LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 458 A new record!

After the Dutch monk Xmithie saw the complete reversal of the style in the middle lane and the top game, if he didn't understand Jensen's character, he might have thought that Jensen had received a transfer from TheKing.

Isn't this purely actor behavior? !


Suddenly, Xmithie shouted a reminder.

In front of the middle line of troops, Xerath once again raised his hands above his head and activated Q again.

One second after he shouted, there was an explosion in the middle, and the ancient wizard's magic lightning arrow had blasted out!

This time, Akali reacted quickly enough. She did not choose to move. Instead, she threw the shuriken in a falcon dance and somersaulted, narrowly avoiding the extreme range of Xerath's Q skill.

There was a loud noise at the scene, and many people were worried about Jensen.

Many of Jian Huang's fans even burst into cheers.

It seems that evading even one of Xerath's skills is something worth celebrating.

However, Jensen in the player booth was not happy at all.

Xerath released W towards the line of soldiers again, quickly cleared the line with his basic attack, and then disappeared from his sight.

When Xerath showed his head again, the corners of Jensen's eyes twitched.

At Xerath's feet, there was a fresh blue Buff.

Then what awaits Jensen will be even more mindless consumption.


Bengi is so amazing!

At 3 minutes and 46 seconds, after several waves of consumption, the middle line of troops was about to be pushed under the tower by Li Hao, and Jensen had finished taking the medicine.

Moreover, his blood volume is at a relatively embarrassing value.

If you don't have to go home, you can force yourself to gather troops under the tower. Once you have maxed out Xerath's skills, you run the risk of being killed alone.

While Jian Huang was hesitating, the arrival of his teammates made him feel warm inside.

In addition to the arrival of the Dutch monk, CoreJJ, who had been observing the situation in the middle lane for a long time, also held up the door panel and approached the middle lane.

In this game, Lucian and Braum developed well in the bottom lane, because CoreJJ's several waves of precise Q skills combined with Lucian's passive, which gave the TL duo some advantages.

In the last game, the middle lane was penetrated, and CoreJJ certainly wanted to radiate its advantage to the middle lane.

Even the Bullheads came to support, but Black was hindered by the army line and status, so he must be slower than Braum.

There are three people in TL near the defense tower. According to common sense, TSM would not dare to cross the tower.

Moreover, relying on the large number of people, CoreJJ and Xmithie have already put their marks on Xerath's head.

They are preparing to attack Xerath.

However, TSM's actions were more decisive than TL imagined.

From a God's perspective, CoreJJ's Braum has just walked along the jungle area to near F6, and his eyes have been locked on Xerath who is pressing forward.

Under the tower in the middle, Blind Monk and Akali are ready to go.

As long as Braum's Q is slowed down and passive, they will definitely kill Xerath in this wave.

But as the void tunnel under a tower in TL appeared, a purple excavator appeared almost at the same time as the blue side's next wave of minions. He came directly from the blue area to the middle.

The moment Jensen saw the excavator out of the corner of his eye, his fingers were clasped on the flash.

But this flash, he hesitated and did not press it.

According to common sense, they have one more person in this wave, which naturally gives them three points more confidence.

However, the moment the cloud formation fell, a golden light emerged from under the tower.

The stupid chicken didn't hold back, and directly hit him with a top dive!

As soon as the Akalixia Formation fell, it was knocked away by the excavator.

Xerath's Eye of Destruction fell head-on, hitting the blind monk and Akali. Li Hao hit the magic ball with his backhand to stun him, and the arcane comet hit Akali who could not move.

At this moment, Emperor Jian's portrait flashed a fierce red light.

Another powerful magical energy, after briefly gathering in Xerath's hands, turned into a bolt of lightning, directly hitting Akali's weak body.

Jenssen's face turned pale and he fell on his own Xia Zhen.

When Bronn arrived, it was already too late.

CoreJJ could only cooperate with the blind monk to output the tower-carrying excavator. The stupid chicken flashed and was handed over. After being stuck by Braum, mithie took the head.

This one-for-one change is acceptable to everyone except Jensen.

Jian Huang didn't even get an assist, but also lost a large number of soldiers. From the stupid chicken's point of view, this was a big profit.

Although the blind monk developed happily after sucking Jensen's blood, Ben Ji, who has been raising his father for many years, knows very well how powerful the effect of concentrating resources in the hands of his father is.

The TL uniforms backstage, including Coach Junkang, all frowned.

Jensen is hard to beat!

After this wave, Xerath's subsequent consumption will become more and more unbearable for Akali, unless Emperor Jian awakens the essence of human movement.

Xmithie, who got the kill, must stand up and put pressure on Xerath.

After a wave of fighting broke out in the middle lane, the director cut the camera to the upper and lower lanes.

In the second game, the two teams became more competitive.

Braum was not in the bottom lane, so Blake flashed WQ and hit Lucian with two combos. The senior brother moved forward to Q, the healer accelerated to keep up, and dealt a burst of damage to Zven's Lucian.

After being stabbed a few times by his skateboard shoes, Zven didn't want to make a mistake and used both moves.

