LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 401 The god you want descends to earth! !

As the sword girl died in battle, Yankos screamed strangely in the G2 team's voiceover.

He called out Ah P again.

However, Yankos could not take care of the middle lane at this time. He had already controlled the spider to go around the grass on the bottom lane.

The humanoid spider came out from the triangle grass. Hjarnan calmed down and got ready. The target was Kaisha.

G2's communication was in place, and the timing of this wave of wards was so good that Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang didn't notice it at the first time.

The moment Yankos got close to Spider Web, Shen pulled him over with a taunt and used his body to block Kaisha.

G2 can only output Shen, Jin Huacai takes control, and AQ outputs.

Tam came up, and after Wadid's giant tongue whip hit Shen, Lin Weixiang handed over the treatment, and at the same time he kept reminding Liu Qingsong to cross-dodge.

As Shen flashes to widen the distance, this wave of points in the bottom lane ends.

The Snake duo were hit with two summoner skills, and Yangkos was not in vain.


Compared with the losses in the middle lane, the little things earned in the bottom lane are not enough.

"Block well, this wave is mine."

Da Mingming hurriedly explained: "I just cut the screen and looked at Brother Hao a few times. I didn't pay attention to where I was standing. It was too far forward."

Liu Qingsong on the side glanced at him sideways and said angrily:

"Fortunately, Tam is a little far away from me. Wadid will definitely dodge if he is licked again."

"Be careful when watching the show, we will be embarrassed if we try to break through."

He went on to say:

"Casa, I'm not dodging right now, it's hard to drive. The two people on the other side are playing relatively steadily, so you don't have to come over for the time being."

Kasa was stunned for a moment and said hello twice again.

In the Snake player's seat, Kasa cut the screen to the middle, and Sword Demon was pushing the lane crazily.

He smiled to himself.

The situation in the middle of this wave was completely opened up, and Dao Mei also handed over Flash. No need to be reminded by Liu Qingsong, Casa has already made up his mind to drink soup in the middle.

Li Hao cleared the fifth wave of minions and had 24 last hits and two kills.

A wave and a half of soldiers advanced towards the Daomei Tower, and Ah P lost blood.

He didn't teleport, so this wave of soldiers couldn't catch any of them.

A total of 1,472 yuan for last hit, time jump money and kills. When Li Hao came out of the spring this time, he had a pair of armor shoes and a long sword.

With the equipment advantage, it will be easier to operate the sword girl next.

When the two sides faced off again in the middle, Sword Demon's experience was one level higher than that of Sword Girl.

It can be found that the style of play in the middle has been reversed. Ah P, who was very arrogant at the beginning, can only be wretched now. The sword demon carrying a huge sword on his back was walking up and down the middle route, quite active, following the attack rhythm of the minions, and steadily taking down the remaining soldiers.

At 4 minutes and 46 seconds, Casa cleared the grassy spot in the middle of the road near the river. Ah P could see it clearly and thought about the barrel again in his heart.

Yangkos sent a signal to Wonder from the stone monster on the top lane, telling him to be careful, and then controlled the spider to support the middle lane. He was now afraid that the knife girl would die again, and he had to help Ah P stabilize the rhythm.

If you continue to explode in the middle, you won't be able to play anymore.

The wine barrel and the spider met at the entrance to the G2 red zone on the upper river channel.

One released a self-exploding spider, and the other released a rolling barrel. Both of their skills were empty, so they greeted each other.

The spider was nearby, but Li Hao did not act blindly.

Now the soldier line is very comfortable. After Sword Girl was resurrected, Sword Demon came online first. Ah P pushed a wave of soldiers, and Li Hao stuck the minions in front of the tower. If G2 could not clear the line, Sword Girl could only smell the experience.

Because there was no flash and the wine barrel was nearby, even though the spider was very close to Ah P, he did not dare to be caught first by Snake in the middle and jungle. Therefore, the sword demon made some extremely excessive moves.

When the blue soldier was about to die, the sword demon pressed forward. His sword girl retreated briefly, and the experience was instantly lost.

At 5 minutes and 04 seconds, only Jhin and Kai'Sa were left in the bottom lane.

Wadid thought of helping Ah P in the middle. They couldn't just sit back and watch the Sword Demon snowball.

