LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 395 The brilliance and glory of the past

When G2 hit a strong blow from Europe and shouted for the return of the European division, VIT woke up many LCS viewers and made them understand who is the protagonist in this era.

In the first round of Group B, European second brother Vit completely defeated Snake, and Italian mid laner Jiizuke was even killed!

After the game ended in just 23 minutes, highlights were still being replayed on the big screen.

The time displayed in the upper right corner was just over 17 minutes. Italian mid laner Ryze attempted to escape. Syndra's long-range QE pushed Ryze unconscious, using her telekinesis to hit the ball, and the energy poured out instantly. The effect of the winding path jump was not realized. Ryze's health bar was emptied by Syndra's ultimate move.

Jiizuke is at full health and instantly goes back to soak in the spring water.

This is not the first time this unsolvable scene has occurred.

Inside the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center, many Korean spectators gasped.

It seems that the news that spread during the training match is true!

19:0, this is the final head count, the biggest tragedy on the first day of the group stage.

If Vit hadn't pushed down an upper tower, this would have been another classic Linglong Tower match.

However, everyone can feel Snake's strength.

Especially the state of The King in the middle!

In the Korean LCK League player forum section, such voices have appeared:

"I'm so angry. Why is such a powerful guy not Korean?"

Stick guys have the old habit of seeing something they are jealous of and want to shamelessly take it for themselves. But this time, I'm sorry. Looking at the man who gracefully thanked me on the stage, I had no choice but to ask for it.

Some people also shouted such voices:

"It's just a Vit, it's nothing. Samsung will kill them indiscriminately when they encounter them."

"Yeah, there's nothing to be outrageous about."

"The rise of Europe is just a joke, AFS is just fleeting, let's watch our GEN performance next!"

"Daniel, are you okay?"

"Does it make a deep impression on you to face off against your idol?"

Vit jungler Kikis asked with a smile in the player tunnel. He was in a good mood and was not dejected by a big defeat.

Jiizuke laughed dryly and kept shaking his head: "It's very profound. I still didn't know much about him before."

"I feel like I'm facing a guy who looks like a demon. Maybe I only make a mistake in my positioning, and then he will seize the opportunity to cripple me, and then he will kill me."

"I never felt this way in Europe all summer."

"It's no wonder that he is the one whom I, Daniel, admire!"

"You should have come to the middle to help me more just now."

Kikis: "It's not that easy. The Debon Controller on the opposite side is always nearby. 2 on 2 will only speed up the collapse."

AD player Attila took the mouse pad in his hand and poked the fat around Jiizuke's waist: "Daniel, you should be more steady next time and don't think about competing with The King."

"The King's peak laning ability is No. 1, and hitting the gun will put the whole team into crisis."

Assistant Jactrall nodded immediately, he agreed very much with Attila's words.

For everyone in Vit, their performance was a bit frustrating.

After a disastrous defeat, many people may misunderstand them, but the strength of the second European brother is definitely more than that.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the last game of the first day of the group stage.

Samsung vs. TL.

Team Liquid is the No. 1 seed in North America. It won the Spring and Summer Championships in 2018 and is undoubtedly the strongest in North America.

But these names just sound bluffing. In the North American division, they can be arrogant and shout for six, and they are the undoubted boss.

But when they meet the world's top teams, they will be crushed on the spot.

For example, in the Mid-Season Invitational, these guys were eliminated in the group stage and fed the North American audience watching the game.

Therefore, TL's true combat power is highly questionable.

The game between GEN and TL made both North American and Korean audiences sweat.

The first five games were all resolved within 30 minutes, but in the last game, Samsung and TL played until 43 minutes.

The head count ratio has reached 23:19, which is the battle with the highest head count today!

The two sides go back and forth, sewing against drills, and just tit-for-tat.

TL made repeated mistakes and kept giving Samsung opportunities. Logically speaking, the game should have been over long ago.

