LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 186 Dance of Blades! !

At this time, not only the jungler Trick, but also Ah P himself looked a little ugly.

This way of starting was obviously very different from what he had imagined.

Trick did not stay in the lane. After clearing a few minions, Carter returned directly to the city. .

At this time, the director showed the camera to the road.

Trick's male gun showed up in the middle. After catching this information, the holy gun brother immediately hit Expect's face fiercely.

In Jess Hammer form, QW starts to get close and deals damage, and then uses AE to knock Rambo away to keep the distance.

Jace immediately transformed his hammer into a cannon. This switch allowed Jace's next attack to have the effect of reducing the opponent's resistance.

At the G2 player table, Expect glanced at his health and then at Jace's mana, and he secretly groaned.

Rambo was hit by Jayce A's next basic attack. When Jayce received EW to gain acceleration and reset the basic attack, Expect pressed Flash without hesitation.

His Rambo is not at full health. If he is hit three times in a row, Jace will have a chance to finish off the kill with one last shot.

Of course Expect can flash while dodging cannons, but he already has plans to return to the city and launch TP, so he doesn't want to take any chances.

"The advantage on the top lane was also revealed, and Expect's flash was taken out by Brother Holy Spear."

"This wave is very hurtful to Rambo. He just got two soldiers, and the price he paid is really too high. There will be more opportunities for spiders to catch him later. As long as he forms a cocoon and controls him, Rambo will basically die. .”

The LPL commentators were very excited. When the camera showed the bottom lane, Gangzi and Liu Qingsong suffered a little loss.

The laning strength of Shanzi Ma and Jin is higher than theirs. Zven just released a beautiful Manwu grenade, which hit Lulu and Han Bing. Together with Fan Zi Ma’s Poke, the G2 duo has a certain advantage in the laning.

At the beginning of 4 minutes, Trick controlled the male gun and rushed from the river, hoping to continue to expand the duo's advantage.

G2 is quite calculated. This wave of male guns coming, their E is stuck with ice and is cooling down.

At the same time, G2 also calculated the time when Lulu’s jewelry eye would disappear.

On the big screen, when the male gun approached the bottom lane, Snake's accessory eye just went out.

The director also specially provided footage to draw everyone's attention to the details of G2.

Trick controlled the male gun EQW, and his skill directly hit Lulu who was standing close to the river.


Zven gave Huacai, a precise shot and the damage of the male gun to immobilize Lulu!


In the G2 team's voiceover, Trick couldn't help but let out a cheer.

Fan Mama and Fortune Teller were also leaning forward, and all the damage was poured onto Lulu.

Liu Qingsong's reaction was by no means slow. He first gave the male gun a weakness, followed by the magician to transform into a sheep. After Gangzi received a bite of treatment, he flashed the W skill to break away from the fan mother.

The LPL audience breathed a sigh of relief. Lulu escaped with residual health. It was enough for this wave.

The male gun reasonably helped the fortune teller to push a wave of lines. If Cuihua's spider hadn't come to support him, this wave of ice would have suffered even more losses.

However, G2's bottom lane is already at an advantage to this extent.

Ah P and Li Hao faced each other again in the middle. Although Carter got first blood, it was not enough to make Victor collapse.

Ah P could no longer exert the same pressure as in the beginning, and he had already begun to guard against being approached by Catalina.

In the voice of the G2 team, Ah P said: "Trick, come here and help me catch a wave. It's hard for me to suppress this Carter's development now. This is not a good thing. Let's work together to kill this Carter once."

"He's not flashing right now and this is the best chance."

After hearing what Ah P said, Trick certainly knew that this was not a good thing.

However, it is not that easy to catch Carter to death.

He has been cutting to the middle of the screen, Carter's E is still in his hand, the male gun has no control, and Victor's W control is unstable. Carter can leave in a blink of an eye and cannot catch it at all.

However, Trick also knew that Carter could not be allowed to develop. Once Katarina entered their lineup and made a slight mistake, their lineup might collapse.

Trick: "OK, it's a little hard to kill now. Wait until you reach six, wear it down a little, and we'll use damage to kill Carter."

Ah P responded with satisfaction: "Okay, good brother."

Assistant mithy reminded him on the way up: "Expect, the eyes on your body haven't been inserted yet."

"It's not that I don't want to intervene. I'm worried that the spider is on the other side of the river. I'm resisting the pressure now. Once the spider gets a chance, I may collapse on the road."

