LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 344 He doesn’t even want to tell me about the future

Everyone in the TOP contestant seats, including the Korean second brother, looked at the data on the screen, and they were all a little confused.

The summer season kicks off with a bang, Linglong Tower!

The male swordsman on the opposite side went crazy, my second brother’s metal master was turned into a metal chef, and he beat my teammates hard with Sad Harvest!

10/0/4, less than 20 minutes!

This was more kills than Jack in the previous round, and it took less time.

The TOP players have no doubt that if Snake doesn't bulldoze the situation and continues to fight, this data will rise crazily, because the equipment level gap between the two sides has been completely widened.

Cat King sat in the TOP auxiliary position and took a long breath.

To be honest, I was a little autistic after being beaten.

He had a lot to say in his heart, why is this guy still so strong! ?

The Cat King wants to retire and become a commentator, and then express his inner feelings freely in the studio.

It turns out that Snake training games are really clumsy.

When they played a training match with Snake before today, everyone tried each other's tactics, but they felt they were half the same.

As soon as the summer split started, they were completely confused throughout the game.

Take off your headphones and you can hear the cheers from the Main Square.

Snakes fans in attendance were heartened.

too strong!

Snake is too strong!

This Western Conference opener completely showed the style of the world's best team.

In the RNG base, Coach Heart looked thoughtful, and then crossed out the idea about Tetsuo's system in the tactical book.

There is basically no need to think about this system anymore.

If there were still some thoughts originally, now they have been completely understood. The error tolerance rate is too low.

Once the rhythm of pushing the line in the early stage fails, and then encounters a team with a strong rhythm, Chunchun will be beaten.

Xiaohu held the thermos cup and leaned on the gaming chair, making constant complaints.

"Snake is in good condition."

"I feel that they are more threatening in this version. You never know what lineup they will play. The King can bring out a lot of technology alone."

Uzi chuckled: "I told you they are old silver coins."

"When we used Tetsuo's system to play against them in training matches, did you see how they handled it like this?"

"The problem with this Lies is not small. Ornn was beaten by Alchemy to the point where he made no sound. I didn't see him playing it so big."

Having said this, he turned sideways and looked at Emperor Rang:

"Junze, if we meet Snake, you must not make any mistakes."

Teacher Guo kept chanting "Everyone is equal" on the side, which made Di himself laugh.

Although the atmosphere became lively, everyone still felt a little depressed in their hearts.

Not only the RNG team, but other teams as well.

Snake is still pressing down on me like a big mountain. It seems that it will be hellish to break through this mountain this summer.

Before the start of the summer split, some people still had some expectations.

Although Li Hao's injury has not been exposed now, his age is there. They hope to see his condition decline, then Snake will not be so scary.

But the fact before us is: this monster-like man is still continuing his dominance.

There is obviously a reason why the audience at Supermarket Plaza was so excited.

The audience at the scene and in front of the screen are witnessing TheKing's continued legend!

In the player tunnel, the Snake players laughed all the way backstage.

Flandre was a little unfinished and kept talking about how she was still almost done with her 'big mask'.

After a short break, the second game between Snake and TOP began.

The two sides changed sides, and after the BP, Snake came up with a brand new system.

Snake: Alchemy, Xin Zhao, Ryze, Kennen, Rakan

TOP: Ornn, Troll, Sword Girl, Kai'Sa, Morgana

All major teams that are studying the Snake competition are seeing this in their eyes. This is a standard version system.

Kennen + Luo go down the lane, preferring the early and mid-term rhythm, and the team fight is very fierce.

Ryze is still very strong in this version, and his appearance rate is very high.

Because his skills determine that he can perform good AOE in mid-term team battles.

Snake still plans to end the game at a fast pace.

The TOP Kai'Sa is locked on the first floor. Combined with the lineup, the idea is quite clear. The sword girl is very powerful in the mid-term. They must use their strong points to transition the game to the late stage and then pass the baton to Kai'Sa.

However, Snake defeated Olaf on the fourth floor, which made TOP extremely uncomfortable.

In the current version, the single sword girl + Olaf is the top configuration in the mid-term, which can make their lineup more comfortable.

Snake knocks off Olaf, which is equivalent to breaking one of his arms.

This also made Bai Yueya very depressed.

