LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 405 Three years of reincarnation

Gwangju is located in the southwest of South Korea and is considered the "hometown of culture and art" locally.

Li Hao and his family live not far from Songjeong Station. There is Gwangju Songjeong Bus Station nearby. You can take Songjeong No. 98 or No. 33 and get off at Gwangju Women's University Station, which takes about 30 minutes.

It is very convenient for nearby fans to go to the venue. The major teams don't have to worry about it. There are special buses to take them to the venue.

On the afternoon of October 23, all four teams entered the venue.

It took a long time to get familiar with the layout of the venue, rehearse for the appearance, record the pre-match program, pose in some middle-class poses for publicity photos, etc.

Li Hao looked around. There were many busy staff here, and the equipment at the commentary desk was ready.

The lighting above the venue is a more melancholic blue, which goes well with LCK. They are very melancholy right now.

Especially the KT group, when they looked up, they were surrounded by LPL players, like sheep among wolves.

The center of the venue is the viewing area, which is also the largest area and can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Behind the competition area are the three sculptures holding magic balls, which echo the theme song of the global finals. Viewed from a live angle, they are quite imposing and give people a majestic feeling.

Three large LED electronic displays cover the entire auditorium, allowing every spectator to have a clear view of the real-time game conditions.

Li Hao walked with the team in the venue. He nodded secretly. The venue for the semi-finals looked decent, and was taller than the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center.

Riot people turned on the on-site machine and let the players try it out. This was preliminary debugging. When the game officially started, it would be debugged again before the game.

"Brother Hao, have you noticed that someone over there has been looking at you?"


Flandre pursed her lips in the direction of KT:

"Over there."

"KT's young player, Ucal."

"He just turned on the device and looked this way. He couldn't wait to face you."

Li Hao raised his head and found nothing unusual.

Chris on the side said: "Maybe he wants to play a training match."

"KT has arranged training matches with the three of us, and we will start playing tomorrow."

Flandre muttered:

"I heard from Zuo Wu that KT has scheduled a lot of training matches and they plan to practice hard before the semifinals."


"KT is the only one left in the LCK now, and the Korean teams are fully supporting them. Once KT loses, they can only watch us fight in the LPL civil war in Incheon. Of course the LCK wants to prevent this from happening."

"I feel that we don't need to take over KT's training matches. Our three LPL teams can just close the door and play training matches by ourselves. There is no need to play with KT at all."

"Haha, wouldn't that look too stingy?"


Li Hao listened to them silently without making a sound.

At this stage, although the wealth does not go to outsiders, no one is willing to give up the Summoner Trophy.

Snake is not only a thorn in KT's side, but also the biggest imaginary enemy of IG and RNG.

Everyone knows that Snake has the strongest hard power, so it is very possible for him to become a public enemy behind his back at such a moment.

For example, during the S6 era, SSG, ROX, and SKT all came from the same team.

But SSG and ROX developed female gun-assisted tactics, which they hid without telling SKT, causing SKT to almost overturn in the semifinals.

For the current four teams, winning the S8 Summoner's Cup is the ultimate goal.

Glory, bonus, fame.

The ultimate stage of the World Championship is the arena and the vanity fair.

In the final moments, a complex vortex formed.

In the stadium, IG’s coach Jin and KT’s coach ZanDarC (Wu Zongchang) were communicating in Korean, and they looked very familiar with each other.

When Li Hao saw this scene, he suddenly felt very strange.

In the past S8, IG and KT went through a desperate struggle and a fierce battle.

The relationship between Jin Jingzhu and Wu Zongchang is definitely not that good.

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

Perhaps in the eyes of many teams, Snake has become a more terrifying dragon than SKT used to be, and a complete villain.

The evil dragon covered the sky and blocked out the sun, making many teams breathless.

Li Hao smiled secretly.

However, this does not matter, in the league's competitive rules, there are only the strong and the weak.

In Summoner's Rift, there are at most ten people.

It is not easy to put together a team that can defeat the Snake team led by him.

