LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 360 Under the darkness, the fear from the deep sea!

Li Hao returned to the middle lane, cleared the line and returned to the city.

BDD took the tower knife on the top lane and ran back to the middle lane.

His turning speed is not slow, but he is always a beat slower than Li Hao, so he can only eat dust.

Khan's TP was saved. The first dragon was the fire dragon. The bull's head had already set the vision, and KZ didn't want to let go.

Ice Girl has R, Scorpion is about to reach 6, and they have a strong period.

Except for EZ, everyone takes control, and there is a chance in this wave.

Although Dao Mei died just now, Khan has a human head and is better developed than Swain.

At 8 minutes and 34 seconds, Nocturne made the catch.

This wave of little peanuts was in the middle, and Snake didn't dare to mess with it.

Nocturne uses a Q to pass through all the minions, and then heads down the lane.

Pike stabbed three minions to death with his Q in seconds, and Tiamat hit A again, clearing all the soldiers in the middle.

Only then did KZ discover that Snake had this purpose in choosing Nocturne.

Scorpion also went to support the bottom lane.

The Rat King and Daddy were forced to walk back, and they were aware of Snake's movements.

Liu Qingsong chased forward and fired Q in the direction of EZ. The Rat King knew not to make a mistake, and the safest E was to jump towards the defense tower.

If you are hit by Q at this time, the lights will be turned off the next second, and then the screen will be black.

Snake didn't force himself.

It doesn't matter if you can't catch it, it's okay if it makes you sick, and it affects EZ's development.

Li Hao inserted the real eye into the grass in the middle of the river. There was a fake eye inserted by the scorpion, and he drained it out.

Nocturne turned on the scan and eliminated a tricky spot on the inside of the Xiaolong Pit.

This wave of Kasa has done his homework and knows the warding routine of KZ at the approximate time.

Seizing the field of view is naturally for the fire dragon.

In addition to the top lane, both the middle and bottom lanes now have advantages, so the Fire Dragon will naturally not let go.

At 9 minutes and 28 seconds, the 17th wave of minions in the middle came online.

Li Hao stepped on the blue buff, and Nocturne came to the middle again. When BDD felt the reminder of Pike's stealth, he retreated immediately.

Liu Qingsong returned to the city to replenish his eyes and came back online, and also gave the W skill to the minions.

"They're going to move the dragon."

Gloria asked: "Let it go or hit it?"

BDD said firmly: "We must try it, the fire dragon cannot be released."

"Any one of us takes the initiative and Wanghu takes control. No matter who it is, we can kill it in seconds."

This is the truth.

Snake has no front row. At this time, no one can handle a set of damage.

Pike's purification cannot remove Scorpion's ultimate move.

KZ had already made up its mind. When Pike and Nocturne headed towards the lower half, BDD also quickly used skills to clear the line of troops.

"KingZone's vision is not very good, and the river crab is controlled by Snake."

"Lucian pushed the line, and Snake planned to take the fire dragon."

"Ice Girl and Skarner are here, KZ wants to fight!"

"The top orders are all teleported, this wave is going to be a team fight!"

Colonel Guan said: "KZ's control is very strong, and team battles are hard to predict."

"Yes, Snake must be careful with his positioning so that the Bull Head can't get the first move."

Joker continued: "Grella has also reached six. This bull-headed opener can serve as the front row and take up a lot of time."

"EZ has a radiance, and Pray has fighting equipment."

In a version after Msi, the brilliant Double Goddess Tears gameplay no longer existed.

Today's EZs are basically blue EZs.

And because of the AD belt teleportation, sometimes the Tears of the Goddess will appear a little later depending on the situation.

For example, this one is fighting for the fire dragon. If Pray only has one Goddess Tear on him, he won't do any damage at all. After all, AD is now led by Dolan Shield.

At 9 minutes and 39 seconds, Lucian's first basic attack had already landed on the Fire Dragon.

Then, they pulled out the fire dragon and beat him.

KZ wants to fight in a team, and Snake is not afraid.

They are also very comfortable if a Charizard is placed on the opposite side.

At this time, Li Hao's performance was not good, let alone Little Peanut.

Scorpion has no movement skills. If he doesn't stick to his face, Fire Dragon will definitely be taken over by Snake.

On the big screen, the fire dragon had just lost half of its health when the bull's head came from the triangle grass and stabbed it in the eye.

Xiao Huangmao roared, and the precise barrage was scraped towards the predicted position.

Golden energy swept from near the river wall, revealing a vision of Snake.

"Pike, Lucian, and Morgana were all scratched!"

"Pray's R went through three people!"

"Under the grass in the river, Dao Mei shows off her T! KZ seizes the opportunity and wants to start a team!"