Liu Qingsong, who had been paying attention for a long time, arrived quickly. After clearing a group of wild monsters, the junglers on both sides also came to the middle in a tacit understanding, and the two sides prepared to play mahjong.

Shen met Tam at the entrance to the red zone and entered the river. Liu Qingsong didn't even think about it and teased Tam to do it when they met.

Li Hao occupied the line, and with the 45-point movement speed bonus from the armor shoes, he came to the river battlefield immediately.

Wadid was startled and quickly retreated.

Li Hao looked at the distance, EW hung a chain on Tam, and then the tail end of Q knocked Tam away. The second Q hit the chain and pulled him back. Tam was knocked back again, and the Sword Demon giant sword moved forward. Poke, this death-giving sword energy almost made it too late for Wadid's shield to open!

The moment the Sword Demon jumped into the third stage of Q, Wadid opened his thick skin and jumped over the wall in a flash.


Miller looked surprised: "Tahm is two levels lower than the Sword Demon, and Wadid can't stand being slashed by Brother Hao."

Sun Yalong joked: "Wadid would like to thank Ah P. Good brother Ah P replaced Brother Hao's flash with his last flash. Otherwise, the Sword Demon would flash over the wall and follow up, and Bo Tam would be left behind."


"The middle road has a great advantage. Liu Qingsong knows very well that Brother Hao can provide immediate support, so there is no need to hesitate to take action in the river."

Wang Duoduo looked excited: "This wave is still very harmful to G2. Tahm's flash was thrown away in vain, which is equivalent to beating back the wave just in the bottom lane."

"Casa hasn't left. This is to protect the middle road to death!"

"The G2 lineup is short-handed, and the Snake tactic is completely feasible. In the mid-term, G2 basically cannot avoid the Sword Demon if they want to fight. You will not lose money by investing in Brother Hao."

Tam retreated, leaving Shen with a ward position. Sword Girl's double-winged blades pulled Shen in, but Ah P didn't dare to attack at all.

However, the next wave of artillery soldiers had arrived at the line, and the sword demon couldn't control it anymore. Ah P finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The accident happened again.

At 5 minutes and 36 seconds, the wine barrel went from the upper river channel to the lower river channel. A meatball hit the middle road and hit the sword girl with the Q skill from a distance.

Sword Girl's current movement speed is not as high as that of Sword Demon. Li Hao pursues forward, and Ah P keeps twisting his butt.

He was not as lucky as he was in the beginning. Li Hao focused on the position of the sword girl, and hit the sword girl with a QE. The flat A forced the sword girl in front of the tower to move, and the W was accurately hung on the sword girl.

Ah P walked toward the flank of the evil fire beam chain, and at the same time, he predicted the position of Sword Demon Q2 and released his double-winged blades.

However, Li Hao did not take action immediately and moved to the extreme right to avoid Dao Mei's E skill.

Q2 soars into the sky!

The giant sword slashed down with a sound. At first glance, Q2 did not look like it was being released towards the sword girl, but the oblique angle of Q2 struck the sword girl accurately!

Ah P was knocked into the air and then took Li Hao's basic attack.

The sword girl hurriedly fled to the tower and pressed W with her backhand.

Li Hao gave up and did not follow out Q3.

If the distance is not enough, this wave of force cannot kill them.

If he had a big move, he could definitely jump over the tower and kill him, but now he is only level 5.

However, he can push the line.

Leaving Dao Mei a little blood will also give Ah P the illusion.

Kasa's displacement skills are fully equipped and he couldn't keep up just now. Now he goes to the lower half to collect the crabs and prepare for the next wave of rhythm.

While Li Hao was observing the progress of the wine barrel jungler, he was also observing Ah P's movements.

He smiled to himself.

Reluctant to part with a large number of soldiers, Ah P is taking drugs.

I cut the screen and looked at the top and bottom lanes. Urgot and Tahm Kench are both online.

"Does Wonder have a T?"

"No, his TP is not well."

After Flandre finished speaking, Liu Qingsong added: "Jhin has TP. He went online just now."

Kasa said forcefully: "You can cross it."

"I'll start with the knife girl, it won't be a loss if I change it."

Li Hao also meant the same thing. If Dao Mei can't get this wave of artillery soldiers, Ah P will collapse.

"Come on, jump over the tower."

"Meizi, please put some pressure on me."

"Do not worry!"


The narrator and the audience discovered through God's perspective that the situation became tense instantly.

