LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 184 I have a surprise for everyone!

After everyone at Snake finished eating, they packed up their belongings and returned to their rooms.

In the evening, Li Hao received another call from his parents.

He revealed his itinerary in detail, which put people at ease a lot.

After 10:30, Chris and Zuo Wu knocked on the door one by one, urging everyone to turn off the lights and go to bed.

There is a game tomorrow, so I can't stay up late and recharge my batteries.

On the second day, apart from chores, Li Hao and others were familiar with the feel of the game at the training venue provided by Riot Games.

The six teams train in the same place, but each has its own compartment.

Everyone wants to be shameless. When entering a room to invite a training match, they will knock on the door first and will not make a surprise attack or engage in any eavesdropping or the like. . .

Around 12:30 in the afternoon, G2 also invited Snake to play a training match.

This is considered a warm-up. This afternoon the two teams will compete in the first round of the group stage.

It’s 3pm in St. Paul and BJ time is 2am.

The match between SKT and TSM has begun.

Backstage at TSM, Captain Orangutan, the boss of North American Cult, and Maggiola, the chief operating officer, were once again watching the game.

In this duel, Svenskeren was quite active.

At 2 minutes and 51 seconds, TSM's jungler Svenskeren installed a big beep in SKT's blue buff jungle area.

Mantis stole Little Peanut's blue buff and reached level 3, while Little Peanut's blind monk was level 2.

However, Mantis' health is barely at half, while Blind Sin is almost full.

After Svenskeren finished playing the blue buff, instead of just giving up, he continued to go deeper into the jungle of SKT. He wanted to see if the blind monk was beating the three wolves, so as to take advantage of it.

Svenskeren knocked down his reusable potion and headed towards the three wolves with a determined attitude.

As a result, he was bumped into by Little Peanut's blind monk.

After Tianyinbo Q hit Mantis, Xiaohuatuan didn't Q for the first time, and he was worried.

After all, Mantis is at a higher level, but what makes people appetizing is that before Little Peanut can echo the attack, Mantis actually takes the initiative to activate E and directly hit the blind monk in the face.

The two sides were PKing in the jungle. Svenskeren really used Mantis's passive and thunder damage to knock down the blind monk's health very low, and the little peanut didn't dare to face A.

However, Smeb's Rambo and Faker's clockwork support were faster, directly blocking Mantis in the jungle.

In this wave, Svenskeren not only handed over his flash, but also got first blood from Faker.

When the big devil walked a few steps and returned to the line, Bilson's face turned quite green.

He took out Syndra in the counter position on the red side, and played several waves of successful attrition against Faker at the beginning. He had an advantage in terms of health and mana in the line.


At 3 minutes and 06 seconds, the clockwork foot steps on the red and blue Buff.

Bilson: wdnmd!

On the SKT player bench, Xiao Peanut's fair face had an undisguised smile.

"What is Svenskeren doing? Isn't he afraid of my teammates at all?"

Smeb joked: "This person's style is like this. Rather than being good at setting the pace in the early stage, he prefers to cause trouble."

"Their top laner, Shen, was so suppressed by me that he lost his temper. He didn't even look at me, and he dared to wander around in our jungle."

"If this kind of jungler were in South Korea, their nationality would have been revoked long ago."


The consequences of Svenskeren's wave were very serious, and Plzen in the middle no longer had any advantage at all.

Little Peanut also has a temper. At 4 minutes and 48 seconds, Clockwork pushed the line in the middle, Blind Monk counter-crouched, and Mantis was hit again.

Cooperating with the clockwork, the blind monk took the mantis head.

Svenskeren's mantis died twice in 6 minutes and exploded.

Many LPL spectators watching the game also cheered.

This guy Svenskeren is not popular at all in the LPL.

This person created an ID in the Taiwanese server, which not only contained racial discrimination and insulted China, but also asked other players what his ID was like while playing games. It was simply a model of committing suicide.

Not only are many Taiwanese compatriots very angry, but the LPL side is also filled with indignation.

Therefore, the more miserable the mantis dies, the happier everyone will be.

The best super ghost!

The game lasted 26 minutes and 53 seconds, and the head ratio between the two sides was 17-4. The Big Devil's Clockwork achieved a record of 2/0/7, and once again topped the game with 275 CS.

The equipment of Luden, Fa Chuan Shoes, Fa Chuan Stick, and Ghost Book were more than one big item ahead of Syndra.

