LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 359 Go to sleep...go to sleep!

Chapter 359 Go to sleep! Go to sleep!

At 3 minutes and 47 seconds, the mid laner and top laner of both sides were both level 4.

Nocturne, who returned to the city first, had already returned to the lower half of the area to finish the river crabs and blue buffs, and then the marsh frogs.

From God's perspective, Peanut is much slower. He has just returned to the city and walked from the spring to near the highland tower on the lower road.

In this wave, Nocturne reached level 4 first.

Backstage in the LCK, Coach Sin sees everything.

He was vaguely worried.

The junglers on both sides have to reach six before they can do anything. Peanut may not be able to keep up with Nocturne's rush to reach six.

Looking at the bottom lane, the Snake duo is very strong. Grella's bull head has just passed half of its health, and Pary is pressed for a last-ditch hit.

Looking at the middle lane, BDD's Lissandra failed to suppress much.

In the opinion of Coach Sin, before level 6, BDD is best able to play Pike's purification.

Then when Scorpion reaches 6 and opens the wolf head, Ice Girl will give R the first move. Regardless of whether Nocturne can support him in time, they will be able to control Pike until death.

Now let alone purification, it took almost four minutes before I took the first bottle of medicine.

In addition to being dissatisfied with the suppression effect of BDD, as a professional coach, Sin is also keenly aware of it.

The strength of mid laner Pike seems not to be as unbearable as he imagined.

At 4 minutes and 23 seconds, a wave of PK occurred in the bottom lane.

After taking away the stone monster's Scorpion to support the bottom lane, Little Peanut made straw sandals and started the predator to accelerate from the river.

Gloria is very cunning. He seemed to be going for Lucian, but suddenly he attacked Morgana.

However, this wave of Liu Qingsong's black shield was put on himself in time, and Niutou's skills had no control effect.

He knew that Lin Weixiang had the E skill, and the two of them communicated tacitly and did not fall for it.

The bull's head was QAWed by Morgana, and Pary's arcane leap came up with QAW to knock down Morgana's health.

After Lucian handed over E, Little Peanut got into the river again.

No one was caught in this wave, but it helped Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming relieve some pressure.

When the screen came to the middle, Nocturne came around from the upper river channel and came to the grass behind the butt of the blue buff in the upper half. Taking advantage of the Ice Girl to push the line, he went around and caught it.

Since the scorpion showed up in the bottom lane, Casa had no scruples.

Li Hao seized the opportunity and activated Secret Pond (W).

Only a sound like water was heard, and Pike received a 40% movement speed bonus.

BDD smelled danger and retreated immediately.

If there was no one in Pike's wave, it would be impossible to cross this line of troops and fight him.

Ice Girl stretched out her ice claws under the tower, and Nocturne showed up from behind and hit Ice Girl with a Q.

BDD looked at the position of the crampons and used a W to imprison Pike who was approaching him. At the same time, he predicted that Li Hao would release the E skill.

Pike twisted around and used the acceleration effect to avoid the Ice Girl's W judgment range.

BDD didn't panic, Pike dodged the skill, but didn't close the distance, so he couldn't die in this wave.

He used small soldiers to block his position in great detail, and did not give Li Hao the chance to use Q immediately.

Ice Girl 2nd Stage E entered the defense tower, and Nocturne stopped.

Li Hao opened E and sprinted, and the Phantom wave zoomed closer to 550 yards.

At this time, he charged up and pressed the Q skill.

A skill icon flashed back and forth on the ice girl.

BDD's snake-like steps, butterflies passing through flowers, turning left and right, using his lifelong skills.

Li Hao focused on BDD's footsteps and threw the bone nails at a certain moment!


The fully charged bone-penetrating spike flew 1,100 yards, pierced the ice girl's body hard, and pulled her out from under the tower!

BDD looks ugly.

This not only shortened the distance between them, but also gave the ice girl a 90% deceleration effect.

Nocturne, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately released his silent fear and implanted the nightmare into BDD's brain.

Pike came to the ice girl's side, and under the effect of the cluster blade, he kept stabbing the ice girl quickly.

BDD looked at his health bar.

After giving Q a string of two, he immediately handed over the flash.

When Nocturne's fear effect comes out, he may not even have a chance to flash.

Unfortunately, BDD underestimated Wolf Brother's determination.

On the big screen, two golden lights appeared almost at the same time!

Ice Girl failed to break the chain, Nocturne carried the tower and pursued A to deal damage, and Li Hao flashed to follow up.

Nocturne's fear was triggered, and Ice Girl was unable to fight back, and was killed by Li Haopu.

After killing the people, Pike came out of the tower safely.

Nocturne walked to the edge of the defense tower and was killed by the lightning of the following defense tower.

The heads of both sides are exchanged.

Although Snake got first blood, he got an extra flash, Ice Girl still had TP in hand, so this wave was not profitable.

However, Casa also has a strong point in his heart.

He is very aware of the gap between BDD and Li Hao in terms of damage conversion.

If resources are given to Li Hao, it will be the most stable investment in the entire league.

