LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 445 The arrival of God!

After a brief celebration, Li Hao and others came to the TL player booth.

Although they lost the game, everyone in TL had a better mentality, and there was no trace of disappointment on their faces.

Teacher Omu and Benji had a passionate embrace. Both the top laner and the jungler of the first generation left SKT and traveled around the world. They were tit for tat in the game. After the game, everyone felt like they were the same people in the world.

However, Benji's current situation is much better than that of Teacher Damu.

Every time he glanced at Li Hao, Teacher Omu had a trace of uncontrollable envy in his eyes.

Look at this big daddy!

What a C!

Our ‘big daddy’.

Well, we don't have an eldest father, and Jian Huang is also a kind of "father-nurturer", raising the father opposite him very fat.

In fact, Jianhuang's performance in previous games was quite good, and they often performed well against other LCS teams. But when he met Li Hao, he stopped playing, like a mouse meeting a cat.

A certain argument is that players with the attribute of "Illusion God" are all very similar. They are good in the advantageous game, whether it is wave or whole life, but they can't win in tough battles.

When meeting the True God of the Alliance, the Illusion God will naturally be unable to withstand it.

Therefore, out of envy, Teacher Omu used both hands to lock Benji hard when hugging Benji.

He looked at the stupid chicken and sighed in his heart.

Sexual males are really lucky.

When I played with Faker, I thought I was at the peak of my life, but I didn't expect to meet the number one player in the league again.

Asi, why don’t I have such a good life?

Teacher Omu looked at the stupid chicken, his eyes shining slightly.

When a certain chicken saw his expression, his heart went crazy.

Impact this guy.!

Could it be yue~~!

Stupid chicken quickly moved away from this old brother. Li Hao was shaking hands with Jian Huang on the side.

Jensen propped up his thick black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand and said complicatedly:

"I really didn't expect that our match this time would be in the LCS league, and the result would be like this. It's so unscientific."

He took another long breath, seeming really surprised by this.

Especially talking to Li Hao in person made Jian Huang feel very unreal.

During the S6 World Championship, when Li Hao shook hands with Jian Huang, his painting style was still bleak, sad and solemn.

At this moment, Jian Huang discovered that the handsome man in front of him was wearing a gentle smile. The murderous aura of the year seemed to have disappeared under the wear and tear of the years.

However, when he thought of the violent dark energy on Syndra just now, Emperor Jian reminded himself not to be deceived by this person's appearance.

Li Hao explained sincerely:

“Jensen, there is a saying in China that ‘there is no place in life where we don’t meet again’.”

"Whether it was in the past or now, it is part of my career. However, I am actually very happy to play against you again."

"Those opponents from back then are becoming fewer and fewer, and they are gradually disappearing from the league."

This sigh from the veteran made Huang Jian's pupils dilate, and he took advantage of the situation and said:

"TheKing, you are such an incomprehensible guy."

"Same as you were in S6, you haven't changed at all! I played against you, and I felt so deeply."

As soon as he mentioned this aspect, the King of North America immediately had a lot to say in his heart, and finally turned into an exclamation: "It is precisely because of this magic that you can achieve three consecutive championships. Until now, I have not won a single championship." Get it.”

“I see the Summoner’s Cup every time, but I’m still so far away from winning it.”

Li Hao couldn't help but patted Jian Huang's arm and comforted:

"Don't worry, you are still young now and have a bright future."


Emperor Jian couldn't help but smile bitterly, and interrupted decisively:

"You guy, please stop telling me about the future."

"Your words are like an evil witch casting a curse spell. I don't believe it now."

"Look at what you have done these past few seasons!"

Emperor Jian was still Emperor Jian, and he complained directly in front of Li Hao, making even the Emperor of Japan laugh shyly.

Then, Jian Huang said something that caught Li Hao off guard:

"TheKing, you don't have to be too happy."

"I played badly with Victor this time, but part of the important reason is to see how different you are from before. If we meet again in the spring playoffs, I will let you see my trump card!"

Jian Huang showed confidence, which made Li Hao a little curious.

Jian Huang’s trump card?

Is it some kind of hidden art?

"I'm looking forward to it. I hope you can succeed in revenge next time."

Afterwards, the two blessed each other, and Li Hao left under Emperor Jian's attention.

CoreJJ has the capital to stand out among the others in the LCS support circle, but when he shook hands with Li Hao, he was like a wounded and pitiful little beast, not daring to look directly at him the whole time.

In the entire league world, Samsung, which once shined for a while, is definitely considered a giant, and they have repeatedly performed strongly in subsequent world championships.

However, I don’t know when the outside world began to say that The King “eats and sleeps with three stars”.

The CoreJJ team was the first to be swept out by Li Hao.

