
There was an explosion backstage at KT. Coach Wu Zongchang was angry and heartbroken, and slapped the table in front of him.

"What is Ucal doing? What is he thinking!"

"In less than 3 minutes, give The King first blood?!"

The whole lounge was filled with his roar, but no one answered him.

Because before this solo kill broke out, they did not expect that Ucal would be the one to be killed in the end. In the situation just now, no matter how you look at it, TheKing should be the one to be killed.

The KT uniform staff, like the LCK audience, are looking forward to the moment when Ucal becomes famous.

Unexpectedly, his highlight in front of the camera did not last more than 10 seconds.

In the Universiade Stadium, LPL fans and those Hao fans cheered. They were sweating just now, while the LCK audience, like Ucal himself, were all confused.

The director cuts out the playback.

Through slow playback, the audience can see clearly what just happened.

Enchantress used W to avoid Syndra's first Q, and then used all her skills on Syndra. In the final stage, she moved to avoid the second Q. In addition to basic attacks, Ucal only used W and W in this wave. The damage caused by Ignite, Electrocution and E did not improve.

Ucal does not have the Dolan Ring, but uses the Corruption Potion. The level 3 Enchantress's full skill damage plus basic attack is enough to empty Ucal's health bar.

Therefore, the half-blood Enchantress killed Syndra at level 3.

Many people are surprised, because from the perspective of hindsight, every movement and position of the Enchantress has a purpose!

Even, it was predicted that Syndra would use Q soldiers + Q people to increase the level to three at once.

This can't help but make people think of it.

Could it be that Syndra's short-lived laning advantage was actually sold to him by the Enchantress on purpose? !

"That's right!"

"I can swear that The King did it on purpose!"

Coster, the top player in Europe, spread his hands in the commentary box with a look of arrogance on his face that sees everything through.

“It’s the little details that prove it.”

He continued:

"After eating Syndra's set of damage, the Enchantress with half health left did not take drugs immediately. Under normal circumstances, the players would take a layer of corruption potion. The King did not do this. He was getting closer. She only took drugs after Syndra."

Ball and Charles on the side raised their eyebrows. After Coster picked out this strange detail, everything fell into place!

"This is obviously The King's plan. He stopped taking drugs in the first place just to confuse Ucal. Facing a half-blood enchantress, Ucal became more reckless and acted more boldly than before. As a prey, he was even confused enough to want to attack Kill the skilled hunter. When he takes the initiative, the hunter begins to close the net."

"I'm not surprised at all that Ucal was killed alone. Ucal's little experience is too immature in front of The King's damage calculation, which is like a super computer."

"A rookie is always a rookie. The King knows what he is thinking and then controls his thoughts at will. When Ucal controlled Syndra to move forward, I felt that he was more like a puppet."


Coster opened his mouth and burst out all kinds of exaggerated words. Li Hao had become a puppet master on the field, and Ucal's hands pressing the keyboard seemed to be tied with puppet threads.

But what's terrible is that when the audience watching the European broadcast heard it.

Farke! It turns out to be very reasonable!

Even Ball and Charles kept nodding. Coster said it was magical but true. Ucal was designed by The King.

The game screen returned to 2 minutes and 59 seconds. South Korea's local blue square cannon fired the last blow at the demon queen. Li Hao still had 74 blood points left.

Whenever he was hit by Syndra's Q just now, at least it was an exchange.

Listening to the excited shouts in the team's voice, Li Hao turned around with a Q to collect the artillery cart, and asked them to calm down.

After all the corruption potions were knocked down, Li Hao used his skills to quickly eliminate the fourth wave of minions that arrived at the line in 2 minutes and 58 seconds.

When he pushed a half-wave of minions from the red side into the tower, the newly resurrected Syndra came out of the spring, and Ucal lost blood.

Li Hao returned to the city and bought straw sandals, a murder ring, and a real eye, with a little money left on him.

Sindra only had enough money for a pair of straw sandals.

At 3 minutes and 54 seconds, Kasa caught the stone monster after swiping it.

At level 3, Smeb became stronger and Nocturne arrived. Flandre wanted to kick the Sword Demon back. When Smeb saw the black mist under his feet and was hit by Nocturne QE, he directly flashed to break the fear and avoid the two of them from controlling each other. .

