LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 185 Pierce your old skin!

"Ah P is very confident and chose Victor in front of The King. Everyone is looking forward to his performance."

"Snake's side, Spider and Lulu were selected on the first and second floors."

"Both the blind monk and the poodle are banned. Snake has a spider here. G2's jungle hero will most likely choose from the male gun and the mantis."

Just after Miller finished speaking, Zeyuan responded:

"G2 jungler Trick is also a Korean aid. He was previously a substitute for the South Korean Cj team. He landed in the LCS European Division in 2016 and joined the G2 team. Trick's performance in G2 is still remarkable. In the European local league He can be regarded as the top jungler, and he also won the honor of Spring Split MVP."

"Compared to Mantis, Trick prefers Male Spear and Ivern."

"However, Trick's status has been ups and downs recently. He has been stable most of the time, but if he suddenly messes up, he brings G2 to its knees."

While Colonel Guan was talking, G2 selected a male jungler on the second floor. They had to grab this hero early. Snake had already selected the jungler hero, so he couldn't choose it at the end.

"On the third floor of G2, a strong auxiliary fan mother was selected..."

After Snake selected Hanbing on the third floor, the last two bans were given to the policewoman and Verus. This ban was also based on Zven's recent game record.

In the last two hands of G2, the ban position was given to Wandering Mage and Syndra.

It can be seen that although Ah P used Victor to provoke him.

However, G2 still attaches great importance to TheKing's hero pool.

On the fourth floor, Snake selected top laner Jayce.

In the last two hands of the blue side, they got the fortune teller and top laner Rambo respectively.

G2 didn't choose a solid front row in this game, mainly because Snake didn't have any meat on his side.

The damage from both sides is poured out, it depends on who dies first!

"The King also has a counter position. What hero is he planning to get?"

Wawa guessed: "Would Jace be on the right track? It's totally fine to take out a tank and hit the road now."

Miller looked thoughtful:

"Mid laner Jayce has rarely been seen recently, and I haven't seen TheKing play. He has appeared many times in the top lane before. Kennen became popular. Ekko is now back in the middle. Jayce is mainly used to fight Kennen. After all, Kainan The south hand is longer and the jace hand is longer.”

"I think Dragon King can do it too. G2's bottom lane has no movement in this game, and the overall lineup is fragile. As long as TheKing doesn't have trouble on the line, push the line to support, wait for the ice to reach 6, and cooperate with the magic crystal arrow to set the rhythm. More capable.”


Before Colonel Guan's brewing words could be spoken, the profile picture of a female assassin on Snake's fifth floor had already appeared.

In today's match between TSM and SKT, TSM on the red side had a Counter position. Bjergsen also showed this hero, but in the end he didn't have the guts to use this hero to defeat the big devil, and finally chose Syndra. .

Although the audience at the St. Paul venue caused a sensation, most people thought it was just a move to amuse and create atmosphere.


"——I have made my choice."

“It’s really locked in!!”

"Snake the fifth floor is locked!"

"Kakakaka. Catalina~~!"

Miller laughed with a surprised expression: "Oh my god, The King's temper has been raised! This game is not about stability, it's about operating Ah P!"

The scene in Sao Paulo was filled with excitement. They loved watching games like this!

Many fans of TheKing shouted excitedly.

It has to be The King!

TheKing knows what sets them off!

After the revision, Carter is very talented in players. Although most professional players can operate it, there is always a threshold for playing at the top level.

In the European commentary box, as a top player, Coster certainly knows everything about The King.

He pushed back his hair with both hands, then put the microphone to his mouth, and raised his voice an octave:

"I have to tell everyone that this is the second time The King has used Carter as a hero in the professional arena."

"The last time he played Katarina, he had an exaggerated five-kill game! He was also the first player to use Katarina to five-kill him in a professional arena!"

"If you are a fan of The King and frequent YouTube, you should be able to find that scene in his collection."

"Of course, you need to look carefully because TheKing has so many collections."

"This game is not as simple as we imagined. Perkz needs to be cautious enough, otherwise he will definitely pay the price."

Coster's words aroused the emotions of many people.

Some passers-by were surprised.

TheKing has used Carter to score a five-kill? seriously!

However, this doubt does not affect their expectations for this game at all.

Backstage at TSM, Bilson was looking at Carter locked on the screen, feeling annoyed in his heart.

He felt that in a sense he had lost to The King again.

In the game against SKT, why didn't Bjergsen dare to pick Katarina?

Is it because the opponent is Faker?

But do I, Pilsen, fool anyone? !

And TheKing, he was so unhesitating.

This stark contrast made Bilson uncomfortable.