The wealthy family that CoreJJ relies on is just one of the old-fashioned backgrounds of the man in front of him.

Therefore, facing Li Hao, CoreJJ seemed to feel a burst of blood pressure.

After all the TSM team left, Mr. Omu had packed up his equipment, and the most enthusiastic cheers rang out at the Los Angeles Esports Arena.

In the noisy venue, Mr. Omu came to CoreJJ.

He looked at Li Hao, who was bathed in the stage lights, and asked CoreJJ beside him:

"Rongren, how do you feel?"

"How about what?"


CoreJJ saw Teacher Omu's gesture and immediately understood what he meant.

"still the same."

"Nothing has changed since the World Championships. He is the most perverted player I have ever encountered!"

When he said this, CoreJJ, like many Koreans, opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened when expressing surprise.

"To be honest, I really don't want to compete with him. No one has ever made me so resistant to facing him."

"Not just me, Ruler too."

Teacher Omu nodded and asked curiously: "Compared to S6, do you feel that his condition has not changed at all?"


The muscles on CoreJJ's face were twitching: "Maybe it's my misunderstanding. He is even stronger at this time than he was in S6."


"Still stronger?!!"

"Yeah, the guy is more calm before and after the game, which is a weird feeling."

"just like"

"He's confident enough to take charge."

"Well, maybe it's really an illusion. After all, this is the LCS division, and the competition intensity is much lower. It makes sense for this oil-burning guy to produce more outrageous data."

CoreJJ joked again: "Yanyong, are you feeling scared now?"

"Huh? Why should I be afraid?"

Teacher Omu obviously didn't react.

"Because during the S3 World Championship, The King also came to North America."

"It's just that he didn't have a chance to play and was always placed on the bench."

"That's a young The King with no injuries and whose physical fitness is at its peak!"

"As professional players, everyone has experienced their peak years and can appreciate the benefits of being young. We can extrapolate from TheKing at this time, even if he didn't have that much experience at that time."

"However, once they appear in the middle, I am afraid it will cause huge changes to the entire S game pattern. It is difficult to say whether SKT can take away the victory at the Staples Center in Los Angeles."

"Aren't you lucky that such a terrifying monster is bound to the bench?"


Hearing what CoreJJ said, Teacher Omu was instantly surprised.

As professional players, their experience is the most profound.

When you were young, who was not a talented boy full of talents? !

So, young TheKing

Impact slapped his mouth: "Axi. That is really a terrifying monster."

"Faker, who was at his peak back then, would not have had such a terrifying influence."


It was not just CoreJJ and Mr. Ohki who secretly marveled. After the game between TSM and TL, it caused a huge commotion in the league circle.

The North American cult is very evil this season.

It has won eight games in a row now. If we defeat C9 again, we will sweep the LCS!

And there is only one last game left before Li Hao completes the feat of continuously surpassing all LCS teams.

After the game, Jian Huang, who served as the biggest background in this game, also made hot searches on major league forums.

With a record of 1/9/2, Victor, a mechanical banker with incredible skills, made his throne more stable.

Fans shouted: "You Jian Huang are still you Jian Huang!"

Some people also joked: "He is indeed one of the oldest second emperors in the LCS world. His performance is indistinguishable from that of King P. He has not let everyone down. His status as the most conservative cannot be questioned."

"Emperor Jian has caught up with Emperor P and is back on the same starting line. The battle for the throne in the LCS is getting more and more intense. It's hard to say what will happen next. There may be alternative emperors."

"The LCS has never been as bright as it is today, and every star is shining brightly."


What everyone didn't expect was that Jian Huang, who was ridiculed, actually posted some updates on his Twitter homepage.

The content in the update actually involves the past events in Chicago.

Yes, this is Jian Huang’s complaint.

He mentioned the solemn words Li Hao said to him in S6, and then compared the past and present, and came to a very reliable conclusion: "Every year he talks to me about the future, every year I am full of confidence. Man, every year I see your victory in front of the TV."


“Go to Tom’s future, it’s a wrong payment after all~~”


After that, Jian Huang described Li Hao's three-year rule of the league. He called on the mid laners of the entire league to unite, build a line of defense together, overthrow his rule, and let the league usher in the dawn and truly change the world!

This incident was nicknamed by netizens as "the first shot of the Tao Hao Alliance", "Jian Huang's dawn gunshot~", and "the mid laners' Maginot Line of Defense".

The lively netizens also put Emperor Jian's profile picture on the head of the goddess of dawn and shouted the line: "The dawn is right in front of you!"

At the same time, Jian Huang also publicly stated that he has a killer weapon but it is useless. In the subsequent competitions, he will look for opportunities to use this killer weapon against The King!

Big killer? !

Fans laughed.

