LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 174 Why not fight Galio!

"Coach Hongmi, this."

Backstage at WE, a data analyst opened his mouth wide, spread his hands, and looked very panicked.

"I didn't expect that after robbing the prince, they would still have Camille!"

"Who would have thought that we were completely unprepared!"

"What the heck, this time Snake plotted him to death! 957 still got Rambo, that's terrible!"

Backstage at WE, everyone was talking a lot. Although the atmosphere of the discussion was lively, everyone knew after this incident that WE was going to suffer a serious disaster!

Coach Hongmi sighed:

"Snake's development of Galio's system went deeper than I thought. I didn't expect that in the first two games, they actually hid something!"

"Well, it's mainly because this system appeared for the first time. We didn't have much time to study it, and the scope of consideration was too narrow."

"Snake and his gang are really insidious."

Coach Hongmi was sighing, completely forgetting the insidious and excited look he had when he plotted against Snake just now.

Now, whenever he thinks that the top laner 957 is Rambo, Coach Hongmi’s head gets bigger.

There seemed to be a voice in his heart shouting: Brother Leg, hold on!

What shocked Coach Hongmi was that the leg brother on the court seemed to have a telepathic connection with him.

Backstage at WE, I heard Brother Leg say this in the team’s voice:

"The opponent's lineup is a bit unreasonable."

"I don't know if I can handle it."

Needless to say, Brother Leg, Xiye and his brother-in-law also discovered it. . .

In this version, the CDs of Qinggang Shadow's ultimate move and Galio's ultimate move are actually about the same, both are just over two minutes.

In other words, at nine and a half minutes, Snake is likely to launch the next wave of rhythm.

What is very disadvantageous for WE is that before 9 and a half minutes, their Nakano Fu didn't show up.

During this period, it was not easy for WE to launch a rhythm counterattack.

Just now they were preparing a wave of 4 packs of 2, but after the spider appeared, this wave of plans had to be cancelled.

If you beat Spider and Braum's tower in the early stage, you may be the one who suffers from being stronger.

At the beginning of 8 minutes, Li Hao controlled Galio with blue buff to push the line in the middle.

Galio, who uses AP, can push the line more ferociously because the equipment is formed faster than the rock bird. Xiye's little sparrow can already push Li Hao a little bit.

Sensing that Galio was heading down the lane after pushing the lane, Xiye quickly sent a signal.

The brother-in-law and Ben who did not flash immediately retreated. Kandi in the wild area also began to move closer to the lower half of the area, and used the flag to explore the field of vision, and then inserted the ward into the river in the lower half of the area.

In this game, the development of the brother-in-law is still relatively good, carrying the hope of WE. Kandi wants to ensure that the policewoman can't get into trouble again.

After Xiye finished pushing the lane, he kept cutting the screen to the bottom lane.

He held his ultimate move and kept looking for opportunities.

The policewoman and Fanzi Ma on the bottom lane are strong in lane, but lack hard control.

If you want to catch Snake's bottom duo, you rely heavily on the little sparrow to place the wall curtain.

However, after Snake gained the advantage over Galio, he combined with Spider's vision in the jungle to already have the upper hand. In addition, Han Bing had the E skill, and Gangzi would shoot an arrow into the lower half as long as his E turned well.

Xiye did find a chance, but when the rock bird's vision was exposed, the Freljord team on Snake's side would immediately retreat.

Snake's tactics are quite clear. Choosing Braum is largely based on the stability of the bottom lane.

After all, they knew where the rhythm point was when they selected the lineup.

Team WE, like many viewers, encountered this Galio system for the first time.

But Snake is different. They have practiced it many times during team training.

Li Hao's move towards the bottom lane was just to interfere with the WE duo.

At the beginning of 8 minutes, Hanbing didn't even have a big move.

The time it takes for the current version of the duo to reach level six, without losing experience, is about 8 and a half minutes.

During the two minutes when Rambo delivered first blood on the top lane, the Prince Spider was swimming towards the bottom lane, competing for the eye position near the river in the lower half. A wave of small conflicts broke out, but the team battle did not start.

At 9 minutes and 3 seconds, Hanbing shot an arrow down the river.

Kandi, who was arranging his eyes, reacted quickly enough and used EQ twice to dodge in time.

WE fans were sweating for Kandi. The prince flashed and almost turned around. Once this wave was hit by Ice R, everyone was gone.

When Spider and Galio saw this, they stopped walking forward at the same time.

Just over ten minutes later, what WE had been worrying about backstage happened.

Galio returned home to replenish his Rocket Belt and Killing Ring, and started walking up the road as soon as he left the house.

It is worth mentioning that because of the small amount of money missing from the murder ring, Li Hao deliberately waited for a few seconds in the spring water.