TSM's small disadvantage in the bottom lane in the early stage was beaten back by a wave.

Teacher Omu, who was on the road, had a wave of imperial PK with Bihuang.

The two were in a life-and-death situation at first, fighting together in the crowd, but what made the audience laugh and cry was that when each other only had about 1/5 of their health, the two top laners actually flashed and pulled apart in a tacit understanding. .

Flash, press out almost simultaneously.

What Bihuang was afraid of was Nuoshou's blood rage.

Teacher Omu calculated that Sword Demon's Q skill CD and passive were almost ready.

Both parties had their own considerations and were not completely sure, which resulted in a scene of giving each other flashes and clicking until they were all clicked, which was a very martial-arts scene.

In the words of the commentators, this was not a mistake by the players on both sides, but rather a display of high professionalism.

In the tense fight, they still remained calm and vigilant, and did not get ahead of themselves.

This happened to Teacher Omu, no one thought it was strange.

Because Damu has been very stable during his time in TL.

And Pilsen used to be very dissolute, but I didn't expect that the changes would be so big now.

After three days of separation, he is no longer the mid laner he was before.

While people were sighing, the camera was firmly in the middle.

As expected, Xerath went home to update a wave of equipment, and while he was ahead in level, Mr. Mace began to be in dire straits.

As for awakening the essence of human movement, it can only be done in dreams.



After two Qs and one W in a row, Jian Huang couldn't stand it any longer. He kept pinging signals and started shaking people.

Xmithie also knew that there could be no delay and immediately went to the middle to support.

However, this time, the Dutch monk and the stupid chicken thought of going together, and the two met each other on the river.

The stupid chicken simply stopped acting and started messing around with Xmithie near the river.

Everyone is underdeveloped, and the stupid chicken is not worried at all, because Akali in the middle can't make up for the damage, and has been snowballed by Xerath.

The two teams in the bottom lane of both sides took care of their troops and went home, and then they all came to the middle lane.

For a time, eight people gathered near the river in the middle road.

Both sides tested each other, but neither found a good opportunity.

As soon as TL entered the tower, their troops were eaten, and Jensen lost a lot of experience.

The duo returned to the bottom lane, and the jungler disappeared from sight.

The turning point occurred at 6 minutes and 46 seconds.

When the excavator went to the top lane to cooperate with the Sword Demon to grab the hand, Xmithie came to the middle lane again.

Akali, who has been pushed to the bloodline and then sent home, has just reached level five.

Xmithie, who was carrying the scan, rescued him from the river. This time, he was extremely decisive!

Touch your eyes!

The dragon swung its tail and flashed!

During this wave of R flashes, Xmithie wanted to kick Xerath back, and then cooperate with Akali to kill him casually.

However, something happened that made Xmithie's eyes widen.

At the moment when he flashed R, Xerath also pressed the flash with super fast reaction, which caused Xerath to still be behind the blind monk.

This kick failed to send Xerath to the front of the army line, but instead kicked him under the defense tower.

Xmithie, was also shown off!

he yelled over the team voice, yelling What!

Madison Square Garden was also surprised by Li Hao's super-fast reaction.

If replaced by an ordinary person, Xerath was kicked back and the person was gone.

The middle lane was shown off, and bad news came from the top lane. Teacher Omu was killed with the cooperation of Benji and Bihuang.

The head was taken by the sword demon because Damu's teleportation had been handed over. Bi Huangshuang ate two layers of tapioca and went home with a huge sum of money.

At this stage, Nuoshou has entered a disadvantage.

Therefore, part of Xmithie's energy was involved in hitting the road.

Stupid Chicken saw the loophole and cooperated with Li Hao to attack the middle at the beginning of the 8th minute.

In this wave, Jian Huang is also very good.

With residual health, he used his ultimate move, flash and E skills to move continuously and almost killed the excavator under the tower.

With more than 300 health points, Akali fled to the second tower of her home.

At this time, Xerath in the middle started the arcane ritual!

His true ascended form is activated, fixed in place, and gains 3 arcane barrages.

Everyone was staring at the big screen. They had seen several waves of similar scenes in the last game.




The King of Mace moved wildly, making Akali keep twisting under his control.



"The second shot hits!"

"I'm going to die, with this amount of health! The King quickly releases the third shell!"


"Jensen turned around and stepped on it! He didn't think the two shells would hit the same place."

"Jensen is very calculating, but unfortunately he encountered The King, and Xerath's third cannonball was predicted to hit!"

“This is Xerath’s most accurate ultimate shot in the LCS professional league!”

The three commentators were excited, as were the audience.

Seeing Akali being bombarded by three cannons in the Second Tower, the scene was filled with exclaims!

At this moment, even the stupid chicken who had just escaped from the tower with residual blood opened his eyes wide.

Jensen, who had just made a sharp move under the tower and dodged Li Hao's E skill, was killed by three cannons~!


The stupid chicken turned his head and glanced sideways at Li Hao with a surprised look on his face.

This guy, Wolfberry, is too perverted.

"Xingxiong, do you have any doubts?"

Li Hao noticed his expression and asked with a smile.

