LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 396 Pi City Heavy Artillery! peak!

"Welcome back to the studio! This is the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center. The third game of the second round of Group B of the 2018 Global Finals is about to begin! Hello everyone, I am Wawa!"

"I'm Guan Zeyuan!"

"Hello everyone, I am Sun Yalong!"

After the three commentators said hello, they immediately got to the point:

"Snake currently has 4 consecutive wins in the group stage and has secured a qualifying spot. This game is very relaxing for them mentally, but it is different for Samsung."

"If they lose this game, it is only theoretically possible for them to advance to the quarterfinals. This is their life and death battle."

Guan Zeyuan was also filled with emotion and followed the baby's words and said:

"Before the game, I predicted that Samsung would at least qualify second in the group. With Samsung's strength, it is really unexpected."

Guan Dajun is relatively optimistic about Samsung, and he is also very optimistic about Crown Brother. The prediction for qualifying for Group B was published on his personal homepage in a stylish way.

Fans laughed and said this mouthful of milk was on the aorta.

Sun Yalong next to the doll answered:

"European teams are playing really well. We can no longer look at them from the previous perspective. Their tactics are very similar to those of the LPL. They are more focused on the early and mid-term than the LCK. In this version, the LCK's understanding is a bit outdated."

"Snake is strong on two points. The first is personal strength, and the second is its understanding of the version that has always been at the forefront. Samsung thought it would be difficult for the Snake team."

"Especially since Crown is so volatile, once you make a mistake, it will be difficult to face Brother Hao with dignity."

"If Lulu is selected, it will be useless even if he is stable. Baochidi is just a weakened version of RNG tactics and will not go far."


They chatted enthusiastically, and the players on both sides had already adjusted their equipment. The referee immediately announced the start of the game after learning about it.

Both parties enter the BP interface.

Samsung is on the blue side, Snake is on the red side.

Coach Edger stopped thinking about it, took a long breath, and officially entered the state. He let Wither defeat Syndra on the first floor.

Ball Girl's current appearance rate is very high, tied for first place with Galio. On Snake's side, Li Hao has used Syndra three times, which alone has increased Ball Girl's winning rate. As soon as he releases it, Snake will be on the first floor. Dare to take it, Edger doesn't want to be stubborn.

Snake knocked off the barrel, and Samsung knocked off Zoe again, knocking off both heroes Li Hao had used.

Snake defeated Luo, and Samsung banned Akali.

In the last move of banning, Snake dealt Qinggang Ying.

This move is still aimed at Haru. This person has played Qinggang Shadow in three games in the summer split, with a winning rate of 100%. Haru used Xin Zhao more often, but the win rate was less than 50%, so Snake boldly let him play.

"Three stars locked Urgot, Snake selected Kai'Sa and Sword Demon on the first and second floors."

"Actually, it would be more comfortable to play Sword Demon and Ryze, but Brother Hao has played very strongly in the past few games, so I may have to focus on the middle in this game."

"Samsung selected Ryze, which is to play the rhythm on the wing."

"Get Tam on the third floor."

"This is CoreJJ's most used auxiliary hero throughout the summer split, with a win rate of 66.7%. Samsung still attaches great importance to protecting Chichi."

On the big screen, Snake selected the bull head on the third floor.

This hand is tougher, because Nabloon can defend and counterattack more stably, while Niutou emphasizes the rhythm of taking the initiative. After all, Snake does not have the ability to take the initiative in the first two hands.

In the current version, Niutou is the first choice after Luo, and Snake has made his attitude clear.

On the fourth floor, Snake defeated Ashe.

Samsung took down the Enchantress, and Edger was very cautious and took down the third mid lane hero.

Snake knocked off Mf and released the more stable Kasumi.

"Samsung's last move to get rid of Dao Mei was all aimed at Brother Hao, but I feel that the effect of this is very average."

“Indeed, in terms of Brother Hao’s hero pool, there are still a lot of heroes that can be used, but Samsung’s attitude is clear. They don’t want Snake’s hero in the middle to be too comfortable. It seems that they also want to help reduce the pressure on Crown. "

As soon as Colonel Guan finished speaking, Snake immediately locked the pig girl on the fourth floor.

