LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 197 Angry Stupid Chicken Tian Ji Horse Racing

On May 21st, G2 played against SKT.

For fans in Europe, no matter what the outside world predicts for this series, no matter what the odds of G2 winning are, for them, this is a moment worth celebrating!

The Korean audience was waiting in front of the screen with expectant faces. They were ready to enjoy a massacre of the LCK against the European division.

However, the way this series opened surprised many.

In the middle, Brother Li picked Snake Girl, while G2's mid laner Ah P confidently picked Jayce.

However, on the G2 side, Ah P was not fighting alone. The Korean jungler Trick used Cuishen to surprise the middle in 5 minutes. The big devil was forced to flash into the F6 camp. Ah P flashed to pursue, and Jess got first blood.

Under the camera, Guapi didn't pay much attention to the first blood, and smiled easily.

What he didn't expect was that at 8 minutes and 31 seconds into the game, his Snake Girl's record became 0/3/0, while Ah P's Jess got 3/0/0 data, and Trick's record became 0/0/3, a total of 3 heads in the audience, only related to these three people.

G2 uses a double lane in the middle to teach SKT how to behave.

The entire Olympic Stadium was filled with excited cheers from the European audience. At 14 minutes and 48 seconds of the game, the Big Devil's snake girl gave away all 4 heads. G2 was really crazy about targeting the middle.

The Big Devil seems to have become a strategic sacrifice point for SKT.

Brother Li on the SKT player bench couldn't laugh anymore. He pressed Tap. At this time, the Peanut Blind Monk's jungle clearing count was 101 knives, while the opposite Cuishen only had 60 knives. It can be said that he was in the overall lead.

However, this didn't feel good to Faker.

It was undeniable that he missed stupid chicken a little. .

G2's current tactics are very clear, which is to use Ah P as an arrow.

On SKT's side, Little Peanut is the tactical carry point. He cannot sacrifice himself to protect the middle like the opponent's Trick, let alone squat like a stupid chicken.

In Europe, in Team Rabbit, the stupid chicken who was watching the video broadcast was very angry.

Xiang He was caught to death. The blind monk was filling in the middle line while clearing the jungle, and he didn't even squat in the middle?

Isn't this what attracts Xianghe's blood? !

"What little peanut, he is a vampire!"

The stupid chicken said angrily: "Zhengjun's tactical arrangement is not reasonable at all. If you have a trump card and don't use it, you are committing a crime!!"

Kakao laughed at the side and said: "Xingxiong, don't be so excited. It's not as serious as you said. Kkoma's choice includes SKT's tactical choice, there is no problem at all."

"KDA, average kills per game, average damage per point, economic share and other data, Peanut has the highest among the five junglers in this world championship. In previous games, he also performed a lot of MVP performances, and even more What’s more, the blind monk was chosen in this round.”

"In the entire league, there are not many players who shock me by playing Lee Sin. Insec is one, Clearlove is one, and now there is Peanut."

"Furthermore, Faker was a little over the top just now. He is obviously at a disadvantage, so he should no longer think about using operations to beat Perkz. His Dharma King's operations are not lacking."

The idiot shook his head: "You are right, but SKT's choice is always wrong."

"Little Peanut is very good, but he was educated by me in S6, but I am still fighting around Xianghe."

"Do you know why?"

Kakao smiled and shook his head, thinking that the stupid chicken was going to forcefully explain again.

The idiot rolled his eyes at him: "So Bingquan, I have two champions, but you are empty-handed."

Kakao: "..."

The stupid chicken stared at the screen and continued:

"In my understanding, other people can bring advantages and changes to SKT, but they are just puzzle pieces."

"And Faker can bring championships!"

"Jongkyun continues to do this. If they meet Wolfberry in the finals, they will definitely suffer a big loss. Cuihua knows very well what he wants to do. As long as he cooperates with Wolfberry, he can destroy SKT."

"Peanut has played so many games on MSI, and his team participation rate is 66.4%, which is the lowest. Once he encounters a team with a strong rhythm, his development will conceptually become 'brushing'. At that time, Faker did not If it develops, no one in SKT can stand up! It's useless to have strong top and bottom lanes, and Snake is also a tough team, so it's basically impossible to beat the lane."

"With Zhengjun's tactics, the winning rate against Snake will definitely not exceed 50%!"

"Huh~~" Stupid Chicken let out a long sigh of relief.

"SKT is no longer the SKT I'm familiar with."

When Kakao heard this, he suddenly felt that what stupid chicken said seemed reasonable.

"Xingxiong, tell me, can G2 win this game?"

Asked this, stupid chicken laughed again: "Winning by fart!"

"Xianghe Tianbeng started the game. It's almost 15 minutes. SKT didn't lose a single defensive tower. The heads G2 took will become decorations after a while."

"If it were Snake, I'm afraid one of SKT's towers would have been demolished long ago, and Peanut's jungle area would have been synchronized and turned into a mess."

