LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 406 A wake-up call for LCK!

On the afternoon of October 28, the Universiade Gymnasium of Gwangju Women’s University was filled with people.

At close to 4 o'clock, Snake and KT players were already standing on the stage. Behind them was a blue halo. Three sculptures holding magic balls flashed alternately. The lights on the scene were relatively dim, setting off the light effects on the stage. .

However, as the voice of the Roaring Emperor sounded, the audience could be seen raising the luminous support sticks in their hands and constantly shouting cheers.

Every time Roaring Emperor reads the players' IDs, a response will be given on the spot.

Smeb, Score, Ucal, Deft, Mata

A lot of Korean fans came to the Universiade venue, and some were waving Tai Chi diagrams below.

This KT is their last hope in S8.

It can be said that the vast majority of Korean League viewers have their eyes fixed on this stage.

If you look carefully, you can see that Deft's face bulged slightly, and then he took a long breath.

Yangtuo and others understand very well what public opinion is from the outside world and what expectations the Korean audience has.

If they continue to think about this, even they will become nervous.

All KT players know that if they lose the game, Snake will face IG in Incheon.

By then, the LPL civil war on South Korea's doorstep will probably drive some irrational Bangzi fans crazy. As the summer champions, KT will definitely be the one who gets the most hate.

However, after experiencing a thrilling battle with FNC, KT has also grown.

In this game, Yangtuo and others also have the belief to defeat Snake.

The Roaring Emperor kept reading Snake's player IDs, from coaches and substitutes to players in various positions.

When a huge scream sounded from the scene, the KT players who were deep in thought were awakened.

Roaring Emperor did not treat Snake any differently because it was an LPL team. After introducing Karsa, Quan Yongquan raised the microphone and shouted loudly like a mouthful of pickles:



LPL fans in the Universiade stadium cheered vigorously, and some people beat the drums, which was much louder than KT's just now.

There are also a group of European and American fans in the central auditorium, including several blond girls, foreign guys with short hair and airplane haircuts, a man wearing a Teemo hat, a young man dressed as Cosplayer Yasuo, and a few black guys. There were about a hundred European and American sightseeing groups. When the Roaring Emperor called out the ID "The King", the group stood up from their chairs. They shouted loudly, applauded, and motioned to the surrounding spectators to applaud too. They are all social cattle.

Li Hao's influence in the league field is not what it used to be, and he has long been out of the LPL circle.

Those foreigners who watch highlights on Twitch have been watching them for almost three years. Whether it is wild card regions like Brazil, Vietnam, CIS, or LCS European and American regions, they have accumulated a large number of fans and influenced a new generation of fans. League rookie.

If you look carefully, you will see that among these cheering people there are many wild card players.

Sitting in the auditorium of the semifinals today, it seems a bit like a pilgrimage.

Some extreme stick lickers didn't want to cheer at first, but the Korean girl next to them shouted louder than anyone else. That "Oppa" sound really made the stick lickers feel sour in their hearts, but they also cheered along, as if they were also loyal. Haofen, I still have this basic level of dog-licking skills.

On the stage, Li Hao felt the movement on the scene, and he was slightly surprised.

Unknowingly, have you conquered the LCK as well?

After Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong were named one by one, Snake and KT players entered the players' seats and took their seats.

If it were the finals, the opening ceremony would be even grander.

During the brief time of debugging the equipment, the comment area of ​​the LCK broadcast forum has been warmed up and is now full of lively chat.

Some sticks made dissatisfied sounds:

"Why is the outside world's evaluation of KT so low? Has the summer champion of LCK been ignored to this extent? TheKing has Fmvp, doesn't Mata count as Fmvp? Mata is still the smartest brain of Samsung, and Deft is in such good shape , but the combination of Mata and Deft, Snake, is easy to deal with. What’s strange is that KT’s support rate is less than 50%! You must underestimate KT!”

The more sensible Bangzi commented:

"The support rate is useless. I am more worried about Ucal. He is under the greatest pressure in this semi-final. He must withstand that difficult guy The King. Although the opponent is a senior, Ucal should also play in the LCK. The courage and wisdom of the new generation come out! Score must take on the responsibility of the old captain and help Ucal. The King is a very exaggerated opponent, and KT must be adequately prepared. This semi-final level is definitely the best in all previous S games. It’s a difficult level, and once you get past it, the world will be brighter! Come on KT!”

There are also viewers who have watched the game since Season 6, and they have different concepts from traditional LCK fans:

"Please wake up, KT has no chance of winning at all. No one can stop Snake this year, and no one can stop TheKing! His performance has already told everyone that this dynasty will definitely be established. S8 is already their stage, LCK will take advantage of it as soon as possible Prepare for S9. Instead of worrying about KT, let’s appreciate the legendary mark left by the strongest player in LOL when the league’s first dynasty was born. We will never see such a game again.”

There are also some old LCK fans who came from S3, and they are also a powerful force in the LCK discussion group.

These old-fashioned sects clung to the glory of the past and refused to accept the status quo, so they prayed:

"KT will win! I believe in them!"

