LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 352 Wow! Skaar!

At 7:40 pm, the four LCK teams in the hotel were still watching the game carefully.

Snake and EDG's BP after changing sides in the second game has been completed.

Sin, Kuma, Comet (Afs coach), Sonstar (KT coach), four people come together.

They all looked at the lineups on both sides with some surprise.

Some of the LPL’s playing styles this season really made the LCK coaches’ eyes widen.

I’m afraid that’s what the art in the LCS is all about.

Blue side EDG: Gnar, Rockbird, Sword Girl, Ice, Tahm

Red side Snake: Mundo, Green Steel Shadow, Kled, Vampire, Karma

Staring at this lineup, KZ’s coach Sin rubbed his chin and muttered:

"The King's Kled beats Scout's Sword Girl?"

"Can Kled also be moved to the center?"

Kuma said: "No matter what hero he is, Snake has not changed his system. This Kled still focuses on the early and mid-game rhythm."

"The bottom lane is Karma, a vampire. Their lineup rushes very quickly in the mid-term. EDG's Tahm Kench may not be able to keep the C position."

"However, EDG's strategy has changed. I think the chance of winning this game may be higher."

Sonstar also expressed his opinion:

"It's no surprise that any hero appears in this version. What's more important is the system, and BP must also focus on the system."

"However, Snake is really difficult to solve. The composition of The King's hero pool is too complicated. I don't know what he will play."

Kuenama rolled his eyes and thought, "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

I want to know what Theking is playing, and SKT will not be in this situation now.

Kuma turned his head and glanced at Faker. The big devil was sitting there quietly without making any sound.

But Kuma knew that Xianghe was not in a good mood at this time.

This season, SKT's performance is really impressive.

The players in the team all look like actors.

After Bang and The King fought, they are still in a state of despair.

Although he is also meditating, it is completely different from The King's meditation.

When SKT played in the intercontinental competition last year, they were still the big brothers.

Now, they came to Dalian in fourth place. Everyone can see that SKT is going downhill.

But what makes them extremely concerned is that

Snake, who has competed with them in the World Championships several times in a row, is still at the top of his game and his momentum is getting stronger and stronger!

The probability of three consecutive championships is now much higher than the probability of SKT winning the championship.

Don’t say that SKT won the championship.

If this performance continues in the summer split, they may not even be able to make it through the playoffs, and they may even miss the S game in the 2018 season.

What’s terrible, this S8 is held right in front of their home.

For Li Guapi, who was still focused on e-sports at this time, this was really unacceptable.

And one more thing.

Before S8, the two Li brothers from LCK and LPL were compared with each other, but after S8, the entire public opinion direction was directly tilted.

The King's strong dominance and influence in the game has far surpassed that of Faker, and this has become a thing recognized by all major competitions.

Currently, Faker can only sit in the second place.

If he cannot regain his second youth, I am afraid that titles such as Shi Yizhong will become further and further away from him.

Because the current number one player in the league is still moving forward and has no intention of stopping at all.

During the conversation among the LCK group, the second game between EDG and Snake officially began.

EDG was much more stable than the previous game. Neither Ray on the top lane nor Scout in the middle lane had any problems in the early stage.

In Ray's game, Gnar also had a last-minute advantage against Mundo.

Although there were several battles between the middle and jungle, both junglers exchanged ganks.

However, both Li Hao and his younger brother showed off in the middle lane.

One is hiding from the rock protrusion, and the other is hiding from the hook lock.

The younger brother's sword girl is quite proficient. He didn't show off against Li Hao. The two of them were evenly matched, and even the number of last hits was basically the same.

The girl control and Hope were suppressed a few times in the bottom lane, which is something EDG can accept.

Snake has two long hands in the bottom lane, and Fan Mom is very strong in the early stage.

Ice's Poke is basically useless, because the vampire has a strong recovery ability. If Hope puts a W, the vampire will suck it back in two mouthfuls. It is basically impossible to consume the blood pressure line.

The key is that Lin Weixiang has no mana consumption yet.

Hope, who understood the situation clearly, went straight for the last hit.

As for Snake, Li Hao was not in a hurry at all.

He chose Kled to fight the Sword Girl. The middle line was so short that he really didn't want to kill the younger brother alone.

After having R at level 6, he immediately went out to look for opportunities.

At 6 minutes and 17 seconds, the vampire controlled the lane in the bottom lane. Hope planned to return to the city to buy equipment, so he hid on the wall next to the triangle grass and blocked his vision to return to the city.

