LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 407 The giant is just teasing you!

Those Korean viewers who supported KT said they couldn't accept it.

There was no anxious situation at all, KT lost too quickly!

It felt like there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides. KT couldn't keep up with Snake's rhythm throughout the game and was overwhelmed all the way. KT's core strength, the alpaca, ended up with terrible statistics of 2/8/3.

All members of Snake are evil, and Li Hao is the most evil one, leading everyone to launch waves of military training on the alpacas.

If it's a civil war, even if the pressure is great, the alpaca can still bear it. How can the alpaca stand this kind of world competition?

After a game, people began to believe the previous argument.

KT may be swept by Snake!

LCK forums are full of grief, and public opinion is bleak.

"What's going on with KT, Smecta! Our KT can't be so bad, right? Why doesn't it feel like a team on the same level as Snake?"

"How has Deft been targeted? Has anyone else provided reliable help? After Tam was banned, Mata's bull head is not reliable."

Someone criticized:

"Is that a problem between Mata and Deft? Shouldn't Ucal be discussed? As long as there is a little pressure on TheKing, Ice Girl will not be able to come to the bottom lane so easily. If Ucal brings teleportation, the pressure on the bottom lane will be much less, right? , Snake took advantage of this and played several waves. KT may have considered that Galio had the ultimate support and wanted to ensure the safety of the lane, but by the time he reached level 6, the bottom lane had collapsed."

"The opponent is Snake. To give him such a big opening is a completely irrational provocation."

Some people expressed frustration:

"Snake is very cunning. They thought of these strategies from the beginning when they grabbed the blue side. KT still followed the old way and their thinking became too slow. I hope it can change in the next game."

Some sticks made strange sounds in anger:

"The LCK summer championship is really amazing. It ended TheKing's consecutive super record with 22 minutes of game. Ice Girl only scored 7/1/6. This can be considered a great success for KT."

"Ucal is so timid. Although his statistics are better than Perkz's in the last round, he is more like a softie! Perkz's sword girl was killed, but at least he can face off against The King in an upright manner. So what about the three-minute God of War? The momentum is always there You didn’t lose.”

It can be found that the optimistic voices on the LCK side have suddenly become less optimistic.

They were once full of illusions about KT, but one game burst many bubbles.

Several Korean commentators in the commentary box were also helpless. Brother CT's originally neat hair now had a bunch of hair stuck up behind his forehead. He scratched it with his hands while watching the game just now.

Considering that the LCK audience was still watching the broadcast, several Korean commentators did not express their inner frustration too much. They sat upright, analyzed the previous game without a smile, put forward many countermeasures, and encouraged the LCK audience not to give up and continue. Cheers for KT.

There must be hope for this year’s LCK!

In the LPL commentary box, Guan Daxiao, Remember, and Rita all had bright faces.

I remember excitedly saying:

"I said before the game that Snake must have his own ideas when he came up with a strange lineup. The first lineup change was really beautiful!"

Rita always had a smile on her face: "KT was suppressed throughout the game, and Snake really crushed them with force."

"It's not just about being strong in terms of physical strength. KT suffered a loss at the beginning, but they still had a lot of time to hit their backhand later on."

"It's just that there is an obvious gap in the pace of competition between the two sides. Snake is always able to grab resources one step faster and quickly roll up the snowball. KT follows behind and eats the dust. Without reasonable command, they can't seize the opportunity to counterattack. This is more like The reason they lost the game.”

After analyzing it, Colonel Guan said:

"However, I guess they will change their tactics in the next game, and KT will definitely not make the same mistake again."

"KT, as the LCK summer champion, failed to fulfill their strength. They have the right to choose a side in the next game. If KT wants to beat Tianwangshan, they must come up with tactics to press the bottom of the box. Therefore, Snake must be more careful in the second game."

Looking at the serious look on Colonel Guan's face, I remembered that he and Rita couldn't help but look at each other.

Damn it, why did it suddenly feel like Snake was stable in the second game?

On the big screen, players from Snake and KT appeared again.

It can be found that the expressions on Snake's faces have not changed much, while everyone on KT's side has a straight face, and the faces of Mata and coach Wu Zongchang are even longer.

They were very unwilling to be plotted by Snake.

BP officially begins!

KT, who has the right to choose sides, actively chooses the blue side.

In the first three moves, KT defeated Lissandra, Ryze and Zoe.