Peanut’s blind monk has another impressive record, 9/1/4.

In the LPL commentary box, Miller said bluntly: "I don't think there is any suspense about the MVP of this game. Little Peanut once again proved to the world how his blind monk could not lose a game in a season."

"All kinds of judgments and choices show his extraordinary understanding of this hero!"

Colonel Guan also mentioned: "Smeb's Rambo performance on the top lane was very good. I think in today's follow-up game between Snake and SKT, we should not only pay attention to the little peanut, but also Smeb."

"Rambo is a hero who is easily caught to death, but Smeb's sense of smell was really sharp when facing TSM's several waves of ganks."

"As soon as the TSM people left, Rambo pressed Shen to fight again. At the beginning of 20 minutes, Hauntzer's E-dodge by Shen was really amazing."

"Smeb joining SKT this season will not only provide the damage the team needs, but also make SKT's top lane solid. Although Faker's data has declined, the entire SKT is obviously stronger than last season!"


Many LPL viewers couldn't help but nod their heads after hearing the big school's analysis.

The senior colonel's analysis is in order, and at the same time

The milk is good, please increase your efforts!

SKT won a wave of team battles in the jungle and defeated TSM on two high ground. The balance of victory completely tilted to SKT's side.

In a team battle at 28 minutes and 46 seconds, Bang's mouse turned invisible and shot the mantis directly.

Pilsen's Syndra was crippled by rats, and then burned to death by Smeb Rambo's ultimate move.

Faker even threw his ball into the spring water, and QRW instantly killed Braum in the depths of the spring water, which caused a burst of cheers from the audience.

TSM, was tortured!

22-4, time and head ratio were all fixed. In a game that lasted less than 30 minutes, SKT easily defeated TSM.

In the backstage lounge, the gorilla captain frowned.

Mantis' record is 0/7/3. There is no doubt that this is a war criminal level performance.

Maggiola whispered softly: "Boss, it seems that Svenskeren is not your ideal member."

The gorilla captain said solemnly: "Of course, he was not in my plan."

"I almost got banned for doing stupid things in the Taiwanese server, and I'm so unconscious on the court."

"This season, it's really not a smart idea to let Svenskeren interact with Lee Sin, Poodle, and Mantis who are more gank-oriented junglers."

"I think he is more suitable for playing as a tank. He is more fleshy and the damage is not that high. Maybe he will not want to cause trouble so much."

Maggiola curled his lips and wanted to say: This guy might be even bolder than he is now when he cooks meat, relying on his frankness.

In the second game of the second day of the group stage, GAM played against the Flash Wolves.

In the early stages of the game, FW was at a disadvantage.

However, after GAM gained the advantage, it did not turn it into a victory, and the game was held back by FW.

GAM's mid laner, Enchantress, became increasingly weak in the later stages. On FW's side, Ryze and the male gunner both developed.

At 38 minutes, FW won the team battle near the ancient dragon, and Mabao's Ryze finally gained 4/1/9 data.

At 38 minutes and 39 seconds, GAM's last top laner Galio failed to defend the front tooth tower in front of the five FW people. Although Stark desperately disconnected, he still could not prevent his old crystal from breaking.

On the GAM player bench, the five Vietnamese brothers looked at the broken base, and they still haven't come back to their senses.

This game lasted about 18 minutes, the head ratio was still 6-0, and GAM's economic lead was more than 5,000 yuan.

Under the influence of Lulu's ultimate move, top laner Galio, no one on the FW side can beat him.

They even fought all the way from the bottom lane to Flash Wolf's high ground, and faced FW's high ground tower before 20 minutes.

Unexpectedly, such a good situation would be overturned!

Who can bear this!

The record in the first three games of the group stage was 0-3, which was a pretty miserable start.

Moreover, in these three lost games, there was still one tough opponent Snake did not play.

The Vietnamese know quite a bit about Team Snake.

This has a lot to do with Shufen. After all, the Vietnamese genius Shufen joined Snake in the S6 season.

Therefore, for the GAM players, the first round of the group stage is basically over.

At 4 o'clock in the morning BJ time, many fans who stayed up late were excited, and some LPL fans who had set their alarm clocks also opened their eyes in confusion.

By the time they were scrolling through their phones to watch the game broadcast, Snake's team members had already appeared on the players' bench.

"Okay, audience friends!"

