LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 400 No mercy, cold-blooded Brother Hao!

In the LPL studio, Miller, Wang Duoduo and Cube Dragon are singing on the stage today.

Compared to yesterday, the three commentators are undoubtedly more at ease today.

RNG and IG advanced first, and Snake was very stable. The three people in the studio were very relaxed during the pre-match analysis, and they joked from time to time.

"Ah P was very confident when he was interviewed last time. I don't know how he will perform against Brother Hao today."

Miller brought up the topic, and the cube dragon beside him immediately became happy. His words were relatively straightforward:

"Ah P is a very interesting person. I remember that he was educated by The King more than once."

"But I'm really a tough guy, so I still dare to play tricks."

"However, The King's state in this World Championship is extraordinary. If Ah P messes around, he is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water."

As the top e-sports leader Haochui, the poet is more targeted:

"Ah P said that even if Brother Hao descends to earth today, he will still show his powerful strength, and everyone can feel the surging fighting spirit. According to the news obtained from Luo Xin's interview with Chris the day before yesterday, Brother Hao also knows about Ah P’s heroic words.”

"It is said that Brother Hao didn't say anything at that time and just smiled. Based on my understanding of him, there must be a lot of things brewing in it."

"If Shi Yizhong breaks out in full force, I don't know if Ah P's strength can withstand it."


There was no shortage of topics during this round of the series, and the three of them never stopped talking in the studio.

At 12:10, the background music changed and both parties entered the BP interface.

"Okay, audience friends, the game has begun!"

"Snake gives priority to the blue side and wants to grab the hero."

Miller analyzed: "There are many OP heroes currently, the most obvious ones are Sword Demon and Urgot. These two heroes have almost 100% BP rate! Including Akali, who was weakened before the World Championship. It’s still relatively strong at the moment.”

"G2 has to make a choice. If they remove all OB heroes, they won't be able to limit Brother Hao's hero pool."

"Snake lost his head on the first floor!"

"I'm very cautious. G2's bottom lane has a 100% win rate. It's a weapon for them to break out of the group stage!"

G2 coach Grebo did not hesitate and immediately asked Wunder to take down Syndra on the first floor.

Even if they pretend to be cool, they won't let go of Li Hao's powerful hero.

On the second and third floors, Snake took down the nightmare and the bull's head.

Yankos's nightmare has a high winning rate, and Niutou is Wadid's specialty. Since the summer split, this Korean aid has had many outstanding team-fighting performances in G2. These two moves are used to defeat the version of heroes they are good at. Lose.

On G2's side, they took down Rakan and Lissandra.

The most OB heroes are all released.

"Sword Demon or Urgot, you have to choose one now."

"Yes, IG has made such a mistake before. They didn't grab the first floor. As a result, FNC grabbed Urgot and Sword Demon in the first two hands, and they exploded with high intensity in the mid-term."

"It's probably the Sword Demon. Flandre has used it many times before."

Just as they finished talking, Snake locked onto the Sword Demon on the first floor.

This is a reassuring choice. Even when facing G2, Snake still didn't drift.

G2 picked Urgot on the first floor and grabbed Tahm Kench on the second floor.

Tahm Kench's appearance rate is also very high. He can be seen in two out of three games, either banned or selected.

Liu Qingsong said: "Wadid will take Tammu, and Hjarnan will most likely take Jhin."


Chris also noticed it: "Their bottom lane combination is very skillful."

"Casa's wine barrels will be selected first, and the ban will be served later."

"Meizi continues with Kaisha, let's do it steadily for the first game."

"Ok, Ok."

After some discussion, Snake selected these two heroes.

G2 did not hesitate and picked Jhin.

"G2 came up with their bottom lane signature, Tahm Kench + Jhin. This is their second weapon after the big head. It can provide certain functionality in the mid-term, and the damage done by one set in the later stage is actually very considerable."

Miller also responded: "Yes, Wadid's Tam also has some protection for the sideband."

"Judging from this selection, G2 has no reservations and will go all out!"

"G2 defeated Zoe on the fourth floor and is still targeting the middle."

"Snake kills Snake, oh? Are you going to choose Ryze?"

"Do you want G2 to be banned?"

"Instead of defeating Ryze, the last move was to defeat Braum."

"Snake kills Olaf!"

