LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 345: The Sorrow of the Ancient Capital Sit back and watch the cornerstone of the dynasty shi

Sunday, June 17th.

This is also the last game day of the first week of the regular season.

At around 4:30, the match between EDG and FPX was reaching an extremely anxious moment. The two sides are currently tied at 1:1 and are in the decider.

Nocturne, the director of the factory, who was dressed in an attack outfit, was causing trouble on the court. Fishman finally made his own big hat in the 34th minute, and Kai'Sa's equipment was officially formed.

At 37 minutes and 34 seconds, the team battle between the two sides was an anxious moment, and the junior Zoe became a hero.

Throw out the flying stars and instantly use the W picked up to flash across the wall, and use the second Q to pull back to kill the enchantress.

Zoe continued to flash and accurately dropped the hypnotic bubble on Lucian, and the next Q skill killed Lucian with remaining health.

61E cheered for a while, the younger brother was really big, and he helped EDG win the game with a wave of three kills!

In the end, EDG defeated FPX 2:1.

Near 5 o'clock in the evening, the second LPL game was held in another city.

The coordinates are at No. 91, Furong West Road, Yanta District, the ancient capital of Xi'an.

Snake fought in a different place and came to WE Xi'an home court.

Compared to 61E who were very happy in Super Mall, 60E were more uneasy at this time.

WE really started high and went low in the summer split. In the last round of TOP, they were unable to fight back and were swept 0:2.

Under the decline, facing the menacing No. 1 team in the league, it may be difficult to score a point.

When the game officially started, the sound of drums and cheers came from the WE home court, and the cheers of WE fans were very loud.

But there is no shortage of Snake fans in Xi'an, and they even compete with the WE fans at home, and their voices are no less loud than theirs.

More importantly, Snake's fans are obviously more confident.

At the Snake player table, Li Hao noticed.

In one game, the AD player WE sent was Gentle.

This is also a young player in the league. He only started playing in the professional league in 2017 and belonged to the RT team at that time.

In the Demacia Cup Changsha Station last spring, RT was swept out by YM 2:0.

At this time, YM's midfielder still had his left hand and Xiaotian, and RT's midfielder sent out more than half of the team's heads, which exploded directly.

Gentle, however, put in a stellar performance for the team and almost led the team to a comeback.

Therefore, WE, eager to find treasures among rookies, recruited him.

Watching Snake succeed on Taobao every year makes WE jealous.

In May, they also recruited core AD player Imp from the LGD team.

Coupled with his brother-in-law, AD players can almost get together a table of mahjong.

The auxiliary players are also diverse, including Ben, 694, and Missing.

Just for the bottom lane combination, WE can come up with three sets. I wonder if you are afraid of it.

In the 2017 season, the WE team played an extraordinary performance, which once gave 60e hope of revival. They saw dividends from the bottom lane, and this season they continued their previous style of play.

However, the new version directly stunned WE.

There are often two strong men on the opposite side of the lane, and the heroes who act as AD are often characters such as vampires, Lulu, and crows.

The style of painting has changed drastically, which makes WE very uncomfortable.

The impact of Coach Hongmi's departure on the WE team has exceeded the expectations of the management. Coach Cai, who carries the banner, is really a la carte. The key is that he is stubborn.

What does it have to do with me, WE, if you change your painting style?

Who said AD late takeover games can’t be played? I want to play!

After the BP between the two sides ended, Li Hao took a look at WE's lineup.

Weapons, Trolls, Lulu, Kai'Sa, Tauren.

This lineup still needs to keep AD to play.

Snake's side: Sword Demon, Blind Monk, Ryze, Lucian, Shen

Now this sword demon is still the sword demon in the old version with Q jumping high and high, and there is no great destruction.

But because of the extra life, he is very adaptable to the version and is already a T1 level existence.

However, Riot has already issued a notice that Sword Demon is about to be remade.

Snake played the early and mid game in a standard manner, which even the WE fans at the scene could see.

However, the WE team still has the confidence to be obsessed with it, or in other words, it is called stubbornness.

"Isn't the incense burner so chopped that it can no longer be used?"


Flandre was confused: "Then why are they still playing like this?"

"Use Gentle as an Uzi, right? RNG has also changed its tactics."

Li Hao took a sip of water and said:

"Didn't you watch WE's match against TOP yesterday?"

"They also take people on the red side in the same way. They are probably still trying out tactics."

“At the beginning of the spring split, it’s normal to get used to the grind.”