"It's a pity that the buff was not transferred."

Li Hao was a little touched after listening to Kasa's words.

What a good jungler for me!

Not much to say, we will all have a share later.

Li Hao seized the opportunity, pushed the line in, and returned to the city.

The last hit is 35, the last hit economy is 708, the time jump money is 357, and the first blood is 400 yuan. This wave of return to the city has a total of 1456 yuan. Because it is a long sword, the synthesis of Tiamat is very smooth.

The extra money can also buy a pair of shoes and real eyes.

The initial equipment has already taken shape.

When Li Hao came back online, the game became different.

After arranging the vision, Li Hao began to control Pike to stand on the side of the army line. At 4 minutes and 57 seconds, he remotely Qed the Ice Girl, but BDD moved and twisted away, but it failed to work.

At 5 minutes and 9 seconds, Scorpion and Nightmare met in the first half. Li Hao had no scruples and directly turned on W to sneak and attack the Ice Girl in the face.

Now he has Tiamat, and it is impossible for the ice girl to beat him while standing.

The ice girl was forced to move, and there were no soldiers in front of her to block her.

In this wave, Li Hao did not hit the Ice Girl with his E, but he hit QAAA to intersperse Tiamat's damage. He also received the Ice Girl's WQ and basic attack. He was near the blue side's minions and was beaten badly by the minions. Blood transfusion did not bring any advantage.

But after a wave of fighting, he immediately controlled Pike into the grass in the upper half of the river, where his true eye was.

Drowned Luck offered an exaggerated reply.

The gray strips glowed green, and in the blink of an eye, Pike, who was half-healthy, was back on the line.

BDD on the opposite side was stunned.

When he looked at himself again, he was still taking drugs slowly, and he suddenly felt like he was being prostituted for free.


Pike started playing support in the bottom lane, and he didn't have much experience yet.

Now that he's in the middle, BDD's complaints are much greater.

He was very depressed that he didn't take the knife girl, otherwise he would have killed this arrogant guy just now when Pike slapped him in the face.

I'm complaining in my heart, but BDD is still quite rational.

The blood volume was not healthy, so he immediately took a position behind the soldiers.

At the same time, BDD is also observing Pike.

The Q released by Pike in 8.13 can cause damage to a row of minions, rather than a single target as changed later.

At the same time, the E skill can cause damage to minions, not just heroes.

Coupled with Tiamat's effect, Pyke's current wave clearing ability is far beyond what the weakened Pyke can match.

After Li Hao finished the operation, the gaming experience was amazing.

This wave of troops is advancing in the direction of KZ, and BDD's alignment has failed.

Clear out the minions and Pike disappears from the line.

BDD became a ruthless signal tower, constantly sending out miss signals in the middle.

Khan was still rational and did not mend the dangerous knife. Li Hao walked halfway to the upper road and returned to the middle when he saw no chance.

At 5 minutes and 47 seconds, the ice girl's health returned. Li Hao called Kasa, and the two of them pushed the artillery line over.

In this wave, he has reached six, pushing the lane to facilitate roaming, and at the same time giving Nocturne experience, allowing him to reach six earlier.

Casa has just collected the river crabs in the lower half, and now there is no delay in getting to the middle.

Little Peanut brushed off F6 and hurried over. He was also worried about Snake jumping over the tower.

Pike and Nocturne pushed their troops forward, then retreated and disappeared from KZ's sight.

This time, both Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming had their pants pulled up.

Gloria immediately inserted her jewelry towards the triangle grass, and EZ also stood back.

Lucian and Morgana immediately took up their positions and pushed Xuanming and Xuanming out of the experience area.

Liu Qingsong kept holding his Q, which made EZ and Niutou feel insecure without the protection of the army line.

Once they are won in the lottery, with their current blood volume, there is a possibility of being killed.

BDD's cross skill pushed the lane, forcing Pike back to the middle.

Although Li Hao didn't succeed, he still gained an advantage in the bottom lane with his intimidation.

At 6 minutes and 28 seconds, there was a burst of noise in Dalian.

The little peanut circled back and grabbed it. Khan stretched out his hand and threw E. The Q residual soldier quickly moved in two stages. The moment the active blade hit Swain, he pressed the next double-wing blade. The hidden movement of raising his hand made Flandre momentarily helpless. Cha was stunned on the spot.

Little Peanut controls Skarner, Crystal Shatter hits accurately, and his basic attack is followed by a stun control chain.

Under the output of the two people, Flandre's blood volume dropped sharply.

Swain was forced out of Demonic Ascension.

Khan looked stern. After defeating the Conqueror, he had already sentenced Swain to death. Irelia shouted: "Eternal!"

Flandre pressed Flash at the moment of releasing Never Again, but Scorpion and Sword Girl all followed suit. The two chased them all the way to Snake's defense tower. Even though Crow used her recovery ability, she still couldn't withstand the damage from the two of them.

The sword girl's next sharp blade impact killed the crow when it exploded with demonic light!

Before Khan could get excited, he saw BDD's frantic pin signal and BDD's nervous voice in the team's voice.