"Yes, KT has risen from the ashes in the quarter-finals. FNC is their solid stepping stone. This team, full of changes in the era of OGN and LCK, is the savior of LCK! They will definitely crush Snake! What is the peak of Wolfberry Brother , we are not afraid! KT can crush them!"

"KT, let's rebuild the glory of LCK!"

The LCK forum was extremely lively, and a large number of fans poured in to discuss it. This was almost a microcosm of the entire LCK league. Even those LCK teams that had competed with KT were silently supporting KT at this time, hoping that they could defeat Snake.

If Snake's unbeaten record is allowed to continue, I'm afraid more and more people will become desperate because they don't know how to defeat such a team.

The days dominated by evil dragons are gloomy, and now there is an urgent need for a dragon slayer to appear!

Not only in the LCK division, other divisions are also paying attention.

Riot headquarters in Los Angeles is also paying close attention to this round of competition.

During the 2016 S Championship, the LPL was in a difficult situation. Only Snake's team fought out from the chaos. At that time, everyone at Riot also supported Snake very much and regarded them as the heroes who broke the game.

LPL won its first S-match trophy, which satisfied Riot's balance and allowed LOL to operate on a relatively healthy track.

When Snake won his first S-game championship, champagne was opened at Riot headquarters.

But they never imagined that Snake would become like this today.

"Will they lose?"

"What do you think?"

After Tryndamere finished speaking, Ryze asked a question.

The two bosses hope that something unexpected will happen today, but they don't have that much confidence in KT.

They frowned, and the whole office felt depressed.

"Chunli, what do you think?"

"Boss, what do you want to ask? About this semi-final round? Comments on The King? Or a later version?"

Ruiz crossed his arms: "I'll listen to everything."

Chunli pulled the chair closer and held up a stack of information:

"In this round of semi-finals, I am more optimistic about Snake. KT's winning rate is less than 40%."

Chunli was categorical and spoke without hesitation.

Ryze and Tryndamere shook their heads helplessly, and then heard Chunli say:

"KT's bottom lane tactics don't fit the meta. Snake, who is stronger on paper, is more in line with the meta."

From this perspective, Chunli is very professional.

He added: "Including the finals, I am also optimistic about Snake."

"As for The King, there is only one word to describe it: miracle."

"There is no shortage of talents in the league, and there are many people who can perform like The King in a short period of time. But his strength is his stability, and he can even do it for three years. I guess this has something to do with his special career."

"Ma Run is a good example. He was not young when he was in S5, and he was able to steal Fmvp from Faker. TheKing is the type that lasts longer than Ma Run. This 2018 season, I predict it will be his peak. .”

"However, this is not a bad thing for the alliance. On the contrary, it can expand the influence of the alliance, because The King is a high-quality idol, and even I am a fan of his in private."

Chun Li smiled evilly: "Designers should take a look at TheKing's operation collection, so that they can see which heroes should be greatly reduced in the next version."

Ruiz took over the conversation: "I agree with what you said."

"It is a good thing for Snake to establish a dynasty. It is even better to continue chasing without establishing a dynasty. Just like SKT, it has always been a topic of discussion. I can accept these results."

"What I'm afraid of is that with Snake's current state, even S9 may not be able to find an opponent that can match them."

"If Snake continues to win the championship, other regions will be greatly affected and many people will lose their patience. This will not be conducive to our wider global layout."

Tryndamere also nodded: "If the game loses its suspense, it will be much less interesting. An invincible team can exist occasionally, but should not exist all the time. The alliance's resources should be allocated more reasonably."


Chunli sneered: "So, we will discuss the later version."

"After the game on November 3, S8 will have its finale, but the league will definitely not have its finale."

"Based on the final competition results, we can convene all the top designers for a week of discussions to set the tone for S9."

"I'm glad to see you are so confident." Both bosses smiled.

Chunli said excitedly: "What is the most powerful weapon? It must be Patch."

"Haha, yes, it's a patch."

"Let's enjoy the game together."

The three of them were discussing in a gloomy manner, but no one could see that Irelia was shivering, and the delicate swordswoman felt aggrieved and helpless.

If Irelia could time travel to Riot headquarters, Chun-Li would be a corpse now.

At the Universiade Gymnasium of Gwangju Women's University, after the BPs of both sides, the first game of the semifinals has begun.

Snake, who got the priority to choose sides, chose the blue side and KT the red side.

Snake: Sword Demon, Green Steel Shadow, Ice Girl, Xiao Pao, Shen

KT: Urgot, Blind Sin, Galio, Kai'Sa, Tauren

In the first game, both sides had hidden weaknesses. Snake also came up with a version lineup. The appearance rate of mid laner Ice Girl ranked first in the version, and Ucal's Galio ranked second in appearance rate.

Backstage, the KT uniform team was a little nervous but also looking forward to it.

They were worried that Ucal would suffer in a single lane before, but with the current selection, Ice Girl is not very capable of killing in a single lane. As long as Galio has a good vision and brings a purge to avoid being forced to open a chain control, it will not be so easy to die.