At the final hurdle, Li Hao didn't want to see any unexpected situations happen.

After the afternoon session, Chris proposed to start training in the evening, and Li Hao was the first to respond.

In the next few days, in addition to eating, sleeping and some simple exercises, Snake has been preparing for the game in the training room provided by Riot Games.

Because the training rooms were very close together, the other three teams were a little anxious when they saw Snake turning off the lights very late.

A guy who is better than you is working harder than you now.

Damn, this is so uncomfortable.

As a result, the four World Championship teams started the involution mode before the semi-finals.

Everyone has a vague illusion that they will be eliminated from the competition after half an hour of training.

On KT's side, Mata's face, which was already very dark, has become a lot darker now.

When eating in the restaurant in the morning, many people were wearing Hache.

The competitive status of the four teams spread quickly, which made many players feel emotional.

Everyone worked hard for the championship.

At the same time, they are also looking forward to the next game.

What makes IG, RNG and KT secretly happy is that Snake is finally not so invincible in training matches.

Li Hao's condition seemed to have fluctuated.

In fact, Li Hao wanted to continue to be serious, but the uniforms of the Snake Team were flustered.

The amount of training in these two days is already heavy. If I get injured, wouldn't I be a Muggle?

Therefore, under the strong advice of Chris and others, Li Hao was forced to fish.

He was a bit dumbfounded. He wanted to complete his training well, but he was forced to take advantage of the situation by the club. Is that okay?

Flandre on the side cried with envy. He also wanted to fish, but Chris and others stood by and urged them every day.

In the words of the Snakes uniform staff, Li Hao took a short break, just to squeeze out the potential of others.

When it comes to the competition, everyone should perform together. Not only will everyone blossom, but if more can blossom, the chance of winning will be greater.

After a few extremely fulfilling days.

Time flies and it comes to October 27th.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, seats began to fill up at the Universiade Stadium of Gwangju Women's University. The most expensive platinum ticket at the venue was 42,000 won, equivalent to more than 200 yuan, and the cheapest silver ticket was only 20,000 won.

Tickets are not expensive, and as it approaches 4 o'clock, the tens of thousands of seats in the venue are almost full.

Many LPL fans came to the scene.

We can also see many Korean spectators, as well as spectators from other competition regions who still stay in Korea.

Regardless of whether they are teams from this division or not, the collision of the world's top teams in the knockout rounds is very attractive to the league's audience.

As soon as 4 o'clock arrived, members of the IG and RNG teams appeared on time!

After the appearance ceremony, the S8 semi-finals officially started.

"Who do you think will win today?"

Lin Weixiang asked curiously.

Chris and others backstage habitually turned their heads in one direction.

"Don't look at me. I've been playing a lot of training matches these days. You should have noticed that their strengths are very close. It's hard to say who will win."

"I think FNC really helped IG a lot. They lost to an opponent that they didn't value very much. This blow made IG a lot more stable."

Li Hao continued to explain: "In the quarter-finals, IG's progress was visible to the naked eye and they were able to grow in the game. They have a high ceiling."

"But RNG's tactics are very stable and their style is basically fixed."

"The on-site commentators will probably have to work overtime today."

"Well, I also think they might have to play five games."

Chris closed the door as he spoke and smiled: "The more games we play, the better. I hope they can expose more things."

"We'll watch the game first and then find time to train in the evening."

Everyone moved the benches together, and as IG and RNG started drafting, everyone in Snake was also having a heated discussion and analyzing the tactics of the two teams.

After the hero officially entered the Summoner's Rift, everyone was focused on watching the game and recording data at the same time.

Now, every move of IG and RNG is full of reference value.

How many moves can you hide in the training match? If you can hide any more in the semi-finals, you will have to board the plane.

As many people imagined, this round of duel was really brutal.

In the first game, the two sides fought with a head ratio of 8:8 until the 38th minute.

They rarely had this kind of time in previous world championships.

The similar strength made fans of both teams extremely nervous.