In the two games of BP, they barely took any advantage.

It feels like every place you take advantage of seems to be a trap.

After looking at the lineups on both sides, Bai Yueya was quite worried.

QiuQiu's condition today is average. Kai'Sa has a heavy responsibility in this game. If he moves carelessly, Cat and Morgana may not be enough to protect him.

With an anxious mood, Bai Yueya returned to the backstage.

This is his first summer game coaching TOP, and of course he hopes to play better.

However, what he was worried about soon happened.

In this game, Snake once again did not follow common sense. Wolf Brother's Xin Zhao went straight to the red, suddenly played a showy routine, and was caught at level 2!

As soon as the TOP duo comes online, Cat learns the W skill to push the line normally.

From God's perspective, White Crescent Moon yelled "Oh no" after seeing the actions of his two players. Snake was very cooperative and seemed to have no intention of seizing the line.

When Xin Zhao came from the river, Luo rushed into the army with W first.

QiuQiu tried to move, but the skills of Shanda's debut had already covered him.

He didn't dodge in the first place, and the fight between them in this wave of soldiers was completely worthwhile.

However, level 2 Xin Zhao with the red buff came and completely changed the situation of the battle!

Luo Xian lit his hand on fire to suppress the healing effect.

At this time, Morgana, who has only one W skill, cannot provide any help, and cannot swallow AD like Tahm Kench in the last game.

The three of them focused on Kai'Sa, and QiuQiu was knocked out and flashed.

Kennen flashed to follow up, and AQA received the first blood!

Bai Yueya saw this situation in the background and shouted that it was over.

Kai'Sa dies at level 1. Although she won't lose much if she teleports online, her development speed will be greatly affected.

For a tactical core, they need a lot of time to make up for the loopholes.

Kennen can move to the AD position because he has stronger combat capabilities in the mid-term. Once there is no solution to develop, combined with Snake's lineup, TOP will be difficult to defend.

At 3 minutes and 34 seconds, the troll caught it.

South Korea's second brother Dao Mei took the lead with a double-edged attack, but Ryze moved to avoid it.

Sword Girl failed to provide control. Due to the distance between the troll and the pillars, they could not push Ryze back. Instead, they blocked Sword Girl's path forward. This was really a co-operation.

This wave of gank failed to have a substantial impact on Li Hao.

After Kennen got the first blood, he developed ahead of Kai'Sa.

The Cat King failed to win in several lottery draws, and instantly became confused.

Looking at the top lane, Lies' Ornn was still suppressed by Alchemy.

The situation was getting worse and worse. The Cat King made a dangerous move and discussed with his teammates. Ye Fu worked together to catch him!

By fattening up the sword girl, TOP will be able to withstand it in the middle, and Kai'Sa will have time to develop.

At 5 minutes and 4 seconds, a picture that made TOP fans choke appeared on the big screen.

Morgana and the troll gank in the middle, and the sword girl stands behind and acts together. The three of them had a clear division of labor. While Ryze was pushing the line, the troll came around from behind and slowed down the pillar first.

Li Hao looked at Dao Mei and Morgana coming from the front and side respectively, and immediately kept calm.

Ryze was the first to attack the troll, and EWQ immobilized the troll and hit him with a phase dash!

At this moment, in addition to receiving a large amount of acceleration, Ryze also has 75% deceleration resistance.

Taking advantage of this effect, Morgana moved in the opposite direction at the moment when she released her Q skill against the pillar. Although she shortened the distance between her and the sword girl, she was able to get out of the confinement range in the slightest!

The Cat King was extremely surprised!

This is not a flash, you are too confident!

The second Korean brother threw the E skill behind him, and at the same time, the Q blue side's remote minion with residual health moved. Through the displacement, he adjusted his position so that the second E could be thrown farther away, and during the Q process, he threw the third Use the second E to hide your hand-raising movement.

The second Korean brother is also very skilled at playing this set of combos.

However, a golden light flashed on the big screen, and Ryze flashed out without hesitation this time, dodging the twin blades!

If Ryze had just flashed to dodge Morgana's control, the second brother in this wave can flash to follow up and then connect E, which is basically a sure hit. If he takes control, the three outputs will definitely die.