The centaur kicked the sword demon, but Smeb did not fight back.

At 4 minutes and 9 seconds, Score approached the upper road around the grass from behind the previous tower.

At this time, the army line was close to the men and horses, and the scorpion was leaning against the grass on the upper road, and Flandre was not aware of it.

The corruption potion on her body has been consumed, and there are twice as many red soldiers on the line. Flandre is taking the damage of the sword demon and wants to kill the last three long-range soldiers.

This is what Score has been waiting for!

Scorpion flashed out of the grass and put a slowdown on the horse, and cooperated with the Sword Demon to output. Flandre died suddenly on the spot, and Score got her head.

The Korean audience, which had always been depressed, burst into unrestrained cheers. The KT uniform staff who had stood up backstage sat back on their chairs. Colonel KI adjusted the winning rate back to around 50%.

The head-to-head ratio is 1:1.

"I didn't flash, I was careless."

Flandre complained endlessly.

"It's not a flash relationship."

"You don't have blue, why are you using your skills on your face?"

"Brother Hao, it's enough for me to wait for another two seconds."

Li Hao looked at the wretched Ucal and said while finishing his blows: "Score won't be given to you for a second. He flashes and kills you. You must have seen it."

"He will cooperate with Sword Demon later and directly train you in the military."

Flandre thought of Deft in the last round and shouted:

"Damn it, I don't want to take the blame. I will never die next time."

The wise man who is resisting the pressure is having fun, "You will not die once, and you will become a god, right?"

Flando beeped a few more times, and Li Hao cut the screen to the road:

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and push the thread in."

"Sword Demon T will come back later and block the thread, so you can shut yourself up in the grass."

"do not!"

"Casa, good brother, come and see me more."

Kasa said: "No problem, wait until I reach level 6 first."

Flandre cut the screen and saw that the nightmare had not spawned at all, but was moving towards the lower half.

After the men and horses pushed the line, they immediately went to the river to insert eyes.

At 4 minutes and 52 seconds, Nightmare arrived near the triangle grass in the lower half, and the ornamental eye that KT had placed in the river had disappeared.

From God's perspective, KT has no vision.

Mata is indeed KT's super brain, and his words made the backstage staff feel at ease.

"He Kui, don't press forward."

"The first half of the Nightmare area has been cleared. He will definitely come to this line of troops after returning to the city."

Mata looked at the information he marked, frowned and said, "It's about this time."

"Have your eyes recovered?"


"Put it over to the triangle grass."

After the two communicated quickly, Deft followed suit.

Seeing Xia Luo's movements, Wheel Mom and Shen rushed forward.

This action was so obvious that Deft didn't stop looking at him and retreated directly to the tower.

Nocturne came out from the triangle grass, Q was on Xia, and Nightmare accelerated and pressed close, giving him silent fear from 425 yards away.

Mata didn't lift Nightmare because he had a shield.

He turned around and lifted up Shen, threw the shimmering flying feather, and went to Xia's side to heal him.

He had done his best, but Shen still moved closer.

Regardless of the fact that the distance is not enough now, as long as Nightmare Fear takes effect later, Shen moves for 1 second, and E Flash will be able to hit Xia.

Wheel Mom and Q, combined with the damage from Nightmare, will kill Kasumi.

Both Mata and Deft realized it. The glow on the screen flashed, and Snake gave up the pursuit. As the saying goes, no one will kill.

KT can accept it. If Mata hadn't warned him in advance, Snake would have gained the pursuit distance, and Deft might not have been able to escape even if he flashed.

The camera panned to the middle, at 5 minutes and 22 seconds, Li Hao was already at level 6.

Syndra only reached level 5 after eating two minions that entered the tower, falling behind by more than one level of experience.

Enchantress has 44 last hits, and Syndra only has 21. Although Ucal is now at full health, his development is still slowly being stretched.

At 5 minutes and 25 seconds, the artillery soldiers came to the tower. Casa glanced towards the middle and closed the river crab with great peace of mind.

If it were Syndra who was developing normally, he would have to pull up his pants right now to prevent the river's eyes from attacking the middle and jungle and catch him together, but now Syndra is a paper tiger and there is really nothing to be afraid of.

