LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 459 Save the Cursed Land

In the LMS Wanwan broadcast, Huitou, Fatty and today's guest Ximen Yeshuo were all sorting out their emotions.

During the live commentary just now, they were all too excited, and their hurried words made all three of them breathless.

In the broadcast, the scene of Xerath bombarding Akali was being replayed.

"Wow, watch the replay carefully, The King's ultimate skill is really accurate~!"

Fatty dragged out a long tail tone:

"Xerath's skill hit rate in the entire game was at least over 80%, and with TSM unconditionally providing resource support, the anti-aircraft cannon built by The King in the middle could not be restricted at all, especially in a lineup like TL, which lacks the ability to take the lead. They can only be passively bombarded."

The aircraft head also compared:

"When PowerOfEvil used Xerath to defeat the OPT team this spring, as the team's core output point in a disadvantageous situation, it accounted for 49% of the team's damage. Although they lost the game, it was already incredible."

"And on the data panel just now, The King's output accounted for half of the team!"

"That's half~! Even higher than PowerOfEvil!"

"More importantly, the disadvantage of his teammates is not that big. This damage ratio is far more exaggerated than PowerOfEvil. Not only in our LMS division, I think in the current league, no one except Theking can do it."

"Simon, what do you think of this data?"

Ximen Ye said he had already prepared a draft:

"Such a damage ratio has a lot to do with TSM's resource investment. The tapi mechanism allows TheKing, who had an advantage in the early stage, to snowball quickly. In the past, he snowballed on a single lane, but now he can go to other lanes to eat tapis. In addition, With the team’s absolute trust, TheKing will be able to obtain the resources to overwhelm opposing players in the early stages.”

"However, being able to convert resources into damage depends on his ultra-high accuracy of skill release and team participation rate."

"In the mid-term team battle, TL couldn't find a chance to break in. They lost all kinds of towers under Xerath's poke, and completely fell into TheKing's rhythm."

"I have played against The King in the previous World Championships. Maybe you don't know the game very clearly. Once you get into this person's rhythm, it is a very troublesome thing."

"The team surrounding The King can often operate in the most efficient manner under his rhythm."

"TSM's way of playing looks very familiar. What surprised me the most was The King."

"It's already the 2019 season."

"I didn't expect that he could maintain such strength."


Speaking of the latter, many viewers felt a sense of hesitation and loneliness from Ximen.

Just in early January this year, Ximen Yeshuo officially bid farewell to Summoner's Rift.

The 6-year e-sports career has come to an end.

With the fishman in his left hand and the cards in his right hand, Ximen Ye said with these two brushes, he bid farewell to Ye Fen and Ye Hei.

That night, everyone in the LMS division was silent.

Without this person, the entire LMS has lost a lot of vitality.

As for Ximen himself, he left with unwillingness and regret.

Although they have won many LMS regional championships and runner-ups, they have almost failed to achieve anything in the world arena.

He doesn't want to retire, but he really can't play anymore.

In the 2018 LMS Summer Split, Ximen's damage ratio was only 10.7%, and his damage conversion rate was only 60.7%. Several of his unique heroes are no longer suitable for the current competition environment.

Therefore, retirement is not a bad thing for him personally and for the team.

After a period of rest, Ximen felt relieved a lot.

However, when he witnessed Li Hao's live broadcast of the game again, his originally soothed heart became restless again.

As players of the same era and age, Ximen has more feelings for Li Hao.

Getting older, version changes, replacement of old and new, and many factors caused another group of veterans to leave the game after the end of S8.

Ximen, who was used to seeing this, felt a strong sense of conflict when he saw Li Hao.

It’s already the 2019 season, how can he still play so well?

Isn't he the same age as me? Why does he still have that kind of reaction and operation ability?

Why is the butcher's knife of time not placed on The King's neck? !

A series of doubts lingered in Ximen Ye's mind, so much so that when the fat boy on the side called him, Ximen was stunned for two seconds.

Afterwards, Ximen did not shy away and talked openly about all this with the two LMS commentators.

The topic gradually moved from the LCS finals to the ID TheKing.

The audience listened to them talk and felt a lot.

There are also a large number of Hao fans in the LMS competition area, and they are talking endlessly in the comment area.

The forum on the LPL side is more active, and fans have already uploaded comparison pictures of the two games.

One is Akali with various hiding skills, and the other is Akali with cool skills.

Under the operation of Teacher Dakai, the two heroes in the middle of this round of finals were compared to the extreme.

"Watching the whole game, I was already shocked by Master Da Mace. The strength of one person is enough to rival the Pig King and Magneto King."

Some Xerath fans shouted:

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."I'm so moved that I cried. Fortunately, there is Brother Wolfberry. The King of Mace dragged Xerath from the sewer to hell, and Brother Wolfberry saved Xerath to heaven. We are shaking with anger and coldness. We, the ancient witch spirit clan, are finally standing. Woke up!"

Someone poked him from below: "Brother, you don't understand at all."

"Only by playing like the King of Maces, will Xerath be strengthened. Dog Design originally wanted to strengthen it, but now it's all in vain. Brother Wolfberry is really unbelievable. His Xerath actually looks like a god of war."