Many wolfberry fans laughed, and most people saw his intention.

Brother Wolfberry seems to have calculated the 957 heads into the murder ring level in advance.

"The King's ultimate skill has improved and he is heading up again!"

"Brother Holy Spear's ultimate move has also improved. Rambo is going to have trouble again this time!"

"There are crazy Pin signals in the middle, WE are alert, 957 is already obscene enough."


"Brother Holy Spear didn't hesitate at all!"

"Snake didn't even care about Kandi's position!"

Accompanied by the increasingly urgent voices of the commentators, the Qinggang Shadow on the big screen hooked onto the wall and used the tactical sweep (W) during the second stage of the E wall return. This is the EEW commonly used by the Qinggang Shadow for long-distance purposes. It is to achieve ultra-long distance deceleration and retain people.

957 opened the broken shield as soon as he saw Qinggang Shadow climbing up the wall and accelerated to escape.

However, this tactical sweep still hit him.

Whether it flashed was just a moment of hesitation in 957's mind, and the more decisive Qinggangying directly issued Hex an ultimatum.

What makes 957's face darken is

Almost the moment Qinggangying's ultimate move was given to him, the mark left by Galio's ultimate move on the ground was clearly visible.

"——My wings are against your wings, fight them!"

The hero appears (R)!

The violent force landed and blasted Rambo away again!


Qinggangying QAAQ kicked out a blue arc with a scissor kick, and Rambo's machine exploded instantly!

Kandi's EQ, who had just reached the top of the road, came over. He was so stunned that he didn't dare to press it. The leg brother had been killed instantly, so Kandi hurriedly braked.

Rambo's screams were extremely loud, echoing throughout the Olympic Sports Center.

"Brother Legs has pulled the plug, Snake and these two are simply doing whatever they want!"

"Everyone is so fierce, but why did he collapse when he got to Rambo? What is this Rambo doing? Doesn't he want to hand it over in a flash? Oh, if he can't hand it over, then it's okay."

"Brother Wolfberry: You won't fight Galio, right? If you don't understand, you won't fight. You won't give Wolfberry the face, right?"

"Tearing down the prince is just a pretense, right? It's awesome. He took out the Qinggang Shadow. Rambo didn't even recognize the horse that was hammered. He did less than 40 last hits in 10 minutes. It's a war criminal level performance."

"Snake is staring at this Rambo right now. If he shows up, he will die. Even if the prince comes, it will be useless. The leg brother's previous game was quite fierce, but I have a hunch that he will be beaten into a leg king in this round."

At this time, Xiye also grabbed the lower road once.

However, with Spider staying nearby, the bottom lane is still 3-on-3.

In this wave, the ADs on both sides were flashed to assist in the head swap, but one was taken by the spider and the other by the policewoman.

The situation on the bottom lane is acceptable, but what about the top lane?

The prince did not dare to guard the tower alone, so Galio and Qinggangying led the line directly into the tower and obtained the first-blood tower.

Just a minute later, bad news came again on the road.

Spider and Galio caught up, and they circled from the red zone to the upper second tower. Li Hao dodged W, taunting Rambo, and Spider formed a cocoon.

After the cocoon in human form hits, immediately connect with W and Q skills, and then a long-range basic attack. Turn on R to transform into spider form, and use Q to pick up AW.

After a complete set of EWQARQAW, Rambo has become reduced to residual health.

Galio EQA punched hard, and Rambo was directly hammered to death!


The game time is less than 12 minutes.

Throughout the spring, Brother Leg rarely had such a record.

As soon as Rambo died, the teleported Qinggang Shadow led the way, immediately attracting the prince's attention.

Snake moved to the center and pushed the line of troops through again.

At this time, Gangzi and Liu Qingsong were very cautious. They knew that Xiye was near the bottom lane and did not give WE a chance.

After the policewoman and Fan Zi Ma pushed the line of troops over, they started to hit the bottom of the tower.

When Xiye went to deal with the middle line of troops, Li Hao and Cuihua turned down, and WE's vision also spotted them. Brother-in-law and Ben did not dare to stay.

Snake took advantage of the situation to push the line of troops and took over the Wind Dragon, which had been undefeated.

In the next wave, when Qinggangying and Rambo were on the road, there was a thrilling scene!

Holy Gun Brother is near the second tower on the top lane. His E skill starts to stun Rambo, and smoothly gives him a tactical sweep. He then receives AQ in seconds. According to the attack speed at this time, Holy Gun Brother makes two basic attacks with A, and the second stage The real damage of Precision Etiquette (Q) kicked Rambo!

Qinggangying, who has two levels of advantages, directly beat the leg brother to a serious disability with this move!