"Be careful when fighting. Although Jace has gone home, TP is still with him. I have no ability to interrupt TP."

After Expect's feedback, mithy marked a few more points for him to guess the spider's current location.

The G2 players have a good attitude and there are no problems with communication within the team.

At 5 minutes and 54 seconds, the Spider showed up in the bottom lane.

Zven was really in good form in this game. He made a small move and nimbly avoided the cocoon that predicted his position. This gave the European audience a round of applause.

After dodging this control skill, Zven and mithy attacked the spider with their backhands.

Snake thought the male gunman was nearby and didn't dare to strike first.

The main reason is that the spider can't control people, and the opponent's double moves are good and basically impossible to kill. Snake doesn't want to take risks at all.

However, this wave of G2 duo played a clever trick, the male gun is not in the bottom lane.

"Trick, they don't know where you are."

Ah P's words were judged from the reaction of Snake's bottom duo.

Looking at the position of the male gun, Ah P added: "Spider must have just finished killing the river crabs in the lower half. He failed to catch Zven, so he will definitely come to the middle."

"Carter is about to reach level 6, and my level is about to reach 6. Trick, you can reverse crouch, and we will kill this Carter!"


Trick also thought it was an opportunity and agreed quickly.

The OB director noticed the movement in the middle and immediately turned the camera over.

In the middle, signals from both sides are constantly outputting.

"Cuihua's spider circled back and came over against the wall of F6. G2 has no vision, and Victor didn't flash in this wave!"

"Trick's male gunman is also there. The spider didn't show his head directly. Both sides are waiting for an opportunity."

"G2 is also very keen. The signal has marked the area where the spider exists."

At 6 minutes and 06 seconds, the commentators were analyzing the actions of both sides, and the two mid laners had already made moves.

Online, in both red and blue counter-attacks, six minions remain alive.

The line of soldiers was closer to Carter's side. The line where the melee soldiers faced off was close to the wall of the river in the middle of the red square.

On the big screen, Carter stepped forward in an instant and moved to the dagger thrown by his Q skill before.

The position of this dagger is right between the piles of blue soldiers.

Carter made a passive slash, took down a melee soldier with residual health, and dealt his own damage to the surrounding minions.

Ah P subconsciously moved forward to attack, but Carter released his W skill and a dagger flew into the sky. Carter, who gained speed, was not attacked by Victor.

Ah P followed further, facing Carter's direction.

——Death ray!

A ray of yellow light burst from the ground. Although Carter tried his best to avoid it, Ah P's E skill still hit it accurately.

Li Hao suddenly turned around and used E skill to pick up the dagger thrown by W before, and let Shunpo get a large CD reduction. At the moment when he threw the ejection blade (Q) at Victor, Ah P siphoned energy with his backhand and gained a shield. To offset the damage from Carter's Q skill.

At this time, both the spider and the male gun were in action.

The first one to show up was Cuihua's spider. He appeared directly from the F6 wall. Victor was chased by Carter and came to the wall next to the male gun.

The moment the male gun appeared, Ah P decisively backhanded him!

A gravity field rested on the wall at his feet, blocking Carter's straight pursuit route.

At the same time, he is also standing within his own gravity field.

At this time, if Carter walked over, he would be stunned by the gravity field.

If Carter turns in the E skill and then uses the R skill, he will still enter the gravity field.

By then, the male gun will be able to cross the wall and blast the Q skill damage to the wall instantly. Coupled with Victor's damage, the two of them are enough to kill Carter!

Ah P's calculation was good, but Li Hao was no fool.

The moment he saw the gravity field, he immediately controlled Carter to retreat.

"Male gun!"

"Zhanran, look at the male gun first, look at the male gun first!"

"I see, Trick is here!"

In Snake's team voice, the communication is very rapid.

When Ah P saw Carter turning around, he secretly thought it was a pity, but he was not willing to let go.

Victor's health volume was healthier than Carter's at this time. On the big screen, only a mechanical roar was heard from the Mechanical Herald, and his ultimate move Chaos Storm was released directly at Carter.

Li Hao continued to retreat, and both the spider and the male gun had come over.

Cuihua played a trick. The spider in human form didn't care about the male gun at all. Instead, it moved closer to the river in the upper half of the area, targeting Victor.

The second blow of the chaotic storm not only hit Carter, but also affected the spider next to him.

This time, Carter didn't even have half health!

