LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 175 Brother Hao hints at high emotional intelligence

"Congratulations to Snake! 3-0! Snake swept WE in the spring finals!"

"Snake won the League of Legends Global Finals in 2016. Now, they have continued their strong momentum into the spring of 2017! I believe this team can achieve more glory!"

In the commentary box, the three commentators kept yelling.

Miller shouted passionately: "Next, Snake will represent the LPL division in Brazil and compete in this MSI! I hope they can achieve good results!"

In the barrage, there were many words "Congratulations Snake".

“The Snake Spring Split was really full of twists and turns. Due to the injury to the absolute core The King, Snake’s lineup needed to be re-aligned. The second half of the spring was once enveloped in a haze. I even thought this team that was proud of the LPL division would sink. Unexpectedly, after experiencing ups and downs, they once again reached the peak of spring!"

"Playing Galio three times in a row will teach WE how to be a good person. I feel like the Galio system will become a big hit!"

"What surprises me most is that in the 2017 season, Brother Wolfberry is still fighting! Moreover, he is still so strong!"

"Brother, you haven't seen enough games. The King's statistics in 2017 have surpassed last summer. He is stronger! Although it is unbelievable, it is a fact. At that time, they said that S6 was the peak of The King's career, but it was not! I am more I think The King in the 2017 season is the peak we can see!”

"This year's SKT is very strong, but our Snake is also stronger. Brother Shengqiang's growth is visible to the naked eye, Brother Crystal is in stable condition, Cuihua is extremely suitable for Snake's tactics, new assistant Liu Qingsong performed brilliantly, and the performance of the new assistant Liu Qingsong on the bench Both posture and Lwx are ready to fight. I just hope TheKing can stay healthy! The MSI battle in Brazil is very important, and this year's Bird's Nest battle is even more important!"


There is heated discussion outside, and the Jinling Olympic Sports Center has also become a paradise for Snakes fans.

Accompanied by the roaring music and cheers, everyone at Snake stood up from their gaming chairs in excitement.

Zuo Wu, Chris, Lwx, and Zhi from the background all rushed forward.


"We won!"

Li Hao's originally serious face also burst into a smile. This was also the first time he won the championship honor in the spring competition.

Although he had won some honors from other teams before, it really had nothing to do with him. . .

This is the real first time!

"It's great, this one is really great! Hahaha!" Flandre let out an exaggerated laugh: "It was great to win the competition, and there is a champion, so happy~~!"

"I think the gun fans must have seen my famous scene of kicking a 957! What about the leg brother? My gun brother kills the thigh!"

Flandre's mouth widened with a smile on her face, and she said quite narcissistically: "Last time 957 tricked me in the rankings, this time we finally got our revenge."

"Haha, Qinggangying is so fun!"

Gangzi smiled and curled his lips: "Without my arrow, how could you have achieved immortality? I forcibly helped you protect a wave of KDA."

When Flandre heard what Gangzi said, she smiled and said, "Gangzi, that's a good fight!"

"That arrow hit my heart. I'll ask Chef Zuo to make you a separate dish as a reward."

Zuo Wu patted his chest and said excitedly: "It turns out that you are obsessed with my sixtieth birthday. It's a joke. You don't have to worry about it later, just watch my craftsmanship."

Li Hao declined, saying that he was allergic to seafood.

The most excited ones are Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong from Snake.

A few months ago, they were still boss Dong's team, struggling in the secondary league.

Even the team was disbanded.

However, in the blink of an eye, they were on the stage of the LPL finals and were about to win the Silver Dragon Cup with their teammates! What a dream this is!

Thinking of the bitter setbacks in the past, the two couldn't help but rub their eyes.

Li Hao patted the two young brothers on the shoulders and said, "We will celebrate later. Let's shake hands first."

"Let's go."

At the WE player table, Li Hao saw Leg Brother with a heavy face. This was not surprising. Rambo's record was 0/7/3, a performance at the level of a war criminal.

As for Kandi, the circles under his eyes were a little dark.

Li Hao knew about the other side of Long Nan, but he didn't say a word. He guessed that the other person was tired from dealing with all kinds of things all day long, and he probably had to manage time.

As for Xiye

"Xiye, you have matured a lot again."

Li Hao said seriously.

Xiye, who had been in a trance and felt empty in his heart, now felt energetic again.

"If it were you before, facing the situation just now, you would have played more messily, but in these games, your emergency response surprised me. You in S6 are far from having this ability."

"If the system hadn't been dominant, I guess it would have been a tough battle against you in this round."

"Brother Hao, you don't need to comfort me." Xiye sighed.

In front of Xiao Xiye, Li Hao left a mysterious smile:

"This is not a consolation. When progress is mixed with talent, it means that talent is being realized."

"In addition, you are still young and far from reaching your peak. You will have terrible growth."

"The future is yours, Xiye."

Looking at that back, Xiye felt very complicated.

It seems this is not the first time I heard this.

However, this is TheKing’s approval after all!

Even Theking has said it more than once. It seems that the future is...