Flandre heard Li Hao's tone and knew that he said that on purpose.

Dasheng shouted: "Use us as a training tactic, right? Just kill them and it's over."


When Chris shook hands, he took another look at Coach Cai from WE and thought to himself, this guy looks quite polite on the surface, but why is he so stubborn?

No matter how the players are selected, 60E is still looking forward to it. I hope WE can perform well and compete with Snake.

However, the course of the first game surprised them.

Li Hao has not yet exerted force in the middle, and WE naturally collapsed in the bottom lane.

I don’t know if there is something wrong with Gentle’s mentality. He is nervous facing the first team in the league?

At 3 minutes and 19 seconds, Kai'Sa, who had half of her health drained online, was taunted by Liu Qingsong's Shen E flash, and was set on fire.

Lin Weixiang kept up with the output, Gentle was hit and flashed, and Niutou's skills were already used on Shen, and he was unable to control Lucian for a while.

Lin Weixiang followed up in a flash, killing Kaisha with two shots and winning 400 oceans!

This is the kind of pure kill in the lane, and the jungler is thousands of miles away.

Lucian is originally a monster in the version, and his strength in the early stage is off the charts. Currently, only Draven can play. If you give him a kill, Gentle will become increasingly difficult to beat in the bottom lane.

Snake's goal is clear and he doesn't need to do anything fancy.

Lulu's defense in Xiye's middle lane couldn't be any stronger. This was just Coach Cai's Maginot line of defense. Snake detoured from the bottom lane and used the two of them as cash machines.

In just ten minutes, WE sent out a total of 7 heads in the bottom lane, becoming a Shura field.

The WE fans who cheered at the beginning were now silent, while the Snake fans were all excited and kept applauding Snake's performance.

At 21 minutes and 08 seconds, the game ended.

At this time, some 60e directly tore up the tickets in their hands.

In the commentary box, WE celebrity Big Nose was a little embarrassed.

The Colonel Guan next to him said heartily: "15:0, Linglong Tower again?!"

"Snake won the team fight in the Dragon Pit, and he didn't even fight the Baron."

Ruofeng comforted him: "Gentle's performance in this game is very problematic. He may be a little nervous."

"WE should make substitution adjustments in the next game."

When he returned to the backstage, Da Chongming was all smiles.

"Xiangzi, congratulations, you are amazing!"

"Xiangzi is teaching Gentle a lesson this time."

Li Hao and Flando praised each other one after another.

Da Congming sighed repeatedly: "To be honest, I quite like Coach Cai and have always had a good impression of him."

"No, before the game, I even viciously said that Coach Cai used Snake to adjust his tactics and didn't treat us as human beings. This has changed too quickly."

"Misunderstanding, that's all misunderstanding."

"I'm super talented, thanks to coach Cai's tactical support. He filled up my data panel, which is equivalent to food and clothing."

"It's immoral to scold your mother when you put down the bowl."

Li Hao joked: "You also hope that WE will give more opportunities to newcomers, right?"

"Haha, of course."

However, this is obviously a dream.

In the second game between Snake and WE, Gentle was carried down with a chair by Coach Cai.

Samsung White champion AD player Imp sits in the bottom lane.

Imp is also nervous and afraid of Snake? Even if you say this, you won’t even believe it.

During the interview after the S4 game, Imp said: Deft is more stable and Uzi is more aggressive. There is nothing special about me compared to them, but I should be better mentally than them.

In the second game, Snake still chose the blue side.

Because they found out, WE dared to let Lucian go.

If they still let go, Snake will continue to take it.

Although Coach Cai is stubborn, his mind is not broken. They defeated Lucian in the first hand.

After some BP, the lineups of both sides were locked.

Blue Square Snake: Kainan, Qinggangying, Dragon King, Xiaopao, Niutou

Red side WE: Gnar, Nocturne, Lulu, Kai'Sa, Rakan

In this wave of BP, WE is changing the soup without changing the medicine, continuing the tactics of the previous round against TOP.

If AD doesn't work, then find another AD.

Anyway, there are bottom lane combinations next to the water dispenser. If Imp is not good, there will be brother-in-law.

At the Snake player table, Li Hao saw the shortcomings of WE from the last choice of the red side.

Their Kennan is released first. After the small cannon is selected, it can be determined that this Kennan will be used.

However, WE, who had the counter position, gave 957 a Gnar.

This version of Gnar is not bad, and the appearance rate of top laner can be ranked third.

