LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 428 Annual Celebration!

November 28, 2018.

Although Li Hao's 'injury' has not yet turned around, he and Snake's group came to the ancient capital Xi'an one day early.

LPL officials have made preparations and invited representatives from major teams to participate in this annual celebration.

As the S8 champion, Snake is not missing anyone and everyone is present.

Just like last year, they continue to be the protagonists of the annual celebration.

On November 29th, towards the evening, people from all the major e-sports media gathered at the entrance of the celebration venue.

Just like last year, various guns and cannons were set up behind the fences on both sides. The long red carpet extended from the large promotional signboard that read "2018 League of Legends Music Festival and LPL Awards Ceremony" to the silver white The front end of the fence is about a hundred meters long.

It was close to 6 o'clock, and people from all walks of life related to LPL got off the cars with various logos printed on them.

There are retired players, popular anchors, managers and behind-the-scenes data analysts, team coaches and management, and popular players from major teams.

On this day, all the prominent figures related to the alliance arrived.

Compared with the 2017 annual celebration, LPL officials are obviously more experienced, and both preparations and on-site effects are better than last year.

The scale of the celebration was also grander.

At 6:15 p.m., two black cars drove up in succession.

Familiar commentators appeared one after another.

Yu Tong, Shi Yi, Sister Zhou, Hao Kai, Xiao Umbrella, Xiao Yu.

These newcomers in the commentary world have also ushered in the highlight moment of their careers. Everyone is neatly dressed in suits and ties. Under the flashlights on both sides, he showed a generous smile.

After such a wave of commentators signed their names, the entire audience near the red carpet suddenly became restless, and many people shouted "Come on" and "Come on"!

Sister Zhou, Eleven and others also noticed the movement and looked behind them before entering the venue.

Hao Kai rubbed his shiny bald head and said excitedly:

"Snake's convoy."

"That's right, Brother Hao is here!"

Eleven on the side said: "I thought Brother Hao couldn't come this time and wanted to find someone to help him receive the award, but I didn't expect that he would be there in person."

"The day before yesterday, I heard that someone from the official team went to Snake Base to express condolences and ask for his opinion."

Eleven took a slight breath, smacked his lips and said:

"Brother Hao, there's really no one left in this row."

"I was officially invited, but I was very happy for a long time."

The mute bride lightly slapped him on the back: "Don't be discouraged."

"You can also learn from Brother Hao, such as winning three consecutive championships, three consecutive Fmvp, etc. Then win some titles such as World No. 1 Middle School and Shi No. 1 Middle School."

"At that time, Manager Bobby will definitely come to your live broadcast room to reward Rockets and invite you to attend the celebration."


Eleven smiled and said: "Sister Zhou, it's not dark yet."

Xiaoyu said in Bagua:

"I heard that the contract over there hasn't been finalized yet."

"Many colleagues have been talking about this recently. It's hard to say where Brother Hao's S9 will go."

When it came to the contract, even the commentators were speechless.

After S4 ended that year, all ten members of Samsung were poached.

At that time, all the Korean players were in their prime.

And now?

The entire league has set its sights on Snake, which is even more exaggerated than poaching Samsung.

Even if Li Hao suffers from back injuries, his future is unclear.

However, he can still become a sought-after target across the league.

The annual salary quotation of nearly 300 million RMB stunned many viewers.

Those who are not in the league circle will find it incredible if they know this.

LEC, LCS, rich people who are not short of money have taken action one after another, which has brought many people to the world in the past few days.

What about the e-sports field? When you reach a certain height, your net worth will also appear.

In the past few days, hot searches have been happening every day. Many people outside the industry know about this battle to grab people in the alliance world, and everyone is paying attention to see who will be the final winner.

At the edge of the red carpet, Shuangquan stepped out of a blue car, then quickly walked to the back seat of the car and opened the door.

Li Hao thanked Shuangquan and walked out wearing a crisp suit.

Because the air in Xi'an was getting colder, Zuo Wu, who got off the car with Li Hao, took out a fur collared coat, pulled out the tail fin like a cloak, and put it on Li Hao's shoulders casually.

As his shiny leather shoes stepped on the red carpet step by step, Li Hao's face didn't have much of a smile. It could be said that he was calm, but also a little serious.

The delicate, knife-like face matches the atmosphere and posture at this time, and an invisible aura quietly blooms.

This kind of aura is very different from the professional players who entered the venue before.

Many new media people's eyes lit up, and they sighed inwardly: Despite the reputation, he is worthy of being the number one in the league!

Old media people are not surprised. They appreciate it and continue to capture the best shots.

Li Hao waved to both sides and said hello in a friendly manner.

If it weren't for the fact that his left hand didn't move at all, it might not have been obvious from the outside that he was injured.

"Brother Hao, it's been a hard journey."

