LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 173 Red Rice's clever plan to release the Colossus three times, Gray Lady's real s

"2-0, Snake has got the match point!"

"The King didn't get too many kills in these two games, but he is definitely Snake's engine! Xiye didn't have any disadvantages in the early stage, but since the two sides had different gank choices in the top and bottom lanes, the rhythm has gradually been controlled by The King. ”

Miller continued: "We want to see Yanqiao come with the ultimate support, so that WE can form a situation where more people fight with fewer people, but this kind of scene occurs too few times. In many cases, Yanqiao is passive. Follow Galio."

Wang Duoduo also echoed: "One thing is that the cooperation of the Snake team is indeed more tacit and efficient. They can communicate effectively and seize the information gap between the two sides. For example, when the prince planted a flag and brought Galio over, WE They almost nailed the ward position in the bottom lane, otherwise Big Mouth wouldn't have collapsed so quickly."

"Every player in Snake performed at a high level, which is why we were able to have such a hearty team battle!"

"Yes, Snake is indeed more mature than last season!" When he said this, the baby was a little excited.

"How will WE respond to Snake who has a match point?"

The WE uniform team, data analysts, and the entire team are all uneasy now, everyone is uneasy!

At this time, WE was really pushed to the edge of the cliff.

You can imagine how difficult it is to defeat this Snake with two men chasing three men!

Coach Hongmi was walking around in the lounge, his brows already furrowed into the character "Chuan".

Prince + Galio, this is the first time the WE team has encountered this system, and it is also the first time it has appeared in the entire league. It is difficult to find relevant data in major leagues. . .

Snake is selected two times in a row. If WE is selected again for the third game, the Redmi coach feels that the opponent will definitely choose again!

Then, once WE is swept out of the finals 0-3, Snake will take this gust of wind and let the entire league see their latest terrifying weapon!

To be honest, even the Redmi coach at this time is a little tempted by this system.

The champion coach is no fool. He was so stubborn when he made such a big talk just now. Even after taking into account Tam's move, he still couldn't resist it.

The prince used his big move to frame him, and Galio took it. This was simply a nightmare of doing whatever he wanted, with no movement of AD!


We must change our tactics!

"Xiye, can you play Galio?" Hongmi asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Xiye recovered from his confusion.

He nodded, then shook his head.

Then he said truthfully: "You can really play it. I practiced it when it was just revised and reworked. I also played Rank with Kandi before."

"However, the effect can only be said to be average."

"I abandoned this hero at that time and didn't practice much. When I took out Galio, I would definitely not be as proficient as The King."

Hongmi nodded, and he was going to ask about Emperor Kang.

But when I think about it, it feels superfluous. Of course Emperor Kang can play the prince.

Xiye looked at Hongmi like this and said in surprise:

"Then coach, you're not going to let me take Galio, are you?"

"After today's game, it's totally fine for me to practice Galio, but it was too hasty to take it out today, and it's hard to guarantee my performance."

Kandi also said: "Indeed, if you want to achieve that kind of tacit cooperation, you need more practice. Xiye and I have never cooperated before."

Hongmi nodded. He wanted to use it, but today was really not the right time.

First, the lineup needs to be adjusted.

Secondly, Xiye was under too much pressure.

With the example of The King here, Xiye's Galio is taken out. Once it is pulled, in sharp contrast, it is not going to be laughed to death by the bad netizens.

I can already imagine what the barrage was like at that time.

"In the next round, we're on the blue side. Why don't we just take down Galio." Leg Brother suggested cautiously.

Xiye responded: "Take out Galio, and I will continue to use the Rock Bird. This will also ensure that my support speed is faster than TheKing's, but I don't know if he can play Dragon King."

“I really don’t understand TheKing’s hero pool right now.”

My brother-in-law's Chinese is actually pretty good, but he usually likes to pretend he doesn't understand, like accidentally dropping a wild monster or something.

However, at this moment, the brother-in-law did not pretend not to understand. He said:

"It can be broken. He has too many restrictions on me. Once the prince and him merge, I won't be able to flash, and I will often be trembling on the edge of the world falling apart."

