LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 187 One knife and one G2! ! !

"Snake invades in a group. This wave includes artillery vehicles. G2 lacks key skills and may not be able to defend it."

In the commentary box, as soon as the baby finished speaking, on Snake's side, Jess hit the G2 high ground with a cannon.

Fan Zi Ma put on a shield for herself in time, but she still lost a lot of health due to this shot. .

If there is no good opportunity, Snake is not prepared to start a team this wave. They only need to poke down G2's health and then grab the position on the high ground to defeat G2 all the way.

Later, if you use the super soldiers to involve you, you can easily win this game.

However, looking at G2's actions on the high ground, it is obvious that they have no intention of giving up their position.

Mithy was blasted by Jace, and he also fired a mental flame that was strengthened by R towards Snake.

This Q shot hit the spider and ice, which had a certain effect.

Ah P controls Victor to move forward and releases the gravity field.

The upgraded gravity field can pull dazed units to the center of the field, where death rays sweep over these minions.

If it weren't for Ah P's poor equipment, this wave of soldiers might not be able to get through.

Seeing the spider standing forward, Trick gave the smoke bomb, and at the same time used the Q skill to bombard the spider and also hit the minions behind it.

The spider in human form formed a cocoon, and the male gunman quickly drew his gun and dodged the skill.

Rambo releases the electronic harpoon, which exerts a slowing effect on the spider.

Lulu's Pix comes to the spider, providing a shield.

These waves are just testing each other.

Zven was holding the fourth bullet in his hand, and the lame man was still muttering "poetry". Zven first hit the spider with a brilliant shot, which gave the fortune teller a large movement speed bonus, whispering One bullet knocked the spider's health to half.

On G2's side, the one with the best development is this fortune teller.

However, what Zven never expected was.

This time he made a bold move, and Han Bing seized the opportunity!

Facing the fate master, Gangzi shot the key arrow that maximized the significance of the ice tactics!


The ice shards shattered, and the fortune teller was knocked unconscious on the spot!

Following this arrow, the two sides who were originally testing each other started the most violent collision!


Miller shouted: "The fortune teller was shot by the ice move!"

"Brother Crystal's beautiful move!"

"The spider's imprisonment is lifted, and it turns into a spider form E on the fortune teller's face. Cuihua is the first to carry the tower."

Colonel Guan accurately broadcast the skills in the "chaotic army": "Jace opens the door of acceleration, and the electric energy surges!"

"He's so disabled! The dramatist is so disabled!"

"Carter comes forward, it's gone!"

"Run quickly!"

Lulu's clear voice came out, and W whimsically allowed Carter to gain an acceleration effect that lasted for 3.5 seconds.

The moment Katarina threw the dagger at the fortune teller, the fortune teller was killed on the spot.

The skill was refreshed, and Li Hao's fingers pressed accurately and quickly on the keyboard.

Liu Qingsong flashed up and used his ultimate move on Carter when she was QEing.

"——Grow big quickly!"

Due to the effect of Lulu's ultimate move, Victor and the male gun were all knocked away.

Carter activated his ultimate move, the Death Lotus bloomed, and the blade storm swept across the G2 high ground!

The blood volume of Ah P and Trick evaporated directly!

In an instant, there was a huge scream in the entire St. Paul venue!

In the LPL commentary box, the voices of the three commentators were also connected and intertwined, using three different mouths to crazyly describe the scenes on the big screen!


"Carter killed the fortune teller!"

"Lulu's ultimate move, beautiful coordination!"

"It's over, G2 can't control this Carter, he will be harvested by The King!!"

"Victor's death ray, it's useless, G2 has no control!"


"Victor died suddenly!"

"Another kill, skills refreshed, TheKing's keyboard is smoking!"

"The demon-drinking knife of the male gun was shot, and Carter's skills were refreshed, including the ricochet blade and Shunpo! The male gun backhand basic attack, the damage is very high. Carter took a sip of the technology gun and basic attack, wow! The person is gone! The Trick person is gone !”

"Three kills!"

"Already got three kills!"

"Oh my god, this is going to kill five people!!"

"Ice Flash W slows down, and Fan Mom can't run away! Jess turns into hammer form and sticks to Rambo!"

"Shunbu, Shunbu again! Carter's figure dazzled me!"

"Mom, face-to-face fan, mithy flashes! The King follows and flashes!"

"QEWA, pick up the dagger, Fan Mom is dead too!"

