LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 451 Carnival Party! Record night!

On March 25, the alliance ushered in a new version 9.6.

Based on the rework of Angel Sisters in 9.5, Kyle has been slightly adjusted again.

Astral Grace has a delay of 0.25 seconds after it is cast until it takes effect. The changes to the E skill are similar. Although the growth of attack power and attack speed are reduced, which slightly weakens the ability in the later period, it will be smoother to use W and E to connect the basic attack.

In the 9.5 version, Neeko was weakened too much. In 9.6, a wave of callbacks were made, and Ornn was also strengthened.

What makes EZ players more uncomfortable is that the Tears of the Goddess series of equipment are in the same equipment group, and you can only buy one at most. Recently, the ez Double Tears of the Goddess routine was forced to go offline.

As for the minion deplasmatizer, which is a key player in the arena, the number of items carried has been increased from 6 to 3.

In addition to changes to heroes, equipment, and talents, the bounty system and many bugs have also been fixed. 9.6 also launched some skins for cats and dogs, and changed the background story and worldview, which is considered a major update.

In the TSM base, the coaching staff looked at all the changes together.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This change will not have much impact on TSM.

In the second half of the spring game, Li Hao used Enchantress a few more times, and each time he produced explosive data.

Therefore, there are rumors that the enchantress will be chopped off.

When version 9.5 was changed, several Riot designers participated in an interview show, and someone asked about the changes to LeBlanc. At that time, the designers made it clear that they would conduct a new evaluation of this hero.

Version 9.6 has not changed at all, which shows that the designers think that the numerical value of the Enchantress is fine.

So why The King's enchantress is so strong can only be blamed on himself and his opponent.

At present, the ban rate of Enchantress in LCS, LEC, LPL, and LCK all exceeds 40%, but the winning rate varies greatly in each major competition area. The win rate of Enchantress in LCK is the highest, with LPL at 50.8%, and in LCS, The winning rate of Enchantress is only 42%. If it weren't for Li Hao, Enchantress in LCS might not have such a high winning rate.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the fist if it is not chipped.

This is good news for TSM.

If the opponent is afraid of Li Hao's Enchantress, they can take advantage of the ban position.

On March 26, TSM played against C9.

In this game, C9 performed as tenaciously as last time.

Because Danish jungler Svenskeren and auxiliary Zeyzal have been targeting the middle from the early stage, and TSM's Black has a problem with his condition today. If Li Hao doesn't speak, this guy will always be slow.

This resulted in greater pressure on TSM in the early stage.

The game lasted until 13 minutes and 24 seconds before Li Hao's plane got the data of 2/1/0. Although the last hit was far ahead of Nisqy, it was still the slowest game in the entire spring.

The situation between the two sides is still at a stalemate.

At 15 minutes and 12 seconds, a team battle broke out between the two sides in Xiaolongkeng. This wave ended in a 3-for-3 fight.

Li Hao's plane flew into the crowd, and he got a double kill for 1 for 2. Sneaky, the master of women's clothing, stood up and chopped off two heads with one EZ hand. Bilson's Nuo hand was shown off, and he died under the EZ's secret shooting. .

Seeing this, many viewers thought that not only Li Hao's miracle would be ended, but even TSM's winning streak might be terminated.

The second North American brother has been preparing for this game for a long time. He is in good condition and plays with his own intensity.

Although it is a pity that the legendary record has ended, the vast majority of the audience can accept it.

To reach Li Hao's current level is unique.

However, when the plane found out the key magic shoes, endless, and three phases from the old man Quan Shui, the style of the game gradually changed.

At 23 minutes and 26 seconds, a team battle broke out between the two sides fighting for the fire dragon.

This time, TSM still won the team battle with 2 for 3 even though the big brother’s skateboard shoes were the first to die suddenly.

The main thing is Li Hao.

The plane carrying the explosive bag dropped a special express at C9, cut into the back row and killed the half-health EZ. After using the W skill to escape, he cooperated with Black's bull head to kill a carbine.

In this wave of team battles, the aircraft dealt 4,900 points of damage and scored three kills!

Because Svenskeren was alive, Li Hao did not forcefully direct the fight against the Baron. Instead, he took the remaining Nuoshou and Zhumei to destroy the second tower in the middle of C9 and obtained the Fire Dragon.

With the advantage of the next wave of troops, TSM was the first to seize the view of Dalong Pit.

At the beginning of 26 minutes, a team battle broke out between the two sides near Dalongkeng.

TSM won the team battle again with 1 for 3!

Under the attack of C9, the aircraft was reduced to residual health. Li Hao relied on his positioning and strong reactions in the team battle. Not only was he not killed first, but he suffered tons of damage!

In the replay on the big screen at the scene, the aircraft moved forward and slashed with its head, and used the diving and displacement skills of the Val base, and then turned back to output, coupled with the precise release of artillery shells, the noise at the scene never stopped.

In this wave, the plane scored another double kill!

The sound of "Unstoppable" sounded again!

TSM won this wave, but they still didn't beat the Baron because the stupid pig girl rushed into the battle and died first, and they didn't want to take the risk.

