LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 427 The transfer situation is in chaos!

With the end of S8, the EU era has become a thing of the past. The LEC is building on the momentum of the European division's recent revival, and European players are looking forward to it.

FNC, Vit, and G2, these three European representative teams all performed impressively in S8.

Even though they did not reach the semi-finals or even the finals, considering the bloody opponents they encountered in S8, it is still excusable.

After leaving the LCS, they are ready to dig deeper into history and complete self-sublimation in the hot soil of Europe.

In this winter window, the LEC has many people with lofty ideals who have a long-term vision.

The LPL's three consecutive championships have naturally attracted the attention of European teams, especially the ID "TheKing", which has affected the nerves of the European division.

The temptation of being the number one player in the league was too great, and even the European emperors couldn't hold it back.

Nowadays, Li Hao is caught in transfer doubts. All major teams have lost their composure and want to get involved regardless of the risk of injury. The entire LPL market is in chaos.

Not to be outdone, the European emperors expressed that they also wanted to help.

At the beginning of the LEC's birth, if we welcome back the strongest player in the league, I am afraid that the entire European division will fall in an instant.

When LEC was restless, G2 was the first to take action!

As the S8 team that was sent down to earth by The King, if anyone in Europe has the deepest impression of Li Hao, it must be these European kings. The terrifying scene of being chased and killed by sword demons at that time, even when he returned to his hometown in Berlin from Gwangju, G2 still can't forget it.

Especially mid laner Peekz, Ah P became P Emperor in one battle, became one of the Twelve Emperors, and will forever become a bright star in the sky with the background of Emperor Sun.

During this trip to South Korea, Ah P was completely impressed.

Several losses to Li Hao gave him the feeling that it was impossible to beat Li Hao in the middle.

In other words, being the mid laner cannot save G2.

Therefore, after Ah P returned to the Berlin base, he immediately made the decision to switch from the secondary unit to AD.

Many people are sighing:

In S6, the arrogant devil was knocked down to the mortal world.

In S7, the towering Bang was beaten until he could only meditate.

At S8, Croatian genius Ah P was beaten out of the middle.

These are just a few typical cases. In the past three years, talented players have been promoted by The King one after another.

Every year, the next one is invited.

G2 agreed with Ah P's decision and made a big move during the winter transfer period.

G2 succeeded in poaching and acquired Caps from FNC!

When S8 lost, Cap King kept communicating with FNC, trying to persuade the coaching staff to change tactics, but the team stuck to its old ways and did not want to change at all. Therefore, a gap appeared between Cap King and FNC.

The vitality of G2 attracted the Cap King. In the eyes of European audiences, Caps' transfer from FNC to G2 looked like a villain, but in Caps's view, it was to pursue the hope of winning the championship.

Just like the Flash Wolves, they can dominate the LMS division and become the Huskies once they reach the World Championships.

The Caps have had enough.

Now, G2 already has the two powerful forces of Caps and Ah P, and instantly became a galactic battleship in the LEC.

If Li Hao can be recruited during the transfer period and the positions in the team can be coordinated a little more, G2 will become the big winner of S9!

After the team's head coach Grabbz got a taste of the league's number one player in S8, he strongly recommended him to the management.

Once he can coach such a player, Grabbz can laugh out of his dreams.

As a result, a crazy offer came from the LEC.

"I saw that right!"

"Crazy! G2 offered a sky-high contract! 30 million euros!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the LPL forum took another big hit, an official quotation statement from the G2 team.

Berlin Esports House, LEC esports reporter Ekson and others also forwarded G2’s official information one after another.

"Dear Mr. Li Hao, we are very much looking forward to your arrival."

"G2 is a team full of youth and vitality. The shortcoming is that we do not have enough experience and an excellent controller. Our strength has not been used to the extreme. And you are the top master in this area. I believe we can produce the best Wonderful chemistry.”

"LEC is a hot land, waiting for the arrival of the strongest. We hope to see the next spring and autumn with you. This is the expectation of all G2 people. Caps and Perkz love you very much, and everyone will get along very happily. Join Let’s do it!”

"G2 is willing to offer the LEC's highest annual salary, 30 million euros, and set up a higher gambling agreement. We can also 100% guarantee your tactical position!"


Below this announcement, there are also messages from Caps, Ah P, Wunder, Jankos and others. The entire G2 is calling for Li Hao, hoping that he can go to Europe and join G2.

The follow-up gambling agreement was not discussed for the time being, but G2’s quotation left a group of people stunned.

The annual salary is 30 million euros and the weekly salary is 577,000 euros!

This is an exaggerated number, which can be understood when compared with a top European star.

The weekly salary of Liverpool star Salah is about 464,000 euros. The salary paid to Li Hao by G2 has broken the salary level offered by many top teams to their stars.

Although it is only a one-year short contract, it is quite exaggerated!

Salah's weekly salary is already ranked in the top five in European football.

