LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 409 Korea’s Emperor Daundi is also studying Ritianxue

Brother CT and another commentator Eunjun on the side are also trying their best to calm the fans' emotions, claiming that KT still has hope.

But when several LCK commentators mentioned the word "hope", even they themselves felt guilty.

The disastrous defeat in the previous 22 minutes could be said to be unprepared and was tactically designed by Snake.

But how can we shirk the game just now?

KT, who had the priority to choose sides, got the lineup they wanted, but they were still defeated and couldn't even last 30 minutes.

Except for the remarkable opening minutes, KT did not feel the momentum that the LCK summer champions should have.

How is this different from the teams that were beaten by Snake before?

Even Samsung had something to say after seeing it. They were not good at it, just because they were assigned to the devil group.

When encountering Snake, KT was also beaten.

KT is in this state and wants to win three games in a row against Snake. It's impossible to even think about it with your toes.

As long as the Universiade venues have uninterrupted power and network cables today, KT will go home safely.

Throughout 2018, the LCK forum has never been as active as it is today.

From around the start of the first game to the end of the second game, the voices in the forum changed again and again.

Those who were blindly optimistic about KT fell silent.

In addition to venting emotions, expressing dissatisfaction, and sarcastically sarcastic trolls who threatened to send rats to death and expel their nationality, some LCK viewers began to take the league structure seriously, and a few understanding emperors made lengthy analyzes on the forum and expressed their opinions on this round of semi-finals.

Some of the sticks who were originally very stubborn and unconvinced began to take a look at the comments of the emperors in front of them.

When they calmed down and saw these contents, they suddenly felt that it was very reasonable.

However, I feel sad for no reason.

After recognizing the reality, those LCK e-sports veterans were very sad and lamented in the forum: "The era when the LCK dominated the league has really passed."

"The leader, the general, and the big devil can no longer dominate the current stage. That man stands in front of everyone and is difficult to overcome. He single-handedly knocked the LCK from the top to the bottom. We have fought fiercely with him for three times in major world championships. Over the years, generations of outstanding Korean mid laners have worn out, but he is still at the top."

The old e-sports guys were a little suffocated. KT and LCK were pushed to the edge of the cliff. Seeing that LCK was about to say goodbye to S8, they cried out in weakness:

"I don't understand how he got to this point. The young LCK player has been grinding for three years but he still hasn't worn him down. The entire league has fallen into his control. The major mid laners live in his shadow. When can we See the light.”

"LCK, will such a person be born who can tear through the darkness!"


At the Universiade Stadium, the content on three huge screens can be seen by all spectators.

All the data of the Trickery Enchantress are displayed above.

A super record of 10/0/4, with a total damage of 20,800 and an average damage of over 820 points!

Ucal's data is 1/7/0, and the total damage of a Syndra is only more than 7,000, which is about the same as Scorpion. KT is completely supported by Sword Demon and Xayah.

Syndra's personal economy is more than 7,000 yuan behind Enchantress. If she plays for a few more minutes, she may be 10,000 yuan behind.

Under normal circumstances, the dominant Enchantress in the current version can hit about 28% of the damage during the 26-minute period, but in this round, Enchantress's damage accounted for 37%, far exceeding the average!

On KT's side, Syndra and Scorpion's combined damage ratio is only 36%.

The combined effect of our own midfielder and jungler is not as high as that of the opponent's midfielder. This is not a waste. Well, isn't this a poor performance?

In the last game, Ice Girl scored 7 kills and 1 death. The streak of super gods from G2 was ended. People only praised KT a few times. At this time, Enchantress continued the super gods again.

Many professional players feel dizzy when they see these data, as if they are hallucinations and unreal.

To get a super god, they need the right time, right place, right people, and the blessing of the Jade Emperor, but what about the one on the big screen? It's probably as simple as turning over while sleeping.

Many Korean fans at the scene kept talking about Xiba after seeing the data, while those Korean ladies kept calling Oppa after seeing the makeup photos.

Regarding the future of KT and LCK on S8, many LCK viewers have begun to worry about it from the bottom of their hearts.

"I'm very worried to ask, does KT still have a chance?"

This is a message from an LCK fan.

In the LCK comment area, which was active at this time, someone immediately responded.

"There are still opportunities for KT. If you open the app now, you should be able to grab a ticket to Seoul today."

