LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 452: Unprecedented chaos in all major versions!

On the evening of March 27, the LCS division was abuzz with the final battle between TSM and TL.

Many LCS fans stayed up all night, enjoying this carnival that was like "rain after a long drought".

The next morning, the US Server Alliance's homepage was fully occupied, celebrating TSM's 18th consecutive victory with a splash screen, and even gave Li Hao a separate promotional page.

In addition to the makeup photos, the ID "The King" in front of the character uses domineering word art, and is accompanied by special effects of burning flames.

Many e-sports people are saying that the spring temperature in North America is much higher than before. The reason is because of Li Hao's extremely fiery state. The entire LCS Spring Split has been continuously burned by the flames of his blazing comeback.

Awesome 16 consecutive games!

As long as there is an event in which he participates, God will come!

Such an overbearing performance, no matter how picky an audience you are, you will be conquered now.

At this moment, if you throw a stone at the LCS e-sports circle, you will hit a true fan.

Many of Li Hao’s peripheral products previously sold by Riot Games, including signed team uniforms, signed hats, limited edition e-sports equipment, Q-version character models, team customized gold collectible cards, etc., are out of stock.

The Super God series figures have become rare items sought after by countless league e-sports fans.

On March 28, 2019, Riot Games’ LeBlanc, the final game of the spring regular season of the Super God Series, numbered 0-16, was still in pre-sale, but it had already been snapped up in advance.

Some people are criticizing Riot Games for its hunger marketing, but many wealthy people have posted updates, saying they are determined to win this series.

On Amazon, someone is selling the front-numbered Super God Series collectibles for tens of thousands of dollars!

A series of price premiums even led to the emergence of second-tier dealers.

The traffic around Li Hao is terrifying, and being named the center of the current alliance world is no exaggeration at all.

The official data staff even provided a very interesting piece of data, which is the changes in players’ IDs.

Since Li Hao came to the LCS, a group of conquered fans have changed their IDs in order to express their loyalty.

These modified IDs are all very "Haohua" and almost all start with "The".

For example: "The Spider", maybe a true fan of spiders.

A little fishman guy from Mouse Station has recently followed this trend and changed his ID to "The Fish". He is a model of concise and to the point.

Many LPL players laughed out loud after learning about this incident.

A player with the ID "The Lang" loudly declared in the E-Sports Louvre: These are the leftovers from our games.

Of course, the most popular post in the Louvre Museum and Kangba at this time is not this, but a discussion about Li Hao.

This kind of discussion will seem familiar to many old fans.

It seems like it’s discussed once a year!

"In addition to being recognized as the number one player in the league, what level of strength does Brother Wolfberry have in the 2019 season?"

Why are you wondering about this issue?

It's simple, because TheKing in 2018 has been defined as the most dominant force in the history of e-sports.

Many fans and passers-by generally believe that that is the ultimate ceiling that no one can surpass.

Players who can approach that level are among the best in the league.

At that time, Li Hao was injured, and everyone thought that he would fall far away from that level.

But this year, people are talking about

Compared with the 2019 version of The King and the 2018 peak version, which one is stronger?

People were numb with shock, but obsessed with the issue.

Especially after the horrific record of the 16th Super God Company appeared, fans of the two versions became more and more fierce in their fights, and even some grumpy brothers started quarreling in the forum because of their disagreements.

After the quarrel, Haofen of the 16th and 17th versions couldn't stand it any longer, and they also stood up and expressed their unique opinions.

"In the 18th version, Brother Wolfberry reached the pinnacle and swept the world championship. That is the eternal god!"

"The data of Brother Wolfberry in the 19th edition has exploded, crushing all seasons. It is the real era of the gods. There will definitely be more terrifying data. This is the most brilliant season!"

Someone reminded angrily: "Have you forgotten Brother Hao in the 17th season? Climb to the top of the Bird's Nest, massacre SKT, one man against three lanes, the legend will never end!"

There are also old fans who have powerful words: "The Song of Ice and Fire in the 16th season was even more epic. At that time, the LPL was in turmoil. In the 16th version, Brother Hao dealt the heaviest blow to the LCK, sweeping three stars. The Juggernaut Pentakill reached the peak of SKT! For LPL won its first world championship, what a magnificent scene it was! I think Brother Hao of that era was the strongest!"

The four major versions of Hao fans are competing with each other, and the forum is a bit confusing.

People can’t even figure out when this wave of rhythm started, and when the taste changed so much.

But now I can’t care so much. Many people have different opinions and have the desire to persuade others to agree with them, so the debate cannot stop at all.

A ten-year-old fan came uninvited and joined the battle: "You can take a look at Sister Tuozi's interview with Qi Jiang. Qi Jiang made it clear that in the 2015 season, putting Brother Hao on the bench was the biggest success of Guodian. Wrong, if Brother Hao had been allowed to walk away at that time, this league would have been different. Brother Hao in the 2015 season, with a mature mind and no injuries, should be the peak."