"It was difficult to choose the jungle hero of Yankos. Nocturne and Olaf were defeated, and the wine barrel was robbed by Snake. These three heroes are as important as Yankos's right and left hands!"

Miller smiled: "Actually, there are Xin Zhao, Qinggangying, and Scorpion. He has also played."

"Ha ha."

Wang Duoduo laughed: "Yangkos was very fascinated by these heroes after winning them. He lost as soon as he won them in the group stage. Moreover, throughout the summer season, he had no jungle records of using these three heroes."

Sun Yalong joked: "Actually, we can change the formation and give Tahm Kench to Jankos. He used Tahm Kench in the jungle in the summer split and has a 100% winning rate. This guy is very strange."

"Then Jhin will be miserable. Without Tahm's protection, I'm afraid he will be targeted by Snake until he dies."

The three of them were having a heated discussion, and the choice on the fourth floor of G2 surprised them.


"Do you really want to come?!"

"The spider has not appeared once yet. Is this Yangkos' ultimate move?"

After Wang Duoduo finished speaking, Miller screamed strangely: "It's really possible that the appearance rate of Spider is low, but the hero that Yankos has used most in his career is Spider, with a winning rate of 59%, which is higher than his blind monk!"

"This is just taking out the stuff from the bottom of the box!"

G2 wasn't kidding, they locked Spider on the fourth floor.

Snake's last two moves were to choose assistants Shen and Ryze respectively.

G2 is not surprised by their choice.

On the field, only Ah P's last counter position was left.

Under the camera, Ah P smiled slightly and asked Wadid to help him get the last shot.

"Sword girl!"

"Ah P has used it three times in total and won two games."

"Prepare to use Sword Girl to defeat Ryze and enhance his abilities in the mid-term."

"G2's Sword Girl + Spider are very strong in the mid-term. The biggest shortcoming of the lineup is that they are short-handed and not as balanced as Snake. However, once the offensive is launched in the mid-term and combined with Tahm's driving in the bottom lane, there is a good chance to seize the game. Rhythm."

"When FNC played IG before, Sword Demon + Urgot was very strong. Now Sword Girl adds Urgot, which is also a change of formation. Yankos did not choose Blind Sin but chose Spider, which should be to increase AP damage. .At the same time, whether it’s Sword Girl or Spider E who comes to Ryze, if these two play together, Ryze will definitely die, and Brother Hao will have to bring purification here.”

"Yes, Yangkos should also be planning to do damage, so G2 will have to compete with Snake in the mid-term. This is really a head-to-head fight. Putting aside everything else, G2 is quite courageous."


As they were chatting, the two sides began to change the positions of heroes.

At this moment, Snake made an unexpected change.

Ryze in the middle and Sword Demon on the top made an exchange, which made many people's eyes brighten.

"Eh? Is this Brother Hao's mid laner Sword Demon?"

Miller analyzed: "The mid laner Sword Demon has appeared in 4 games so far, with a winning rate of 50%. Ryze is easy to beat when he switches to the top lane to fight crabs. Just control the distance. Sword Demon goes to the middle lane to fight Sword Girl. This is better than Ryze." It’s hard to catch a lot of them now, Snake’s formation changes are very clever.”

"This tastes different!"

Sun Yalong saw the clues: "Sword Demon has switched to the middle. Now no matter how G2 changes the formation, Ah P will have to collide head-on with The King. This is different from fighting Ryze."

"If you are not careful, Ah P may be beaten all over the place. In this league, there is really no one who can compete with the peak The King. Rookie is strong enough. Even he said that he can compete with the current The King. It’s irrational to fight.”


Amid heated discussions, the lineups of both sides were locked.

Snake: Ryze, Barrel, Sword Demon, Kai'Sa, Shen

G2: Urgot, Spider, Sword Girl, Jhin, Tahm Kench

In the center of the stage, Coach Graebo and Chris were smiling and shaking hands in a friendly way.

At least on the surface, they all have confidence in their team.

However, as soon as he returned to the backstage, Coach Grebo was chanting words like "Amen" over and over again.

To be honest, after seeing Snake change his formation, Grebo felt inexplicably uneasy.

The number one player in the league is obviously here for Ah P.

He stared at the big screen with a solemn expression.

Ah P, don’t cause any trouble.

However, when Ah P on the player bench saw Snake changing his formation, he was not afraid.

Sword Demon performs very well whether in early laning or in mid-to-late team fights. Once developed, it can display its strong carry ability.