Edger stared at the BP interface. He first asked Haru to take out the rock bird, which was relatively cool. If Zac was replaced, although he was slightly defeated by the pig girl Counter, being able to start the team first would make the lineup more reasonable, but Edger obviously did not Planning to fight with conventional tactics, this time they will take the linkage to the extreme.

Finally, Edger walked up to Chichi Emperor and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Jai Hyuk!"

"Are you ready?"

Emperor Chi didn't say any more nonsense and nodded "Yeah".

"Okay, Rong Ren, please choose a hero."


At the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center, there was a small commotion with the appearance of the heroes on the fifth floor of Samsung.

"Vayne, locked!"

"Samsung is very decisive. This lineup is protected by Tamu. Vayne's operating space is quite high. At the moment of life and death for Samsung, King Chi has the ambition to support the building."

"In version 8.18, although Vayne's basic attributes have not been increased, the CD of Q skill has been adjusted from 6 seconds at level 1 to 4 seconds. This is a considerable enhancement. Now that the Q cooldown is reduced in the early stage, you can add points to your main W to increase the damage. More It’s easy to transition into the later stages.”

"Snake will definitely target Vayne. It depends on how he chooses the counter position in the last move."

"Brother Hao has a higher chance of being an assassin."

The three LPL commentators kept making guesses.

The Snake Team left no suspense, and the heroes on the fifth floor locked on in the blink of an eye.


Sun Yalong shouted: "Hey, you are so cruel, you are going to hit the line directly!"

"With this hand of heroes, Snake's tempo suddenly accelerated in the early and mid-term, and the lineup became more proactive. Moreover, the heroes of the Snake team came into power much earlier than Samsung. If Kai'Sa plays AD in this version, Delan Kiri can outperform Wei. En entered the war earlier, it seems that the Snakes have no intention of competing with Samsung in the late game."


The heroes switch positions and the lineups of both sides are locked.

GEN.G: Urgot, Rockbird, Ryze, Vayne, Tamm

Snake: Sword Demon, Pig Girl, Jace, Kai'Sa, Bullhead

The coaches on both sides shook hands and the game entered the loading interface.

Soon, the players on both sides of the bench focused their attention. The hero had entered the Summoner's Rift.

"Invasion, give eyes to the red zone on the opposite side!"

"Kasa is red, we will continue to take care of Ruler Emperor in this game."

"The gun will help with the shooting later."



After a brief communication, Li Hao bought the corruption potion.

The electrocution attack of the main belt is explosive, followed by Taste of Bleeding, Ghost Poro and Greedy Hunter.

The sub-system of enlightenment points out biscuit delivery and time warp tonic.

In addition, when the corruption potion is released, the battery life is full, which makes it easier for Li Hao to fight more powerfully.

Summoner skills include purification and flash. Here, you must guard against the opponent's move. Ryze's set of mindless control + rock bird skills has a set of abilities that can kill people instantly. Li Hao will not give this opportunity.

Although Crown Brother's condition has declined, he is not a vegetarian. If he really gives up his life to give him a chance, it will not be so easy to turn around.

The three-star level one is not strong enough, so it just avoids the battle.

At 1 minute and 10 seconds, Niutou took a step forward from the river and inserted the jewelry eye into the opponent's red buff.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the Samsung duo helped Yanque win, and Snake saw it clearly.

Flandre also helped Pig Girl use her Q skill in the red zone, and then walked up the road around the stone monster.

Urgot is not online, so here is also to prevent Blight from standing in the triangle grass and stealing damage.

In the middle, Li Hao has been very active since level 1.

I learned w at level 1 of Crown. If after finishing the cannon form of Jace, he will be brainless and jump in the face, and it will be a bit difficult for him to fight with the thunder. After all, it is a master panel, the body is brittle, and his blue crystal reusable type with teleportation The potion went out, but the supplies were nowhere near as many as Jace's.

When the two of them were filling in for the minions in the front row, Crown AW and Jayce exchanged a basic attack. Because they stood behind the minions, they gained a little advantage by exchanging blood.

Li Hao first made up for the small soldiers in the front row, and at 1 minute and 46 seconds, the soldier line advanced towards the crown.