On the big screen, Trick contributed a wave of "wonderful operations".

The level 5 outlaw quickly drew his gun (E) and moved 425 yards directly towards Carter's face!

Cuihua almost woke up with a smile, suddenly turned the muzzle of her gun, and put her own cocoon on the male gunman.

The animation effect looks like the male gunman takes the initiative to crawl into the spider web.

How can we stay safe and sound within the spider web?

Elise shot at the male gunman one after another, firing her usual set of EWQARQAW.

In the early stage, the damage of a full set of spiders is quite terrifying, and the male gun has been disabled!

Li Hao felt reassured and shouted "Nice, this wave is coming!"

Shunpo backhand moved behind the male gunner, and thereby escaped from the attack range of Chaos Storm.

"——Dance of Blades!"

Katarina instantly activates Death Lotus (R)!

The female assassin of Noxus transforms into a hurricane of blades, causing massive magic damage to up to three surrounding enemy heroes at an unparalleled speed!

The male gunman who took full damage from his ultimate move was killed on the spot!

Victor, who was affected by the ultimate move, also lost half of his health. When Ah P released the next death ray, after Carter killed someone, the cooldown time of all skills was reduced by 15 seconds.

QWE all turned around, and Carter came behind Victor again in a blink of an eye, dodging the death ray this time.

W throws the dagger, picks up the dagger and strikes!

Victor pulled his ultimate move over and forced Carter into position.

A spider that turned into a human form in the distance came over and attacked with a basic attack. Ah P fled towards his own defense tower, and Li Hao threw out his Q skill.

At this time, although Victor was a certain distance away from Carter, Cuihua ignored the disabled Victor and went straight back to the line.

Because, in the direction Victor walked, there was the dagger left behind by Carter after throwing Q.

Carter picked up the dagger in a flash, and the passive slash turned Victor into dead blood.

Following the next basic attack, Ah P's health bar was emptied again!

"——Double kill!"

"Double kill!"

"Snake still won this wave! G2's midfielder and jungler were all dead, Carter had three kills, and Ah P exploded!"

"The cooperation between Cuihua and The King is really tacit. The two teamed up with the instant male gun. Trick's male gun did no damage at all. When the male gun died, there was no suspense in this fight! "

"Hahaha, no one can stop TheKing Carter from now on."

In the G2 player seat, the screen in front of Ah P was gray.

Looking at Carter, who was withdrawing his troops in the middle at 3/0/0, even if P was in a good mood, there would inevitably be fluctuations at this time.

Especially when thinking about what he said on Twitter before the game, Ah P was a little unable to stand it.

With it being played like this, fans may not be able to feel the ‘surprise’.

All I could feel was probably fright.

In G2’s team voice, everyone did not give up. Instead, it was full of ‘hold on’.

When the next wave came back online, Ah P felt the gap again.

From being able to suppress Carter, to balanced development, and now.

At 8 minutes and 07 seconds, Carter teleported to the dagger and slashed Victor, and the Bilgewater scimitar took a bite from Ah P.

Carter gave him the Q skill, and Victor released the gravity field with his backhand.

Carter walked out of the gravity field from the side, but Victor, who was slowed down by the scimitar, did not go far. Carter's instant step turned around again, E slashed Victor on the dagger he had just Qed out, and then W threw the dagger in place, attacking him with a basic attack. to Victor.


On the big screen, a golden light flashed, and Ah P was forced to hand over the flash that had only just improved.

Carter's damage can no longer be endured!

If she picks up her W and uses it passively, this wave will be a direct solo kill.

However, Li Hao had no intention of letting Victor go.

The CD of the unknown ultimate move is only 90 seconds, plus the two kills in the previous wave reduce the CD by 30 seconds, so he has already mastered the ultimate move in one minute.

Before W's dagger fell from the air, Carter flashed and followed up, blooming the death lotus!

Even though Victor started sprinting, he still couldn't get out of the 550-yard range of his ultimate move.

The male gunman came and tried to take the head of the man who was carrying Takat.

However, this wave of heads is destined not to be collected, and they can only collect Victor's ashes.

Killing refreshes skills. Carter returns to the W dagger in one instant, and returns to the line of soldiers in the next instant.

Trick is numb.

Being so flexible, he can't even catch ashes.

When the red square soldier line entered the tower, the male gunner originally wanted to take a wave of lines, but Expect, the top laner, sent frantic signals and shouted Jace.