The ice girl is also heading up the road.

"Snake Nakano is here!"

"Wanghu, let's go, don't go to the river."


Little Peanut added: "I'm in good condition, I'm fine."

At this time, a light yellow mark appeared above their heads, indicating that Pike was sneaking over.

Nocturne also emerged from the river.

In the LPL studio, Wang Duoduo shouted:

"Pike's ultimate move is in hand. This knife girl is in bad condition. Snake can fight back!"

"Nocturne strikes first!"

KZ Ueno came to a position near the grass in the middle of the top road.

1,200 yards away, Nocturne threw the Nightmare Path, and Sword Girl was hit directly.

Then, Khan saw Pike's vision.

Pike sprints quickly, leaving a Drowned Phantom in his wake.

The sword girl moved to hide, but Li Hao leaned towards the sword girl at the moment when the shadow was pulled back, A followed by Q to deal damage!

Tiamat swung out the yellow sword light, Nocturne ignored the sword girl, but gave the E skill to Scorpion.

When all the effects of the cluster blade were used, in Li Hao's field of vision, the sword girl had entered the killing line!

Blade impact!

After Khan used A in Li Hao's next basic attack, he predicted that Li Hao was going to enlarge his attack and decisively Qed into the pile of soldiers!

If Pike is shown off, he will move towards the river, and the ice girl coming from the blue buff can turn the tide of the battle!

However, he thought too much.

"—Sink to the bottom of the sea with me!"

The moment after the impact of Khan's blade, the audience heard a loud bang of "Cang!". Pike jumped high, and the gushing hatred caused Pike's position to flash in the canyon, launching an attack on all enemies within the X-shaped range. Strike!

A droning sound of drowning and Parker's eerie voice came from Khan's headphones.

"Go to sleep. Go to sleep."


"The sword girl wanted to show off, but she was directly killed by Pike!"

"This wave of displacement hurt the little peanut, and the scorpion took damage from the corners of the R skill! The King's ultimate move is so detailed!"


Little Peanut was obviously stunned.

Isn’t this harmful to me?

With his own blood volume, Scorpion was able to hold up to the defense tower, but one more Pike's ultimate move brought Pike so close to him.

At this moment, Little Peanut really wanted Khan to taste his sting.

Skarner was frightened by Nocturne, and the two of them chased A from behind.

Go up to the front of the tower.

Fountain of Hatred (R)!

——Cang~! !

Pike flashed again, and the unrestrained execution sound echoed in the ears of the audience!

Peanut, like Khan, heard the sound of drowning and Pike's cold voice.

The effect of this ultimate move made them feel even heavier.

"—Enemy Killing Spree!"

A killing spree is going on!

Three heads.

What's even worse is that not only did Parker gain weight in this wave, but Nocturne, who was assisting on the sidelines, also got a share of the money bag.

The passive of the ultimate move is that after a kill, an assisting ally will also receive an additional bonus equivalent to the full kill gold coins! After the designer made Pike an auxiliary, he gave Pike this mechanism to avoid fighting with AD for killing heads.

This caused Nocturne to take off.

When the director's camera panned over Snake's bench, it was clear that Kasa was smiling.

Who doesn’t love hearing that money bag ding?


Casa repeatedly shouted: "I think Pike is the best mid laner, bar none."

Li Hao smiled: "Everyone has a share, and we can make money together."


Brother Gun couldn't stand it anymore: "You are a bit immoral."

"I was killed by jumping over the tower, but you divided the money hugely. Please consider how I feel!"

"Yes, we all understand."

"You have done meritorious service for Snake, and you have shed blood for Snake."

"We haven't forgotten you."

"Xuanjun, we will help you clear this wave of soldiers, and you will save a teleport."


Everyone was joking and in a good mood.

Backstage at LPL, Teacher Guo asked Xiaohu:

"General Tiger, you will take me to share the gold and silver anytime."

Xiaohu said calmly:

"Don't panic, I will practice mid-range Pike this time when I go back. You can see how much fun they have."

"Also, this hero seems to be strong enough in the middle."

Coach Nofe asked Chris:

"Is this really a tactic that was thought up at zero time?"


"Brother Hao didn't plan to take Pike at first. He wanted to take Crocodile to hit the knife girl. But BDD changed heroes, and we also had to change. Then, Brother Hao temporarily changed his attention. Didn't you all hear it?"

Nofe nodded, that was indeed the case.

He smashed it.

Looking back now, TheKing's game understanding is really terrible.

After 8.11, there was no shortage of monsters and monsters, but mid laner Pike appeared for the first time under the eyes of people with doubts.

Compared with TheKing, their imagination seems to be a bit lacking.

The people around him took the words to heart and also remembered another message.

Hit the knife girl with a crocodile.

This is also Snake's regular tactic.

Chris and Zuo Wu looked at each other and smiled secretly.

Shit crocodile, Brother Hao wants to take the Sword Demon.

You really believe it when I say it.

The intercontinental competition is coming to an end, and their LPL alliance will soon fall apart.

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