"Lucian has the Bilgewater Scimitar, which can withstand it."

"Ice Girl puts out her crampons! Scorpion activates Predator!"

"The crow TP is next to F6. Brother Holy Spear wants to cut off the ice girl's retreat!"

"The bull's head flashed over the wall! It's time to enter!"


In the studio, the voices of the commentators were intertwined, and their tone was extremely urgent!

Backstage in LPL and LCK, the LMS team was preparing to board the plane in the hotel, and there were people in front of the screen and the audience at the scene. There were people in all major competition areas who had their eyes fixed on the screen.

"Freeze! Freeze!!"

The crampon details are stuck on the wall and climbed to a farther position.

BDD instantly came to Morgana and Lucian, and imprisoned Liu Qingsong with a W. He saw that Morgana had put the black shield on Lucian, so when Nocturne opened the shield, he used his ultimate move Morgana!

A Q broke through Nocturne's shield and then pulled him towards the dragon pit.

EZ's jump came over, and QA was hurt. After Liu Qingsong released the control, Niutou WQ continued to control for the second time. He didn't even flash, and was taken away by EZ's WA.

Snake suddenly reduced its staff!

Nocturne and Lucian were dealing Ice Girl, and Li Hao pulled Ice Girl back with a Q. In an instant, he saw Ice Girl's body glowing red, and the killing line of his ultimate move appeared.

The ice girl's flash was not good at this moment, but Li Hao knew that BDD had a stopwatch.

After taking a sip from Lucian's scimitar, the Ice Girl clicked on the stopwatch.

"Ionia, high and everlasting!!"

A bunch of Vanguard Blades hit Pike and Lucian, but Khan targeted Li Hao.

The moment the sword girl's sharp blade struck, Li Hao's phantom wave swept across, stunning both the sword girl and the bull head, and at the same time moved his body closer to EZ who was being chased by Nocturne.

But Khan hid his E and pulled both wings, causing him to be stunned with his backhand.

Guan Zeyuan and Joker were both shouting:

"Morgana was killed!"

"Knife Girl stunned Pike, and Little Peanut came over in the Predator!"

"Oops! Parker didn't dodge, he will die if he is accused!!"


Li Hao held his breath and concentrated his energy to purify and relieve dizziness instantly!

The scorpion is coming!


Two thunderous sounds sounded, and the screen turned gray.

Lots of ghosts! !

Nocturne used his ultimate move to chase down EZ.

Lucian dealt out Sword Girl, and there was a fight near the Xiaolong Pit. At this time, only a muffled sound of "Ouch!" was heard!

Li Hao used his ultimate move to look back and jump into the Xiaolong Pit!

After Pike's ultimate move is released, Pike will land at the center of the ultimate move, and the damage range of the ultimate move includes all corners.

This time, the "X" extreme corner distance just hit Lissandra!

A turbulent wave of water poured into BDD's headphones crazily!

"Go to sleep. Go to sleep!"

Pike pressed W to sneak, and under the darkness of Nocturne, he became a terrifying water ghost.

"Welcome to the abyss!"

Flandre arrived and charged into the battlefield, and Never Return pulled the Sword Girl.

Under the darkness, Li Hao used the murderous displacement and then entered the stealth state. Little Peanut was stunned for a moment.

His ultimate range was only 350 yards, and Pyke disappeared!

"Where's Pike?!"

he asked loudly.

Nocturne's ultimate move lasts for 6 seconds, and the EZ without treatment is severely disabled.

Pary jumped over the wall in a flash and returned to the Dragon Pit again.

He knew that Nocturne's flash was not good, and it was absolutely impossible to catch up with this wave.

In the noisy voice, I heard BDD shouting like a repeater:

"He's in Xiaolong Pit!"

"Pike is in the Dragon Pit!"

After the Rat King flashed into the dragon pit, he was not idle for the first time.

When Lucian was dragged back in Scorpion R, he QA'd output to Lucian.

The bull's head was set on fire.

Pray was also preparing to accept Lucian's head, but he only heard


Pike jumped out with a spring of hatred!

This blow will directly execute the Rat King!

Casa found that he had another money bag.

A sound of drowning filled Pray's ears.

In the KZ player's seat, the Rat King's expression changed drastically.

After the double kill, Pike muttered: "Two drowned people!"

The sword girl, who was freed from the never-ending journey, ignored the crow's output and struck Lucian's face with the sharp blade, killing Lin Weixiang.

Nocturne returned to the main battlefield and gave Tau and Skarner a Q.

A sharp bone spur shot out from the dragon pit and pulled the bull's head against the wall behind him.

Although Niutou has a big move, Grela's health has reached the kill line!