Some people said maliciously:

"Pray that TheKing's injury will relapse. This is KT's only chance. It will be too difficult for Ucal to face off against TheKing. This kid should grow up slowly under the protection of his four older brothers."

Others have pasted some of Korea’s understanding of the emperor’s ideas:

"KT wants to defeat Snake, and it is right to use Deft as the core, but TheKing is a great threat to the side lanes, and there are not many opportunities for a fair duel in the bottom lane. Ucal at least has a certain quality to affect the situation, and TheKing is involved in the lane. Or ensure that the line does not collapse and gank in time. However, Ucal failed to do both of these things. In fact, Ucal cannot be blamed. As a young player who competes in the World Championship for the first time, when he encounters two consecutive Fmvp games in the S game, isn't it normal that he can't beat it? "

"Pawn has more experience and can improve KT's overall combat power, but it is a pity that he is suffering from injuries. There is no solution for Ucal. KT can only rely on the wing and jungle. Top laner Smeb, bottom lane Deft and Mata must combine Score to gain sufficient advantages. Only in this way can we close the gap in the middle and delay the game to a 50-50 team battle. This will be an opportunity for KT to win the game."

"Throughout all previous S tournaments, Snake is currently the most difficult team to deal with. They are stronger than Samsung and SKT in the past. The top laner, jungler, and duo can perform at world-class levels in this lineup. There is the most powerful mid laner in the history of the league, who makes people feel huge pressure when they see their ID! It is difficult for Snake to find flaws as a whole. Their understanding of the version is at the forefront. What is even more frightening is that The King is still a calm battlefield. Commander."


Korea's Dongdi has done a lot of research on KT and Snake. Many detailed game analyzes are listed below. There are various classic cases, even dating back to the 2016 game in San Francisco.

In the LCK League player forum, some curious LCK players followed the link and found the homepage of this Korean emperor.

They want to see who this ‘Understanding Emperor’ is?

This person’s homepage nickname is: Magical Girl Urgot.

Looking through the records, it is not difficult to find that this person is an old LCK fan. He has been involved in the game since S2. He has a lot of research on the league and is a living fossil-level player. This makes the tourists even more convinced of his words.

However, the tags at the top of this person's homepage made some LCK fans frown slightly because they didn't understand it very well.

"Senior Ritian Xue Fan"?

What is this?

However, there was an explanation in the comments at the bottom of the homepage. Some LCK fans who were watching the sky were suddenly shocked. Did the player TheKing actually give birth to these magical and realistic scientific products?

Assi, there is a Ritianxue that tells the basics of The King!

Isn't it a top-notch collection of high points?

Many LCK fans were surprised. When they began to face the current situation of the LCK and were knocked out of the clouds, they discovered that there were so many novel things behind the player TheKing.

Of course, there are also those with exposed personalities who want to label Ritian Xue as the LCK, but when they know that this is based on other people's names, they can only give up.

The research on Korean Emperor Understanding is very complicated. In addition to Suncheonology, there are actually articles like this: "Interpretation of What is Meditation in The King's Mouth?" ”, “Wrong Meditation Cases—Bang”, “Prowler on the Edge of Meditation—Mama’s Baby”.

Korean fans became more and more shocked as they watched and discovered more:

"A ferocious flower blooming in decline—The King"

"The Stunning Sword Master, the Sorrow of SKT"

"The Black Rose Blooms Again"

"Interpretation of The King, the toughness you can't see"

Gradually, they discovered some truths about the Korean Emperor. This guy is probably a wolfberry fan!

However, some rational LCK fans can't take this into consideration.

In the past three years, after being completely subdued, many people are tired of screaming and don't want to scream anymore. Now they may need to change their way of thinking.

Recently, because the competition was in South Korea, that man's crazy performance has completely conquered some sticks. When the number of insiders increases, these insiders become the mainstream. The cheers in the Universiade Stadium can explain a lot. question.

Not to mention those male fans, the girls in the Korean League have already stabbed the LCK in the back, and the good looks like Flame can only be ruthlessly crushed.

Although the nationality and division are different, from the perspective of a league fan, when you truly understand this man's past, you may have many more feelings.

In fact, previous news about The King was also reported in LCK e-sports forums.

At that time, the arrogant stickmen were arrogant and arrogant.

However, today is different from the past.

Amidst all the chaos, the final game between KT and Snake began.

The commentators and audiences in each major competition area focused their attention on the competition again.

KT has the last spark left, can they reignite the LCK?