Snake cooperated tacitly, and the three paths started almost at the same time.

The wine barrel punishes the river crab and bypasses the blue buff, because the spider just showed its head on the top lane and is probably near the red zone at the moment.

The soldiers in the middle are about to enter the tower. Both sides gather in the middle and jungle, and the situation is tense!

Ah P was still taking drugs and his health was less than half.

Yancos has arrived at the grass next to F6.

Just as the artillery line entered the tower, Yankos immediately discovered the wine barrel that started the drunken rage.

He yelled in the team voice, but the wine barrel was activated without hesitation, and the meat and eggs impacted, directly hitting the knife girl!

Ah P wanted to hide, so he could only kill the soldiers around the sword demon, which was just like seeking death.

The barrel threw the Q skill while E was flying, and P instinctively pressed W.

Yankos is more decisive!

The spider flashed across the wall, and Elise in human form threw out her cocoon. After releasing QW, R transformed into the black widow form, and she coiled her silk around the wine barrel QAW!

Yangkos's development is not bad. The wine barrel that was hit by the cocoon immediately became reduced to residual health after taking damage from this set and the defense tower!

The sound of the Sword Demon's great destruction has already sounded in Ah P's ears!

But his first move was to activate the Twin Blades.

He wanted to stun both Sword Demon and Wine Barrel, but Sword Demon Q1 was far away and his angle could not pull Li Hao at all.

However, the wine barrel under the tower got the control chain again!

The knife girl Q in the face of the wine barrel!

"Yankos flashed E and predicted the position behind the wine barrel's E!"

"With this amount of blood, Kasa must die first!"

"The spider attacks the wine barrel, I can't hold it anymore!"

"The sword demon starts the great destruction and chops up the sword girl!"

"Ah P's basic attack failed, and the wine barrel's head was taken by the spider!"

Wang Duoduo shouted: "The Sword Demon has not retreated! The second stage of Q cut it down! All the Sword Girl Spiders were knocked away, and the defense tower is attacking the Sword Demon."

"One last time!"

"Ah P is gone too! I've made a profit this time!"

"Yeah! We still need to kill! Brother Hao is dealing with spiders!"

Sun Yalong shouted hurriedly, his voice no less loud than Wang Duoduo: "Yang Kes is pretending, Brother Hao is getting angry. If you kill my brother, you won't even be able to leave!"

"The spider has no dodge, no E, how can you block the Great Sword Demon of Destruction!"

"Yangkos saw that the situation was not right and wanted to escape, but Sword Demon W was given to him, beautiful!"

"Yangkos, don't leave. Brother Hao still has something to say to you. Pull back the chain, Sword Demon Q3!"

"Wow! This knife explodes!"

"The spider is crippled, and the big sword is too strong to withstand it!"

"The Sword Demon's basic attack is followed by E to reset the basic attack, and then he cuts again!"

"Yangkos circled the pillar, and with the help of the defense tower, the sword demon passively refreshed the spider to death!"

On the big screen, the Sword Demon's giant sword was raised in front of him, which was a sign that the passive situation had improved. Aatrox was talking trash while stabbing the spider with the giant sword, and Yangkos followed the black screen.

The Sword Demon's blood volume increased, and there was a "crack" sound in the great destruction. His majestic giant wings flapped in the air, and he left the G2 defense tower very calmly.

“—Enemy Rampage!”

Everyone in G2 felt a little panicked when they heard this voice prompt.

More than 6 minutes, a sword demon with four heads!

Coach Grebo in the background covered his face. He felt that something big was going to happen.

After this wave, the situation in the middle suddenly changed.

At 9 minutes and 33 seconds, another burst of exclamations broke out at the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center.

"An enemy is Unstoppable!"

Ah P looked at his black and white TV and couldn't help biting his tongue with his teeth to calm himself down.

Just after being hit by a QE from Sword Demon, Aatrox only used one set of skills, and he was killed with most of his health.

The kill line has reached this level and is completely crushed.

To G2's relief, Yankos finally found an opportunity in the bottom lane. Spider used Tahm's ultimate move to grab it and killed Shen.

This precious head was taken by Jin.

However, the head is dry and the tower cannot be pushed away. The first dragon has been taken away by Snake.

At the beginning of the 11th minute of the game, Jian Mo took away his F6 in front of Yankos. Yankos saw Jian Mo approaching him, threw a self-destructing spider and ran away.

