LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 453 The second shot at the Chicago Theater!

In early April, at the TSM base in Los Angeles, during the offseason, Li Hao and others not only trained and paid attention to the teams in the same division, they also set their sights on other divisions.

At this time, the spring playoffs in each major competition area are starting one after another.

In the next half month, the teams qualified to participate in MSI from 13 regions around the world will be announced one after another.

As MSI approaches, there is increasing talk about the Mid-Season Invitational.

This year's MSI is destined to be different. In many people's imagination, the competition will be even more tragic.

In previous years, MSI was basically the stage for LCK and LPL.

The LEC has shown a renaissance since last year's S-League, and the LCS recruited the league's first player in the winter window. This makes today's TSM even more evil and has a bit of boundless power.

LPL and LCK are still strong. Let’s not mention other divisions. Just put these four spring championship teams together and it’s hard to guess who will have the last laugh.

With just a quick glance, you can tell that MSI in 2019 will be intense.

Time flies and it’s April 7th.

The LCS spring semifinals begin at the Chicago Theater.

For Li Hao, this is a familiar venue.

The venue for the quarter-finals of S6 was chosen here.

At five o'clock in the evening, the two teams in the top half of the semi-finals entered the venue.

C9 and TL, the second and third brothers of the LCS this season, the two closest teams, are about to compete for the final tickets.

After a simple opening ceremony, the players of C9 and TL officially took their seats.

As for the TSM group, they were in a hotel on State Street in the Loop. The Chicago Theater is a nearby landmark building, only 10 minutes away from the hotel they were staying in.

TSM is paying close attention to this round of games. C9 and TL are about the same strength, and they will definitely be able to use many hidden tricks.

What Li Hao is more curious about is, when TL is pushed to the limit, will Emperor Jian come up with the so-called trump card?

It's not that he's afraid of Jian Huang's trump card, but it's just that he often talks about it, and Li Hao also wants to know what kind of art Jian Huang can do.

After a burst of cheers from the audience at the Chicago Theater, the semifinals of the LCS Spring Split officially began.

As many people predicted, the game between TL and C9 was extremely exciting!

In the first game, TL played with a unique understanding.

Jian Huang took out the new art, the great inventor of the mid lane.

Teacher Omu continues Kennen, Xmithie plays Jungle Prince, and the duo is Wheel Mom and Galio.

As soon as this imaginative and very TL-style lineup came out, many people became serious about it. The version had just changed, and everyone was judging the feasibility of the lineup.

On C9's side, they backhand a lineup of Vampire, Excavator, Zoe, Varus, and Tahm.

As soon as the heroes on both sides locked up, the LPL viewers watching the broadcast were the first to react.

Isn’t this C9 TSM’s system?

The entire lineup is copied from TSM.

This rhythm is familiar to LPL viewers!

In the 2018 season, Snake, led by Brother Wolfberry, was unstoppable and created many routines and styles of play, such as the mid laner Klie's all-out rush. After that, many LPL teams followed suit and reaped the benefits.

Although it doesn't sound good to join just because you can't win, the bonus is really comfortable.

Just like Du Du, the Golden State jersey on the bed is the champion. It is really fragrant. The same is true in the e-sports world.

At that time, there were more than one or two teams that followed Snake to get bonuses. Unexpectedly, this familiar scene appeared in the LCS again.

The path of C9 is really spacious.

TL's tactics were very novel, and Jianhuang's choice of the leader really made him enjoy the cheers from the scene.

However, these are all false and the game has not been played.

Svenskeren has been helping to catch him in the early stage, which makes Licorice's vampire very fat in the early stage.

The rhythm of both sides is relatively slow, fighting back and forth, dealing damage to each other.

In successive small-scale team battles, C9 gradually gained the upper hand, and the kills were almost all concentrated on the vampires.

At 38 and a half minutes, Licorice had 8 heads in hand, and was wearing a big hat, a golden body, mercury shoes, a rocket belt, magic shoes, and a magic-binding orb.

The terrifying Six God Equipment allowed Licorice to deal explosive damage in the last wave of team battles, which TL could not handle at all.

After the vampire scored 3 kills, TL was eliminated by C9 with 2 for 5.

In the end, the head count of both sides was 11:19, and C9 won the first game.

The post-match data showed that Licorice's damage ratio was as high as 37%, with an average damage of 784. This was almost his best performance in the playoffs.

In the second game, TL didn't dare to waste any more.

They chose a lineup of Kennen, Excavator, Zoe, Hanbing, and Zyra that could poke and start a team, hoping to take the initiative in the game.

What is surprising is that C9 saw that TL's lineup was brittle and turned against TL!

Top laner Sword Girl, jungler and mid laner Lux

The bottom lane is currently a popular routine at high levels, gem + piano girl.

Use the pulling output ability of Qinnu + the ultimate row-preserving ability of gems to achieve a rock-solid confrontation. The two have irreplaceable advantages.