He seized the moment of Ryze's last strike and turned his hammer into a cannon. A Ryze reduced his armor and magic resistance by 10%, and used Electric Shock (Q) to instantly turn around and remove the aggro from the minions.

Crown twisted back, but was still hit by the blue cannonball.

The blood above the head and a half was gone, and the crown retreated.

Li Hao clicked out all three long-range soldiers, and the second wave of blue soldiers came online. Due to the obstruction of the three red long-range soldiers, the line of soldiers was now advancing towards the crown.

Li Hao, who controlled the line, upgraded to 2 at 2 minutes and 6 seconds. He pressed forward and Ryze missed the shot instantly.

Li Hao wanted to find an opportunity to continue to consume, but the crown was flexible and flexible, and he would never force it if he couldn't beat it.

It doesn't matter if you miss a few knives, it's not a big problem to gain experience.

At 2 minutes and 49 seconds, Ryze took a long-range QE from Jess under the tower because there were no soldiers in front of him.

Click on the painful crown to open the first layer of potion.

Taking advantage of the fact that the next wave of minions did not come online, Li Hao walked into the river and inserted the jewelry eye at the entrance to the red zone on the opposite side. Casa is playing against the Demon Marsh Frog, and Li Hao can position himself close to the lower half.

The fourth wave of minions came online, and Li Hao fought against the minions and Ryze to spend a wave of them.

Crown played QEWQ and put up a shield. In this wave, Li Hao was down to half health, and both sides were on drugs.

Of course, Li Hao wanted to lower Ryze's bloodline. At 3 minutes and 10 seconds, he saw Casa walking towards the river and was about to brush the river crabs.

At this time, he controlled the midfield route and was aware of Ryze's movements. He was sure that Samsung had no eye position in the lower half, and Casa had a chance to catch it.

Brother Wolf thought of going with him. He didn't even fight the river crabs and started to pin signals towards the middle.

"You brush first and brush away the river crabs."

Li Hao arranged: "Wait for the next wave of soldiers. The next wave of soldiers will come out. You can squat in the grass a few seconds in advance. If you have a distance, just Q-dodge."

"no problem."

Kasa agreed simply and glanced at Ritz with evil intentions.

"Withered and dishonest, the rock bird should be on my side."

As Flandre spoke, she sent a signal to the upper river:

"It's in the grass, Haru is probably squatting on me."

"Just don't go up and hit two."

"Fuck, am I the kind of person who's on top?"

Both Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang couldn't help laughing.

At 3 minutes and 24 seconds, the fifth wave of soldiers arrived in the first tower and began to advance towards the middle.

At 3 minutes and 36 seconds, Casa accepted the 70 yuan from the river crab and rode the pig to the river grass.

He gained experience from the mid-lane minions and was promoted to level 4.

"Pig sister is squatting, and the second layer of the crown's potion has also been knocked off."

"It's dangerous. You may die if you are charged this time."

"Very patient, Kasa is still squatting!"


Li Hao stared at Ryze and marked the line of troops:

"Casa, as long as he touches this soldier, we will take action."


At 3 minutes and 39 seconds, the blue side has 5 minions, and the red side also has 5 minions.

The blue side has four long-range and one melee, and the red side has three long-range and two melee. This was deliberately controlled by Li Hao.

At this time, a melee minion on the red side was blocking the long-range minion on the blue side and was being attacked by Ryze. However, the melee minion on the blue side was hated by Li Hao and moved closer to Snake's side. A red melee soldier with residual health attacks.

By operating this troop line situation, after Ryze takes out the first melee soldier without any pressure, the four blue side's long-range creeps will definitely move forward. As long as Li Hao does not supplement the blue side's melee troops, a pushback will occur. situation.

In order to avoid Crown's suspicion, Li Hao naturally made a ward move toward the upper half.

Of course, this is just a fake move.

Some Korean viewers saw this and cursed Lao Yinbi in their hearts.

Crown fed this information back to his teammates. When Jace returned to the line, he controlled Ryze to move forward unprepared and killed the second red melee soldier at 3 minutes and 45 seconds.