Some passerby fans also said:

"Jrs, I am completely confused. After watching two games, I don't know what equipment Xerath should use, the endless style or the murderous book style? How can I have all the empty skills like Mace King, and how can I hit the skills like Wolfberry Brother? "

"If you don't take the class seriously, isn't the big teacher teaching everything!"

In Dousha TV, Wang Jichao's 666 live broadcast room, as the current No. 1 Zelas under the gods, Chaozi was still as usual, with a smile on his face.

Inside the barrage:

"Fuck it, Chaozi, have you learned it?"

"After watching the great master's Xerath, Chaozi said that he can also play in the LCS finals. After watching the god's Xerath, Chaozi calmed down again."

"God is always a god. The anchor's Xerath is quite strong, but there is still a lot of room for growth before he becomes a god."

"As soon as God takes action, there will be no suspense in the spring of LCS."


The young man in front of the camera smiled and shook his head: "Chicken feathers, brothers, please don't compare me with God! I don't even dare to touch porcelain~~"

"When I was participating in youth training, I kept watching Brother Hao's videos. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night. I also wanted to imitate his skills."

"One thing to say, some operations are clearly visible, but it is difficult to perform them perfectly in normal training matches. The main reason is that the environment we face is constantly changing, and it is very difficult to perform all those operations in a short period of time. . And Brother Hao competes in the World Championships and faces a group of monster-level players. If I were placed in that environment, I would probably be far inferior to Jensen."

As Xerath's unique skill brother, some people also asked him how to evaluate Xerath in this game.

Ji Feochao analyzed it seriously:

"To be honest, I don't know much about the hit rate."

"Brother Hao is very good at seizing opportunities. Jensen was forced to move a few times before his flaw was exposed, and then he was predicted. Xerath can be so efficient, which shows that there is a big gap between the two sides' laning abilities."

Water friends were amazed.

As a unique skill brother of Xerath, he can't even see the secret behind the hit rate, which shows that God is in another dimension.

Discussions like this are happening in many places at this time.

In the Madison Square Garden scene, the highlight replay of the previous game was also being played.

Even though some time had passed, the scene of Xerath destroying most of TL's C-position blood with one Q still caused constant exclamations from the audience.

The 20,000 spectators in the venue also used their own enthusiasm to maintain the e-sports atmosphere at a heated level. While they enjoyed the performance together, they never hesitated to applaud.

Backstage at TL, the uniform and coaching staff did not blame the players on the field.

Jensen even received comfort from the uniform staff.

Although Jensen played like a war criminal in the two games, it also depends on who the opponent is?

That is the first person in the league to have three consecutive Fmvp games.

It’s understandable that Jensen lost.

Throughout the spring, Jensen performed his duties diligently and never failed the TL team.

Next, the probability of winning three consecutive games against TSM is almost 0.

Instead of blaming them out loud, it is better to make amends in time, adjust everyone's mentality, and prepare for the summer split.

Coach JunKang called all the TL players together and began to lay out the tactics for the third game.

After Teacher Junkang performed the teaching game, he temporarily lost his energy and put his mace away in storage, completely obeying Coach Junkang's arrangements.

As for TSM, everyone suppressed their excitement after a brief celebration.

Not to mention Msi Ruhe who will be behind them, they are excited enough that the LCS spring championship is so close to them now.

Senior Brother North America was sitting on the bench drinking water, looking at Li Hao who was playing with a thermos cup from a distance.

The senior brother stared blankly for a few seconds.

League champion, are you missing a big brother?

There is no shortage of nature.

From the beginning of the 2015 LCS Summer Split to the present, all of the teams that Big Brother has been on, except for the runner-up in the 2016 Spring Split, have been league champions. This is also an important reason why he has become a legendary e-sports player in North America.

But the senior brother is very clear about the hardships along the way.

Which World Championship was not fought with gritted teeth and blood all the way?

But this year, whether it is the regular season or the playoffs, the feeling for the senior brother is completely different.


Easier than ever!

Throughout his e-sports career, the senior brother asked himself that no teammate had ever reached Li Hao's intensity.

The senior brother who had always been hugged by others suddenly realized the happiness of being hugged by others.

In the past, once he collapsed, it felt like the game was gone.

The probability that you can count on your teammate to carry is very small.

But it's different now. I feel confident in every game.

Even if the bottom lane is at a disadvantage, there is still a big daddy behind who can rely on.

That kind of solid feeling made the senior brother so moved that he wanted to cry.

If you can't do it yourself, it's okay, we have big daddy to protect you!

At this moment, Doublelift is really glad for his winter window decision.

For a living fossil in North America, being a teammate with Li Hao is truly a wonderful and magical experience in his career and life.

On TSM's side, coach Kim Sang-soo is also happy.

Unlike Coach Junkang who is in a dilemma, Kim Sang-soo really has a hand of cards at this time. If he just plays a few cards, TL may not be able to afford them.

Coaching the league's number one player with a sea of ​​heroes gives him a huge advantage in the deciding game.

Since almost any hero can be played, the opponent cannot predict his tactics at all.