But what moved the North American senior brother was that Samsung actually showed the host's spirit of being a guest, and made many mistakes, forcing a 50-50 fight with TL, one wave of team battles after another, and various opportunities to win. The audience of both teams looked very worried.

At 47 minutes and 12, in the fight for the second ancient dragon, Chi Di broke out and finished the game with a triple kill!

Samsung won the team battle and ended the game in one wave.

The Korean audience at the scene cheered, Samsung won!

Some sticks were blown:

"TL won the double championship in spring and summer. Vit and TL are not on the same level, but they still lost to Samsung."

"That's it, let them see how powerful the LCK team is!"

"Strong and powerful, Samsung is still the stronger one!"


Some people also say that these two are complete noobs pecking each other.

Controversies continued in the comment section, and the war spread outside the arena.

October 11th, the second day of the group stage.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, IG took 27 minutes and easily defeated GRX.

At five o'clock, FNC, the European big brother, won the 100T team strongly. Mao Huang and Ou Cheng and the others were suddenly in a mess. 100T mid laner Yue Lun was directly defeated. The whole game only took 26 minutes.

In addition to the clear situation in Group D, the audience also noticed that the European teams in this World Championship are really different.

The group stage continued, and G2 easily defeated Vietnam PVB.

Flash Wolf seemed to have regained its anti-Korean Qixia attributes. They fought with AFS for 41 minutes. Ma Bao and Halabi had a Saeng and Crab, constantly charging through the Korean lineup. 12:2, FW gave AFS a disastrous defeat.

First there was G2, then there was Flash Wolves. The second Korean brother became a soft persimmon, which was unacceptable to many Korean audiences.

Many LCK viewers are still recalling the era when they dominated the league, but sticking to the rules and not making progress will eventually lead to beatings, and the old-fashioned way of clinging to the old is no longer feasible.

The S8 arena is a bloody reality.

The LCK has come to an end, and now this topic has become a hot topic.

At eight o'clock in the evening, something happened that made the LCK audience increasingly desperate.

This all happened in the Group B match between Samsung and Snake.

The sticks have high hopes for Samsung. If they can beat Snake, all rumors will be disproven.


At 6 minutes and 54 seconds of game time, Miller and Wawa in the LPL commentary box both shouted:


"Snake's midfielder and jungler cooperate perfectly!"

"GEN asked Crown to select Lulu to avoid a head-on conflict with Brother Hao and try to stabilize in the middle. This was a very smart choice, but Snake has not given up his plan to attack from the middle."

"The barrel's ultimate move blew Lulu back, and Syndra pushed the ball in seconds, stunning Lulu at the point where she was blown back. The two of them cooperated very well."


One minute after Crown Brother was killed in the middle lane, bad news also came from the top lane.

Wine Barrel wandered to the upper road and cooperated with the Sword Demon to kill Qinggang Shadow.

Chi Di's bottom lane was indeed stable, but the middle and upper lanes began to collapse uncontrollably.

For more than 9 minutes, Li Hao controlled Syndra. When Olaf came to gank and Lulu moved forward, he pushed the half-health Crown brother to death with his backhand. WR instantly knocked out Lulu, and Crown didn't even fire out a big move. .

The jungler Haru activated his ultimate move and chased Li Hao, throwing axes and chasing him.

Syndra flashes to escape, and Olaf flashes to pursue.

Unfortunately, when Syndra was about to be killed, the wine barrel arrived from the red buff area, and an exploding wine barrel exploded Olaf after his ultimate move was completed.

Haru threw the last ax from a distance, and Syndra moved flexibly and got out of the way under Haru's desperate gaze.

But this wave was not over. The wine barrel directly knocked out Olaf with an E flash and stuck Haru.

The two were entangled in the river for a while, and Li Hao controlled Syndra, who was still alive, to pursue them.

Flandre kept reminding the team in the voice message to be careful of Olaf throwing an ax for a sneak attack.