However, it is obviously difficult for Gnar to beat Kennen. Regardless of whether Kennen is AD or AP, Gnar cannot beat him in the early stage.

Li Hao couldn't help but recall WE in the summer of 2018.

They were in the quagmire throughout the summer split and experienced a brutal losing streak.

The record is even last in the Western Conference, and they didn't even make the playoffs.

If it weren't for the Eastern Conference's VG team, which was at the bottom, WE would have directly become the deputy squad leader of the LPL.

The glory of the 2017 season was like a flash in the pan, and they encountered Waterloo this year.

Xiye still has a certain carry ability, but judging from the current games, his tactical status is not even as good as 957, and is even more blue-collar than blue-collar.

I guess Hongmi would find it funny after watching the game.

The game between the two sides officially started.

Snake selected the Dragon King on the fourth floor. Their tactical thinking was very clear, and they still headed for the bottom lane.

Because WE grabbed Casa in the first two hands, we were worried about being picked by Snake.

Imp's appearance gave 60e new hope. Ruofeng also praised Imp as a very powerful AD player in the commentary box. This was also praised by the senior colonel Guan.

Colonel: "Imp is definitely more stable than Gentle, and it has a higher probability of being used in bottom lane tactics. I also like the cooperation between Imp and Xiye."

"As long as Kai'Sa's equipment is ready and combined with Xiye's Lulu, her combat capabilities will be quite strong in the later period."

While Colonel Guan was speaking, Ruofeng looked at him with a strange look.

Damn it, Snake just stares at WE and tries his best to breastfeed him if he can’t breastfeed, right?

It is worth mentioning that Imp did better than Gentle at the beginning. No matter whether it was blood exchange, last hit or positioning, Snake was not given a chance.

Things like being killed in the lane never happened again in this game.

However, the tone of the game was set at 5 minutes and 22 seconds.

Xiye's Lulu had no pressure to beat the Dragon King in lane, but there was nothing he could do when the Dragon King pushed the lane.

Li Hao has always controlled the middle route, which is even more obvious than Ryze in the previous game.

Nightmare's ability to catch people in the early stage is not strong. With Kassa's eye position support, Li Hao's pushing and roaming is almost as easy as eating and drinking.

Several waves of wandering down the road were noticed by Imp.

This man retreated with Ben in advance and was not greedy at all.


Snake's determination is obviously underestimated.

At 5 minutes and 25 seconds, Qinggangying arrived first, and Kenan, who was on the road, pressed teleport.

The shortcomings in the selection were exposed. The teleportation of 957 was played by Flando in advance. This TP was completely earned.

Li Hao took a step slower in the middle, causing Xiye not to send a signal immediately.

Coupled with the Dragon King's control of the line, Snake has always controlled the river vision and river crabs in the lower half.

Imp and Ben were unable to retreat and were surrounded by Snake under the tower.

When Dragon King flew over with E, Niutou flashed WQ and hit Kai'sa to carry the tower in two combos, and Luo raised Niutou.

At this time, Li Hao had already pressed over with a galaxy. Kasha and Luo stood together, and they were all stunned.

Qinggangying, Xiaopao, and Kenan all followed, and Imp's screen went black for the first time.

Liu Qingsong immediately retreated outside the tower, while Ben desperately tried to replace the bull head.

But a mouthful of treatment made him despair. During the pursuit, Luo died under the Dragon King's starry sky.

Xiye rushed towards the bottom road with all her strength, but Lulu couldn't keep up with the Dragon King. When Xiye arrived, she could only helplessly look at the mess on the ground.

The WE fans at the scene were also quite helpless.

They finally figured out that using this tactic to protect themselves in the late game against Snake was like putting themselves on the chopping block and praying that Snake wouldn't cut them within 30 minutes.

However, they have a butcher.

The knife will be used in minutes.

At 8 minutes and 9 seconds, the Dragon King caught on, and the green steel shadow followed him like a shadow.

957 was beaten to a serious disability, but he grew to his limit. With a "Naah", he pushed Qinggangying and Kenan to the wall, and followed the flash to escape.

on the big screen.

The Dragon King flashed in pursuit and breathed out a breath of blazing dragon breath in front of the previous defense tower!

This mouthful of old phlegm directly turned the Narr who entered the tower into ashes!

There was a burst of cheers.

At the beginning of 10 minutes, Canyon Pioneer was stepped on by Snake.

Kandi rushed down the road, trying to cooperate with the duo.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong retreated in time. Kangdi didn't want to give up and fired his big move first.