Relying on the large number of people, TSM advanced from the middle.

The prince guarding the tower was reduced to residual health by Li Hao. If Svenskeren hadn't used EQ to escape quickly, not only would the prince die, but the next wave of C9 dragon would definitely be lost.

However, C9's mid-lane high ground and crystals were all shattered, and TSM once again had the advantage.

At 28 minutes and 13 seconds, after TSM managed the army line, Bilson, who had turned into TP, led the bottom lane alone, and the remaining people directly opened the baron.

With Nuo Shou in the bottom lane, super soldiers in the middle, and a disadvantage in vision, C9 was afraid of being crouched and afraid of being pulled down to the high ground, so they made a major decision.

On the basis of sending someone to capture the promise hand while guarding the super soldier, Svenskeren was also asked to go to the dragon pit to grab the dragon alone!

The prince stepped on TSM's field of vision, and Li Hao and his gang had already noticed him.

The stupid chicken looked at the distance and threw it with a big move.

Niutou directly jumped over the wall, and WQ2 connected to the control chain.

Li Hao uses W when reading the R skill bar, and activates E to reduce the resistance while W is flying, and then connects with QA after getting close. The aircraft's skills and basic attacks are smoother than normal attacks and skills. This set of fastest explosive combos directly kills the enemy. Svenskeren was severely disabled!

The moment the prince released his control, EQ ran away in the opposite direction and tried to grab the dragon!

Although Svenskeren tried very hard, the next super missile from the plane followed and killed the prince with one shot!

The baron was taken down by TSM. On the top lane, Bilson was surrounded by three people from C9 and maimed two people. Unfortunately, the damage was a little short and they were not killed.

This wave of Bilson was actually a bit rough, but fortunately the top lane was good, and the little time he delayed allowed others to complete the lane change.

C9's top high ground was also broken.

The remaining people returned to the high ground and had no time to return to the spring, so they went directly to the upper road to defend.

TSM was not greedy. They retreated, collected the jungle areas on both sides, and then returned to the city to reinstall.

In the next wave, TSM brought two lines of super soldiers, with red and blue buffs on the aircraft, almost equipped with Liushen equipment.

At 31 minutes, the team battle on the C9 high ground was about to break out.

The magical sound effects of the explosion and the roars of the heroes made everyone in C9 look more and more solemn.

Sneaky, who still had less than half of his health left, was hit by Li Hao's refreshed artillery from a distance when he was using secret skills to steal the plane.

A red explosion symbol exploded on EZ's forehead!

A critical hit, killing EZ with nearly 500 health on the spot!

"Eighth consecutive kill!"

On the LCS commentary stage, Riv shouted excitedly:

"Super God!"

"The King is awesome again!"

"Sneaky's head is just right!"

"This is incredible, Smith. I think you are like me and like many viewers. You didn't expect that The King could continue his amazing record, right?"

As the new king of North American Haofu, Smith leaned forward and put his thick lips against the microphone:

"I don't think so, sir."

"I predicted from the beginning of the game that The King will still be amazing in this game, including the entire regular season."

"The entire spring of the 2019 LCS, the most exciting moments and the greatest records all belong to The King. Even if there is only one minute left in the game, I believe he can cut off 8 heads in 1 minute, because he is a miracle. the incarnation of.”

It sounds like an exaggeration, but Smith's face has always been serious and confident, which gives people the impression that he is saying a very serious thing.

At least Smith himself was extremely convinced by his speech.

Fans who are familiar with Haochui at the top of the LCS and LPL are no exception. This is the only way for casters to reach the top of Haochui, which is the so-called "Haochui self-cultivation".

As long as it comes to the data records of The King, you must be confident enough. This confidence must be able to infect the people around you, and it must not be in a joking manner.

Riv asked with a smile:

"Jensen has been emphasizing that he has the trump card to proactively deal with TheKing, and what follows is the final battle between TL and TSM."

"So, what do you think the outcome will be?"

"Will Jensen's trump card work?"

There was a hint of joking at the corner of Smith's mouth. He did not answer directly, but told a short story:

"Listen to me, man."

"My cousin's son is a naughty boy. He saw me last week and told me that he had a very powerful mysterious weapon hidden at home."

"He invited me to see it and told me how powerful and advanced his weapons were. I was very curious all the way."

"When I arrived at his house, I discovered that it was a new type of water spray gun. In addition to spraying out rapid water flow, it can also turn into a sprinkler tool by pressing the switch, which adds practicality to the fun."

"For an 8-year-old boy, that's a pretty good weapon."

Riv naturally understood what he meant: "So."

Smith: "So Jensen is just talking. His mouth is like a water gun. The King can put Gatling in his mouth."

"To be honest, I have no expectations at all for his trump card. Even if TheKing scores 30 kills on his trump card, it is an ordinary event."

Riv laughed loudly after hearing this:

"I don't know if Jensen's trump card is effective, but he watched the live broadcast and will definitely bombard you tonight."

The commentary box was very lively, and the scene was even more lively.