Snake moved up the middle and jungle, and Wonder was very smart in this move. He teleported to the bottom lane, and instead cooperated with the duo to play a wave of three-for-two.

Urgot, who jumped over the tower, was saved by Tahm. Jhin got Kai'Sa's head, and G2 made a 0-for-1 backhand.

The fortune teller is now 2/0/0, becoming G2’s hope.

However, Urgot changed lanes, causing the previous tower to be destroyed by Snake, and Rift Herald fell.

At 13 minutes and 43 seconds, Snake used the Rift Herald to smash the first tower of G2, and then knocked the second tower to low health.

At the blue Buff's position, a small-scale team battle broke out between the two sides.

Tam was killed by the Sword Demon, and Wadid used his own life to protect Hjarnan. Wangde, who returned to the top, stole Snake's last tower to stop the loss. The situation seemed to be turning around.

Coach Grebo backstage cheered up.

This game surprised him. Apart from the collapse of Ah P in the middle, the performance of the other two lanes was actually better than usual.

Although they couldn't suppress Snake, their correct decision-making prevented them from being too far apart.

The only thing that makes Coach Graybo uneasy is that the Sword Demon has six kills.

On Snake's side, Li Hao immediately pinned the signal to the bottom lane. Taking advantage of the fact that the G2 duo could not come, they pushed down the next tower.

Then, he captured the second earth dragon.

In this wave of return to the city, everyone in Snake put on their real eyes and illuminated the entire red zone on the opposite side.

From God's perspective, the audience could see it clearly, but G2 didn't realize it at the first time.

At 17 minutes and 19 seconds, Snake took advantage of his vision to seize the opportunity in the jungle. Flandre's Ryze drove, and the two sides engaged in a team battle.

Barrel, who was leading the charge, died in the battle, but except for Jhin and Spider, the rest of G2 were buried in the jungle.

This was a big wave of rhythm, and the G2 uniform staff watched in horror backstage.

Just now, Sword Demon activated the Great Destruction and kept charging into the jungle. He was already invincible!

Li Hao beheaded two people in this wave, and Legendary's voice resounded throughout the canyon!

"Double kill super god!"

"This is Brother Hao's sixth amazing game in the World Championships!"

Even a peak Haochui like Wang Duoduo felt a little scary at this time.

"In the formation just now, Jhin was in a good position. G2 could have fought a dozen times."

"But I found that after the Sword Demon opened up, a group of G2 people were retreating, and they were chased and chopped by Brother Hao. If Jin hadn't hit them with a few accurate shots, Wine Barrel wouldn't have died."

"Casa takes good care of the middle lane. His own development has been delayed. His equipment is not up and is relatively brittle, and his level is one level behind Spider. But judging from the effect of the wave just now, this is still a huge profit compared to the investment."

"The Sword Demon has eaten the second tower alone, so he needs to update his equipment when he returns home this time!"

"Snake is operating his vision. He will definitely move the baron later. As long as he takes the baron, G2 has no line clearing ability and can only watch the high ground be broken."

"Well, Snake has two earth dragons, and he's not slow at beating the big dragon."

Just as the commentators predicted, Snake is preparing to do just that.

In the next 5 minutes or so, the two sides won a relatively peaceful period of time.

Although Snake expanded a certain economic advantage, G2 also gained a breather.

However, the view around the Dragon Pit is obviously under Snake's control.

"Hjarnan, be careful later, they will definitely target you."

Ah P reminded me.

Wadid: "I will always be by his side."

"It's good if you don't get blown back by the barrel."

Yangkos warned: "Pay attention to the big dragon, don't lose it!"

"If the dragon loses, the game will be over. If they move the dragon, Jhin will open up, and I will grab it."

"Give me some experience later. My level is higher than the wine barrel, so I have a better chance of grabbing the dragon."



At 24 minutes and 01 seconds, on the big screen, Snake immediately moved towards the vicinity of the Dalong Pit after leading the army line.

G2 also guessed it, simply dealt with the line of troops, and rushed towards the dragon pit.

Wonder's Urgot also joins the frontal battlefield.

"Find their location!"

"Their eyes are all in the jungle, be careful of being squatted."


Vision Transformation shines a burst of light.

Although the blue eyes were quickly shattered by Snake, G2 could clearly see that Snake was beating the baron!