Of course Li Hao understands.

However, he had taken the drug and was no longer in a state where he could be killed by an axe.

The wine barrel used the Q skill to slow down and stick Olaf. Li Hao's next set of skills changed for the better, providing damage and stun.

In the grass behind the blue buff, the wine barrel kills Olaf.

After this wave of fighting, the Korean audience at the scene could no longer watch.

After the overall disadvantage in the middle and upper jungle, Chikudi, who had been developing steadily in the bottom lane, was greatly affected. At 13 minutes, Snake's two TPs landed in the bottom lane, and the five of them joined forces to attack the bottom lane.

Xayah's survivability was strong enough, but she was still the first to be killed under the tower.

Crossing the tower 1 for 3, the Samsung duo plus the jungler were all killed, the wine barrel released the Canyon Herald, the Samsung bottom lane lost both outer towers, and a wave of collapse occurred.

For more than 7 minutes, Samsung's bottom lane was constantly taken care of, and King Chi died twice in a row.

In 20 minutes, Samsung's bottom lane was broken, and its economic deficit reached 12,000 yuan.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Snake explained this truth to the LCK.

At 22 minutes and 43 seconds, Snake took the Baron Buff and killed everyone including the ruler of Samsung Heights. Syndra, who was close to the 20th floor of the murder book, lost a ball in the crowd and the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center was hurt. There was a scream.

With excessive damage, Syndra flashed her ultimate move to kill Xayah and ended with a triple kill.

At the same time, everyone at Samsung heard the cold female system voice:

"An enemy is Legendary!!"

In the European studio, Coster was like a lion who had just defeated another lion. He shouted:

“Beyond God!”

"This is the second time in this 2018S competition that it's amazing! All of them come from TheKing. This is the strength of the league's number one player!"

"Crown used to be able to compete with The King, but this season, he has regressed, while The King is still moving forward. The visible gap makes me feel like a strong man playing with a baby. This is really embarrassing. ,Ha ha."

Charles also nodded: "That's true, it's not a level contest at all."

"Actually, I felt that Crown was finished from the beginning. Look at what he chose."

"Mid laner Lulu."

"Other than Crown, no one is choosing this hero right now. He is avoiding the battle and does not dare to face The King directly. He has no courage. This is a kind of cowardice and is not the style that a top mid laner should have."

Cost spread his hands: "When a summoner loses confidence, you can never expect the heroes to shine in his hands."

"On the other hand, The King's Syndra is his first-hand choice. He shows it directly in front of the crown. He is open-minded and not afraid of you at all. What kind of courage is this!"

Ball agreed very much: "Crown's game was very disappointing, even not as good as Jiizuke's."

"Even if Jiizuke is killed as a super ghost, he still dares to stand in front of The King and use Ryze to release Warp Jump."

"With such a GEN, it may be dangerous to encounter Vit."

Less than 23 minutes into the game, Samsung's incisor tower and crystal hub were all demolished.

When the director showed the camera to the contestants' seats, the frustrated and unwilling Korean audience saw a face as calm as water.

The man who scored a superb record in this game did not have much joy. It was like he had done a trivial and trivial thing, and he was not excited about defeating the Korean team.

This kind of picture makes Korean fans even more shocked.

At the Staples Center back then, they had seen such a cold and terrifying machine, tearing down the LCK building layer by layer.

In the next match of Group B, VIT showed a good side.

What big brother in North America?

Kill anyway!

The Italian mid laner released all the anger accumulated from Li Hao on P Emperor, using Syndra to score 7/2/8, helping VIT score the first point in the group.

People were shocked. The North American eldest brother, who is about as good as Samsung, was educated so miserably by the European second brother?

Except for the senior brother in the bottom lane, everyone else in TL collapsed.

Is this to force the senior brother to bring his talents to Europe next season?

The North American audience couldn't bear to watch and watched TL being abused.

"Jiizuke has proven himself that he is stronger than Emperor P."