Wawa smiled and said: "Wish my friends back home good morning. The second day of Snake's game has officially begun. In this round, Snake is on the red side and G2 is on the blue side."

Colonel Guan smiled and said:

"I don't know if you have paid attention to G2's Twitter updates. Before the game, G2 mid laner Ah P made some very interesting remarks."

Miller answered: "Oh? What should I say?"

"Is Perkz going to challenge TheKing?"

"It's possible, but Perkz didn't say it clearly. It feels like he's being mysterious."

Zeyuan continued to explain: "Ah P updated his Twitter last night, and the G2 team also forwarded Ah P's words, saying that they wanted to give the audience a surprise when they face the Snake team today."

"The audience in Sao Paulo should know that, so when the players from G2 came on the stage, the cheers were so loud."

Wawa suddenly realized, "I'm telling you! No wonder I just heard a lot of people shouting Perkz at the scene. There are surprises in love."

"Huh?! BP has started!"

"Let's see together, what's Ah P's surprise?"

"The blue team's G2 first ban position was given to Kennen. This hero has not been played by Expect recently. He should not be good at playing if he takes the initiative to ban him."

"Expect is G2's Korean aid. His role in the team is neither the most carrying nor the most embarrassing. It should be said that he is a top laner who will do whatever his teammates need him to do."

"Yes, I have the impression that Expect can be used as a tank in team battles and as a lane dominate solo zone. However, in the playoffs he basically used two heroes with carry abilities, Camille and Gangplank, so it is possible It will become a hidden carry point.”

"I played with Kennen of Holy Spear Brother many times, and G2 defended him."

"Snake, we defeated Shen on the first floor."

"Eye of Twilight is a hero with a very high usage rate for Expect, and its appearance rate has also increased significantly recently."

"G2 took down the rock bird with the second hand, and Snake took down the poodle with the second hand."


"Be good, G2 is causing trouble!"

"In the third move, G2 defeated the blind monk. Didn't this release Victor?!"

Miller's eyes lit up and he shouted: "I don't accept it, Ah P doesn't accept it!"

"Momba dares to let go, and so does Ah P. The European Dharma King still has a very bad temper!"


"This must be Ah P's surprise!"

Colonel Guan chuckled: "Isn't this too forced? Ma Bao has already proven to everyone with a disgraced face that playing The King's Victor is really difficult to fight in a team battle. It can't be done without four or five brushes."

"Flash Wolf was beaten so badly, G2 couldn't have seen it, right?"

"G2 is really stubborn. Don't you copy FW's homework?"

European commentary seats.

Coster yelled: "Crazy, G2 is playing with fire!"

Bill also spread his hands: "Oh, am I going to see that terrifying death ray again?"

Even G2 supporter Charles couldn't stand it anymore and complained: "What a stupid BP, G2's uniform team can be fired collectively!"

Snake also noticed G2's actions, and they took down Galio on the third move.

When G2's first pick came out, the already heated atmosphere was even more ignited!


"Hey, G2 isn't trying to let Victor go, Ah P is trying to steal Victor!"

The colonel said excitedly: "I have to choose! Seeing him like this, I have to choose. Emperor Ou really knows how to play. This is a double surprise."

"Ah P wants to prove who is the best Victor in the world!"

"Hahaha, G2 is very cool. Take a look, TheKing's expression has changed. I probably didn't expect Ah P to be so cool."



A huge sound came from the St. Paul venue.

G2 locked, Victor!

If it were just an ordinary game, picking Victor would really be nothing.

But when Ah P showed off Victor in front of The King, who is recognized as the strongest Victor in the world, and there was a precedent of Ma Bao being stubborn, the effect of this program was no less than showing off in front of Yue Lun.

In the G2 player seat, Ah P was very relaxed, even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

TheKing is indeed awesome, but that doesn’t mean he will be a coward.

Victor is a hero, and he doesn’t just take it randomly.

Recently, in the European server rankings, Ah P played a lot of games with Victor, and the effect was really good.

G2's uniform team also arranged a training match, and Ah P's performance was indeed good.

That's why they allowed Ah P to choose this hero.

Let TheKing experience European electric welding and welcome the glorious evolution of Europe!

In the Snake player's seat, Li Hao felt happy.

Whole job, right? !

('-'*ゞGood night, book friends.

This chapter is not much, the next chapter will be more.

Don't wait, watch it when you get up in the morning.

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