If it weren't for his ultimate move, Rambo would have been killed on the spot!

Although Camille's damage and CD have been cut off a bit recently, she is still a hero that can be used as a single player to coordinate with junglers, support, and damage in the mid- to late-game. Her shortcomings are mainly her reliance on equipment and insufficient early damage.

But Holy Gun Brother's Qinggang Shadow in this round, after cooperating with Galio to kill Rambo in two consecutive waves, is obviously perfectly developed!

60e people are completely panicked. If Qinggangying doesn't restrict it, WE will be kicked into a hornet's nest by scissor kicks later!

"He hasn't left yet. He wants to push the second tower. I've teleported him. I can't defeat him by myself. Only two people can catch him."

There was a trace of helplessness in Brother Leg's voice, but the situation was urgent.

Killing Qinggangying and interrupting his rhythm is the best way to slow down Snake.

Kangdi and Xiye obviously realized it too.

Catch the three WE!

Qinggangying still didn't retreat, attacking the defense tower again and again.

Snake has noticed WE's movements, and Li Hao is approaching the upper road from the river in the upper half.

The range of his ultimate move is 4750 yards, which can already cover the Qinggang Shadow within the range of his ultimate move.

"Ranbo TP comes down, Kangdi's prince EQ second company!"

"Hit! The Qinggang Shadow was knocked away, and the rock bird followed up, spreading the stone array and adding rock protrusions!"

"957W move forward WEQEA!"

"Qinggangying's health is dropping very fast. Brother Holy Spear hooks and locks, and the wall returns! It's the direction of the rock bird next door!"

"Xiye moved to avoid it, but this crucial kick missed!"

"Gario gives out his ultimate move! The King enters the field!"

"Hex's ultimatum, it's over, Qinggangying has received damage reduction, Yanque can't escape from here!"


The voices of the commentators echoed in the Olympic Sports Center, and the huge thing on the big screen crashed down!

"——The stone statue spreads its wings!"

The rock bird was knocked away and swept away by the Gray Lady's tactics!

The moment Li Hao landed, he hit the Q with a heavy punch. The active effect of the rocket belt, combined with the output of Qinggangying, turned Xiye into a black screen on the spot!

Xiye couldn't understand this kind of hurt.

Rambo threw his ultimate move, and the prince was blocked. Qinggangying's adaptive defense was cooled down. The two of them dealt with the prince together. After being reduced to residual health by the prince's basic attack, Flandre flashed and distanced himself.

The prince and his flash attack wanted to capture the Qinggang Shadow's head, and Li Hao aimed at the prince's position after flashing.

Justice Punch (E)!

The prince was knocked into the air, and in conjunction with the Qinggang Shadow's damage, the prince was severely disabled with a passive punch.

Qinggang Ying immediately pulled away after A, and Kang Di was desperate. A couldn't be used. Li Hao used his W skill and taunted the prince with his backhand. Qinggang Ying turned around again and received another basic attack.

Galio punched out, blacking out Kandi's screen.

Rambo, who was about to clean up the mess, was hit by a magic crystal arrow flying from the bottom lane at the fork in front of the red buff.

Flandre, who thought she was going to die, shouted excitedly, and the team's voice was full of "Nice!"

"Gangzi, good fight!"

Qing Gangying's Q improved, and Li Hao's War Gang Feng also improved, and the two turned around to deal damage to the stunned Rambo.

957 had no equipment at all, and had a 3.5-second stun time. After the Gray Lady swept with a high kick, he finished with a tactical sweep and took the head!

"——The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray."

It seems to confirm the Gray Lady's words. The current world of Ueno in WE is gray, just like the gray screen.

"3 for 0! WE's rhythm is blown through!"

Wang Duoduo said: "The cooperation between these two people is so perfect. From Qinggangying R to Yanque, the moment Galio landed, Xiye was just like Rambo who kept taking these two big moves before. Suspenseful death!"

"The prince cooperated with Rambo. Although he knocked down Qinggang Shadow's bloodline, their skills were also inferior. In the last wave, the prince's scalp was numb after being pulled by Qinggang Shadow and Galio. Taunt kill, Snake’s side, all skills are very effective.”

"Brother Crystal's arrow from the bottom lane was also a stroke of genius!"

Watanabe nodded and said: "In addition to working well together, these two are also Snake's best developed. Qinggang Shadow's level is a little lower, and Rambo's damage is not that touching."

Miller said excitedly: "The effect of this system is also amazing. As long as Qinggangying leads the single on the wing, Galio can enter the field instantly with a big move. Then Rambo will almost be able to guard Qinggangying alone." impossible!"

"Snake only needs to split the game in this round. With their current top jungler, WE can no longer handle it."