Under Li Hao's control, Pike was like a precision machine. The moment the bull's head was hit by Q and turned red, Pike's gushing hatred jumped out again!

"Three lost souls!"

The special effects of the ultimate move appeared in Grilla's ears again.

There was the rumbling sound of drowning, and Pike's voice telling him to "sleep, sleep".

This time Pike's big move not only hit the bull's head, but also hit the scorpion.

Pike revealed his figure next to Skarner, leveled A with a knife, and then Tiamat slashed out.

Fountain of hatred!


"Four New Friends from the Deep."

"Pary flashed into the dragon pit, and Pike is in the dragon pit!"


"Pike is approaching, give R! Accurate kill!"

"It's dark, Pike is sneaking around, I guess Pary doesn't even know what's going on!"

"Qiu Tau!"

"Oh my god, Grella is gone too!"

"Peanut was affected by AOE and is about to reach the kill line again!"

"Ultimate move!"

"Pike gets four kills!"

"The killing is crazy! The King is killing like crazy!"

"The ultimate move kills four people in a row!"

"Only Khan is left, it's going to be a five-kill kill!"


When Crow's ultimate move exploded, Khan's expression on the players' bench changed drastically, Pike jumped up, and a mark appeared on the ground.

There is no way to avoid the knife girl!

"People on the murder list, today is your anniversary!"

When the last kill sound echoed on the scene, there was a huge exclamation from both the Dalian Sports Center and the LPL backstage!


Qi Jiang, who was sitting at the long table in the backstage, also slapped the table and said, "Let's start killing. Just like killing pigs, kill five in a row!"

"This kid is so fierce!"

"Oh my god, I want to ban Pike!"

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"I can't learn, I can't learn~!"

TheShy said in very crooked Mandarin: "Pike is so fun and can go on the road."

The tiger god shouted:

"KZ can be harvested by everyone. Let's ban Brother Hao next time."

"Penta kill!!"

The passionate system female voice set the Dalian Stadium on fire!

The pictures on the big screen jumped very fast, and various skills were exchanged in an instant. They saw Pike harvesting heads all the time, raising and falling the knife with his hand, without blinking.

"Penta kills!"

"The King's pentakill! He created a picture that Pike players dream of and harvested the entire battlefield!"

After Colonel Guan finished speaking, Wang Duoduo praised:

"It's like a devil descending from the sky, he is really the Tai Sui God on earth!"

"This Pike!"


Joker also said:

"Let's assume the role of KZ. After Nocturne is activated, the field of vision is severely limited. A pike keeps causing killings, and teammates are dragged into the water one by one."

"This is really scary."

"In this wave, Pike got five kills, and Snake played 2 for 5 and accepted the Fire Dragon. This not only increased the economic advantage, but also dealt a huge blow to KZ's morale."

Guan Zeyuan said excitedly:

"I don't know if you have noticed that, except for Dao Mei, Nocturne is the last one to assist everyone else."

"Not only did Pike completely take off in this wave, Nocturne also took off with it."

"Haha, I'm so happy following this kind of mid laner hero. I always have money."

When the audience cheered and screamed, Nocturne pressed Punishment on Xiaolong, and Pike R on the Fire Dragon, killing the remaining Fire Dragons one after another!

In the barrage:

[What five kills? Kill the fire dragon again, this is a wave of six kills! 】

[Brothers, this is my first time watching a professional league. Who is Brother Wolfberry who just got five kills? 】

[That is God, and I am the second person under God. I am about to use mid laner Pyke to conquer Zaun. Is there any jungler who wants to make a fortune together? Join my team! 】

[Where’s the person who hit a single Pike before! Does Brother Hao dare to question it? 】

[Brother Hao is a water god-level performance, but I can imagine that a large number of mid lane water ghosts will appear soon]

"I just have a money bag?"

Flandre discovered this problem immediately after she calmed down from Li Hao's five kills.

Kasa smiled and said: "You entered the battlefield too late. I have four money bags and can earn a thousand yuan in a wave."


Both Smart and Flandre screamed strangely, and Smart almost drooled.

He caught nothing.

Li Hao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Later, you can stand forward to absorb the firepower, and you can get an assist with A."

"There is no shortage of money."

Da Chongming didn't react immediately.

But then I realized I had been deceived.

Why take the money bag? Why can't you take the head?

At this moment, KZ's team voice has been quite silent.

When BDD returned to the line, he took a look at Pike's equipment and was scared to death.

The curtain blades have all been arranged!

This version of the Curtain Blade is a combination of a dagger and a war hammer, which can disable enemy guards and quickly eliminate wards.

At the same time, the effect of the Night Raider gaining extra damage for 1 second after leaving the field of view is also very consistent with Pyke's mechanism. Coupled with the armor penetration and cooldown reduction, it greatly improves Pyke.