The last hit was accepted, but because he took these two steps, Brother Wolf's eyes glowed green in the player's seat.

Piggy roared angrily, and Q flashed his hand and hit Ryze!

The subsequent combo is to reach the fourth level of AWA and then use the E skill to stun the opponent.

Li Hao followed immediately!

Leap to the sky!

While flying in hammer form Q, press W, land and stand behind the stunned Ryze, turn around and electrocute E, and knock Ryze towards Snake.

When hitting E, Li Hao quickly right-clicked Ryze to deal an extra normal attack damage.

Under the combined fire of the two, Ryze's health was running low, with only 1/4 remaining.

Jace transformed his hammer into a cannon, and used a basic attack and then used W to reset his basic attack, bang bang bang, connecting points towards Ryze.

After the dizziness was lifted, Crown still did not give up hope of escape.

He turned back to QWEQ to control Jace, and released two layers of overloaded runes on his body, triggering the shield and acceleration special effects. At the same time, he launched a phase dash, flashed and escaped up the river, and Haru also came to support at the speed of light.

What shocked the commentators and the audience was Snake's clever cooperation in the middle and jungle.

Pig Girl's punishment fell in front of Jace, killing a blue square ranged soldier directly.


"——Electric energy surge!"

The electric energy ball passed through the gap between the soldiers and passed through the acceleration gate!

A huge ball of electric energy blasted into the upper half of the river.

Piltover's indifferent artillery king bombarded the wandering mage with violent cannonballs. In the desperate eyes of Crown Brother and young Haru, the last blood bar evaporated from Ryze's head!


"This combination is awesome! Brother Hao failed to deal with any of the double summons here, and fired a cannonball calmly and confidently!"

"Jace took first blood and took off!"

"This weirdo The King is going to be unstoppable again!"


Edger, who was backstage at Samsung, was very depressed and hammered the tactical notebook in front of him with one hand.

The entire backstage was silent for a while, which may be the beginning of Samsung's despair.

With the help of Zhu Mei, Li Hao cleared the artillery soldiers on the line and returned to the city calmly.

Ryze TP came back to the line and got a few knives.

Crown returned to the city to replenish a Tear of the Goddess, and the remaining money could only buy a real eye.

When Li Hao went out, he used a saw-tooth dagger, which was quite cruel.

The director put the camera on the top lane, where Sword Demon and Urgot were messing around, but there was nothing interesting about it.

The duo on the bottom lane fought fiercely, but there was no blowout.

The duo returned to the city to make up for it, and the camera was once again in the middle.

Li Hao inserted his real eye into the grass in the upper half of the river to make sure there was no three-star eye. At 5 minutes and 3 seconds, Pig Girl came again.

Ryze didn't flash, so of course he had to continue.

Casa is ready to torture Brother Crown about his mentality.

However, this wave of rock birds are also here.

At 5 minutes and 13 seconds, Pig Girl, who came from the top half, took action again.

The rock bird hiding on the outer wall of F6 also rushed out immediately.

However, Kasa was fearless. After being carried back and beaten to half-health by the rock bird, he still bumped into Ryze.

Ryze was stunned, but Li Hao did not disappoint Casa.

When the pig girl was crippled by the two people's combined fire, Jess took action!

In the cannon form, Li Hao AQE blasted out a cannon, and then activated the W skill. Instantly, due to the W effect of the cannon form, his attack speed reached the upper limit.

Then, turn on R to change the cannon into a hammer. At this time, the hammer form still enjoys the attack speed bonus from the gun form W.

At this time, the R skill turns into a hammer, making Jace's melee ability stronger and giving him extra magic damage for his next attack.

With his Q skill, Sky Leap, Piltover Cannon King slammed his warhammer onto Ryze. His super high attack speed made him swing the hammer three times like lightning, hammering into his flesh, followed by a final thunder blow. After the electrocution, he knocked the wandering mage to death with a hammer!

This is exactly the artillery king's random cloak hammering technique, five hammers per second.

The small hammer is forty, the big hammer is eighty, and the mother who hammered Rize doesn’t know it.


"Ritz is dead again! The crown is completely blown up!"