After eating the river crab, Kassa entered the scorpion wild area, stepped on the crystal spire, and planted an eye in the grass next to F6.

After clicking the divination flower, KT's stone monster area was illuminated, but there was still no shadow of Score.

Flandre immediately stepped back and inserted her eyes into the triangle grass to make sure that the scorpion had not circled around from the upper area to grab it.

Now that he is holding the E skill, he is not as unrestrained as before.

At 5 minutes and 47 seconds, the red soldier in the middle entered the tower. Li Hao chased into the tower with a W. Syndra kept retreating, and Ucal turned to the blue zone and disappeared from Li Hao's sight.

Almost at the same time, Li Hao's second section W returned to the tower.

In the shadows, the ball pushed by Syndra hit the spot where he was just now.

Under the director's lens, Scroe's scorpion is hiding behind the wall.

At the players' table, the old captain secretly said it was a pity.

If the Enchantress becomes murderous and chases forward, they can defeat the Enchantress's status and flash, and the pressure in the middle will be much less.

But the red area was searched by Mo Teng, and Scorpion was clearly not there, so Li Hao naturally wouldn't rush into the blue area with his eyes darkened.

Seeing the enchantress moving back and forth in the tower to deceive her position, Ucal, who had just finished using his E skill, was cautious and did not move his face forward at all.

Scorpion walked by behind him, and with a score of only level 5, there was nothing to scare Li Hao.

Syndra missed the artillery carriage, and the next wave of blue square soldiers also came to the tower.

"The pressure in the middle is very high. Syndra didn't take any of these last-hit shots. Ucal can only learn from experience."

Colonel Guan said:

"He is considered sane. Enchantress now has a complete set of skills that are enough to knock out most of his health."

"The speed of drug recovery is not as fast as that of Enchantress' skills. If he is disabled, he can only return to the city. Compared with last-ditch damage, Ucal's more important thing is to ensure that the level does not lag too far behind."

"Scorpion was just seen by Enchantress. Score lit up the crystal spire. Snake moved very quickly. The bottom duo are on the way. Nocturne is also heading towards KT's red zone."

The two sides met face to face without fighting.

Wheel Mother returned to the bottom lane, and Liu Qingsong came to Nocturne.

F6, which was refreshed at 6 minutes and 12 seconds, was overtaken by Casa, and Score did not compete.

At 6 minutes and 22 seconds, Mata came to the grass behind the red buff and raised his eyes. He saw Shen and Nocturne. After finding a position, he returned to the bottom lane. By putting pressure on the bottom lane with Xia, he forced Shen back to the lane and was wary of Liu Qingsong causing trouble in the middle lane.

However, when Deft didn't show up, KT didn't dare to be as strong as before.

The game situation has temporarily stabilized.

At 6 minutes and 45 seconds, the waves started again.

Syndra Q killed a minion, Enchantress took a step forward, and stepped directly on Syndra.

Ucal's backhand was weak and she retreated, pushing the enchantress in front of her unconscious. Syndra retreated back. The enchantress woke up from her dizziness. Li Hao R copied W, and Shadow Shadow stepped out again!

The back row of troops was cleared twice by Shadow Shadow, and there was no obstacle in front of Enchantress. AQ fired an electric shock, and Syndra moved forward and backward, but the chain flying out of Enchantress's hand still tied her accurately, and Ucal could only move forward. Moving behind the tower, Li Hao moved forward and took damage from the Q skill released by the defensive tower and Syndra's movement.

At the moment when the second stage E is triggered, R returns to the previous position.

Syndra was imprisoned on the spot, with 150 health points left!

The LCK audience was shocked. With that posture just now, they were worried that Ucal was going to die again.


"This damage is really high. Enchantress has no skills, otherwise Ucal will still die."

"The young man's reaction is still fast enough. If the first push is slower, he will die. The enchantress just stepped on it twice and cleared the long-range soldiers, just for the chain behind."

Rita said it directly:

"It's very uncomfortable. The artillery soldiers are on the line, and Syndra must return to the city. With such a large wave of soldiers, it feels almost like death."

"The Enchantress is at level 7, the highest level in the audience."