There was a commotion.

KT's third ban is in the middle, so one can imagine their fear of The King.

These three heroes are either strong in lane, capable of supporting, or capable of driving and initiating the tempo. KT did not let Li Hao choose these heroes in order to protect the side lanes.

If it wasn't Ice Girl in the last game, Li Hao wouldn't be able to achieve the control effect of going around the back and over the wall at the beginning.

Wu Zongchang stood behind Mata, and the two kept talking.

They noticed that Snake killed Tahm Kench, Tau, and Kai'Sa.

Urgot and Sword Demon were all released.

"Should we take it or not?"

"If you get it, choose Sword Demon. It's easier to fight with a single belt than Urgot." This was Smeb's voice.

Coach Wu Zongchang hesitated, and Mata said: "We should grab AD."

"It's impossible for them to take away all Sword Demon and Urgot. If they do it like G2, we also have countermeasures. This is not a group stage."


Smeb heard this and selected Xia on the first floor.

Deft has played Xayah in five games in the summer split, with a 100% win rate. He got this hero, and in addition to guaranteed output, it will not be so easy for Snake to target him.

"They don't rob, and we don't rob either."

Chris said: "The NOC is outside, Xuanjun locks it down first."


"One more entry is required."

Li Hao suggested: "Choose carefully."

"Qingsong's Shen in the last game is crucial. He is in good condition and can continue to win."

"I have no problem." Liu Qingsong responded immediately.

Snake chose Nightmare + Shen on the first and second floors.

KT moved quickly, locking Sword Demon + Luo on the second and third floors.

Coach Wu is very satisfied with the current BP progress. Smeb got Sword Demon, and the bottom lane is a stable Xia Luo combination. Even on the blue side, this BP is smoother than his initial plan.

There was basically no suspense on the third floor of Snake, and he chose Wheel Mom.

The War Goddess currently ranks third in AD in terms of appearance rate. She is similar to Ice Girl and also suddenly emerged during the S game. Her current winning rate is 66.7%.

When Kai'Sa is defeated, Xayah becomes a T0 level AD. Against Xayah, Wheel Mom is a good choice.

In the last two moves, KT defeated Urgot and Sword Girl.

"Snake killed Swain and Galio!"

I remembered that my voice became louder: "There's something here, it's impossible for Ucal to mess with it."

"The only ones left with a high appearance rate are Enchantress and Syndra."

Rita said from the side: "Ucal can also choose Thain. Mid laner Thain has played 5 games so far, but he has an 80% winning rate."

"Not too possible."

"Ucal chose Thain. The team lacked AP damage. Moreover, it was too much of a gamble to choose Thain in the face of Brother Hao. This game will directly affect the direction of the semifinals. KT dare not do this."

Colonel Guan’s analysis was very reasonable. I remember saying:

"I have a hunch that Snake's fourth floor is most likely to be Enchantress, taking the offensive initiative."

"They're going to target the middle."


"It is indeed the Enchantress!" Rita exclaimed, and the hero on Snake's fourth floor locked on the big screen in the blink of an eye.

"In the last game, Ice Girl, this game Enchantress, Brother Hao is going to increase the strength of Ucal."

Colonel Guan added: "There is also Akali that you can choose, but Ucal's hero pool is a big problem. He has no record of using Akali throughout the summer split."

"Except for Syndra, it's hard to choose anyone else. Lulu is good online, but this lineup is useless. According to the 8.19 version, Syndra's priority is slightly higher than that of Enchantress. Ucal came up with the version The only question the hero needs to think about is whether he is ready for a head-on collision with Brother Hao."

"Yu Hyun?"

Wu Zongchang came to Ucal and shouted. He didn't say much nonsense, because the chicken soup that was supposed to be given was already given to him backstage.


The 17-year-old Korean teenager nodded and stared at the enchantress's avatar on the screen.

He was a little nervous and full of expectations.

Galio's performance in the last game was a tactic arranged by the coaching staff, not what he wanted to win.

When Ucal stepped into the Universiade Stadium for the first time, he couldn't take his eyes away when he saw Li Hao.

Ever since Ucal started playing professionally, I have been hearing about Li Hao’s legendary story.

He also understands that it is this man who dominates the league today and defeats the powerful LCK teams every year.