Despite this, under the fierce output of the top three, Li Hao's Ryze was beaten until it glowed red, and he managed to escape under the defense tower with less than 20 health points!

"not dead!"

"What a big loss!"

The doll yelled: "Cat had murderous intentions. Morgana flashed to chase A, but she couldn't kill Ryze A this time! The auxiliary damage was too low."

"Three people surrounded them, and they handed over two flashes, but Ryze ran away!"

Miller's eyes widened a lot: "Brother Hao's handling was too calm. He judged the escape route almost the moment the troll appeared, and used the acceleration and deceleration resistance of Phase Rush to avoid Morgana's skills. !”

"Cat relied on the troll's pillar to fail to Qi Ryze Flash. Brother Hao's positioning and reaction are really outrageous!!"

The doll laughed: "The moving essence of carbon-based organisms."

"It's hard to imagine that this is something a veteran can do!"

"What's even scarier is that this seems to be just Brother Hao's regular performance! Similar collections are enough to fill up my solid-state drive."

The studio is also a river and lake, and people are also sophisticated. The Haier brothers recognized the situation and joined forces to brag.

Wang Duoduo, who was a guest in the live event commentary room, was full of pride.

He can proudly say: I was already a top wolf player before you played Brother Hao.

Apart from Coster, the poet said there are no rivals in this field.

Compared to the amazement and excitement of the commentators and the audience, the white crescent moon and TOP uniforms backstage were all numb.

Showed off like TM pig skin!

The second Korean brother sighed secretly and called himself old.

Just say that time is not forgiving.

But the second brother suddenly thought that the guy opposite who was showing off was even older.

Ah Xiba.

What went wrong!

This wave of gank was unsuccessful and had immediate consequences.

Xin Zhao grabbed it again and cooperated with the duo to directly cross the tower.

Kai'Sa, who had not flashed, was beaten again under the tower. Juhua Xin's gun shot out like a dragon and picked up Kai'Sa from behind. The damage from the third shot directly turned QiuQiu into a black screen.

At this moment, there are ten thousand barrages, all of which are mailings.

After Li Hao's teleportation went online, he quickly organized Brother Wolf to launch a round of revenge.

At 6 minutes and 54 seconds, Ryze pushed the line in the middle, and drove Xin Zhao in the lower half of the river to the back of the TOP defense tower.

Aoun, who was on the road, wanted to teleport, but was interrupted by Alchemy's flash and W.

Flandre forced Lies to watch the show on the road.

This time, Cat King Q hit someone.

However, it was Xin Zhao who carried the tower, and the one in his Q was Kennen.

After Kai'Sa was killed first, Snake took turns to carry the tower, and then killed Morgana.

Ryze took Morgana's head as a response to the previous wave of gank.

Seeing that the bottom lane was hopeless, Troll and Dao Mei turned back to the top lane.

After Aoun hit Alchemy with his big attack, the evil Alchemy was finally killed by the TOP midfielder.

The first water dragon was accepted by Snake.

Snake didn't push down the tower, he really used the bottom lane as a cash machine.

At 10 minutes and 3 seconds, Alchemy on the top lane was also transferred to the bottom lane.

This wave of TOP people also came.

However, Snake killed the TOP duo first, causing them to quickly reduce their numbers.

The damage caused by Kennen's big entrance was not comparable to Kai'Sa at this time. After the Korean second brother came over, he forcibly replaced Kennen.

Ryze controlled the troll, and Luo EW followed up and took control.

Li Hao pursued all the way and QEQ collected the troll head in front of the second tower in the bottom lane.

In this wave, the heads of the troll and the sword girl were cut off one after another, and the three people in the middle of the siege were all killed.

4 for 1, one tower in the bottom lane was pushed.

On the big screen, the economic difference between the two sides was close to 5,000 yuan.

Anyone who has studied this version knows that the game is over at this point.

Even if a different team comes here, they can't beat TOP, let alone the opponent is still the world's top team.

At 23 minutes and 18 seconds, Snake rushed to the TOP high ground with the Baron Buff and defeated TOP with a head ratio of 17:4.


"Congratulations to Snake for scoring their first point of the summer split!"

Miller said sincerely: "This version of Snake is really strong. Both games were crushing games. They can easily break the opponent's version system, and they can also perfectly play their own version system."

"I even think they are more capable than the spring game."

