LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 482 Tears in Taipei


"TSM leads SKT 2:0 and has three match points. The only way to go is to let the second team chase the third team. It's really difficult."

In the LPL commentary box, while Miller was speaking, Doinb beside him shook his head:

"It's basically impossible for two to chase three."

"After SKT failed in the first game, they have changed their tactics in this game, but it has no effect at all. Clid originally wanted to initiate the rhythm towards the wing, but the disadvantage in the middle is too great. If the excavator does not come to help, TheKing can pass to the high ground alone. .”

"There is a trap in BP. TSM released Ice Girl in the second game and asked SKT to get it. Faker took Ice Girl. Silas can steal a big one and firmly occupy the lane advantage. SKT's tactics, It was clearly calculated by TSM."

"With the involvement of the mid lane, TSM's originally very flawed lineup, SKT did not have time to seize opportunities. Later, they teamed up and controlled so much. Hanbing had R and always took the initiative."

"I understand what you mean, SKT was tactically designed by TSM." Wawa agreed.

"That's right."

The flesh on Doinb's face was pulled together, showing a very surprised expression:

"TheKing's Sylas is very powerful. This should be the strongest Sylas I have seen all spring. His E is very accurate. It is impossible for Ice Girl to defeat a Sylas who can pull E accurately. .”

"Faker believed in his positioning at the beginning. If he had started a little sluggishly, he would have had a chance. But if it snowballed, he wouldn't have had a chance."

"The King is still very good in the lane. Among the mid laners, The King is the only one recognized by professional players, and even Faker can't challenge him."

When talking about this topic, Miller smiled and asked:

"If you faced Brother Hao in this game, what hero would you choose?"

"This is it"

"You can choose someone who is easy to beat Silas, such as Zoe."

Doinb showed a monkey smile: "But I prefer to choose a Titan to provide meat, and let the jungler supplement the output."

Hearing this sentence, many LPL viewers laughed.

Player Jin is quite honest. Facing the sharp-edged Brother Hao, it's not a shame to mess around.

Of course, more fans are still making fun of it.

In this game, there were a lot of scenes of Brother Hao and Benji teaming up to kill Faker.

Stupid Chicken's several waves of ultimate moves were all used on Faker.

The scorpion's sting pierced the ice girl's body and dragged her to Silas, allowing the big devil to be freed.

Several consecutive waves of images have been made into GIF animations by Gaowan.

The stupid chicken is no longer a backstabber.

This was a bright, accelerated frontal stab, piercing Lissandra's body and the Great Demon King's heart.

Many people believe that the moment the stupid chicken stabbed the big devil, his eyes must have been full of tears and he must have whispered "I'm sorry" in his mouth, but he still stabbed him firmly!

This is what is called "stupid chicken loyalty"!

Only with this kind of loyalty can we gain the trust of God and put the card next to the water dispenser.

On the big screen at the Taipei Basketball Stadium, after Silas's MVP data was given, the highlights of the previous game, or Silas highlights, were immediately played.

The scene of Faker being killed was naturally included in it.

Ryu, who became a coach in the 100T team, was enjoying the scene of Li Ge in the LCK being repeatedly hammered.

The follow-up to the highlights includes the most desperate moments for LCK fans.

Brother Khan, who had the upper hand in the top lane and was always under pressure from Bi Huang Luan Hammer, was regarded as the savior by the LCK. The Sword Demon who carried the only hope for this game, he failed to live up to the expectations of everyone in the LCK and failed to provoke this heavy burden. A burden as big as a mountain.

When the full-blooded Sword Demon encountered Silas for the first time before going up to the second tower, Silas took a step back and hit the Sword Demon with E, and followed up with basic attacks to reach the Frozen Tomb.

Then I saw Silas swinging the chain continuously, and the sound of "dong dong" was rising and falling.

The sword demon with full blood was killed instantly!

Brother Khan has no other actions except for the great destruction.

The hopes accumulated by LCK, like a growing bubble, were completely shattered by Silas's violent injury.

The LCK audience was also freed from the prison of their own fantasy and saw reality.

For example, the LCK forum and LCK commentary box at this time were in a state of panic.

The two veteran LCK commentators, Roar Emperor and Jin Dongjun, were commentating on today's game throughout the entire process.

Like those excited Koreans, their facial expressions and tone of voice are full of recognition, and their cheeks are puffed up like a mouthful of kimchi.

"Next, our LCK is in danger, we have already reached the match point Smecta~!"