"Too accurate!" Stupid Chicken exclaimed.

"It's not that exaggerated. The main thing is that Jensen was cooperative enough. He was so panicked that he lost his position. He swayed back and forth, but he didn't move."

"There is a saying that a good skill is not as good as a good opponent."

Stupid chicken nodded noncommittally, but he still took a deep look at Li Hao.

His intuition told him that things were by no means as simple as a certain man said.

However, with this wave of rhythm in the middle, the game becomes much simpler.

Xerath has a huge advantage by killing people and eating tapis.

TSM's tactical thinking is very clear. In the next few minutes, both Idiot and Black will focus on the middle.

Niutou and Digger protect Xerath while looking for opportunities to start a team, allowing Li Hao to continuously provide large amounts of magic damage.

Soon, TL's middle tower could no longer be defended.

At 11 minutes and 59 seconds, one of the towers in TL was pushed, and Li Hao ate the entire tower.

He and Benji turned up together and led the Canyon Pioneer to attack the road again. Teacher Omu saw that the situation was not right and gave up on climbing the tower.

TSM began to use resources to raise Xerath to the point where he could no longer fatten up.

At 14 and a half minutes, the dragons on both sides fought in a team battle. Xerath used a charged Q, knocking out half of Akali's health.

The explosion-like damage shocked the audience.

At this moment, TL is also aware of the huge problems in the lineup.

The means to start a group are too scarce.

Unable to start a group, it can only be consumed by Xerath without solution.

What's even worse is that Xerath not only has long hands and good equipment, but his skill hit rate is also surprisingly high.

Compared with Zerath, who had nothing to do with Emperor Jian, the audience had a feeling of earth-shaking.

For the same hero, why is there such a big gap?

Near Xiaolong Pit, when Lucian was knocked out of half of his health by a Q, the entire TL was pinning the retreat signal.

The gaming experience is gone.

At the beginning of the 16th minute of the game, TSM gathered to invade the TL blue zone.

For a blue Buff, the two sides fought in the jungle.

This time, in order not to give Li Hao a full opportunity to consume, TL came out of the spring and directly joined TSM when they were in good condition.

Blind Sin and Akali cut Zerath together.

However, Niutou used the weakness on Akali, and the Mace Emperor, which was originally poorly equipped, withered on the spot.

Coupled with the experience gap of up to level 3 in the middle, the powerful Akali became a Gua Sha master.

Let’s talk about Akali’s bloody ‘pig-killing knife’ on the field, and her terrifying 20 kills, which really put the TL uniform team backstage to shame.

Coach Junkang has also seen through it. If he wants to win back this tone, relying on impulse and whim will not work at all.

The bull head and the excavator are Xerath's left and right guardians. When Emperor Jian was knocked away by the stupid chicken, he even took the control chain, and was finally taken away by Xerath with a W.

The blind monk kicked the bull's head away and wanted to eject Xerath, but Xerath at the entrance to the jungle pressed the stopwatch the moment he threw the impact ball at the blind monk.


The Dutch blind monk's ultimate move failed, and he was stunned by Xerath instead.

The senior brother took advantage of this time to stab the blind monk with spears all over his body.

Bilson's annihilation kept refreshing, chasing and killing Zven's Lucian.

However, he was killed by Noshou because he was too aggressive.

Teacher Ohmu originally wanted to fight back, but when he saw his teammates, they all fell down.

A wave of 1 for 4, TSM expanded the economic lead to 8,000 yuan.

At the 18th minute of the game, TSM had already captured the TL high ground.

When Xerath, a three-piece suit, Q Galudan under the Highland Tower, destroyed most of Zven's Lucian, everyone knew that TL could not hold on.

As expected, TSM no longer made any rash advances and implemented the artillery tactics step by step, or "gun protection tactics."

RNG looked at it and said it was an internal smell.

Some people joked that the senior brother should give Zelas the ultimate skateboarding skill, that is the real four guarantees and one.

TSM originally wanted to fight the Baron, but after capturing the high ground, Zven, who had just come out of the spring, was knocked out of most of his health by a Q!

Follow, Xerath opens R.

Zven used slide to dodge the first shot and dodge to dodge the second shot.

When he came to the edge of the spring, he was killed on the spot by Xerath's third and fourth shots!

Looking at his body lying in the spring, Zven fell into deep thought.

As soon as the most critical damage dealer died, TSM came forward with the remaining soldiers.

After Jianhuang's E arrived at Zelas, he didn't know whether he suddenly took advantage of him or wanted to give out the last cry before despair. The second stage of E actually came up and wanted to cooperate with the Xia formation to kill Zelas.

But he thought too much, and finally died under Bilson's death-giving sword energy.

At 19 minutes and 11 seconds, TSM shattered TL's crystal hub.

The game time is less than 20 minutes!

This is the fastest game in the history of the LCS Finals!

Another new record!

Riv, a veteran North American commentator, couldn't help but sigh:

"We have witnessed the birth of new stories and new records in this finals."

"It's hard for TL to stop TSM."

"Led by the number one player in the league, this TSM team will definitely bring us bigger surprises!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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