Li Hao is in the field of e-sports, so many people were stunned to actually face such a group of people.

Because this had never happened before Li Hao.

G2’s official announcement has been flooded in the LPL comment area:

"Shit, I did some calculations, 30 million euros is equivalent to more than 200 million! Once the contract is signed, two small goals are achieved!"

"Except for Brother Wolfberry, no one in the league can achieve this kind of worth. Even if he is injured, there are still people who dare to make big bets."

"Hahaha, I can actually understand it. If you look at the World Championships in the past three years, you will see how bad my brother Hao has become. Every major competition area has been beaten to pieces by Brother Hao, and I am afraid of being beaten!"

Some viewers also expressed their opinions:

"Injuries are just one aspect. You have to think about how many fans Brother Hao has, and they are all over the world. Even if the S9 is not in good condition, in just one year, there will definitely be a lot of fans paying attention, and the value of this traffic is It’s hard to estimate. If Brother Hao enters the European division, there won’t be as many star players as we do in the LPL. G2 will be the only one, and they can make a huge amount of money within a year. They have everything from attention to gimmicks, and Can you bet on Brother Hao's condition, what if he creates another miracle?"

"They paid a lot of money, but they also calculated the accounts carefully. They are not bad."

Some people are not surprised: "If you don't offer more, there is no chance at all. With the same offer, how can Brother Hao leave the LPL? However, I don't know what everyone thinks of this matter. Judging from the current situation, Brother Hao will also go to Europe. possible."

The old wolfberry powder stood up:

"I have been following Brother Wolfberry for a long time. To be honest, although the outside world is making a lot of noise, it is still because Brother Wolfberry's track record is too shocking, the honor is too hard, and his own value is high, so many teams without championships want to take a gamble. .S9 is still quite difficult. It is definitely harder than before to get over the injury safely."

"In my opinion, the European competition is very easy. Brother Wolfberry can easily work for a year and make some money back. There is no pressure. Maybe he can enjoy his 'old age' in peace."


Some people agree, some people regret it.

Some people think that these things are just bubbles caused by hype. Once the S9 arrives, as Li Hao's condition declines, people's beautiful illusions are shattered, and their mood will be completely different. The higher you are now, the harder you will fall in the future.

Therefore, some fans suggest that no matter how outrageous the outside transfer quotations are, Snake is the most stable.

Even if the performance is a little worse, not many people will say anything about it.

The melon-eating audience expressed their opinions and kept talking about G2's quotation.

Unexpectedly, the turmoil on G2's side is not over yet, LEC is making trouble again!

The King of Europe can’t sit still anymore!

After the announcement of G2, FNC's head coach YoungBuck rushed directly to FNC's London headquarters.

FNC originally had a plan to recruit Li Hao. When G2 poached Caps from their mid lane, FNC prioritized recruiting Li Hao.

Now that the arch-enemy G2 has taken action, how can FNC possibly watch G2 get what they want?

Once Li Hao joins G2, I am afraid that LEC will completely fall into the control of G2.

At that time, they FNC will be a good piece of meat on the chopping block.

G2 dares to bet that FNC is now barefoot and even more courageous.

How can we possibly make things easier for you if we poach all of our mid laners? !

As YoungBuck arrived at the headquarters, an exaggerated offer was sent from the FNC headquarters in London.

Major league divisions around the world felt FNC's desire for Li Hao in an instant.

Compared with G2’s announcement, FNC’s words are less but powerful.

"FNC is the oldest team in the league, but we only saw that light on the world stage in S1. After that, we never touched that stage again. It has become a kind of imprisonment for FNC."

"The only person in the alliance who can break the barriers is you, The King!"

"The 2019 season is the first year of LEC. It is very similar to S1 that year. They are both a beginning. All members of FNC are waiting for your arrival. In addition to providing an annual salary of 35 million pounds in 2019, More agreements that are beneficial to you will also be provided, and I hope that pleasant communication and cooperation can occur between us."


In fact, FNC’s routine is similar to that of G2, with exaggerated quotations and gambling agreements.

However, the King of Europe is even more arrogant!

If the price continues, it will be close to 280 million RMB!

Such an exaggerated amount appeared in the e-sports field, which really shocked the league workers in all major competition areas.

Many people's emotions have changed from envy to awe.

Many young people who are also professional players cannot even be jealous and can only look up to them because they are not on the same level at all.

And the young people who were still pursuing their dreams with a small salary looked at the portrait of Li Hao in front of the computer desk, their eyes full of light and direction.

It is impossible for a team to make so much money in a year.

However, such a large amount of money was paid out as one year's salary. In addition to the tyranny of the team, it also reflects Li Hao's absolute status in the league!

This salary level is naturally a status symbol.

The external turmoil is very bad, and the transfer situation is in chaos.

In the past few days, although the transaction information has been constantly updated, the eyes of onlookers are still focused on Li Hao.

There is no way, the melon is too big.