Colonel KI gave an instant win rate of 50.4% for RNG and 49.6% for IG. Except that RNG's fire dragon attribute is more powerful than IG's water dragon, there is almost no difference between the two sides. The economic difference of several hundred can be almost ignored at this time.

Until 39 minutes and 4 seconds, the team battle between the two teams at the Dragon Pit was about to break out!

King Ning decisively broke off the team, and the two sides fell into a melee. When TheShy's Urgot executed the blind monk, he flashed into the RNG crowd with a fear effect. There was an exclamation on the scene because Xiaohu's Galio fell in this wave. , IG won the team battle with 1 for 3, Uzi and Xiao Ming retreated, but the Ancient Dragon and Baron were both lost.

IG saved the Double Dragon Club and waited for Bo Ning's prince to be resurrected. IG rushed to the RNG high ground.

The buff in the later period had too great an impact on the situation. The huge pressure on the army line forced RNG to fight. The ancient dragon's burning made them regretfully defeated.

At 42 minutes and 05 seconds, the battle came to an end, and IG in the contestants' seats celebrated excitedly.

However, this is destined to be just the beginning of the semifinals.

To people's surprise, after a short break, there was another 40-minute bladder battle.

Uzi, who was in great form, became a hero, and the super god Kai'Sa, who scored 10/1/5 data, was awarded the MVP. Xiao Ming can be said to be the second hero. Tahm's strong protection of Kai'Sa made Uzi hit IG repeatedly. After escaping and sacrificing himself to protect Uzi, many RNG fans were very moved and said that they had Crocodile in their eyes.

1:1 The two sides decisively battled Tianwang Mountain.

In the next third and fourth games, RNG grabbed the match point first, but was pulled to 2:2 by IG.

In the two games, the two sides alternately take the lead. There will always be shocking things happening, and the situation is like a roller coaster.

Broiler, Shy Man, Uzi, Big Tiger God and others all operated and contributed to waves of exciting battles.

This is very different from previous games. Both teams can find opportunities to come back against the odds. It seems that you don't know who is the winner until the last second.

The average length of games has reached forty minutes.

In version 8.19, this is the first time this has happened.

The players on both sides of the bench all had their cheeks stretched and expressions serious.

After four high-intensity battles, I wanted to relax mentally, but no one dared to relax.

The teams in the LCK division are feeling numb because both RNG and IG look terrible at the moment.

If this season's LCK team faces these two teams in BO5, I am afraid that except for KT, no other team will have a chance of winning.

It is true that two tigers are fighting against each other.

What is even more unacceptable is that two such powerful teams have been suppressed in the LPL.

Can you believe this?

But Snake didn't lose a single game in the Summer Split.

Xiba, this Snake is really cruel, Smecta!

And this LPL competition area is also an eye-opener for the audience.

Before the life-and-death battle between IG and RNG began, the baby in the LPL commentary box said:

"This round of semi-finals reminds me of a previous series. You may not forget the semi-final battle between SKT and the Tigers at S6 Madison Square Garden."

"Two top teams met in the semifinals, leaving behind a classic BO5!"

"The current IG matchup against RNG is like SKT vs RoxTigers back then."

Wawa proudly said: "I think everyone would have never imagined at that time that in two years after S6, our LPL team would reach this level."

"The pinnacle battle of the World Championship has been moved to the LPL!"

Wang Duoduo said excitedly: "The matchup between SKT and the Tigers is extremely classic, but in that semi-final, Snake was still in the right half, and then entered the Staples Arena with a sweep of Samsung!"

"Samsung was swept by Snake. I was really dumbfounded at that time."

"I still remember Brother Hao's crazy performance at the Madison venue."

"Hahaha, are you hinting at something?"

Qi Huan's eyes lit up and he said: "This year RNG and IG will also have their peak battle. They will also play five games. If we follow the script, will Snake sweep KT?"

"If Snake can win the dynasty trophy in the future, I think the past three years have really gone through a cycle!"

Wang Duoduo meant exactly this. He was excited all over:

"We are witnessing an era!"