Miller stood up from his seat and roared passionately: "Four kills!"

"The King has got four kills!"

"Katrina is killing like crazy! One G2 with one knife!"


Expect is trembling, a cold-blooded female assassin, like a red phantom, she flashes across the Summoner's Rift with Shunpo.

Jace struck out with a thunderous blow, knocking Rambo in the direction of Katarina.

"——Sacrifice my great Noxus with the blood of my enemies."


Rambo's screams were like a tragic song for G2, but they played the melody of Carter's journey to the top.

The most exciting female voice in the Summoner's Rift system echoed:

"——Penta kill~~!!!"


"Penta kill, this is a violent penta kill!!"

"The King used Carter for the second time, and he actually got five kills for the second time!"

"And this time, it's Msi's court!"

"This is an incredible achievement! No one has done it in the entire history of e-sports!"

"Oh my god, when TheKing selected this hero, I had been imagining this scene. Of course, I just thought about it and found it incredible, but I didn't expect that the reality is even more fantasy! TheKing did it! He killed everyone in G2 people!"

At this moment, there were loud exclamations from tens of thousands of spectators at the Sao Paulo venue.

Many foreigners couldn't help but stood up from their seats.

They opened their arms and were so excited!

St. Paul's venue, enjoy the atmosphere.

"Oh~~!!! My God!!"

"The King, this is The King!"

An old black man said loudly to his companions: "Perkz didn't lie. He really brought us a surprise. Look at this Carter. It's so cool. This is Perkz's surprise! Originally, I was going to blast him under his Twitter. , now I plan to give him a thumbs up."

The companion laughed: "Haha, I think you are right. I hope that when G2 plays Snake next time, Perkz can still pick Perkz. I like this kind of game!"

In the European commentary box, Coster grabbed the microphone. He took a deep breath and let his voice be heard in the venue:


There was no unnecessary elaboration, just a long coda, and many spectators at the scene became excited.

In the Korean commentary box, the eyes of the two Smecta commentators were wary, but the surprise on their faces was difficult to conceal.

As Bangzi explained, the smell of kimchi made their Korean words perfect:

"It's very strong. This TheKing still feels as troublesome as S6."

"Yes, I have long said that Snake will be SKT's strong opponent in Brazil this time. If SKT wants to defend the MSI championship, it may be this Snake that they will face in the end."

"Snake has snatched a S championship from us. This Msi, SKT must win. I am still full of confidence in the SKT team. Snake is not as powerful as SKT!"

I'm timid in my heart, but my mouth is smelly and hard.

The two commentators also mentioned Li Hao's previous injury and lamented that he could still be in this state after recovering from the injury. In addition to the surprise shown in their words, there seemed to be a trace of pity in it.

After all, when TheKing was seriously injured and lying in the hospital in the spring game, many players were smiling.

In terms of competitive spirit, many sticks are lacking.

The commentators in all major competition areas are discussing it, and Snake's backstage is already abuzz.

In the team voice, Brother Holy Spear laughed loudly:

"Brother Hao, please kill me too. I'll give you six kills."

Occasionally Cuihua said naughtily: "Kill me too, kill the factory director seven times."

"Your number is gone."

The smile on the flower pot man's face couldn't be suppressed, "This G2 is too good at controlling. Perkz's Victor is very average. It can only be regarded as an ordinary strength. How could this guy remember to choose it in front of Brother Hao?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "I'm actually confused about this question. His Victor is definitely not as good as Crown. The key is that he likes to give opportunities. If Crown is playing, I probably won't choose Carter."

Liu Qingsong muttered: "Maybe, Perkz wants to prove himself."

"Prove what?"

"Do you prove that you are a good cook? Hahaha." Flandre's smile was even captured by the camera.

However, it is now certain that the game will end in one wave, so there is nothing wrong with celebrating in advance.

What made the audience laugh and cry was that on the big screen, Snake's group was showing dog tags while pushing the front tooth tower.

The brands of the other four people show are all black Snake.

When we arrived at TheKing, the show was ‘EDG’ again.

In the barrage of LPL broadcast TV station:

"Brothers, there is a mole, stop trading!"

"This is the time to kill Brother Wolfberry!"

61E burst into tears: "Brother Wolfberry, come back and take a look when you have time. This time we won't play Twisted Treant, we will play Maokai."

"Maokai? Killing a bunch of F6 and getting 6 kills is okay, but killing G2 is terrible."

