LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 196 The future is yours, the present is mine

Wanwan, inside the LMS division studio.

A commentator wearing a black vest, crew cut, and black-rimmed glasses kept saying:

"The Flash Wolves lost the opening game of the semifinals, and now they have lost the second key game. The next game will be a life and death battle."

The commentators in the LMS region are similar to the commentators in Europe. In terms of style, they dare to say anything.

Coupled with the unique Bay accent, it also sounds like a flavor.

Although they belong to the LMS region's commentators, for the LPL region, these people will still brag when they should.

For example, after hearing what Fatty said, the mature commentator with long flowing hair next to him immediately responded:

"Actually, it's understandable that Flash Wolves are playing like this. After all, Snake is the ace team in the LPL. They were last year's S Championship champions and are also the favorites to win this year."

"Mabao is definitely one of the top mid laners in the LMS, but in this series, he is really under a lot of pressure. Since the S game last year, we have been discussing Snake's Brother Hao. Now he is really the top player in the league, and Ma Bao suffered big losses in both lanes. It can be said that he was single-handedly defeated in the pure lane."

"In addition, Snake is a very strong team as a whole. There are really not many problems exposed in each game. Brother Hao did not play in the group stage before. FW played back and forth with Snake, but in the end they lost to them. The second team, Brother Hao will appear in the semi-finals, and I don’t plan to give FW any chance now.”

Afterwards, the long-haired commentator concluded:

"FW has lost two games in a row, and now there is only a theoretical possibility of winning."

At this time, the barrage on the LMS division broadcast platform:

"Karsa and Snake can take a flight back and ask the others to swim."

"I don't understand why Maple always has to compete with The King for operations. They are not on the same level."

"It's a bit sad. Snake is already so proud that he gave up even if he had the chance to torture Quan..."

"I still support the LPL. The LMS cannot be called one of the five major regions."

"The difference between the top laner and the mid laner is the biggest, and the back-hand casting is also equivalent to being countered by Counter. If I had barbecued pork, I should have thrown away the tactical board long ago."

"The next step will be 0-3. I can also go to Brazil to compete and the results will be the same."

"You succeeded, I became a fan of The King."

Once the game is lost, the trolls are inevitable.

Backstage at the Rio Olympic Stadium, Snakes held three match points and everyone was in a relaxed mood.

The little nervousness at the beginning of the semifinals had long since been calmed down.

Chris said cautiously: "Don't do anything crazy in the next game, just win the game step by step."

Flandre smiled and said: "Then the audience who bought tickets on the spot will lose blood."

"Why, you want to be a mole, right?" The flowerpot man teased.

Chris gave a weird smile: "He was being a traitor just now, but you didn't pay attention. 18 minutes into the small-scale team battle on the road, this person showed up and wanted to show off. If Qingsong and Brother Hao hadn't supported him quickly, The rhythm of FW is brought up."

"No no no"

Holy Spear shook his head like a rattle, "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't!"

He began to express his loyalty: "Hurry up and finish the next game, Snake will never work overtime!"

Everyone smiled and began to discuss tactics for the next game.

Afterwards, the backstage was full of cheers.

On the other side, the atmosphere at Flash Wolf was much more depressing.

The tactics were only discussed for about 3 minutes, and the barbecued pork coach spent more time trying to appease the players.

"Honestly speaking, in the first two games, your level has not been fully demonstrated."

"The number of mistakes made in the second game was already the most for our Flash Wolves in the entire MSI schedule. Everyone has seen the consequences, a three-way collapse."

"What do people outside say about us?"

"A nerve knife can defeat SKT at the top and defeat the Bangkok Giants at the bottom."

"At this moment, what I want to emphasize most is your mentality. Don't think about any situation that has nothing to do with the game. That is beyond our control. What you need to do is to focus all your attention on the game."

"The King is very strong, right? We have discussed this issue before. A large part of the reason why this person is strong is because of his concentration. He devotes himself to the game."

"This is not exclusive to The King, everyone has the opportunity to do it."