Yu Shuang greeted him with a smile on his face.

Li Hao also responded with a smile: "I don't have to work hard. I just follow the club all the way. I don't have to worry about anything. Manager Zuo and the others are the ones who work the hardest."

Zuo Wu and Shuang both smiled.

"Here, please sign your names."


The three of them took the lead, and Flandre and others also got out of the two cars behind.

Shengqiang, Casa, Angel, Da Mingming, and Liu Qingsong, they wait for each other, and the five of them walk together.

Apart from Li Hao, this group of people caused the biggest stir.

The foundation of the Triple Crown Dynasty is like three hundred thousand year soul rings, shrouding them behind them, making them look full of aura.

In addition, Li Hao's injury cannot be improved for a while, combined with the three-month absence from last spring season, it is likely that these five people will cooperate together in the 2019 spring regular season.

What's more, whether Snake can continue his dynasty depends on these five people.

The world is still uncertain, and many people were worried about Snake's future fate.

However, many people had a subtle feeling when they saw the five young people holding their heads high under the spotlight, walking together with confidence.

Outstanding talent, rich experience in competitions, young and energetic.

If such people get together, they might be able to accomplish great things.

Before the exaggerated ID "The King" appeared, there had never been a team of Li Hao's level that could win the S championship.

In the final analysis, the league is a team game, and Snake's new team is now very complete, and they also have unlimited possibilities.

Some people are beginning to understand the management of the Snakes. The replacement of old and new players is a topic that can never be avoided.

After passing the red carpet, Flandre and others signed their names and entered the venue.

Similar to last time, the official arranged them in a relatively forward position.

In addition to having a good view, it is also convenient for receiving awards.

At about 6:30, the Xi'an venue was already full of people. The lucky fans who were watching the ceremony were sitting in the auditorium. Most of the people in the main hall were players and staff of professional teams.

The 2018 LPL annual celebration officially begins!

Several veteran hosts appeared in costumes and made opening remarks passionately on the stage shrouded in lights.

Since it is called a music festival and the audience is still watching, it is natural that we cannot sell it as dog meat.

The electronic music feast of the top 100 DJs has officially begun.

Follow three popular anchors, Tuesday Ke, A Leng, and Xiao Yuan, to perform fan songs "Teemo's Song", "Pool Party", Chinese cover song "Guardian of the Stars", etc. live.

Finally, LPL officials also invited artists such as Wang Dongcheng, Zhou Xingzhe, and Su Ruiqi to support the event.

The atmosphere in the front was well done, and it looked more festive than last year.

Next, officially enter the award ceremony.

Led by Zhu Zhen, he presides over the next highlight.

From award nominations to winners, the winners of major awards were constantly announced, applause continued, and pairs of eyes were fixed on the most dazzling stage.

First, the Rookie of the Year Award was announced.

Although IG was defeated by Snake's dynasty, no one would say that IG did not play well in S8.

More people believe that if it weren't for the wrong timing and the unlucky encounter with Snake at his peak, then IG would be the champion.

They are weaker than Snake, but stronger than other teams.

In the Best Newcomer Award, Ah Shui defeated the fellow nominees EDG.Haro, TOP.Xx, JDG.YaGao, and JDG.Zoom without any suspense.

After Ah Shui received the award, Ji Zhenzhen defeated Doinb and his junior, and also won the Best Foreign Player of the Year trophy.

The fat cock is still moving LPL fans and is also loved by the LPL audience.

As the second best person in the world of S8, the aura of Ji Zhenzhen is comparable to a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Eleven, Wawa, also won honors in the new commentator and most popular event commentator awards.

JDG liked to mention the Most Improved Club, and the LPL Annual Industry Breakthrough Contribution Award was awarded to the Jakarta Asian Games team.

The annual club marketing case award was awarded to BLG. Whether it’s Isatis or Bipdog, we BLG want it.

After this series of awards, Zhu Zhen raised his voice:

"The winner of the LPL Most Popular Player of the Year award is"




The applause at the scene was even more enthusiastic. On the IG side, Rookie patted the shy man's thigh comfortingly.

There was a vote for this award. Because of his playing style, Shy Man's voice was very high, and his support rate exceeded that of a large number of players.

However, each voter has two votes to vote for different contestants.

100 people, 99 of them will vote for that man. The remaining person may have made the wrong shot because his hands were shaking.

As for the remaining ticket, TheShy won all over the LPL.

Therefore, the shy man sat firmly in the second position.

However, the shy man was not depressed.

When the cock slapped his thigh, he also showed Rookie a smile that made the cock owner's scalp tingle.

The broiler quickly took his hand away, fearing that the shy man might misunderstand.

He had heard that there was something wrong with shy men.

Li Hao won the first small trophy and also started the Snake team's ShowTime.

LPL Coach of the Year: Chris!