"Syndra goes home Mercury Shoes!"

"Ucal stands out as a clear mind."

In the barrage:

"Being clear-headed means following one's heart."

"I understand, then will the Central Asian Hourglass and Banshee Veil appear next?"

"General Tiger logged in from another place, right?"

"Your Majesty, please be inspired. Listen to your uncle, otherwise Brother Wolfberry will make money on you again."

The audience paused for a while, because the director adjusted the camera to the bottom lane, and Score drove the Predator from the river to gank, but Snake had a ward position. Although Luo raised Shen, Snake retreated quickly, and the subsequent control Unable to keep up, Liu Qingsong ran away with an E.

The very busy director put the camera on the road again. Flando knew that Scorpion was not there. He suddenly attacked after the sword demon handed over his skills, and used a big move to scare the sword demon in the face.

Lit it and hang it up, the men and horses chase and chop at the sword demon!

Smeb didn't fight, so he drove the destruction and fled down the tower.

Flandre was beaten to a pulp by the defense tower, and the control team retreated.

He accurately timed the Sword Demon's ultimate move, launched Destruction Charge, and then charged down the tower with his backhand.

The chopping sword glowed with green light, the sword demon was destroyed and disappeared, and Smeb was kicked to death.

But the last damage from the defense tower caught up and killed the men and horses beside the tower. The two sides exchanged 1 for 1. Flandre's right hand came away from the mouse, and her expression was slightly depressed.

Li Hao took a look at the top line of troops. Several minions on the red side were attacked by defense towers. Neither the Centaur nor the Sword Demon had TP. The next wave of troops must be close to Snake's side, which is a good thing for Flandre.

The head ratio of both sides came to 2:2.

At the moment, although Snake has a great advantage in the middle, Syndra is using defensive equipment. As long as she can hold on in the lane, the outcome is hard to say.

Both junglers already have big moves, and there will be a critical wave of rhythm next.

At 8 minutes and 15 seconds, Li Hao moved towards the river. His real eyes and ornament eyes were inserted into the red zone on the opposite side and the grass in the middle of the river respectively, and then he went to get the blue Buff marked by Casa.

Score gave the blue buff to Syndra.

After that, he went all the way to the jungle, preparing to look for opportunities in the bottom lane.

At 9 minutes and 7 seconds, the Snake duo came out of the spring. Mata swam towards the middle, with a scorpion following him.

Ucal, who has always been very wretched, suddenly became bold and took the lead in using E to push the enchantress unconscious. Naturally, his poor acting skills could not deceive Li Hao.

Score squatted for a few seconds. He couldn't find an opportunity and could only continue to brush the stone monsters.

Mata inserted the real eye into the grass behind the red buff, and the director gave her the real eye's field of vision. She could almost see Li Hao's eye position, but it was a pity that Mata couldn't see it.

Mata was about to go to the river to clear the True Eye, but Nocturne came over, and Luo only used the True Eye twice before hurriedly returning to the bottom lane.

Luo was safe, but Ucal misjudged his actions.

This caused Syndra's eye-piercing action at the entrance of the river at 9 minutes and 26 seconds to be caught by Li Hao's jewelry eye, and the KT uniform team backstage became nervous.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

The signal on the mini-map was activated wildly, and Enchantress and Nocturne immediately got close to her.

Kasa came to the Xiaolong Pit first.

After the enchantress came to the grass in the river, a thunderous sound appeared in Ucal's ears.


Everyone in KT was nervous, especially Ucal. His back felt cold, and among the ghosts, Nocturne and Enchantress were at right angles to kill him!

"Who was shot!"

"——Me!" Ucal's voice was panicked, and he hurriedly flashed through the F6 wall.

However, Nocturne and Enchantress follow Flash.

After the fear effect appeared, the two continued to output, and Syndra died from the damage caused by the explosion of Li Hao's second phantom chain.

Everyone in KT has nothing to do, Snake is going to make a big move, and if you catch this opportunity, you will die.

Enchantress returned to the middle to clear the line, and Score had to make up the line. This caused him to be delayed again, and the rhythm was delayed again and again.

At 9 minutes and 46 seconds, Li Hao's last hit count reached 94, while 0/2/0 Syndra only had 64 last hits.