"To win against G2, SKT only needs a wave of rhythm."

Stupid Chicken added: "G2 got one kill, just a dry kill. They had nothing, including resources, demolishing the tower, and getting the dragon."

“Without clear purposeful operations, it is difficult to turn a snowball into a victory.”

Idiot has been in SKT for so many years. He is an idiot, not a rookie. He can see some things quite clearly.

The trend of the game was just as I expected.

At 34 minutes and 37 seconds, the head ratio on the field became 10-9.

Little Peanut's blind monk's data became 7/0/3, and SKT's economic lead reached 7,400 yuan.

After 5 minutes, the game ends.

SKT won the first round.

In the second game, G2 came to the blue side and led with a head ratio of 5-1.

On SKT's side, everyone dies once.

However, at 18 minutes, Smeb's Galio and Faker's Clockwork completed a wave of perfect cooperation, and G2 was knocked back to its original shape.

At 32 minutes and 14 seconds, the score became 2-0.

At the match point, the big devil chose the Enchantress, and Ah P turned into clockwork. The big devil, who turned from defense to offense, showed his fierce side.

At the beginning of 20 minutes, the Big Demon King held 6 kills and performed superbly in the next wave of dragon team battles.

SKT won the Baron and pushed G2 three highs.

After returning home and setting up their equipment, SKT went straight to the fountain of G2 and vented their previous depression in a demeaning way of torturing the fountain.

Bang's rat shot Calista to death in the spring.

"Okay, congratulations to SKT for sweeping G2 and entering the finals!"

"The next round will be the peak showdown between Snake and SKT!"

"The two opponents in the S6 finals will fight for the final championship in Brazil."

Wang Duoduo, who was in the commentary box, added excitedly:

"Maybe it's a fateful showdown, Brother Li versus Brother Li again!"

"SKT won in the end and swept G2."

In the training room of the hotel, Zuo Wu was thinking about the results of the game after watching the live broadcast.

"It's normal. The European team is good at early brawls. If they follow their brawl rhythm, SKT can't hold it back."

"However, when it comes to such detailed tasks as operations, European emperors are not very good at it."

Chris continued: "G2's operational ideas feel better than before, but the gap between them and SKT is still quite big."

"The most pity is that they failed to force SKT to come up with any tactics."

Li Hao smiled: "SKT may not have prepared any tactics at all to play G2. They only need a regular lineup to bring out the differences in the two sides' understanding of the game."


"Xuanjun, Smeb is in good condition. You should be more careful online and be more cautious than before."

Flandre's expression is also very serious, this is no joke:

"Yeah, I will."

"As long as I don't suffer a lot in selecting people, Smeb won't be able to escape from me!"

Li Hao patted Flandre on the shoulder, gave a thumbs up and said:

"Snake, gun, hard!"

Gangzi also agreed: "Although I often say that the gun is too big for the crotch, as long as this guy doesn't waste his money, he is still very reliable and can occasionally become a big daddy, right?"

"Damn it, Flowerpot Man, you finally said something humane." Flandre giggled.

Liu Qingsong also muttered: "It seems that we need to be more stable in the bottom lane. Bang and Wolf are in great shape. In these games, Bang is also a damage machine and has the highest output ratio in the team."

"You're right, it was these two guys last year who were really difficult to deal with." Brother Crystal smacked his mouth.

Chris chuckled: "However, since we have reached the finals, we have nothing to hide."

"What tactics should be used, how to use them appropriately."

"That's for sure. If you hide it any longer, it will become a plane ticket."

"We'll play SKT tomorrow, no matter how real it is!"

This night, all the major e-sports discussion groups are warming up.

Li Hao also took a look at his live broadcast room. Recently, the competition time was too busy and there was no live broadcast, but it was still very popular.

You can see many fans cheering inside.

Li Hao was very touched and planned to give everyone some live streaming benefits when he returns to China.

Of course, it's best to come back victorious so everyone is happy.

The MSI championship is also a glory that he has never touched.

That night, everyone went to bed early.

Liu Qingsong was probably too excited and couldn't sleep due to tossing and turning. He had no choice but to go to Zuo Wu and Chris's room to seek help.

About half an hour later, Liu Qingsong came out panting, returned to bed and fell asleep.

Many people knew about this after listening to Zuo Wu boasting about it during breakfast the next morning.

"I first asked him to do push-ups, and then Chris gave him some spiritual medicine, and the matter was resolved."

"Lao Zuo is still Lao Zuo."

"Qingsong, how many push-ups did you do last night?"

Hearing Da Mingming's question, Liu Qingsong rolled his eyes at him: "There must be more than you."

They had breakfast and chatted. In China, SKT and Snake faced off against Brazil. This news has been a hot topic on major forums.

The LPL official also launched the latest column: "2017 MSi Event Commentary Live Room"

The official invited many people from the industry to stay up late to watch the game with the audience.