However, Snake's accessory eye inserted on the triangle grass side of EDG's bottom lane saw Han Bing's movements before it went out.

Liu Qingsong came to harass, and Q interrupted Hanbing and returned to the city through the wall.

After Fan Mom approached, Ye Tianye seized the opportunity and continued basic attacks and Q to reach the full passive level, and then swallowed Fan Mom in one gulp.

Hope controlled the ice to output, and Tianye spit out the fan mother, which was immediately lit.

Fan Zi's mother was beaten to a pulp and ran away!

Hanbing and Tamu pursued regardless of the vampire's damage. At this moment, they sensed the movement of Kled's ultimate move.

They retreated, and the factory director came from behind the tower to support them.

Hope and Meiko retreated to the foot of the tower, but Li Hao, who was coming from the triangle grass, had no intention of stopping.

Kled is a hero with a high burst in the early and mid-term, strong blood exchange, strong laning, and very fast support. This is a standard strong period.

Once in the middle and late stages, the ultimate move will be blocked by the front row, making it difficult to reach the back row, and the effect will not be that great.

When Li Hao found such an opportunity, he absolutely couldn't miss it.

Ignoring Tahm Kench behind him, with the shield effect of his ultimate move, Kled was the first to rush under the tower and hit the ice. Hope handed over Flash.

But there was no way to escape now.

Kled chased E into the tower at high speed and onto Han Bing, released his Q skill while E was moving, followed by a basic attack and slashed, just leveling A, and the second stage of E passed back through Han Bing, hiding away from the defense tower. Opened the rock burst that the factory director had just released.

The second stage caused an equal amount of damage, just enough to kill the ice!

This wave of killings was without any sloppiness and was extremely free and easy.

Even Doinb, a guy with Kled’s unique skills, liked it after seeing it.

"Whoa! Squall! Whoa!"

The factory director had nothing to do about the furious knight who kept beeping and yelling.

The game lasted 8 minutes and 54 seconds. Casa drove to the junior brother in the EDG red zone. Qinggangying's hook lock crossed the wall and stunned the knife girl at the wall where the red buff was close to F6.

Li Hao followed behind, and Kasa used his ultimate move at the moment when his junior brother Ra Biyi had double blades, keeping the sword girl.

Kled followed, but EDG's support was also very fast.

Han Bing, who was on the bottom road, first shot an arrow, then took the toad train and rushed to the battlefield at high speed. This wave can be said to be an arrow that hits everyone!

Kasa was shot by the ice, and the rock bird also came from the middle to deal damage.

Among the rebels, Kled killed the sword girl.

However, Qinggangying was also killed by the factory director.

The three EDG men chased A Li Hao, and Kled only had Dolan Shield, Straw Sandals and Tiamat, which was not fleshy.

Li Hao kept running away towards the river wall, Skaar was knocked out of health, and Kled entered a non-mounted state.

He fired his pistol at the ice, and with the help of the recoil, he narrowly escaped Tam's deadly tongue whip!

He already has Tamu's third level of Taste Cultivating effect on him, so if he is hit by Q, he will be knocked out on the spot.

The clever evasion made the audience gasp in surprise!

The rock bird's stone penetration continued to deal damage. Li Hao looked at the distance and flashed across the wall into the river, out of the rock bird's attack range.

Liu Qingsong rushed to shield him, then turned around and blasted the EDG crowd with an RQ. Only then did Li Hao save the day. The electric fans slapped his thighs, and it was a pity!

Just a little bit closer!

Kled's HP was less than 100 just now, and the factory director's subsequent Q skill could kill him.

What was once profitable is no longer profitable.

Snake's jungler changed to the mid laner, and Kled just handed over an extra flash.

Snake destroyed the first tower of EDG's bottom lane in more than 9 minutes. The director used Ray's advantage to get the Canyon Herald in ten and a half minutes. He used Li Hao to support the bottom lane and secretly released the pioneer, killing Snake in 11 minutes. A tower was knocked down.

However, Li Hao responded in the bottom lane and cooperated with Qinggangying and Fanma to kill the knife girl who led the lane.

In this wave, the junior boy stalled for time and passed through the next tower of Snake until he reached the second tower on the bottom road.

He also wanted to send the tower away, but Qinggangying's hook lock caught up in time, and the second stage of E was on the sword girl, taking the head of the elementary school student.

However, this wave of EDG is not a loss. The factory director also grabbed a nest of F6, which is very satisfying.

At 13 minutes and 42 seconds, the audience watching the game had an orgasm!

Snake's field of view advantage plays a very big role.

