LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 446 The Acid Emperor! !

On the S8 World Championship stage, Cloud9 is undoubtedly the last team in NA.

At that time, they were placed in Group C, faced off against RNG and KT, and repeatedly performed brilliantly.

In the 2019 Spring Split, they are currently the second-largest team in North America. Apart from TSM, this group's immediate combat ability is considered the head of the LCS.

For C9 fans, such a performance is already a miracle.

Jian Huang left C9 to join TL in the 2018 winter window, leaving C9 without an important 'artistic' link. The new Nisqy is a Belgian youngster born in 1998. C9 will undoubtedly need to adjust in the new season.

However, their adaptation period is shorter than fans imagined, and Nisqy fits well with the original cast.

This game against TSM lasted for 34 minutes, making it the longest game TSM played in the LCS spring regular season this season!

Based on this alone, Cloud9 is proud of itself.

When TSM played against TL in the last game, the mentality of the top and bottom lane players was too relaxed. In this game, both Black and Bjergsen kept their spirits up.

Unfortunately, maybe C9 responded to Jian Huang's call for "Gunshots at Dawn". They were in good shape, and TSM couldn't take any advantage in the top and bottom lanes.

The Belgian mid laner selected Galio, the hero with the highest winning rate in his career. When facing Li Hao's Ryze, he did not waste any time and played the most cautious game in his career.

Jungler Svenskeren also worked with Nisqy under the arrangement of the coaching staff to set up a bus in the middle, maintaining a defensive posture throughout.

Although the midfielder has always been at a disadvantage, TSM's snowball speed is much slower than that of other teams.

Ryze is also a hero who needs to develop, and Li Hao can only slowly accumulate advantages.

All major teams paying attention to this game are thoughtful.

Especially those teams that think they are better than C9, all of them are inspired.

Using the same tactics, their players will most likely be better than C9~!

Combined with the intensity of the confrontation between TSM and C9, the top teams in the league feel a lot more at ease. TSM looks so scary, which really has a lot to do with the LCS division.

In the subsequent team battles, both TSM and C9 exposed a lot of problems, and players can often see small mistakes.

So, the biggest difference between the two teams lies in Ryze!

From the team battle that started in about 15 minutes, all viewers can find that C9 can restrict other people, but it cannot restrict the bald head!

Li Hao always gets rid of his opponents while moving and releases his skills accurately.

Every wave of wandering mages joins the group and all deal full damage.

It was precisely this kind of rhythm that allowed Li Hao to seize the opportunity and double his development speed.

Wave after wave, C9's defense was gradually torn apart.

Inadvertently, they lost this matchup that they seemed to have a chance to win.

This feeling, even if everyone in C9 has a good mentality, they are still very sorry.

You know, defeating the current TSM team will definitely make the league famous, which is quite tempting.

However, the audience doesn’t care about that much.

Their greater focus is on results.

TSM wins! Sweeping the LCS’s ninth consecutive victory!

And TheKing is the ninth super god!

When seeing the post-match data, not only the audience, but also the C9 coaching staff were surprised.

Ryze's average damage per point is close to 900 points!

900 points! This is definitely an incredible value!

The King, this guy, unknowingly cut off such exaggerated statistics on their heads!

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

Whether it's Svenskeren's Zach or Nisqy's Galio, the two defend well, but they are always bullied by Ryze's skills. The more fleshy they are, the more they can train the wandering mage into a big data brush.

"Congratulations TSM!"

"Yes, congratulations to TSM! Congratulations to Brother Hao!"

In the LCS regional broadcast room of the high-energy viewing group of the LPL broadcast platform, Guan Da Xiao, Shi Yi, and the guest "Reaper" Hirano Aya, who had come to work early, were all expressing their congratulations.

On the screen on the broadcast platform, TSM and his team were already shaking hands with C9 players.

The BO1 battle in the first round of the LCS Spring Split has officially come to an end.

After the second round, it will enter the playoffs.

Eleven couldn't help but praise: "Brother Hao is still strong. From the first wave of team battles, I felt that C9 couldn't limit wandering."

"Especially in the 18-minute dragon team fight, Brother Hao repeatedly jumped and moved, pulling Nisqy's blood pressure up. After Nisqy got on top, he turned around and moved to the extreme to avoid Galio's E skill. That moment was really It makes Nisqy people look numb, hahaha."

"Although the competition intensity in the LCS is not that high, I feel that Brother Hao has not changed much."

"Brother Dingfeng Hao seems to be still here this season!"

Hirano Aya also nodded: "I have watched all TSM games. To be honest, Brother Hao's numbers in the LCS this season are too exaggerated. It is almost impossible for anyone to surpass him in the future. There have been many Korean players playing in the LCS before. Since then, On paper, they are much better than the local players in the LCS, but they quickly integrated into the LCS."