Ten minutes, 30+ last hit difference, 2 kills, Ucal is basically at the end.

Ucal came out of the spring with an augmentation book, a blue crystal, and 2 true eyes.

This equipment has made many knowledgeable LCK fans despair.

Next, don't expect Ucal to do much damage in team fights.

KT's most important strengths in the early stage were Scorpion and Syndra, but now they have a broken leg.

We can't count on Smeb to lead alone in this game. Snake is cautious and has nightmares, and the Sword Demon can't be brought out.

In the next period of time, the pressure will come to Score. If the old captain cannot initiate a decent rhythm, KT will be very confused.

On the Enchantress' side, she also ate the minion that came online at 9 minutes and 58 seconds. When she pressed B to return to the city at 10 minutes and 07 seconds, it was exactly 101 knives.

When we got to the middle tower at 10 minutes and 28 seconds, the Enchantress had already made Luden.

Coupled with the 2 levels of the Killing Ring, Ucal gasped when he saw the Enchantress's equipment.

At 12 minutes and 3 seconds, Mata deliberately pulled near the bottom lane and the river.

The scorpion came from above the dragon pit.

After looking at the distance, Luo suddenly activated his ultimate move, and Score fired the Predator, but Wheel Mom opened the shield and escaped from Shen immediately after launching the ultimate move.

If Score can't catch up, we can only give up.

However, Mata's vision next to the dragon pit saw Nocturne squatting there. KT immediately seized this opportunity, and the two teamed up to force Nocturne away.

Kasa's Dark Asylum's shield blocked Grand Appearance, but the scorpion's unreasonable sting hit him, and Score grabbed Kasa's Asuka and dragged him in the direction.

The bottom lane team battle is about to break out!

"Wheel Mom and Shen came back to fight again. Xia Luo Triangle Grass was a beat slower, but Snake had more people! Nightmare still had 1/3 of its health, and Shen used his ultimate move!"

"The fight started on the bottom lane. The Sword Demon TPed to the grass in the river and cut off Snake's retreat. The men and horses TPed to the top of the Xiaolong Pit!"

"Feathers all over the sky! Deft's ultimate move, R reaches three people!"

"Nocturne is on fire and is going to die!"

"Deft flashes the basic attack and takes the kill!"

"Luo also has residual health. Wheel Mom Q reaches Xia Luo, the Sword Demon falls to the ground, and Snake is about to retreat from the front battlefield!"


The voices of Colonel Guan and Qi Yi were urgent, and he kept describing the situation on the field. Rita, who saw the kill prompt, suddenly interrupted:

"Sindra was killed by the Enchantress!"

"How did you die?!"

I remember that neither Guan Zeyuan nor Guan Zeyuan responded, and the men and horses were already coming from behind the triangle grass.

"Oh my God, Flandre R rushes into the crowd! This ultimate move scares everyone, and this kick knocks Luo to pieces! Deft heals her, Mata flashes and escapes, the men and horses are so fierce, ignite the trap to Deft, ignoring the scorpion on the side! Wheel Mom turned around, Shen E flashed and taunted the sword demon!"

"Snake fights back!"


In the center of the field, Flandre opened her W, controlling her men and horses to spin in the KT crowd like a stick, and her Q skill kept scratching her. Deft was still in a state of residual health, and his E skill improved, and he controlled Flandre with a barb.

Just as he was about to retreat, Da Canluo, who had retreated further behind, was directly killed by the half-healthy Enchantress!

"The Enchantress cuts her back and attacks! KT's wave is going to collapse!"

"Phantom Chain, W kick! Deft turned around and hit Q, ah~!! Everyone is gone!!"

"Oh my god, I can't bear the damage. I'll crush him to death!"

The sword demon was ignited by Li Hao, Smeb's blood could not be recovered, and the great destruction was consumed by Shen for a long time.

Score, whose health was still low, ran towards the dragon pit, trying to escape in a flash.

The old captain showed up last time to kill Flandre, and was vengefully punished by the Holy Spear.

This time, the men and horses who were driving the destruction charge pushed the scorpion back with an E.

The Sword Demon Q flashed, knocking Lin Weixiang away, and then the Death Sword Qi improved and killed Sivir.