Under Jian Huang’s Twitter, many North American fans joked:

"Man, are you sure you're not joking? That's The King. Will your killer weapon work?"

"OH~~! What a terrifying killer. The King was so scared that he only ate two hamburgers today, hahaha."

"Jensen is our pistachio, and he has prepared a new gift. Hmm, won't the TL management feel a headache?"

"My daughter is one year old this year. She always cries recently, and I need to spend a lot of energy to coax her. It is really a troublesome thing. Just now, my baby started crying again, and I was worried about what to do. . She suddenly saw Jensen’s Twitter and smiled happily. Jensen, if you know how to tweet, please post more!”


LPL fans will be happy after watching this.

Everyone understood that there was something in Jensen's words.

Jensen (raised little finger and smiled confidently): "I am preparing a big dish, please be patient."

Jian Huang's work was so lively that fans couldn't help but look at P Huang's homepage.

Emperor P, who was also one of the two ancient emperors, was very calm and did not cause any trouble.

Fans of Emperor P shook their heads helplessly. Emperor Jian was too strong, and Emperor P might lose the battle to be the No. 1 king of the LCS.

In the past few days since the game, the outside world has been very lively, and TSM has also been very lively inside.

I watched the review video with TL seven or eight times.

This time the management did not spare anyone who deserved to be criticized.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is time to suppress the situation and calm down some people who are wandering.

After learning from the painful experience, TSM worked extremely hard in the following days of training.

In the past few days without competition, the kings of the American server are trembling.

According to the descriptions of some of the kings who have been scored, they will always encounter a pair such as "TheKing+Bengi" or "TheKing+Kakao".

When you show up at your own home, everyone is happy.

Once on the opposite side, wait to lose points.

Some American server kings immediately recorded videos after being placed in such a combination.

After the game ended, related videos continued to leak out.

The defeated American kings all expressed their opinions in conjunction with the game highlights.

The vast majority of people have the same opinion. In the US server Rank, the guy with the ID "The King" is so cruel!

The 19th-ranked player in the US server champion group is "Fraser", with a current score of 1298. He usually broadcasts live on the Mouse Channel and likes to do everything.

Because I was also playing the mid lane, when I played the big number on the night of February 21st, I was unfortunately and very lucky to be queued opposite TheKing.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, Frazier's Yasuo was messed up by TheKing's Ekko.

At 16 minutes and 23 seconds, the jungle mantis went to the middle to help capture, but was the first to die from Ike's damage.

However, this wave of Ike was also maimed by Mantis.

Yasuo has a chance to kill Ekko.

However, when Fraser's EQ flash was dodged by Ike's phase dive limit, he was hit three times with a backhand E in the face, and was pulled by Ike using his movement speed advantage, and was finally counter-killed.

Fraser, who was depressed throughout the whole scene, had his blood pressure soaring to the extreme, and staged the famous scene of the grumpy old man.

He suddenly picked up the keyboard and smashed it at the screen.

Then he put on a boxing suit, punched and kicked the sandbag hanging behind him in the room, and performed a crazy output.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed out loud when they saw the King of the American server being tortured like this by The King.

This video quickly spread to the LPL.

The big elbows took action and turned Frazier's head into many professional players.

For example, Dianhuang, Laundry Detergent, Big Tiger God, LCK Brother Li, Crown and others have all been teased.

Because of the huge traffic blessing, this meme became more and more popular as it was played, and it developed from the original status quo of being dominated by the mid laner to other lane players.

For example, a talented person posted Uzi's Hongwen profile picture, which originally made sense, after all, Uzi has been educated many times.

However, this person changed Fraser’s original live broadcast background to a bathhouse.

Suddenly, the dog fans couldn't stand it any longer, and a big war broke out.

On February 23, the ID number one in the US server ranking became TheKing.

1622 points, winning rate as high as 91%!

If it weren't for unexpected circumstances and some teammates being too pushy, this winning rate would be even higher.

Ranked second is Bang, currently with 1502 points and a winning rate of 70%.

Li Hao's rise to the top of the American server did not surprise anyone. After all, he once ranked first in the Canyon, Chinese server, and Korean server, and is a standard Rank Emperor.

However, just one day apart, the LCS division that was originally brewing is boiling!

On February 24, TSM played against C9.

The North American eldest brother and his second brother battled for 34 minutes and 23 seconds!

TSM defeated C9 25:10 and won its ninth consecutive victory!

The North American division was swept!

Even more exaggerated.

TheKing, an unprecedented nine consecutive super gods!

Throughout the North American Division, nine different teams were continuously surpassed by Li Hao!

Many spectators were shouting crazily:

"The coming of God!"

"The god of e-sports has descended on the LCS! This is a legendary spring!"

PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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