"It is absolutely impossible to achieve the kind of data that Brother Hao has achieved without truly strong hard power. It makes no sense to question Brother Hao's strength by using the low strength of the LCS."

"If Brother Hao is still in Snake"

When Hirano Aya said it was normal, Colonel Guan took it over with a smile: "That's the fourth crown in the dynasty's continuation!"

"The current Snake is still firmly in the top three levels of the LPL. Adding Brother Hao, there is no solution at all."

"TSM's big contract during the winter window shocked everyone inside and outside the industry, and it raised the salary cap for e-sports players to a new level. It was really a big gamble at the time, but now many teams are regretting it. Brother Hao It really doesn’t disappoint!”

Colonel Guan continued: "Have you noticed that the LCS, which everyone didn't pay much attention to before, seems to be paying attention to it now in all major competition regions."

"Yes, I now spend twice as much time paying attention to LCS information as before."

"It's normal. There are interesting news surrounding Brother Hao over there every day. Haha, this week the US server King anchor was shown his mentality by Brother Hao's Ike. The video and the second creation spoof are really interesting. I admire the netizens' Ability to survive."


The three of them were chatting enthusiastically, but the topic went off topic. Colonel Guan quickly corrected him:

"The two games between TSM and TL and C9 were obviously a little more difficult than before. C9 seemed to have absorbed the experience of the previous games, adopted a defensive strategy, and increased the team's fault tolerance. If it weren't for a lot of mistakes, C9 would have been better in this game. The chances are greater.”

"With C9 taking the lead, I feel that TSM's second half of the game will be more difficult. The LCS teams may learn a similar style of play. Then if Brother Hao wants to lead the team to win consecutively, there will definitely be a greater challenge."

Despite Colonel Guan's serious analysis, Hirano Aya smiled and said:

"If the LCS does what C9 does, Brother Hao's damage data may be even more explosive."


At this time, there was constant ridicule in the barrage:

[Bold Hirano Aya, your black feet are exposed, are you questioning my brother Gouqi’s data collection? ! 】

[If nothing else, C9's midfielder and jungler have something of a pressure-resistant brother. Nisqy didn't even win the title of king after a game. 】

[The senior colonel cast a spell to remotely support me, Brother Hao, and TSM is stable again in the second half]

[I told you a long time ago that Brother Hao went to the hospital to replace the parts and change the oil. If you don’t believe it, there are no injuries if the gears run with oil! 】

[The whole alliance (with tears streaming down their face): Already repenting~~]

In the live broadcast, thunderous applause and cheers erupted from the Los Angeles Esports Arena.

"The King!"

"The King!"

"The King!"


On the interview stage, Sjokz was standing next to Li Hao. Like the audience, she shouted Li Hao's ID. The atmosphere in the venue was extremely lively, and Li Hao also smiled and clapped.

"TheKing, it's a pleasure to invite you again."

"I believe that many summoners feel the same as me. We all want to know how you feel after winning this victory."

Li Hao raised the microphone in his hand and said with a smile under the attention of many players around the world:

“I’m just thankful that I got the results.”

"Because during the winter window injury period, there were many fans and viewers who silently supported me. After getting out of this series of difficulties, the last thing I want to see is the disappointment of those who supported me. I am very happy to have achieved this result. , I am extremely grateful to my teammates, they are a group of lovely guys who accompanied me through the difficult period."

After a burst of applause, Sjokz smiled and asked:

"Many people say that you have dominated the LCS division. What do you think?"

"Thank you everyone for your praise and trust in me. However, the team still has room for improvement. We have a lot of work to do. It is too early to talk about 'dominance'. If we win the league championship, I think I will accept it calmly." talk."

Li Hao's words are relatively modest, but his tone is very confident.

Many people feel that the man on the stage has a belief that he will win the LCS league championship.

Only in this way can TSM have a chance to compete in the World Championship.

The Head Girl nodded and asked the next question:

"This is a fan question"

"In the first round of the TSM Spring Split, Benji cooperated perfectly with you. You are the most shining midfielder combination this season. Benji has worked with Faker and Faker before. Who do you think is TSM's current midfielder or SKT's former midfielder? How about stronger?"

Li Hao responded calmly without any pause:

"The perspective of the bystander is more thorough and clear. I don't need to answer this question. Everyone has their own answer."

"Just like the audience at the Los Angeles Esports Arena at this time, everyone has their own answer."


I have to say that the audience at the scene was very impressive, and there was a huge sound of "The King"!

Especially the team of Chinese students who were gathered together, their shouts were particularly loud.

In the LPL broadcast platform, barrages were forming one after another.

Ten thousand barrages, eight thousand for Brother Hao.

The remaining two thousand are all "wolfberry".

Occasionally there are some little black men, and the barrage they send out is covered.

Even at this time, most of the LCK broadcast platforms support the ID "TheKing".

In the SKT club, the big devil who woke up early to watch the live broadcast turned off his computer again, got into bed sadly and went back to sleep.

