it, lock the big mouth!"

Considering that WE's support has not yet come out, Snake directly eliminated Zyra and Fanma.

The Redmi coach frowned slightly in the player box, and they took down Draven and Han Bing with two hands.

Brother Crystal's Draven is good at it, and Redmi has also taken it into consideration. Although it is not common, it is possible to suddenly use it to hit a big mouth.

On the fourth floor of WE, we locked the auxiliary Tamu.

Snake didn't do any tricks and selected Varus at the AD position.

The last unit to go up is to choose the little fish man.

In the WE counter position, considering that the AP damage of the lineup was a bit overflowing, Redmi gave 957 Gnar as a last resort.

After the heroes switch positions, the lineups of both sides are locked.

Blue Square Snake: Little Murloc, Prince, Galio, Varus, Lulu

Red side WE: Gnar, Spider, Rock Bird, Big Mouth, Tamu

This hand of Tam is to deal with the forced opening of the prince and Galio. Tam can swallow the big mouth and ensure the living space of the brother-in-law.

This choice of lane will be a disadvantage. WE is preparing to use the early rhythm to influence the game.

Xiye didn't need to play online suppression in this game, but the Redmi coach still entrusted him with the important task.

Before leaving the field, the Hongmi coach habitually rubbed everyone's shoulders in WE to let them relax and stay in good condition.

After loading, the hero reappears on Summoner's Rift.

Rock Bird, Galio, Dragon King, including Ryze, the mechanics of these heroes are actually similar, they push the lane and provide support.

Li Hao went out with Duo Lan and his summoner skills were the same as Xi Ye's, teleportation and flash.

Yanque's hands are longer than Galio's, but his early suppression power is much worse than that of Enchantress in the previous game. Xiye cannot deal that kind of explosive damage.

In the middle, the two mid laners pushed each other, not wanting to do much.

At 3 minutes and 34 seconds, Kandi made a wave in the middle.

The audience saw another amazing scene. After the spider appeared, the rock bird predicted Galio's retreating position, and a rock spur pushed Galio in his direction.

Galio used his E skill to jump back and put his butt in the direction of the rock bird, inflicting stone penetration damage.

However, his feet instantly left the range of the rock protrusion and followed the Justice Punch (E) towards his own defense tower.

Seeing this scene, Kandi's spider disappeared directly into the upper half of the river.

Xiye was secretly surprised. The person opposite him really mastered Galio's E skill!

Moreover, he is also really brave.

After a slight delay, he was pushed back by the rock protrusion, and something big was going to happen this time.

On the bottom lane, Liu Qingsong took advantage of Lulu's strong early attributes and made a beautiful pull in the grass.

After Lulu turned around to dodge Tahm's Big Tongue Whip, the Shining Spear slowed down to Tahm, and continued basic attacks. When Ben got close to the Big Mouth, he took another E skill from Varus.

Big Mouth wanted to deal with Lulu, but Varus shot an arrow. Snake and the two focused their fire to deal damage to the brother-in-law. Ben swallowed the brother-in-law in one gulp, and the two quickly evacuated from the battle circle.

At just over 4 minutes, the prince came to the bottom lane and knocked out Tahm's flash.

The WE duo returned to the city, and Kandi chose to catch them.

Gnar, who was on the road, had a fight with the little murloc, and Kandi's spider came from behind.

However, Flando is not stupid at all, he keeps using his E skill.

When the spider gave E, the little fishman easily avoided it with a pole vault.

Yanque, who had pushed the lane in the middle, also arrived. WE was going to take advantage of the time when the murloc didn't have E to kill under the tower.

Although Galio has teleportation, Gnar's anger is very good, and the little murloc's health is not healthy. They have a chance to kill the little murloc instantly.

However, Li Hao's Galio also came to the top lane.

After Xiye accelerated against the wall, he met Galio directly in the river.

The encounter at the corner was rather sudden. Galio EAQWA, with a set of damage combinations, passively crippled Xiye.

But the spider was not far away. Seeing Emperor Kang rushing this way, Xiye felt confident.

It's a pity that Rock Thrust was empty again, and the damage from QE couldn't make Galio feel any physical pain to Galio who had Durang's shield.

At 6 minutes and 47 seconds, the middle lanes on both sides disappeared again.

Yanque came to the bottom lane, cut off Brother Crystal's retreat with a big move, and successfully forced Varus to flash. Brother-in-law and Ben felt much better instantly.

The Spiders also linked up from the jungle area, and WE prepared to attack the bottom lane with a four-pack and two-two attack.

However, bad news suddenly came on the road!

"W flash!"

"The King broke the queen and forced his way to Nar!"

"Here comes the ultimate move of the little fish man. This is the ultimate move with the maximum range. The 957 wave is going to be dark!"

Gnar desperately handed over the flash, and was bitten by a big shark near the defense tower.

Galio knocked Gnar away with an E, and the little murloc Q minion stepped forward, pole vaulted and dealt damage to Gnar, followed by A and then W.

Under Galio's war wind, Gnar delivered first blood.

This was also the first kill that broke out in this game.

The prince rushed to the bottom lane in time. With Snake teleporting in the middle and above, and Gnar waiting to be resurrected, even though a wave of red square soldiers happened to come over, WE and WE were forced to give up this wave of actions.