It wasn't that Trick was slow to react, but he hesitated when he saw a large wave of soldiers holding shotguns.

"——Electric energy surge!"

With a loud roar, a big man with a hammer jumped out from the blue square field, followed by a spider.

Barbie is Q~~

A few seconds later, the outlaw screamed and leaned towards the defense tower.

Jess K gets a kill.

In the team's voiceover, Flandre, who was at the end of the K, shouted "acceptance".

Snake's movements were very fast. As early as when the upper lane was moving, the bottom lane duo also linked up. Han Bing and Lulu all rushed to the middle lane.

Although Zven fired his ultimate move, he still couldn't stop Snake from demolishing Victor's first tower.

Victor, who did not flash, had no defensive tower behind him, and Carter made his own technological gun.

You know everything with your butt.

Ah P, dangerous~~

12 minutes and 23 seconds.

In these few minutes, Ah P was extremely wretched, growing autistically in the Second Tower.

In the commentary box, the colonel said: "Ah P and the second tower teamed up in a double row, and finally stabilized the situation."

Miller smiled: "Haha, are you complimenting me?"

Although it develops slowly, it can ensure its immortality.

This is Msi, G2 won't give up as long as they have a chance.

However, Trick in the jungle suffered a heavy blow.

G2's vision was severely invaded, and it was difficult to control Snake's offensive from all aspects.

The male gun was caught by Carter in the wild area.

When Katarina saw this male gunner, she immediately got close to his face in a flash, and threw out a dagger with W to receive the basic attack.

The male gunman quickly drew his gun to distance himself, then turned around and threw a smoke bomb.

Carter was slowed down, but because of the technology gun's active skill 'Lightning Bullet', the male gun also suffered a 40% deceleration effect for 2 seconds.

Carter threw a Q skill, and the converted Shunbu came to the male gun again. E reset the basic attack and then A came out.

Trick couldn't stand it anymore, so he bombarded Carter with his ultimate move and escaped 450 yards back.

However, Carter, who picked up the Q skill dagger, turned to Shunpo again in less than 2 seconds.

"Mom always said: Don't carry a dagger when you are shunpo..."


Suddenly, the Trick screen went black!

Xiba~~! !

What kind of monster did this bitch Ah P raise? !

Trick originally wanted to complain about it.

However, currently, of Carter's five heads, three are from Ah P and two.

Trick from him.

Oh, that's okay

This wave does not count who cheated who, it can only be regarded as sharing joys and sorrows.

Trick can only change his thinking and be optimistic.

Others, however, are less optimistic.

In the 14th and 16th minutes, Carter caught two waves of roaming and cooperated with Jess to kill Rambo twice.

The gaming experience of Expect was not good to begin with, and now it even wears a mask of pain.

As the saying goes, blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

At 16 minutes and 34 seconds, after Rambo on the top lane let out a huge scream, the fortune teller on the bottom lane also let out a scream.

After Gangzi hit the fate master with an arrow, Cuihua's spider cooperated with Han Bing and Lulu in the bottom lane to kill Zven.

Because the male gunner went to the top lane to defend, Victor defended the middle lane, and the remaining health of Fan Mom wanted to return to the city, which resulted in the bottom lane being left empty.

Snake drove straight in. When G2's personnel came to defend, the second tower in the bottom lane had been demolished.

From God's perspective, many European viewers were shaking their heads.

How many minutes has it been?

The economic gap between the two parties has been widened to 7,000 yuan.

At the beginning of 20 minutes, when Snake safely won the baron, the economic gap became more than 10,000.

G2 only has one outer tower left in the middle.

Ah P and the second tower were in double queue for a long time. When Snake regrouped and came with the minions buffed by the Baron Buff, G2 rationally gave up on the second tower in the middle.

Rambo's ultimate move and Destiny Master's ultimate move helped G2 defend a wave of high ground in the middle.

Snake invades the blue zone, clears out the wild monsters, and then brings the top line of troops there.

At this time, Li Hao's equipment is the technology gun, the 20th floor of the murderous book, the abyss scepter, magic shoes, the explorer's armguard, and the true eye.

G2 has no meat here, and no one can bear his damage.

When Snake attacked the top lane, G2 prepared to defend.

What no audience expected was that

Because of this wave of defense, the entire Sao Paulo venue was boiling!

('-'*ゞGood night, book friends.

Next chapter, hit by hand.

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