LPL Manager of the Year: Zuo Wu!

These two veterans, who can be called the snake team, have won awards for three consecutive years, making people in the industry jealous beyond recognition.

Although there is a suspicion of hugging the thigh, being able to hug it is also a kind of ability.

In the 2016 season, there was such a good opportunity, but why didn’t anyone take advantage of it?

When talking about his acceptance speech, Chris talked about the four guarantees and one system, and he affirmed the feasibility of this system. As long as we have a god-like player, we can definitely win the championship with four guarantees and one.

Zuo Wu talked about the past just like last year.

He also talked about that thunderstorm night, how he welcomed Li Hao back through the misty rain.

Many old snake fans smiled knowingly after hearing this.

Although I knew it was Zuo Wu who made it up, it was very heart-warming.

During the three-year dynasty, each golden rain was as grand as an epic, full of passion and high spirits.

Looking back at the past time, it is like a trickle flowing in my heart. The scenes of youth flash like a slideshow. The three-year revolving door has been completed quickly, full of beauty, reluctance and nostalgia.

Ezagirō's short composition is very skillful, and many fans are reminded of the three years that he and Snake accompanied and witnessed each other. Snake has his own magnificent story, and they also have their own magnificent youth.

Whether it’s running under the sunset or the rain curtain by the Huangpu River, it’s all hazy in 2016.

"The winner of LPL Club of the Year is: Snake!"

Zhu Zhen's voice sounded again.

Snake, still Snake!

They were still winning awards and frequently moved the trophies to their seats, as if they were coming to purchase goods, making people from all major teams covetous.

"LPL Team of the Year: Flandre, Karsa, TheKing, Lwx, Crisp!"

Five IDs were called out by Zhu Zhen and Ren Dong one after another.

This time there was no rain or dew, all of them were Snake's starting players.

For such selection, there is little controversy from the outside world.

There is no way, honor is too hardcore!

It has been a winning streak since the summer split, and S8 even won the championship!

If such a team is not the best lineup, how can we define the best?

It is no longer possible for any future team to surpass Snake in terms of record in the S competition.

S8 is the year of reaching its peak.

This will be the strongest page in the history of S competition.

The makeup photos of the five Snakes appeared on the big screen of Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center. The audience and players of the league were all watching. This is a symbol of the times.

LPL official manager Bobby, LPL general manager Mr. Huang, and Ms. Zhang from the operations department, these people came from the backstage one after another.

Zhu Zhen and Ren Dong gave up the stage, and these three presented the most important awards of the year.

"Next, we will announce the annual MVP of the 2018 season!"

Manager Bobby had a smile on his face and didn’t make any fuss about this known issue:

"The player who won the MVP of the year is."

The three of them looked at each other and shouted in unison:

"The King!"

"Congratulations, TheKing!"

"This is your third year and three consecutive years of winning the annual MVP. This is a miracle! Thank you for everything you have done for the LPL. You are the miracle of this era!"

Bobby shouted these words passionately.

Thunderous applause erupted in the Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center, and Li Hao walked to the center of the stage in the spotlight.

His left hand hung on his waist, and he only used his right hand to lift the annual MVP trophy, which was not heavy.

Bobby also knew that he was injured, so when he released the trophy, he deliberately took it slow to let Li Hao adapt to the weight.

Whether it was Bobby or Mr. Huang, when they looked at Li Hao, their eyes were filled with sighs, gratitude and regret.

Obviously, as the people in charge of the LPL, they do not want to see Li Hao injured at all.

When Li Hao lifted the trophy, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The eyes of the audience and players at the scene, the audience and players in front of the screen, and the audience and players in various competition areas all fell on the golden background light.

Ms. Zhang, the general manager of the operations department asked:

"The King, for three consecutive years, you have won three annual MVP trophies. Is there anything you want to say?"

Bathed in golden light, Li Hao's voice came out:

"Thanks to my hard work, not only have I no regrets in the past three years, but I also have no regrets in my career."

"I feel that as a professional player, I am very lucky."

"No matter what the future holds, I am here. I want to thank my teammates for the past three years. They are excellent and have made me successful. I also want to thank the people who have always supported and cared about me. It is you who make me feel warm and keep moving forward."

As he spoke, Li Hao held the annual MVP trophy in his right hand. In the embrace of golden light, he bowed in front of the camera to express his gratitude at the brightest moment of his career.

I don’t know why, but it is a glorious moment, but it gives people a sense of ending, which makes people regret and sigh.

This time, Li Hao obviously did not say the familiar phrase "The future is yours."

However, silence is better than sound at this time.

Many people seemed to have really heard those words.

"The future is yours"

Many players had auditory hallucinations ringing in their ears, and this sentence really appeared.

Perhaps, this is Shi Yizhong's real farewell.

PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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