Unlike Bilson, Captain Orangutan stared at the screen with a look of surprise and appreciation.

The heroes switch positions and the lineup is locked.

Blue square G2: Rambo, Male Gun, Victor, Fortune Teller, Fan Mom

Red Square Snake: Jace, Spider, Carter, Ice, Lulu

The coaches on both sides shook hands and the game entered the loading interface.

The hero entered the summoner. Level 1 G2 was originally preparing to invade from the red zone, but Cuihua controlled the spider wall to control the male gun.

Han Bing shot out a volley of thousands of arrows, Jace shot out an electric energy ball, and Snake's side was consumed in a wave, instantly crippling the male gun.

If G2 hadn't followed closely, the wave of opportunities created by Cuihua would have been enough to kill the male shooter.

Due to the lack of retention skills, mithy's Fan Mom hit Liu Qingsong's Lulu with an RQ, and both sides withdrew from the river.

Nan Qiang and Lulu each returned to the city to replenish their health.

But it's still early, and the jungle time will not be delayed.

G2's male gun is red and the spider is blue.

Facing Victor, Li Hao learned Q at level 1.

Carter at level 1 has no combat effectiveness. On the premise of ensuring the health of his bloodline, he uses Q to consume the opponent's last hit.

Li Hao's Q was not thrown randomly. He found the right moment and threw the ejection blade to make up for two minions.

Moreover, this Q is directed towards Ah P.

However, Perkz still has something to offer if he dares to take out Victor.

This also focused his attention very much. Carter's ejection blade was easily avoided by Ah P.

In the early laning, Victor, as a long-handed hero, has no pressure.

Li Hao's first wave of soldiers was suppressed by two last hits, but his health line was healthy, which was completely acceptable.

Victor took the lead and reached 2, and Ah P's position became fiercer again.

"Zhanran, you don't have to come now. Let's get to level 3 first."


On the big screen, the spider that had planned to move to the middle at level 2 stopped and continued to move toward the upper half of the wild area.

This Victor can dodge and sprint, so he can't be killed at all now.

However, after Snake's lineup was selected, the idea was already clear.

Carter has very high operational requirements in laning, and he can easily go to jail if he is not careful. It is necessary for the jungler to help train the middle lane, and then use the center and jungle linkage to activate the whole game.

Therefore, many players who use Carter to increase their points will try to choose a midfielder double row. Otherwise, it will be very uncomfortable to be constantly suppressed in the lane and no one will care.

It is absolutely cost-effective for a jungler to invest in an old Carter. This hero has a high upper limit. In addition to being instantly killed, he also has the ability to dominate the battlefield.

Li Hao learned E at Level 2, and he found an opportunity.

Victor is not a hero with high explosive power in the early stage. Facing this kind of hero, Carter can find opportunities to exchange blood at level 2.

Ah P used his Q skill for last-hitting, and Li Hao immediately threw the dagger.


The dagger ejected and came to Victor.

Because of Carter's Q soldiers, it is inevitable to stand in the front position.

Ah P raised his hand to attack, and at the same time turned around and shot a death ray in Carter's direction.

Ah P is very detailed. This wave not only consumes, but also uses skills to scratch off the remaining health of the minions.

However, Carter's reaction was faster!

——Shunpo (E)!

Katarina leaped 725 yards and came to the direction where the center of the dagger thrown by the Q skill was close to Victor. This is a small detail of picking up the dagger. Triggering the passive through the edge of the E dagger can make the dagger's damage limit distance very large.

Carter teleports to Victor's side and slashes all nearby enemies to cause magic damage.

At the same time, a basic attack A hits Victor.

Because he is using a long sword, this basic attack will definitely hurt more than a normal AP attack.

Ah P didn't dare to stand still, so he retreated while doing basic attacks, and at the same time took advantage of the damage from the minions.

The two sides exchanged a thunderbolt. Because Carter picked up his dagger, the cooldown of his E skill was reduced by 78%. The second E shot turned better again.

At this time, Victor has no skills.

Li Hao first leveled A, then flashed his E skill to Victor, dealing damage and resetting his basic attack!

Ah P was shocked when he saw himself half-blooded.

However, when he saw his male gunman coming from the blue zone with a red buff to support him, he knew that Carter had no skills, and he suddenly felt confident.

Li Hao noticed something strange. When the male gun E came up to Q, the others had already retreated.

Victor chased A, and after his Q skill improved, he hit another QA on Carter.

In this wave, Carter's blood also dropped by half.

Of course, this is because of the male gun.

Otherwise, if Victor is not so courageous, he will definitely suffer a loss.