In front of the screen, many LCK league professionals were also focused.

At this moment, all the major Korean teams hope that KT can break out and do not want to see the LCK fall to the bottom.

One loses and everyone loses. This game is related to the face of the entire Korean division.

Even if you win one game, it would be great to break that poisonous snake's undefeated golden body!

Snake is on the blue side, KT is on the red side.

Because there are many heroes to fight against, KT is tight on the red ban position.

In order to block Li Hao's Super God Enchantress, KT did not ban Sword Demon when Snake took down Urgot, and was snatched by Snake instantly on the first floor.

Chris laughed. They really had a big advantage by choosing the blue side in the third game.

With the rapid progress of BP, the audience can detect the changes in KT's tactics.

Especially in the middle, after Snake's Zoe was selected, Ucal once again took out Galio.

The lineups of both sides are locked.

Snake: Sword Demon, Pig Girl, Zoe, Xiao Pao, Shen

KT: Sion, Blind Sin, Galio, Kai'Sa, Tauren

KT made up his mind to put all his treasure on Deft.

Galio brings teleportation, and Ucal prepares to be a tool man with all his strength.

His Galio has no big problem against Zoe due to mechanical reasons, but it is impossible to suppress Zoe, so he can only watch the opponent's big dad develop.

KT began to pay attention to the vision of the bottom lane in the early stage, and Lee Sin also started from the red zone, and then took care of the bottom lane at level 3.

However, Snake's tactics changed again.

Pig Girl is also on red. At 3 minutes and 29 seconds, Kasa directly catches her with Q!

Smeb was hit by Sword Demon's Evil Fire Chain from the moment he took the first control. The three Qs kept knocking him away. With Pig Girl's control and damage, Thain was beaten into a zombie and Sword Demon got first blood.

Flandre grinned under the camera.

Compared to being killed by the opposite jungler in the previous round, this round was tantamount to Tianhu's start.

Many LCK viewers were shaking their heads.

The KT uniform team backstage was extremely nervous. Smeb had teleportation and was still stable on the road.

However, the sword demon who got first blood is more powerful.

What's even worse is that one and a half minutes later, Pig Girl caught him again and cooperated with Sword Demon to knock out Sion's half-health and flash.

For a time, Smeb couldn't even fight.

Snake's two tricks at the beginning made KT a little confused, and Ucal in the middle was even a little empty and unaccustomed.

Why didn't you come and catch me?

He had been carefully guarding against ganks and wanted to show his awareness, but no one came to catch him.

What gives KT some peace of mind is that although the top lane is a bit disadvantageous, other lanes are currently relatively stable, and Kai'Sa is also developing healthily.

At 6 minutes and 05 seconds, KT's key rhythm appeared.

The old captain sent a wild pin signal to the middle, and Ucal was ready.

Soon, there was an exclamation in the Universiade Stadium.

Galio taunts and flashes!

What shocked everyone was that when Galio activated his W and moved forward, Zoe threw a hypnotic bubble with his backhand. The moment Galio's golden light flashed, Zoe jumped back and used the characteristics of the R skill to burrow into the ground to avoid Ucal's first move!

Moreover, the previous hypnotic bubble hit the blind monk who came from the flank!

If Zoe dodges and dodges, Ucal can still accept it.

But being shown off like this made him feel like a squealing donkey.

Score bypassed the blocking line of troops and was left sleeping in place before he could use his Q.

Galio E hit Zoe, but unfortunately Zoe was basically at full status, and the damage he could do alone was simply not enough.

The blind monk woke up from his slumber after 2 seconds. Tianyin Wave Q came to the tower. Zoe twisted her body towards F6 and easily avoided it.

Both men were shown to be Muggles.

What made the old captain's blood pressure rise even more was that when he moved towards the lower half, Zoe gave him a precise flying star. Score predicted that Li Hao would move forward to Q, so he took a step back and hit the flying star's head.

The Q-Q Dirty Dance guy who was watching the game secretly called himself an expert.


Backstage at KT, everyone was angry.

What a good opportunity, Pig Girl is not here, and she is taunting Zoe to death.

However, not only was the opponent not dead, he didn't even flash.

Coach Wu Zongchang's posture when sitting on the chair looked a bit like an electric baton from the side. He sighed in a low voice:

"Why does The King dare to make such a risky operation? Is he really sure?"

"This guy, how did he do it so accurately?"

"Damn it, aren't you a veteran!"