The Reason Emperor said: "In the e-sports industry, youth is an absolute asset. From a rational perspective, maybe the younger S3 and S4 versions of Brother Wolfberry are the strongest. Even, just with the current intensity When we deduce the past, we will feel a sense of excitement and a huge regret. We missed the brightest star in the history of e-sports. This is a pity for e-sports fans!"

Everyone is a fan of the same player, but because they support different versions, they start a war of words on major forums. This kind of scene is rare not only in the e-sports circle, but also in the entire world.

Some gangsters seized the opportunity and wanted to take advantage of it to cause trouble, but they soon found that they couldn't get in the way.

Because no matter which version they are fans of, these people will open their mouths to record various records and famous scenes, and their mouths will be eye-catching super talents.

"How many Fmvp do you have?"

"How many times have you been a super god in a row?"

"What kind of champion are you?"

"Can you sweep the World Championship?"

"Do you have a big background in the world? Even the Twelve Emperors can beat you up."


Faced with this series of problems, the black men were as stunned as clay statues, and the fighting power they had originally prepared collapsed in an instant.

Damn it, you can’t be black by pretending to be black! !

Why fans of various major versions of Hao can argue, in the final analysis, it is because there are too many famous scenes, they are so excellent!

There have been similar discussions before, but they were far less intense than this time.

Mainly because Li Hao has made too much noise in the LCS recently.

His performance after his comeback far exceeded most people's expectations.

Strong emotions such as surprise, surprise, and excitement broke out, driving the entire public opinion forward violently.

At the same time, viewers in all major competition regions are staring at the LCS.

On March 31, the LCS playoff quarterfinals officially began.

There are a total of 10 teams in the LCS, 6 of which have entered the playoffs.

The top-ranked TSM and the second-ranked C9 have locked in the semi-finals and will directly play in the semi-finals.

The third place TL will compete with the sixth place FOX, and the winner will face C9.

The fourth-placed team FLY will play against the fifth-placed team GGS. The team that advances will play TSM in the semifinals on April 7.

The finals will start on April 14.

There is still plenty of time for the LCS before the mid-season championship qualifiers on May 1.

On March 30, the day before the LCS playoffs started, the latest news came from Li Hao.

Tyler1, a major league anchor on Twitch, recently changed his name to The, Tyler1. This is not big news.

This person is very famous on Twitch, and many European and American viewers know him.

With his strong body, violent temper and live broadcast style of "talking without thinking", he was previously regarded by many domestic players as a combination of Death Announcement + Potion Brother. The most famous incident involving him is that S6 was permanently banned by Riot Games.

At that time, he still had the image of a grumpy old man who did things regardless of the consequences. It was common for him to "passionately interact" with his teammates when he disagreed with others, and to ask the opponent to kill him by himself. In a game in the S6 season, because the mid laner was robbing him of blue, Tyler1 immediately started to play, which eventually led to Riot Games banning dozens of his accounts.

And as long as he opens a game in the live broadcast room, this account will immediately enter the black room.

However, Riot Games finally let him go. After being banned for 613 days, Tyler1 announced that his League of Legends account had been unbanned, and soon restarted the game live broadcast, and later changed his name to The and Tyler1.

The North American Yaoshui brother claimed that he had been Li Hao's teammate several times in previous rankings.

At that time, he was using his auxiliary position to challenge the king, but was repeatedly frustrated.

Just when his emotions broke out and he was about to go astray again, he met Li Hao. After several consecutive games, the grumpy old man was redeemed.

Therefore, after appreciating the style of Shi Yizhong, Tyler1 was completely conquered.

On the evening of March 30, Tyler1 met Li Hao again while playing the US server King of Champions live broadcast. Not only did the two of them greet each other in a friendly manner, but an extremely interesting thing happened.

Due to a coordination error, our jungler and top laner had a quarrel and typed greetings to each other.

At this time, Tyler1 actually spoke out to dissuade him.

While Li Hao was killing the opponent's Dragon King in the middle, he was also typing to persuade him.

The two people's collaboration brought a lot of positive energy to the game. Many viewers who watched the live broadcast said they felt sunshine and warmth.

After the game, Li Hao also encouraged Tyler1 and praised his changes.

Tyler1, who had a sinister face, touched his bald head, showed a ferocious smile, and kept saying to the camera:

"We will definitely continue to deliver positive energy in the league."

When LPL players learned about this, they were filled with emotion.

"Brother Hao really loves the alliance!"

"Brother Wolfberry is very domineering. I watched the replay video. Tyler1 is such a fierce guy, but he behaves so well in front of Brother Hao. He seems to be afraid of being beaten."

"You don't understand this. Local gangs in Los Angeles also play e-sports, and they are all fans of Brother Hao. At venues outside the Los Angeles e-sports arena, local gangs are even helping to maintain law and order and will give away some beer."

"Damn it! There's still this thing!"

The intelligence emperor smiled: "This is all true. Brother Hao has the final say whether the City of Angels is in chaos or not. Even if Brother Gua comes to Los Angeles, he will always talk to Brother Hao."



"Some time ago, Brother Hao rectified the atmosphere of actors in the canyon, and now he has directly inspired the grumpy old man in the US server. With more players like Brother Hao, the game environment will be greatly improved."