Some people also ridiculed Ah P: "If you want to use Victor to defeat Brother Wolfberry, it's very blue~~."

"Geneva, add more money!! Brother Hao's five kills are so exciting!"

In the shark fighting live broadcast room, the prostitute teacher who stayed up late and worked overtime saw the moment when Carter killed five people. He dropped his cigarette to the ground in excitement, and almost started smoking in reverse again.

"Ya'er, you're still a lot stronger!"

"You all saw the replay just now. There were daggers all over the ground, and you saw Katarina killing people instantly. G2 was killed and everyone was shut down!"

"Too fierce!"

"The King is so strong, it makes no sense for me to stretch my hips. We will also play Carter later."

After he finished speaking, he shouted across the room: "Pony, pony!"

"Here, there, there"

"Brother, bring me the wolfberry that I soaked!"


"Hahaha, I made a mistake. You can't soak the wolfberry. Brother Wolfberry can't soak it."

Xiao Ma heard this and brought over a thermos cup.

The prostitute teacher excitedly introduced: "This cup should look familiar to everyone, right?"

After looking at the barrage, Saozhu smiled and said: "Yes, it is the same type of thermos cup as Theking. Moreover, I got this from the Snake base."

"More importantly, the wolfberry soaked in this was given to me by The King."

"With this effect, it won't be too much to get 100 points later, right?"

Anchors on many platforms stay up late to watch Msi. By analyzing the game and telling some jokes, they attract a wave of fans to pay attention.

Over at the Sao Paulo venue, Snake has bulldozed G2's base.

After this game, they will play against SKT in the last game today!

This is also considered a battle between thunder and fire in this group stage.

In the G2 player seat, Li Hao shook hands with the two Korean players in G2, and then stood in front of the Croatian genius.

There is a saying that has been circulating in the League of Legends professional league: LCK is rich in top laners, LPL is rich in AD, and Europe and the United States are rich in kings.

Since its existence, the European and American competitions have also given birth to many "Dharma King" mid laners that we are familiar with: Froggen, the world's number one ice bird, Xpeke, the world's number one Kassadin, and Febiven, who single-handedly killed Faker.

Of course, G2's Perkz is also on this list.

In Li Hao's view, the most successful Dharma king in the West should be Caps.

According to what he learned about the history of e-sports, Perkz should be regarded as the founder of Caps.

However, neither Perkz nor Caps have that much influence at the moment.

In front of Li Hao, Ah P, who was born in 1998, is just a young player.


"Your Victor is very good and has caused a lot of trouble. If you use it more, the results may be different."

Li Hao's expression was serious: "From your Victor, I saw the figure of Crown, which was during the global finals last year."

"If you train Victor more, he will at least become an enhanced version of Crown."

Hearing this, Ah P was startled, and then showed a look of surprise, "This"

Ah P was in a confused moment and needed encouragement from others. Li Hao's mouthful of chicken soup was perfectly timed.

He had something to say, but was interrupted by Li Hao.

"Time is fleet, the future is your time."

Ah P was shocked all over. These words came from TheKing!

I got Theking's approval!

He said I was at least an enhanced version of Crown.

Staring at Li Hao's leaving figure, Ah P felt a strong sense of identity in his heart.

Maybe only such a strong player can see through my talent.

TheKing is right, the future is mine.

When the top mid laners age, the throne becomes empty.

At that time, it was the era of my Ah P!

As Snake thanked the audience, the audience burst into applause.

In this game, the performance of the Snake players was obvious to all, and everyone enjoyed the wonderful scenes they brought. They deserve applause and cheers.

As she walked backstage, Flandre asked curiously:

"Brother Hao, what did you just say to Perkz?"

Li Hao smiled: "Actually, it's nothing. I saw that he was very disappointed, so I gave him a few words of comfort."

"The general meaning is: you played Victor very well, and I should be the loser next time."

"He should be able to get this meaning."


"Brother Hao, you have taken all the bamboo shoots."

Gangzi also laughed and said: "You know what the hell, this is Brother Hao's tactical smoke bomb!"

Brother Shengqiang's face darkened, and he followed Li Hao's example and patted Zuo Wu's shoulder deeply:

"Manager Zuo, the future is yours."



Chris grabbed the laughing Holy Gun brother and closed the door.

"You're still laughing, look at how many shots you can make!"

"Fire the cannon, right?"


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