When the door was about to be knocked by official staff, the barbecued pork coach finally said:

"This is likely to be our FW's last game at MSI. Everyone must fight for honor and show their own fighting spirit! After returning to the treasure island, I hope everyone will not regret this trip to Brazil."

"The Rio Olympic Stadium should not have any regrets about the Flash Werewolf!"

The barbecued pork chicken soup with added medicine made everyone in FW raise their heads.

"Dong dong dong~~"

The door is knocked and the game begins!

Maple breathed a sigh of relief before walking out backstage.

He got out of his inner demon and took the initiative to extend his palm, and others also extended their palms.

"FW, come on!!"


At the Olympic Stadium, the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators ignited the flames of war on the field again.

In the third game, FW is on the blue side and Snake is on the red side.

After some BP, the lineups of both sides were locked.

FW lineup: Murloc, Blind Sin, Syndra, Varus, Karma

Snake lineup: Rambo, Male Gun, Clockwork, Ice, Braum

Different from the previous two games, Flash Wolves' lineup is very aggressive, while Snake's side is very stable.

"The King chose the big core Clockwork. Snake should be planning to stabilize the rhythm and win this semi-final round."

"Maple's Syndra and Karsa's blind monk are very aggressive in the early stage, and I can feel the Flash Wolf's desire to fight in desperate situations."


Accompanied by the voices of the commentators in each major competition area, the hero officially entered the Summoner's Rift.

In the first 3 minutes and 25 seconds, the Flash Wolves launched an offensive.

The blind monk circled back and cooperated with Syndra to catch, and successfully knocked out the clockwork flash.

Li Hao flashed in time to ensure that his blood line was healthy.

If you are beaten home this time, because there is no teleportation with sprint, it will be a real loss if you lose experience.

Maple wanted to take advantage of Clockwork's lack of flash, but two consecutive Q skill shots were avoided by Clockwork's movement, which consumed his health. Instead, he missed the last hit.

At 4 minutes and 32 seconds, Blind Monk scored twice and scored again.

This time, the male gun counter-crouched, the blind monk was repulsed, and Cuihua was knocked out of half health by Syndra, and both sides stopped.

However, the tactics surrounding the center did not end there.

At 7 minutes and 35 seconds, a wave of 4v4 suddenly started.

The two sides assisted in swimming to the middle. Rambo and the fishman TPed down one after another, and there was a muscle collision in the middle near the lower river.

The murloc's ultimate move was dodged by the sprinting clockwork. Karsa contributed amazing footwork. Blind Sin touched his eyes and flashed R, kicking Braum onto the big shark. Syndra's EQ combined with the ultimate move to score first blood!

However, Maple also suffered from Braum's passive and was forced to cross-dodge and escape.

Rambo unleashed a perfect ultimate move, blocking the blind monk's retreat and at the same time causing damage to the little murloc.

The touch egg is flexible enough to jump away with an E.

The male gunman outputs blind monks like crazy, and Snake comes up with a shield in time.

Clockwork aimed at FW Nosuke's position and unleashed his ultimate move.

Karsa had quick eyesight and quick hands. W touched the little murloc and avoided the big move. However, Snake suffered a disaster later and was seriously disabled by a set of clockwork combined with the damage from the male gun.

Karma escaped in a flash, Cuihua blasted the ultimate explosive bomb, killing Snake!

Both parties can exchange auxiliary services and each other can accept them.

The game has reached this level, and on the big screen, the economies of both sides are basically the same.

Karsa successfully caught him after 1 and a half minutes, and cooperated with Momodan to kill Rambo.

As a result, Rambo lost a large number of troops, which excited the silent Wanwan fans. This was what they wanted to see the most!

Snake, who was at a disadvantage, was not in a hurry. After pushing the lane, Li Hao tried to cooperate with the duo in the bottom lane, but they did not have Syndra's vision.

LPL fans were terrified after watching this wave, fearing that Snake would get involved.

However, fans were relieved when they saw Clockwork walked more than half of the river and then returned.

Syndra has already rushed to the bottom lane, and there are not many people in this wave of FW.