After listening to his words, Hongmi, who was thinking, seemed to be inspired by something, and her eyes suddenly lit up.


He made a loud clapping sound with his hands, which was very abrupt in the background.

"By the way, Snake connected Galio and the prince in these two games."

"In the first game, because we didn't know this system, they took it separately without setting up defenses."

"In the second round, I picked Galio on the blue side in seconds, and then picked the prince right after. I no longer dared to put it in the back two hands and take it. It was obviously because I was afraid of taking the richer ban position in the last two hands!"

"In other words, this system needs to bind these two heroes together!"

Galio played too few times in the spring split, and his performance was very average, even in all major regions. This has to make the Redmi coach still have a little doubt about this hero.

He even thought of a way to break the situation for WE!

"Since Snake has developed this system, he must also know the disadvantages. They bound Galio and the prince."

"Humph! Then let's take them apart!"

The champion coach's face showed the sinister smile exclusive to the old silver coin:

"We let Snake use a lame lineup and let the system completely collapse!"

"Once Snake is tricked, we have the opportunity to push the game to Game 4 and replay the game in the next round. This round of the finals will turn around again!"

Everyone's eyes lit up slightly.

He is indeed a Hongmi coach!

When you hear it this way, it makes sense!

The brother-in-law also nodded: "If it weren't for the prince's ultimate move, I don't think Galio's ultimate move would have restricted me to death so easily."

Xiye also said: "If we're just facing Galio, even if it's The King, if I hold on forcibly, there's nothing he can do against me. In the last game, my Rock Bird didn't defeat him in the early game. "

The leg brother patted his chest: "I was careless last time. This time, I will never give Galio the chance to get my first blood so easily!"

Emperor Kang said: "I have no problem taking the prince. At level 1, I just need someone to help clear the field."

"In other words, we will choose the red side next time?"


"This is a bit obvious, right? What if Snake notices it and doesn't fall for it?"

Coach Hongmi waved his hand and said confidently:

"I have been observing The King for a long time. He should be a very proud player inside. As long as we dare to let him go, he will definitely dare to choose!"

Coach Hongmi also knows in his heart that this is WE’s declaration of war against the S6 king!

Jinling Olympic Sports Center!

In the commentary box, after the first three ban positions appeared, even King Smile widened his eyes and stared blankly at WE's cool moves!

"Let him go, Galio has been let out again!"

"Haha, so exciting~!"

"Moreover, WE took the initiative to choose the red side in this game, and even the person who was banned did not change. It seems that they have defeated The King's Galio!"

"Did WE already have countermeasures to crack the system in such a short period of time?"

The commentators were surprised, and the WE fans were also quite puzzled.

However, they instinctively believe in the ability of WE's coaching staff. After all, the coaching team's ability has been proven by being able to take WE all the way to this arena.


Are you afraid of losing two games in a row? nonexistent!

Just don't pull it, let it go!

So what if Galio is released three times?

Thinking of this, WE fans also felt a little enthusiasm and began to look forward to WE's performance in this game.

In the Snake player's seat, Chris became suspicious: "Is WE so stubborn?"

"Let Galio go three times?"

"Brother Hao, what do you say?"


"If you dare to let go, dare to choose!"

"Okay, my prince's hand feels hot too." Cuihua said excitedly.

Flandre smiled and said: "It's best if WE doesn't accept it and doesn't even change the lineup."


"Snake locks Galio instantly!"

"Oh, the two teams are getting angry!"


"Changing tactics, prince? Are WE going to steal the prince?"

Miller was shocked and excited: "Oh my god, did WE deliberately let Snake choose Galio, and then use the substitution to lock the prince and dismantle the system between Galio and the prince!"

"Based on Galio's performance in the professional leagues in the spring split, if there is no prince, the effect will be much worse!"

The doll grinned: "Coach Hongmi really has a skill!"

"This is a trap for Snake, and they are sure that The King will take out Galio!"

Smile finally showed a more sincere smile and boasted about the home team:

"The impact of BP tactics on a game is too great. To be able to come up with such a cracking method in a short period of time and lure Snake to take the bait, the WE coaching staff has really done a good job."