He exhaled with a smile and said a little desolately: "We don't have much time left for WE."

Hearing these words from the King, many old 60e felt sad.

But, that’s the way it is on the field.

Without strength, you cannot touch that glory!

At 17 minutes and 34 seconds, WE's best-developed brother-in-law in this game has worked hard to develop for such a long time. After Rambo's disabled policewoman was targeted, the brother-in-law also felt what reality is.

In the WE blue area, Qinggang Shadow Hook Lock came over to give Hex an ultimatum, and at the same time kicked away the prince and fan mother beside him.

Then, the Colossus of Justice descended from the sky!

When the heavy punches and sharp knives focused on the policewoman, the brother-in-law's health bar seemed to melt and fell.

After the death of the policewoman, WE did not dare to take over the group.

However, Han Bing's ultimate move kept Fan Mom alive, and WE died again.

This caused the second tower in the lower lane to be pushed. If Xiye hadn't placed a wave of rock bursts well, the high ground in the lower lane wouldn't have been able to be defended.

Snake went back and invaded the WE jungle area, cleared all the resources, and the second earth dragon followed suit.

Around the 24th minute, Snake began to lay out the view around the Dalong Pit.

In this wave, Qinggangying and Galio's ultimate moves all improved.

Snake did not rush to open the baron to give WE a chance. After the entire upper half of the field of vision was arranged, the teleported Qinggang Shadow began to move to the top lane.

WE sent Rock Bird and Rambo to defend together, and Holy Gun Brother retreated to the WE red side jungle area.

Snake and others opened the dragon and were discovered by his brother-in-law's vision.

Emperor Kang took the will of the Dragon Son and began to rush towards the Dragon Zone.

Unfortunately, Qinggangying stopped him and kicked the prince unconscious against the red buff wall with an E.

Han Bing launched a big move in the direction of the prince, and Emperor Kang was punished to stand continuously.

Flandre knew that WE personnel were already in place, and while QAAAQ beat the prince into a cripple, she took a position near the dragon pit.

After Rock Bird and Rambo arrived, Snake had already captured the dragon!

WE retreated quickly, and Flandre did not find a chance to force the attack.

However, taking advantage of this wave of Baron Buff, Snake successfully broke through the bottom lane high ground that was already low on health.

When they gathered with their soldiers under the highland tower in the middle of WE, WE, knowing that there was no way out, gave it a try.

Kandi's prince EQ was shattered twice in a row, directly killing Gary Obloon and Spider.

Rambo fired his big move, and WE took the lead with a wave of beautiful coordination!

However, Qinggangying's double E came to the policewoman's face without thinking, and kicked everyone around the policewoman away with a big move.

The hero of Galio appears, and with the cooperation of the two, Caitlin is instantly killed!

The brother-in-law looked at his gray screen, he really had no choice at all.

The Gray Lady dug her feet into the flesh, and Galio punched him with justice. He had no chance to flash and E skills, but his operating space was completely blocked by these two guys who dealt a lot of damage.

Perhaps it only took about 1 second for the policewoman to be kicked to death by the Gray Lady!

"Qinggang Shadow Galio entered the scene and locked the brother-in-law!"

"It's over. The policewoman was killed instantly again! Totally unreasonable!"

"Oh my God, what harm can these two people do!"

"Ice R hit Rambo, Braum's big move knocked the prince away, and the fan's damage hit Qinggang Ying, but it didn't hurt!"

"Spider takes control, Ice kills Rambo!"

"The damage of the rock bird hit Han Bing, and Brother Crystal was hit with a double move! The rock bird flashed to pursue, Braum adopted the passive, the crystal brother went to point A to get the passive, the prince flashed the basic attack! The rock bird stone penetrated and absorbed the ice. The heads were killed, Holy Spear Brother and The King came back to kill, and Galio’s E skill hit the prince!”


After the next wave of chaos in the tower, WE cooperated with the highland defense tower and achieved a 5-for-2 result.

Galio, Qinggang Shadow and Braun survived to the end, while Spider exchanged with Fan Mom under the tower.

When Ace's voice sounded, everyone in the WE player seats was in a trance.

Snake didn't stop, they followed the super soldiers coming from the bottom lane, and with the cheers of the fans at the scene, they directly bulldozed the WE base!

In the 2017 Spring Finals, Snake won the first spring championship in team history!

When the results of the game came out, some WE fans recovered from their sadness and immediately asked their souls!

Whether it’s the barrage or the comment area under WE’s official account, a series of comments appeared:

"Why not Galio!"

"Why not Galio?"

"Why not Galio!?"

('-'*ゞGood night, book friends.

Go to bed early, there will most likely be another chapter tomorrow morning~~

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