The RW team even felt a little aggrieved.

In the S8 season, they were called the Xia team with a promising future. After stunning the LPL for a spring and summer, this Avengers team suddenly fell apart during the transfer period.

Core mid laner Doinb came to FPX, Flawless went to JDG, and Sima Laothi also announced his departure from the team and went to SNG.

The first generation of Xia went their separate ways one year after they reunited.

Some people called the club stupid, but it happened.

As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever.

It was originally a very exciting thing, but at the juncture when major teams are rushing to grab the first player in the league, except for a few true fans, the joys and sorrows of the Xia team cannot create much waves.

The RW team all wanted to cry.

Our team has collapsed. It's such a big news. Can't you take a look at it and give it some heat? !

Within the Snake base, the members are also under tremendous pressure.

Regardless of Shuang Quan or Zuo Wu, the number of visits to Headquarters Snake's office these days is many times that of before.

Boss Snake, who is often away from the base, has been working at the Crystal Hub recently. He holds meetings almost every day, summarizing all the latest data and information collected, and reporting it every day.

Much of the information is the latest quotations and contracts from major teams.

Mr. Snake was naturally unhappy when he saw others poaching in front of him.

Moreover, he became increasingly guilty.

In my mind, the doubts about "should I take another gamble" became more and more serious.

In the past few days, he couldn't sleep well.

Especially after the offer from the LEC appeared, Mr. Snake became even more uneasy.

Even he would be tempted to see such a large sum of money.

But this group of people did not hesitate to bet on Li Hao.

Obviously, these gamblers are more confident than he is.

On the LEC side, after G2 and FNC took action one after another, a series of nepotism effects occurred.

European teams, one by one, began to make offers to Snake, such as MSF, VIT, S04, Origen, SPY, SKG and so on.

Not one of the entire LEC team is absent!

If Boss Snake hadn't gone to the hospital again and had a chat with the attending doctor alone, I'm afraid he himself would have doubted whether Li Hao had recovered.

Shuangquan often worked for Mr. Snake, so he naturally saw something from his expression.

Shuangquan keenly felt that Mr. She's mentality had undergone some subtle changes under the stimulation of the outside world.

"Mr. Snake, the contracts are all here."

"Yesterday, RNG also revised the announcement and increased the quotation again!"

"They are very eager for Brother Hao."

After Shuangquan finished speaking, Zuo Wu smiled bitterly and said: "Not only RNG, but teams such as WE, EDG, TOP, and IG are all already engaged in price wars."

Finding Mr. Snake to be surprised and uncertain, Shuangquan asked tentatively:

"We've been testing the waters so far, Mr. Snake, what do you think?"

"We can package these contracts and bring them to Brother Hao, be honest and see what he thinks."

"At that time, you will decide whether to match through the priority renewal right."


After listening to his words, Mr. Snake nodded and said sincerely: "Actually, these teams are more unrestrained and arbitrary than I thought. Their moods are elusive, and they can't even keep up with their rhythm."

"Maybe it's because I've been depressed for too long in the past three years."

"Under their influence, my thoughts have indeed changed a bit, and I have thought a lot in the past two days."

"Losing Li Hao is a big blow to Snake. Since I have the priority to renew the contract, I will try my best to use it and fight for it again."

Hearing this, Zuo Wu and Shuang showed surprise.

good news!

The snake finally got out of the money hole, it was enlightening!

"Boss Snake, shall we go see Brother Hao now?" Zuo Wu asked excitedly.


"Wait three more days."

Three days?

After counting the time, Shuang Quan and Zuo Wu understood instantly.

Three days later, it will be the start of the 2018 LPL Annual Ceremony, which is also the annual red carpet event.

After that, there's bound to be a wave of greater attention.

It was definitely the most appropriate time for Snake to take action at that time.

Perhaps, the Triple Crown dynasty can once again suppress the entire league and become the winner of the transfer period.

For a moment, Shuang Quan and Zuo Wu both looked forward to it.

Los Angeles, TSM headquarters, in the office filled with various Li Hao pictorials.

Maggiola was sorting through a thick stack of documents.

Directly above is a cooperation agreement.

The two parties to the agreement are the TSM team and the Los Angeles Lakers.

"Boss, when do you plan to take action?"

"The popularity is very high now, and many LCS teams have begun to make offers. If we make a move at this time, it will attract a lot of attention."

Hearing this, the orangutan captain smiled.

"Don't worry."

"In three days, we'll wait until TheKing wins the LPL award."

"At that time, everyone's eyes will be focused on it, and the attention will reach its peak."

"And we choose to take action at that moment."


The orangutan captain, who was originally very anxious, suddenly became less anxious now and spoke with great confidence.

This is not surprising.

Because he just cooperated with a big team in Los Angeles, he, Captain Orangutan, is really rich at this time!

Emperor Ou's big moves were a bit unsatisfactory in front of the orangutan captain.

PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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