Wang Duoduo said with emotion: "It is easy to hide from open guns, but difficult to guard against hidden arrows."

The director showed the camera to the WE players' bench. Although he was now 0-2 behind, the Hongmi coach's face was still full of fighting spirit.

On Snake's side, there was obviously a lot of communication, and they were discussing something.

On the first and second floors of WE, the prince and the rock bird were selected.

Snake chose Ice and Spider on the second and third floors.

WE selected Fan Ma on the third floor, which increases the mobility of the mobile phone and allows AD to accelerate away from the range of Galio's ultimate move. I have to say that WE has considered it very carefully.

The reason why Tahm was not selected was obviously because it would not be easy to force the attack without the prince.

One thing to say is that Tahm Kench is really good at protecting C, but he suffered a big loss in the lane and was stolen by the long-handed hero Kaka.

In this round, WE also plans to choose an ADC with displacement.

Then, they killed Zyra and Lulu.

Snake took down the fishman and Gnar.

On the fourth floor, WE selected top laner Rambo, forming a classic Rambo + Prince system.

However, Snake's last two choices surprised WE.

On the fourth floor, Snake took out Bronn.

On the fifth floor, he took out the Qinggang Shadow!

WE took Kangte's position and helped his brother-in-law take down the policewoman, and the lineups of both sides were locked.

Blue square Snake: Green Steel Shadow, Spider, Galio, Ice, Braum

Red square WE: Rambo, Prince, Rock Bird, Policewoman, Fan Mom

After the lineup was locked, many people didn't find anything wrong at first.

In this game, the battle between the two sides was relatively peaceful. The middle lane was still similar to the previous game, with Xiye and Li Hao steadily finishing their last hits.

Occasionally, we will find opportunities to consume each other.

But when there is no jungler coming over, both of them are very fond of Wood and stop there.

At 3 minutes and 45 seconds, the spider was caught. Xiye's reaction was not slow. He turned around and ate Galio's War Wind, avoiding the spider's cocoon.

Because Li Hao had just mastered the skills and didn't know the prince's position at the same time, he didn't have the power to dodge with W.

Xiye stood very carefully, and opportunities were difficult to find.

At 4 and a half minutes, Kandi made the catch, but his scalp was numbed by Xiu!

He moved over from where the blue square was against the wall of F6.

The prince's second EQ was dodged by Galio's E skill when he jumped back. When he rushed forward, he happened to cross the prince's EQ.

However, this wave of WE's offense doesn't stop there.

Fan Ma and the policewoman in the bottom lane firmly took the initiative in the lane. After the WE duo pushed the line of troops, Ben immediately seized the opportunity to roam. When the prince took action, Fan Ma had already arrived.

If this blow can be hit, Galio will definitely die.

Xiye's W rock burst predicted Galio's retreat position, forcing Li Hao to turn his head.

Fan Zi Ma took advantage of the situation and quickly stepped forward, while Li Hao moved towards the river in the upper half of the area.

Ben flashed up and caught up, tying his dog leash to Galio at the edge of the river.

The prince's basic attack with red buff, A is on Galio.

The situation was not right, Li Hao first released the W Durang Shield to obtain the damage reduction effect.

Then he flashed over the wall of the river in the upper half of the area, and pulled out the steadfastness (W) on his body.

The first time there is a cross-dodge, WE will definitely not kill because it can't be killed.

But you still want to leave without giving first blood at this time? !


"He's gone!!"


There was a passionate shout from the WE team's voice.

On the big screen, as professional players, Xiye and Kandi's reaction speeds were extremely fast, and their flashes were released almost at the same time.

However, Galio on the other side of the wall had already pressed the teleport button towards his front tooth tower.

The prince's EQ did not improve, nor did the rock bird's W. The two of them could only output Galio like crazy.

Fan Zi Ma was a step too late and stepped forward to deal damage.

Galio, who was glowing green, was about to lose his health, but when Galio's avatar kept flashing red, he reached the front tooth tower at the critical moment!

Li Hao looked at his blood volume, it was 7 o'clock!

Ancestor Seven, you still love me.