Xiye gritted his teeth and secretly said excitedly: I want to fulfill my talent, and I want to embrace the future!

Seeing his opponents receiving applause and cheers on the stage, looking at the shining trophy, Xiye's heart was filled with ambition.

Now it's Snake's world.

However, there will come a day when I, Xiye, will seek to usurp the throne.

If TheKing can become MVP, so can I!

Brother Leg came over and gave me a mouthful of chicken soup: "Xiye, don't be depressed by this."

"Time is not forgiving. I know Theking very well. He belongs to the period of rebirth, and this will be his final peak."

"One day, you will take back the glory from his hands and take back everything that is lost now!"

On the stage, the 'Silver Dragon Cup' was shining with silver light.

The dragon is the soul of China, and the cup is the reward for the champion.

With this concept in mind, the Silver Dragon Cup was born in April 2015.

After that, it was handed over to the previous champion teams, carrying the memories and emotions of many people.

The Silver Dragon Cup is a reward for the final winner of the season and is the highest honor of the LPL.

At this time, Snake and everyone came to the Silver Dragon Cup. With the ribbons floating down from the sky, everyone worked together to lift the 29-kilogram trophy.

"Congratulations again to Snake! They are the 2017 LPL Spring Split Champions!"


Everyone held up the trophy and faced the camera, everyone smiling.

With bursts of camera lights flashing, this scene was preserved forever.

For the Snake team, this is another important chapter in the team’s history.


As for Snake at this moment, they are the fifth owners of the Silver Dragon Cup.

Danshafaker's Immortal Grip stood in the center of the stage, and two official leaders of the LPL were also present. Mr. Huang, the general leader, awarded the prize of 1.5 million to the Snake players.

Another Mr. Bobby gave everyone the latest Gold Medal of Champion Glory.

Mr. Huang, the general manager: "Today's game was very exciting. Thank you to all the players and partners. Finally, congratulations to Snake for winning the LPL championship for the first time! Thank you everyone!"

Mr. Bobby: "Snake is a very good team, and they even represented the LPL division and won the S championship! I am also happy to see them gain new league glory today, and I hope their performance will get better and better. Congratulations to them!"

Ren Dong concluded: "Let us once again give applause and cheers to the Snake team. They have once again proved themselves through today's performance and through the four-month spring split."

"Next, I will announce the Fmvp winner of this finals."

"He is, Team Snake's The~~King~~!!"

Along with Ren Dong's passionate voice, tens of thousands of spectators at the Olympic Sports Center also cheered.

Bobby handed the golden Fmvp trophy to Li Hao, and the two shook hands.

Li Hao raised the golden trophy and gestured to the audience.

Suddenly, the cheers reached their peak!

"Congratulations TheKing!"

"Congratulations TheKing!"


In the studio, the Haier brothers, Wang Duoduo, and Smile all sent their blessings.

Next, Riot officials came on stage and gave Snake a T-shirt with the theme of this MSI campaign.

After the award ceremony, there was a brief interview.

The interview content of this issue is also an official temporary event. The questions are given by fans, and each player answers one.

In the interview area, Ren Dong first asked Flandre: "Snake has come up with a refreshing Galio system. When did Snake start preparing this tactic?"

Flandre responded truthfully: "Actually, a few days after the hero revision, I heard from Brother Hao that this hero could be used."

"Afterwards, when Brother Hao was injured, he was very worried in the hospital bed and kept making suggestions for us."

"However, Coach Chris thought this system was too wasteful to use in the regular season, so it has been retained to this day."

Flandre said in a playful way: "I feel like Brother Hao came up with this system through his 'meditation' at that time. We were shocked at that time. However, in this round of the finals, we originally thought it would be good if we could win two games." That’s it.”

"Unexpectedly, we also selected Galio in the third game."


Ren Dong asked other people questions in turn.

Cuihua: "I hope everything goes well for Mis, and I hope Brother Hao stays healthy."

Liu Qingsong: "Thanks to the fans for their support, I will work hard to make myself better."

Gangzi: "Flower pots? No, no, no, I will find a way to turn them all into trophies. For example, I won another one today."

Ren Dong raised the microphone: "TheKing, congratulations on winning the Finals Fmvp. Do you have anything to say about this round of the Finals?"

In front of the camera, people saw the man saying solemnly:

"In this finals series, I put almost all of myself into it, and we also used our ultimate move, which is the Galio system."

"WE is a tenacious and hard-working team. They even thought of a way to break Galio's system very quickly. This was amazing. We were almost in a hurry at the time."

"Especially in the third game, when WE chose the red side and took the initiative to release Galio, each of us felt that WE was setting a trap for us. It was quite scary at the time. We knew it was a conspiracy, but We still got in there, to be honest.”

"Compared to WE playing Galio three times, we are much stronger than WE."

"Of course I am very happy to beat WE."

"Especially holding the Silver Dragon Cup, for me, it was a dream moment."