The Sword Girl is also not bad, and from the perspective of hero counterattack, the Sword Girl has strong line-fighting ability and belongs to the Counter Sword Demon.

Sword Demon's skills are a bit cumbersome and not easy to hit the flexible Sword Girl. Personally speaking, Aatrox is a decent person, and a skilled Sword Girl can not give Sword Demon any face.

Facing Sword Girl, Sword Demon's fault tolerance rate will become lower, because once killed, it will be extremely difficult to fight later. Although the middle line is shorter, Ah P is still confident.

Even the Croatians were a little angry.

The opponent's backhand changing formation like this is tantamount to not taking him seriously.

Ah P rubbed his hands, preparing to give Li Hao some color.

Yancos on the side also said: "Ah P, I will help you."

"Haha, Yankos, you have to come quickly, otherwise I'm worried that you won't be able to take a sip of the soup."

"Guys, let Snake taste his first defeat of the summer. Only we can do that."

"Go! Go! Go!"


The European Emperors were very excited. They were not nervous just because their opponent was Snake. At this point, they actually enjoyed the game.


A series of sounds accompanied by a beam of light, the hero appeared in the Summoner's Rift.

From a God's perspective, the audience saw that whether it was the Sword Girl or the Sword Demon, they all went out with their swords and Dolan swords. They had no intention of getting along with each other in a friendly way.

In terms of talents, Li Hao's Electrocution, Sudden Impact, Ghost Poro, Greedy Hunter, and Skeleton and Resurrection Wind were originally standard configurations, but they were cut by the designer and their effects dropped sharply.

The current version of the Sword Demon also has magical shoes, but Li Hao gave Irelia a face and was not so inflated.

At level 1, G2 relied on its greater control and wanted to cause trouble near the river, but Snake went out quickly and defended his position along the river, giving G2 no chance.

G2 moved forward as a team, Snake slipped away without looking back, and Yankos didn't even have the distance to release his E.

Taking advantage of the level 1 advantage, Tahm Kench inserted his eyes into the hinterland of Snake's red zone and took advantage of it.

Seeing that there was no one in the red area, I guessed that Casa's wine barrel was blue.

At 1 minute and 28 seconds, the soldier in the middle came online.

At this time, neither the sword demon nor the sword girl immediately touched the line of soldiers.

If Sword Demon wants to beat Sword Girl comfortably, he must control the line.

Once the soldier line advances towards the Daomei tower, after Dao Mei clicks on the E skill at level 2, if the sword demon is not operated properly, the sword demon may be single-handedly eaten by Dao Mei using the soldier line.

Both sides knew it very well, so Dao Mei didn't push the line at the first time.

When the health of the soldiers in the front row was about to bottom out, Dao Mei walked forward to prepare the A soldier. Li Hao seized the opportunity and swung his giant sword fiercely, hitting Q1 in front of Dao Mei.

Ah P has just turned 20 and is in his prime.

His reaction was also very fast. The moment Sword Demon Q1 took action, he decisively stopped his last-hitting action and pulled back to avoid the edge where Q1's tail end could be knocked away.

Li Hao was not surprised.

He killed the first melee soldier with residual health with one basic strike, followed by a second stage of Q to cut across, and perfectly made up for 3 strikes.

The camera is still in the middle. After the Sword Demon's second stage Q is given, Ah P attacks the Q minion with a sharp blade to get close.

The sword demon raised his big sword and attacked with a basic attack, slashing the sword girl's body, scraping off a small square of blood.

At this time, Li Hao withdrew his sword and retreated to the vicinity of the long-range soldiers, not even attacking Q3.

When Ah P saw this, he was afraid of the sword demon's skills and did not pursue him.

For Li Hao, he has already made money by touching his basic attack.

If you just slashed at the knife girl in Q3, you can really deal damage steadily, and then follow up with basic attacks to deal electrocution.

But after this, his skills went into cooldown, and the two sides were bound to face each other.

Ah P’s Q skill is in hand, and it will quickly fill up Irelia’s enthusiasm. In addition to increasing the considerable attack speed, it also has additional magic damage. Coupled with the Conqueror brought by Ah P, this wave You will definitely not be able to win in a fight.

He retreats. If Dao Mei chases Q and knocks her Q3 away, not only will the minions attack Dao Mei, but Li Hao can also retreat calmly.