G2 took action, Jhin set up his weapons from afar, and started the perfect curtain call (R)!

Wadid confirmed that there was no danger around him and followed Urgot forward.

On the big screen, the audience saw Snake, who noticed G2's movement, launch a backhand. The moment Jhin activated his ultimate move, Ryze also activated his ultimate move.

Li Hao was near the dragon pit, stepping on the winding path.

G2 came over from F6. Li Hao used Ryze's ultimate move to go directly behind the red buff. This time he was not fighting alone. Liu Qingsong could support him with his ultimate move at any time.

Hjarnan fired into the Dalong Pit and was having fun with the telescope.

Ah P took the lead, Irelia roared, and the sword array charged towards Snake next to the dragon pit!

G2 didn't plan to start a group, but suddenly found an opportunity. The European Emperors were so excited that they didn't plan to quit.

Snake gave up the baron and launched a big move towards the G2 formation.

This ultimate move was not very effective. Instead, it blew Urgot over. Wander's eyes lit up. Urgot used his ultimate move on the wine barrel. The spider attacked and formed a cocoon. After the wine barrel was hit, G2 It's like getting chicken blood in an instant.

This wine barrel is very brittle and cannot withstand damage at all.

For a moment, the headsets of the European emperors were filled with excited shouts of killing.

Lin Weixiang and Flandre were doing crazy damage to the front row of G2, and both Sword Girl and Urgot were knocked down.

Jhin's fourth shot hit the barrel, and Hjarnan pushed Casa to the killing line!

Beyond the fear of death!

Urgot rushed in with a fear effect, like a human bomb, flashing into the crowd in a crazy way!

Wonder's goal is exactly the C position of the two outputs.

The audience was shocked when they saw this scene. In the frontal battlefield, G2 not only did not suffer a loss, but actually took the lead and gained an advantage!

However, the Miracle Group can only be a delusion, because

This is not a frontal battlefield at all!

The first people to see the sword demon were Hjarnan and Wadid, who paid attention to Hjarnan.

The sword demon driving the great destruction made Hjarnan hear the roar of extinction!

The sword demon came at high speed from the side, and the first Q hit Hjarnan hard!

With just a tail Q, Jhin, who was full of health, fell directly to nearly a third of his health!

The next blow was the death sword energy, which caused a huge exclamation from the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center! The stick guys who have never seen the world are also shouting!

Black Kiri, Youmu, Bloody Hand, Serrated Dagger, Armored Shoes, luxury equipment plus a big move to increase damage, this death-giving sword energy seems to have stabbed the fortune teller in the heart!

At that moment, Hjarnan only saw the tall sword demon vibrating its blood-red wings. After his health bar dropped wildly, he jumped into the air and slashed Q2!


There was a muffled sound accompanied by the scarlet light of electric shock. Aatrox raised his sword and slashed hard, directly emptying the life-taker's health bar!


With a scream, the cripple fell to the ground, and Hjarnan's screen suddenly went black.

"——I don't want to be your enemy, but I want to be the enemy of the world!"


The LPL studio is in a state of excitement!

"Instant kill!"

"Hjarnan's Jhin! G2's hope! He was swatted to death by the sword demon like swatting a fly three times!"

Miller shouted: "Sword Demon is Snake's core combat power!"

"Brother Hao rode around in a car to kill Jin and cut down Hjarnan! One person cut off the retreat of four G2 people!"

Sun Yalong is also roaring:

"Kasa offers sacrifices to the heavens, the power is boundless!"

"Brother Hao wants to avenge his good brother, keep slashing! G2 handed over the first wave of skills, and the sword demon made a perfect cut. Now the tiger is among the sheep!"

"Only Brother Hao, this weirdo, makes me feel that Aatrox is an assassin, and maybe he should be released in Endless."

On the big screen, everyone could hear the roar of the sword demon's body!

The sword demon moved at high speed again, and the wings behind him continued to vibrate. With an invincible attitude, he was like a god, charging towards the G2 formation!

"Kill people, and the destruction continues!"

Wang Duoduo slapped the table: "This is the god that Ah P wants to come down to earth!"


"Q3, chop off Tamu!"

"Ritz is doing damage, and Shen's big move is on Sword Demon!"

"Tahm's shield has been handed over and he can't hold it at all!"


"Dead! Tam was killed!"