The Roaring Emperor waved his hands up and down and said excitedly:

"I didn't expect that the person standing in front of LCK on MSI would be the same man that I haven't been able to deal with in the past three years."


"The King Smecta!"

"We don't really want this ID to appear in front of the Korean team."

Jin Dongjun said helplessly:

"Yes, a situation has arisen that I don't want to face. The LCK must defeat The King before they can announce their return."

"In the past three years, we have lost many world champions because of The King."

"He's been so strong every year and I can't imagine something like this happening in a row."

The more Jin Dongjun talked, the more excited he became, stamping his feet in the studio:

"Especially this season, The King entered the LCS division. We remember it very clearly. That was because he suffered a serious injury after last year's finals, and it was already judged to be the end of the king."

"However, the king who should have disappeared from the top stage has appeared again in a more powerful way."

"This exciting news for the league world is not a good thing for the LCK. For example, right now, we are 0:2 behind again."

"Our Faker has been absent from the world stage for such a long time. I can't keep up with him, Smecta!"


The voices of the two old Korean commentators were full of emotion. They really didn't want to accept this scene.

These words reached the ears of the LCK audience, causing a cry of wailing:

"We're about to be swept away again, a familiar scene."

"Haha, seeing TheKing's state, I guessed the result. This is how the LCK was defeated by him."

"KZ was named by Snake, SKT was named by TSM, and it was actually TheKing who named LCK. But he has such strength. In fact, I have always doubted his nationality. It should be more reasonable that he is Korean."

"SKT played with too little momentum and was crushed by TSM. Faker was once a player as famous as The King. How could the gap be so big now? I would rather accept the defeat of S6 than see today's scene."

"Next year, next year is the most promising year."


"Xingxiong, what are you thinking about?"

Backstage at TSM, Kabo used his elbow to nudge Benji who was in a daze, and said with a smile:

"You have been in a daze. Are you thinking about the game just now?"

"I've caught Faker so many times, it's a bit hard to bear, isn't it?"

The stupid chicken raised his head and rolled his eyes at him.

"If you can't bear it, you can replace me. I'm very interested in catching Faker!"

Looking at Kabao rubbing his hands together, Benji retorted:

"What are you talking about? Are you questioning my professionalism?"

"I flashed R the Ice Girl several times, and each time I cooperated with Wolfberry to successfully kill her. Can this be called soft-hearted?"

"Sex male, don't get excited."

Kaguo smiled and said, "If it were me, I would definitely catch Faker a few more times."

The stupid chicken shook his head decisively, then raised his finger and shook it:

"Bingquan, you still lack the thinking that a champion jungler should have. Xianghe has lost his role after dying several times in a row. If he continues to be captured, the cost-effectiveness will not be too high. And he is Lissandra, who is always Can provide a big move."

"Therefore, it is better to use the subsequent resources to rely on the wings."

"When SKT's wing also collapses, we can win the game easily."

This explanation was approved by Kaqiao.

However, whenever stupid chicken mentions "champion jungler" or something like that, it feels bad to be stuck.

"Brother, can we win the championship?"

E-sports mercenaries have become obsessed with the championship.

Hearing this, Li Hao smiled.

He heard the conversation between these two guys just now very clearly.

"If we beat SKT and G2, we can win the championship."

Kagui nodded angrily, thinking to himself, isn't this nonsense?

However, he also knew that Li Hao didn't like establishing Falg very much. This thing was really metaphysical.

After a conversation with Kabo, Benji felt refreshed and energetic.

He thought:

"Xianghe, the cooperation between Wolfberry and I has given you a big blow. However, this is more of a kind of protection for you."

"If my performance is very good, then Kabo will appear. This guy will mechanically grab the center regardless of the wing. In that case, you may be beaten into a super ghost. By then, SKT's wing will develop If you get up and come back to win, won't you, Sang Hyuk, be the one holding you back?"

"My cooperation with Wolfberry to kill you is a reflection of deep brotherhood!"

"In order to continue to protect you, I will not be lenient in the next game."

"Good brother, I will explain all this to you in the future."

"At that time, Xianghe, you will know that even when I am by Gouqi's side, I am still protecting you silently!"


When the stupid chicken thought this way, he felt no guilt at all and his spirit was saved.

During the rest period, he actively cooperated with the TSM uniform team to formulate tactics to deal with SKT.

Amid the cheers at the Taipei Basketball Stadium, the third game between TSM and SKT officially began.

This time, TSM chose the blue side.

After some BP, the lineups on both sides were locked.

