LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 198 Aggressive! The naughty thing is here!

In the Rio Olympic stadium, the lights on the big screen are flashing.

The kills and team battles of Snake against FW and SKT against G2 were quickly reviewed.

This indicates that Snake and SKT have reached the end.

Then, the lights suddenly dimmed.

At this time, a beam of light shone from above the venue to the central stage, and the MSI Gold Cup was exuding dazzling light.

The host in a gray shirt walked out of the darkness. He raised the microphone. Although he was not strong, he swallowed a voice that resounded throughout the venue:

"ladies and gentlemen!"

"Welcome to the 2017 MSI final battlefield~~!!"

A series of Brazilian Portuguese words were translated on various broadcast platforms. After a brief introduction, the middle-aged host gestured to the left with his hand.

On the screen directly in front of the player's seat, a burst of light flashed, and the 'Snake' logo appeared.

It can be seen that Snake's players are already standing in their corresponding positions as they were during the rehearsal.

"The first person to appear is Snake~~ who represents the LPL division!!!"

When shouting "Snake", the host seemed to put his teeth against the tip of his tongue and made a "hissing" sound like a snake.

He elaborated:

"This is Snake's first time participating in MSI. They directly entered the finals. I think everyone should be familiar with them, because they won the Summoner's Cup at Staples Center last year!"

"Now, they are chasing Msi's championship glory!"

"Let's get to know the players of Team Snake again"

The audience clapped and cheered in unison.

Every time the host reads a person's ID, the contestant's makeup photo will appear on the big screen above. The camera will stay for a few seconds, and the contestants can make any actions or gestures they like.

This is a huge exposure opportunity, and the current scene is being watched by league players watching the game all over the world.

First, it’s Snake’s head coach, Chris. .


"TOP: Flandre."


"Mid: The King~!"

At this time, a huge cheer came from the Rio Olympic Center. During this trip to Brazil, in a short period of time, Li Hao has conquered a large audience in Brazil through his performance, and even turned a large number of passersby into fans.

When the camera flashed to the audience, some romantic samba girls could be seen, dressed in Cosplay costumes and swaying black roses in their hands.

Gangzi, Liu Qingsong, Lin Weixiang, and Zhi were all introduced.

Then the camera turned to the right. On SKT's side, as the winner of the last MSI, the host's voice was very high when calling out the SKT team.

"SKT is on the road to defending their title. They have reached the MSI finals for the third time. This is already a great achievement. Whether they can continue the miracle will be revealed today!"

When the host read 'Kkoma' aloud, e-sports Wang Leehom received a round of applause.

Smeb showed no expression, while Peanut smiled and waved to the audience, with the SKT team logo plastered on his face.

Bang made a shooting gesture toward the camera, and Wolf, who was all fleshy, gave the camera a thumbs up with both hands.

The fists are well arranged, and the big devil, who is both honorable and extremely popular, is placed at the end.

When the last lights on the SKT stage came on, the figure of the Big Devil appeared in the camera. He raised his head and matched the expression on his face to create a solemn and tough style.

At that moment, the cheers reached its peak!

The atmosphere was quite heated, and everyone was impatient for this top-level battle between Snake and SKT.

Inside the LPL studio:

"Viewers, welcome to the 2017 MSI finals!"

In addition to the two trump cards of the Haier brothers, today's commentary is also paired with Wang Duoduo, who has long been labeled as orthodox wolfberry powder.

"It is now 2 pm in Brazil time, and it should be around 3 am in China."

The baby smiled and said: "But I believe that for this game tonight, there should be many people who are night owls."

"Haha, for example, I didn't sleep well last night. I kept thinking about today's showdown and posted many posts online. The fans are really enthusiastic."

"It's very good. This atmosphere is very enjoyable." Miller smiled: "I also saw many fans predicting this round of MSI finals. To be honest, it is really difficult for me to predict the results."

"Snake and SKT are both absolutely strong teams this season, and any outcome is possible today."

Wang Duoduo on the side said: "It seems that Teacher Miller is ready to work overtime."

The LPL commentary booth was chatting, and two Korean commentators not far away were also analyzing the situation in a clear and logical manner.

Of course, through a series of arguments, Bangzi explained that the final result was that SKT had a greater chance of winning.

Stick's mouth has always been quite hard.

The same goes for many viewers in South Korea who stayed up late to watch the game.

The forum below the Korean MSI event broadcast platform has a very lively message section.

"SKT in BO5 and SKT in the group stage are completely different things. Snake's farce should end."

"Let's say 3-0 or 3-1. SKT will end the battle as soon as possible. I want to go to bed with a good mood."

"Foretelling, this is the first championship of LCK this year, and we will win all the championships in the future. LCK will always be the first division!"

There is also a grumpy stick who said: "SKT had better win, otherwise I will definitely send the dead rat and blade to the SKT club."

"Yes, S6 is a disgrace! Especially SSG, the championship giants were swept by others, and I sent them three rotten rats!"

