LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 351 Snake Team 1.5 Incident! (Also available at night)

On June 27, Snake was working on the latest version 8.13 at the base.

Although this version will not be used immediately in the third week of the LPL, Snake still needs to familiarize himself with it in advance to prepare for the next intercontinental competition.

After all, before the start of the intercontinental competition, Snake only had EDG as its opponent.

During the previous interview, Li Hao and the others said a lot of favorable words to EDG in front of the camera.

But that's really just being polite, EDG's current state is not that good.

RW, which was swept by Snake in this round, had just scored points from EDG last week.

Many of the games EDG won this season were fought until the third game, and they relied heavily on the performance of their juniors.

The 2018 Summer Split is no longer the era of EDG.

In a sense, Snake was extremely restrained against EDG at this time.

Even many 61e know that the junior is a fan of Li Hao and has been following in Li Hao's footsteps.

However, he is like most mid laners.

It feels like the more we chase, the farther away we seem to be.

Slowly, I couldn’t even see the back in front of me.

Therefore, in the last game against EDG, Snake was not nervous at all.

The junior boy was held down, and it was difficult for the others to get up.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Flando came back from outside and sat down next to Li Hao.

He broke a popsicle in the middle and stuffed half of it into Li Hao.

Li Hao took it smoothly and heard him mutter:

"This time the Sword Demon's modification is fancy, but the strength is outrageous."

"The dog design will definitely need to be trimmed. This hero's BP should not be released."

Li Hao smiled: "You just played a few games and you're not satisfied yet, right?"


Flandre added: "However, compared to the perverted sword demon in the test server who revives people, extends the time of his ultimate move without an upper limit, and can refresh his Q, this sword demon is relatively reliable at the moment."

"It would be funny if Riot released the Sword Demon from the test server."

"You treat people as fools, don't you?"

"Although it's fancy, you still have to practice it. Even if it is weakened later, with this mechanism here, the appearance rate will not be low."

Hearing this, Flandre nodded repeatedly: "I know this."

"Don't worry, I won't let our BP suffer."

He was telling the truth, Flandre's hero pool was really quite deep.

However, Li Hao had a headache when he thought about the hit rate of this guy Jace's cannon.

Flandre suddenly asked:

"Brother Hao, have you practiced the new version of Sword Demon?"

Li Hao said calmly: "I've practiced it two or three times, so I'm not too familiar with it."

Flandre smiled, rubbed her hands and said, "That's just right. We have a few solo games, so we can practice with each other."

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, and then said OK.

When their solo started, Liu Qingsong, Da Mingming, Black Angel and Wolf Brother all gathered around to watch the show.

Because when Li Hao agreed to solo, Flando, who succeeded in her treacherous plan, shouted a slogan in the training room to kill Brother Hao alone.

Brother Wolf defended:

"The Holy Spear has many sword demon practice records. Brother Hao has only played two or three games here. Even if he wins the Holy Spear, he will still be defeated. He is not a true gentleman."

Black Angel also felt that Kasa's words were reasonable.

Liu Qingsong, the visitor, had a sly smile on his face:

"Casa, don't get excited, I've seen this scene many times."

"For example, when Zoe came out last time, a certain gun went solo with Brother Hao. He practiced secretly all night, but he was still stunned."

Great Clever also sighed:

"This thing really requires talent."

"Perhaps, Brother Hao is the one-in-a-million person."

Suddenly, a burst of background music from "Kung Fu" sounded.

The three of them looked at Black Angel.

Black Angel turned off the background sound on his phone and said honestly, "I'm just going to liven up the atmosphere."

The team Solo competition has officially begun.

This solo took more than ten minutes.

A total of five rounds were played.

On the screen, the blue square sword demon Q flashed and stamped the red square sword demon, muttering rubbish in his mouth, and then stabbed the opponent to death with a knife.

Flandre's screen turned gray again.

"the fourth time."

"I remember wrongly, it was the fifth time."

"The average time it takes to die is less than three minutes, just chasing Emperor R."

"The holy spear is very tough, but it has to be operated with force. Brother Hao QQ him, he QQ hoe the ground, laugh to death."

"What a holy spear, it's just a silver wax spear head."


A few people eating melons looked on happily, but they were just short of a handful of melon seeds.

"Xuanjun, are you still coming?"

Li Hao asked with a smile.

This gentle voice was like the sound of magic in Flandre's ears.

"Not coming, not coming!"

"Brother Hao, have you really only played two or three games?"