In the short confrontation, Li Hao's brain was already running rapidly.

Ah P doesn’t think that much, but he’s not brainless.

Therefore, both of them seem to be very virtuous, so that's the point.

Before level 3, the Sword Demon was relatively weak and mainly focused on replenishing troops. At the same time, it looked for opportunities to use Q to consume the opponent while maintaining a safe distance. Line control at the first two levels is also particularly important, not only to avoid being suppressed by the opponent, but also to find opportunities to kill the opponent after reaching level 3.

Li Hao's heart was bright and he was also looking for Ah P's flaws.

However, this person has played a lot of times in this World Championship with the mid-level solo sword girl, and the lower limit is very high, so opportunities are not that easy to find.

After Dao Mei stacked up her passive, Li Hao temporarily avoided the edge and retreated a short distance rationally.

At the contestants' table, Ah P was filled with joy and a smile appeared on his lips.

Grab 2!

My Ah P snatched the level 2 of TheKing!

Strong! P!

The Croatian's heart was burning, staring at the sword demon, with many thoughts in his mind.

The middle lane was peaceful for the time being, and the director turned the camera to the top and bottom lanes. The bottom lane was relatively peaceful, while Ryze on the top lane was more shameless. Taking advantage of his long hands, he would touch the crabs whenever he had the chance.

Flandre felt a little regretful. She had known she had stolen the money. Wouldn't this have stolen Wander's underwear?

Casa marked the signal toward the middle, and Li Hao asked him to continue clearing the jungle.

On the other side, Yankos found that the middle lane was difficult to grasp.

However, he was also surprised inside.

Did Ah P get chicken blood today?

A bit fierce!

Is The King's legend of invincibility going to be shattered by Ah P?

Yangkos couldn't help but think of Ah P's heroic words before.

——So what if the gods come down to earth!

Sure enough, Ah P was already prepared to face ‘God’, and he didn’t just say it.

Yankos pinned the signal towards the middle and asked him to be careful entering the wine barrel in the lower half.

Ah P responded calmly and calmly.

"Sword Girl has been stacking her passives, and Sword Demon can't attack randomly now."

"This wave of artillery soldiers is definitely going towards Snake's middle tower, but judging from the movement of the wine barrel, Kasa continued to clear the jungle. There must have been communication and the wine barrel was not allowed to come."

"That's right. If Yankos counter-crouches, the G2 duo is very powerful now."

Miller was a little surprised and said: "Ah P is in great shape today. Although Dao Mei is better online, she can take advantage of Dao Mei's advantages in front of Brother Hao without suffering any disadvantages. This is very strong."

"For these two and a half minutes, Ah P was like a god of war."

"Indeed, I just moved around and used Q to dodge Q. My reaction and operation were very impressive."

"But it doesn't matter. This Sword Demon is also more comfortable."


Judging from the scene, Ah P’s style of painting is more powerful, subtly suppressing Li Hao.

This is no longer as simple as eating dumplings.

Just when people were surprised, the time quietly came to 2 minutes and 45 seconds.

Li Hao stared at his remaining health artillery truck and the level 3 sword girl who was serving as soldier A. He was very satisfied with the current situation of the army line.

At 2 minutes and 46 seconds, at the moment when Li Hao killed the artillery soldier with the impact of Dao Mei's sharp blade, he killed the melee soldier in front of the tower with one knife.

At this time, he also upgraded to 3.

The sword girl who was full of blood took a step forward, preparing to use her 200-yard hand to kill the sword demon.

But Li Hao took the first step to go back, and Dao Mei took a step after him, but the distance was still not enough.

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, gave up W, and upgraded to level 2 Q instead.

The moment the knife girl turned around, she controlled the distance and hit Q1 hard!

Blood-red sword marks were printed on the ground. Ah P moved close to him passively and actively, and there was no way he could avoid this wave of movement.

But he reacted quickly and pressed W in the direction of the sword demon.

Dance of Talisman gives him damage reduction.

Sword Girl loses very little blood.

Li Hao slashed the edge of his second Q, and the sword girl was knocked away, losing 156 drops of blood.

At the same time, Sword Girl's charged W was released, and the blade stabbed the sword demon directly.

Li Hao had a chance to avoid this W, but he did not hide, but faced it.

In this short period of time, the sword demon stabbed Irelia directly with the passive death-giving sword energy! Electrocution landed with a bang.