Maple secretly thought it was a pity that they had clockwork vision, and Snake's positioning was obviously betraying himself, but the opponent was not fooled.

The game lasted 15 minutes and 34 seconds, and the head ratio was still 2-1.

The turning point came 20 seconds later.

Hanbing came out of the spring to make equipment and stood near his blue zone. Brother Crystal took aim again and again, and while Syndra was grabbing W and moving forward to prepare for a last hit, he fired an arrow!

This arrow was shot diagonally towards the middle. There was a real eye arranged by Li Hao in the river, so FW was not aware of it for the first time.

It is easy to hide from an open gun, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow.


The magic crystal arrow hit the target, and a burst of crystal ice exploded on Syndra's body!

At the FW contestant table, Ma Bao’s expression changed!

"Han Bing is looking towards the middle, Brother Crystal is waiting for an opportunity."


"Brother Crystal, cum out!"

"Wow! This arrow~~!"

"Hit! Maple was knocked unconscious!"

Snake’s team’s voice is full of words like ‘He’s strong and good with arrows’!

On the big screen, the sprinting clockwork quickly approached Syndra. QRW fired thunder, and then took down Syndra's head with one basic attack after another.

Karsa arrived a step too late, and the golden bell had no chance for Syndra to put on it.

Han Bing gave up and went to the bottom lane, and together with Liu Qingsong Cuihua, directly destroyed the first tower of FW.

This wave seemed to open a gap. One minute later, Rambo TP went to the middle and launched a big move towards Maple.

Coupled with the damage from the clockwork and the male gun, Maple was killed again.

Snake gave up the top and bottom towers and destroyed the second tower of Flash Wolf.

The loss of two consecutive middle towers greatly affected Syndra's development.

At 20 minutes and 23 seconds, near the Xiaolong Pit, Ice's ultimate move took the lead again. Varus was hit by R, and Clockwork QRW took the head.

Karsa blind monk kicked the clockwork and tried to dodge to kick the clockwork back.

Two flash effects appeared almost at the same time near the dragon pit. Li Hao's flash was one step ahead of Karsa. Blind Monk's R flash failed. Syndra's ultimate move chased Clockwork, but Clockwork had already been kicked quite far away. Location.

Without a C position, Lightning Wolves did not dare to fight in team battles and gave up on Fire Dragon.

After Li Hao returned to the city to update the status of his equipment, Snake threatened the dragon.

In this wave, the two sides played a wave of 2 for 3 in Dalong Pit, and the Flash Wolves suffered a small loss.

Although the dragon was not lost, the river crab was not grabbed, and the vision near the blue zone was seriously lost.

It was this wave of vision that caused Flash Wolf to suffer a big loss.

At 25 minutes and 48 seconds, Rambo led the troops on the road, and Han Bing and Braun were involved on the line.

FW didn't react immediately. The barbecued pork backstage was extremely anxious.

When the 26-minute mark was approaching, Karsa was startled. The clockwork and male gun on the opposite side were gone!

big dragon!

Lightning Wolf frantically signaled towards Dalongkeng, but it was already too late.

A few seconds later, Baron Nash let out a scream, and Rambo and the soldiers around Hanbing had already brought the big dragon buff.

Betty made a prompt decision. Varus flashed to R in the middle, and she wanted to take advantage of Snake's lack of personnel to start a team and interrupt their Baron Buff rhythm.

Gangzi, who was well prepared, dodged in a flash.

Han Bing also released his ultimate move, hitting the blind monk R who was accelerated forward by Karma's shield.

Snake's next wave of personnel is fully organized, and he uses the Baron Buff to snowball.

At this time, FW was very combat-effective. Snake did not give the opponent a chance to start a team fight. After a few waves of pulling, he not only destroyed the outer tower of FW, but also took away the high ground of Flash Wolf's lower lane.

At 30 minutes and 4 seconds, using the super soldiers and Rambo's big move to burn Syndra to death, Snake once again broke the high ground on the road.

At this moment, the financial gap between the two parties has reached 9,600 yuan.

In the Lightning Wolf player box, Ma Bao's expression was a little frozen.

The same goes for Karsa and others. They all know that this game is difficult.