"Jiizuke is King J when he meets Brother Hao, but when he fights TL, he is Brother J!"

"Jiizuke: You don't have The King, why are you so arrogant with me?"

"After one battle between Emperor J and Brother Hao, I immediately realized what Ryze is for. Isn't Syndra good?"

"It's broken. I understand how to play for Emperor J. I even learned how to eat welfare."


The lively LPL viewers were very excited to post on the forum. There were so many topics and exciting topics in S8 this time.

On October 13, the topic of Group B was pushed to the top.

At six o'clock in the evening, Snake defeated TL without any suspense in 24 minutes and 13 seconds.

King P's Syndra failed to get benefits and lost 6 kills in the game. Although the record was dismal, King J was at the bottom, so he was able to survive.

Li Hao's Zoe scored 8/1/6. Although he died once, it was after Super God was killed by TL at all costs, killing three Super Gods in a row.

TL's failure did not surprise the audience, but the game between Samsung and VIT surprised everyone!

Samsung once gained an advantage in the early stage, but at 20 minutes and 8 seconds, the situation on the court changed suddenly.

KiKis's jungler Nocturne cooperated with King J's Ekko, and the two of them killed Syndra instantly!

After Crown Brother died, Samsung's subsequent team battles lacked output, and Chi Di's ice equipment was not ready. VIT played a wave of 1 for 4, and the economies of both sides returned to the same level.

The anxious situation lasted until 43 minutes. Kai'Sa on VIT's side was already in the Six Gods outfit, and Hanbing's damage was not at the same level as him.

At this time, the two sides were in a stalemate in the ancient dragon pit.

Emperor J's Ekko teleported to the top lane where Samsung was broken, and the withered crab went back to defend. The two sides PKed in the Imperial City. Emperor J's Ekko was hit with a big move, but the line of troops came to the front of the front tooth tower.

At this time, Nocturne turned off the lights, Kai'Sa's TP went on the road, and other VIT members harassed her.

The changes in spirituality caught Samsung off guard. Wither could not block the explosion damage of Kai'Sa's Six God Equipment, and died in front of the tower. The rest of Samsung failed to return, and the game was ended by a wave of VIT!

Such an ending is incredible even for LPL players.

In the past, when they talked about how good Samsung was, they were mostly joking. After all, these people are still very famous and continue to compete in world series. At this moment, I didn’t expect that they really lost to VIT!

The European audience is going crazy. Judging from the current groups, apart from the LPL, the European division is the most powerful.

Even the European teams in the three groups have the possibility of qualifying.

For the European emperors, this was simply a miracle.

On October 14, the second round of the group stage begins.

This means that every day two teams will bid farewell to the competition.

The game just started from Group B.

VIT played against Snake. This group of people killed TL and Samsung in a row, which was quite impressive.

However, after meeting Snake, the European second brother shrank again.

Although I played better than the previous round, I still couldn't last 30 minutes.

However, many people breathed a sigh of relief that Li Hao's record of continuous excellence was terminated.

Samsung vs. TL.

It was still an anxious game, but the final result was unacceptable to the entire LCK.

Samsung lost to TL in an upset, and the overall record fell to 1-3, with one foot on the edge of the cliff.

When it was almost six o'clock, the entire Samsung backstage was filled with anxiety.

In the next game, they will face Snake.

If they lose this game again, their record will be 1-4, which means that once VIT defeats TL, they will go home directly to the top 16.

Samsung, which was once extremely brilliant and brilliant, simply cannot accept this kind of loneliness!

Want to win!

You must win the next game!

Korean fans are also praying, hoping that various major religions in Korea will give Samsung the strength to survive this crisis.

However, when they saw the Snake players coming from the backstage to the players' stand, those arrogant stick players also had no confidence in their hearts.

The Samsung team is facing the most terrifying challenge!

An eye-catching game is about to take place!

PS: Good night, book friends.

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