Sun Yalong shouted: "Hey, you are so fierce! You are ahead in level equipment. This is the scary thing about Jace. Kasa is really not brainless, he has a bottom line in his heart. The mage in the early stage cannot withstand this full attack." Two sets!”

"Pig sister wants to escape!"

"This Haru is on top, flash and chase!"

"If you don't take Jace seriously, Samsung will have trouble!"

"Stone penetration hits, Pig Girl is dead, but how can you run away!"

"Jace is attacking behind him and entering the upper half of the river. Urgot and Sword Demon are here. Rock Bird wants to run to his own jungle area. The King is waiting for his skills!"

"There are exploding cones!"

"Rock ledge!"

"Haru has an idea!"

"In Jess hammer form, Sky Leap goes directly over the rock protrusion! The rock bird is finished!"

The three LPL commentators kept shouting.

At this time, the QW in Jess Hammer form on the big screen started to deal damage at close range, and the AE flew up and slammed the rock bird wall into the wall. The Piedmont Cannon King immediately cut the cannon out, and the AEW reduced resistance, accelerated and reset the basic attack. Puff, puff, puff, three shots are fired, followed by the final Q to release as much as you want!

"Looking to the future!"

The councilor walked up the road without looking back.

The sharp-edged Jace startled Urgot, and withered just ran away. He was chased and slashed by Flandre, and almost fell to earth with the holy spear.

This wave silenced all Samsung team voices.

But inside the LPL barrage, there was joy.

[Gen.G, GG for short, I was joking two days ago, but now it’s really GG]

[On the evening of October 14th, at the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center, the stars were shining brightly. King P, King J, and King Crown, three people performed on the same stage to compete for the title of the youngest special chef in history! 】

[In less than six minutes, give Brother Hao three heads. What does this mean? 】

[Haru: Crown brother, today I will help you push yourself to your limit! 】

[Headmaster An is sharpening his sword outside the venue and will immediately kill these three-star traitors]

Both Snake and Samsung were in a panic backstage. One was extremely excited, while the other was extremely angry.

"Xi Ba! Why are we fighting this time!"

"How to make a decision! How to make a decision! Are you all confused!"

Coach Edger roared.

He heard clearly just now that Samsung Nakano was confused and actually wanted to walk a tightrope to restore the situation.

The key is that they don't do enough damage to cause attrition to Snake.

Haru's cross-flash kill is indeed refreshing, but if he kills a pig girl and gives his head to Jayce, the opponent's mid laner is still the absolute core and definitely stronger. What a joke of the century!

Many Samsung uniforms are sighing. Although Haru has repeatedly made brilliant moves and is young and talented, he is not stable enough, too idealistic, and cannot recognize his opponent clearly.

After Edger vented his anger, he who had been standing watching the game now collapsed on the bench in frustration.

The uniforms felt the same way.

They still live in their past glory, but times have changed.

On the court, Snake established an extremely huge advantage.

At 7 minutes and 35 seconds, Pig Girl caught Ryze at the wrong time and caught him again.

The wild boar's Q skill that came up from the river was pulled forward, followed by an R and thrown on Ryze.

Jess starts in cannon form, draws A to QE and turns on W at the same time, switches form to R and receives QW, jumps onto Ryze, hammers continuously and then kills the crown!

Killed three times in battle, Crown was paralyzed.

After this wave, Crown Brother became more and more obscene in the middle.

But after Li Hao fired a cannonball, Ryze was about to take drugs, and after being bombarded with another cannonball, he immediately returned to the city.

This situation severely restricted Ryze's subsequent development.

The levels and last hits of both sides are constantly increasing.

At 9 minutes and 36 seconds, Ryze was beaten home again. Brother Crown's TP was not good and he was basically useless.

Yanque was forced to take the line in the middle, and Li Hao and Casa turned to attack the bottom lane.

At 9 minutes and 51 seconds, Chichi Emperor in the contestants' box was startled.

An electric cannonball flew from the wall, directly knocking him down to half health!

Xiba, what harm is this!

Emperor Chi looked at his equipment, the vampire scepter, Doran shield, and kitchen knife.

Looking at Jace again, Curtain Blade!