Although he had two wins, Kim Sang-soo did not dare to waste his time.

The tactics in the third game were still the same, playing around the middle.

Except for some hidden black technology, there is no tactic that reassures him more than this.

The first two games have also proven that the relationship between The King and Jensen is that of an eagle and a chick.

After a short break, the deciding game of the LCS finals officially started amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the fans.

TL changed their tactics. They took the initiative to choose the blue side and came up with a usual version of the lineup.

Top laner Vampire, jungler Scorpion, mid laner Enchantress, AD Kai'Sa, and auxiliary Braum.

TSM also plays a regular style here.

Top laner Akali, jungler Digger, mid laner Zoe, AD Xiao Huangmao, and assistant Shen.

Jensen chose the enchantress, who is very powerful in terms of senses.

But this hand of Enchantress is obviously more about grabbing instead of banning.

Because in the early stages, Jensen was much more cautious than in the previous two games.

In some situations where there is danger and there is no vision, he will not mess up at all.

And Zoe is much more active than Enchantress online.

It was difficult for Scorpion to do anything before level 6, so Stupid Chicken seized this opportunity. No matter how wretched Jian Huang was, he still frequently took care of the middle lane.

Driving the enchantress away cost Emperor Jian his experience, and forcing the enchantress out of her skills cost him mana.

Through various means, Li Hao won more opportunities to roam.

At the beginning of 5 minutes, TSM's midfielder and jungler teamed up.

In this wave, Black E flashed to keep Zven, but CoreJJ did not choose to escape by himself, but stayed to protect Kai'Sa and retreat.

However, when a tricky hypnotic bubble flew from the wall on the other side of the triangle grass and hit Kai'Sa, the suspense in the bottom lane disappeared instantly.

Excavator and Zoe arrived together, and Kai'Sa and Bron were all killed.

TSM's double C each got a kill.

From the beginning of this wave, TSM focused on the bottom lane.

In the next ten minutes or so, several waves of team battles broke out in the bottom lane.

Kai'Sa became the focus of TSM's care, and Zven was defeated.

The big brother's EZ scored 4/0/2 in 14 minutes.

A well-developed blue EZ combined with Zoe's combat effectiveness in the mid-term is simply too much for TL's late-stage lineup.

Originally, they expected Jensen's Enchantress to play strong in the early and mid-term and smoothly transition the lineup.

However, Jian Huang, who had temporarily lost his spirit, had basically made no achievements except for making no mistakes.

TSM snowballed close to 7000 economy in the mid-term.

In 20 minutes, EZ already had three and a half pieces, and the damage exploded.

Xiao Huangmao is the AD hero that the senior brother has used the most this season. In this situation, he scored a superb record in 23 minutes and 4 seconds.

Zoe, on the other hand, also dominated the game and got 6 kills.

TSM's double C team is developing so well that they all want to take over the game.

They didn't give TL a chance, after all, the opponent was really strong in the later stage.

At 26 minutes and 9 seconds, TSM used their vision advantage to successfully win the Baron.

Dutch jungler Xmithie turned into a lone warrior and rushed into the dragon pit to grab the baron. However, he was taunted by Black's cautious move and did not even punish him.

Under the buy-one-get-one-free situation, TSM didn't go home after defeating the baron. With the mid-lane troops, TSM destroyed the high ground in one wave.

In just three minutes, TL lost three highlands.

At 29 minutes and 11 seconds, TL tried their best on the high ground.

In this wave, both Jian Huang and Teacher Damu performed very well.

However, the equipment gap is too big, and a little operation cannot make up for it.

TL was defeated by TSM in a brutal team battle of 5 for 2.

Zoe was desperately replaced by Teacher Omu, but Li Hao had a thrilling double kill before dying.

At that moment, many Hao fans were shocked.

A whole spring of superb records was almost destroyed in the hands of Teacher Omu.

TSM's remaining three players easily destroyed TL's Crystal Nexus.

Doublelift also flashed into TL's spring water when A made its final move.

The North American senior brother was a little embarrassed, with a bright smile on his face.


"TSM swept TL 3:0!"

Riv exclaimed excitedly: "This is the most powerful ultra-luxury LCS galaxy battleship in history!"

"Throughout the spring, from the regular season to the playoffs, TSM didn't lose a single game! They won the Spring Split with a complete victory record. It's hard to believe, they are a bunch of crazy guys!"

"Since the birth of the LCS, there has never been a team with such dominance!"

"Congratulations to TSM, they are the spring champions!"

Smith on the side laughed and said: "Celebrate, TSM!"

"With The King joining TSM, they have the wings of the highest speed. They have flown to the highest altitude of the LCS."

"We saw a completely different LCS team."

Coster crossed his arms and the old god said on the ground:

"This is just the initial stage. As long as there is a team with The King, they will be a strong team in the world."

“What I’m looking forward to now is this Mid-Season Invitational.”

"The LCS has always been weak and experienced, and it will all change because of the existence of The King."

“God’s light continues to shine.”

"Even a cursed place can be redeemed!"

Following Coster's words, colorful ribbons in the sky floated down.

Madison Square Garden is about to welcome its new king!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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