However, heroes with long hands do not have a bloodline advantage, so they will not dare to press too hard because they are afraid of being slapped in the face.

Li Hao's subsequent last-ditch hits in the line were very easy. Moreover, when the long sword came out, it had more consumables than Victor, and there was no experience loss in the line.

The male gun support in the middle delayed the jungle time, and Cuihua's actions were obviously faster than Trick.

Through an exploding fruit, he entered the upper half of the river from Dalong Pit.

Li Hao marked a location at their home, F6, where Victor had just had his eyesight done.

On the road, Expect's Rambo faced Flandre's Jace and there was nothing good to gain.

If Flando hadn't had an empty Q on the line, Rambo would have been suppressed even more miserably at this moment.

At 2 minutes and 56 seconds, there is one artillery soldier, three long-range soldiers, and one melee soldier with residual health left on the blue square route.

On Li Hao's side, there were only the last two long-range soldiers.

The military line has also been pushed into the defense tower by Ah P taking advantage of the line advantage.

While Carter was killing melee soldiers with A, Victor used a basic attack A on Carter and threw out his Q skill at the same time.

The moment Victor threw out the siphon energy, Li Hao controlled Carter and pulled him into the tower, obviously not wanting to take Victor's next normal attack with higher damage.

However, he moved in a charming position, pulling back and forth to seduce, giving Victor another chance to get his A.

He is a bastard but does not take advantage of others. Ah P is not a coward.

Looking back, I want to use A to do more damage and bring thunder.

Little did he know that his life was already tied to his belt.

Li Hao's E skill started in a flash, and he pressed his W skill with a flat A.

Victor used his backhand to release the W gravity field, but at this time, Ah P's retreating position had been blocked by Li Hao. He could only move in the direction of F6, otherwise Carter would chase A all the way.

At this moment, a large spider appeared behind Victor.

Cuihua's first reaction was that she had lost money.

Because he didn't expect that the Victor opposite him would be so bold and stand so far forward.

This caused the spider to be at an awkward distance, and the skill could not reach Victor in the first place.

However, Cuihua doesn't care about skills at all.

Flash went straight to the gravity field and followed the cocoon to Victor.

After Spider threw the QW, he was already stunned by the gravity field before he could perform the basic attack.

Carter picked up the W dagger, slashed it at Victor, and used the 50% acceleration effect given by W to instantly step out of the gravity field.

Basic attack, ignite, then basic attack!

Victor, freed from the cocoon, started sprinting with his backhand, turned around and attacked with the death ray.

Li Hao was boosted by the blue side's minions and cannons, and his health was not very healthy to begin with. This time, he almost had the same remaining health as Victor.

Even though Ah P was frightened, he still saw hope and even wanted to find an opportunity to operate.

When the spider's stun was lifted and it turned into a spider form and rushed towards Victor, Ah P's reaction was not unpleasant!

He flashed over the wall, preventing the spider from fully dealing out the subsequent set of damage, and only a small spider followed him.

Moreover, having already dealt with the flashing spider, there was no chance of catching up with him.

There was another flash of golden light, and Carter flashed to follow.

Li Hao threw the Q skill that he had been keeping in his hand towards Victor, followed by Shunpo stepping on Victor's face, and beat Ah P to a pulp with a basic attack!

Victor used the acceleration effect of sprinting, his body flashed with green light, and he did not give up hope.

However, Carter stepped on the dagger thrown by the Q skill, and the distance was less than 300 yards.

Although Victor relied on his ghost steps, his body missed Carter's slash.

However, Ah P, who understood the mechanism of Carter's skills, was furious.

He looked at his Q skill and saw that it still had a CD of 3 seconds.

For a moment, my heart felt cold!

"——Is it fear I smell?"

The female assassin's voice echoed in Li Hao's heart, and he pressed E with his fingers to the end!

——Ah P, go to hell!

On the big screen, Carter's figure flashed again! Suddenly he jumped over to Victor.

Then, the ruthless dagger pierced Ah P's old skin.

The special effect of blood splashing from Victor's health bar was directly emptied!

"——First Blood!"

"Chased to death, Ah P is still dead!"

"The King's Carter got first blood!"

"The male gunman is here to support him. Carter's health is dangerous. The spider is coming straight towards him. Cuihua should keep some distance!"


On the big screen, Catalina's killing skills improved again, she instantly walked onto the spider and left gracefully.

The male gun's dead end (Q) hit the target directly, and there was an explosion on the spot.

Trick looked at Carter's back and felt depressed.

Ah Xiba~~

Ah P, is this the surprise you were talking about? !

I can't bear it anymore, so I'll continue tomorrow. This chapter is also very short.

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