For example, LGD assistant Aya Hirano, Shenchao, one of the three major crocodiles of the year, the strongest level 5 assistant Cube Dragon, WE celebrity Big Nose, Miss Miss, Rita, and a special guest.

This person is none other than Clearlove7, the former teammate of The King and the soul of EDG.

The match commentary live broadcast room is also full of talents, and many viewers also want to see how Qijiang describes Brother Wolfberry.

Around 12 o'clock in the evening, it is the time when the atmosphere in the game commentary live broadcast room is heated.

Yu Shuang was sitting on the small sofa, chatting with Qi Jiang.

Qi Jiang got excited and talked too much:

"We didn't really know much about The King at the time. In fact, he really didn't talk much at that time and just liked to train alone."

"For example, when it comes to soaking wolfberry, he must be hiding from us. No one in EDG, including Abu, knows about it."

"I sent him a pack of wolfberry last time, and this person didn't even say thank you, he just sent me a red envelope."

Yu Shuang asked: "How much did you pay?"

Jarhead was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Yu Shuang's attention would be on this: "Seven dollars and seven."


Suddenly, there were ten thousand barrages and eight thousand 7 words.

While they were chatting, on the event broadcast platform, in order to create excitement, the officials released a pre-recorded easter egg program and pre-game trash talk.

The first is SKT’s Smeb player. He spoke a lot of Korean, with a translation below:

"For Flandre, my evaluation is 'he is an excellent top laner'. If rated according to ABCD, I would give him an A grade, and I would give him an A+."

The scene came to Flandre's side, and he replied:

"If Tian Ji is moved to the road, I think I have a superior horse, and Smeb is a medium horse, and this medium horse is eating crotons."

"Hahaha!" There was a burst of light laughter from everyone in the match commentary live broadcast room.

The audience watching the game was also very excited.

"Awesome! Brother Holy Spear is awesome!"

"I have a question, what kind of horse is Brother Wolfberry?"

"Brother Wolfberry is not a horse, he is the owner of a racecourse, a cowboy with a felt hat on horseback."

"What a high-grade horse, a middle-class horse, what an arrogance! Do you dare to come to my Zu'an? Confiscate all your 'horses'!"


The style of the game has changed. Don't tell me, the two teams, SKT and Snake, are quite similar.

The two guys on the road were very crazy.

Whether it is green flowers or small peanuts, they all look delicate and tender.

The two of them spoke very tactfully.

Peanut: "Cuihua is a jungler worthy of attention. He rarely makes mistakes, but this is a real decisive battle. I will be ten times more serious than in the group stage."

Cuihua: "Peanut's aggressiveness is amazing, but I have my own way of playing, and there are many ways to win."

Then, the screen jumped to Bang in the middle.

Bang: "I had a battle with kRYST4L in the last game of S6. I took away my regrets that time. This time, I am going to leave my regrets to my opponent."

Brother Crystal: "Bang is an output machine. In this round of the finals, the only thing I can do and want to do is to smash this machine as much as possible."

Then the fat Wolf appeared: "Crisp is good at seizing opportunities, which is what I am good at, so let's compare."

Liu Qingsong: "Wolf has rich experience in the World Championship. Last season, I could only look up to this ID. However, when I stepped onto this field, I was in awe, but more importantly, I wanted to challenge."

Finally, the picture of LCK Brother Li appeared.

The audience at the Rio Olympic Stadium was also excited.

LCK Brother Li said:

"I faced The King again. He is a very troublesome guy and has always been very strong. I really want to know a scene. If I stood in front of him to accept the award, would The King's eyes be red?"

"The King once asked Stupid Chicken to bring him a lot of soju. If he fails this time and is in pain, I will give him the original words. Soju can relieve sorrow and pain."

"Holding the trophy in front of The King, that's what I want to do most right now."

"In 2017 MSI, I hope to bring the trophy back to SKT again."

After LCK Brother Li made a joke, it was LPL Brother Li’s turn.

In the picture, there is a warm smile on the beautiful face, which made many young ladies shout "I'm in love".

"I have been studying MSI's opponents for a long time, and now I am standing on the stage of the finals."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the game commentary live broadcast room looked at Jarhead.

Qi Jiang cursed in her heart: This bitch really holds a grudge. Didn't he just let you play a few games with Big Tree and keep targeting me?

Under the covers at the EDG base, Abu, who was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, almost laughed out loud.

"I know Faker very well. He is a legendary player who is very professional and has a strong desire to win. Today, this legendary player will witness another heart-wrenching scene."

"In the golden rain, I will hold the trophy in front of him. If a piece of ribbon gets wet, I think it must be Faker's tears."

"I'm very grateful to Faker for inspiring me with the meaning of the black rose."

"But facing the MSI trophy, I will give my best."

“I’m looking forward to letting the black rose belonging to the LPL bloom in the Rio Olympic Stadium!”

('-'*ゞI saw someone saying that I was abroad. Although the time was reversed, I was really in China.

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