However, when Niutou broke Nocturne's shield, Xiaopao blasted Nocturne away with a big move, leaving Kandi with no chance.

Snake took the vanguard, and the midfielder immediately headed towards Xiaolong.

WE still had a chance if we hit this earth dragon immediately. Now Dragon King and Qinggang Ying arrived, and the river crab was controlled by Casa in advance. WE no longer dared to fight.

Snake has not taken over Xiaolong for the time being.

At just over 12 minutes, Snake caught another five people!

This time, both Kangdi and Xiye came to support.

But Kennen, who had a stopwatch on him, went directly to the tower to start the team!

Kai'Sa and Lulu walked out of the range of Kennen's ultimate move. Dragon King adjusted his angle and blasted WE's double C into the thunder again with a breath of dragon breath!

The scene of this explosion made the WE fans at the scene rebel!

The cheers at Xi'an's home court go to Snake!

Flandre yelled OK, stunning Lulu and Kaisha.

Imp was killed, followed by Xiye. Nocturne took Kenan's head. Kangdi was chased to death by the Dragon King who was out of phase and charged with W all the way. The fleeing Luo was caught up by Qinggangying and killed again!

Snake played 1 for 4, and the bottom tower was immediately pushed.

Brother Wolf released the Canyon Herald, and Snake took advantage of the situation and pushed down the second tower.

957, who barely pushed down Snake's previous tower, returned to defend his hometown, but Snake used the tower-destroying machine of Rift Herald and Small Cannon to directly pull out WE's high ground.

At this time, it’s not even 14 minutes!

Without a doubt, this is the fastest highland record broken in the summer season.

The 60e people were angry, they were once again nailed to the pillar of shame!

60e in the barrage has already started fighting:

[Strictly investigate Coach Cai! Must be investigated strictly! 】

[Are you sick, playing in the late stage with Snake? Who is playing the late game with you? Let the director fast-forward 30 minutes for you, right? 】

[get out of class is over, get out of class is over quickly! 】

[Everyone was having fun, the Dragon King took it out to play with, and didn’t take our laundry detergent as a human being. This is not Xiye’s fault, it’s all Coach Cai’s fault. Xiye played four games with Lulu, hahaha, I laughed, why don't you invite the steady stick to the middle? ! 】

[Brothers, prepare an octagonal cage for me. I want to duel with the coach named Cai! This time he crippled me and I blinded him, so that’s great! 】

The audience at the scene also put pressure on them, and they stabbed WE in the back mercilessly.

Next, every time Snake made a kill, there was a burst of cheers at Xi'an's home court.

At 18 minutes and 4 seconds, the Dragon King came out of his home, took a big jade spiral pill and went to the second tower in WE, holding Lulu and Nar in place.

Kasa ignored Nocturne and turned off the lights, directly extended the hook and lock to the bottom of the tower, and matched the Dragon King's damage to kill Lulu.

Emperor Kang went crazy and punched the Dragon King in the face, trying to kill Li Hao.

However, Ice Staff and Time Dragon King have a certain degree of frankness, and Nocturne has the ability to kill the Dragon King alone, but it takes a lot of time.

After Qinggangying killed Lulu, without thinking, he turned around and put R on Nocturne.

Casa's timely savior attracted praises from wolfberry fans.

In the past, there was Cuihua, but now there is Brother Wolf. Snake’s second-generation jungler is still practicing that truth-dead gang mid lane.

This is the soul program and cannot be changed.

In the WE contestant box, the laundry detergent felt envious.

Snake's midfield is always high mountains and flowing water, with the piano and the harp in harmony.

And what about their WE?

Kandi has become more and more outrageous recently. His thoughts have long been impure and are getting worse.

How can he possibly be able to handle it when he's playing jungle on and off the court?

Thinking of Emperor Kang's problem, Xiye felt a headache.

Fans outside may not know that WE's current problems are more serious than they see and imagine.

A time bomb, you don't know when it will explode.

The Dragon King is still not dead. It's too early to say that he is dead because Li Hao didn't even flash.

Xiao Pao jumped out from the side and picked up Nocturne's head.

WE's midfielder died, Flandre's Kennen came over, Snake led a wave of artillery soldiers, and directly destroyed the second tower and highland tower of WE's middle lane!

At 20 minutes and 08 seconds, Snake, who firmly controlled the field of vision near the dragon pit, directly hit the dragon.

At 21 minutes and 34 seconds, Snake led two lines of Baron Buffs blessed by super soldiers into the WE highland.