The stone monster's vision allowed Li Hao to capture the movement of the rock bird, and he controlled Kled to come to the wild area from the grass behind the red buff.

The factory director wanted to save time, so he took the monsters and beat them.

Others stood in the direction of the stone monster near the blue square spring water, preparing to use F6 immediately after throwing the stone through.

However, before the last stone piercing shot was thrown, Kled with full health appeared from the red buff and screamed, directly EQ got close, and used the basic attack to ignite it!

The Jarhead young man on the EDG player bench was shocked.

He has no skills at the moment.

Kled already has Ju Jiu and a kitchen knife on his body, which does very high damage!

He took two basic attacks in a row, and his health dropped rapidly.

The factory director approached the wall next to the second tower in the lower lane and called out to the junior student who was closest to him and was leading the line in the lower lane.

There was no need for him to shout. The younger brother came over from the ruins of Tower One the moment he saw Kled showing his head.

On the big screen, the factory director flashed across the wall.

Li Hao used Kled's second-level E skill to pass through walls and followed him directly.

The moment he passed the wall, he directly used R to hit the rock bird to compensate for the damage, and then killed the factory director with two swords!

The junior student used a stone monster that he had not finished defeating to move, and pulled out a very long double-winged blade. Li Hao, who was in the output room, had no room to move and was knocked unconscious by the E skill.

"Ionia is high and everlasting!"

The angry junior threw out his ultimate move and struck Kled with a sharp blade impact!

Although he only has a small wooden hammer and a shining light now, Kled has been crippled by the damage from the defense tower and the factory director's struggle. It is impossible to defeat him in a duel at this time.

The sword girl plays the conqueror, and her fighting spirit is surging!

Under the next lightning flash from the defense tower, Li Hao was knocked off his horse.

At this time, he turned around and attacked with a basic sword. A fired 15 points of anger, and when the sword girl raised her hand, she flashed across the wall.

The factory director shouted in the team's voice: "Kill him!"

The junior didn't hesitate at all and chased after him in a flash.

Both sides are rushing toward the red zone.

Li Hao, who was fleeing for his life, got into the grass next to the red buff. The sword girl's skills improved. He eyed Kled and struck him with the sharp blade. His basic attack had a dazzling effect.

Li Hao didn't escape anymore, and his W skill also improved at this time.

His violent nature puts Kled into a state of frenzy, gaining a 150% attack speed bonus!

These four consecutive slashes hit the sword girl's body, and the younger brother was also in great pain.

But Dao Mei had more blood, and the two continued to fight.

Li Hao slashed the fourth sword with extra percentage damage, and the sword girl with a lower level than him was almost half full!

Kled was even more disabled, and it seemed that the sword girl could kill him with her next skill.

But after Li Hao's four basic attacks, plus the one under the tower before, he was able to cut out a total of 5 knives, which is 75 points of anger.

At this time, he pulled the trigger in his hand and fired a shot from close range!

The Q skill after dismounting can shoot 5 bullets, and each bullet will provide 5 points of rage after hitting the hero.

The young boy at close range ate up all of Li Hao's bullets and accumulated 25 points of anger in an instant!

This time, I was full of anger!

From the perspective of the audience, this scene happened very quickly. After Kled slashed continuously, he shot with anger!

"You think I'm done? Kled doesn't even know how to write the word "complete"!"

"Die! I'm going to kill you!"

The Furious Knight beeped and shouted, Skaarl returned, and Kled quickly mounted his horse!

The junior's expression changed, and he instantly lost the courage to fight Kled again.

The factory director was also stunned.

This isn’t even dead!

In the hotel, all the LCK players and coaches were also in the same group, and everyone felt it was a pity.

The younger brother wanted to leave at this time, but it was already too late.

Both sides of Snake and EDG have already arrived. Casa, who came late to rescue, directly stuns the sword girl with EE. In conjunction with Li Hao's damage, the two of them dealt a burst of damage to the younger brother.

Ice and Tam arrived, and Kled was knocked off his horse again.

However, Li Hao's next basic attack cut down the junior boy.

Hope was slowed down by a W, and under the protection of Tahm, he finally got the head of Kled.

This is a big head, with a bounty of more than 300.

Gnar and Mundo arrived on the road.

Snake's powerful combat ability in the bottom lane showed up. Fanma set up a shield for the vampire to speed up, and Lin Weixiang went directly into the crowd.

With one less EDG player, the output of both sides is not at the same level.

In this wave, three EDG players were killed one after another, and only Kasa was replaced.