In the 2018 Asian Competition, KT was the only LCK team to retire with a clean victory. At that time, KZ was in the front and Ucal missed the opportunity to face off against Li Hao.

He was always sorry.

Growing up listening to the legend's stories, and then fighting against the legend, this was the script he wanted.

If he defeats the legend, then Ucal can prove that he is enough to become a new legend, the glorious recaster of the LCK, and the person the LCK has been waiting for!

In the last game, Galio and Ice Girl did not collide directly, and Ucal was very unhappy.

Now, the opportunity is right in front of you!

On the fourth floor of KT, Syndra was selected.

Ucal feels that his energy is endless!

He straightened his back and sat upright.

Coach Wu sees all this in his eyes. He has been through it and knows exactly what Ucal is thinking.

On the fifth floor, KT selected Skarner.

The old captain Score also showed off his sting.

For the Counter position on the fifth floor, Snake did not choose heroes such as Ornn or Thain, but instead chose heroes.

As you can imagine, as soon as Wheel Mom's ultimate move was launched, almost all Snake's team rushed into the battle, and there was murderous intent everywhere.

If KT does not do his backhand well, he may be directly torn.

The heroes switch positions and the lineups of both sides are locked.

KT: Sword Demon, Scorpion, Syndra, Xayah, Luo

Snake: Centaur, Nocturne, Enchantress, Wheel Mother, Shen

When the commentators in each major competition area were analyzing the lineups of both sides, Chris and Wu Zongchang shook hands again.

There were two screens on the big screen, and the opposing players of the two teams appeared on both sides of the screen.

When the camera was shown to the middle, Ucal seemed more excited and kept rubbing his hands in front of the screen. Li Hao's expression was calm as usual, with no emotional changes visible.

Such a calm face like a windless lake should have been peaceful, but it made many LCK viewers feel depressed.

Soon, the game entered the loading interface.

The mid laners on both sides have exactly the same way of bringing it in, including Corruption Potion, Flash + Electrocution, and minion remover.

Level 1 was very peaceful, everyone just made each other's river defensive wards.

From a God's perspective, the top laner helps the jungler open up the top half.

After the three lanes of minions came online, the situation on the line was very clear.

On the lower route, Snake’s wheel majiashen is a pressure-resistant road.

Flandre's men went out with Ignite and Corruption Potion. After setting Q to a short CD at level 1, they chased Smeb and slashed wildly. They quickly pushed the troops under the KT tower on the road.

Enchantress and Syndra in the middle exchanged blood, but neither took any advantage.

Ucal saw that he successfully hit the enchantress with his Q, and was very satisfied with the current state.

After the strong Xialuo pushed the army line under the Snake tower, Deft and Mata entered the river in the lower half and teamed up to eat the river crabs in the lower half.

Score also followed suit and collected river crabs early.

Mata, KT's most powerful brain, calculated the time correctly and took advantage of the lower route. He entered Snake's blue zone alone at 2 minutes and 33 seconds. He inserted the ornament eye through the wall between the Demon Swamp Frog and Buff, just in time to capture the scene that had just been defeated. Nocturne with blue buff.

Kasa's actions were clearly seen by KT.

With this current situation, both KT's uniform team and LCK fans have stabilized their originally restless moods.

On the scene, KT is obviously taking the initiative!

At 2 minutes and 43 seconds, the camera turned towards the center.

At this moment, both the KT uniform team and LCK fans looked shocked and surprised.

Level 2 Syndra has 451 drops of blood left, and the health bar has only dropped a small space. Looking at the Enchantress, she is currently standing about 1100 yards away from Syndra, and there is a dark orb next to her. This is obviously Syndra used her E skill to push over.

Just now, Ucal took advantage of the Enchantress' last strike, and Ucal's quick eyesight and quick hands hit him with an electric shock!

You know, this is facing off against The King!

At this time, the Enchantress is barely at half health, and her mana is less than half due to pushing the lane. This state is obviously not as good as Ucal's.

In other words, Ucal has the advantage in the head-to-head competition with The King!

The gorgeous movements, super reactions, and machine-like indiscriminate operation have no effect at this time.

The 17-year-old youngster seems to be shaking a giant!

The entire LCK broadcast platform was surprised. They really didn't expect this scene.

"Is this Ucal's true strength?!"

"Wow, wow, I'm so touched, come on Ucal, we will always support you!"

"I've said it before, Ucal is extremely talented and is not afraid of The King at all. I don't know what KT is trying to do in the first game!"