Someone commented very truthfully: "If there is more Brother Hao, the other players will be ruined."

On the evening of March 31, the LCS division started the playoffs ahead of other divisions.

On this day, TSM did not have a game, and a large number of people gathered in the viewing area of ​​the base.

The coaching staff, analysts, and players all came together to watch this round of playoffs attentively.

Although they firmly sit at the top of the LCS and are a veritable galactic battleship, everyone still needs to take a closer look at the variables of other teams in the playoffs.

The game between TL and FOX started on time at five o'clock in the afternoon.

In the first game, both sides were looking for form, and the fight was evenly matched, and the pace of the game was relatively slow.

However, TL's lineup is significantly deeper.

At the 38th minute, Zven's Piano Girl + Corejj's Gems started the team strongly. Omu's Kenan found the right opportunity and entered the field with a wave of thunder. Jensen's Jess and Olaf went in. FOX's double C was killed on the spot, and was subsequently defeated. Chase and kill the team.

TL pushed forward from the middle and ended the game in one wave.

The head-to-head ratio was finally maintained at 15:12.

The boss of FOX, the "Black Iron Old Man" was extremely depressed backstage, and a good game was ruined in the last wave.

In the second game, Jian Huang showed off his power.

With one hand, Zoe scored luxurious statistics of 7/1/4, delivering the highest damage in the game.

FeniX's Enchantress was beaten mercilessly, which continued to lower the Enchantress's winning rate.

Looking at the normal game, FeniX's Enchantress has no achievements. It wants damage but no damage, wants rhythm but no rhythm. In the end, it can't clear the lane, just like a useless person.

This can't help but remind people of Li Hao.

If it were the enchantress from The King, it would probably be a different picture.

Sure enough, not everyone can play this hero well.

14:4, TL ended the second game in just 25 minutes.

In the third game, FOX ignored Jian Huang and did not challenge Zoe.

The blue side TL instantly selected Zoe on the first floor.

What surprised people was that Jian Huang was really fierce!

Although Mr. Omu played well in this game, Jianhuang directly scored a superb result on FeniX's clockwork head!

Not to mention being a K-head, K is still considered capable.

TL took 29 minutes to get another big victory.

3:0, under the leadership of Jian Huang, TL exploded with momentum that was not seen in the regular season and directly swept FOX out of the game.

During the regular season, Jian Huang's cruel words really came true.

Bet everything on the playoffs!

In today's quarter-finals, Jian Huang was indeed performing.

In the post-match interview, the host asked Jian Huang:

"Jensen, your Zoe is very good. Is this your secret weapon against The King in the playoffs?"

Jian Huang said with a smile:

“Zoe is also more proactive, which is in line with my current style.”

"But she's not my trump card."

"Sorry I can't reveal it now, I think our encounter with TSM should be on the stage of the LCS Spring Finals."

"Surprises like this should be saved for the end!"

The audience is looking forward to it, especially after Jian Huang's performance today, they want to know what his trump card is.

However, the C9 generals frowned.

Isn't Jian Huang's words too pretentious?

Open mouth finals?

Farke, did you just skip our C9?

On April 1, in the second half of the LCS quarter-finals, FLY faced GGS.

In the first round of the showdown, King P's Ice Girl regained her royal demeanor and became FLY's biggest war criminal with a record of 0/5/1.

On the GGS side, AD player Deftly, who helped his teammates get married as soon as he came in, used Varus to achieve a superb record. GGS defeated FLY with a record of 18:2.

Unexpectedly, the leader was the devil, and King P became the savior in the second game. Zoe maximized the damage and helped FLY equalize the score with a luxurious record of 6/0/7.

In the third game, King P became the devil again. Syndra's 1/2/1 sleepwalked throughout the game. Brother Yegui in the bottom lane also posted a record of 0/3/4, and GGS got the match point.

What made the audience's scalp numb was that in the fourth game, King P once again turned from a devil into a savior. He singled out the Old Crow in one hand and scored MVP data with a stable performance of 4/0/9.

Not only the audience, but also Li Hao, who was watching the game backstage at TSM, couldn't hold back.

King P's ability to jump repeatedly is too strong!

But according to the pattern of repeated horizontal jumps, in the fifth battle, FLY obviously wanted to go home to fish.

In the decisive game, Emperor P's Dao Mei lost the record, and based on his performance, he would definitely be G.

However, Brother Yegui acts as the savior!

Split Arrow, Destruction, Sheep Knife, Endless, Attack Speed ​​Shoes, Resurrection Armor, Varus with the six-god outfit scored 7/2/6, with an average of 870 points of damage, accounting for 41% of the team's total output!

The young matchmaker AD only had 23% output, and Kai'Sa's performance was crushed by Varus in all aspects.

If Froggen hadn't stolen a lot of damage with his big eyes, GGS would have been GG long ago.

3:2, FLY had the last laugh and continued to take off!

However, FLY fans at the scene can only be happy for one week.

Because on April 8, they will face TSM, the current generation leader of the LCS who is the number one player in the league!

At the thought of the mysterious P King about to face The King, all the FLY uniforms were trembling.


Emperor P, please don’t get sick!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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