After the equipment is developed, Galio only needs to act as a troublemaker in the team fight to open up the output space for Deft's Kai'Sa.

Ucal's task is obviously much simpler.

Some commentators did not understand Snake's true purpose, and it was unclear why they did not use their best tactics.

However, when the game ended peacefully at 4 minutes and 24 seconds, Snake's true purpose was instantly exposed.

On the big screen, Qinggangying came to the grass in the lower river, and then inserted the eye position through the partition wall.

With his health advantage, Li Hao cleared the line first at 3 minutes and 58 seconds.

Then, he left Galio's field of vision, and TP came to the bottom lane.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong, who were well prepared, directly pushed the line, while Kaisha and Niutou retreated.

Seeing Shen chasing forward, Mata realized something.

But before he could signal, a crampon cleverly used the wall to get stuck!

The ring of frost controlled the two people. This 1.1 second restraint time cost Deft his life. Shen moved forward, the taunting distance was enough!

E flashes to control Kai'Sa and ignites them together. The small cannon jumps up and performs E basic attack. When Qinggangying is sure that Kai'Sa will die, when the second E hook lock is flying, he hits Kai'Sa with W in the air and puts the hook The control effect of the lock hangs on the bull's head.

Kai'Sa was passively killed by the small artillery point, and Lin Weixiang got first blood.

Mata flashed and fled to the tower with remaining health, but Snake and four others jumped over the tower and easily killed the cow.

Mata's health bar was drained by the ice shards of the Ice Girl.

This wave of four packs of two seized the fleeting opportunity and was launched perfectly under Li Hao's mobilization. However, KT's reaction was slightly slower, allowing the bottom lane to become a breakthrough.

KT’s coach Wu Zongchang’s expression changed drastically backstage.

Snake has changed his tactics!

In previous games, most of them relied on a single line in the middle or the rhythm of the middle and jungle to determine the outcome. This is the first time that they have been caught unreasonably like this!

Coach Wu Zongchang thought that during this morning's training, they were still emphasizing and repeatedly studying Snake's midfield rhythm. Unexpectedly, they changed their formation in the first game. Deft and Mata were not mentally prepared at all.

Losing troops on the bottom lane, the cannon got first blood, and it was a big trouble.

This version of the cannon is also a tower-pushing machine when developed.

After the 4-minute wave, Snake had a huge advantage in the bottom lane.

Li Hao returned to the middle and lost three minions, but he gained one kill and was still ahead of Ucal in development.

Snake's rhythm has just begun.

At 5 minutes and 23 seconds, Score caught a wave on the road, and Flandre was flashed.

As for Casa's Qinggang Shadow, he used his own flash in the middle to cooperate with Li Hao to forcefully beat Galio to a disability.

Ucal was forced to go home, and Score went to the middle to take the line.

Qinggangying followed his next plan to clear the river crabs on the lower road, and cleared out the real eye in the middle of the river. Li Hao upgraded to level 6, and stepped on the acceleration circle of the river to go straight to the bottom road.

All of Snake's actions are extremely coherent and completely planned.

The KT uniform staff was uneasy, it was clear that they were being plotted against!

The Frost Witch strikes again!

On the big screen, Frozen Tomb froze Deft in the bottom lane, Qinggang Shadow Cannon followed up, and Kai'Sa was killed again!

The bull head that did not flash was also chased to death.

The LPL audience let out excited cheers, KT's bottom lane collapsed!

Snake changed his tactics and caught the opponent off guard under KT's inertial thinking.

In the hotel, RNG players are also watching the game.

Watching the game continue, Uzi's eyes grew wider and wider, feeling inexplicably familiar.

Xiaohu also reacted:

"Damn it, isn't this the tactic used to defeat us in the summer split?"

"Crazy for Jane Pride!"

"Now crazy military training Deft!"

Xiao Ming chuckled: "0/5, Mr. Dai is probably stupid."

"Didn't KT say they are ready? This is much worse than what we were back then."

Although RNG was eliminated, Uzi didn't know why. Seeing the miserable appearance of the alpaca, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

In 18 minutes, KT's bottom lane was broken.

Deft's record came to 0/6.

Heart sneered: "Snake is indeed treacherous."

"Before the semifinals, they had been talking about using mid-field tactics, and now they are training the bottom lane at the beginning."

"KT was fooled."

General Hu is a veteran: "Especially Li Hao, just listen to what he says."

"Don't watch it, KT should remember it, this game is gone."

The Great Tiger God sighed with emotion.

Why do you say that?

Because on the big screen, after most of Score's health was blocked by the ice girl, Lissandra used AQW and then used her crampons, and the blind monk was killed instantly!

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene!

The 18th floor of the murder book.

The ice girl can kill people in seconds, how many times can she play!

The game lasted 22 minutes and 01 seconds, and many Korean spectators were stunned.

The KT uniforms backstage didn’t react either.

The KT Highland team was defeated, and the remaining four players from Snake ended the game in a wave!

In the first game of the semi-finals, Snake took the lead and launched a blitzkrieg!

PS: Good night, book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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