The game between TSM and C9 has ended, and the aircraft’s final record remains at 13/3/8. This is Li Hao’s fifteenth game in the LCS, and also his fifteenth super-god!

The saying "God's coming" has resounded throughout the entire alliance world!

Many famous LCK figures have come to North America to make money before, but have they ever achieved such a record?

No, not one, not even one who can touch porcelain.

Even the term "technical poverty alleviation" has been newly defined.

Only players of the "god" level can be considered to be helping the poor through technology.

The previous "technical poverty alleviation" only sounded good, but in fact it was just bad money.

Can it be helped without hard means? It’s very blue~!

The arrival of The King, although Captain Orangutan spent a sky-high price, has an immediate effect!

TSM wins 17th consecutive victory! Breaking a series of LCS records.

As long as they defeat TL in the next game, TSM will complete the feat of sweeping the entire LCS!

That night, just as Riv said, Jian Huang did not give up and fought with Smith on Twitter.

However, the battle between these two people was just a chat, and TL would certainly not reveal the actual tactics.

Under their operation, the heat was really stirred up.

March 27th, the final game of the TSM spring regular season!

Emperor Jian's trump card is ready to come out.

Just when the audience was looking forward to it, TL chose a very conventional lineup.

Top laner Vampire, jungle prince, mid laner Clockwork, AD Varus, and support Tahm Kench.

TL was on the blue side this round and had no intention of using their trump card.

On TSM's side, they chose a lineup of Sword Demon, Pig Girl, Enchantress, Lucian, and Braum.

This is Li Hao's sixth game in the Spring Split. If the opponent doesn't pull, he will most likely choose her.

The gorgeous black rose bloomed again at the Los Angeles Esports Arena.

The game lasted from 7pm to 7:38pm, and the cheers inside and outside the venue were deafening!

Outside the Los Angeles Esports Arena, a couple who were shopping at night passed by the outer square. They were attracted by a burst of noise. Many passers-by also stopped frequently and cast curious glances.

"There are so many people, what are they doing?"

"Is it a concert?"

Someone is asking.

Afterwards, they heard shouts of "The King".

On the large LCD screen outside the venue, more than 7,000 spectators crowded together cheered and reveled when the enchantress instantly defeated Varus!




"The King!"

"The King!"

"The King!"

This is like a rave party, just for league esports fans!

Many people prepared drinks and raised them to celebrate together.

The happy time began with the crisp collision of bottles and cans.

The LCS division has not had such an exciting moment for a long, long time.

"Hey, man, what are you celebrating?"

A passerby becomes infected and attempts to blend in.

"Brother, have you heard of TSM and TheKing?"

"I'm sorry, can you tell me something?" a passerby asked.

Hearty laughter came from the outer square: "That's such a pity."

"He is the greatest being in the e-sports world. You must remember this ID. Yes, it is TheKing. Please remember him!"

“No one on this planet understands what we want to see better than him, and he can achieve everything you want to see in the esports world. I can swear that if you know him well enough, you will fall in love with him. !”

Passers-by were surprised: "The King?"

"What a strange ID."

"Haha, yes, he comes from the ancient East and is a mysterious Chinese."

Many passers-by came over. They had never heard of The King, but they were all shocked when they learned that his annual salary was close to 60 million US dollars.

But some people expressed dissatisfaction: "The King's annual salary is worth at least 100 million US dollars."

"The world's number one e-sports player is totally worth the price."


On the evening of March 27, many e-sports forums released the latest news about TSM.

The North American cult found their faith, and under the shadow of the god of esports, they swept the LCS!

18 consecutive wins, this is a new record for LCS!

This night is not only a record night for TSM, but also a record night for Li Hao.

In all the 16 games he participated in in the spring, Li Hao scored 16 consecutive wins in the LCS, an abnormal and terrifying record!

In the e-sports world in 2019, he once again became the brightest star.

TL experienced a disastrous defeat, and Jian Huang, who promoted his trump card before the game, participated in the post-game interview.

Although Jian Huang was at loggerheads with Smith on Twitter, he still admired Li Hao's record.

"That's truly an incredible achievement."

"Yeah, I can't do that either."

"As for the trump card, smart people will put it in the playoffs."

"Even if they defeat TSM this time, it will not change the situation in the playoffs. Of course TL will choose a smarter approach."

"Moreover, it is also a beautiful thing to witness The King's record in the final game."

"If we defeat The King like this in the playoffs, it will be more exciting and exciting."

LEC's Acid King bets the duel on the World Championship.

LCS’s Jian Huang bets his ultimate move on the playoffs.

Fans are very happy, the Twelve Emperors always like to have fun.

All major teams, especially those targeting MSI in the near future, are all on alert.

If nothing else happens, no one in the LCS can stop TSM.

For a North American team, if they dig deep into their history, no one will care how much of a threat they can create in the World Championship.

But now, the situation is completely different.

The major teams can ignore TSM, but they cannot ignore the league's number one who is about to fall and suddenly stands up again!

The huge dark clouds that dispersed from the sky tended to gather together again.

The hazy and dim alliance world always makes people feel depressed and uncomfortable.

PS: Good night book friends, we will update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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