After several questions in a row, Sjokz asked TSM about their plans for the World Championship.

Maybe the TSM club is very high-profile, but Li Hao still expressed tactfully that TSM's primary goal is to get a place in the World Championship. After getting the place, we can talk about the World Championship.

The interview ended, but the subsequent turmoil did not.

TSM swept the LCS division, Captain Orangutan’s gamble of the century won!

And Li Hao has been superb in nine consecutive games. This legendary record of reducing dimensionality in the LCS has pushed him to the forefront.

E-sports experts, analysts, and anchors from various major competition areas are all giving their judgment through live broadcasts, updates, and participation in programs.

Quite a few people believe that Li Hao is still at his incredible peak!

However, some people still believe that the strength of LCS needs to be tested.

The topic is very popular and it basically dominates the rankings in all major forums.

Some professional players were also brought out for judging, and most of them said they couldn't do it if they changed positions.

However, there are also a very small number of professional players who speak tough words and are quite dissatisfied.

The most representative figure among them is someone from the LEC division.

In the winter window of 2018, Cap King left FNC and went to G2 to look for opportunities.

After losing Caps, Slovenian youngster Nemesis, who was born in 1999, finally waited for the opportunity to become the next starter of the European giants.

Therefore, whether the Cap King leaves or FNC gives up competing for The King in the winter window, Nemesis is the biggest beneficiary.

Otherwise, he would just have to keep running the water cooler.

Ever since FNC released its winter window confession, and experienced the verbal bombardment from Coster and others, the LEC has been in a constant rhythm.

In addition, Nemesis had just landed and did not perform as well as fans wanted to see. Not to mention Li Hao, he was completely overwhelmed by Caps, and FNC was also overwhelmed by G2.

Therefore, Nemesis naturally became one of the rhythm points.

If young people are not angry, can they still be called young people? Nemesis belongs to the category of one with a big temper.

Of course he was not happy with the rhythm on his body.

After Li Hao's ninth consecutive super performance in the LEC, Nemesis was asked about his evaluation of Li Hao.

Although Nemesis was unhappy in his heart, Li Hao's current status was too high and his godhead was too stable to be true. On the surface, he praised Li Hao's achievements and expressed his yearning for Li Hao's achievements.

Nemesis tried his best to cover up, but when it came to the LCS issue, this little guy still showed his dark feet.

He talked about it lightly: "LEC broke away from LCS. The S8 World Championship can explain a lot of problems. LEC is more progressive and growing faster than LCS. It is one of the strongest divisions in the world. The gap between LEC and LCS will be certain this season. Bigger.”

"Super God is very difficult in the LEC. In regions such as the LCS and wild cards, if there are team resources tilted, the difficulty is not that high."

"Hahaha, if I had the resources to lean towards it, no one would be surprised if I achieved a superb record in the LCS."


Nemesis himself may not have thought that this wave of speaking out would directly push him to the forefront of the limelight!

Both inside and outside the words, everyone could smell a sour smell, even more sour than that old vinegar~~!

The implication can be summarized by fans into two points:

[Brother Wolfberry has the resources to lean towards me. If I had the resources, I could be super good in the LCS. I can do it even if I play]

[LCS is very hip, LEC crushes LCS, LCS's super god has no gold content, but it is superior in LEC]

If Nemesis were to confront him head-on, people might still respect him as a good guy, but now that he does this, fans will naturally complain about him.

Hao fans, in particular, are now the largest fan group in the league.

The day Nemesis's remarks appeared, they were moved to Wolfberry Bar, Haoge Bar, E-Sports Louvre and other places where they were hung up and whipped.

Fans of the whole show not only changed Nemesis's avatar into a clown, but also put a background window behind him, filled with various open bottles of vinegar, as well as lemons, green-peeled oranges and other items.

Anyway, my mouth watered when I saw that picture.

"I thought that after beating C9, the first round of becoming emperor would be over. Unexpectedly, Nemesis came out with a strong force and turned into the acid emperor instantly!"

"Nemesis is like no one else in terms of skills. He can become one of the Twelve Emperors even if he doesn't play games!"

"Hahaha, I really look forward to the Sour King meeting Brother Hao in the World Championship. Don't cry then."

"Acid King: I researched Msi and couldn't beat it, so I didn't go."


Nemesis became emperor in a different way, and Li Hao naturally paid attention to this matter.

Seeing this very familiar ID, Li Hao couldn't help but laugh.

Sour King is still Sour King, and has not changed at all.

He didn't pay attention to this matter, but was immersed in TSM's subsequent games.

Judging from the previous two games, TSM still needs to adapt to more tactics.

Time flies to March 3, and TSM’s second round of BO1 continues.

On March 3rd and March 4th, TSM once again met the FLY and FOX teams.

After these two games, TSM's winning streak in the LCS has become 11 games!

everyone realizes

The winning streak in the Spring Split continues!

PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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