Their actions stopped, but Snake's actions began.

At 8 minutes and 45 seconds, after Lulu eliminated the lane ward, Prince Cuihua rushed to the bottom lane and launched the move that Snake had been waiting for for a long time.

The first move was Gangzi's Varus, who used a big move against Big Mouth to force Tahm's W skill. Tam was slowed down by Lulu, and when the Big Mouth came out of Tam's mouth, Cuihua's Prince EQ forced the Big Mouth to flash.

Follow, the prince has no brains to cover the pot!

The WE bottom defense tower has the TP special effect of Rock Bird, but there is another person who comes faster!

"—eat my wings!"

The hero appears (R)!

The familiar scene appeared again. In the prince's world, a huge stone statue fell from the sky. With a "boom" sound, a bright yellow force shook the earth. The big mouth was shot into the sky, and the tower beside it Mu also went to heaven.

The gargoyle collided with Big Mouth, and in conjunction with Varus' long-range Q, he hit QW with a heavy punch, and Big Mouth was ridiculed.

After that, the prince crippled Big Mouth with a basic attack, and Galio hit Big Mouth with a heavy punch, killing Big Mouth.

Then, the four Snakes began to deal damage to Tahm, and Ben's flash was also played.

Xiye's rock bird arrived, and a rock protrusion pushed Galio back into the tower. The stone formation and stone penetration dealt damage one after another.

Kandi's cocoon kept up with the control, and the spider produced a set of output, which combined with the attack of the defense tower, and Galio became disabled.


"——The giant appears!"

Lulu let out a clear cry, and used Wild Growth (R) to make Galio larger, instantly more powerful, and gain 300 + 50% of spell power health.

The spider next to Galio was knocked away. Li Hao turned around and gave Kandi a heavy punch, and then left the WE defense tower easily.

There are few people on WE's side, so we don't dare to chase him and fight him.

After Snake pushed the line of troops forward, he took away the first water dragon.

Starting from this wave, WE's rhythm was not right.

Li Hao went home and made shoes. It was a pity that there was no wolf head at this time, otherwise it would have made WE's feelings more real.

Less than 2 minutes later, Snake attacked the bottom lane again.

In the middle, after pushing the line of troops under the WE tower, Li Hao immediately linked up with Cuihua.

This wave, they took advantage of the TP difference between Galio and Rock Bird.

Rockbird has R, but Galio does not. However, Rockbird, who is handling the troop line under the tower, cannot catch up with the 3,000-yard ultimate range in the first place.

The prince's EQ crossed the wall, and Galio teleported directly on the flag.

The holy gun brother who went on the road immediately kept an eye on Little Gnar, who was not a big threat. If 957 dared to teleport, he would definitely eat a big shark.

Lulu and Varus directly crossed the line of troops, and the tower sent a wave of four to two.

Although Tam's W delayed a little time, by the time Spider and Rock Bird arrived, brother-in-law and Ben had already returned to the spring hand in hand.

The first blood tower in the bottom lane was lost, and Big Mouth's rhythm immediately collapsed.

In the following 10 minutes, WE did not find a comeback point.

Although Xiye's Rock Bird had a certain effect, he couldn't restrict Galio to the middle, and kept following Galio to eat exhaust gas.

At 23 minutes and 36 seconds, Dazui's record had reached 0-6.

In the entire spring game, this was the worst time for my brother-in-law.

In the 26-minute wave of team battles, the Olympic Sports Center fell into a boil.

Near the second tower in the middle of WE, Galio squatted in the grass with no vision.

Li Hao noticed the position of everyone in WE, and at 26 minutes and 34 seconds, he suddenly flashed W and forced away the four WE players except Spider!

Lulu gave Galio her ultimate move, which immediately knocked him into the air. Varus gave R, Prince EQ followed R, and Murloc followed R.

Following that, Galio took off on the spot under the influence of many control effects! !

"——Absorb magic and release power."

"——This battle will be famous throughout the ages."

The Colossus of Justice roared wildly, and the second tower in WE was shaken!

Galio, who had been enlarged by Lulu, hit the ground hard.

This wave of control caused WE to kill two people instantly.

The brother-in-law's big mouth was shot into a passive state by Gangzi's arrow!

Xiye's rock bird also died in the battle and was bitten to death by a big shark.

Ben's Tamu prepared to escape with Gnar, but was turned into a sheep and then surrounded and killed under the tower.

WE suffered a tragic collapse!

Kandi released an EWQ, but did not dare to change into spider form and rush forward, and retreated directly.

He wanted to leave his usefulness behind and contribute a wave of dragon-grabbing skills to WE.

However, Snake didn't give any chance and ended the game directly from the middle.

0-2, 60e fell into silence.

Backstage at WE, the uniform staff were also quite silent.

In the commentary box, the king, who was witnessing the tragedy, smiled, not smiling at all.

Next to him, Wang Duoduo kept making excited explanations that made his chest beat:

"The King starts a team at a divine level! Flash and taunt four people! All members of Snake cooperate perfectly to create an epic team battle!"

"This scene is so unforgettable and wonderful!"

"Yeah, smile!"

Smile (Mask of Pain): "Yeah, that's wonderful."

('-'*ゞGood night, book friends.

Go to bed early, there should be another chapter tomorrow morning, I will stay up late coding~~

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