Li Hao returned his game records to him.

That's right, Li Hao, the sword demon in this life, has only played two or three games, to be honest.

After reading it, Flandre shouted: "I'm convinced~!"

"Brother Hao is still my brother Hao."

Liu Qingsong put his arm around his shoulders and joked:

"Gunzi, please don't have any intention of backstabbing me in the future."

"Look, how badly I was tortured."

"Have you noticed? You were killed continuously until you went berserk, but Brother Hao's popsicles didn't even melt."

I don’t know why, but after hearing Liu Qingsong say this, the scene of warming wine and killing Hua Xiong appeared in Flando’s mind.

He sighed: "I am indeed not the best top laner in the world."

Kasa comforted him: "Brother Hao is the number one top laner. It's good for you to be the number two."


"Brother Hao is mainly a mid laner. He can only be considered half a top laner, and he can only win half of my game."

"I'm not the second top laner, I should be the 1.5th top laner."

Flandre's hilarious remarks made the Snake Team backstage burst into laughter, and everyone was very happy.

This reminded them of Coach Jin's eloquent remarks during the spring game.

The trident is actually the 2.5 prong itself.

Flandre's attempt to backstab her failed, but she was stabbed in the back by a smart guy who was surfing the Internet.

After dinner in the evening, Da Chongming shared his latest news.

"Version 8.13 was updated today. The Holy Spear is looking for Brother Hao to PK the Sword Demon."


"In the end, the holy spear was killed and the super ghost was killed. The popsicles on Brother Hao's table were still hard."

"After Holy Spear checked Brother Hao's record, he shouted that he was the old 1.5, tsk tsk, a two-time top laner had such an incredible experience, and I witnessed it again."

When Flandre finished her evening training and prepared to happily surf the Internet, she suddenly discovered a lot of messages at the bottom of her homepage.

In addition to saying that he is 1.5 years old, some people also say that he is not as hard as Brother Hao's Popsicle.

Some people arrogantly stated that they had not been killed by Brother Wolfberry once, far more than the old 1.5 top laner.

Flandre traced the source and discovered the fuse of great wisdom.

That night, he took advantage of his cleverness to take a shower and went to the bathroom.

Li Hao only found out about this when he was having breakfast on the morning of June 28 because he was watching anime with headphones on last night and didn't pay attention to what was going on outside.

Zuo Wu frowned and said that they were having so much fun that they woke up the ice cream.

Liu Qingsong said that he picked up half a bar of soap outside the bathroom, and inside it was the clever voice begging for mercy.

Black Angel confirmed this. When he saw Flandre come out first, he should have won solo. He even expressed emotion that the old 1.5 top laner was also very strong, and it was quite easy to abuse AD.

So: When will AD be able to stand up?

June 28th is Thursday, which was originally a day for everyone to have a rest.

There are no games in the entire LPL.

It is precisely because of this that the players participating in the Asian Games are free.

As a result, LPL officials organized the starting players to play training matches, and IG and RW next door were also caught as sparring partners.

After two training matches, everyone is quite satisfied with the results.

Although the cooperation is not as tacit as the original teammates, it is better than expected.

There is still some time before the Asian Games, and they have time to adjust.

The team members did not complain. This is not a small game like the German Cup. Everyone takes it very seriously.

Snake did not compete on June 29th and June 30th.

In addition to regular training, Snake has been receiving invitations to more and more training matches.

Because teams from the LMS and LCK divisions have also arrived in Dalian in the past two days.

Compared with the devilish schedule of the LPL, the league schedules in other divisions are obviously easier, and the time schedule is much looser.

The KZ team had a close match with Snake in the training match on the afternoon of the 30th, with both games winning and losing.

However, they did not relax.

On the one hand, they didn't quite believe in Snake's performance in the training match, and on the other hand, they came with a great desire for revenge.

He was named by Snake in the Paris MSI and was swept out in the semi-finals.

This humiliating defeat has been haunting KZ, causing them to endure a huge public controversy.

In the Asian Games, if they could meet Snake, they would certainly want to regain their face.

However, everyone has a balance in their hearts.

Everyone knows how terrible Snake's current state is.

Even some e-sports professionals in the LCK are saying that Snake has entered its heyday.

This kind of peak is not only happening to The King in the middle, but players in other positions are also at their peak.

Moreover, the goals of this group of people are now consistent and clear.

They headed straight for the Three Dynasties!

On July 1st, the four LCK teams had already stayed in the large hotel east of Dalian Sports Center.