Everyone knew that EDG was doomed, because in the Snake player's seat under the camera, the thick-browed brother sitting in the AD position patted his chest excitedly after this wave of fighting, and almost made a dominating move on the player's seat.

The vampire gets three kills!

Raise your bounty to 300 yuan in one wave.

This is completely nightmare news for EDG.

Snake controlled the second dragon in the 16th minute, which was a wind dragon.

At 16 minutes and 48 seconds, a terrifying scene appeared.

Li Hao took advantage of Snake's vision to capture the factory director's return to the city.

Kled immediately used his ultimate move and went straight to Tahm Kench and Ice in the middle!

Fan Mom accelerated everyone's speed, and Snake and his gang rushed into EDG's second tower like madmen. Kled at the front was not afraid of death at all and rushed towards the EDG tower!

When playing Kled, you can’t be a coward.

EDG can't get rid of this half-flesh Kled, and this guy can dismount, just like a shit stirrer.

Li Hao was knocked out of Skaar in the second tower, but it didn't matter. After dismounting, he was replaced by Mundo who opened the tower to carry the tower.

When the vampire unleashed his ultimate move on the EDG crowd, EDG had no way to catch it in this team battle.

0 for 3, the EDG duo and Gnar who rushed in were all killed!

After this wave, EDG's second tower in the middle and the high ground were all pushed.

In the hotel, KZ’s coach Sin looked surprised.

He made an arrow gesture with his hands together.

"The King has become Snake's arrow. He is responsible for taking the lead and guiding the direction. Karma is the powerful propeller. Mundo, Camille and Vampire can all attack. This is a clear formation charging system!"

"And it works better than we previously considered."

"EDG's C-position output in the bottom lane simply can't keep up! At least at this point in time, it can't keep up with Snake's rhythm. In this special version, they can't delay the game, so they can only be harvested."

"Faced with the horrific impact just now, AD probably won't be able to output, right?"

The Rat King responded directly: "Without Tam, this ice could die ten thousand times."

Dun Ma asked:

"Have any of you ever practiced Kled?"

"Of course I have practiced!"

"I'm pretty familiar with Kled, too."

"Me too."

There were many responses.

However, the LCK coach took a look.

Isn't this nonsense?

The people who dared to reply were all top laners like Brother Han, including Faker, and none of the mid laners remained silent.

However, this is normal.

Serious mid laner, who practices the Furious Knight!

Coach Sin dug out the data from the LPL and found out after checking it.

There are only two people in the LPL who can play the single Kret.

One is Doinb and the other is TheKing.

On the LCK side, there is none.

Although there are not many cases, it still gives them a sense of crisis.

The understanding of the game in LPL is really unexpected.

Before they knew it, they had entered an unknown territory for them.

But after watching this game, no one can ignore the strength of Dan Kelie in this version.

The mid laners of the four teams all have strong talents.

But the time before the intercontinental competition is too short.

Can you master Kled in just two days?

This is impossible.

Sin, Kuma and others were all shaking their heads.

At 25 minutes and 23 seconds, the game between Snake and EDG came to an end.

Snake won the team battle near the Dragon Pit and ended the game with a head ratio of 16:6.

During the post-match interview, they received another devastating news through a translator.

Sister Tuozi asked Li Hao:

"Brother Hao's Kled is very eye-catching, especially in the jungle battle. After jumping over the tower to kill the factory director, he also made perfect use of the anger mechanism. Such a relatively rare mid lane hero, have you been practicing for a long time? And what about the ones specially prepared for the factory director?"

Li Hao’s voice reached the ears of the coaching staff of the LCK players through the translator:

"No special training."

"Rank has used three of them recently. It was probably the day before yesterday. A fan suggested it, so I took it out and tried it, and found that it works quite well."

Flandre added from the side:

"What Brother Hao said is not quite accurate. We even played a training match with Kled."



Looking at the cheerful scene in the interview booth, everyone in the LCK became somewhat silent.

"A braggart! He's a braggart!"

Someone shouted, and then they dug out Li Hao's Rank data.

After checking, it turned out that there were really three Kled games, the first of which was lost, and the data was not very good.

In other words, this talent seems to be real.

BDD blushed and said:

"It's nothing, I can do it too!"

Coach Sin patted his mid laner and told him to just pretend to be happy and don't force it too hard.

For the LCK team, they have a lot to think about right now.

In addition to the thick flame of revenge, there is also a pressure that cannot be subsided.

PS: Rounded to 10,000 words, good night, book friends! ('-'*ゞ

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