Xiye finally couldn't bear it any longer and patted her thigh depressedly.


Coach Hongmi slammed the table in the background and almost died of anger.


Zuo Wu patted the water dispenser and shouted "Nice"!


"Oh my god, The King escaped with 7 drops of blood!"

"This wave is so dangerous. The spider just left the middle and went to the top. 957's Rambo was very careful and did not give Snake a chance. Unexpectedly, WE's backhand was a wave of three people to encircle and suppress the middle. Kangdi's prince failed to use EQ to knock him away And deal damage, otherwise Galio will definitely die!"

Smiling and widening his eyes, this wave of Galio's reaction must be too fast!

Wang Duoduo praised: "It has to be Theking, he handled it so calmly!"

"This series of operations really can't make any mistakes! But, The King did it!"

"WE lost three blood during this wave of blood loss!"

Li Hao quickly returned to the city and bought equipment to replenish his status. Even he was excited about this wave.

If it weren't for the delay effect of the thermos cup, his reaction wouldn't have been as extreme this time.

Sure enough, it is always better to last longer.

What neither the audience nor the WE team expected was that the game went on for about two and a half minutes, and the nature of the game seemed to have suddenly changed again.

Li Hao directly made this attack outfit. The first item he chose was not the inspiration, but the rocket belt.

Although the fault tolerance rate is lower in the early stage, the damage is higher and the clearing speed is one level faster.

At 7 minutes and 03 seconds, during the Snake team voiceover, Li Hao looked at the mini map and said immediately:

"Xuanjun, get ready."

"Brother Hao, come on! Let me see how wretched this 957 is!"

Cuihua said: "I'm in place on the bottom lane. Even if the four of them are here, they can't get over the tower."

Gangzi and Liu Qingsong were also shouting "Chong Chong Chong"!


"Spider supports the bottom lane, Galio switches up!"

"Brother Holy Spear, this is the move, we need to take action!"


On the route, the Gray Lady walked gracefully.

"-Fear sharpens every blade."

"——The faster the knife, the faster the life~!"

Gray Lady let out a soft drink, hooked her hand with the E skill, and the second section of the E wall returned to Rambo.

957's distance was well controlled, and with a coquettish move, Camille did not touch Rambo at the first moment, and only used her W to sweep towards Rambo.

However, this does not affect Camille at all from issuing the Hex Ultimatum (R) to Rambo!

Camille becomes temporarily untargetable and jumps towards an enemy hero, interrupting the channeling state and locking the hero in an area from which they cannot escape.

Even if you flash inside, you cannot escape from the ultimate move area.

957 didn't panic for the first time, because the damage from Holy Spear Brother was not enough to kill him instantly.

However, when he saw the mark on the ground, his expression suddenly changed!

"——Haha, eat one of my wings!!"

On the Gray Lady's battlefield, I, the Colossus of Justice, will help the battlefield no matter what!

A huge thing fell from the sky!


Earth-yellow power splashed, strong animation effects burst out, and Rambo was hit hard! !


Li Hao hit Rambo with a set of skills. Because he had AP equipment, the hit on Rambo was very painful.

Brother Holy Spear made a sharp move, AQAAQ.

Rambo, who was ridiculed by Galio, had no room for a backhand.

Before Li Hao could land his next heavy blow, Rambo died under his war wind.


A huge scream sounded, and the little man's machine exploded.

Although the yordle used his ultimate move, it had no substantial effect.

This is the first professional collaboration between the Gray Lady and the Colossus of Justice, and the yordle is a whetstone.

"——First Blood!"

The steady leg brother gave out the first drop of blood again!

"Unexplainable killing!"

"957 even controlled his flash, but with the cooperation of Camille and Galio, a single-click kill is too overbearing!"

"He can't even hand over his own Flash!"


Backstage at Snake, Zuo Wu and Chris laughed.

"Let go, I told you to let Galio go!"


The two of them burst into laughter.

WE backstage, at this moment, the confidence and expectation on the champion coach's face are gone.

It turned into a pig liver look that was thoughtful and enlightened.

In the commentator's seat, there was no smile anymore, only a superficial smile but no smile at all.


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