Take a closer look and you will see that the name of Brother Crown is engraved on the curtain blade. Yes, it was sponsored by Brother Crown.

Tam swallowed Vayne, causing the bull's head to flash into the tower.

But with the big bull head carrying the tower, this wave of three-star duo is already dead.

Kill Emperor Chi, kill Emperor Chi!

As soon as Vayne came out of Tam's mouth, she was hit with all kinds of inexplicable injuries.


Jace is unstoppable!

The war hammer from Pi City now possesses terrifying power. It will kill you if you touch it, and it will hurt you if you rub it.

Ka'Sa killed Tam, allowing Li Hao to get his first assist, finally ending Kobe's road.

There was a tower in the bottom lane, but Snake pushed him down.

At the beginning of the 12th minute of the game, Samsung took advantage of Snake to attack the Rift Herald and organized a wave of actions to massacre Jace.

Brother Crown drove the three of them over, but just as his restraint was released, Li Hao purified instantly and flashed into F6 at the moment Vayne fired E and wanted to shoot him into the wall.

Although Chi Di's arrow followed, it only shot Jace farther after climbing over the wall.

Samsung is quite helpless.

Snake's next counterattack, with the help of Canyon Pioneer and Li Hao's unsolvable Poke, flattened the two middle towers of Samsung.

In the next five minutes, Snake collided with Samsung several times during the snowballing process.

However, Samsung suffered repeated losses, and the head-to-head ratio reached 4:16.

At 18 minutes and 23 seconds, Jess Middle Road Highland Tower bombarded Chuchiku Emperor and Haru, and there was a burst of exclamation from the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center.

Visible to the naked eye, Vayne and Yanque, who were originally full of health, were instantly disabled!

The health bar looked just like a fake, most of it had disappeared!

Samsung originally wanted to take advantage of its lineup and create stronger linkage, but Samsung's disadvantage was too great. Snake formed a team early, giving them no time and space to take advantage of their lineup.

Rock Bird and Vayne returned to the city to replenish their health. Flandre's Sword Demon took the lead with a sword. When he flashed and rushed to knock Tamm away, Pig Girl used his ultimate move. Snake killed Corejj under the highland tower.

Soon, the high ground in the middle of Samsung was broken and the small crystal was destroyed.

But this time, Snake did not retreat, and they continued to advance with a large wave of soldiers.

Samsung wanted to guard the front teeth, but Sword Demon directly launched a massive destruction to kill.

The scattered lineup of Samsung was found by Niutou. Liu Qingsong used the displacement of Urgot's W and followed the Q to blitz the Flying Ruler.

Li Hao flashed past the wall curtain released by the rock bird, and leaped to the sky to kill Vayne instantly!

At that moment, an instant teleportation effect appeared near Samsung's front teeth.

Emperor Chi was anxious and flustered, so he paid tribute to Mr. Dai on the spot.

However, Jace killed him too quickly, and the TP special effect was fleeting.

Emperor Chi's face turned pale, and his ears heard the Super God prompt sound again.

Snake won this team battle at the expense of the pretentious Sword Demon.

At 19 minutes and 35 seconds, Snake besieged the Crystal Hub.

After 3 seconds, the Samsung Crystal Hub shattered!

Broken along with it, was Samsung's hope of promotion.

A game that lasted less than 20 minutes allowed the audience to see the end of the once glorious past and the dazzling pinnacle of the new era at this time!

The Samsung backstage was extremely silent at this time.

Backstage at European Vit, King J, Kikis and others shouted excitedly, and Snake raised his hand for them.


"I didn't expect Snake to choose to attack directly, but this is exactly their style, not giving their opponents any chance."

Colonel Guan lamented: "Maybe this is a good thing for Samsung. If we continue to fight, it will be torture. Not only is Jace's damage too high, but everyone else has also grown up. There is no chance of winning in a team battle."

Sun Yalong's face was full of amazement:

"It's hard for me to describe TheKing's performance. If you are a professional player, you will definitely panic when you see this ID now. The Crown will definitely leave a shadow."

"From playing professionally to being a commentator now, the thing that I can't understand the most is The King."


"This man is very strange and powerful!"

PS: Good night, book friends.

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