The terrifying sound sounded again, and the Sword Demon's annihilation kept refreshing. His high movement speed allowed him to rush towards the remaining three people in G2.

Ah P was scared, and both he and Urgot were retreating.

However, after Shen landed, an E flash caught the two of them!

In the player's seat, Li Hao concentrated his attention. After the next Q turned around, he accurately knocked Urgot and Dao Mei away at the end of Q1.

Following Q2 directly, after this, the two people injured by Ryze and Kai'Sa this time have now become disabled.

Ah P was terrified, and the sword demon's next basic attack hit him, which made his health volume equal to that of Urgot.

"Come! I'll let you see the darkness!"

Aatrox followed up with Q3, and the giant sword fell!

Looking at this, many viewers watching the live broadcast had their skin electrified and felt an ultimate sense of relief!

This is the ultimate picture imagined by many alliance players!


The sword demon is full of blood.

The sound of great destruction made the heartbeats of everyone in G2 accelerate a lot!

"Oh my god! Die!"

"These two people were directly beaten to death by the sword demon!"

"Four kills! Four kills! God descends to earth! This is the God descending to earth as predicted by Ah P!"

"The spider flashed across the wall. Yankos was so frightened that he didn't have the courage to face the sword demon! He gave up chasing Kai'Sa, who was still alive, and ran away in the opposite direction!"

"The Sword Demon flashes and chases after you! With this speed of movement, how can you escape, Spider!"


At this moment, various league broadcasts in major competition areas around the world are showing such a scene.

After the spider in human form escapes, it turns around and spins its cocoon.

The two of them were very close, but the sword demon was moving at high speed, pulling E horizontally, and dodged this skill extremely smoothly!

In the brutal massacre, he showed an extremely elegant side.

With W on the spider, the sword demon caught up and started chasing and slashing.

Li Hao's Q skill CD was less than five seconds. After the next Q skill improved, he killed Yang Kos without any surprise!

The Busan Convention and Exhibition Center was in a state of boiling, and many LCK spectators were conquered.

In this high-energy atmosphere, cheers continued.

Those LPL spectators who came to watch the game were even more excited than the last!

"——Penta kill!!"

This is a sound that resounds throughout the canyon!

"Penta kills!"

"The first five kills since the S8 group stage!"

"It's still The King, it's still The King!!"

In the LPL studio, the voices of the three commentators were trembling:

"S6, S7, S8, three years in a row!"

"Three kills in the three S games!"

"Who can do it but this man!!"

Sun Yalong could only sigh: "I told you a long time ago, The King is very strange!"

"From back to front, G2 was chopped down!"

Miller laughed loudly: "Kasa sacrifices to the sky, his magic power is boundless. Brother Hao avenged his brothers. He slashed the red buff from the opposite side to one of our towers without blinking an eye. There were corpses behind him."

"Penta kill, this is a penta kill that shocked S8!"

Wang Duoduo clenched his fist excitedly: "The sword energy spans thirty thousand miles, and the light of one sword can chill nineteen states!"

"In 2016, a slender sword, extremely sharp and lightning-fast, cut down SKT! This time it is a giant sword, which cuts vertically and horizontally, sweeping thousands of armies, and cut down G2!"

Miller joked: "Brother Hao's maintenance is worth learning from everyone. The more we fight, the more fierce he gets!"


Just like the aftermath of a climax, G2 may not have recovered after a wave of disastrous defeats. In just 2 minutes, all the buildings were bulldozed by Snake.

In the G2 player booth, Yankos first took a look at the settlement data.

Sword Demon's final record is 14/0/6, infinitely superior! Extremely exaggerated data!

Looking at Ah P again, Dao Mei’s record is 1/7/4.

Yankos couldn't help but glance at Ah P, and he remembered Ah P's words again.

So what if the gods come down to earth?

How magnificent it was to hear this at that time!

He, Yangkos, was also excited and wanted to do something big with Ah P and leave traces of their G2 in 2018.

But at this moment.

Yankos obviously was not in such a mood anymore.

Thinking of the scene of being chased and slashed by the sword demon, he felt dizzy and felt a sense of despair.

The opponent killed five people and wiped out their group. In the end, they were still at full health, and it seemed that they could kill them again.

Fake, it’s true that God has come!

Ah P, you are such a crow’s mouth!

PS: Good night, happy Chinese Valentine's Day to all the handsome guys and beauties.

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