"Even from the moment I walked into the Olympic Sports Center and saw the Silver Dragon Cup, I could imagine what this trophy represents. It is the highest honor of the LPL League."

"I didn't know how long my condition could last, and an idea came to me at that time."

"Winning the Silver Dragon Cup this time may be the only opportunity in this life."

"So, I only have one belief, and that is to work with my outstanding teammates to win this trophy!"


In the short interview time, the comment section and barrage have already exploded.

"Hahaha, Brother Wolfberry keeps hinting that WE is stubborn, it makes me laugh to death!"

"TheKing: I was going to fight with all my strength until I ran out of ammunition and food, but they released Galio three times. Who would have thought of this?"

"High EQ: I was in a hurry at the time. Low EQ: I laughed to the point of peeing, hiahia~~."

"WE: wdnmd!"

"There is a big drama called, "Tears of the Operations Department and the Legal Department."

After some post-game activities, Snake and his team finally left the Olympic Sports Center.

Zuo Wu was very happy and laughed: "I'm treating you all to duck tonight!"

"Then I'll order."

"I played a game of Qinggang Ying today. I must have a good feeling when ordering."

Cuihua asked curiously: "Brother Qiang, what do you say?"

Flandre smiled and said: "The accuracy of ordering is the difference between butchering and scraping."

"I understand, you want to kill Chef Zuo, right?" Gangzi smiled: "I applaud with both hands."

Ge Ge put his arm around Flandre's shoulders: "It's okay to eat duck, as long as you don't act like a duck."

Da Chongming didn't react: "What do you want a duck to do?"

"Nothing, very serious."


After playing the game for such a long time, everyone was really hungry. Everyone was quite happy in the evening at the authentic duck shop.

Brother Shengqiang's mouth was full of oil, he was holding the duck leg in one hand and muttering that it tasted good.

No duck can make it out of Jinling alive, it’s really no joke.

"Lao Zuo, do we have a holiday?" Li Hao asked.

Zuo Wu nodded, "It's a holiday, but only for a few days."

"The MSI group stage starts on May 11, and we have to go to Brazil a week in advance."

"From today to May 4, everyone can take a break."

Li Hao nodded and asked: "When will we return to the base?"

"Most of the staff at the base will go back tomorrow afternoon. They have to prepare for the subsequent MSI schedule, collect team information, communicate with Riot Games about the details of the trip to Brazil, etc. There are actually quite a lot of trivial matters."

"As for those of us, it depends on everyone's opinions."

"Actually, it's totally fine to relax in Jinling for two days."

"Brother Hao's home is in Jinling. Do you want to go back and have a look?"

Li Hao smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's quite convenient."

Cuihua looked happy, "I want to go too!"

Flandre gestured with her hands: "Brother Hao, take me home!"

Li Hao glanced at them and said, "How about you guys go together?"

“Not very convenient”

“With so many of us, it’s not a good fit.”

Li Hao smiled: "It's okay. My house is quite big. You are welcome to come and play at my house. When you are tired, you can go to bed. No problem."

"Okay, Brother Hao!"


That night, Li Hao called his parents, who also said there was no problem.

After eating and drinking, everyone returned to the hotel, looking forward to visiting Li Hao's house tomorrow.

"Brother Hao's father is a pig butcher, so he must be very ferocious." Gangzi secretly guessed.

Brother Shengqiang said with a smile: "Tomorrow I will start the live broadcast on my mobile phone, and I will go to Brother Hao's house to see the ancestral land of the canyon pig killer. The effect of the program will be explosive."

"Would you like to bring some gifts?"

"No, Brother Hao said you don't need to bring anything with you, just leave."

Zuo Wu also made arrangements to have a meal and visit, and choose a hotel as a place to stay.

On May 2, everyone returned to the base.

Mr. Orochi called and generously stated that all expenses incurred during the two days in Jinling would be reimbursed.

After Snake won the championship, he also locked in the LPL team to compete in MSI.

On the Brazilian side, MSI has actually started.

However, it is still in the final stage.

This is the latest change to the competition format by Riot Games, in order to make MSI competitions more diverse and to cultivate other competition regions.

This time, the number of competition regions participating in MSI has directly increased to 13. A total of 13 teams from different regions around the world are competing for the championship trophy of this MSI.

The spring champions of the European LCS, LPL and LCK regions will directly lock in the group stage spots.

The North American LCS and LMS regions compete with eight other wild card champions including Japan LJL, Southeast Asia GPL, CIS LCL, and Northern Latin America LLN for the remaining three group stage spots.

There are a lot of discussions on the Internet about this MSI.

Especially in South Korea, SKT swept KT 3-0 and won the Spring Split. This terrifying galactic battleship played a very strong dominance throughout the Spring Split!

With this momentum, SKT entered MSI, obviously wanting to avenge the S6 finals!

Now, when Snake also locks in his identity, all kinds of topics come up like rain.

The most memorable one is obviously the showdown between SKT and Snake.

LCK Brother Li, LPL Brother Li

The two Li brothers are about to face off against Brazil!

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