"The most basic mistake for a veteran!"

The more he talked, the more frantic he became, and his hands were inserted into his hair unconsciously.

A lot of KT's front office feels the same way.

Logically speaking, when a veteran comes on stage, the most important role should be to make people remember the past and be encouraged by people. Following him, he will be miserable in the game, and then lose the game. Some players who have just joined the game will start to complain, and then the veteran players will Said to the side: "Forgive him, he was also a talented boy back then."

Xiba, a normal script should be like this!

The KT uniform staff really wanted to tear up this script that got older and became more and more demonic on the court.

However, a more desperate moment occurred.

Galio flashed his hand, and Casa was like a dog smelling like a hunter smelling his prey.

Sejuani could no longer control the pig on her crotch. It automatically ran towards the middle, like a Tesla that couldn't stop.

The DNA of many old pig fans has been moved, and the barrage is full of strange numbers.

Ucal was frowning and watching Zoe just a second ago. This naughty twilight star spirit was walking like a skipping rope, full of provocation.

Although the uniform staff reminded him during the break after the game that he knew this was a cunning ploy by his opponent, Ucal really fell for it and his blood pressure rose a lot.

"Twilight Star Spirit, you deserve to die~~!"

Aatrox's words suddenly popped into his mind.

Then, Ucal heard the sound of great destruction.

His back suddenly felt cold!

The Sword Demon, who had a huge advantage on the top lane and knocked Thain home, went to the middle lane with Pig Girl.

Zoe picked up the flash he lost on the ground in the last wave. This time, Li Hao didn't hold anything back and used Ucal's flash to flash to Galio's side.

Use the other person's way to repay the other person's body.

That's probably what it means.

The hypnotic bubble directly fell into Galio's sleep after the righteous punch. The pig girl leaned forward, the sword demon came over and took a sip of soup, and Li Hao's Zoe got his head.

Ucal was brutally cut into pieces, and his body was left under the defense tower.

Score went to the bottom lane, knocking out Shen's health and flash. Liu Qingsong had to return to the city, and Xiao Pao couldn't get the lane.

However, Snake was not in a hurry.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong are stable and resistant to pressure, and they will just need team resources later.

The rhythm of the middle and upper levels has been opened.

At 8 minutes and 13 seconds, Zoe wandered to the top lane, and Smeb, who did not flash, was caught and killed.

Ucal supported the bottom lane, and the Snake duo were slutty under the tower. When they saw the Triangle Grass coming, they retreated immediately, not even leaving the tower.

KT couldn't catch anyone, so they could only use the first earth dragon to stop the loss.

But Smeb's losses couldn't be stopped. The Sword Demon had two kills, and his level was more than one level higher. Thain didn't get this wave of soldiers. There was an experience gap of two levels immediately, and Thain was almost ready to hang up.

At 9 minutes and 34 seconds, Casa made a mistake. The stone monster that was attacking the blind monk was caught in sight by the soldiers. The pig girl was found crouching, and Smeb began to shut up near the second tower.

Sword Demon was the big brother on the top lane, and the Canyon Herald was easily taken over by Snake in 10 minutes.

After arranging the upper half of the field of view, Flandre began to disconnect. At this moment, he can hit two people on the opposite side, and there is also Shen who can give him a big move.

KT is no longer able to handle the single lane on the road.

Pig Girl put the Canyon Pioneer in the middle, and Galio's first tower was pushed away by Li Hao.

Ucal came over to guard the second tower, and Score went to the bottom lane, preparing to help the duo push Snake down the next tower. They wanted to change lanes.

However, Li Hao came to support from the center in time.

A wave of precise long-range poke knocked out half of the blind monk's blood, and KT was forced to retreat.

The rhythm was interrupted, and KT felt very uncomfortable.

Galio heads to the top to support, but Pig Girl is also in place. 2v2 will only help Sword Demon refresh the destruction.

Deft and Mata headed up to support, but the ward position in the upper half saved Flandre's life.

Thain gained breathing space, but when he got off the tower, he was single-handedly eaten by the small cannon.

In the next 10 minutes or so, Snake basically used this tactic, using the advantage of a single belt to make KT's scalp numb.

Zoe's development was not restricted, and front-facing poke also gave KT a huge headache.

At 20 minutes, the head ratio between the two sides was 5:1, which was not a lot. However, KT's outer towers were all destroyed, various resources were lost in the jungle, and the economy fell behind by more than 6,000 yuan.