"S6 is a song of ice and fire, S7's legend will never be extinguished, S8 reaches its peak!"

“Looking now at Riot’s establishment of this wave of themes, it’s really quite appropriate.”

As the pinnacle Haochui, it is not yet Snake's game, and the final result has not yet appeared, so Wang Duoduo's words are relatively vague.

In his opinion, these themes seem to be able to be located on Li Hao, explaining these incredible three years.

A great alliance dynasty is being born!

Soon, they stopped discussing this topic and returned to the game between RNG and IG.

The fifth game, a life and death battle!

In the group stage, IG lost two games in a row to FNC. The most exquisite move of this FNC teacher was to target the bottom lane.

Now, the FNC teacher’s unique skills are being used by IG, and they are even better than their masters.

This is IG's change of tactics. In the previous four games, they also targeted the bottom lane, but not so decisively.

For IG, this is full of risks. After investing resources, if the bottom lane is unsuccessful, there will be a backlash.

The result was undoubtedly failure.

However, this IG always has one feature, that is, it dares to fight and fight hard.

Risks and opportunities coexist, IG showed a tough style in the battle of life and death!

IG fans also deepened their impression of the ID "Ning". Ning Wang, who was in a scissor-kick state, played a highlight battle in S8!

In the process of jointly capturing Rookie, King Ning's Qinggang Shadow successfully drove to Uzi several times! It was his several decisive moves that seized the fleeting opportunity that made RNG extremely uncomfortable.

Although RNG continued to supplement Uzi's development and Xiangguo also gave up resources, this little fat guy still experienced the worst development game in BO5.

In the middle of the game, RNG became increasingly difficult.

Resources and defense towers are constantly being lost, and the economy is getting bigger and bigger.

IG's multi-cores have developed, and there are more and more difficult points to deal with. This is very close to Snake in the mid-term. An Uzi that has not fully developed can no longer support the building that is about to collapse.

The game reached 28 minutes. After IG used the Baron Buff to break through the RNG high ground, IG did not choose to stabilize the wave. They used the last moment of the Baron Buff to directly besiege the RNG incisor tower!

The incisor tower was worn away, and RNG had no way to retreat. It could only take over the team with scattered positions to protect Athena!

At 29 minutes and 14 seconds, there was a burst of applause at the game. The IG uniform team backstage jumped three feet high, and the commentators from all major competition areas were congratulating IG.

Broiler was as happy as a child, rubbing the Shiba Inu's head under Ah Shui's disgusted look.

The sword shattered Gwangju

In the RNG player seat, the 200-pound Vayne held her head with both hands, feeling very lonely.

This time, his dream still has not come true.

I have to say goodbye to the World Championship again.

For dog fans, they felt sad for the puppy when they saw such a scene.

This is a classic BO5 round that will be mentioned in the future. It is comparable to the battle between SKT and the Tigers. They both took place in the semi-finals of the S game. They took place under the dazzling spotlight of the league and attracted the attention of the world. Many league players were shocked and recognized by thousands of fans.

However, this does not prevent the final result from being still sad for RNG.

A carnival and a sad song.

RNG was eliminated, and like many previous teams, fell on the road to "reaching the top".

"The future is promising, the broken sword is recast, and the S9 is far away." I can only use these words to comfort my empty heart.

"IG wins."

"Yeah, they won."

"In the last game, IG was really decisive."

"Teacher FNC teaches good students."


Backstage at Snake, communication continued.

Lin Weixiang said half-jokingly: "IG has been so strong since being brought out by Teacher FNC, so wouldn't KT be even more exaggerated? Teacher FNC led them for five games and even killed himself."

"Fuck, it's really quite evil."

"IG and RNG played very well. They were completely different from the training matches. These old guys are really good at hiding coins."

"You should be careful. These people are looking at the bottom lane to cause trouble. Score kicked Ou Cheng several times. Don't follow in his footsteps."


At the end of the chat, Snake and everyone suddenly became excited again.

Even Li Hao said excitedly:

"Next game, it's our turn."

"Yeah, it's our turn!"

PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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