After using the gem's ultimate move, TL's forceful group start had no effect.

In a protracted battle, TL can't beat it.

TL didn't check for a while and was tricked.

During the game, the head count of both sides was almost the same, but map resources were constantly taken by C9.

By the 27th minute, TL's situation was getting worse and worse.

In the hotel, Kim Sang-soo took a notebook and recorded while talking:

"I didn't expect C9 to be so skillful at playing this game."

Kakao sat on a high stool, his legs dangling constantly. He smiled and said:

"They had already chosen them during the regular season, but after a while, TL became too relaxed."

"The dual-wage equipment is really powerful. TL's bottom lane can't boost the economy at all."

Li Hao nodded and said:

"Double salary equipment can perfectly make up for the economic gap of Qin Nu's difficulty in finishing. After the salary equipment is formed, the economic growth is very scary. Lasting damage + salary equipment + stealing money + Qin Nu's excellent K head ability. The first ten minutes of supplementation The knife also gives the gem a certain economy.”

"Actually, grabbing the economy itself is no big deal. Everyone is grabbing the economy. However, Qinnu + Gems are all team heroes, and part of the personal economy = team economy. Therefore, the advantage of the bottom lane can make up for the disadvantages of other lanes to a certain extent. , this is the strongest point of Qin Nu + Gems."

"The conventional bottom lane puts all the economy on the ADC, and the ADC can only do damage, but Qinnu is different. With the economy, Qinnu can not only do damage, but also provide the team with: Shield + Milk + movement speed and backhand control. So once the bottom lane has an advantage, these two combinations can use this advantage to influence the entire team in team battles, which is also the core of this routine."

"C9 must have practiced it many times, and it is much more skillful than the jerky techniques used during the regular season."

"Brother, I want to praise C9. It seems that we should also pay attention to C9's moves." Kabo said to Jin Xiangxiu seriously.

Stupid chicken folded his arms:

"Jensen should use his trump card in the next game. What kind of weird hero will he be?"

"Little mage? Or simply AP Big Mouth?"


Everyone was talking, laughing, and talking.

Li Hao stared at the game. He felt that TL was gone.

TL didn't target enough. C9's routine combination allowed him to control Xiaolong's absolute say. This brush is all fire dragon and earth dragon, and TL is also quite shameful.

Looking at the mini-map again, although C9 has some flaws in eye placement, they still have a firm grasp of the field of view advantage.

Sure enough, in a 33-minute team battle, TL was unable to deal with the sword girl supported by double auxiliaries, and Irelia was like a female war goddess.

0:2, TL is about to be swept.

In the LPL broadcast platform, you can see a "That's it?"

Some viewers laughed and said: "Your second brother is your second brother, beat the third brother."

Colonel Guan, who was a guest at the LCS broadcast today, said calmly: "C9 is more prepared, while TL's first two games felt very frivolous. They seemed to have forgotten that this was the semifinals."

"I really want to see TL face TSM in the finals, but I feel like there is no chance."

"In the next three games, C9 will be steady and steady, and they will basically accept it in the semi-finals. Judging from their performance in these two games, they will have a certain chance against TSM in the finals."

Is TL going to be swept?

The first person to say no to this voice was Teacher Omu.

Impact won the top laner Captain, and in the third game, he hit 40% of the damage, leading the Canadians to more than 5,000 yuan in the line, and fired the first shot to save TL.

In the fourth game, Mr. Omu showed off his power again!

Kennen recorded a record of 4/0/7 in one hand, plus Zven used Varus to regain his feeling, and combined with Emperor Jian's resurrected Old Man Time, TL evened the score to 2:2!

In the decisive game, Jian Huang said that Mr. Damu, please take a break and I will take over.

Compared with P Huang's extraordinary performance in the playoffs, Jian Huang's performance in this round of semi-finals has been very stable, and the damage data is not too bad.

At the most critical moment, Emperor Jian showed no mercy.

Facing the Belgian Zoe, he confidently picked LeBlanc.

After a bladder battle of 46 minutes and 10 seconds, TL finally finished with a head ratio of 16:10, allowing two to chase three!

Jian Huang scored 8/2/6, with 14 of his 16 kills related to him. Together with Zven, he cut 69% of the team's output, performing at the level of a key player.

Fans were surprised by TL's big comeback, and even more surprised by another thing: we still don't know what Jian Huang's trump card is?

LCS female host Ovilee was dressed in a costume and looked at Jian Huang who was beside her and was giving a speech excitedly.

Jensen: "More than an hour ago, I thought I was going to be eliminated. Unexpectedly, more than an hour later, I was standing on the stage savoring the feeling of victory. It was amazing."

"I'm very happy and excited now and feel like God is giving me a chance."


Ovilee asked with a smile:

"What kind of opportunity is it?"

"Defeat The King?"

Jian Huang looked confident: "Of course, there is nothing more exciting than that."

Ovilee patted the proud career line: "Jensen, can you tell me a little bit?"