At the beginning of 35 minutes, FW was forced to start a team fight under the huge pressure of the troops.

In order to kill Clockwork, Flash Wolf invested too much energy, but Li Hao still hit Syndra with a big move.

The male gun fired an explosive AOE in the crowd. Gangzi's ice harvest was completed and he got a wave of four kills!

If Rambo's ultimate move hadn't killed Syndra, Msi's second five-kill after Li Hao Carter might have happened.

Even so, it didn't stop the team's voice from being filled with the excited roars of the flower boy.

At 36 minutes and 01 seconds, the ancient dragon had just fluttered its wings and appeared in the dragon pit, but before the heroes bathed in the golden dragon's blood, the last base of Flash Wolf had been bulldozed by Snake!


"Congratulations Snake!"

"Msi finals, here we come!!"

Tens of thousands of spectators burst into applause at the Rio Olympic Stadium.

Taking off their headphones, everyone in Snake enjoyed the deafening atmosphere.

Although everyone was very excited, they just celebrated briefly.

After all, this is only the semifinals.

"Let's go shake hands!"

Momodan and Karsa were both in a very low mood and said nothing while shaking hands.

What Li Hao didn't expect was that when he shook hands with Maple, this guy's eyes were so bright.

He said with a hint of questioning: "The King, I was fully committed to the last game. I didn't lose much to you, right?"

Maple stared at Li Hao, seeming to care about his answer.

What made him feel comfortable was that the man in front of him nodded in approval.

"Of course you played a high-level game."

"You have also seen that I did not get such luxurious data. If we had not seized several waves of opportunities, everyone might be preparing for the fourth game now."

Li Hao said seriously: "To be honest, Mommy, I'm a little envious of your talent and your age."

"Because you have more possibilities."

Maple smiled bitterly and said, "But, I was swept, and you are the big winner."

"This is normal."

"Because the future is yours, and the present is still mine."

Li Hao consoled him: "At the end of my career, I always have to fight for something."

"Maybe three months from now, maybe half a year later, at that time I may only be able to watch you play from the sidelines."

"I think you should understand what I mean."

Maple was horrified and couldn't help but look at Li Hao's wrist and then his waist.

The word 'injury' frightened Maple.

He thought of another point. In addition to being a veteran, The King has also experienced injuries twice.

However, he is still so powerful!

Thinking of something circulating on the Internet, Maple said in a strange way:

"Can I be presumptuous?"


Mommy said: "How do you fully concentrate on the game?"

"What's the secret?"

Li Hao blinked, and before leaving the Lightning Wolf player's seat, he patted Ma Bao on the shoulder, and then left meaningful words.

"It's not really that difficult, Maple, you just need to remember."

"A concentrated will can break through stubborn rocks."

"Go meditate."

The questions in Maple's mind deepened. This seemed to be an area he had never set foot in before.

Later, he got part of the truth from LPL netizens.

The truth even comes from a ‘scripture’.

This sutra is called: "Hao Emperor Meditation Sutra".

On the stage, all members of Snake were once again applauded and cheered by the audience.

The interview task was handed over to Gangzi and the others, and Li Hao and Zuo Wu returned to the backstage together.

Coincidentally, the Big Devil was coming out of SKT's backstage.

Across the passage not far away, the eyes of the two brothers Li met.

This time, they didn't stay silent.

"Congratulations." The big devil said.

Li Hao responded: "Thank you, I will watch the whole game between you and G2 tomorrow."

He smiled: "Actually, I hope to meet G2 the day after tomorrow."

"That way, it will also prevent me from defeating you on the finals stage and then seeing you looking lonely."

"I can't bear to think about the black rose you gave me."

Li Guapi smiled, knowing that Li Hao was talking dirty:

"Wolfberry, G2 can't stop me, I will reach the finals stage."

"When I defended the MSI title, it was the time when your myth was interrupted. If you shed tears of sadness at that time, I would give you my jersey so that you will always remember the moment when I defeated you."




Good night, book friends, I'm currently coding the next chapter. The coding is too slow, so don't wait.

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