"Hold on Ucal! Defeat him and you can become a god!"

Korean Bangzi has been suppressed for too long, and someone shouted excitedly:

"What is the strongest laning strength!"

"Ucal, come on! This old guy The King is no longer good! He can be defeated, he can be defeated!"


Many LCK viewers are well prepared. Judging from the current blood volume, when Ucal reaches level 3, as long as he hits the Enchantress in one wave and then ignites it, he will definitely be able to kill alone!

TheKing has dominated the league for so many seasons and has never been single-killed. This is an absolute honor that can make ordinary players famous in one battle!

If we could really see it, today's LCK would be in a state of excitement and madness.

Everyone was staring at the center, ready to let out the wildest, most violent cheers.

The LPL audience was in disbelief and couldn't figure out the situation in the middle.

Could it be that Ucal becomes stronger when it encounters the strong and really wants to push the giant?

At the Snake player's table, Li Hao's eyes glanced at Syndra from the center line.

At present, Syndra, who has 8 last hits, is taking the first layer of corruption potion, and will be able to return to a state of close to full health. Currently, the artillery soldier is online. After Li Hao A dropped a blue melee soldier, he appeared With the words "Level UP" on it, he reached level 3 first.

The blue side has one artillery soldier and 2 long-range minions left, and the red side has 5 minions in addition to the artillery soldiers.

Li Hao's health and blue levels are very poor no matter how you look at them.

However, he did not take drugs in the first place.

The last hit just now was consumed by Syndra, which was also expected by him.

Young players often do not lack motivation.

This also makes them more susceptible to temptation.

He controlled the Enchantress to move forward. Syndra's E skill had a CD of 18 seconds. Li Hao concluded that Ucal would not be able to use this skill in the next wave.

Seeing Syndrap attack the melee minion with low health, Li Hao clicked on the corruption potion.

When Ucal saw Enchantress moving forward, he was already a few CS behind, but since he was completely ahead of Enchantress, he naturally didn't want to give in, and even had thoughts about Enchantress.

As expected by Ucal, when he was finishing the last hit, the enchantress with low health did not dare to come up and harass him.

After receiving this last hit, Ucal saw the moment when Enchantress raised her hand A soldier, and a dark magic ball Q came out.

This Q can not only affect the Enchantress, but also another melee soldier with residual health.

The minion was killed, Syndra was promoted to level 3, and her health was almost full.

However, the moment the Enchantress cast her Q, a shadowy figure stepped out!

Li Hao was not afraid at all and dodged this Q. In a short period of time, Syndra only dealt one W damage in addition to basic attacks.

On the big screen for all to see.

The Shadow Shadow stepped on Syndra's face, and the Malicious Seal (Q) and chains hung on her body.

At such a close distance, Syndra could not escape except by dodging.

But how could Ucal give in now!

The second stage of Q's damage burst, ignited, and an electric light fell from the sky. With a set of damage, Syndra was beaten to only 273 health points!

In the chaotic magic light effect, Ucal put the ignition on Enchantress with his backhand, tied A and hit the W skill.

Li Hao could hide with the second stage W, but he stayed motionless and stayed close to Ucal!

The enchantress was thrown out of the mirror, but the chain in her hand was still tied to Syndra.


The second E damage burst, Syndra was imprisoned, and Enchantress followed up with a basic attack. Under the continuous burning of Ignition, Syndra only had 102 drops of blood left!

There was a burst of screams at the scene and in the commentator's seat, and Ucal's color changed in the player's seat!

In the team voice, the old captain Score shouted and flashed!

However, Syndra was imprisoned and could not escape at all.

The clone of Enchantress walked into the defense tower, and Li Hao, who had no mana, continued to attack Ucal.

At the desperate moment, Ucal backhand tied A and released the last Q skill!

A powerful reaction broke out again!

The moment Li Hao threw the next basic attack, he twisted around and got the ball out of the way!

"First Blood!"

A system prompt sounded in Summoner's Rift, and Syndra in front of the tower turned into a cold corpse!

The crippled enchantress was not burned to death, and calmly returned to the military line.

"Killed by sheets!"

"Ucal is dead!"


Wearing headphones, Ucal could hear the boiling sound of the Universiade Stadium.

At that moment, the young players of LCK were instantly lost.

PS: Good night, book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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