At the early 11th minute, Snake easily got the Rift Herald.

Pike and Nocturne are both very fat, and KZ won't dare to pick up another team in a short time.

At 12 minutes and 9 seconds, Liu Qingsong's Morgana came to the middle to support him. Casa released Canyon Pioneer, and the first tower in KZ was destroyed.

This means that Pike loses its limits.

The three of them wandered to the bottom lane, and the KZ duo was forced to retreat, and the next tower was quickly lost.

At 14 minutes and 12 seconds, Pike cooperated with Nocturne and wandered to the top lane. Khan gave up his troops and ran away, but was caught up by Snake in the middle and jungle in front of the second tower. Nocturne used E to force the sword girl to flash, and followed Pike to Q the sword girl back. .

Nocturne gives Q and A, and Pike QEAR!

The full-blooded sword girl disappeared instantly.

Khan heard the terrifying sound of water again.

At 15 minutes and 47 seconds, Nocturne turned off the lights.

EZ, which had just killed the stone monster, was already too late to retreat. Even though Pary made an arcane leap to the tower, Nocturne still flew directly from a long distance, dealing horrific damage and forcing EZ to flash.

As soon as the Rat King arrived behind the tower, Pike E in the darkness came over and performed a basic attack to deal Night Raider damage and cause 99% slowdown.

Then, the screen went gray and the only sound left in Pary's ears was the rumbling sound of drowning.

"Go to sleep. Go to sleep."

On the KZ player bench, the Rat King shook his head helplessly.

How to play?

How to play this? !

The damage done to these two people was incomprehensible. Mo Teng flew up and lost most of his health. When Pike saw him, he didn't even Q for a second.

After the CD reduction came out, Pike's ultimate move only had a CD of more than 60 seconds, and almost every small-scale team battle had an R.

Looking at the wild area again, it is really dark now.

The second tower on the bottom lane was quickly demolished.

At 17 minutes and 52 seconds, the screen on KZ's side went black again.


"Go to sleep. Go to sleep."

Below the high ground in the bottom lane, Ezreal collapsed there. Baby-like sleep.

There is also a bull head without a big move, which also falls next to EZ.

Then, they heard the super god’s prompt tone again.

Colonel Guan stared at the equipment column and made a somewhat surprised sound:

"Why is there a smart cloak here in Casa?"

"Isn't this going to be endless?"

Wang Duoduo laughed: "He must have a lot of money. When he just bought the curtain blade, he probably bought it as a casual piece of equipment."

"It's okay to go out to endless places, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to manage money later."


"Just now Nocturne flew into EZ's face, and most of Pray's health was gone. Brother Hao paid directly to Da and the two of them."

"When Endless comes out, I think EZ will be killed instantly."

"That way, Pike won't be able to use his ultimate move, and their money will be slower."

Wang Duoduo showed a harmless smile.

Joker laughed: "I feel like Snake is trying to help Pray get rid of her Internet addiction."

Watching the bottom lane tower and crystal being demolished in the 18th minute, the LCK backstage fell into silence.

Deft, who is sitting in the front seat, is really grateful to the KZ uniform team now.

If this game is played by KT, then Deft may become Snake's stable financial partner.

Turn off the lights, kill someone, split the money.

Snake is simply an assembly line operation.

LMS division, TSM base.

Stupid chicken asked Kabo: "How do you feel?"

Kayou stared at the screen and said from the bottom of his heart:

"Sexy male, if I were a jungler, I would be willing to be a dog for this Pike."

"I followed Pilsen and I starved for nine meals in three days."


The audience at Dalian Sports Center was really excited today.

Snake's killing art is simply intoxicating. This is the first time they have experienced this in a professional league.

Riot's designers all frowned.

Pike had just strengthened a wave, and they were worried that no one would play.

I didn’t expect someone to be so good at playing!

When I looked at the ID, it was that man again.

The designers remembered what the big boss Tryndamere once joked during a meeting:

"I really want to invite The King to be the designer. He knows everything about the heroes, better than we do."

Chunli said: "Because of him, I always undercut heroes."

At 21 minutes and 34 seconds, Snake took the Baron Buff to attack the middle high ground of KZ.

The equipment gap between the two sides was too big, and Flandre's crow used her ultimate move to directly enter the tower.

Nocturne turned off the lights, and KZ was defeated on the high ground.

Li Hao scored a double kill.

If it weren't for Khan dodging an R in a flash, this would be another opportunity for a five-kill wave.

At 22 minutes and 12 seconds, KZ was bulldozed and the game ended.

This game was faster than RNG's first game.

PS: The two chapters were posted together, so it’s a little late. Good night, book friends!

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