In the IG training room, Coach Jin pointed at the screen and said:

"If this continues, KT will also die slowly."

"Snake's careful selection is very beautiful. Without Kai'Sa, KT's remaining three people cannot catch Sword Demon. Shen supports Sword Demon with his ultimate move, and with Sword Demon's ultimate move, Flandre's With growth, it is possible to kill all those who are chasing you."

"KT's play style is too outdated and should not appear in the 8.19 version. BP was calculated by Snake. The Snake team was prepared to play solo from the beginning."

He took a warning: "When it comes to the finals, we must not make such a mistake."

Ning looked at the screen and said: "KT can't wait any longer, Thain is starting a group!"


In the red Buff area on the red side, KT, who took the initiative to start a team, was played by Snake in a wave of 1 for 2.

Galio and Thane, who were rushing ahead, were killed.

Kai'Sa got the Pig Girl head, which KT could accept.

At the same time, while Snake went back to resupply, they improved the field of vision in the jungle, especially near the baron.

They dare not lose this big dragon.

Starting from 21 minutes and 9 seconds, the two sides collided continuously in the Dalongkeng area, and small-scale team battles broke out one after another.

KT is always the one who suffers. The more Sion and Galio play, the more they look like they are going to die.

Score has always maintained his own form. He is a blind monk and has the ability to steal the baron.

Mata, on the other hand, has always protected Deft.

Kai'Sa can't die, KT's best-developed player is Deft.

In the few small team battles just now, if it weren't for Deft's desperate output, KT would have had no chance at all.

Just when the misunderstanding between LPL players and Mr. Dai was getting deeper and deeper, at 25 minutes and 37 seconds, Mata in the KT player seat was stunned.

Near F6, both sides pick up the group.

The defeated KT ran away to the red zone.

The cannon jumped up to harvest Sion's remaining health. Mata briefly controlled the cannon, and Deft took advantage of the situation to drain the cannon to its remaining health.

The small artillery shot killed Thain to refresh W, and he jumped back into the river grass.

But Kai'Sa's W chased after him and hit the cannon with more than 1,500 yards.

At this time, Deft's mind got hot, and he locked the void behind the enemy and directly used his hunter's instinct to R!

Deft wants to kill the cannon, then retreat from the middle to show off his style.

But Xiao Pao was given a healing spell and he didn't die immediately.

After just a short delay, a hypnotic bubble flew over the wall and hit Kaisha steadily.

Mata saw that she was so far away from Kasha and knew that it was over.

Ucal, who originally ran away, used his ultimate move on Kai'Sa to save Deft.

But when a long-range flying star crashed into Kai'Sa who was in Q's sleep state, Deft, who had just over half health, died suddenly on the spot!

LPL players make a group:

"Hahaha, alpaca, forgive me, I blamed you wrongly"

"Mr. Dai still stood up at the critical moment!"

"Brother Hao is going to chase the blind monk. The pilot will fly back to see him off. Conscience Korean aid."


Galio fell from the sky, and the sword demon who was kicked back by the blind monk on the other side of the dragon pit just took over.

Thanks to Ucal for the rocket, U Emperor 666!

Flandre laughed and controlled the sword demon to kill Galio.

Except for Shen who was killed in battle, the others were all alive.

Snake went directly to the middle, destroyed the middle high ground and crystal, and then removed the top high ground tower.

After this wave, the game basically lost its suspense.

Snake gathers in the next wave and breaks the top crystal again.

When the two lines of super soldiers affected KT's energy, Snake took out the baron. The blind monk who was groping in the jungle was knocked out of most of his health by Zoe's well-prepared set. Score had no chance to grab the dragon.

At 28 minutes and 41 seconds, Snake came to the city.

As if wanting to vent their inner depression, KT forced a group start when the odds of winning were very low.

In less than 20 seconds, that ace broke the hearts of many LCK players.

Incisor Tower, Crystal Hub, Snake bulldozed everything about KT in the noisy Universiade venue.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"Yes, congratulations to Snake, they are the better team."

"It's a pity that our KT didn't show their best today."


3:0, KT was swept.

All the hopes of LCK were shattered in Gwangju.

October 28th is a black weekend for the entire LCK.

Next in Incheon, at the doorstep of South Korea, they could only watch two LPL teams perform!

PS: Good night, book friends. Will be updated on time at 00:00 tomorrow night.

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