TSM: Prince, Spider, Syndra, Lucian, Tauren

SKT: Qinggangying, Digger, Zoe, EZ, Thresh

Compared with the previous two games, the third game was the most anxious.

The two sides did not be too conservative because it was the decisive game. Instead, they played very unrestrainedly, killing each other in the early stage.

SKT also realized that if they keep avoiding this TSM team, they will only fall into a strange trap.

On the battlefield, it has always been placed in the bottom lane.

The teleportation of the two top laners was basically used to support the bottom lane.

The heads rose alternately, and the heads on SKT's side were concentrated on Zoe and Digger.

On TSM's side, Syndra was particularly fat, and Spider and Lucian's development was very balanced. Bilson was the one who died the most because he couldn't come back after his EQ went up.

However, the prince's data does not affect TSM's combat effectiveness.

With Bilson supporting him in front, there is good output space in the C position at the back.

The first thing Khan did was the three-phase, and he didn't resist beating at all in the early stage. Although he had several wonderful escape operations in this game, and the number of deaths was less than half of Bilson's, his role in the team was also Only half the size of Pilsen.

SKT's weakness lies mainly with Mata.

After the two sides fell into chaos, Thresh's role was far inferior to that of the bull head.

Without solid front-row support, SKT was limited by its state and did not play a good enough pull, which allowed TSM to snowball during the team battle.

Finally, at 34 minutes and 49 seconds of the stalemate between the two sides, a scene appeared that frustrated the LCK audience.

On TSM's side, after the spider broke Zoe's banshee veil, the bull head in the shadow flashed WQ and drove to Faker for two consecutive times. Syndra flashed EQW. Under the outpouring of energy, SKT relied on in this game and had the best development. Faker was killed instantly!

Khan looked up at the moment Syndra flashed forward.

Syndra's golden body avoided Khan's first wave of entry.

At the same time, this also confused SKT, who had originally planned to retreat, and TSM seized the opportunity.

Qinggangying, who was controlled by the cocoon, died under the gun of his senior brother.

The captain tried his best to play output, but the prince kept sticking to his side, and EZ couldn't see the back row at all.

By the time the captain cooperated with Mata to kill the prince, the remaining three people on his side had all been killed.

TSM pushed forward from the middle and broke into the front of SKT's front tooth tower.

The duo defended under the tower, but Niutou kept protecting the line.

When Benji E hit Thresh, Mata was killed in front of the front tooth tower.

EZ killed the bull head and Zoe was resurrected.

But the remaining three people in TSM had nothing in their eyes, they were always looking at the A crystal.

The big devil slept with the spider, and a super long-range Q killed the stupid chicken with remaining health.

But the senior brother and Li Hao clicked on the base frantically, and the crystal blood dropped rapidly.

35 minutes and 38 seconds, time freezes!

On the big screen, Syndra and Zoe, who were still in health, were in the same frame, and SKT crystal fragments were flying in the air.

TSM defeated SKT with a head ratio of 21:16!

All suspense in the 2019 MSI semifinals is over.

Li Hao won the MVP in three consecutive games with a record of 8/1/6.

Syndra dealt 25,299 damage points in the game, accounting for 35% of the team's total output. The average damage per point was 709 points. The three statistics were the highest in the game.

The Big Devil's Zoe got the data of 6/3/3. He dealt 22852 points of damage in the game, accounting for 33% of the team's output, and averaged 641 damage. This is already his best result in this semi-final.

However, SKT is still saddled with failure.

3:0, SKT was swept by TSM and officially bid farewell to the Taipei Basketball Stadium and the 2019 MSI!

This is a heavy moment for LCK viewers because they are stuck in a bad cycle.

In the past, it was an honor for them to be able to dominate the league and defeat the LCK team.

Now, being swept in the knockout rounds has become a norm.

Starting from the 2016 season, in every World Championship, there will be a humiliating record of LCK teams being swept.

All viewers who follow the World Championship understand that all of this is closely related to that man.

Half a month ago, SKT entered Hanoi with dreams of revival.

Looking back now, it was not the beginning of a dream, but the beginning of a nightmare.

The cheers at the Taipei Basketball Stadium were "shaking." However, all of this had nothing to do with LCK or the SKT players on the court.

At this tragic moment, the director showed the camera to the SKT player box.

In the mid lane position, the big devil's eyes were red, then he covered his face with his hands and lay on the keyboard.

Faker sheds tears in Taipei

This scene made many people sigh.

The great devil was born in the wrong era.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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