The blood recovery provided by the Death Sword Qi directly offset the damage caused by Dao Mei W, and the sword demon was still at full health.

Ah P wanted to retreat.

Li Hao follows up with Q3 and presses Shadow Rush (E) at the same time.


A dull slashing sound knocked Irelia into the air!

This time, the words 110 and 135 popped up next to Dao Mei.

One knife cut off 245 drops of Dao Mei's blood.

The sword girl, who was originally full of health, has just reached half health.

Everyone looked at the picture on the big screen. Li Hao came back with a wave of attacks, and Ah P suffered a big loss!

Of course Ah P can't do it without fighting back when he suffers a loss.

"The sword demon has no skills now, Ah P is going to backhand!"

The commentators’ voices were urgent:

"The Sword Demon was focused by the minions, and the sword girl's Q soldiers caught up with the basic attack Sword Demon! The Q Sword Demon connected with the twin blades!"

"The Sword Demon is taking position"

"Move a little to the right in front of the tower. What a beautiful move!"

"The sword demon evaded the twin blades, Brother Hao turned around and wanted to fight back!"

"The sword demon turns around and attacks with a basic attack! A strike!"

"Sword Girl plays the Conqueror, takes a step back, and then turns back to attack."

"Sword Demon A turns back with his sword, pulls back, Sword Girl chases after him, Sword Demon A turns back again, and uses his basic attack to ignite him!"

Sun Yalong suddenly shouted: "Ah P has done something big! The sword girl is out of shape! Cut! Brother Hao continues to cut without mercy, cold-blooded brother Hao, keep cutting!!"

"The sword demon chased A, but A P was so frightened that he didn't dare to look back!"

"Chase A, chase A again, the more the sword demon fights, the more blood it will draw!"

"The E skill is ready!"

"Passive refresh!"


——I will cut off your limbs! I will pierce your soul! !

On the big screen, Aatrox's Shadow Rush chased him out, and the giant sword came from behind to the front. This was a sign that his passive had improved.

——Give Death Sword Qi!


There was a muffled sound, and the giant sword struck the sword girl.

The sword girl, whose body was glowing green from the potion, had a special effect of blood splashing from the blood bar on her head, and was stabbed in the air by a sword!

Irelia let out a scream and fell in front of the sword demon.



"Behead! The sword demon killed the sword girl alone!"

The Busan scene also erupted with exclamations. This time the kill came very suddenly. It was obvious that Dao Girl took the initiative on the field and was also the one who got priority to level 3.

Ah P was also at full health just now.

But what's going on now?

The sword girl was killed, and the sword demon is now close to full health.

In the contestants' box, Ah P stared blankly at the gray screen like a dumb goose.

In just a few seconds, he fell from heaven to hell.


What am I doing!

Yankos was no longer calm. He had been praising Ah P in his heart just now, but now he started shouting on the team voice line to hold on.

Ah P licked his lips and said he was fine.

However, something happened that Ah P never dreamed of.

After Li Hao killed Dao Mei, he was in good condition and did not return to the city and controlled the army line.

Casa heard the news and came.

At 3 minutes and 21 seconds, Daomei's fast soldiers arrived in front of the tower in one step.

G2 coach Grebo in the background widened his eyes.



He shouted in the background, but Ah P couldn't hear him at all.

Dao Mei had just stepped out of a tower and was about to look up the river. Unexpectedly, a flash of light suddenly lit up. Wine Barrel E flashed his hand and bumped into Dao Mei with his belly.

Li Hao controlled Sword Demon QE to hit the air and instantly connected with W!

Relying on the knock-up of Q to ensure the hit of W skill, AQ hits the ball again!

The W skill pulled the sword girl to the center, and in conjunction with the damage of the wine barrel, Li Hao slashed out Q3, and finally followed up with a basic attack.

With double buffs from the wine barrel and full damage, Li Hao cut the sword girl into a cripple with his last knife!

Ah P was already unconscious, and in a certain death situation, he pressed the flash button in the direction of the defense tower.

Li Hao flashed in pursuit, and in Ah P's extremely desperate eyes, he killed Dao Mei in front of the defense tower with one basic attack!

"Casa didn't return to the city with half health. He squatted for more than ten seconds in this wave!"


"This time Ah P is completely blown away!"

PS: Good night, book friends.

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