These grumpy sticks are really not just words, they really mean it when they say they are sending them. Compared with these crazy people, the keyboard warriors in China also look polite and polite.

Not long after the players took their seats, an American female referee gently pressed the headset and announced the start of the game.

Accompanied by huge background music, the game entered the BP stage!

Chris already had a smile of victory on his face. Yes, in the coin guessing round, he defeated Kkoma and finally regained the victory.

Snake had the priority to choose sides for games 1, 3, 5, but they did not follow the usual routine in the first game.

"The red side was chosen by Snake on his own initiative."

"Sure enough, I started to change my tactics as soon as I got to the finals. When we played against Flash Wolves in the semifinals, Snake still prioritized blue."

"This reminds me of Snake's play style last summer, giving the counter position to The King, and then suddenly a hero that the opponent did not expect will appear."

After Miller and Wawa finished talking, Wang Duoduo answered:

"This tactic has to be The King. After all, it is the number one hero pool in the league."

In the SKT player box, Kkoma glanced at the red square fifth floor. He was wary in his heart, but he didn't say anything to affect the players.

"SKT immediately defeated Victor with the first move, and Snake did not hesitate to ban the blind monk."

Little Peanut's blind monk has a 100% winning rate, so there is no need to let this hero go to him.

Chris is looking forward to Peanut coming up with brush heroes like male guns, which should be the most beneficial to Snake.

After all, with perfect on-court command, Snake's rhythm is by no means comparable to that of G2. When Li Hao is on the court, the Snake team is never afraid of playing with the opponent's rhythm and operations.

In the group stage, the game where the Big Devil lost by playing fan is the best illustration of Snake's control of the rhythm.

"SKT took down Fan Mom with the second move, and Snake took down Kennen."

In fact, Kennen can be released, Smeb can use Kennen, and Snake can completely counter it with Jace.

However, Flando has been having trouble with her sex recently, so they don't dare to bet on such a crucial match.

Kkoma discussed with the SKT players:

"Get rid of Lulu."

"The Galio system is still out there. If Snake releases it, we will grab the mid-to-upper swing, and they won't be able to comfortably get the Lulu plus Ice system."

As a result, SKT had just taken down Lulu, and Snake took out Galio with a backhand.

"Do you want to grab the ice first?" Smeb asked.

Bang responded: "There is no ban on the opposite side of Varus, so we can let Peanut choose first."

Little Peanut also nodded: "I want to take Spider. I am more confident about this hero. When we played Snake in the group stage before, I think there is still room for improvement. If we do it again, I will definitely not let them lead us by the nose. "

"Moreover, Cuihua across the street often plays spiders. If they take her away, Brother Xianghe will be under a lot of pressure."

Kkoma also nodded, and SKT locked the Spiders on the first floor.

Snake responded immediately, choosing Zyra on the first floor and Hanbing on the second floor.

In this version, when it comes to functional AD in the early stage, Ice's priority is still ahead of Varus.

For example, in the semi-finals, Gangzi shot an arrow from the middle and knocked down Ma Bao.

Because this version emphasizes online suppression, soft assistants are destined to be more popular.

"SKT picked Varus on the second floor, but they didn't dare to wait until later. Otherwise, they would definitely have to take advantage of Snake and use both hands."

"SKT waited and watched, leaving the support and mid laner behind, and chose caution on the third floor."

Miller frowned: "We have changed our strategy. This time Ms. Shen appeared 16 times, but this is the first time Smeb has shown it in this World Championship."

"It should have been the last round of G2 that gave SKT a wake-up call. Once Snake seizes the middle like G2 did, Faker will definitely not be able to bear it. Imagine if Jayce, who has developed like that, changes from a P to The King, SKT still has a chance to make a comeback. A chance?"

Wang Duoduo said: "I think Smeb's Shen is more of a protection for the middle."

"If Snake's midfielder and jungler link up, even if Peanut's support is not in place at the first time, Smeb can fill the gap at the critical moment."

Wawa said: "Snake, why don't you choose a hero who can interrupt Shen's ultimate move?"

"Three fantasy gods, including the previous top laner Keg, can do it, but we still have to consider the output distribution of the middle, top and jungle. It depends on how Snake makes the decision."


"It's Rambo!"

Miller was a little confused: "If Brother Holy Spear uses Rambo, it will definitely be okay to hit Shen online, but when Shen uses his ultimate move, Rambo can't control it at all."

Snake directly took Rambo, which SKT did not expect.

"Could it be Rambo jungler?"

After Peanut finished speaking, Faker said: "Maybe Rambo missed?"

"I'm not thinking blindly. Snake took the initiative to choose the red side. I always feel like there's something sexy about it."

At the mention of Wolfberry's sexy stuff, the DNA of everyone in SKT was moved.

Last year’s Penta-Kill Sword Master was so sexy!

Kkoma shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about it.

"Ignore them for now, let's go at our own pace."