Unfortunately, the effects of the Great Destruction have passed.

Li Hao's skills improved again, QE tied up the sword demon, and dealt a huge amount of damage that stunned Smeb!

On the other end, in a fight with remaining blood, the men and horses killed the scorpion.

Smeb wanted to kill Shen, but he had no skills now, so he was teased by Snake and the remaining three people in front of the dragon pit, and his head was taken away by the Enchantress.

After a wave of fighting, the enchantress got four false kills, and the murder ring was full!

In the pocket, there are thousands of dollars in an instant.

"It exploded! Brother Hao has four heads! The enchantress is so fat, what will KT do next!"

"5 for 2, KT loses blood!"

"Has the suspense ended in one wave?"

"By the way, how did Syndra die?"

I remember smiling and saying, "The enchantress came very late too, so we probably met on a narrow road."

The director played it back and the scene was very cruel.

Near the F6 wall.

The effects of Enchantress QRWE and Luden's electrocution appeared, but before Ucal died, he just instinctively launched an E skill.

Syndra, who relied solely on a pair of mercury shoes, was instantly killed by Enchantress, who was ahead in terms of equipment and level!

On the big screen, Syndra looked like she had a long health bar, but the Enchantress used a magic to instantly disappear the health bar.

Snake gained a big advantage and successfully took over the Rift Herald.

At 14 minutes and 43 seconds, Kasa once again used his ultimate move to the middle. Li Hao moved with two shadow shadows, and the remote QE triggered electrocution. In conjunction with Nocturne's damage, Syndra died suddenly again.

The first tower in the middle was pushed, Casa released the Canyon Herald, and then broke the second tower of KT in the middle.

This forced the other two lanes to return to defense, causing the top and bottom lanes to lose both towers.

The economy is backward and it is already close to 6,000 yuan.

On the KT player bench, the Korean youngster's eyes had lost the fighting spirit he had at the beginning.

If you see Kuuma, you will definitely feel familiar.

In the 17 finals, Bang had this look in his eyes when he was outplayed by Li Haoweien in the bottom lane. Later, he fell into meditation and couldn't extricate himself.

In this game, Snake's lineup is extremely impactful. Under normal circumstances, after Snake's big move, KT needs to return to the city to resupply, and then take advantage of the time when Snake has no big move to hit backhand.

But now the economy is too far behind to block Snake's impact, and KT's defense collapsed.

At the early 17th minute, Ucal felt like he was being taught a lesson.

Teacher Ritian gave him a vivid teaching lesson: "Black Day, My 2018 Semi-finals".

This is a scene destined to be remembered by Ucal.

The first time he came to such a big stage, he had such an unforgettable memory.

The warmth from the number one player in the league allowed Syndra to achieve an incredible record of 0/6/0.

However, it is obviously a record that is incredible, but when you consider that it was played against The King, you will feel that this record is out of the ordinary.

In the LPL barrage, some people have already called Ucal a "semi-finals reporter", some said he was "earned by Uncle Ritian", some affectionately respected him as the "U Emperor", some said Ucal had joined the party, and some said he was " The talented mid laner who was carried away”.

19 minutes and 56 seconds, even though Deft’s Kasumi has flying feathers all over the sky.

However, when Nightmare, Shen, Centaur, and Enchantress descend from the sky one after another, Deft's ultimate move is of no use.

The alpaca died suddenly under the second tower on the top road, and Snake opened the baron with a backhand.

Score didn't grab it because he didn't know where the enchantress was.

Within 4 minutes after the Baron was lost, KT was defeated on two high ground. When the next wave of super soldiers rushed to KT's high ground, many LCK viewers couldn't bear to watch, and rational viewers knew they couldn't hold on.

The game reached 26 minutes and 01 seconds, and the Korean division was in mourning.

KT was forced to take over the team on the high ground, and Snake hit an ACE with 1 for 5!

It is worth mentioning that Ucal used his ultimate move to get the first kill, and his record became 1/7/0.


"KT was wiped out by the team."

The old LCK commentator Jin Dongjun sighed, and he said feebly:

"Congratulations Snake."

"2:0, I hope KT can seize the last chance."


PS: Good night, book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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