"At the same time, there is another enduring topic worthy of discussion. If Brother Hao hadn't been killed by TOP in the second game, he would have almost become a super god again. What a terrifying state it is!"

The baby smiled and said, "Then here's the problem."

“In this version, is TheKing in the 2018 Summer Split in his strongest form?”

After winning the Western Conference opener, Snake didn't celebrate too much. After putting away their equipment and headphones, they went to the top players' booth.

During the handshake session, the second Korean brother was a little heartbroken again.

When he was surfing the Internet before, he also learned a lot about Li Hao's habits.

For example, after the game, he would say something like "The future is yours" to the opposing player, which was confirmed by many professional players.

Unfortunately, during this handshake, Li Hao just nodded slightly to him and said nothing.

He didn't even want to say that to me.

The second Korean brother was very sad, thinking that he was in a withering stage, and even The King felt that he had no hope.

Comparing the lives of others, the second Korean brother has a sense of frustration.

In the TOP team, apart from the second Korean brother, the one who feels the most frustrated is probably the King of Cats.

Two grueling games allowed Cat to see clearly the huge gap between the enemy and ourselves.

At the contestants' table, Cat King turned his head and looked at Li Hao's back as he headed to the stage after shaking hands.

This is destined to be a height that he will not be able to climb in his entire career.

Cat King's eyes gradually became firm.


It's time for me to bring my talent to the LPL studio.

During the post-game interview session, Sister Tuozi first politely called Brother Hao in front of the camera, and then asked:

"Brother Hao, how do you feel after defeating the first round of the summer competition?"

"I like this version better. It's very diverse and interesting. There are surprises in every game."

Li Hao smiled: "Of course, I prefer to win. If I lose, I will be shocked."

Sister Hunchback asked again:

"Snake played very easily in both games, and Brother Hao's performance was even more explosive. What suggestions would you give current players on how to play?"

Li Hao paused and responded: "Think more and operate more. Also, this version of Yasuo is quite strong."

Sister Hunchback smiled and said that she had bought Yasuo's skin.

The viewers watching the live broadcast were immediately delighted.

[Sister Hunchback, why don’t you make it so clear? 】

[The hunchback sister hides a knife in her smile, a counterattack from a Muggle]

[Brother Wolfberry is just hinting, why are you so stupid! 】

[Haha, while you are discussing skins, I have already scored five kills in the human-machine game! 】

After that, Luo Xin interviewed Flandre and Casa. The two people also kept talking nonsense. One said that he was studying the intercontinental competition, and the other said that he was studying S8.

"Has Brother Hao been studying the competition recently?"

Flandre was stunned by Sister Hunchback's question, and she said with a smile:

"Brother Hao said that he is choosing a skin."

When Li Hao, who originally walked down the interview stage, heard this, he ran back in three steps and then two steps. He leaned into the microphone next to Flandre and said:

"I never said that."

At this moment, Sister Hunchback couldn't help laughing.

[The gun is awesome, stab my brother Hao in the back! 】

[The chef is booming, the gun brother is king! 】

[Brother Hao: Fortunately, I killed a carbine. 】

【Big courage! You dare to spread rumors about the team dad! 】

Friday, June 15th.

The second round of the Snake Summer Split continues, and their opponent is OMG.

OMG's lineup has not changed much. Top laner Xiyang, jungler Jiekou, mid laner Leng Shao, AD changed to Cheiiy. This is still a Chinese player, a young player from 1998, and the support is still Five.

OMG's summer split is not in good shape, not even as good as the TOP that Snake encountered in the last round.

After two games, Snake once again swept 2:0.

Neither game lasted more than 25 minutes, which fully demonstrated the features of the version.

Snake played a strong midfielder in both games and directly controlled the mid lane.

After frequent captures, OMG collapsed in about 10 minutes in both games. Except for a dragon that Jiekou stole alone, almost all map resources were controlled by Snake.

Li Hao scored 5/0/9 and 7/1/8 consecutively, dominating the MVP list.

Snake's various exaggerated statistics can also be seen on the data rankings of major teams.

During the spring split, people were still discussing the top three players in the Eastern Conference.

In this current situation, it seems that Snake will stand out in the summer split!

PS: Go to bed early, book friends! ∠(^ー^)

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