On the red side, after the heroes on the third floor were selected, Snake took down Nami and Tam, and killed the support position.

SKT's last two moves were to take down the poodle and the barrel.

"Snake chooses the prince on the fourth floor."

"It's getting weirder and weirder. This lineup is still uncertain. Prince and Rambo can actually swing."

"Yes, Rambo jungler has appeared before. Mlxg used it twice in the regular season, and G2 jungler Trick also used it. It is also possible in this game. If the prince comes to the top, he can also interrupt Shen's ultimate move."

Wang Duoduo smiled: "We are very confused now. I believe SKT is the same as us, and we are also confused about Snake's specific intentions."

Perhaps as Wang Duoduo said, SKT was obviously hesitant in its final two choices.

On the fourth floor of the blue square, Wolf chose the female gun.

Varus + Female Spear is a tactic developed in the spring. You won't suffer any losses when playing against Zyla and Ice online.

In this Msi, SKT also used this combination to play once and won.

Kkoam said: "The opponent is very likely to take Enchantress, Rambo plus the Prince system, Ice Zyra and a hero who can roam with rhythm, Enchantress is quite suitable."

Of course, in addition to the suitable lineup, everyone in the SKT team also knows a tacit message.

TheKing said it before.

Let the black rose bloom in the Rio Olympic Stadium.

Since this guy said that, he would probably choose it, not to mention the current lineup.

After Kkoma's announcement, SKT now faces two choices.

First, bear the risk of actively choosing a witch.

Because of the nerfing of W, Enchantress now takes a lot of damage from her E skill. If Enchantress, who has become stronger in pushing lanes, cannot control the rhythm in the early and mid-term, she will really turn into a sister in the later stage.

In the scene where Snake fought against FW, the reason why Enchantress was injured and exploded was because it was too smooth.

With that kind of development, any hero's damage will explode.

However, when facing a team with a tight defense that is almost the same, the offensive pressure will increase on the side that picks the Enchantress.

Therefore, the overall Msi, Enchantress's data is very average.

The appearance rate is 23.8%, the KDA is 3.8, the total number of games is 11, the winning rate is 36.4%, and the average damage per game is 16864.

In terms of winning rate alone, it has ranked over 40th.

The second point to consider is that almost all Ryze on MSI are chosen to fight the Enchantress.

After delaying to the mid-to-late stage, the Enchantress was sent, and she couldn't push the line or beat her.

Ryze's ban rate is only 7.1%, and this game is also on the outside.

SKT is making some difficult choices.

In the last ten seconds, SKT decided to predict a move, and the Big Devil took out his famous hero first.

"Wandering Mage!"

"It's locked, it just depends on how Snake takes the counter position in the last move."

"It's a very common choice for Snake to fight Ryz and Counter, but looking at Snake's hesitation, he probably has no intention of taking it."

At this time, Snake chose an avatar on the fifth floor.


"She is indeed a witch!"

Wang Duoduo said excitedly: "The King also mentioned before that letting black roses bloom in Brazil is also a romantic agreement between the two Li brothers. This round of duel is like a poem!"

In the SKT player box, the Korean generals had such expressions.

Even the corners of Kkoma's mouth tended to turn up slightly.

If you bet correctly this time, you will make a lot of money.

TheKing can use Enchantress to beat FW into a sieve, that's because Team Bay Wan is riddled with holes.

SKT, on the other hand, is made of steel poured into iron, so it's not that easy to break through defenses.

A cheer came from the Korean commentary box.

The long-faced commentator wearing a pair of big headphones smiled and said:

"SKT has predicted Snake's choice a long time ago and chose Rize Counter Snake's Counter position first. This is the powerful SKT team!"

"The game hasn't started yet, let's win one level first."

However, Smecta's awesomeness exploded within three sentences.

The doll shouted: "Change! After some hesitation, I decided not to choose!"

"Is this going to take Syndra?"

On the big screen, Syndra's avatar appeared.

Wang Duoduo's voice changed, as if the words "poetic duel" just now did not come from his mouth.


"This BP is getting more and more interesting. It's very reasonable for The King to take Syndra. What we often call aggressive means playing aggressively!"

In the barrage:

“It tastes so strong~”

"Ning is Wang's reasonable guidance, right?"

"Ouch! Ouch! Brother Holy Spear really dared to attack. Ouch! He really killed someone! It's not easy to kill people because it's unreasonable!"

"Flandre: wdnmd!"


However, just when everyone thought Snake was going to identify Syndra.

Under the camera, Liu Qingsong, who was on the fifth floor of Snake, suddenly showed a smile.

The next second, the avatar on the fifth floor changed and locked.

When the audience reacted, the entire Rio Olympic Stadium instantly erupted in an exclamation!

A terrifying and evil avatar appeared, and there was a sound filled with darkness.

"——Embrace the darkness!"


Good night, book friends, I'm currently reading the next chapter, so don't wait.

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