Under the organization of several Korean coaches, they prepared to watch Snake's next game together.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Snake played against EDG.

EDG's first choice is the red side, and they are ready to help the young boy get a counter position.

However, Snake's play style in the first game was very simple.

When EDG did not pull Ryze, Li Hao directly locked Ryze.

Qi Jiang seemed to hold a grudge. He took out Xin Zhao and came to the middle to help Zoe at the second level, trying to stab Li Hao's Ryze to death.

This picture really made the netizens laugh. The whole screen was densely populated with 'Second Level Catch'.

The factory director made a big mistake and it took a long time.

This wave was still useful, knocking out Li Hao's flash.

However, Li Hao also saw through Qi Jiang's intention.

At 4 minutes and 32 seconds, after the seventh wave of minions came online, Li Hao saw through the younger brother's acting skills, so he used a trick to chase A and cross the line to exchange for Zoe, who was suffering a loss.

Xin Zhao came over and knew that Li Hao had not flashed. When the director saw Ryze retreating, he flashed E directly and came up to stab Ryze!

This wave sticks to Ryze, Zoe gives E, and Ryze will definitely die.

However, Casa, who had been crouching aside for a long time, suddenly appeared.

Kicked Xin Zhao and knocked him out.

Snake and the two immediately focused on Xin Zhao, and with this wave of soldiers crossing the line, EDG failed to defeat.

The factory director never returned and buried himself in the middle.

The head was taken by Ryze, and EDG stole the chicken but lost the rice.

At this time, KZ coach Sin in the hotel said: "Clearlove was impulsive. No one can make this mistake."

"Although it's a good opportunity, I still don't have Qinggang Ying's vision."

"He may have forgotten that this is the Snake team. The jungler is less than 1,000 yards away from the middle. Qinggangying can surpass this distance with a hook lock."

People around him are also complaining, saying that The King is very cunning.

They saw it clearly from God's perspective, and Li Hao acted it.

After being killed in battle, the factory director suddenly woke up.

He called himself superior.

The factory director stared at the screen, a little annoyed.

He didn't know what was going on, but when he saw this kid, he couldn't help it.

The factory director was wondering, during the interview a few days ago, did Li Hao deliberately provoke him?

Misfortune never comes singly. First blood just broke out in the middle lane. Korean player Ray's Gnar on the top lane was single-killed by Flandre's Sword Princess!

Except for the combination of Crow and Gabulon in the bottom lane, EDG is at a disadvantage in the middle and top lanes.

These two waves cast a huge shadow on EDG.

At more than 7 minutes, Casa went straight to the middle with his ultimate move.

From the river hook lock, step on the wall to the middle road, and go straight to Zoe.

The junior dodges Kassa's E skill, but the brainless Hex Ultimatum still firmly controls Zoe.

Ryze continued to take control, and when the factory director came for support, Zoe was already a corpse.

Hope and Meiko performed pretty well in the bottom lane, without making too many mistakes, and even in the mid-term, they really relied on them to support the team.

However, the top midfield collapsed and Hope's crow couldn't save the world.

At 27 minutes and 34 seconds, Snake led a group of super soldiers to win the team battle on the high ground and take the game away in one wave.

When the factory director returned to the backstage, he saw who Coach Nofe was talking to on the phone.

Qi Jiang suddenly became excited.

EDG almost sang a Bible chant backstage.

Everyone divides the pot, and the factory director knows that he has the biggest problem.

He was too focused on the mid lane and ended up being exploited by Snake.

Qinggangying's one-handed reverse squat may have been waiting for him since the selection.

Coach Nofe didn't say anything about losing to Snake.

The Western Conference, except for EDG, was swept by Snake, so it's not a shame to have one more of them.

However, we still have to fight hard for the second game.

Through translation, he conveyed one meaning, which was to change tactics!

Nofe found Ray alone and kept emphasizing to him that there should be no more crashes on the road.

If both lanes are single-killed, the game will be unplayable.

The factory director also put his arm around Ray's shoulders and enthusiastically did some ideological work for him.

Ray nodded on the surface and listened patiently to their teachings.

However, he was still a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Within the team, he basically has no tactics.

The opponent can even play Sword Princess, but he has never even touched Fiora's hand.

In Ray's view, EDG is a bit like a cage.

At this moment, not even the EDG uniform team would have thought of it.

The Korean player they hired was already at odds with each other and would even stab them in the back when he left EDG in the future.

PS: Hit by hand, there will be more at night. ('-'*ゞ

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