At this time, WE even lacked the ability to clear the line of troops.

After a wave of extremely reluctant team battles, 3 WE were killed, leaving only Imp and Xiye who retreated to the spring.

Snake was not humiliated by the spring, they bulldozed the base in a martial manner.

The duration of both games was far shorter than the average. Except for the lineup, the competitive state displayed by both sides in the game was simply incomparable!

Snake has a 6-game winning streak in small games, while WE has a 4-game losing streak in small games. They are going to two extremes.

"2:0, congratulations to Snake for scoring his third point in the regular season!"

When I saw WE like this, I felt quite disappointed.

While congratulating Snake, he was thinking about WE's problems. Even he felt that some of the comments made sense.

Ruofeng, who was in a daze, didn't even hear what the senior colonel said.

Because he saw Li Hao standing up from the Snake bench and then looking up at Xi'an's home stadium.

The home stadium in the ancient capital has not been established for too long, but the atmosphere here is still stronger.

Even though WE's performance in the Spring Split was mediocre, there were still many fans who came to support the team.

This home stadium in Xi'an had the opportunity to reach a new level and even become a holy place for league fans. WE once had that opportunity.

However, the decision in 2013 changed everything and put WE on a completely different path.

When the director showed the camera to Snake's player seat and Li Hao, fans at the WE home court in Xi'an also noticed his actions.

Some people recall that this powerful number one player in the league came from the WE rookie camp.

The deal is done. At this time, some unwilling WE fans can only feel bitter and helpless.

Some WE people lamented:

"The cornerstone of the dynasty! The true cornerstone of the dynasty! It was thrown away as a useless brick!"

There are also WE fans gritting their teeth:

"Who can call the person who ran Wolfberry Brother over? I want to compete with him in the octagonal cage!"

Some people are horrified and regretful:

"We still don't know how strong the 19-year-old The King is without injuries? How strong is the 20-year-old The King who has no injuries?"

Someone exaggerated: "Nah, I feel like WE's six consecutive championships are gone!"


In the comment area of ​​WE's forum, someone also raised this bold question: If S2 starts to train The King correctly, can WE win six consecutive championships?

This issue has caused quite a bit of controversy.

Some people think that six consecutive championships is an exaggeration and the energy may not be enough.

Some people said firmly: "It's no problem to win six consecutive championships. Just ensure Brother Wolfberry's basic base and then look for puzzle pieces. Brother Wolfberry without injuries is definitely the ultimate ceiling, and no one can surpass it. At that time, Brother Wolfberry was cultivated and the big boss of S3 Even the devil can only cry.”

Someone else said: "In that case, the big devil's tears may dry up and he will always live in the shadows."

Even very picky fans agree on one thing: to cultivate The King, at least into a dynasty.

This view is basically recognized by all fans.

Because in the S6 arena, Brother Wolfberry has been able to lead the under-promised Snake team out of the Staples Center. This is simply terrifying!

This level of recognition alone is unique in the league.

The current Snake team has strong players in all lanes, so it will be in a suffocatingly powerful state.

In comparison, Brother Li from LCK cannot do it.

Of course, after discussing these, many old 60e's feel a sense of emptiness, because these are just fantasy, and the more they think about it, the more disappointed they become.

The cornerstone of WE's dynasty still shines at home in Xi'an.

However, he appears as an opponent.

Li Hao on Snake's side is walking towards the WE player seats with a victor's attitude.

957 was beaten into silence and did not say a word.

Walking by Kandi, I felt that he was in low spirits.

Li Hao counted the time. He knew that Long Zi's old age was unknown, so he didn't say a word of nonsense to him.

Feeling that the laundry detergent was a little tired, Coach Cai regarded him as a tool.

Li Hao didn't mess with his mentality, but patted him on the shoulder, saying nothing.

Imp blinked at Li Hao. They had played in duo queue for several times last time, and it was quite enjoyable.

"How is your hand?" This is what Li Hao asked.

Imp said: "It's okay, it's just an old injury coming back and I'm a little sore."

Like Li Hao, Imp also experienced a serious wrist injury.

This had a great impact on his career.

The two exchanged blessings and hoped that each other would stay away from injuries.

Li Hao is very sincere and makes Imp feel warm.

After he left, Ben asked curiously:

"Shengbin, he has experienced so many injuries, why can he still play so well?"

Imp gave an ambiguous answer:


"Because he is The King."

PS: Good night, book friends! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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