"What kind of trick did you use to make you choose to endure even though you lost two games in a row to C9?"

Jian Huang, who entered the finals, did not avoid this question like before. He made an insidious comment:

"The King is the most powerful player in this league. Defeating him is the wish of all mid laners. I also want to defeat him and have done a lot of research."

The audience listened patiently to his story.

"In my opinion, defeating The King is not as difficult as imagined. Maybe most people will be a little worried when they see the ID of The King, which makes them lose their psychological initiative for the first time. I want to say, this is absolutely Absolutely wrong!”

"Take the initiative and come up with a stronger desire to attack and attack methods. This is the first condition to defeat him."

"Next, I will take the initiative into my own hands."


Jensen paused again mid-sentence.

The emotions of many viewers were aroused.

Some of the mid laners looked thoughtful after listening to his words.

It cannot be denied that Jian Huang can be called the "anti-Hao pioneer" this season. This is the second time he has spoken out.

Following the first shot in Los Angeles, Jane fired a second shot in Chicago.

On the post-game interview stage, Jian Huang was so confident and high-spirited.

The LCS Spring Finals seems to be his God-killing venue.

After hearing Jian Huang's call, the first person to respond was the Acid Emperor from the LEC.

That night, Sour Emperor tweeted, saying that he also agreed with Jian Huang's point of view.

What is surprising is that Magneto King, Mountain King, Dragon King, Pig King, and several consecutive king-level players all sent out tweets.

"When facing the No. 1 player in the league, you must first not lose your momentum."

"The King is very strong, but he will always be defeated."

"I can't wait to have the next matchup with The King. At that time, I will be more aggressive."

"I can understand what Jensen said, mid laners should do this."

In a short period of time, the unyielding emperors on Twitter joined together and turned against each other!

In the end, another ancient emperor of the LCS, Emperor P, who was on the same level as Emperor Jian, finally couldn't sit still.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Emperor P rose up.

"Jensen awakened something inside me."

"It turns out that there is an illusory mirror, and I see my cowardice, panic and weakness."

"Now, I broke the mirror."

"Come on, your truest self!"

“Can’t wait, Chicago Theater!”


Emperor P responded strongly and made big moves!

Some FLY team fans were stunned after seeing these words.

From the perspective of the audience, they cannot taste the oppression of the emperors in the middle, so naturally they cannot empathize with them.

So, King P suddenly felt hot and declared that he wanted to fight The King?

Are there no peanuts on FLY’s dinner table tonight?

Just in the last round, you, Pobelter, were also jumping sideways repeatedly, okay?

If Brother Yegui hadn't saved you, you, Emperor P, would have already gone fishing.

Regardless of whether others understand it or not, after this wave of operations came out, after a night and day of fermentation, the pre-game enthusiasm has exploded.

On April 8th, still in the Chicago Theater, the LCS second half semifinals officially began.

Many people want to see if Emperor P can become tougher.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, fans arrived early and the venue was overcrowded.

All TSM and FLY players were present. When BP's background sound officially sounded, huge cheers erupted inside and outside the venue.

As the competition between TSM and FLY continued, the spectators in each major competition area showed contradictory expressions of "Sure enough" and "Shocked".

Many people watching the game couldn't control their expressions at all, and even laughed out loud on the spot.

The powerful King P who came to the semi-finals finally had no luck.

King P says "no" to repeated horizontal jumps!

So, what makes FLY fans collapse is...

Regardless of whether they are stupid chickens or Kabo, these two people log in in rotation and use heroes with different strengths. They all cooperate with Li Hao to implement a high-pressure policy against King P.

On FLY's side, jungler Santorin had no choice but to find a collision with TSM in the middle.

Helping an offlane caused FLY's situation to collapse quickly.

For three consecutive games, King P played Zoe three times and struggled even more than when he played FOX in the last round.

King P played steadily, played a tough style, and contributed three consecutive war criminal-level performances!

Li Hao grabbed Emperor P and killed him violently!

The data column was maxed out on the spot!

There was a lot of laughter in the LCS studio.

Smith revealed the scar on the spot:

"Hahaha, I thought Pobelter was just joking with Jensen, but I didn't expect that he really wanted to compete with The King."

"Why would Pobelter believe what Jensen said?"

"I think everyone should feel sorry for WildTurtle, he is an innocent victim."


Riv analyzed:

"No matter where the prediction is, Fly's winning rate against TSM in this round is less than 40%."

"I was also optimistic that TSM would win, but I didn't expect that it would take such a short time."

"The average length of the semifinals was 22 minutes. It was the only one in the entire league. I have to say that Pobelter made a great contribution."

"FLY was swept and TSM advanced to the finals."

"Guys, the finals show we've been waiting for is about to begin."

"Jensen, you should have a surprise for us."

"Haha, there will definitely be surprises."

"The 2019 LCS Spring Split is about to enter its final stop. On April 14, we will witness it all at Madison Square Garden in New York."


PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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